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Name of the student

:Mrs.Minimole K K
2nd year MSc(N)student


:Medical Surgical Nursing


:Awareness on blood donation among P U C students in selected colleges at Banglore


:1 hour

Date and time



Teaching aid

:Flash cards

Previous knowledge of the students:P U C students have some knowledge regarding blood donation

Over all objectives :

After completion of teaching the students in selected colleges at Banglore gets more knowledge regarding blood donation which will enable them
to donate blood and save the life of needed patients.

Specific objectives:
At the end of the session the students of P U C students will be able to:*Define blood donation
*List down the need for blood donation
*Enlist the facts about blood donation
*Mention the blood types
*Enumerate the screening tests
*Describe the blood components
*explain the blood donation process
*Enlist the aftercare of blood donation
*Explain the processing after blood donation


Specific objectives

Intrduction of the topic


Teacher/Learners activity

INTRODUCTION:Donation of blood is a sign of kindness and care for

the fellow human beings. There is no gift more valuable than a Gift of Blood, as it is actually a Gift of
Life for the person who receives it. Indiabloodbank.com is an online edge for bringing mutually giving
blood donors and patients who needs blood in India. There is no greater way to give of yourself than to
donate blood. The need for blood is an important concern to the society as a whole. Over 80 million units
of blood are donated every year, but only 38% are collected in developing countries where 82% of the
The teacher introduces the topic and
global population lives. Showing the importance of blood donation 14 June has been selected as World
the students listen to the students
Blood Donor Day.Human blood is an essential element of human life and there are no
substitutes.Voluntary donation system is by far the best and it needs to be strengthened.Blood donation is
important for not only saving people lives but also for the pursuit of a better social and living
environment, and voluntary blood donation is of great social importance.

AV aids


Flash cards

DEFINITION:Blood donation refers to the

process of collecting, testing, preparing, and storing blood and blood components.

Students are able to

define blood donation

A blood donation occurs when a person voluntarily has blood drawn and used for transfusion or
The teacher explains the definition and
made into medications by a process called fractionation.
Flash cards
the students listen

Define blood

Blood donation is a simple four-step process: registration, medical history and mini-physical,
donation and refreshments.


Specific objectives


Teacher/Learners activity

AV aids



DONATION:Blood donations are used every day
for the following types of patients,just to name a few of the beneficiaries.
Heart surgery patients
Liver transplant recipients
Cancer patients:- Many of them will need blood, during their chemotherapy treatment.
Sickle cell anemia patients:- It is an inherited disease that affects people in the U.S., African Americans
Students are able to list and people in the middle East.Sickle cell patients can require frequent blood transfusions throughout their The teacher explains the need for
10 minutes down the need for blood lives.
blood donation and students carefully Flash cards
Bone marrow transplant recipients
Trauma victims
Accident victims
Severe burn victims
Children being treated
for cancer, premature infants, and children having heart surgery need blood and platelets from donors of
all types.
Anemic patients need blood transfusions to increase their iron levels.

Students enlist the facts

10 minutes about about blood


Specific objectives

Giving blood will not decrease your strength.
You cannot get AIDS or any other infectious disease by donating blood.
Fourteen tests, 11 of which are for infectious diseases, are performed on each unit of donated blood.
Any company, community organization, place of worship or individual may contact their local
community blood center to host a blood drive.
People donate blood out of a sense of duty and community spirit, not to make money. They are not paid
for their donation.
People between 18 and 60 years old can donate blood.
The teacher explains the facts about
The minimum weight for donating blood is 45 Kg.
blood donation and students listen
Blood has to be used within 42 days after it is donated.
People with infectious diseases like AIDS, hepatitis B etc. cannot donate blood.
A person with hemoglobin level below 12.5 mg% cannot donate blood.
A person who had jaundice can donate blood only after 5 years only.
A person who did tattooing can donate blood only after 6 months.
A person cannot donate blood during the time of fever, while taking antibiotics and during
A healthy man can donate blood every three months and woman every 4 month.


Teacher/Learners activity

Flash cards

AV aids

Which are the needs

for blood donation?

List out any four

facts about blood


BLOOD TYPES:There are four blood groups: type O, A, B and AB.

There are eight blood types which include: type O positive/O negative, type A positive/A negative, type B
Students are able to
The teacher explain the blood types
3 minutes
positive/B negative and type AB positive/AB negative.
mention the blood types
and the students listen

Flash cards

What are the blood


After blood is drawn, it is typed for ABO group (blood type) and RH type (positive or negative).

