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Neurological Complications of Surgery and Anaesthesia

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Neurological complications of surgery and anaesthesia

Summary. Injury to the central and peripheral nervous systems is often

permanent. As such, adverse neurological outcomes of surgery and
anaesthesia can be devastating for patients and their families. In this
article, we review the incidence, risk factors, outcomes, prevention, and
treatment of a number of important neurological complications in the
perioperative period.
Neurological injury during the course of surgery can be devastating
to patients and their families. Importantly, there is neither a temporary
nor sustainable alternative to native neurological function as there is
with other organs such as the kidney (dialysis machine, transplant), heart
(ventricular assist device, transplant), liver (transplant), lungs
(extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, transplant), or skeletal system
(artificial joints). Despite the importance of the central and peripheral
nervous systems, it could be argued that the field of anaesthesiology has
systematically ignored neural function in the perioperative period. This
provocative assertion is meant to highlight the fact that there is no
standard monitor for the brain or other neural structures during surgery
and anaesthesia, while standard monitors for the cardiovascular and
respiratory systems have been used routinely for decades. This gap in
clinical care is even more striking considering the fact that the brain and
spinal cord are the primary therapeutic targets for both anaesthetics and
analgesics. In other words, we have traditionally focused the least on
what is arguably the fields most important physiological system,
comprised organs that are the most difficult to heal or replace if injured.
In this article,weprovide aconcise review of five neurological
complications of surgery and anaesthesia. Given the extensive literature
and significant number of possible neurological outcomes, we have
chosen to focus on adverse events that are common (delirium),
controversial [postoperative cognitive decline (POCD)], and potentially
catastrophic [stroke, spinal cord ischaemia, and postoperative visual loss
(POVL)]. The objective of this review is to familiarize practicing
anaesthetists with the incidence, risk factors, outcomes, prevention, and

management of important neurological complications in order to

heighten attention and improve care in the perioperative period.
Delirium is an acute and fluctuating neurological disorder that
reflects a change from baseline cognition and is characterized by
thecardinal features of inattention and disorganized thinking (Table 1).1
Delirium is arguably one of the most important postoperative
complications because (i) it is common, affecting up to 70% of patients
older than 60 undergoing major inpatient surgeries and (ii) it is
associated with adverse outcomes, including mortality, persistent
cognitive decline, and prolonged intensive care and hospital length of
stay.38 Delirium or agitation upon emergence from general anaesthesia
occurs frequently, especially in children,9 but will not be discussed in
this section. Instead, we will focus on postoperative delirium because of
its significance as a complication associated with increased morbidity
and mortality.
In many patients, postoperative delirium is a marker of brain
vulnerability and its occurrence suggests the possibility of underlying
neurological disease, such as early or preclinical dementia. 61011 Despite
its high incidence and serious implications, delirium is frequently
undiagnosed because it presents with a hypoactive rather than
hyperactive phenotype (Fig. 1).12 13 Furthermore, without targeted
questioning, patients may appear normal or erhaps slightly lethargic. In
order to promote diagnosis of delirium, reliable and user-friendly
diagnostic algorithms have been developed. The Confusion Assessment
Method and the Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care
Unit (for patients unable to speak) are the approaches that have been
most widely adopted.1417
Anaesthetists have historically not focused on delirium because it
typically manifests when patients are no longer under their direct care.
Delirium causes distress to patients and their families, and is a
frustrating problem for clinicians as no treatments have been available to
decrease its incidence or mitigate its duration. One of the reasons that
delirium is difficult to prevent or treat is that several pathological

