Golap 2014 PDF
Golap 2014 PDF
Golap 2014 PDF
The Sun is a very powerful, clean and convenient source of
power, particularly for human being. Solar Power is totally
free from any kinds of emissions, including carbon dioxide.
According to an increasing world-wide energy demand in the
21st century and of a need for a clean energy source, humanity
desperately needs assured, reliable, 24/7, economical energy
sources and for that purpose Solar Power Satellite (SPS)
concept has been explored by scientists and engineers. Space
based solar power can provide a clean inexhaustible
alternative energy of our universe. Widely acknowledged as
physically feasible but economically inconsistent, interest in
SPS has arised in recent years as a pursuance of rising media
attention ensuing from government and non-governmental
Figure 1. Block diagram of proposed space based solar power system, consisting of solar power satellite and ground parts
C. Current matching
The fabrication of monolithically-grown multi-junction solar
cells makes matching of currrents a desirable characteristic
[14]. As the layers are in the series
the currents through each
of the subcells are imposed to have the same value. The
current is directly proportionnal to the number of incident
photons exceeding the semicconductors bandgap, and the
absorption constant of the maaterial. A layer must be made
thinner if the photons that exceed the bandgap are in
abundance. At the same time,, a layer with a low absorption
constant must be fabricated thhicker, as on average a photon
need to pass through more of the material before being
A. Antennas for Microwave Power Transm
All kinds of antennas as for example, dipoles [25], Yagi-Uda
antenna, microstrip antenna, parabolic anteenna [26], phased
array antenna can be applied for both the MPT system and
communication system. For the fixed tarrget of the MPT
system, we can select a large parabolic antennna. However, we
have to use a phased array antenna for the MPT because we
have to control a microwave beam directtion precisely and
quickly. All SPS is designed with the phased array antenna
The phased array is a directive antenna whicch generate a beam
form whose shape and direction by the reelative phases and
amplitudes of the waves at the individual antenna elements.
However, it is quite possible to manage thhe direction of the
microwave beam. Phased array antenna was adopted to
manage the direction of the microwave beaam in some MPT
experiments in Japan (figure-4).
B. Magnetron
Employed technology for the production of microwave
radiation is a highly significant subject foor the Microwave
Power Transmission system. Highly efficientt generator as well
as an amplifier is needed for the MPT systeem rather than the
normal wireless communication system.. Magnetron[28],
which is a crossed field tube. In the magnnetron forces
electrons emitted from the cathode to take cyclonical path to
the anode. Magnetron is also known as thhe self-oscillatory
device where the anode contains a resonannt RF structure. It
was W. C. Brown who invented a voltage coontrolled oscillator
(VCO) with a cooker-type magnetron in a phase
locked loop
[29]. He could control and stabilize a phaase of microwave
emitted from cooker-type magnetron. Att present, several
research groups attempt and succeed to develop new
magnetron system through which we can coontrol and stabilize
a phase of microwave emitted from cookeer-type magnetron
[30]-[32]. A phase and amplitude conttrolled magnetron
(PACM) has been developed at Kyoto Univversity, Japan [33].
They were succeeded to control beam direcctions and phased
arrays with phase controlled magnetrons opeerated in 2.45 GHz
and 5.8 GHz (Figure-5).
D. Rectenna System
The word rectenna stands for rectifyying circuit and
antenna. It was invented by W. C. Brow
wn in 1960s [37].
The rectenna[38] can receive and rectify a microwave power
to DC. The receiving aperture in sppace based solar
power(SBSP) systems using microwave pow
wer transfer will be
an extremely large array of rectifying anteennas (rectennas).
Figure 7 is a schematic view of a rectenna. The
T incident wave
is received by the antenna and coupled to thee rectifying circuit.
In this case, the rectifying circuit is indicatedd as a single diode.
The selection of the proper rectifying circuiit is usually based
on the incident power density and operationaal frequency range.
The output of the rectifying circuit passes thhrough a low pass
filter (LPF). The LPF is present to restrict anny RF energy from
flowing into the power management circuuit. The controller
circuitry enables the energy storage and thhe delivery of the
output DC energy [39]. The average RF
F power over the
operational frequency range of the rectenna at a given instant
wer received by the
in time is given by equation (1). The RF pow
antenna is a function of the incident poower density (S),
effective area of the antenna (
), inciidence angle, and
PRF(t) =
f high f low
S(,, f , t ) Aeff
e (,, f ) d df