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B-Separation Axioms and - Topology

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International Journal of Computer Application

Available online on http://www.rspublication.com/ijca/ijca_index.htm

Issue 3, Volume 3 (May-June 2013)

ISSN: 2250-1797

b-separation axioms and Topology

Elvina Mary. L, Assistant Professor in Mathematics, Nirmala College, Coimbatore
Pauline Mary Helen.M, Associate Professor in Mathematics, Nirmala College
Kulandhai Therese .A, Associate Professor in Mathematics, Nirmala College,Coimbaore.

Abstract: In this paper, the characterization of basic open sets and subbasic open sets are
introduced and discussed in - topology
Keywords: Basic open sets and sub-basic open sets in Topology,b- Compactness modulo an
ideal,b-countably compact modulo , b-Lindelof modulo an ideal,bT0 modulo an ideal, bT1
modulo an ideal , bT2 modulo an ideal, bT3 modulo an ideal, b-normal modulo an ideal

1. Introduction: Ideal topological spaces have been first introduced by K. Kuratowski[4] in

1930. R. Vaidyanathaswamy,[8] introduced local function in 1945 and defined a topology *.
Andrijevic[2]introduced a new class of b-open sets in a topological space in 1996. Pauline
Mary Helen, et.al [6], ,introduced b-local function and obtained -topology in *b-finitely
additive space .In this paper, the characterization of basic open sets and subbasic open sets are
introduced and discussed in - topology.
2. Preliminaries and definitions
Definition 2.1:[3]An ideal on a nonempty set X is a collection of subsets of X which satisfies

the following properties:(i)A and BA implies B(ii)A and B implies AB

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Issue 3, Volume 3 (May-June 2013)

ISSN: 2250-1797

Definition 2.2:[3]A topological space (X, ) with an ideal on X is called an ideal topological
space and is denoted by (X, ,). Let Y be a subset of X. Then, Y = {IY/I } is an ideal on Y
and Y = {GY/G } is a topology on Y. By (Y, /Y,Y ) we denote the ideal topological
Definition 2.3:[9]Let (X) be the power set of X , then a set operator ( )*:(X) (X), called
the local function of A with respect to and is defined as follows: For AX, A*(, ) ={x
X/UA for every open set U containing x}.
We simply write A* instead of A*(, ) in case there is no confusion. X* is often a proper subset
of X.
Definition 2.4:[3]A Kuratowski closure operator cl*( ) for a topology

(, ), called the *-

topology is defined by cl*(A)= A A*. () is finer than and (, ) = {U-I/U , I) is a

basis for ().
Definition 2.5:[3]A subset A of an ideal topological space (X, , ) is said to be -closed or
simply *-closed if A* A.
For a subset A of X, cl(A) denotes the closure of A in (X, ). Similarly cl*(A) and int*(A) will
represent the closure of A and the interior of A in (X, ) respectively.
Definition 2.6:[2] A subset A of X is said to be b-open if A cl int (A) int cl(A).The
complement of b- open set is called b- closed. The collection of all b-open sets and b-closed sets
are denoted by BO(X, ) and BC(X, ).
Note 2.7:[2]

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Issue 3, Volume 3 (May-June 2013)

ISSN: 2250-1797

1.Arbitrary union of b-open sets is b-open.

2. Intersection of b-open sets need not b-open.Equivalently union of b-closed sets need not bclosed.
Definition 2.8:[6]Let (X, , ) be an ideal topological space and A subset of X. ThenAb (, )={x
X/AU for every UBO(X, x)} is called the b-local function of A with respect to and ,
where BO(X, x) = {UBO(X)/ x U}. (A) is defined to be A .
Remark 2.9:[6]Let (X, , ) be an ideal topological space and A, B subsets of X. Then, for the blocal function, the following properties hold:
1. If AB, then Ab B b .
2. Ab = bcl ( Ab ) bcl(A) and Ab is b-closed in X


Ab .

4. (A B)b Ab B b .
In general ( ) .
(A) satisfies the following properties.
1. ()=
2. ( (A))= (A)
3. (AB) (A) (B)
4. (A)
Definition 2.10:[6]An ideal topological space (X, , ) is said to be

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*b- finitely additive if[

=1 ] =

(2) *b-Countably additive if [

(3) *b additive if (


=1 ] =

Issue 3, Volume 3 (May-June 2013)

ISSN: 2250-1797

) *b .

i=1 (Ai

) *b .

) = ( ,)* b for arbitrary collection{ }.

Note 2.11: [6]In a *b- finitely additive space,

cl (AB)= (AB) ( ) = (AB) ( )= (A) (B)
If (X, , ) is *b-finitely additive, then (A) satisfies the Kurtowski closure axiom.
Therefore = {A X/ (X-A)= X-A} is a topology on X.
Definition 2.12:[2]Let f:(X, )(Y, ) be a map. Then, f is said to be

b-continuous if f 1 (A) is b-open whenever A is open in Y.


b-open if f (A) is b-open whenever A is open in X.


Strongly b-continuous if f 1 (A) is open in X whenever A is b-open in Y.


b-irresolute if f 1 (A) is b-open in X whenever A is b-open in Y.


b-resolute if f (A) is b-open whenever A is b-open in X.

Definition 2.13:[7]Let f:(X, )(Y, ) be a map. Then, f is said to be b-homeomorphism if f is a

i)bijection ii) b-irresolute iii) b-resolute.
Definition 2.14:[7]Any property of X which is entirely expressed in terms of the topology of X
yields,(via the b-homeomorphism f) the corresponding property for the space Y is called a btopological property of X.