pathways have been implicated, including neurotransmitter imbalance,

neuro inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, impaired oxidative
metabolism, and altered availability of large neutral amino acids. 10 18 19
With such complexity, no single intervention is likely to be a panacea.
Nonetheless, there are important risk factors for delirium that should be
prevented or alleviated. These include pain, acute medical conditions,
sleep disturbance, sensory impairment, social isolation, daylight
deprivation, infections, withdrawal syndromes, dehydration, blood loss,
blood transfusion, electrolyte abnormalities, acidbase abnormalities,
hypoxaemia, temperature derangements, seizures, and endocrine
dysfunction.11 2022 Certain drugs commonly used in the perioperative
period such as atropine, antihistamines, corticosteroids,
benzodiazepines, propofol, and opioidscan precipitate delirium and
should be minimized in vulnerable patients.23 24
Given that postoperative delirium is so common, any approach that
prevented it or lessened its consequences would have major clinical
impact. Evidence has recently emerged from randomized controlled
trials that guiding both total i.v. anaesthesia and volatile-based general
anaesthetic administration with a processed EEG might decrease
incident postoperative delirium.2527 A theoretical mechanism by which
this could occur is that a processed EEG prevents relatively excessive
anaesthetic administration to vulnerable patients. However, if slightly
deeper anaesthesia in vulnerable surgical patients were to increase the
risk of postoperative delirium, we would expect regional anaesthesia to
be associated with a considerably lower incidence of postoperative
delirium than general anaesthesia. Ameta-analysis of small trials that
randomized surgical patients to regional (albeit with light sedation) or
general anaesthesia surprisingly found no increased risk for delirium
with general anaesthesia (odds ratio, 0.88; 95% confidence interval,
0.511.51).28 This apparent paradox warrants further exploration through
a large, pragmatic clinical trial.
Various perioperative pharmacological agents have been
investigated for the prevention of delirium and some success has been
noted with low-dose haloperidol, subanaesthetic dose ketamine, and

dexmedetomidine for postoperative or intensive care unit sedation has

been most rigorously investigated, and might be superior to
benzodiazepines and morphine in terms of the genesis or duration of
delirium.3135 Dexmedetomidine has not been found to be superior to
propofol in relation to incidence or duration of delirium, and might be
associated with increased haemodynamic side-effects. 36 Pending
definitive research, switching to dexmedetomidine or propofol from
alternative analgesic or sedative agents cannot currently be
recommended to prevent delirium specifically or to improve outcomes
After operation or in the critical care setting, the discomfort caused
by limb restraints, bladder catheters, tracheal tubes, invasive lines,
surgical drains, and enteral tubes increase agitation, and these should be
discontinued when possible.37 Antipsychotic medications such as
haloperidol, risperidone, olanzapine, and quetiapine are frequently
administered after operation to delirious patients to treat agitation, but
their impact on outcome is unknown.3840 It is worth emphasizing the
challenge confronting clinicians that both pain and many analgesic
medicationsnot to mention the acute withdrawal of sedative and
analgesic medicationscan precipitate delirium.41 As such, non-sedating
analgesics and regional anaesthetic techniques should be considered in
patients at risk for delirium. However, when pain is severe, opioid
medications have been reported both to alleviate pain and to decrease
The National Institute of Health and Care Excellence in the UK
has highlighted clinical pathways covering risk, prevention, diagnosis,
and management for patients at risk of delirium, although the focus on
Postoperative cognitive decline
POCD is a major concern for elderly surgical patients and their
families. In 1955, Bedford43 warned in the Lancet that people older than
50 yr should avoid surgery if possible in view of the high risk of
cognitive decline. In recent years, influential studies have reinforced the

perception that up to 50% of elderly patients undergoing both cardiac

and non-cardiac surgery experience persistent POCD. 44 45 POCD is a
controversial diagnosis and is not described in the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Furthermore, there is no
International Classification of Disease Code for POCD. Conceptually,
POCD is a subtle and frequently transient cognitive decline that is often
only detectable with appropriate neuropsychological tests and a
comparison with preoperative cognition.46
Seminal studies have found that older patients undergoing major
surgery experience POCD lasting for weeks to months, with _10% of
those older than 60 having POCD at 3 months after operation. 7 4749 This
early POCD has major negative impact on patients and their families,
could delay return to work, has been associated with increased
mortality,49 50 and has been linked with premature departure from the
workforce. 50 However, it is unclear whether early POCD frequently
reflects patient frailty, and when studies have followed patients long
term, their cognitive trajectories have been similar to age- and diseasematched controls.5154 In support of the underlying frailty or vulnerability
hypothesis, the same incidence of cognitive decline has been detected at
3 months after major surgery with general anaesthesia as after coronary
angioplasty with no surgery or general anaesthesia. 48 A recent
multicentre trial in the Netherlands has the potential to challenge
conceptions regarding POCD after cardiac surgery.55 This study
randomized 280 patients to percutaneous coronary intervention (i.e. no
surgery or general anaesthesia) or to off-pump coronary artery bypass
grafting and rigorously assessed cognition through a battery of nine
neuropsychological tests. The study found that at 7.5 yr follow-up, the
surgical group had similarly improved cognitive performance compared
with the non-surgical cohort.55
As meaningful cognitive decline occurs with ageing, even from the
age of 45 yr,56 it is unsurprising that studies without appropriate age- and
disease-matched controls have found cognitive decline in older patients
with various morbidities during the intermediate- to long-term period
after surgery. Many studies in this area have had major limitations
including lack of appropriately matched non-surgical controls, absence

