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Bioprocessing & Microbial Technology

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Fermentation and Bioprocess


Sub Code Title

Theory Subjects

Marks Marks



Upstream Process








Biopharmaceuticals and
Facility Engineering




















--- --Laboratory











Regulatory Affairs

Upstream Laboratory
Downstream processing

L-Lecture T-Tutorials P-Practical CIE-Continuous Internal Evaluation

Upstream Process
Contact Hours /Week
Total Lecture Hours
Total Tutorial Hours
Sub. Code

: 4 Hrs.

CIE Marks
SEE Marks

: 50
: 50

Module I 7 hrs
Introduction to bioprocess & fermentation technology: Interaction between chemical
engineering, Microbiology and Biochemistry. History of fermentation. Introduction to
fermentation processes, Microbial culture, Screening and selection for fermentation
processes; Preservation and improvement of industrially important microorganisms,
Inoculum production for bacterial and fungal processes. Strain development by
mutagenesis, protoplast fusion and transformation of cloned genes.
Module II - 7 hrs
Raw material and media formulation for fermentation process: Fermentation mediaNatural media, synthetic media sources of Carbon, Nitrogen and vitamins, formulations,
antifoams and optimization. Microbial growth kinetics: Microbial growth cycle,
measurement of growth, Batch culture, continuous culture, fed-batch culture, applications
and examples, scale up of fermentation processes. Sterilization of media, Solid Substrate
Fermentation; Process parameters and measurement techniques: measurement of
temperature, pressure and pH, DO, foam etc.; flow rate of liquid and gases; Automation
(processes computerization).
Module III - 8 hrs
Fermentors: Design of a Fermentor: Functions, construction, and maintenance of aseptic
conditions. Control of various parameters: temperature control; Aeration and agitation
system (Non-newdonian fermentations), baffles; types of fermentors, computer
applications in fermentation technology. Sterilization of fermentor, aseptic inoculation
and sampling methods, Specialized bioreactors: tubular bioreactors, membrane
bioreactors, tower bioreactors, fluidized bed bioreactors, Immobilized system and packed
bed reactors and Photobioreactor.
Module IV - 9 hrs
Microbial fermentation: Industrial fermentation, fermentation growth kinetics,
sterilization of Fermentor and validation issues, media for industrial fermentation,
inoculum development for industrial fermentation, aseptic operation of industrial
Fermentor, validation of Fermentor, fermentation process control for the production of
commercially important compounds, aeration and agitation, maintenance and calibration
of sensors used in fermentation, scale up of fermentation process, scale down methods for

fermentation, good manufacturing practices, recombinant protein production, regulatory

aspects of products produced by recombinant DNA technology, CIP of bioreactors.
High cell density fermentation process for recombinant products; Metabolic engineering,
Kinetics; Modeling; Rheology, mass and heat transfer, STR, Airlift Bioreactors; Fed
batch and continuous cultures; Immobilized system and packed bioreactors; Solid state
Module V - 9 hrs
Animal cell culture: Cell culture practices, biology of the cultured cell, nutritional
requirement of cultured cell, cell growth and propagation, mass culture technology,
prevention and eradication of contamination, cell banking, hybridoma technology,
genetic engineering, stem cells. Animal Cell cultures-Bioprocess development;
PAT( Process Analytical Technologies) for Control of large scale Cell culture ,
Expression of recombinant proteins in animal cell culture systems, Insect cell-based
Cell synchronization; Cell cloning and micromanipulation; Cell transformation;
Application of animal cell culture; Scaling-up of animal cell culture.
cell banking - Stem cell cultures, embryonic stem cells and their applications; Cell
culture based vaccines, Somatic cell genetics.
Organ and histotypic cultures; Measurement of cell death; Apoptosis
Retroviral vector method, DNA microinjection method and engineered embryonic stem cell
method. Cloning by nuclear transfer. Yeast artificial chromosome transgenesis.
Cryopreservation and transport of animal germplasm (i.e. semen, ovum and embryos).
1. Biopharmaceuticals Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2nd Edition, by Gary
Walsh, John Wiley, 1994.
2. Biopharmaceuticals, An industrial Perspective by Gary Walsh and Brendan
Murphy, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998.
3. Industrial Microbiology: An Introduction, Michael J. Wates, Neil L. Morgan,
John S. Rocky, Garg Higton, Blackwell Science, 2001.
4. Modern Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology by Nduka Okafor, Science
Publishers, 2007.
5. Industrial Pharmaceutical Biotechnology by Heinrich Klefenz, Wiley-VCH
Verlag GmbH, 2002.