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Issue 3, Volume 3 (May-June 2013)

ISSN: 2250-1797

Definition 2.15:[4] A subset Y of an ideal topological space (X, , ) is said to be b-compact if

for every cover { / } of X by b-open sets in X, there exist a finite subset 0 of such
that X =

Definition 2.16:[7]A topological space (X, ) is said to be b- Lindelof if for every b- open
cover { } of X there exists a countable subset 0 of such that X -0 .
Definition 2.17:[8 ]An ideal topological space (X, , ) is said to be Lindelof modulo if for
every open cover{ } of X there exists a countable subset

0 of such that X

0 .
Definition 2.18:[7] A collection of b-open sets is said to be a b- basis for X if for every b-open
set U and x U there exist B such that x B U. The members of are called basic b-open
Definition 2.19:[8] A topological space (X, ) is said to be bT0 if for any two points x y in X
there exist b-open set G such that x G, y G or y G, x G.
Definition 2.20:[8]An ideal topological space (X, , ) is said to be T0 modulo if for any two
points x y in X, there exist a open set G such that x G and G{y} or y G and G{x}
Definition 2.21:[7] A topological space (X, ) is said to be bT1 if for every two points x y in X
there exist b-open sets U, V such that x U\V, y V\U. Equivalently, every singleton set is

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Issue 3, Volume 3 (May-June 2013)

ISSN: 2250-1797

Definition 2.22:[8]An ideal topological space (X, , ) is said to be T1 modulo if for any two
points x y in X, there exist a open sets U, V such that x U\V, y V\U and U{y} and
V{x} .
Definition 2.23:[7] A topological space (X, ) is said to be bT2 if for every two points x y in X
there exist disjoint b-open sets U,V in X such that x U, y V.
Definition 2.24 :[8]An ideal topological space (X, , ) is said to be T2 modulo if for every
points x y in X, there exist a open sets U, V in X such that x U\V, y V\U and UV .
Definition 2.25:[7]A topological space (X, ) is said to be a b3 space or b-regular space,if
(1)X is b 1 space and
(2)For any b-closed subset F of X and every point x F there exist disjoint b-open sets G, H in X
such that x H, FG.
Definition 2.26:[8]An ideal topological space (X, , ) is said to be a 3 modulo space or
regular modulo an ideal space. If

X is 1 modulo and


For any semi closed subset F of X and every point x F there exist b-open sets G, H such
that x H\G, FG-H and GH .

Definition 2.27:[7]A topological space (X, ) is said to be b-normal if


X is semi T1 space.


For any two disjoint semi closed sets G, H in X, there exist disjoint b-open sets

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Issue 3, Volume 3 (May-June 2013)

ISSN: 2250-1797

U, V such that G U, H V.
Definition 2.28:[8]An ideal topological space (X, , ) is said to be normal modulo if

X is T1 modulo .


For any two disjoint closed sets G, H in X, there exists open sets U, V such that G
U\V, H V\U and GH .

3.Basic open sets and sub-basic open sets in Topology

Definition 3.1[7]: A topological space (X, ) is said to be
(1) finitely b-additive if finite union of b-closed sets is b-closed.
(2) Countablyb-additive if finite union of b-closed sets is b-closed.
(3) b-additive if arbitrary union of b-closed sets is b-closed.
Remark 3.2[7] :b-additive Countably b-additive Finitely b-additive.
Example 3.3:Let (X, ) be an infinite cofinite topological space. Then,={, X, A/ isfinite},
BO(X)= {, X, A/A is infinite}. In this space a set A is b-closed A c is infinite.
This space is not finitely b-additive and hence it is not countably b-additive andb-additive.
Theorem 3.4:If (X, , ) is finitely *b-additive and finitely b-additive space then = {V-I/V
BO(X), I} is a basis for the topology .
Proof:If (X, , ) is *b-finitely additive then is a topology. U X-U is closed
( ) X-U U X- ( ) x U x ( ) there exist V BO(X, x)
such that V(X-U) . Let I= V (X-U) then x I which implies x V-I U.
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Issue 3, Volume 3 (May-June 2013)

ISSN: 2250-1797

It is enough to prove: Intersection of two members of is again in .Let x (1 -1 ) (2 -2 )

where 1 , 2 BO(X) and 1 , 2 .Then, (1

-1 ) (2 -2 ) = 1 1 2 2

=(1 2 ) (1 2 ) =(1 2 ) - (1 2 ), since 1 2 is b-open and 1 2 . is a

basis for .
Note 3.5:If (X, , ) is finitely *b-additive and not finitely b-additive then is only a sub basis
for .
Example 3.6:Let(X, ) be an infinite cofinite topological space and = (X).Then A*b= for
any subset A and

BO(X) = { ,X,all infinite subsets}.Therefore (X, ) is not finitely b-

additive.But cl*b(A) = A A*b= A for all A X. Therefore (X, , ) is finitely *b additive. So in

this space B need not be a subbasis for
Theorem 3.7: In (X, ) a set is b-open if and only if it is union of b-basic open sets.
Proof:Let U be b-open. For every x U there exist such that x U.ThereforeU =

.Conversely ,union of b-basic open sets is b-open,since every b -basic open set is b-open

and union of b-open sets is b-open.

