B-Separation Axioms and - Topology
B-Separation Axioms and - Topology
B-Separation Axioms and - Topology
Abstract: In this paper, the characterization of basic open sets and subbasic open sets are
introduced and discussed in - topology
Keywords: Basic open sets and sub-basic open sets in Topology,b- Compactness modulo an
ideal,b-countably compact modulo , b-Lindelof modulo an ideal,bT0 modulo an ideal, bT1
modulo an ideal , bT2 modulo an ideal, bT3 modulo an ideal, b-normal modulo an ideal
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Definition 2.2:[3]A topological space (X, ) with an ideal on X is called an ideal topological
space and is denoted by (X, ,). Let Y be a subset of X. Then, Y = {IY/I } is an ideal on Y
and Y = {GY/G } is a topology on Y. By (Y, /Y,Y ) we denote the ideal topological
Definition 2.3:[9]Let (X) be the power set of X , then a set operator ( )*:(X) (X), called
the local function of A with respect to and is defined as follows: For AX, A*(, ) ={x
X/UA for every open set U containing x}.
We simply write A* instead of A*(, ) in case there is no confusion. X* is often a proper subset
of X.
Definition 2.4:[3]A Kuratowski closure operator cl*( ) for a topology
(, ), called the *-
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Ab .
4. (A B)b Ab B b .
In general ( ) .
(A) satisfies the following properties.
1. ()=
2. ( (A))= (A)
3. (AB) (A) (B)
4. (A)
Definition 2.10:[6]An ideal topological space (X, , ) is said to be
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=1 ] =
=1 ] =
) *b .
i=1 (Ai
) *b .
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Definition 2.16:[7]A topological space (X, ) is said to be b- Lindelof if for every b- open
cover { } of X there exists a countable subset 0 of such that X -0 .
Definition 2.17:[8 ]An ideal topological space (X, , ) is said to be Lindelof modulo if for
every open cover{ } of X there exists a countable subset
0 of such that X
0 .
Definition 2.18:[7] A collection of b-open sets is said to be a b- basis for X if for every b-open
set U and x U there exist B such that x B U. The members of are called basic b-open
Definition 2.19:[8] A topological space (X, ) is said to be bT0 if for any two points x y in X
there exist b-open set G such that x G, y G or y G, x G.
Definition 2.20:[8]An ideal topological space (X, , ) is said to be T0 modulo if for any two
points x y in X, there exist a open set G such that x G and G{y} or y G and G{x}
Definition 2.21:[7] A topological space (X, ) is said to be bT1 if for every two points x y in X
there exist b-open sets U, V such that x U\V, y V\U. Equivalently, every singleton set is
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Definition 2.22:[8]An ideal topological space (X, , ) is said to be T1 modulo if for any two
points x y in X, there exist a open sets U, V such that x U\V, y V\U and U{y} and
V{x} .
Definition 2.23:[7] A topological space (X, ) is said to be bT2 if for every two points x y in X
there exist disjoint b-open sets U,V in X such that x U, y V.
Definition 2.24 :[8]An ideal topological space (X, , ) is said to be T2 modulo if for every
points x y in X, there exist a open sets U, V in X such that x U\V, y V\U and UV .
Definition 2.25:[7]A topological space (X, ) is said to be a b3 space or b-regular space,if
(1)X is b 1 space and
(2)For any b-closed subset F of X and every point x F there exist disjoint b-open sets G, H in X
such that x H, FG.
Definition 2.26:[8]An ideal topological space (X, , ) is said to be a 3 modulo space or
regular modulo an ideal space. If
X is 1 modulo and
For any semi closed subset F of X and every point x F there exist b-open sets G, H such
that x H\G, FG-H and GH .
X is semi T1 space.
For any two disjoint semi closed sets G, H in X, there exist disjoint b-open sets
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U, V such that G U, H V.
Definition 2.28:[8]An ideal topological space (X, , ) is said to be normal modulo if
X is T1 modulo .
For any two disjoint closed sets G, H in X, there exists open sets U, V such that G
U\V, H V\U and GH .
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-1 ) (2 -2 ) = 1 1 2 2
.Conversely ,union of b-basic open sets is b-open,since every b -basic open set is b-open
Remark 4.2:
(1) Every finite ideal topological space (X, , ) is b-compact modulo .
(2) Every b-compact modulo space is compact modulo , since every open set is b-open.
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(3) Every b-compact space is b-compact modulo , for any ideal since but not conversely
as seen in the following example.
Example 4.3:Consider an infinite discrete space (X, ) and an ideal (X). In this space
BO(X)={all subsets}.{{x}/x X} is a b-open cover which has no finite sub cover. (X, ) is not
b-compact. On the other hand if { / } is a b-open cover for X, and 0 is any finite subset
of , then X
Theorem 4.4:Let (X, , ) be a b-compact modulo space. Then every b-closed subset of X is bcompact modulo .