of data on preoperative cognitive trajectories, suboptimal statistical

approaches, and failure to contextualize cognitive outcomes considering
the success of surgery and the general postoperative course. 57 For
example, consider an older patient who has significant vascular disease,
who is already declining cognitively before surgery, who has
complicated surgery with hypotension and substantial blood component
transfusion, who has a difficult postoperative recovery on the intensive
care unit with delirium, subclinical stroke, wound infection, and renal
dysfunction, and who has chronic pain from his surgical incisions. It
would not be surprising if this hypothetical patient were to experience
persistent POCD.
Pain, inflammation, and acute illness carry a cognitive burden; 5860
it is therefore to be expected that patients will experience cognitive
impairment in the early postoperative period, analogous to sickness
behaviour. However, when patients recover from the insult of surgery,
they might revert to their predicted cognitive paths, based on their
preoperative trajectories. Those who have improvement of their general
health compared with the preoperative baseline might even experience
relative cognitive improvement. This could occur when surgery results
in decreased pain (e.g. from angina pectoris), decreased inflammation
(e.g. from arthritis), increased cerebral blood flow, and enhanced ability
to function in daily life. Although the notion that cognition could
improve and decline after surgery is controversial, it is consistent with
discoveries that the brain retains plasticity throughout life and
preliminary research showing increased brain volumes or cognitive
performance after successful surgeries, such as back surgery, joint
surgery, carotid surgery, cardiac surgery, and ventricular assist device
From the anaesthetists perspective, whether or not general
anaesthesia contributes to POCDremains uncertain and highly relevant.
A recent meta-analysis aggregating 26 randomized trials that compared
general and regional anaesthesia albeit with light sedationdid not
find that general anaesthesia was independently associated with POCD. 65
If general anaesthesia does contribute to persistent POCD, it is likely
that the contribution is small. It has become clear that postoperative

cognition should not be assessed in a vacuum and cannot be dissociated

from the general outcome of surgery. Given that even early POCD is
associated with intermediate term mortality and worse long-term quality
of life,49 50 efforts should be focused on general and cognitive
perioperative rehabilitation in order to minimize persistent POCD, to
return cognition to the preoperative trajectory, and where possible to
promote relative cognitive improvement.
Perioperative stroke is defined as a cerebral infarction of ischaemic
or haemorrhagic origin that occurs during or after surgery, with the
postoperative time period sometimes defined as up to 30 days. Cardiac
surgery and carotid endarterectomy are associated with the highest risk
for perioperative stroke, with an incidence of_45%. Bucerius and
colleagues66 studied 16 184 consecutive patients presenting for cardiac
surgery and identified a perioperative stroke incidence of 4.8%; doublevalve surgery was associated with a risk of 10%. The multicentre GALA
trial studied 3526 patients presenting for carotid surgery with general
anaesthesia or local anaesthesia with sedation. 67 The risk of stroke was
_4% in each group suggestingthat,at least for carotidendarterectomy,
general anaesthesia is not a risk factor for perioperative stroke. The
incidence of stroke in the non-cardiac, non-vascular, and nonneurological surgical population is significantly lower. Mashour and
colleagues68 used the American College of Surgeons National Surgical
Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) database to study .500 000
patients undergoing a wide variety of such surgeries and identified a
0.1% incidence of perioperative stroke, with _2% incidence when five or
more risk factors were present. Sharifpour and colleagues 69 used the
NSQIP database to examine _38 000 patients undergoing non-carotid
vascular surgery and found an incidence of 0.6%. It is important to note
that these data reflect the incidences of overt stroke, that is, stroke with a
clinically obvious neurological deficit. Recent preliminarydata derived
from noncardiac surgery in patients with cardiovascular risk factors
(NeuroVISION trial) suggest that the incidence of covert stroke (i.e.
without obvious deficit) is 10%,as identified bymagnetic resonance