Definition4.1:An ideal topological space (X, , ) is said to be b-compact modulo if for every
b-open cover { / } of X there exists a finite subset 0 of such that X

Remark 4.2:
(1) Every finite ideal topological space (X, , ) is b-compact modulo .
(2) Every b-compact modulo space is compact modulo , since every open set is b-open.
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Issue 3, Volume 3 (May-June 2013)

ISSN: 2250-1797

(3) Every b-compact space is b-compact modulo , for any ideal since but not conversely
as seen in the following example.
Example 4.3:Consider an infinite discrete space (X, ) and an ideal (X). In this space
BO(X)={all subsets}.{{x}/x X} is a b-open cover which has no finite sub cover. (X, ) is not
b-compact. On the other hand if { / } is a b-open cover for X, and 0 is any finite subset
of , then X

(X).(X, , (X)) is b-compact modulo (X).But (X, ) is not b-

Theorem 4.4:Let (X, , ) be a b-compact modulo space. Then every b-closed subset of X is bcompact modulo .
Proof:Let A be a b-closed subset of X and { } be a cover for A by b-open sets in X.Then
{{ } ,X-A} is a b-open cover for X. By the hypothesis there exist a finite sub cover such that
X { 1 .. (X-A)} .Then A { 1 .. } . A is b-compact modulo .
Theorem 4.7: If f : XY is a bijection then J is an ideal in Y, f 1 (J) is an ideal in X.
Proof: Obvious from the definition.
Theorem 4.8:Let f:(X, , )(Y, , f()) be a bijection. Then
(1) X is b-compact modulo and f is b-irresolute Y is b-compact modulo f().
(2) X is b-compact modulo and f is b-continuousY is compact modulo f( ).
(3) X is compact modulo and f is strongly b-continuous Y is b-compact modulo .
(4) Y is b-compact modulo f() and f is b-resolute X is b-compact modulo .
(5) Y is b-compact modulo f() and f is b-openX iscompact modulo .

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Issue 3, Volume 3 (May-June 2013)

ISSN: 2250-1797

Proof:Let { } be a b-open cover for Y. Since f is b-irresolute, 1 ( ) is b-open in X for

all .{ 1 ( )} is a b-open cover for X. Since X is b-compact modulo , there exists a
finite subset 0 of such that X

1 ( ). Y-

0 ( )

f (). Y is b-compact

modulo f ( ).
Proof of (2) to (4) are similar.
Remark 4.9:From Theorem 4.8 (1) and (4) ,it follows that b-compact modulo is a btopological property.
Theorem 4.10:Let denote the ideal of all finite subsets of X. Then (X,) is b-compact if and
only if (X, , ) is b-compact modulo .
Proof:Let (X, ) be b-compact.Then by the remark 4.2(3), (X, , ) is b-compact modulo .
Conversely let (X, , ) be b-compact modulo .Let { } be a b-open covering for X.
Then there exist a finite subset 0 of such that X
{x1 ,x2 ,,xn } and let for i=1,2,3,,n.Then X =

0 ( )

.Let X-

0 ( )

=1 }.

(X, ) is

Definition 5.1 : A subset A of a topological space (X, ) is said to be b-countably compact if
every countable b-open covering of A has a finite sub cover.

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Issue 3, Volume 3 (May-June 2013)

ISSN: 2250-1797

Definition 5.2:An ideal topological space (X, , ) is said to be b-countablycompact modulo if

for every countable b-open cover { / } of X, there exists a finite subset 0 of such that

All the results from remark (4.2) to theorem (4.10)are true in the case when (X, , ) is bcountably compact modulo .
Remark 5.3:

b-compact modulo implies b-countably compact modulo for


Every finite ideal topological space (X, , ) is b- countably compact modulo .


Every b- countably compact modulo space is countably compact modulo , since

every open set is b-open.


Every b-countably compact space is b-countably compact modulo , for any ideal

Theorem 5.4:Let (X, , ) be a b-countably compact modulo space. Then every b-closed subset
of X is b-countably compact modulo .
Proof: Proof is similar to the proof of theorem (4.4)
Theorem 5.5: If f : XY is a bijection then J is an ideal in Y, f 1 (J) is an ideal in X.
Proof: Obvious from the definition.
Theorem 5.6: Let f:(X, , )(Y, , f()) be a bijection. Then
(1) X is b-countably compact modulo and f is b-irresolute Y is b- countably compact modulo
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Issue 3, Volume 3 (May-June 2013)

ISSN: 2250-1797

(2) X is b- countably compact modulo and f is b-continuousY is countably compact modulo

f( ).
(3) X is countably compact modulo and f is strongly b-continuous Y is b- countably compact
modulo .
(4) Y is b- countably compact modulo f() and f is b-resolute X is b- countably compact
modulo .
(5) Y is b- countably compact modulo f() and f is b-openX is countably compact modulo .

Proof: Proof is similar to the proof of theorem (4.8).

Remark 5.7: From (1) and (4) of theorem 5.6, it follows that b-countably compact modulo is
a b- topological property.
Theorem 5.8:Let denote the ideal of all finite subsets of X. Then (X,) is b-countably compact
if and only if (X, , ) is b-countably compact modulo .
Proof: Proof is similar to theorem (4.10)
Definition 6.1: An ideal topological space (X, , ) is said to be b-Lindelof modulo if for
every b-open cover{ } there exists a countable subset 0 of such that X 0 .
Remark 6.2:

If (X, ) is b-Lindelof then (X, , ) is b-Lindelof modulo for any ideal , since


If (X, , ) is b-compact modulo then (X, , ) is b-Lindelof modulo . It follows

from the definition.

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Issue 3, Volume 3 (May-June 2013)

ISSN: 2250-1797

(X, ) is b-Lindelof(X, , ) is b-Lindelof modulo {}. It follows from the



If (X, , ) is b- Lindelof modulo then (X, , ) is Lindelof modulo since every

open set is b-open.

