This academic calendar outlines the key dates for Spring Hill College's 2016-2017 academic year, including the start and end dates for the fall 2016 and spring 2017 semesters, add/drop periods, holidays, breaks, midterm dates, last days for withdrawing from classes and assigning incomplete grades, and final exam and grade submission deadlines. The fall semester runs from late August to early December 2016, and the spring semester runs from early January to early May 2017, broken up by a weeklong spring break in late February/early March.
This academic calendar outlines the key dates for Spring Hill College's 2016-2017 academic year, including the start and end dates for the fall 2016 and spring 2017 semesters, add/drop periods, holidays, breaks, midterm dates, last days for withdrawing from classes and assigning incomplete grades, and final exam and grade submission deadlines. The fall semester runs from late August to early December 2016, and the spring semester runs from early January to early May 2017, broken up by a weeklong spring break in late February/early March.
This academic calendar outlines the key dates for Spring Hill College's 2016-2017 academic year, including the start and end dates for the fall 2016 and spring 2017 semesters, add/drop periods, holidays, breaks, midterm dates, last days for withdrawing from classes and assigning incomplete grades, and final exam and grade submission deadlines. The fall semester runs from late August to early December 2016, and the spring semester runs from early January to early May 2017, broken up by a weeklong spring break in late February/early March.
This academic calendar outlines the key dates for Spring Hill College's 2016-2017 academic year, including the start and end dates for the fall 2016 and spring 2017 semesters, add/drop periods, holidays, breaks, midterm dates, last days for withdrawing from classes and assigning incomplete grades, and final exam and grade submission deadlines. The fall semester runs from late August to early December 2016, and the spring semester runs from early January to early May 2017, broken up by a weeklong spring break in late February/early March.
19 F 20 S 22 M 22 M 26 F 5 M 6 T 9 F 10-11 M-T 12 W 18 T 25 T 20-28 Th-F 1 T 2 W 23-25 W-F 2 F 5-9 M-F 9 F 13 T 20 T 20 T
Late registration begins Schedule adjustment (see advisor)
LEAP Lab begins - Attendance is required for all freshman Classes begin, 8:15 a.m. Add/drop begins See Advisor. Add/drop and Late Registration end. Labor Day, no classes. Classes resume, 8:00 a.m. Last day to remove I grades from spring and summer 2016. Fall Break, no classes Monday/Tuesday day or night. Classes resume, 8:15 a.m. Midterm grades due to Registrars Office, 2:00 p.m. Last day to withdraw with non-penalty W grade. Course Advisement period. Last date for degree application for May 2017 graduation. Last day to request pass/fail option. Thanksgiving holiday, no classes. Last day of classes. Final exams. Last day for removing I grades sp/su2016 graduate students. Final grades due to Registrars Office by 12:00, Noon. All degree requirements must be completed for December conferral of degrees. Conferral of December degrees, no Commencement.
6 F Late registration begins - Schedule adjustment (see advisor) JAN 9 M Classes begin, 8:15 a.m.* 9 M Add/drop begins See Advisor. 13 F Add/drop and Late Registration end. 16 M Martin Luther King Holiday, no classes 27 F Last day for removing I grades from fall 2016. M-F Spring Break (includes Mardi Gras break) FEB/MAR 27-3 6 M Classes resume, 8:00 a.m. MARCH 8 W Midterm grades due to Registrars Office, 2:00 p.m. 15 W Last day to withdraw with non-penalty W grade. 9-17 Th-F Course Advisement period. 23 Th Last day to request pass/fail option. 14-17 F-M Good Friday and Easter Monday APRIL 18 T Classes resume, 8:00 a.m. 21 F Honors Convocation (no afternoon classes, 1:00 p.m. on) 26 W Last day of classes. 27 Th Academic Preparation day. 28-29 F-S Final exams. 1-3 M-W Final Exams continue. MAY 3 W Last day for removing I grades for fall 2016 graduate students. 4 Th Grades for degree candidates due to Registrars Office by 2 :00 p.m. 5 F Baccalaureate Mass. 6 Sat Commencement. 9 T Final grades due in Registrar's Office by 12:00, Noon. * NOTE: Some spring semester graduate classes begin earlier than the dates given above. Check with the Division of Education, and/or the Theology Division for exact dates. FINAL 04/01/16