imaging in the postoperative period.70 If confirmed by the larger trial,

this striking finding could have major implications for the study and
prevention of perioperative stroke after non-cardiac surgery.
Perioperative strokes have varying aetiologies across different
patient populations and surgical procedures, but are primarily ischaemic
as opposed to haemorrhagic. Strokes after cardiac surgery are most
likely to be embolic,71 whereas strokes occurring in the non-cardiac
surgery population are of both embolic and thrombotic origin. 72
Preoperative risk factors for stroke in surgical patients are similar to
those for stroke in non-operative settings (Fig. 2). One of the most
consistent risk factors for perioperative stroke in cardiac and non-cardiac
surgery is a history of cerebrovascular disease, as evidenced by past
stroke or transient ischaemic attack. 66 68 69 7476 History of atrial fibrillation
or new-onset atrial fibrillation is another consisten trisk factor for
perioperative stroke.75 76 Intraoperative risk factors have not been studied
extensively, but there has been a recent increase in focus on arterial
pressure management. In one study of cardiac surgery patients, 20% of
patients had impaired cerebral autoregulation during cardiopulmonary
bypass, which would make them dependent on higher-than normal mean
arterial pressure for adequate cerebral blood flow.77 Patients who had
compromised cerebral autoregulation in this study had a higher
incidence of perioperative stroke (12.8%) compared with those who did
not (2.7%). Intraoperative hypotension has been associated with
perioperative stroke in the non-cardiac surgical population, but the effect
size is minimal and the clinical significance is not yet clear.76 78
Surgical patients with perioperative stroke have a higher mortality
than propensity-matched surgical patients without stroke. 68 Importantly,
stroke-associated mortality in the setting of surgery is higher than strokeassociated mortality in the community.72 Given the increases inmortality
and permanent disability, prevention of perioperative stroke is of
paramount importance. A current controversy regarding perioperative
stroke risk and prevention relates to the role of b-blockers in non cardiac
surgical patients. The PeriOperative Ischemic Evaluation (POISE) trial
randomized 8351 patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery to either
perioperative metoprolol or placebo.79 Although adverse cardiac

complications were reduced in the metoprolol arm of the trial, the

incidence of stroke and mortality increased significantly. However, it
was unclear from the POISE trial whether this effect was specific to
metoprolol or simply high doses of b-blockers in drug surgical patients.
Recent studies from Mashour and colleagues76 and Ashes and
colleagues80 have found that the routine use of perioperative metoprolol
is associated with stroke after non-cardiac surgery. Importantly, the
incidence of perioperative stroke attributable to metoprolol was higher
than in a matched cohort taking b-blockers with higher selectivity for the
b-1 adrenergic receptor. Given the significant percentage of surgical
patients taking metoprolol, future investigation of alternative b-blockers
in the perioperative period may have significant implications for the
prevention of stroke.
If a stroke is identified in the postoperative setting, it is imperative
to consult immediately with a stroke neurologist, arrange for
neuroimaging (non-contrast head computed tomographyand possibly
magnetic resonance imaging), and avoid physiological perturbations that
can exacerbate neural injury (e.g. hypotension, hypoxia, hyperthermia,
and hyperglycaemia). It is important to remember that surgeries (other
than intracranial or spinal procedures) are not an absolute
contraindication to therapy with tissue plasminogen activator (given i.v.
or intra-arterially) or mechanical thrombolysis, both of which may be
options for the postoperative patient.
Spinal cord ischaemia
Spinal cord ischaemia (SCI) is a potentially devastating
complication associated with the surgical repair of thoracoabdominal
aneurysms and dissections. The reported incidence of SCI is varied,
likely because patient cohorts are heterogeneous with regard to
aneurysm type, preventive modalities, and surgical technique.
Historically, rates of SCI have been reported between 5% and 40%, 8184
while more contemporary reports of incidence are generally ,10%.8587
Immediate-onset SCI (present on emergence from anaesthesia)
may be caused by interruption of the blood supply to the spinal cord at
any point of the operation; a spinal cord infarction may be several hours