Theorem 6.3:Let be the ideal of countable subsets of X. Then (X, ) is b-Lindelof

(X, , ) is b-Lindelof modulo .
Proof:Proof is similar to theorem 4.10
Corollary 6.4:If (X, , ) is b-compact modulo then (X, ) is b-Lindelof.
Proof: Follows from remark 6.2 (2) and theorem 6.5.
Theorem 6.5: A topological space (X, , ) is b- Lindelof modulo if and only if every b-basic
open cover{ } has a countable sub collection { } such that X


Obvious since b-basic open sets are b-open.

Sufficiency:Let{ } be a b-open cover for X. By theorem (3.7), each is a union of b- basic

open sets s .So the collection of all such s is a b-basic open cover for X .By hypothesis,
there exists a countable sub collection { /i=1,2,..} such that X-

=1 .

For each set in this countable collection, select a which contains it. Then { }=1 is a
countable sub cover of the collection { } and X


=1 .Therefore


, ) is b- Lindelof modulo .
Definition 6.6:A subset A of (X, , ) is said to be b Lindelof modulo if every cover

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Issue 3, Volume 3 (May-June 2013)

ISSN: 2250-1797

{ / } of A by b-open sets in X has a countable sub cover { }=1 such that A

=1 .

Theorem 6.7: Let (X, , ) be b- Lindelof modulo space. Then every b-closed subset of X is
b-Lindelof modulo .
Proof:Similar to proof of theorem (4.4)
Theorem 6.8:Let f:(X, , )(Y, , f()) be a bijection. Then
1) X is b-Lindelof modulo and f is b-irresolute Y is b-Lindelof modulo f().
2)X is b-Lindelof modulo and f is b-continuous Y is Lindelof modulo f( ).
3)X is Lindelofmodulo and f is strongly b-continuous Y is b-Lindelof modulo .
4)Y is b-Lindelofmodulo f() and f is b- resolute X is b-Lindelof modulo .
Proof:Similar to proof of theorem 4.8
Remark 6.9:From theorem 6.8(1) and (4) it follows that b-Lindelof modulo is a btopological property.
Theorem 6.10:Let (X, , ) be finitely *b additive space. Then if (X, ,) is Lindelof modulo
then (X, , ) is b- Lindelof modulo . The converse is true if X is also finitely b-additive and is
closed under countable union.
Proof:Necessity:Under the given hypothesis is a topology. Let { } be a b-open cover
for X. Since BO(X) and (X, ,) is Lindelof modulo , there exist a countable subset 0
of such that X 0 .Hence (X, , ) is b- Lindelof modulo .
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Sufficiency:Since (X, ) is finitely b- additive, {U-I/U BO(X) and I} is a basis for .Let

{ / } be a cover for X by basic -open sets.Then = - where BO(X) and

.Here { } is a b-open cover for X. Then there exists { /i=1,2,} such that X
=1 .


=1 =


=1 )

=1 )

.( Since is closed under countable

union.)(X, ,) is Lindelof modulo

Definition 7.1:An ideal topological space (X, , ) is said to be bT0 modulo if for any two
points x y in X, there exist G BO(X) such that x G and G{y} or y G and G{x}
Remark 7.2:
(1)EveryT0 space is bT0 , since every open set is b-open. Converse need not be true which
follows from example (7.3)
(2)Every T0 modulo space is bT0 modulo , since every open set is b-open which follows from
example (7.4)
(3)If (X, ) is a bT0 space then (X, , ) is bT0 modulo for any ideal on X, since the
open sets are b-open and .The converse is not true .
Example 7.3:Let X={ a,b,c,d} , X , a, b .
Then BO(X)={a},{b},{a,b},{a,c}{a,d},{b,c}, , X.Therefore (X, ) is not T 0 but bT0

Example 7.4: Let X={ a,b,c,d} , X , a, b , a, b, a, bis not T0 modulo but it is

bT0 modulo space
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Theorem 7.5: Let (X, , ) be bT0 modulo J and J an ideal in X with J. Then (X, , J) is
bT0 modulo .
Proof:It is obvious.
Theorem 7.6:Let (X, , ) be finitely *b-additive.Then (X, , ) is bT0 modulo (X, b ) is a
T0 space.The converse is true if (X, , ) is finitely b-additive.
Proof:Let (X, , ) be bT0 modulo and xy be two points in X.Then there exist G BO(X) such
that x G and G{y} or y G and G{x} .Without loss of generality,assume that x G
and G{y} . If G{y} = ,put G=G.If G{y} ={y}, put G=G-{y}.In both cases,G is a sub
basic open set inb topology . Gb , xG and yG. (X, b ) is a T0 space.Conversely, Let
(X, , ) be finitely b-additive and let (X, b ) be a T0 space and x y be two points in X.Then
is a basis for b .Therefore there exist G=G-I b such that xG and yG or
yGandxGwhere G BO(X) and I .w.l.g., let xG and yG.Then G{y} ={y} or {}.
Suppose G{y} ={}, then G{y} . Suppose G{y} ={y}, then y I which implies
{y}.Hence, G is a b-open set containing x and G{y} . (X, , ) is bT0 modulo .
Theorem 7.7:Let (X, , ) be finitely *b-additive T0 space then (X, b ) is a T0 space.
Proof:It follows from the theorem (7.6) and (1) and (2) of remark (7.2).But the converse need
not be true as seen from the following example.
Example 7.8:Consider an infinite discrete space (X, ) and an ideal (X). Then b = {all
subsets}.This space is *b-additive and (X, b ) is T0 but (X, ) is not T0.
Theorem 7.9: Let (X, , ) be finitely *b-additive then (X, , ) is bT0 modulo b closure of
distinct points are distinct. The converse is true if (X, , ) is finitely b-additive.
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Proof:Let (X, , ) be bT0 modulo . By theorem (7.6), (X,b ) is a T0 space.If x y be two

