Iranian Studies: Nuclear Proliferation: The Islamic Republic of Iran
Iranian Studies: Nuclear Proliferation: The Islamic Republic of Iran
Iranian Studies: Nuclear Proliferation: The Islamic Republic of Iran
Iranian Studies
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Nuclear proliferation: The Islamic Republic of Iran
Gawdat Bahgat
Gawdat Bahgat
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Since the mid-1980s, Israel, thGawdat Bahgate United States, and other Western powers
have accused Iran of pursuing nuclear weapons capability. Iranian officials have
categorically denied these accusations and claimed that their nuclear program is designed
for civilian purposes. This essay examines the history of Iran’s nuclear program since the
late 1950s and analyzes the forces that shape the country’s nuclear policy. These forces
include perception of security threats from Pakistan, Iraq, Israel, and the United States;
domestic economic and political dynamics; and national pride. The following section will
discuss the European and Russian stance on Iran’s nuclear ambition as well as the
International Atomic Energy Agency’s efforts to reach a compromise that would
satisfy the international community’s concerns and Tehran’s demands. The essay concludes
with some predictions on how Iran’s nuclear program is likely to evolve in the next few
Since the mid-1980s, Israel, the United States, and other Western powers have
accused Iran of pursuing nuclear weapons capability. Iranian officials have cate-
gorically denied these accusations and claimed that their nuclear program is
designed for civilian purposes, not military ones. These accusations and denials
have further intensified since the early 2000s with the revelation of previously
unknown nuclear activities by the Iranian authority. The International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA) and the European Union (EU) have engaged in pro-
longed negotiations with Iran to verify adherence to its Non-Proliferation
Treaty (NPT) commitments. In short, the Iranian case represents one of the
most serious challenges to the non-proliferation regime.
This essay examines the history of Iran’s nuclear program since the late 1950s
and analyzes the forces that shape the country’s nuclear policy. These forces
include perception of security threats from Pakistan, Iraq, Israel, and the
United States; domestic economic and political dynamics; and national pride.
The following section will discuss the European and Russian stance on Iran’s
nuclear ambition as well as the IAEA’s efforts to reach a compromise that
would satisfy the international community’s concerns and Tehran’s demands.
The essay concludes with some predictions on how Iran’s nuclear program is
likely to evolve in the next few decades.
Gawdat Bahgat is Director of Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Department of Political
Science, Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
ISSN 0021-0862 print=ISSN 1475-4819 online/06=030307-21
#2006 The International Society for Iranian Studies
DOI 10.1080=00210860600808102
308 Bahgat
The argument is twofold. First, for more than two decades, Iran has invested
substantial human and financial resources in its nuclear program. In addition to
relying on foreign technology, material, and equipment, Iran has developed an
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Iran has sought to acquire nuclear capability as early as 1957 when it signed a civil
nuclear cooperation agreement with the United States that provided for technical
assistance and the “lease of several kilograms of enriched uranium.”3 It also called
for both countries to cooperate in research on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.
Several characteristics can be identified in the evolution of Iran’s nuclear
program. First, in the early stages of building its nuclear program, Iran relied
on the United States and other Western countries. In late 1960s, the Atomic
Center of Tehran University and a research reactor were established. Enriched
fuel was supplied by an American company called AMF.4 In the following
decade, Iran signed several agreements with the United States (1974) to buy
eight reactors, with Germany (1974) to build a power reactor at Bushehr, and
George Perkovich, Dealing with Iran’s Nuclear Challenge (Washington D.C., 2003), 2.
Geoffrey Kemp, “How to Stop the Iranian Bomb,” National Interest 72, (2003): 48 – 58.
David Albright, “Timeline of Iran’s Path to Nuclear Weapons,” Reassessing the Implications of
Nuclear-Armed Iran (Washington, D.C., 2005): 49.
International Atomic Energy Agency, Communication dated 12 September 2005 from the
Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Agency, online at,
(2005): 4.
Nuclear Proliferation: The Islamic Republic of Iran 309
Bushehr were attacked and badly damaged by Iraqi jets in the course of the war
between the two nations (1980– 88). Sixth, in the mid-1980s, the Iranian
leadership decided to restart its nuclear program. The search for uranium was
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stepped up and Tehran “began offering incentives for exiled Iranian nuclear
scientists to return home.”10 International isolation and tense relations with the
United States, however, complicated Iran’s efforts to re-build its nuclear
program. The German firm withdrew from Iran and, under heavy American
pressure, several foreign governments refused any nuclear cooperation
with Iran.