SCREENING TESTS:All donated blood is tested for

infectious diseases before it can be transfused to patients. Automatic and highly sensitive blood testing set
up is used to test each and every unit of blood. The important screening tests done are,
Hepatitis B surface antigen (HbsAg)
o Hepatitis B core antibody (anti-HBc)
Students are able to
The teacher explains the screening
o Hepatitis C virus antibody (anti - HCV)
5 minutes enumerate the screening
tests that are carried out before blood Flash cards
o HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibody (anti-HIV-1 and anti-HIV-2)
o HIV p24 antigen
o HTLV-I and HTLV-II antibody (anti-HTLV-I and anti-HTLV-II)
o Serologic test for syphilis
o Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing (NAT)


Specific objectives


Teacher/Learners activity

AV aids

Which are the

screening tests that
are carried out
before blood


Students are able to

10 minutes describe the blood

Students are able to

5 minutes explain the blood
donation process


Specific objectives

Developed countries have switched over to blood components for more than 20 years.
Unfortunately in India still 95% of the blood is used as whole blood. One unit of blood can be separated
into several components (red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma, platelets, and cryoprecipitate).
Donors can give either whole blood or specific blood components only. The process of donating
specific blood components red cells, plasma or platelets is called apheresis. Red blood cells carry
oxygen to the body's organs and tissue. Red blood cells live about 120 days in the circulatory system.
Donated red blood cells must be used within 42 days of collection. These cells are needed for accident
The teacher explains about the blood
victims and surgery patients. Platelets help blood to clot and give those with leukemia and other cancers a
components and the students carefully Flash cards
chance to live. Donated platelets must be used within five days of collection. Plasma is a pale yellow
mixture of water, proteins, and salts. Plasma is 90 percent water, makes up 55 percent of blood volume
and is needed for organ, burn and shock patients. Plasma and cryoprecipitate are stored in frozen state and
can be used for up to one year after collection. Blood cannot be manufactured it can only come from
generous donors.
Healthy bone marrow makes a constant supply of red cells, plasma and platelets. The body will
replenish the elements given during a blood donation some in a matter of hours and others in a matter of


Blood donation is a simple four-step process: registration, medical history and mini-physical,
donation and refreshments. On arrival at a blood drive, you will be asked to fill a few details on a donor
form. Every blood donor is given a mini-physical, checking, the donor's temperature, blood pressure,
pulse and hemoglobin to ensure it is safe for the donor to give blood.They routinely take a small drop of
blood to ensure that you aren't anemic. After you pass this simple medical screening process, you will be
escorted to a blood donation area. Donating blood is a safe process. A sterile needle is used only once for
each donor and then discarded. The actual blood donation takes about 10 minutes followed by a little rest
and refreshments. The entire process, from when you sign in to the time you leaves, takes about 45
The teacher explains the blood
minutes. The amount of blood drawn and the methods vary, but a typical donation is 450 milliliters (or
donation process and the students
approximately one US pint) of whole blood.
carefully listen


Teacher/Learners activity

Flash cards

AV aids

Explain about the

specific blood

Describe the blood

donation process?



something before leaving. Drink some liquid like tea, cold drink, juice, etc. to replenish fluid and eat some
snacks. All this will be available for you at the at the blood donation site.
Drink more liquids than usual in next 4 hours
Avoid consuming alcohol until you have eating something
Don't smoke for next 30 minutes
Avoid climbing steps for next 30 minutes
If there is bleeding from the phlebotomy site, raise the arm and apply pressure
If fainting or dizziness occurs, either lie down or sit with the head between the knees
Remove bandage next The teacher explains the aftercare of
Students are able to enlist Resume all normal activities if no symptoms occur
5 minutes the aftercare of blood
blood donation and the students
carefully listen


Specific objectives

Students are able to

3 minutes explain the processing
after blood donation


Teacher/Learners activity


Your blood goes to a
blood bank. Within 6 hours of Blood collection its
processing starts at the Blood Centre. It is separated into components viz. Red Cells, White Cells, Plasma
& Platelets. These Blood components are made available to Hospitals, Govt. Hospitals, and Nursing
The teacher explains the processing
Homes. Medical setups, which do not have blood storage facilities, send their samples to us for cross
after blood donation and the students
matching following which blood is sent to them directly. All this is to ensure fastest response to the
patients need. This is how each time you donate blood you save up to 4 lives.

Flash cards

AV aids

Flash cards

List out any four

aftercare of blood


Describe the
processing after
blood donation

By donating blood to insure there is enough blood supply, the life we save may be our own.
Donating blood is easy, painless, and only takes about an hour of your time. Read more about donating
blood in the Donating Blood section and call your local blood center today to schedule an appointment
to donate. Every minute of every day, someone needs blood. That blood can only come from a volunteer
donor, a person like you who makes the choice to donate. There is no substitute for your donation.

The teacher concludes the topic and

the students listen

Name of the student
:Mrs.Minimole K K
2nd year MSc(N)student
:Medical Surgical Nursing
:Awareness on blood donation among P U C students in selected col
:1 hour
Date and time
Teaching aid
:Flash cards
Medium of teaching
Previous knowledge of the students:P U C students have some knowledge regarding blood donatio
Over all objectives :
After completion of teaching the students in selected colleges at Banglore gets more knowl
Specific objectives:
At the end of the session the students of P U C students will be able to:*Define blood donation
*List down the need for blood donation
*Enlist the facts about blood donation
*Mention the blood types
*Enumerate the screening tests
*Describe the blood components
*explain the blood donation process
*Enlist the aftercare of blood donation
*Explain the processing after blood donation

students in selected colleges at Banglore

egarding blood donation

nglore gets more knowledge regarding blood donation which will enable them to donate blood and save the lif

ate blood and save the life of needed patients.

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