Biopharmaceuticals and Facility Engineering:

Contact Hours /Week
Total Lecture Hours
Total Tutorial Hours
Sub. Code

: 4 Hrs.
: 40

CIE Marks
SEE Marks

: 50
: 50

Module I 9 hrs
Biopharmaceuticals: Introduction to Biopharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical
biotechnology, History of the pharmaceutical industry, the age of biopharmaceuticals,
Biopharmaceuticals: current status and future prospects, Traditional pharmaceuticals of
biological origin - Pharmaceuticals of animal origin, Pharmaceutical substances of plant
origin, and Pharmaceutical substances of microbial origin.
Biosimilars - Introduction, current status and future (Growth hormones, Interferon, MAbs,
EPO, Insulin, Interleukins, Colony Stimulating factors etc.); Fermentation process
development for Small molecules primary and secondary Metabolites (Organic acids,
solvents, antibiotics, enzymes, polysaccharides, lipids, Pigments and aroma, steroids;
subtilisin,chymosin,vitB12,hepatitis B vaccine, erythropoietin.
Sources of biopharmaceuticals: E. coli as a source of recombinant, therapeutic proteins,
Additional production systems: yeasts, fungal production systems, Host-Vector
Interactions in Escherichia coli, Parameters Influencing the Productivity of Recombinant
E. coli Cultivations. Production of pharmaceuticals by genetically engineered cells
(hormones, interferon). Microbial transformation for production of important
pharmaceuticals (steroids and semi-synthetic antibiotics). Techniques for development of
new generation antibiotics.
Module II - 8 hrs
Cleanroom - What is a Cleanroom? , The Need for Cleanrooms, Types of Cleanrooms,
What is Cleanroom Technology? The History of Cleanrooms.
Basis of Cleanroom Standards, Federal Standard 209, Pharmaceutical Cleanroom
Classification - EU Guide to Good Manufacturing Practice, Guideline on Sterile drug
Information Sources - The International Confederation of contamination Control
Societies (ICCCS) International Cleanroom Standards- IS0 standards, Federal Standard
209E, Pharmaceutical standards. Recommended Practices and Guides of the Institute of
Environmental Sciences and Technology (IEST), Sources of Pharmaceutical Cleanroom
Documents, International Cleanroom Forum.

Module III - 8 hrs

The Design of Turbulently Ventilated and Ancillary Cleanrooms - Turbulently Ventilated
Cleanrooms - Air supply, High efficiency air filters, Air movement within a turbulently
ventilated Cleanroom, Room pressurization and air movement control between rooms,
Construction materials and finishes. Ancillary Clean Rooms Clothing change area,
Material transfer area, Containment Rooms.
Design of Unidirectional Cleanrooms and Clean Air Devices - Unidirectional
Cleanrooms Vertical flow unidirectional Cleanrooms, Horizontal flow unidirectional
flow rooms, Clean Air Devices-Unidirectional air devices, Isolators and
High Efficiency Air Filtration - Air Filters Used in Cleanrooms, the Construction of High
Efficiency Filters, Particle Removal Mechanisms, Testing of High Efficiency Filters
Cleanroom Testing and monitoring principles of class room testing, clean room tests.
Module IV - 7 hrs
Measurement of Air Quantities and Pressure Differences - Air Quantities - Measuring air
quantities from within a Cleanroom, Differential Pressure Tests - Apparatus for
measuring pressure difference, Methods of checking pressure differences.
Air Movement Control Between and Within Cleanrooms - Cleanroom Containment Leak
Testing Methods of checking infiltration, Air Movement Control within a Cleanroom.
Filter Installation Leak Testing - The Use of Aerosol Test Challenges, Artificial Smoke
and Particle Test Challenges Cold generated oils, hot generated smokes, polystyrene
latex spheres, Apparatus for Measuring Smokes - Photometer, Single particle counters,
Methods of Testing -Filters and Filter Housings.
Module V- 8 hrs
Airborne Particle Counts - Airborne Particle Counters, Continuous Monitoring Apparatus
for Airborne Particles, Particle Counting in Different Occupancy States, Measurement of
Particle Concentrations (IS0 14644- 1) - Sample locations and number, Airborne
sampling volume, Acceptance criteria,
Microbial Counts - Microbial Sampling of the Air - Impaction onto agar, Microbial
Deposition onto Surfaces - Settle plate sampling, Calculation of the likely airborne
contamination, Microbial Surface Sampling Contact surface sampling, Swabbing,
Personnel sampling
Operating a Cleanroom: Contamination Control - Identification of Sources and Routes of
Contamination - Sources of contamination, Airborne and contact routes of transfer,
Construction of a risk diagram, Assessment of the Importance of Hazards, Identification
of Methods to Control Hazards, Sampling Methods to Monitor Hazards and Control
Methods, Establishing a Monitoring Schedule with Alert and Action Levels, Verification
and Reappraisal of the System, Documentation, Staff Training
Cleanroom Disciplines - People Allowed into Cleanrooms, Personal Items Not Allowed
into the Cleanroom, Discipline within the classroom. Entry and Exit of Personnel - Prior
to Arriving at the Cleanroom, Changing into Cleanroom Garments - Approaching the