Seventh, unable to find a Western partner for its nuclear program, Iran turned
to the Soviet Union and China. In 1990, Iran signed nuclear cooperation agree-
ments with both Beijing and Moscow, and five years later, Russia agreed to a
deal worth $800 million to complete the first reactor at Bushehr.11 Some analysts
argue that Bushehr’s benefits for Iran’s nuclear-weapons program are likely to be
“largely indirect”12 by contributing to its nuclear infrastructure and expertise.
Meanwhile, in the late 1990s under U.S. pressure, China agreed to halt
nuclear assistance to Iran. Eighth, the international concern over Iran’s
nuclear activities was further intensified in 2002 with the revelation by the
Iraqi-based opposition group, the National Council of Resistance in Iran,
regarding the existence of the previously unknown and undeclared two
nuclear facilities, one at Natanz for uranium-enrichment and the other one a
heavy-water production plant at Arak. These revelations have alarmed
Western countries. As a result, the European Union, led by Britain, France,
and Germany, has engaged in intense negotiations with Iran to secure
Tehran’s full adherence to its commitments under the NPT. Under increased
international scrutiny, Iran signed the Additional Protocol, which allows more
aggressive inspection by the IAEA to verify that Iran is not pursuing nuclear
weapons. On the other hand, Iranian officials claim that their country is in
full compliance with the NPT. They argue that in the early 1990s, Iran “was
the only member state to voluntarily invite the IAEA safeguards inspectors to
visit all sites and facilities at their discretion.”13 These inspections found no evi-
dence of illegal nuclear activities.
Ninth, in late 2005, the confrontation between the international community
and Iran reached a new, more volatile phase when the IAEA Board of Governors
adopted a resolution that paved the way for Iran to be referred to the UN Security
Council over its nuclear ambition. The resolution recalls “Iran’s failures in a
number of instances over an extended period of time to meet its obligations
Judith Perera, “Iranian Nuclear: The Battle of Bushehr,” Energy Economist 223 (2000): 17 – 20.
Andrew Koch and Jeanette Wolf, Iran’s Nuclear Facilities: A Profile (Monterey, CA, 1998): 2.
Joseph Cirincione, Jon B. Wolfsthal, and Miriam Rajkumar, Deadly Arsenals: Nuclear,
Biological, and Chemical Threats (Washington, D.C., 2005): 304.
International Atomic Energy Agency, Communication dated 12 September 2005 from the
Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Agency, online at,
(2005): 6.
Nuclear Proliferation: The Islamic Republic of Iran 311
under its NPT Safeguards Agreement with respect to the reporting of nuclear
material, its processing and its use, as well as the declaration of facilities where
such material had been processed and stored.”14 Two points need to be
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made a down payment for this joint venture by “providing Israel with $280
million worth of oil and began the construction of a missile facility.”17 The
toppling of the Shah regime put an end to this scheme, and by the early 1980s,
Iran’s missile capabilities were very limited.
This limited capability provided Iraq with a great opportunity to exploit its
rival’s vulnerability in the 1980 –88 war. Thus, Iranian cities and troops
became easy targets for Iraqi missile attacks. The Iranian leadership moved
quickly to buy missiles from foreign suppliers and Tehran and Baghdad
engaged in missile attacks in what is known as the “war of the cities.” In the after-
math of the war with Iraq, the Iranian leadership was determined to end the coun-
try’s vulnerability and to build a missile capability. Iran’s missile program since
the early 1990s has received substantial assistance from China, North Korea,
and Russia. In addition, Tehran has developed an indigenous infrastructure.
Since the early 2000s, world attention has focused on Iran’s most publicized
missile system, Shihab-3 (Shooting Star in Farsi). The system is believed to be
based on the North Korean No Dong missile, with a range of 2,000 kilometers
(1,300 miles). In November 2004, Iran’s Defense Minister, Ali Shamkhani, said
that Iran was able to “mass produce the Shihab-3 missile,”18 and a few months
later (July 2005), he announced that Iran had successfully tested a new solid
fuel missile motor for its arsenal of medium-range ballistic missiles.19 This tech-
nological breakthrough can make Iran’s missiles more mobile and quicker to
In closing, three characteristics of Iran’s missile program should be under-
scored. First, unlike biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons, stockpiling and
deploying missiles are not internationally banned. This partly explains why
Iran has aggressively displayed its missile systems. Second, most portions of
the Middle East (including Israel and American troops in the region) are in the
range of Shihab-3. Tehran has been accused of seeking to develop longer-range
missiles that can reach Europe and even the United States. Iranian officials cate-
gorically deny these accusations. Third, Iran has been accused of trying to make
missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads. Again, the Iranians strongly deny
these accusations.