Proof:Let A be a b-closed subset of X and { } be a cover for A by b-open sets in X.Then
{{ } ,X-A} is a b-open cover for X. By the hypothesis there exist a finite sub cover such that
X { 1 .. (X-A)} .Then A { 1 .. } . A is b-compact modulo .
Theorem 4.7: If f : XY is a bijection then J is an ideal in Y, f 1 (J) is an ideal in X.
Proof: Obvious from the definition.
Theorem 4.8:Let f:(X, , )(Y, , f()) be a bijection. Then
(1) X is b-compact modulo and f is b-irresolute Y is b-compact modulo f().
(2) X is b-compact modulo and f is b-continuousY is compact modulo f( ).
(3) X is compact modulo and f is strongly b-continuous Y is b-compact modulo .
(4) Y is b-compact modulo f() and f is b-resolute X is b-compact modulo .
(5) Y is b-compact modulo f() and f is b-openX iscompact modulo .
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1 ( ). Y-
0 ( )
f (). Y is b-compact
modulo f ( ).
Proof of (2) to (4) are similar.
Remark 4.9:From Theorem 4.8 (1) and (4) ,it follows that b-compact modulo is a btopological property.
Theorem 4.10:Let denote the ideal of all finite subsets of X. Then (X,) is b-compact if and
only if (X, , ) is b-compact modulo .
Proof:Let (X, ) be b-compact.Then by the remark 4.2(3), (X, , ) is b-compact modulo .
Conversely let (X, , ) be b-compact modulo .Let { } be a b-open covering for X.
Then there exist a finite subset 0 of such that X
{x1 ,x2 ,,xn } and let for i=1,2,3,,n.Then X =
0 ( )
.Let X-
0 ( )
=1 }.
(X, ) is
Definition 5.1 : A subset A of a topological space (X, ) is said to be b-countably compact if
every countable b-open covering of A has a finite sub cover.
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All the results from remark (4.2) to theorem (4.10)are true in the case when (X, , ) is bcountably compact modulo .
Remark 5.3:
Every b-countably compact space is b-countably compact modulo , for any ideal
Theorem 5.4:Let (X, , ) be a b-countably compact modulo space. Then every b-closed subset
of X is b-countably compact modulo .
Proof: Proof is similar to the proof of theorem (4.4)
Theorem 5.5: If f : XY is a bijection then J is an ideal in Y, f 1 (J) is an ideal in X.
Proof: Obvious from the definition.
Theorem 5.6: Let f:(X, , )(Y, , f()) be a bijection. Then
(1) X is b-countably compact modulo and f is b-irresolute Y is b- countably compact modulo
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If (X, ) is b-Lindelof then (X, , ) is b-Lindelof modulo for any ideal , since
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=1 .
For each set in this countable collection, select a which contains it. Then { }=1 is a
countable sub cover of the collection { } and X
=1 .Therefore
, ) is b- Lindelof modulo .
Definition 6.6:A subset A of (X, , ) is said to be b Lindelof modulo if every cover
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Theorem 6.7: Let (X, , ) be b- Lindelof modulo space. Then every b-closed subset of X is
b-Lindelof modulo .
Proof:Similar to proof of theorem (4.4)
Theorem 6.8:Let f:(X, , )(Y, , f()) be a bijection. Then
1) X is b-Lindelof modulo and f is b-irresolute Y is b-Lindelof modulo f().
2)X is b-Lindelof modulo and f is b-continuous Y is Lindelof modulo f( ).
3)X is Lindelofmodulo and f is strongly b-continuous Y is b-Lindelof modulo .
4)Y is b-Lindelofmodulo f() and f is b- resolute X is b-Lindelof modulo .
Proof:Similar to proof of theorem 4.8
Remark 6.9:From theorem 6.8(1) and (4) it follows that b-Lindelof modulo is a btopological property.
Theorem 6.10:Let (X, , ) be finitely *b additive space. Then if (X, ,) is Lindelof modulo
then (X, , ) is b- Lindelof modulo . The converse is true if X is also finitely b-additive and is
closed under countable union.
Proof:Necessity:Under the given hypothesis is a topology. Let { } be a b-open cover
for X. Since BO(X) and (X, ,) is Lindelof modulo , there exist a countable subset 0
of such that X 0 .Hence (X, , ) is b- Lindelof modulo .
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Sufficiency:Since (X, ) is finitely b- additive, {U-I/U BO(X) and I} is a basis for .Let
=1 =
=1 )
=1 )
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Theorem 7.5: Let (X, , ) be bT0 modulo J and J an ideal in X with J. Then (X, , J) is
bT0 modulo .