old at the time of initial recognition. Native blood supply to the anterior
spinal cord is fromboth the single anterior spinal artery and from
multiple segmental radicular (intercostal) tributaries. Collateral artery
ligation during surgical dissection, aortic cross-clamp application, and
collateral artery coverage by an endovascular stent can all cause
immediate SCI by interrupting blood flow through the intercostal
arteries. Delayed-onset SCI may be because of postoperative collateral
thrombosis or a decrease in spinal cord perfusion pressure [hypotension,
increased cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pressure of ischaemiareperfusion,
or both].
The most widely accepted risk factor for SCI is the location and
extent of the aortic aneurysm itself. Svensson and colleagues 84 and
Conrad and colleagues88 correlated the incidence of SCI and the location
of the aneurysm, demonstrating a decreasing incidence from Crawford
types I and II (both high thoracic origin) to type III (mid-thoracic origin)
to type IV (distal thoracic origin) aneurysms. Other risk factors include
cross-clamp time (more important when distal reperfusion techniques
are not utilized), emergency operations, aortic rupture or dissection, and
possibly intraoperative hypotension. Identification and reimplantation of
non-selected segmental intercostal arteries does not clearly reduce SCI
risk but may be of benefit when extensive aortic replacement is
necessary. Thoracic endovascular aneurysm repair may have a lower
incidence of SCI, which is likely attributable to fewer risk factors
associated with the procedure. This is despite the fact thatmultiple
segmental arteries are covered in the course of the operation, again
pointing to a varied set of SCI risk factors for any particular patient. A
history of infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm repair or internal iliac
artery obstructions (decreased contributions to collateral flow) may
increase SCI risk in patients undergoing endovascular repair.
Outcome after SCI is exceptionally poor. Postoperative mortality
rate in patients with SCI is as high as 50%, 89 which is 10 times higher
than the mortality rate in patients without spinal cord injury. Five year
mortality has been reported to be 75% with SCI and 49% without. 88 The
clinical presentation of the cord injury has also been correlated with
functional outcome. At 2 yr follow-up, the rate of ambulation (alone or

with assist devices) was 100% when the motor strength at initial injury
was .50% of baseline. Only 73% of patients were ambulatory at 2 yr
when strength at presentation was ,50%, and no patients were
ambulatory at the 2 yr time point when flaccid paralysis was the
presenting symptom.
The protection provided to the spinal cord by CSF drainage has
been demonstrated in case reports and case series for both open and
endovascular repairs of thoracoabdominal aneurysms. In the largest
prospective randomized controlled trial, it was demonstrated that CSF
drainage was associated with a decreased incidence of SCI: 2.6% with
CSF drainage vs 13% in controls.89 A spinal drain allows the spinal cord
perfusion pressure (which equals mean arterial pressure minus CSF
pressure in the subarachnoid space) to be optimized by manipulating
CSF volume during the perioperative period. Spinal fluid drainage and
appropriate haemodynamic management are likely the most important
factors in preventing spinal cord injury; CSF drainage is the only therapy
that carries the highest level of endorsement (Class I; should be
performed) from a multidisciplinary task force on the perioperative
management of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms.90 However, it
should be noted that two large, systematic reviews were not able to reach
91 92
recommendedfurther study.
Ultimately, the risks of spinal drain
placement must be balanced against the risk of SCI for each particular
patient. Risks of placement include infection, haematoma, spinal cord or
nerve root injury, meningitis, retained drain fragments, and intracranial
Delayed SCI resulting in partial or complete paraplegia has been
reported even several weeks after surgery, but it most commonly
presents in the first several postoperative days. Hypotension is the most
common cause and reflects the pressure-dependent nature of collateral
flow. When delayedonset paraplegia does present,immediate treatment
(e.g. supporting mean arterial pressure and draining CSF) is critical.
Placement or replacement of a spinal drain has been successfully used to
rescue patients with delayed-onset paraplegia in the postoperative