These accusations and denials aside, Iran’s nuclear policy is driven by domestic,
regional, and international dynamics, most notably, security, national pride, and
internal economic and political developments. These parameters are discussed in
the following sections.
Joseph S. Bermudez, “Iran’s Missile Development,” The International Missile Bazaar: The New
Suppliers’ Network (Boulder, CO, 1994): 48.
Reuters, “Iran Says Can Mass Produce Medium-Range Missiles,” (2004).
Associated Press, “Iran Achieves Solid Fuel Technology,” (2005).
Nuclear Proliferation: The Islamic Republic of Iran 313
changed. After fighting for eight long years against Iraq, Saddam Hussein
invaded Kuwait, and in response the United States led an international coalition
that defeated him. For the next twelve years, international sanctions were
imposed on Iraq and the country’s socio-economic conditions and military
power had substantially deteriorated. In 2003, the United States led another
international coalition that toppled Saddam’s regime and eventually arrested
him. Since 2003, the United States has established a significant political and
military presence in Iraq.
On Iran’s eastern side, the Taliban (a fundamentalist Sunni regime supported
by Saudi Arabia and Pakistan) was in charge of most of Afghanistan. Iran
supported the largely Shiite Northern Alliance that controlled a small part of
Afghanistan. Relations between Tehran and Kabul reached a low point in the
late 1990s when the two nations came close to a military confrontation. Following
the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks, the United States invaded Afghanistan
and overthrew the Taliban regime. Since then, the United States has maintained
a significant political and military presence in Afghanistan. In short, two of Iran’s
sworn regional rivals were defeated by another archenemy—the United States.
These changes in the security landscape around Iran were accompanied by sig-
nificant developments in South Asia. Both India and Pakistan joined the nuclear
club in 1998 along with the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Russia,
China, and the undeclared nuclear power Israel. This geographical proximity to
several nuclear powers has heightened Iran’s sense of vulnerability. Many analysts
argue that Iran is seeking nuclear weapons capability in order to address this per-
ception of insecurity. In other words, the survival of the Islamic regime and Iran’s
territorial integrity is the main drive for Tehran’s nuclear ambition. Pakistan,
Iraq, Israel, and the United States are frequently mentioned by strategists as
the main sources of potential threat to Iran’s national security.
Iran and Pakistan “have no major bilateral disputes.”20 However, the relations
between the two large Muslim nations are complicated and are shaped by several
factors. Sectarian rivalry has always influenced relations between Tehran and
Islamabad. Iran is largely Shiite while Pakistan is predominantly Sunni. The
two nations supported different sides in neighboring Afghanistan before 2001.
Equally important, Iran has been concerned about occasional violence between
Sunnis and Shiites within Pakistan. Traditionally, Pakistan has had close relations
with the United States. Since the mid-2000s, the Pakistani president has adopted
an accommodative approach toward Israel. Despite these differences, Iran and
Pakistan have negotiated a proposal to construct a pipeline to ship natural gas
from the former to the latter and possibly to India.
Shahram Chubin and Robert S. Litwak, “Debating Iran’s Nuclear Aspirations,” Washington
Quarterly 26 (2003): 99 – 114.
314 Bahgat
Ze’ev Schiff, Weapons of Mass Destruction and the Middle East: The View from Israel (Houston,
TX, 2003): 7.
Shahram Chubin, “Does Iran Want Nuclear Weapons?” Survival 37 (1995): 86 – 104.