pre-change zone, Pre-change zone, Changing zone, Cleanroom entrance zone, Exit
Changing Procedures
Cleanroom Clothing Sources and Routes if Inert Particle Dispersion, Routes and
Sources of Microbial Dispersion, Types of Cleanroom clothing, Cleanroom Masks and
Gloves, Cleaning a Cleanroom

1. Clean Room Technology Fundamentals of Design, Testing and Operation by W
Whyte, John Wiley & Sons, 2001.
2. Bioprocess Engineering: Systems, Equipments and Facilities by Linderson,
DElia, Nelson, John Wiley 1994.
3. Bioprocess Engineering: Basic Concepts, 2nd Edition by Michael L.Shuler and
Fikret Cargy, Prentice Hall, 2002.
4. Bioprocess Engineering Principles by Pauline M Doran. Academic Press, 1995.
5. Fermentation and Biochemical Engineering Handbook Principles, Process
Design and Equipments, Henry C. Vogel and Celeste L. Todaro, Noyes
Publication, 1997.

Regulatory Affairs
Contact Hours /Week
Total Lecture Hours
Total Tutorial Hours
Sub. Code

: 4 Hrs.

CIE Marks
SEE Marks

: 50
: 50

Module I - 7 hrs
Quality life cycle- Introduction; Research and development (Pre-clinical studies, Clinical
studies); Good laboratory practice (GLP) -GLP in Europe, GLP in the UK, GLP in the
USA; Good clinical practice (GCP) - GCP in the USA, GCP in Europe, ICH guidelines
on GCP, Manufacture of clinical trials material; Drug registration in the European Union
Drug registration in the USA; Unlicensed medicines; Good manufacturing practice
(GMP); Good distribution practice (GDP).
Module II 8 hrs
Quality assurance and control Introduction; Relationship between quality
management, QA, GMP and QC; Definition of quality management; Definition of quality
assurance; Definition of quality control; Responsibilities of QA QA requirements in EU,
PIC/S, WHO and FDA; Responsibilities of QC.
Quality systems: ISO 9000 series; ISO 14000 series; Use of the quality systems approach
within the pharmaceutical industry (Quality systems inspection technique (QSIT), Drug
manufacturing inspections.
Good manufacturing practice - Definition of GMP; Different versions of GMP (UK,
European Union, USA, Australia , WHO ,Arab World ); Comparison of different GMP
guidelines; Responsibilities under GMP; Rules versus guidelines; Application of GMP
(Quality management, Personnel, Premises and equipment, Documentation , Production,
Contract manufacture and analysis, Complaints and recalls, Self-inspection).
Good distribution practice - Principles of GDP; Quality system; Personnel;
Documentation; Premises and equipment;
Deliveries to customers; Returns; Self-inspections; Provision of information to Member
States; The role of the responsible person (Statutory basis, Eligibility and duties of the
responsible person, The responsible person and the management representative).