points in X, then there exist U b such that x U and yU or y U and x U.w.l.g., assume
that x U and y U.Then y U c which is b closed. xclb (y) which implies
clb (x)clb (y).Conversely, let x y imply clb (x)clb (y).G = [clb (y) ]c is b open.Now, G
b , x G and y G implies that (X,b ) is a T0 space. By theorem (7.6), (X, , ) is
bT0 modulo .
Theorem 7.10:Any b-homeomorphic image of bT0 modulo space is bT0 modulo f() where f is
the corresponding b-homeomorphism.
Proof:f : (X, , )(Y, , f()) is a b-homeomorphism. Let y1 y2 be two points in Y. Then y1
= f(x1 ) , y2 = f(x2 )for some points x1 x2 X. There exist G BO(X) such that x1 G and
G {x2 } or x2 G and G {x1 } .Then, f(G) is b-open in Y . f(x1 ) f(G), f(G) f(x2 )
f() or f(x2 ) f(G), f(G) f(x1 ) f(). (Y, , f()) is bT0 modulo f().
Theorem 7.11: Let f: (X, , )(Y, , f()) be a bijection.

f is b-open and X is T0 modulo Y is bT0 modulo f( )


f is b-resolute and X is bT0 modulo Y is bT0 modulo f( )


f is b-continuous and Y is T0 modulo f() X is bT0 modulo .


f is b-irresolute and Y is bT0 modulo f() X is bT0 modulo .


f is strongly b-continuous and Y is bT0 modulo f()X is T0 modulo .

Proof:Obvious from the definition.

Note 7.11:The property of being bT0 modulo is a b-topological property as from (2) and (4)
of theorem (7.11).
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Definition 8.1:An ideal topological space (X,, ) is said to be bT1 modulo if for any two points
x y X, there exist b-open sets U,V such that x U , y V , U{y} and V{x} .
Example 8.2:Any discrete ideal topological (X,, ) is bT1 modulo for any ideal since all
subsets are b-open.
Example 8.3:Let X = {a,b,c,d} , , X , a.
Then BO(X) = {{a},{a,b},{a,c},{a,d},{a,b,c},{a,c,d},{a,b,d}, ,X}.Since {a} is not b-closed,
(X, ) is bT0 but it is not bT1.So (X,, ) is not bT1 modulo when
Theorem 8.4:Every bT1 space is bT1 modulo for any ideal .
Proof:Obvious since
Theorem 8.5:Let (X, , ) be bT1 modulo J and J an ideal in X with J . Then (X, , )
is bT1 modulo.
Theorem 8.9:Let (X, , ) be finitely *b-additive space. Then (X, , ) is bT1 modulo
(X, b ) is a T1 space. The converse is true if (X, , ) is a finitely b-additive space.
Proof:Similar to proof of theorem (7.6).
Theorem 8.10:Let (X, , ) be finitely *b-additive space. Then X is bT1 modulo
every singleton set is b closed. The converse is true if (X, , ) is also finitely b-additive.
Proof:X is a bT1 modulo (X, b ) is T1 space. (By theorem (8.9) )

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every singleton set is b closed.Conversely, every singleton set is b closed (X,

b ) is a T1 space,under the given hypothesis, (X, , ) is bT1 modulo . (By theorem (8.9))
Theorem 8.11:Every space which is bT1 modulo is bT0 modulo .
Proof:The proof is obvious from the definition.Converse need not be true as seen from the
following example.
Example 8.12:In example 8.3, (X,, ) is not bT1 modulo but it is bT0 modulo
Theorem 8.13:Let (X, , ) be finitely *b-additive, then (X,, ) is bT1 modulo every
finite subset of X is b closed. Converse is true if (X, , ) is also finitely b-additive.
Proof: By theorem (8.4), in a bT1 modulo space, every singleton set is b closed and hence
every finite subset is b closed since b is a topology.Conversely let every finite subset of X
be b closed. Then in particular every singleton set is b closed. Therefore by theorem(8.10)
(X, , ) is bT1 modulo .
Theorem 8.14: Let (X, , ) be finitely *b-additive. Then (X, , ) is bT1 modulo b
contains the cofinite topology for X. The converse is true if (X, , ) is also finitely b-additive.
Proof: Let (X, , ) be bT1 modulo and A finite subset of X. By theorem (8.13), A is b
closed.Ac is b open.This shows that the complements of finite sets are b open and hence
b contains the cofinite topology for X.Conversely, if b contains the cofinite topology for X