Nuclear Proliferation: The Islamic Republic of Iran 315
uncertainty regarding the emerging Iraq, the Iranians seem to have concluded
that they should not take any risk and should “pursue some kind of nuclear
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Under the monarchy, Iran had close relations with Israel. As Nader Entessar
suggests, “With the exception of its bilateral security ties with the United
States, no other country had managed to forge as close a security relationship
with the Shah’s regime as Israel.”24 Indeed, this relationship expanded much
beyond security issues and covered political and economic interests.25 This
close association between the Pahlavi regime and Israel (and the United
States) was one of the reasons that contributed to the toppling of the Shah
and the establishment of the Islamic regime. It is little wonder then that
from the outset Ayatollah Khomeini declared Israel as Iran’s sworn enemy
and hostility to Israel has become a central part in the ideological framework
of the Islamic Republic. Iran does not recognize Israel and sees it as occupying
Muslim land and oppressing Muslim people. Accordingly, Iran has supported
anti-Israel organizations such as Hezbollah, Hamas, and Jihad. Furthermore,
some top officials in Tehran have called for the destruction of the Jewish
Rhetoric aside, most analysts agree that the Islamic Republic and the
Jewish state are not likely to engage in a military confrontation against each
other.27 Ray Takeyh argues that for Iran, “Israel may be an ideological affront
and a civilizational challenge, but it is not an existential threat mandating
provision of nuclear weapons.”28 There are no underlying bilateral issues
fueling the tension between Tehran and Tel Aviv. The fiery calls to destroy
Israel are meant to mobilize domestic and regional constituencies. Iran has no
plan to attack Israel with its nuclear arsenal and powerful conventional military
capabilities. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khameni summed up his country’s
stand on the Arab-Israeli conflict by stressing, “Palestine issue is not Iran’s
Judith S. Yaphe and Charles D. Lutes, Reassessing the Implications of a Nuclear-Armed Iran
(Washington, D.C., 2005), 5.
Nader Entessar, “Israel and Iran’s National Security,” Journal of South Asian and Middle Eastern
Studies 27 (2004): 1 –19.
For a recent analysis of Iranian-Israeli relations see Gawdat Bahgat, Israel and the Persian Gulf:
Retrospect and Prospect (Gainesville, FL, 2006); and Trita Parsi, “Israel-Iranian Relations Assessed:
Strategic Competition from the Power Cycle Perspective,” Iranian Studies 38 (2005): 247 –269.
In October 2005, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that Israel should be “wiped
off the map.”
For example, see Shahram Chubin, “Does Iran Want Nuclear Weapons?” Survival 37 (1995):
86 – 104; and Shahram Chubin and Robert S. Litwak, “Debating Iran’s Nuclear Aspirations,”
Washington Quarterly 26 (2003): 99 – 114.
Ray Takeyh, “Iran Builds the Bomb,” Survival 46 (2004 – 05): 51 – 64.
Cited in Ray Takeyh, “WMD, Terrorism, and Proliferation,” Testimony before Subcommittee on
Prevention of Nuclear and Biological Attack, Committee on Homeland Security (2005), online at
316 Bahgat
On the Israeli side, several officials and analysts have been alarmed by the
possibility of a nuclear Iran and have been articulating a possible Israeli reaction.
Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz said that “a nuclear Iran was ‘intolerable’ and
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Israeli raid in 1981 that destroyed Iraq’s nuclear reactor. This Israeli threat to use
force to destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities can be seen as a potential option or part of
a psychological war between the two archenemies. Understandably, Israeli leaders
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have not ruled out the use of force, and they maintain that “all options are on the
table.” Meanwhile, in 2004, it was reported that Israel received the first of 102
American-built F-161 warplanes, specially designed with extra fuel tanks to
allow them to reach distant targets (e.g., Iranian nuclear facilities.)34
The repeat of Osiraq raid in Iran is unlikely. In the Iraqi case, all the appro-
priate conditions for success were available. Israel had accurate intelligence on
the target. Iraq’s nuclear facilities were concentrated in a small area away from
heavily populated centers. This caused a minimum collateral damage. Finally,
Saddam Hussein was engaged in a bloody war with neighboring Iran and had
no capacity to retaliate against Israel. These conditions are fundamentally differ-
ent in Iran. Thus, the Osiraq raid should be seen as the exception, not the rule; or
as Robert Litwak concludes, “Osirak is not a paradigm.”35 Finally, it is important
to distinguish between the short- and long-term impacts of Osiraq. True, it
crippled Iraq’s nascent nuclear program, but it also accelerated it in a later
stage. Thus, Joseph Cirincione argues that Osiraq was a “tactical success but a
strategic failure.”36
Several difficulties should be taken into consideration in assessing an Israeli
military action against Iran’s nuclear facilities: (A) A large number of Iranians
might decide to rally around a regime under attack by foreign enemy. Thus, an
attack might strengthen the regime internally. (B) Iran’s nuclear facilities will
be harder to attack than those of Iraq in 1981. Israeli jets will have to fly over
more countries to reach Iran. Equally important, the Iranians learned lessons
from Osiraq. Iran’s nuclear facilities are well protected and scattered all around
the country. Some of them are in or close to population centers. (C) Iran has
been developing its nuclear infrastructure since the 1980s. It has acquired exten-
sive indigenous know-how, equipment, and raw materials. Thus, Iran will have
the capability to re-build its nuclear program in the aftermath of a successful
Israeli raid. (D) Iran would be seen as a victim of an Israeli aggression. Such a
perception might complicate the improved, but delicate, relations Israel has
with several Arab and Muslim states (though, some of Iran’s regional adversaries
such as Egypt and Saudi Arabia might support an Israeli raid privately). (E) Iran
might withdraw from the NPT and end any cooperation with the IAEA. This
would further weaken the global non-proliferation regime and freeze inter-
national monitoring of Iran’s nuclear facilities. (F) Unlike Iraq in 1981, Iran
has the capability to retaliate against an Israeli attack. Shihab-3 missiles can
reach Israeli targets. Indeed, Ali Shamkhani, Minister of Defense, warned in
2004 that preemption is not a monopoly of Israel and threatened that Iran
Peter Enav, “Israel May Not Be Able to Destroy Nukes,” Guardian (28 September 2004).