Module III - 9 hrs

Calibration - Objectives of calibration; Calibration programme; Different types of
standards; Different types of calibration equipment ; Maintenance of calibration
equipment ; Categorization of instrumentation (Critical instruments , Major instruments,
Reference instruments) ; Purchase of new instruments ; Review of calibration
programme; Training of calibration technicians.
Inspections and Auditing - Types of inspections( Internal inspections, External
inspections, Suppliers Approaches to inspections) ; Mutual recognition of inspections
(PIC/S , PIC/S, EMEA ,ICH), WHO certification scheme; Guidance on participating in
inspections; GMP certification in the developing world.

Module IV - 8 hrs
Pharmaceutical microbiology - Overview of micro-organisms ; The microbiology of raw
materials; Non-sterile products; Sterile products ( Small volume potentials, Large volume
potentials, Ointments and creams, Eye drops, Medical devices); Sterile
Manufacturing(Area classification, Terminally sterilized products, Aseptic manufacturing,
Mixed manufacturing); Risks of contamination and their control (Personnel, Premises,
Equipment, Operation of the facility, Cleaning and sanitation); Validation and
environmental monitoring (Monitoring of the air, Monitoring of surfaces, Monitoring of
personnel, Media trials); Sterilization ( Sterilization by heat, Irradiation, Ethylene oxide
sterilization, Filtration, Validation and monitoring of sterilization cycles).
Module V- 8hrs
Quality improvement Programmes - Elements of TQM, TQM and the pharmaceutical
industry, Definition; Prerequisites for successful quality improvement Programmes
(Management support, Management commitment, Team working, Asking the right
question, Breaking out of the silos, Acceptance of change, User driven)
Quality tools and techniques - Tools for identification of problems; Tools for the analysis
of problems; Benchmarking; Using the tools and techniques (Type of quality teams,
Team working the problem-solving approach, Team working the process skills).
1. Biopharmaceuticals Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2nd Edition, by Gary
Walsh, John Wiley, 2003.
2. Pharmaceutical Engineering Series: Quality and Regulatory Compliance by Kate
McCormic, Butterworth and Heinemann, 2002.
3. Biopharmaceuticals, An industrial Perspective by Gary Walsh and Brendan
Murphy, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998.

Bioseparations Techniques/Downstream
Contact Hours /Week
Total Lecture Hours
Total Tutorial Hours
Sub. Code

: 4 Hrs.

CIE Marks
SEE Marks

: 50
: 50

Module I: - 8 hrs
Basic concepts of Bio-separation Technology, Separation characteristics of proteins and
enzymes size, stability, properties; purification methodologies Characteristics of bio
products; Flocculation and conditioning of broth, overview of reaction processes
involved in separation, numerical examples illustrating the process. Mechanical
separation processes; Filtration at constant pressure and at constant rate; empirical
equations for batch and continuous filtration, centrifugal and cross-flow filtration,
Methods for extraction of proteins - Cell distribution methods for intracellular products
Osmotic shock, Homogenization, The Polytron/UItra-Turrax-type homogenizer, under
high pressure, Sonication, Micro-cavitations, Enzyme digestion. Centrifugation: basic
principles, design characteristics; ultracentrifuges; principles and applications.
Module II: - 8 hrs
Membrane based separation processes, Micro-filtration; Reverse osmosis, Nanofiltration,
Ultrafiltration and Affinity ultrafiltration, concentration polarization, rejection, flux
expression, membrane modules, dead-ended and cross-flow mode, material balances and
numerical problems.
Module III: - 8 hrs
Product Resolution/Fractionation - Chromatography: Gel filtration chromatographyeffect of particle size, mobile phase flow rate, hydrostatic pressure, sample preparation,
loading sample, molecular weight determination, spin columns. Equipment required for
low pressure liquid.
Chromatography: Ion-exchange chromatography (IEC), Ion-exchange resins,
Chromatofocusing, Molecular exclusion chromatography (MEC), Determination of MW
by MEC. Hydroxyapatite chromatography,. Affinity chromatography: Immunoaffinity
purification, Immunoaffinity matrices, ligand affinity. Adsorptive chromatographic
separations processes, hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC), RP - HPLC