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then for each x X,X {x} is b open. {x} is b closed.By theorem (8.13), (X, , ) is bT1
modulo .
Theorem 8.15:Let (X, , ) be a finitely *b-additive, finite,bT1 modulo space ,then b is
discrete topology.
Proof: By theorem (8.14) ,since every subset of X is b open and hence b is discrete topology.
Definition 8.16: Let(X, , ) be an ideal topological space and A X. We say x is a blimit point of A modulo if every b neighborhood of x contains atleast one point of A other
than x.
Theorem 8.17:Let(X, , ) be finitely *b-additive, bT1 modulo space .Then x is a b-limit
point of A modulo every b neighborhood of x contains infinitely many points of A.
Proof:If every b neighborhood of x contains infinitely many points of A then it contains atleast
one point of A other than x. x is a b- limit point of A modulo .Conversely, let x be a b-limit
point of A modulo .Suppose that there exist a b neighborhood U of x which contains only
finitely many points of A, then U {A-{x}} is finite .Let U {A-{x}} = {x1 ,x2 ,,xn }. X{x1 , x2 ,,xn } is b open(by theorem (8.13).U [X-{x1 ,x2 ,,xn }] is b open
neighborhood of x and it does not intersect A which is a contradiction.
Theorem 8.18: Every finite subset of a finitely *b-additive bT1 modulo space has no blimit point modulo .
Proof: The proof follows from theorem (8.17).
Theorem 8.19:If (X, , ) is a finitely *b-additive,T1 space then (X, b ) is a T1 space.
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Proof: The proof follows from the theorem (8.9), since every T1 space is bT1 modulo . But, the
converse is not true.
Example 8.20:Let (X, , ) be an indiscrete ideal topological space where = (X).
Then,clb (A)= A AX.b is discrete topology and hence (X, b ) is a *b-additive T1 space
.But, (X, ) is not a T1 space.
Theorem 8.21:Let f: (X, , )(Y, , f()) be a bijection.
(1) f is b-open and X is T1 modulo Y is bT1 modulo f( )
(2) f is b-resolute and X is bT1 modulo Y is bT1 modulo f( )
(3) f is b-continuous and Y is T1 modulo f() X is bT1 modulo .
(4) f is b-irresolute and Y is bT1 modulo f() X is bT1 modulo .
(5) f is strongly b-continuous and Y is bT1 modulo f() X is T1 modulo .
Proof:Similar to the proof of theorem (7.11).
Remark 8.22: The property of being a bT1 space modulo is a b-topological property by
(2) and (4) of theorem (8.21).
9.b Modulo an ideal or b-Hausdorff space
Definition 9.1: An ideal topological space (X, , ) is said to be bT2 modulo if for every x y
X, there exist b-open sets U,V in X such that x U\V, y V\U and UV .
Example 9.2:Let X be infinite set and -cofinite topology, = (X) .
Then BO(X)= { , X ,A/ A is infinite}. Let x y X and let U =X-{x}; V=X-{y};U,V are

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b-open in X, y U, x V and UV= {X-{x} Y-{y}}=X-{x,y} . X is bT2 modulo .

Example 9.3:In example (8.3), (X,, ) is not bT2 modulo .
Remark 9.4:
(1) Every T2 space is T2 modulo for any ideal .
(2) A space is bT2 space it is bT2 modulo {}
(3) (X, , ) is bT2 modulo and J (X, , J) is bT2 modulo J.
(4) (X, , ) is T2 modulo (X, , ) is bT2 modulo .
Theorem 9.5:Let (X, , ) be finitely *b-additive.Then (X, , ) is bT2 modulo (X, b ) is a
T2 space. The converse is true if (X, , ) is finitely b-additive.
Proof: Similar to the proof of theorem (8.9).
Theorem 9.10: Every bT2 modulo space is bT1 modulo space.
Proof:Obvious from the definition
Example 9.11:An indiscrete space(X, )is not T2 but it is bT2and bT2 modulo for any ideal
Theorem 9.12:Every finite subset of a finitely *b-additive, bT2 modulo space (X, , ) is
b closed.
Proof:By the theorem (9.10), (X, , ) is bT1 modulo and by the theorem (8.9), (X, b ) is
a T1 space and hence every singleton set isb closed, since X is finitely *b-additive, every finite
subset is b closed.
Definition 9.13:

1. A b open set U containing x is called a b neighborhood of x.

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2. Let (X, , ) be an ideal topological space and {xn } a sequence in X. We say xn


x (modulo ) if for everyb neighborhood U of x there exist positive integer N such that

x U for all n N
In this case we say x is b- limit modulo of the sequence{xn }.
Theorem 9.14:Let(X, , ) be a finitely *b-additive T2 modulo space and {xn } a sequence in X.
If b- limit modulo of the sequence {xn } exists then it is unique.
Proof:Suppose that xn

x modulo and xn

y modulo and

x y, since X is bT2

modulo there exist U, V in BO (X) such that x U\V, y V\U, UV

Let I = UV, then V I b (since V-I is a sub basic open set in b topology) and U (V I)
=. U contains all the elements of {xn } except finite number of points.Hence,
V I contain only finite number of points of {xn }.Therefore, it is a contradiction to the fact

y modulo .

Theorem 9.15:If (X, , ) is a finitely *b additive,T2 space, then(X, b ) is a T2 space.

Proof:Since(X, , ) is finitely *b-additive,b is a topology.For x y X, there exist
U,V in such that xU,yV and UV =.Since b ,U,V b .(X, b ) is a T2 space.
Remark 9.16:Converse of the above theorem need not be true as seen from the following example
Example 9.17 :Consider(X, , ) where is an indiscrete topology and =(X)
Then = for all A X. (A)=A = A. Therefore, every subset is closed in b
topology.b is discrete topology. (X, b ) is a finitely *b-additive, T2 space.But (X, ) is

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not a T2 space.
Theorem 9.18: Let (X, , ) be a finitely *b additive, T2 modulo space then ,
For each pair x, y X there exist closed b neighbourhood of y such that x ( is


said to be a closed b neighbourhood , if is b closed and there exist a b open set

V such that V )
For xX, {x}= where the intersection is over b closed neighbourhood of x.


X is bT2 modulo space (X, b ) is a T2 space ( by theorem (9.5))


Let x y X. Then there exist U,V in b such that xU,yV and UV=
Then, = X\Uis a b closed set such that yV and x

Let x X ,y x. Then by (1),there exist a b closed neighborhood of x such that y

Therefore, y intersection of all closedb neighborhood of x.Therefore, {x} = .