Cited in David E. Sanger, “The U.S. vs. a Nuclear Iran,” New York Times (12 December 2004).
Joseph Cirincione, “Bombs Won’t Solve Iran,” Washington Post (11 May 2005).
318 Bahgat
foreign countries.
In closing, two conclusions can be drawn from analyzing the nuclear issue
between Tehran and Tel Aviv. First, despite the fiery statement that Israel
“should be wiped off the map,” there is no reason to believe that officials in
Tehran are seeking nuclear weapons to attack the Jewish state either to protect
national interests or on behalf of the Palestinians. Still, Iran, like other Arab
countries, complains about Israel’s nuclear monopoly and will continue calling
for a Middle East nuclear weapons free zone. Second, Israel is likely to do every-
thing it can to maintain its nuclear monopoly in the Middle East and to prevent its
rivals from acquiring nuclear weapons. The course of action Israel might take is
likely to be coordinated with (or at least to take into consideration) the U.S.
efforts to contain Iran’s nuclear aspirations.
Developments in the broad Middle East since the early 2000s suggest that
Iran’s national security is not under serious threat from any regional power.
The rival regimes in Kabul and Baghdad had been toppled by U.S.-led inter-
national coalitions and Tehran has improved relations with its Arab neighbors
on the other side of the Gulf and with Turkey. Hostility toward Israel, as has
been discussed, is driven by ideological considerations and is not likely to
evolve into a military confrontation. These reduced threats from regional
adversaries, however, are countered by an increased threat from the world’s
only superpower—the United States.
The very close relations Iran had with the United States came to an abrupt end
in 1979 with the toppling of the Pahlavi regime and the establishment of the
Islamic Republic. Diplomatic relations were severed shortly after U.S. diplomats
were held hostage in November 1979. Since then, the United States has imposed
economic and diplomatic sanctions on Iran. For almost three decades, relations
between Washington and Tehran have been characterized by mutual hostility
and suspicion. The few signs of accommodation in the last few months under
the Clinton administration proved short-lived and relations have further
deteriorated since the early 2000s. In his State of the Union speech in 2002,
President Bush dubbed Iran a member in an international axis of evil, along
with Iraq and North Korea.
Since the early 2000s, U.S. officials have repeatedly threatened to strike Iran’s
nuclear sites and to adopt a strategy of regime change in Tehran. These threats
have gained credibility with the deployment of American troops in Afghanistan,
Iraq, and other countries surrounding Iran. This heavy American military
presence has strengthened the perception in Tehran of possible intimidation of
blackmail by the United States. Several factors shape the Iranian perception,
Radio Farda, “Iranian Defense Minister Warns US and Israel of Preemptive Strikes,”
(19 August 2004), online at
Nuclear Proliferation: The Islamic Republic of Iran 319
and the course of action the United States is likely to take with regard to Iran’s
nuclear ambition.
First, the 2003 war in Iraq initially sent a strong message that the United
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Judith S. Yaphe and Charles D. Lutes, Reassessing the Implications of a Nuclear-Armed Iran
(Washington, D.C., 2005), 38.
British Petroleum, BP Statistical Review of World Energy (London, 2005), 4, 20.
Economic growth in Asia, particularly in China, is a major reason for the rise in global demand
for oil.
Neil King, JR and Farnaz Fassihi, “Iran Holds Big Bargaining Chips in Dispute,” Wall Street
Journal (18 August 2005).
320 Bahgat
caveats should be taken into consideration: (A) It will take some time to
find out if this accord is a success or a failure; and (B) There are some
fundamental differences between the North Korean case and the Iranian one.
(Pyongyang admitted making nuclear weapons and withdrew from the NPT.