Module IV : - 8hrs
Analysis of the final product - Protein-based contaminants, Removal of altered forms of
the protein of interest from the product stream, Product potency, Determination of protein
concentration, Detection of protein-based product impurities, High-pressure liquid
chromatography (HPLC), Mass spectrometry, Immunological approaches to detection of
contaminants, Amino acid analysis, Peptide mapping, N-terminal sequencing, Analysis of
secondary and tertiary structure, Endotoxin and other pyrogenic contaminants, Endotoxin
- the molecule, Pyrogen detection, DNA, Microbial and viral contaminants, Viral assays,
Miscellaneous contaminants, Validation studies
Module V: - 8 hrs
Final product formulation, Some influences that can alter the biological activity of
proteins, Proteolytic degradation, Protein deamidation, Oxidation and disulphide
exchange, Alteration of glycoprotein glycosylation patterns Stabilizing excipients used in
final product formulations, Final product fill, Freeze-drying, Labeling and packing.


Bioseparations , Belter PA and Cussler E, Wiley, 1985.

Product Recovery in Bioprocess Technology , BIOTOL Series, VCH, 1990.
Separation processes in Biotechnology , Asenjo J.M,Marcel Dekker Inc,1993.
A guide to protein isolation-Clive Dennison, Klumer, Academic publisher.
Biophysical chemistry part II: Techniques for the study of biological & function by
Cantor & Schimmel
6. Fermentation and Biochemical Engineering Handbook Principles, Process Design
and Equipments, 2nd Edition byHenry C Vogel and Celeste L Todaro, Noyes
Publication, 1997.


Upstream process and Biopharmaceutical Engineering

Contact Hours /Week
Total Lecture Hours
Total Tutorial Hours
Sub. Code

: 16Hrs.
: 160

CIE Marks
SEE Marks

: 50
: 50

1. Preparation of Media and Sterilization 20 hrs

Preparation of Media and Sterilization, Fermentors parts familiarization, Empty and Full
Vessel sterilization, Valve Matrix, Operation of Lab and Pilot fermentors, Development
of inoculum at Lab and Fermentor, Inoculation of fermentors (Seed & Production),
Software familiarization HMI & SCADA, Fermentation monitoring, process design and
optimization of process, Batch and fed batch fermentation, kLa determination, Effect of
aeration and agitation for critical DO level maintenance, Broth harvest, Cleaning and
validation of Fermentor IQ,OQ, P&ID check, pH & Temperature control loop, CIP
2. Shake Flask Fermentation: 10 hrs
(medium/pH/voluime/inoculum percentage)




3. Fermentation studies at 5L lab Fermentor: 10 hrs

Inoculum preparation, Preparation of fermentation medium, Calibration of pH/DO probes,
Set up of Lab fermentor and autoclaving, inoculation of lab fermenter, Dynamic ways of
KLa estimation, Monitoring and maintenance of process condition(Agitation, aeration,
temperature, pH,DO), Sampling and analysis, Harvest and cleaning of lab fermenter.
4. Fermentation studies at 20L Pilot Fermenter: 20 hrs
Setting up of a pilot fermentor, Empty Sterilization in Place(ESIP), Media preparation
and charging, calibration of pH and DO probes, Mechanical seal sterilisation, Full Vessel
Sterilisation(FSIP), Filter sterilisation, Foam control, Setting up aeration and agitation,
Aseptic inoculation, Dynamic ways of KLa estimation, Monitoring and maintenance of
process condition(Agitation, aeration, temperature, pH, DO), Sterile Sampling and
analysis, Monitoring growth and calculation of growth rates, Feed pump calibration Fed
batch nutrient dosing, Broth Harvest , Clining in Place (CIP)