Theorem 9.19:Let f: (X, , ) (Y, , f()) be a bijection.
(1) f is b-open and X is T2 modulo Y is bT2 modulo f( )
(2) f is b-resolute and X is bT2 modulo Y is bT2 modulo f( )
(3) f is b-continuous and Y is T2 modulo f() X is bT2 modulo .
(4) f is b- irresolute and Y is bT2 modulo f() X is bT2 modulo .
(5) f is strongly b-continuous and Y is bT2 modulo f() X is T2 modulo .
Proof:Similar to the proof of theorem (7.11).
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Remark 9.20: The property of being "bT2 modulo is a b-topological property by (2) and (4) of
theorem (9.20).
Theorem 9.21: Let (X, , ) be finitely b-additive, bT2 modulo , x X and C a b-compact
subspace of X not containing x, then there exist U,V such that V BO(X), U is a finite
intersection of b-open sets such that, x U, C V and UV .
Proof:For every y C, there exists Gy , Hy BO(X) such that x Gy \ Hy , y Hy \ Gy ,
Gy Hy . {Hy / y C} is a b-open cover for C.Since C is b-compact there exist
Hy i ,.,Hy n such that C

i=1 Hy i .Let

open sets containing x. Let U==1 ; V=

Gy 1 ,., Gy n be the corresponding bn

i=1 Hy i .Finite

union of b-open sets is b-

open. V is b-open. Now, x V\U, CU\V; Put =Gi and Hy i = Hi .Then, UV


i=1 Gi )

i=1 Hi )=

(G1 G2 Gn )(H1 H2 .Hn )

= {(G1 G2 Gn )H1 } {(G1 G2 Gn )H2 } ..

(G1 G2 Gn )Hn } (G1 H1 ) (G2 H2 ) .. (Gn Hn )=


Hi )

. UV .
Remark 9.22:In the above theorem, suppose (X, , ) is finitely b-additive then U in the
above proof is b-open.
Theorem 9.23: Let (X, , ) be a finitely *b-additive,bT2 modulo space. Then every bcompact subspace of X is b closed.
Proof: Let C be a b-compact subspace of a bT2 modulo finitely *b-additive space X.
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Claim:C is b closed.(i.e) To prove: C c is b open.Let x C c ,by theorem (9.21),

there exist U,V such that VBO(X) and U is finite intersection of b-open sets, x U\V,
CV\U and UV . Let UV= I. Now, U-I is a basic b-open set and hence U-Ib .
Now, U=

i=1 Gi

where Gi BO(X)

Now, x U\I X\V X\C. X-C is b open and hence C is b closed.

Remark 9.24: The following example shows that, the converse of the above theorem
is not true
Example 9.25:Let (X, ) be an infinite discrete space and = (X). Then BO(X)={all
subsets} and b = {all subsets} .This space is finitely *b-additive, bT2 modulo . An
infinite subset B of X is b -closed but not b-compact since {{x}/x X} is a b-open
cover for B which has no finite sub cover.

10. modulo an idealor b-regular modulo an ideal

Definition 10.1:An ideal topological space (X, , ) is said to be a b3 modulo space or bregular modulo an ideal space, if
(1)X is b1 modulo and
(2)For any b-closed subset F of X and every point x F there exist G, H BO(X) such
that x H\G, FG-H and GH .
Note 10.2:(X, ) is b-regular (X, , ) is b-regular modulo {}.
Theorem 10.3:Let (X, , ) be a finitely *b additive. Then (X, , ) is b-regular modulo
(X, b ) is regular. The converse need not be true.
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Proof:(X, , ) is b1 modulo (X, b ) is a 1 space. Let F be b-closed set in X and x F,

then by definition there exist G,HBO(X) such that F G\H and x H\G and GH. Let GH
= I, Put =G-I and =H-I, then , are sub basicb open sets and F ,x and
= .Therefore, (X, b ) is regular.
Example 10.4: Let (X, , ) be an indiscrete ideal topological space where =(X). Then
b is discrete topology .Then BO(X) = {All subsets}.b = {All subsets}. (X, , ) is finitely
*b additive .So, (X, b ) is regular .
Example 10.5: Let (X, ) be a discrete ideal topological space thenBO(X) =(X). Then
(X, ) is b-regular. So, (X, , ) is b-regular modulo for any ideal .
Theorem 10.6:Every b- regular modulo space is b2 modulo for any ideal .
Proof: Let (X, , ) be b-regular modulo . To Prove: (X, , ) is a bT2 modulo . Let x y X,
(X, , ) is b-regular modulo (X, , ) is bT1 modulo . Then there exists b-open sets U and V
such that x U\V and y V\U, UV .X-V is a b-closed set and y X\V.
Since (X, , ) is b-regular modulo , there exists b-open sets 1 ,2 such that y 1 \2 , x
X-V 2 -1 and 1 2 . Hence (X, , ) is bT2 modulo .
Theorem 10.7:Let (X, , ) be finitely *b additive. If X is b-regular modulo then given a point
x X and a b-open set U containing x, there exist b-open set V containing x such that x V
(V) U.
Proof: Let X be finitely semi *b additive space. Then b is a topology.Let X be b-regular
modulo ; Let U BO(X) and x U . Then F=X-U is b-closed and x F. By definition, there
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exist G, H BO(X) such that F G-H, x H\G, GH. Let GH=I. Put =G-I, =H-I.Then
Gand are sub basic open sets in b topology. and b = Now, x
( ).To prove: ( ) U. If y F then y which is disjoint from . is a b
neighborhood of y, disjoint from . y ( ). F X- ( ). U ( ). x
( ) U. Hence the proof.
Remark 10.8:Let f:(X, , )(Y, , f()) be a bijection.
(1) f is b-open and X is regular modulo Y is b-regular modulo f( )
(2) f is b-resolute and X is b-regular modulo Y is b-regular modulo f( )
(3) f is b-continuous and Y is regular modulo f() X is b-regular modulo .
(4) f is b-irresolute and Y is b-regular modulo f() X is b-regular modulo .
(5)f is strongly b-irresolute and Y is b-regular modulo f() X is b-modulo .
Proof: Similar to the proof of theorem (7.12).
Remark 10.9:From(2) and (3) of theorem (10.8) it follows that b-regular modulo is a
b-topological property.
Definition 11.1: An ideal topological space (X, , ) is said to be b-normal modulo if
(1) X is bT1 modulo.
(2) For any two disjoint b-closed sets G, H in X, there exist U, V BO(X) such
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that G U\V, H V\U and GH .