Tehran has not.) Still, the style (multilateral diplomacy) and substance (security
guarantees and economic aid) can serve as a guide to address Iran’s nuclear
Fourth, U.S. policy on Iran’s nuclear program is hindered by a lack of adequate
and credible intelligence. The Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the
United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction has acknowledged that
“U.S. intelligence about Iran has considerable limitations.”43 This is particularly
important, following the questionable intelligence that was used to justify the
decision to go to war against Iraq in 2003.
Fifth, U.S. decades-long confrontational policy with Iran has left it with few
options. In December 2004, President Bush uncharacteristically admitted the
limits of American power. The President said, “We’re relying upon others,
because we’ve sanctioned ourselves out of influence with Iran.”44 This statement
suggests two essential characteristics of a U.S. strategy on Iran’s nuclear
ambition: a multilateral diplomacy that involves European powers, Russia, and
China; and a combination of carrots and sticks. Such a diplomatic approach
can succeed. As Richard Haass argues, “diplomacy must be shown to have
failed before there is any chance of garnering support for other policies. All
other options are so unattractive.”45
To sum up, launching a nuclear attack on the United States or American troops
in the Gulf region does not seem to be a drive for Iran’s nuclear program. Rather,
deterring a U.S. intervention in Iran’s policy and ensuring the survival of the
Islamic regime seem more realistic motives. Ironically, if the Iranian strategy is
to acquire nuclear weapons capability to deter the United States, these same
weapons may invite an American attack and endanger the survival of the
regime and the stability of the entire Middle East. In order to address Iran’s
nuclear ambition, the country’s security concerns should be addressed as well
as those of other regional powers. Global powers including the United States,
European Union, Russia, and China can provide security guarantees (similar to
those offered to North Korea).
Joseph Kahn, “North Korea Says It Will Drop Nuclear Efforts for Aid Program,” New York
Times (19 September 2005).
Paul Kerr, “Iran Nuclear Abilities Limited,” Arms Control Today 35 (2005): 10 – 14.
Elaine Sciolino, “United States and Europe Differ Over Strategy on Iran,” New York Times
(29 January 2005).
Richard R. Haass, “Regime Change and Its Limits,” Foreign Affairs 84 (2005): 66 – 78.
Nuclear Proliferation: The Islamic Republic of Iran 321
Besides the perception of threats to regime survival and the territorial integrity of
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the state, Iran’s nuclear ambition is shaped by domestic economic and political
dynamics. An assessment of these dynamics should take into consideration two
propositions: (A) An open economic and political system is likely to be more
receptive to and abide by the norms and rules of the global non-proliferation
regime than an isolated and authoritarian one; and (B) the evolution of the
Iranian system should not be seen as a straight movement toward reform and
liberalization. There have been, and there will always be, numerous setbacks.
However, despite the conservatives’ dominance of almost all centers of power
in the mid-2000s, Iran looks “less revolutionary” than it was in the early 1980s.
Iranian policy is driven less by rigid ideological parameters and more by vigorous
national interests.
Since the early 2000s, some characteristics of Iran’s economic and political
system can be identified. First, despite almost three decades of American eco-
nomic sanctions, Iran is not isolated. Shortly after the end of the war with
Iraq, Iran started improving economic and diplomatic relations with most of
the world under former President Rafsanjani. This trend gained momentum
under his successor, President Khatemi. Despite the growing and dominant
role of the conservatives, Tehran is likely to maintain its ties with the Arab
world, Asian powers, Europe, and Russia. Second, Iran’s economy suffers
from structural imbalances with high rates of inflation and unemployment and
heavy subsidies to basic commodities. Efforts to diversify the economy have
not succeeded and the country still is heavily dependent on oil revenues and
vulnerable to the fluctuation of oil prices. Despite these shortcomings, there
have been efforts to reform the economic system and privatize public enterprises.
An important step in this direction is the application to join the World Trade
Organization (WTO). For several years, the United States had blocked Iran’s
application to join the WTO. In March 2005, in the midst of crucial negotiations
between European countries and Iran, the Bush administration decided to lift its
opposition in order to bolster European diplomatic efforts. WTO membership
talks normally last for several years. For these talks to succeed, Iran will have
to change its domestic laws and procedures to comply with WTO rules.
Third, like other oil-producing countries, in response to high oil prices, Iran
has enjoyed substantial increase in revenues. Thus, international debt has
decreased and public spending has increased and the overall economic perform-
ance has improved. These improved economic conditions have enabled the
government to keep the populace’s dissatisfaction and political dissent manage-
able. Fourth, like many developing countries, Iran’s population is largely
young and politically mobilized. These young men and women have been an
important force in the push for economic reform and political liberalization.