Postoperative visual loss

POVL is a rare but devastating neurological complication of
elective surgery and can be caused by central retinal artery occlusion,
cortical blindness, and ischaemic optic neuropathy (ION). Using the
Nationwide Inpatient Sample database in the USA, Shen and
colleagues94 identified the overall incidence of POVLto be 0.02%, with
cardiac surgery (0.09%)andposterior spine surgery (0.03%) associated
with the highest risk. Patiland colleagues 95 used the same database with
different inclusion criteria and found a 0.09% incidence of POVL for
spine surgery, with 0.02% attributable to ION. Stevens and colleagues 96
reported an even higher incidence of POVL after spine surgery at three
institutions, with 0.2% for all aetiologies and 0.1% for ION.
Discrepancies in the incidence likely relate to the database used and also
inclusion criteria. Collectively, the data suggest that cardiac surgery and
posterior spine surgery are the highest risk categories for POVL and
ION, although the complication is by no means limited to these
The cause of POVL is diverse and can involve embolic
phenomena(linked to central retinal arterial occlusion and cortical
blindness), cerebral hypoperfusion (linked to cortical blindness), or an
intraocular compartment syndrome in which there is insufficient
perfusion of the optic nerve (potentially linked to ION). Risk factors
associated with anterior ION in cardiac surgery include prolonged
cardiopulmonary bypass, anaemia, excessive perioperative weight gain,
and use of epinephrine and amrinone.97 A casecontrol study of
cardiopulmonary bypass found the following factors associated with
ION: clinically significant and severe peripheral vascular disease,
preoperative angiogram within 48 h of surgery (presumed to be a marker
of disease severity or surgical urgency), and postoperative anaemia. 98
ION after posterior spine surgery has more recently been investigated
with a multicentre casecontrol study involving events reported to the
ASA Postoperative Visual Loss Registry.99 There were 93 cases of
POVL after spine surgery reported to the registry; 83 were associated
with ION. Blood loss of 1 litre or anaesthetic duration 6 h was present

in 96% of the cases. The Postoperative Visual Loss Study Group

compared 80 of the ION registry cases with 315 matched patients
undergoing spine surgery at 17 institutions who did not suffer from
ION.100 Independent predictors of ION included male sex, obesity,
Wilson frameuse, anaesthetic duration, blood loss, and percentage of
colloid used for non-blood fluid resuscitation (protective). Notably,
neither anaemia nor haemodynamic variables were predictors; a singlecentre casecontrol study was also unable to find haemodynamic
differences associated with ION.101 See Figure 3 for a risk assessment
profile based on independent predictors identified by the Postoperative
Visual Loss Study Group.
Given the rarity, the outcomes of POVL are difficult to assess. In
the POVL registry, _40% of patients with ION had some improvement
in vision, but such improvements were noted to be of unclear clinical
significance.99 Given the significant potential for permanent blindness,
prevention of this complication is critical. In 2012, the ASA published a
practice advisory forPOVLassociated with spine surgery.102 The
recommendations for prevention and treatment of POVL in spine
surgery patients were recently summarized by Ramaiah and Lee 103
(Table 2). These recommendations were formulated before the major
study by the Postoperative Visual Loss Study Group.
The rarity of POVL makes the prospective study of preventive
strategies extremely difficult. However, increased intraocular pressure is
amore tractable variable of relevance to POVL pathophysiology that has
been the subject of recent randomized trials. Farag and colleagues 104
conducted a factorial, randomized trial assessing the effect of topical
brominidine vs albumin (and topical placebo) vs crystalloid (and topical
placebo) on intraocular pressure during prone spine surgery. As has been
shown before,105 prone positioning increased intraocular pressure;
brominidine, but not albumin, significantly reduced the time-weighted
average of intraocular pressure measurements in this study. Another
randomized controlled trial recently found that reverse Trendelenburg
positioning during prone spine surgery significantly reduced intraocular
pressure compared with neutral positioning.106 The impact of these
interventions on the outcome of POVL is unclear, especially since

increased intraocular pressure is a common event during prone surgery.

Focused study of intraocular pressure in patients at very high risk for
POVL may reveal insight that can lead to positive changes in clinical
It is important to recognize the surgical patients that are at highest risk
for neurological complications and mitigate risk in the perioperative
periodbased on current guidelinesandclinical judgement. Although this
recommendation may appear trite, the traditional focus of
anaesthesiology on cardiopulmonary monitoring and cardiac risk
modificationin conjunction with the many unknowns of perioperative
neurosciencehas created conditions that may lead to insufficient
vigilance regarding neurological status and neural injury in the
perioperative period. The neurological complications reviewed in this
article are not comprehensive and more general topics of relevance such
as anaesthetic neurotoxicity, neuroprotection, neural monitoring, and
neuronal biomarkers of injury have not been discussed. 73 Perioperative
neuroscience represents the cutting edge of outcomes research, with a
number of exciting and controversial lines of investigation that will
hopefully impact clinical practice and improve patient lives.

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