Coaching For Instructional Improvement: Themes in Research and Practice
Coaching For Instructional Improvement: Themes in Research and Practice
Coaching For Instructional Improvement: Themes in Research and Practice
A problem of professional
development practice
Having an array of content-specific pedagogical tools enFrom left to right: Michelle Van Lare, Chrysan Gallucci,
ables teachers to develop all students learning and ulti- Irene Yoon, and Beth Boatright (not pictured: Judy
mately see that all Swanson)
students not just
those who traditionally do well have the intellectual capacity to reach and exceed high standards. Professional development opportunities exist for teachers, but rarely address these central issues directly, or in effective ways that
impact what happens in classrooms (Darling-Hammond,
1997). Here we have an unmistakable problem of professional development practice: the problem of relevance.
Teachers rightfully ask, What does this professional deAbout the authors
velopment activity have to do with my daily work?
Beth Boatright, PhD, is a Research Associate at
In response to this relevance problem, a new kind
the Center for Educational Leadership (CEL) at the
University of Washington (UW). Her recent research
of support system is emerging. Aimed at bridging the gap
focuses on outcomes of professional learning
between formal professional development and classroom
opportunities in high school classrooms, which will
be the topic of her forthcoming book, Teachers
implementation, instructional coaching has captured
Professional Learning in the Context of High School
the attention of scholars and practitioners nationwide as
a promising strategy for professional learning (Stein &
Chrysan Gallucci, PhD, is Associate Research
DAmico, 2002; Neufeld & Roper, 2003; Stein, Hubbard,
Faculty in the College of Education at UW, Research
Director of CEL, and Program Co-Director of
& Mehan, 2004; Hubbard, Mehan, & Stein, 2006;
the Masters in Instructional Leadership degree.
Marsh, Kerr, Ikemoto, Darilek, Suttorp, Zimmer, Barney,
Publications include Using sociocultural theory to
link professional learning to organizational support
2005; Gallucci, Boatright, Lysne, & Swinnerton, 2005;
in the context of school district instructional reform,
Mangin & Stoelinga, 2008). Here, coaching is based on
forthcoming, in the American Journal of Education;
and Converging reform theories in urban middle
the assumption that close and continuing attention from
schools: District-guided instructional improvement in
an outsider, who brings new ideas and fresh eyes to the site
small schools of choice, 2007, in Teachers College
Record, with colleagues Michael Knapp, Anneke
of reform, can help school-based educators re-imagine, reMarkholt, and Suzanne Ort.
design, and renew their practice in ways that improve the
Judy Swanson, Michelle Van Lare, and Irene
quality of all students learning (Marzolf, 2006).
Yoon, are engaged in qualitative studies of CEL/
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