5. Animal Cell Culture - 20 hrs

Good cell culture practices
Aseptic techniques in Biosafety cabinet, Validation of Biosafety cabinet by plate method,
Stanning of cells and examination of cell biology Mon & Polychromatic,
Contamination studies.
6. Cell growth and propagation - 20 hrs
In vitro cell growth behavior, Culture of adherent cells, Microcarriers technology,
Feeding, subculture and propagation of cells from primary cultures to established cell
lines, Cell line characterization, Cell enumeration, Set up of monolayers culture, Subculturing and maintenance of adherent cultures, Seeding suspension culture, Scale up of
adherent cultures using microcarriers, Growth curve establishment and analysis,
Cytotoxicity assay, Metaphase spread of chromosomes.
7. Cell Banking - 20 hrs
Cryo preservation of cultures, thawing of cells and viability assessment.
8. Nutritional requirements of cultured cells -20 hrs
Media preparation and filtration, Effect of serum supplementation on cell proliferation.
9. Animal Cell Culture in Bioreactor 20 hrs
Scale up of suspension cultures in a 5L bioreactor, Set up of fermentor and autoclaving,
Caligration of pH, DO probes, Inoculation of fermentor, Monitoring & maintenance of
process condition (Agitation, Temperature, pH, DO), Sampling and analysis, Harvest and
cleaning of fermentor.


Downstream Laboratory
Contact Hours /Week
Total Lecture Hours
Total Tutorial Hours
Sub. Code

: 16 Hrs.
: 160

CIE Marks
SEE Marks

: 50
: 50

Downstream processing
Centrifugation, Filtration: TFF principles and function, Membrane selection criteria,
Diafiltration, Cleaning and sterilization
Chromatography: Affinity Chromatography, Hydrophobic Interaction, Ion Exchange, Gel
Cleaning-in-Place (CIP), Sterilization-in-Place (SIP), Sterilization by Filtration.
Validation - Autoclave, Hot Air Oven; WFI (conductivity, endotoxin testing); swap test
of vessels.
Electrophoretic techniques, Protein quantification techniques

1. Centrifugation 20hrs
Functions and process optimization for centrifugation processes at variable speed and
flow rate, Continuous centrifugation for cell concentration or cell debris removal,
Cleaning and sterilization of continuous centrifuge, Microbial concentration / separation
analytical method by spectrometry and assay validation
2. Cleaning-In-Place 20 hrs
Familiarization with process vessel, CIP processes, Generation of P& ID and valve
matrix for CIP processes, OQ of process vessel: spray ball coverage test with riboflavin
3. Sterilization-In-Place 25 hrs
SIP processes, Generation of P&I D and valve matrix for SIP processes, SIP PV: Heat
penetration study for ESIP and FSIP using temperature probes / biological / chemical


4. Sterilization by Filtration 20 hrs

Familiarization with filtration system, Generation of P&I D and valve matrix for all
processes, SIP of filtration system and media transfer line, Integrity test of filters
(Bubble point, Diffusion and Water Intrusions tests), Media filtration (maintenance of
Flow rate, Differential for increasing filter service life), CIP of filtration system and
media transfer line
5. Sterilization-Out-of-Place 25 hrs
Familiarization and operation of industrial double door heat sterilizers, Generation of
P&ID and valve matrix for all cycles (Standard, HPHV and liquid), IQ: verification of
designed system vs actual system, OQ: Bowie dick test / Vacuum leak test / thermal
mapping of a sterilizer, PQ: Heat penetration studies for standard, porous and liquid
loads with temperature probes/ biological/ chemical indicator, Evaluation of endotoxin
inactivation after dry heat sterilization with CSE and LAL test
Electrophoretic techniques, Protein quantification
(Polyacrylamide Gel), horizontal and vertical type, methods.



6. Food Processing and Fermentation Technology -50 hrs

To draw layouts of different food industries. (Demo)

To plan normal and therapeutic diets. (Demo).
To study the design of fermenter and its working. . (Demo)
Fermentative production of Organic solvents: - Ethanol/Acetone/ Butanol,
Alcoholic beverages: Beer/ Wine/ Rum/ Gin/ Whisky/ Brandy.
Fermentative production of Amino Acid & Vitamins: L-glutamic
acid/Phenylalanine/ L-lysine. Vitamin B12.
Standardization of milk.
Preparationof dahi/ lassi/ shrikhand/ paneer/chhana/ flavoured milk.
Preparation of Fermented foods- Idly/ Dosa. Yoghurt, Acidophilus Milk/ Butter
Milk/Bulgarian milk.
Food processing principles: chilling/ freezing/ dehydration, control of water
activity, drying of vegetables, Canning of vegetables/fruits.


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