Fifth, Iran’s political system is more complicated than most other Middle
Eastern states like Iraq under Hussein, Libya under Qadhafi, or Egypt under
322 Bahgat
Mubarak. True, under the velayat-e faqih (rule of the jurisprudent), the Supreme
Leader Ayatollah Khameni had the final word on all important issues, but it is
also true that the system was designed to ensure a level of checks-and-balances
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between different institutions. These include the presidency, the Majlis (parlia-
ment), the Guardian Council, the Expediency Council, the Revolutionary
Guards, the judiciary, and others. Since 1979, Iran has held freer elections and
has had freer press and freer parliamentary debates than most of its Arab neigh-
bors. This is not to suggest that Iran is a full-fledged democracy; indeed, Iran still
has a long way to go. But the political system demonstrates promising signs to
move in this direction.
Sixth, the election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in 2005 signaled the
consolidation of the conservatives’ control on almost all centers of power. The
moderates have lost control in almost all important political institutions. But
the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khameni has since moved to restore some political
equilibrium to the system by giving “sweeping new oversight powers”46 to
defeated presidential candidate and head of the Expediency Council Ali Akbar
Hashemi Rafsanjani (considered a pragmatic conservative or moderate).
Seventh, although signs of popular alienation and resentment have periodically
appeared, the Islamic Republic does not seem on the verge of a revolution. There
is no well-organized opposition or mass movement against the ruling elite. Fur-
thermore, some analysts argue that the bloodshed and chaos in neighboring Iraq
have shown the Iranians “how much worse things could be and have led people
to hope somehow for incremental peaceful change.”47 Thus, Clifford Kupchan
concludes that the Iranians want “evolutionary change not revolution.”48
To sum up, this brief discussion of economic and political developments in
Iran suggests that there are no signs of revolt against the Islamic regime.
However, significant changes championed by young Iranians are pushing the
state toward more integration in the global system. These efforts have not
always been successful. Still, the change is emerging from within Iran and will
continue on its own terms. Foreign powers should resist the temptation to
directly intervene and seek to direct this change. Such intervention will only
encourage “doubt and prevarication by a nationalistic society.”49
National Pride
For many years, Iran’s religious/political establishment has been divided between
several factions, usually grouped into two camps—moderate and conservative.
Angus McDowall, “Iran, Rich, Armed and Angry, How Dangerous Is It to the World?”
Independent (30 October 2005).
George Perkovich, Changing Iran’s Nuclear Interests (Washington, D.C., 2005), 6.
Clifford Kupchan, “Iranian Beliefs and Realities,” National Interest 81 (2005): 106 – 110.
Ali M. Ansari, “Continuous Regime Change from Within,” Washington Quarterly 26 (2003):
53 – 67.
Nuclear Proliferation: The Islamic Republic of Iran 323
On almost all domestic and foreign policy issues, Iran spoke with more than one
voice. Nuclear power, however, is one of the few exceptions. The right to
develop nuclear power is a matter of national pride, where the population is
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International Herald Tribune, “Iran to Look at EU Offer on Uranium Enrichment,” (23 October
In November 2005, Gholamreza Aghazadeh, the head of Iran’s nuclear agency, was asked if
Tehran would agree to enriching uranium abroad; he replied, “Iran’s nuclear fuel will be produced
inside Iran.” “Iran Rules Out Uranium Enrichment Proposal,” Associated Press (12 November
Article IV states, “Nothing in this Treaty shall be interpreted as affecting the inalienable right
of all the parties of the Treaty to develop research, production and use of nuclear energy for peace-
ful purposes without discrimination.”
“G8 Seeks Unity on Iran Nuclear Stand-off,” Financial Times (18 September 2005).
324 Bahgat
major oil and gas producers such as Canada and Russia rely heavily on nuclear
energy to generate electricity and for other peaceful purposes. Furthermore,
burning more fossil fuels would further increase pollution and create severe
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in the nuclear field.”60 Several strategic and commercial factors have shaped
Moscow’s nuclear policy toward Iran. First, Iran provides a major export oppor-
tunity to Russia’s nuclear industry, in particular, and military hardware, in
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general. Western ban on selling weapons to Iran means that Tehran has few
options to meet its security needs. Thus, since the early 1990s, Iran has become
a major importer of Russian arms. In addition, Russian companies have provided
Iran with nuclear materials, equipment, and training. The Bushehr reactor is a
good illustration of nuclear cooperation between the two nations.