Example 11.2:Let (X, , ) be a discrete ideal topological space where = {}. Then
BO(X) = {all subsets}.This space is b-normal modulo .
Example 11.3:In example (8.3), (X,, ) is not bT1 modulo and hence it is not b-normal
Modulo .
Remark 11.4:

(X, , ) is b-normal modulo and J (X, , J) is b-normal modulo J.


(X, ) is b- normal (X, , ) is b-normal modulo for any ideal.


(X, ) is b-normal (X, , ) is b-normal modulo {}

Theorem 11.5:Let (X, , ) be finitely *b additive, b-normal modulo space. Then

(X,b ) is normal.
Proof: By definition, (X, , ) is a bT1 modulo space. Under the given hypothesis, b is a
topology and = {V-I/VBO(X), I} is a sub basis for the topology. By the theorem (3.6),
every singleton set is b closed.Let G,H be two disjoint b-closed sets.Then by the hypothesis
there exist U,VBO(X) such that G U\V, H V\U andUV .Let UV = I, Put =U-I and
=V-I,then , are sub basic open sets in b -topology. b . Now, G , H
and = . (X,b ) is normal.
Remark 11.6: Let f:(X, , )(Y, , f()) be a bijection.

f is b-open and X is normal modulo Y is b-normal modulo f( )


f is b-resolute and X is b-normal modulo Y is b-normal modulo f( )

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f is b-continuous and Y is normal modulo f() X is b-normal modulo .


f is b-irresolute and Y is b-normal modulo f() X is b-normal modulo .


f is strongly b-irresolute and Y is b-normal modulo f() X is normal modulo .

Proof: Similar to the proof of theorem (7.11)

Note 11.7: The property of being b-normal modulo is b-topological property.
Theorem 11.8:Let (X, , ) be finitely *b additive, finitely b-additive, b-compact space
which is b2 modulo . Then (X, , ) is b-normal modulo .
Proof:Let (X, ) be b-compact and b2 modulo .Then, X is b1 modulo . Let G, H be disjoint
b-closed sets in X.First let us prove G and H are b-compact. Let { } be a b-open cover for G.
Then,{{ }/ X-G} is a b-open cover for X.Since X is b-compact, there exist1 , 2 ,..,
such that X= 1 . X-G.
Then G= 1 . . G is b-compact.Similarly H is b-compact.For each x G there
exist and BO(X) such that x ; H and (by theorem(9.21).{ /xG} is a
b-open cover for G. Since G is b-compact there exist1 ,.., such that G



and V =

=1 U

=1 .

Let U =

and V are b-open(Since X is finitely b-additive). Then, G U,


=1 )

=1 )

( 1 .. ) 1 }.{( 1 ) }( 1 1 ).( ) .U
V . X is b-normal modulo .
Note 11.9:But converse need not be true as seen from the following example.
Example 11.10:Let (X, , ) be an infinite discrete ideal topological space where
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= (X). Then BO(X) = {all subsets},b = {all subsets}. (X, , ) is finitely *b additive,
finitely b-additive. (X, , ) is a bT2 modulo . But it is not b-compact {{x}/x X} is a b-open
cover for X which has no finite subcover.
Theorem 11.11:Let (X, , ) is finitely *b additive space. Then if X is b-normal modulo then
given a b-closed set A and a b-open set U containing A, there exist a b-open set G containing A,
such that A G G U.
Proof: Under the given hypothesis, b is a topology and = {V-I/VBO(X), I} is a sub basis
for b . A and X-U are two disjoint b closed sets.Since X is b-normal modulo there exist V
and W BO(X) such that A V\W, X\U W\V and V W = I . Put G = V-I and H = W-I.
Then G and H are sub basic open sets and hence G and H are inb .Now, A G and X-U H and
GH = . GX-H U .X-H is b closed.
(X-H)= X-H. A G (G) X-H U.Hence the proof.
Theorem 11.12:Let (X, , ) be finitely *b additive space with the following conditions.

b = BO(X).


(X, , ) is a bT1 modulo .


Given a b- closed set A and a b-open set U containing A, there exist a

b-open set G containing A, such that A G G U.

Then (X, , ) is b-normal modulo .

Proof: Let A and B be two disjoint b-closed sets in X.Then U= X-B is a b-open set containing A.
By the hypothesis, there exist a b-open set G such that A G G Usinceb = BO(X),G
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and H= X- G are b-open. Now, A G, B H and GH = . (X, , ) is b- normal

modulo .

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R S. Publication, rspublicationhouse@gmail.com

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