Proof:It is obvious.
Theorem 7.6:Let (X, , ) be finitely *b-additive.Then (X, , ) is bT0 modulo (X, b ) is a
T0 space.The converse is true if (X, , ) is finitely b-additive.
Proof:Let (X, , ) be bT0 modulo and xy be two points in X.Then there exist G BO(X) such
that x G and G{y} or y G and G{x} .Without loss of generality,assume that x G
and G{y} . If G{y} = ,put G=G.If G{y} ={y}, put G=G-{y}.In both cases,G is a sub
basic open set inb topology . Gb , xG and yG. (X, b ) is a T0 space.Conversely, Let
(X, , ) be finitely b-additive and let (X, b ) be a T0 space and x y be two points in X.Then
is a basis for b .Therefore there exist G=G-I b such that xG and yG or
yGandxGwhere G BO(X) and I .w.l.g., let xG and yG.Then G{y} ={y} or {}.
Suppose G{y} ={}, then G{y} . Suppose G{y} ={y}, then y I which implies
{y}.Hence, G is a b-open set containing x and G{y} . (X, , ) is bT0 modulo .
Theorem 7.7:Let (X, , ) be finitely *b-additive T0 space then (X, b ) is a T0 space.
Proof:It follows from the theorem (7.6) and (1) and (2) of remark (7.2).But the converse need
not be true as seen from the following example.
Example 7.8:Consider an infinite discrete space (X, ) and an ideal (X). Then b = {all
subsets}.This space is *b-additive and (X, b ) is T0 but (X, ) is not T0.
Theorem 7.9: Let (X, , ) be finitely *b-additive then (X, , ) is bT0 modulo b closure of
distinct points are distinct. The converse is true if (X, , ) is finitely b-additive.
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then for each x X,X {x} is b open. {x} is b closed.By theorem (8.13), (X, , ) is bT1
modulo .
Theorem 8.15:Let (X, , ) be a finitely *b-additive, finite,bT1 modulo space ,then b is
discrete topology.
Proof: By theorem (8.14) ,since every subset of X is b open and hence b is discrete topology.
Definition 8.16: Let(X, , ) be an ideal topological space and A X. We say x is a blimit point of A modulo if every b neighborhood of x contains atleast one point of A other
than x.
Theorem 8.17:Let(X, , ) be finitely *b-additive, bT1 modulo space .Then x is a b-limit
point of A modulo every b neighborhood of x contains infinitely many points of A.
Proof:If every b neighborhood of x contains infinitely many points of A then it contains atleast
one point of A other than x. x is a b- limit point of A modulo .Conversely, let x be a b-limit
point of A modulo .Suppose that there exist a b neighborhood U of x which contains only
finitely many points of A, then U {A-{x}} is finite .Let U {A-{x}} = {x1 ,x2 ,,xn }. X{x1 , x2 ,,xn } is b open(by theorem (8.13).U [X-{x1 ,x2 ,,xn }] is b open
neighborhood of x and it does not intersect A which is a contradiction.
Theorem 8.18: Every finite subset of a finitely *b-additive bT1 modulo space has no blimit point modulo .
Proof: The proof follows from theorem (8.17).
Theorem 8.19:If (X, , ) is a finitely *b-additive,T1 space then (X, b ) is a T1 space.
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Proof: The proof follows from the theorem (8.9), since every T1 space is bT1 modulo . But, the
converse is not true.
Example 8.20:Let (X, , ) be an indiscrete ideal topological space where = (X).
Then,clb (A)= A AX.b is discrete topology and hence (X, b ) is a *b-additive T1 space
.But, (X, ) is not a T1 space.
Theorem 8.21:Let f: (X, , )(Y, , f()) be a bijection.
(1) f is b-open and X is T1 modulo Y is bT1 modulo f( )
(2) f is b-resolute and X is bT1 modulo Y is bT1 modulo f( )
(3) f is b-continuous and Y is T1 modulo f() X is bT1 modulo .
(4) f is b-irresolute and Y is bT1 modulo f() X is bT1 modulo .
(5) f is strongly b-continuous and Y is bT1 modulo f() X is T1 modulo .
Proof:Similar to the proof of theorem (7.11).
Remark 8.22: The property of being a bT1 space modulo is a b-topological property by
(2) and (4) of theorem (8.21).
9.b Modulo an ideal or b-Hausdorff space
Definition 9.1: An ideal topological space (X, , ) is said to be bT2 modulo if for every x y
X, there exist b-open sets U,V in X such that x U\V, y V\U and UV .
Example 9.2:Let X be infinite set and -cofinite topology, = (X) .
