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Software Reliability and Quality Management: Version 2 CSE IIT, Kharagpur

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Software Reliability and
Quality Management
Version 2 CSE IIT, Kharagpur

Statistical Testing and
Software Quality
Version 2 CSE IIT, Kharagpur

Specific Instructional Objectives

At the end of this lesson the student would be able to:

Identify the primary objective of statistical testing.

Define what is meant by the operation profile of a software product.
Identify the steps in which statistical testing is performed on a software
Identify the advantages and disadvantages of statistical testing.
Identify the main quality factors of a software product.
Explain what is meant by quality management system.
Identify the phases over which quality management system has evolved in
the last century.

Statistical testing
Statistical testing is a testing process whose objective is to determine the
reliability of software products rather than discovering errors. Test cases are
designed for statistical testing with an entirely different objective than those of
conventional testing.

Operation profile
Different categories of users may use a software for different purposes. For
example, a Librarian might use the library automation software to create member
records, add books to the library, etc. whereas a library member might use to
software to query about the availability of the book, or to issue and return books.
Formally, the operation profile of a software can be defined as the probability
distribution of the input of an average user. If the input to a number of classes
{Ci} is divided, the probability value of a class represent the probability of an
average user selecting his next input from this class. Thus, the operation profile
assigns a probability value Pi to each input class Ci.

Steps in statistical testing

Statistical testing allows one to concentrate on testing those parts of the system
that are most likely to be used. The first step of statistical testing is to determine
the operation profile of the software. The next step is to generate a set of test
data corresponding to the determined operation profile. The third step is to apply
the test cases to the software and record the time between each failure. After a
statistically significant number of failures have been observed, the reliability can
be computed.

Version 2 CSE IIT, Kharagpur

Advantages and disadvantages of statistical testing

Statistical testing allows one to concentrate on testing parts of the system that
are most likely to be used. Therefore, it results in a system that the users to be
more reliable (than actually it is!). Reliability estimation using statistical testing is
more accurate compared to those of other methods such as ROCOF, POFOD
etc. But it is not easy to perform statistical testing properly. There is no simple
and repeatable way of defining operation profiles. Also it is very much
cumbersome to generate test cases for statistical testing cause the number of
test cases with which the system is to be tested should be statistically significant.

Software Quality
Traditionally, a quality product is defined in terms of its fitness of purpose. That
is, a quality product does exactly what the users want it to do. For software
products, fitness of purpose is usually interpreted in terms of satisfaction of the
requirements laid down in the SRS document. Although fitness of purpose is a
satisfactory definition of quality for many products such as a car, a table fan, a
grinding machine, etc. for software products, fitness of purpose is not a wholly
satisfactory definition of quality. To give an example, consider a software product
that is functionally correct. That is, it performs all functions as specified in the
SRS document. But, has an almost unusable user interface. Even though it may
be functionally correct, we cannot consider it to be a quality product. Another
example may be that of a product which does everything that the users want but
has an almost incomprehensible and unmaintainable code. Therefore, the
traditional concept of quality as fitness of purpose for software products is not
wholly satisfactory.
The modern view of a quality associates with a software product several
quality factors such as the following:

Portability: A software product is said to be portable, if it can be easily

made to work in different operating system environments, in different
machines, with other software products, etc.

Usability: A software product has good usability, if different categories of

users (i.e. both expert and novice users) can easily invoke the functions of
the product.

Reusability: A software product has good reusability, if different modules

of the product can easily be reused to develop new products.

Correctness: A software product is correct, if different requirements as

specified in the SRS document have been correctly implemented.

Version 2 CSE IIT, Kharagpur

Maintainability: A software product is maintainable, if errors can be

easily corrected as and when they show up, new functions can be easily
added to the product, and the functionalities of the product can be easily
modified, etc.

Software quality management system

A quality management system (often referred to as quality system) is the
principal methodology used by organizations to ensure that the products they
develop have the desired quality. A quality system consists of the following:

Managerial Structure and Individual Responsibilities. A quality

system is actually the responsibility of the organization as a whole.
However, every organization has a separate quality department to
perform several quality system activities. The quality system of an
organization should have support of the top management. Without
support for the quality system at a high level in a company, few members
of staff will take the quality system seriously.

Quality System Activities. The quality system activities encompass the

- auditing of projects
- review of the quality system
- development of standards, procedures, and guidelines, etc.
- production of reports for the top management summarizing the
effectiveness of the quality system in the organization.

Evolution of quality management system

Quality systems have rapidly evolved over the last five decades. Prior to World
War II, the usual method to produce quality products was to inspect the finished
products to eliminate defective products. Since that time, quality systems of
organizations have undergone through four stages of evolution as shown in the
fig. 13.4. The initial product inspection method gave way to quality control (QC).
Quality control focuses not only on detecting the defective products and
eliminating them but also on determining the causes behind the defects. Thus,
quality control aims at correcting the causes of errors and not just rejecting the
products. The next breakthrough in quality systems was the development of
quality assurance principles.
The basic premise of modern quality assurance is that if an
organizations processes are good and are followed rigorously, then the products
are bound to be of good quality. The modern quality paradigm includes guidance
for recognizing, defining, analyzing, and improving the production process. Total
quality management (TQM) advocates that the process followed by an
organization must be continuously improved through process measurements.
Version 2 CSE IIT, Kharagpur

TQM goes a step further than quality assurance and aims at continuous process
improvement. TQM goes beyond documenting processes to optimizing them
through redesign. A term related to TQM is Business Process Reengineering
(BPR). BPR aims at reengineering the way business is carried out in an
organization. From the above discussion it can be stated that over the years the
quality paradigm has shifted from product assurance to process assurance (as
shown in fig. 13.4).

Fig. 13.4: Evolution of quality system and corresponding shift in the quality

Version 2 CSE IIT, Kharagpur

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