Second, since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Moscow has established close
relations with Western powers (the United States and Europe). A close Russian
association and involvement in Iran’s nuclear program would endanger its ties
with the West. Indeed, several Russian companies had been penalized by the
United States for providing assistance to Iran’s nuclear program. Third,
Russian officials view Iran as a strategic partner in the Persian Gulf and Central
Asia that can be useful in countering growing American presence and influence
in these two regions. Fourth, Russian and Iranian interests do not always con-
verge. The two nations are major oil and natural gas producers with potential
commercial competition. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Moscow and
Tehran have failed to agree on the legal status of the Caspian Sea and have
advocated different pipeline routes to carry the Caspian’s hydrocarbon resources
to global markets. Fifth, given the concern about militant Islam within Russia,
Moscow sees close ties with Iran as a “kind of insurance policy that can
protect against unhelpful Iranian influence on Russia’s Muslim communities.”61
Sixth, Russia is concerned about the proliferation of WMD close to its
borders. An Iran with nuclear weapons capability is not likely to serve Russia’s
security policy.
To sum up, these strategic and commercial considerations provide Moscow
with both opportunities and challenges in forging its relations with Iran.
Despite close cooperation with Tehran, Moscow is likely to value its broader
ties with Western powers more. There are limits on nuclear cooperation
between Russia and Iran. Moscow is likely to continue its support for nuclear
technology for peaceful purposes and oppose a nuclear weapons capability.
Moscow is also likely to maintain its opposition to the use of military force
against Iran’s nuclear installations.
The IAEA has taken a leading role in verifying Iran’s adherence to its commit-
ment under the NPT. A major dilemma facing the entire nonproliferation regime
is the uncertainty regarding crossing the threshold from using nuclear power for
peaceful purposes to military applications. When the NPT was created, the
framers considered “peaceful purposes” of nuclear energy to be separate from
Vladimir A. Orlov and Alexander Vinnikov, “The Great Guessing Game: Russia and the
Iranian Nuclear Issue,” Washington Quarterly 28 (2005): 49 – 66.
Robert J. Einhorn and Gary Samore, “Ending Russian Assistance to Iran’s Nuclear Bomb,”
Survival 44 (2002): 51 –70.
Nuclear Proliferation: The Islamic Republic of Iran 327
“military uses.” But the line between the two applications has been increasingly
blurred as the experiences in Iran and other countries demonstrate. International
efforts to regulate the accession of nuclear fuel by international organizations
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such as the IAEA or by nuclear states have not succeeded. The Iranian case
demonstrates the urgent need to reach a consensus that would guarantee states’
right to acquire nuclear material and technology and at the same time ensure
the international community that these materials will not be used to make
weapons. The NPT needs to be re-negotiated to reach a balance between these
demands. Finally, it is worth emphasizing that the IAEA has never publicly
accused Iran of hiding a weapon program. A “smoking gun” has yet to be found.
In 2005, it was reported that the United States’ intelligence apparatus concluded
that Iran is as long as ten years away from making the key ingredient for nuclear
weapons.62 This assessment means that the international community has some
time to reach a satisfactory compromise with Iran that would ensure that its
nuclear program would not cross the threshold from peaceful purposes to
nuclear weapons. Such a compromise should underscore the following para-
meters. First, a military strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities would be extremely
expensive in both human and material costs and is not likely to succeed.
Instead, the international community (the United States, EU, Russia, and
China) has to present Iran with a combination of incentives and disincentives
to reach an agreement that would alleviate suspicion of its nuclear program.
Second, a fundamental principle of such an agreement would be security guar-
antees to the survival of the Iranian regime and the territorial integrity of the
states. As Richard Haass suggests, “using indirect tools to bring about regime
evolution, instead of change, might well work.”63 Third, the preferred (and
hardest) approach to address the question of Iran’s nuclear ambition is “within
the context of a regional security framework.”64 The underlying reason for
Iran’s nuclear ambition is the perceived threat from regional powers and the
United States. These security concerns need to be alleviated.
Peter Baker and Dafna Linzer, “US Policy on ‘Axis of Evil’ Suffers Spate of Setbacks,”
Washington Post (17 August 2005).
Richard N. Haass, “Regime Change and Its Limits,” Foreign Affairs 48 (2005): 66 –78.
Geoffrey Kemp, “Iran: Can the US Do a Deal?” Washington Quarterly 24 (2001): 109 – 124.