Then BO(X)= { , X ,A/ A is infinite}. Let x y X and let U =X-{x}; V=X-{y};U,V are
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x (modulo ) if for everyb neighborhood U of x there exist positive integer N such that
x U for all n N
In this case we say x is b- limit modulo of the sequence{xn }.
Theorem 9.14:Let(X, , ) be a finitely *b-additive T2 modulo space and {xn } a sequence in X.
If b- limit modulo of the sequence {xn } exists then it is unique.
Proof:Suppose that xn
x modulo and xn
y modulo and
x y, since X is bT2
y modulo .
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not a T2 space.
Theorem 9.18: Let (X, , ) be a finitely *b additive, T2 modulo space then ,
For each pair x, y X there exist closed b neighbourhood of y such that x ( is
Let x y X. Then there exist U,V in b such that xU,yV and UV=
Then, = X\Uis a b closed set such that yV and x
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Remark 9.20: The property of being "bT2 modulo is a b-topological property by (2) and (4) of
theorem (9.20).
Theorem 9.21: Let (X, , ) be finitely b-additive, bT2 modulo , x X and C a b-compact
subspace of X not containing x, then there exist U,V such that V BO(X), U is a finite
intersection of b-open sets such that, x U, C V and UV .
Proof:For every y C, there exists Gy , Hy BO(X) such that x Gy \ Hy , y Hy \ Gy ,
Gy Hy . {Hy / y C} is a b-open cover for C.Since C is b-compact there exist
Hy i ,.,Hy n such that C
i=1 Hy i .Let
i=1 Gi )
i=1 Hi )=
Hi )
. UV .
Remark 9.22:In the above theorem, suppose (X, , ) is finitely b-additive then U in the
above proof is b-open.
Theorem 9.23: Let (X, , ) be a finitely *b-additive,bT2 modulo space. Then every bcompact subspace of X is b closed.
Proof: Let C be a b-compact subspace of a bT2 modulo finitely *b-additive space X.
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i=1 Gi
where Gi BO(X)
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exist G, H BO(X) such that F G-H, x H\G, GH. Let GH=I. Put =G-I, =H-I.Then
Gand are sub basic open sets in b topology. and b = Now, x
( ).To prove: ( ) U. If y F then y which is disjoint from . is a b
neighborhood of y, disjoint from . y ( ). F X- ( ). U ( ). x
( ) U. Hence the proof.
Remark 10.8:Let f:(X, , )(Y, , f()) be a bijection.
(1) f is b-open and X is regular modulo Y is b-regular modulo f( )
(2) f is b-resolute and X is b-regular modulo Y is b-regular modulo f( )
(3) f is b-continuous and Y is regular modulo f() X is b-regular modulo .
(4) f is b-irresolute and Y is b-regular modulo f() X is b-regular modulo .
(5)f is strongly b-irresolute and Y is b-regular modulo f() X is b-modulo .
Proof: Similar to the proof of theorem (7.12).
Remark 10.9:From(2) and (3) of theorem (10.8) it follows that b-regular modulo is a
b-topological property.
Definition 11.1: An ideal topological space (X, , ) is said to be b-normal modulo if
(1) X is bT1 modulo.
(2) For any two disjoint b-closed sets G, H in X, there exist U, V BO(X) such
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and V =
=1 U
=1 .
Let U =
=1 )
=1 )
( 1 .. ) 1 }.{( 1 ) }( 1 1 ).( ) .U
V . X is b-normal modulo .
Note 11.9:But converse need not be true as seen from the following example.
Example 11.10:Let (X, , ) be an infinite discrete ideal topological space where
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= (X). Then BO(X) = {all subsets},b = {all subsets}. (X, , ) is finitely *b additive,
finitely b-additive. (X, , ) is a bT2 modulo . But it is not b-compact {{x}/x X} is a b-open
cover for X which has no finite subcover.
Theorem 11.11:Let (X, , ) is finitely *b additive space. Then if X is b-normal modulo then
given a b-closed set A and a b-open set U containing A, there exist a b-open set G containing A,
such that A G G U.
Proof: Under the given hypothesis, b is a topology and = {V-I/VBO(X), I} is a sub basis
for b . A and X-U are two disjoint b closed sets.Since X is b-normal modulo there exist V
and W BO(X) such that A V\W, X\U W\V and V W = I . Put G = V-I and H = W-I.
Then G and H are sub basic open sets and hence G and H are inb .Now, A G and X-U H and
GH = . GX-H U .X-H is b closed.
(X-H)= X-H. A G (G) X-H U.Hence the proof.
Theorem 11.12:Let (X, , ) be finitely *b additive space with the following conditions.
b = BO(X).
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