Writing The Proposal For A Qualitative Research Methodology Project
Writing The Proposal For A Qualitative Research Methodology Project
Writing The Proposal For A Qualitative Research Methodology Project
/ July 2003 PROPOSAL
Writing the proposal for a qualitative research methodology study is a double challenge
because of the emergent nature of qualitative research design and because a methodology
study entails describing a process to produce a process. How the authors addressed this challenge is shown in the annotated text of the grant proposalAnalytic Techniques for Qualitative Metasynthesisfunded by the National Institute of Nursing Research. Appealing
qualitative research proposals adhere to principles that engage writers and readers in an
informative and mutually respectful interaction.
Keywords: qualitative research; proposal writing; qualitative metasynthesis
riting the proposal for a qualitative study is a challenge because of the emergent nature of qualitative research design (Sandelowski, Davis, & Harris,
1989). Designing studies by conducting themas opposed to conducting studies by
designproposal writers can only anticipate how their studies will proceed. Qualitative research proposals are thus exercises in imaginative rehearsal. When the proposed study is directed toward developing qualitative methods, the challenge
becomes even greater as such a proposal entails the rehearsal of a process to develop
a process. In a methodology study, process is outcome.
In this article, we reproduce1 and annotate (in italics) the text of a grant proposalAnalytic Techniques for Qualitative Metasynthesis that we submitted
in 1999 to the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR), National Institutes of
Health (NIH). This project received a priority score of 110 (0.6 percentile) and was
funded in June 2000 to run for 5 years. Our annotated comments are intended both
to be instructive and to serve as explanations for why we made certain statements or
placed these statements where we did. Because this proposal was a resubmission,
we then offer suggestions for revising and resubmitting proposals that initially do
not receive scores high enough for funding. We conclude by offering what we think
of as principles for writing effective qualitative proposals.
AUTHORSNOTE: The study featured in this article is supported by Grants NR04907 (6/1/00-2/28/05)
and NR04907S (6/1/03-2/28/05) from the National Institute of Nursing Research, National Institutes of
Health. Please address all correspondence to M. Sandelowski, 7460 Carrington Hall, Chapel Hill, NC
27599, USA.
QUALITATIVE HEALTH RESEARCH, Vol. 13 No. 6, July 2003 781-820
DOI: 10.1177/1049732303255474
2003 Sage Publications
form that is assimilable into the personal modes of knowing . . . valuing (Noblit,
1984, p. 95) and/or doing of potential users, including researchers and practitioners. Although a few laudable efforts have been made to integrate the findings of
qualitative health research (e.g., Jensen & Allen, 1994; Paterson, Thorne, & Dewis,
1998), qualitative metasynthesis as method remains largely undeveloped.
Moreover, calls for more research in a target domain do not necessarily entail
the collection of yet more data but, rather, might require the insightful mining of
data already collected. A new moral consciousness has emerged about inviting persons, already vulnerable by virtue of their health conditions or life circumstances, to
participate in yet more studies to obtain information we already have (e.g., Thorne,
1997). Recruitment of persons into qualitative studies, in particular, cannot be justified by the benefits of such participation alone (e.g., Hutchinson, Wilson, & Wilson,
1994). Qualitative metasynthesis is such a mining project, that is, an important avenue toward the development of knowledge (especially the soft knowledge often
eluding measurement) and an exemplar of clinical scholarship (Diers, 1995) equal
to primary research in its potential to improve health research instrumentation
and health care practices. In the preceding paragraph, we emphasized the significance of
the problem.
Here, we return to the aims and flesh them out with specific objectives. Accordingly,
we propose to develop a systematic, comprehensive, usable, and communicable
research protocol for conducting qualitative metasynthesis projects in any healthrelated field. To accomplish this objective, we will offer solutions to problems that
qualitative metasynthesis raises, including how to (a) define the limits of a synthesis
project, (b) group studies for comparison and combination, (c) evaluate the quality
of studies, (d) determine the true as opposed to surface topical and methodological comparability of studies, (e) choose and apply the analytic techniques most
appropriate for integrating the findings from a particular set of studies, and
(f) select and use the re-presentational form for the metasynthesis product best
suited to different consumers of qualitative research, including researchers and
practitioners. We will also provide a metasynthesis of research findings in the area
of women with and in a second area of research to test the metasynthesis protocol
we develop. The test case will involve research on couples undergoing prenatal
The outcomes of the proposed project will therefore include both a product (the
metasyntheses themselves) and a process (a research protocol to conduct qualitative metasynthesis projects). Our long-term goals are to advance substantive
knowledge in the field of HIV/AIDS and prenatal diagnostic technology and to
advance qualitative methodology. The project will enhance the analytic power of
qualitative research findings so that the understandings of human experience contained in them can serve as a basis for improved research and health care practices.
In this first section of the proposal, we adopted the following logic: immediate aim
significance of aim problem significance of problem aim with objectives outcome
and long-term aim. By the end of this section, reviewers should have been offered what
amounts to an executive summary of the proposed study emphasizing its significance. The
significance of establishing significance cannot be overestimated. A research proposal low in
significance, albeit high in technical perfection, is not likely to be funded.
those studies to situate historically, define for the present, and chart future directions in that domain. In metastudies, the researcher seeks not only to combine the
results of previous studies but also to reflect on them (Zhao, 1991, pp. 377-378). Like
phenomenology, ethnography, and grounded theory, the term qualitative metasynthesis
refers both to an interpretive product and to the analytic processes by which the
findings of studies are aggregated, integrated, summarized, or otherwise put
together (Estabrooks, Field, & Morse, 1994; Jensen & Allen, 1996; Kearney, 1998a;
Noblit & Hare, 1988; Sandelowski, Docherty, & Emden, 1997; Schrieber, Crooks, &
Stern, 1997). Although it can be considered an analogue to meta-analysis (Glass,
McGaw, & Smith, 1981) in that there is a shared interest in synthesizing empirical
studies (Noblit & Hare, 1988, p. 10) and a shared desire to use a systematic, comprehensive, and communicable approach to research integration, qualitative
metasynthesis is not about averaging or reducing findings to a common metric
(Wolf, 1986, p. 33). We again use the device of contrasts to clarify our focus and to differentiate qualitative metasynthesis from other entities reviewers might view (and, in the case of
one of our reviewers, did view) as similar to it. Instead, the aim of qualitative
metasynthesis is to create larger interpretive renderings of all of the studies examined in a target domain that remain faithful to the interpretive rendering in each
particular study. A prime directive for qualitative researchers, no matter what their
method or research purpose, is to preserve the integrity of each sampling unit or
case (Sandelowski, 1996). In qualitative metasynthesis projects, this prime directive
entails preserving the integrity of and the richness of findings in each individual
Yet this prime directive is likely a major reason why few qualitative metasyntheses have been conducted. Indeed, by virtue of their emphasis on case-bound or
idiographic knowledge, qualitative studies seem to resist summing up (Light &
Pillemer, 1984). Efforts to summarize qualitative findings appear to undermine the
function and provenance of cases (Davis, 1991, p. 12) and to sacrifice the vitality,
viscerality, and vicariism of the human experiences re-presented in the original
studies. The very emphasis in qualitative research on the complexities and contradictions of N = 1 experiences (Eisner, 1991, p. 197) seems to preclude adding these
experiences up. Moreover, the sheer diversity of qualitative research practices is
another reason why so few efforts to synthesize qualitative findings have been
attempted. Qualitative researchers have vastly different disciplinary, philosophical,
theoretical, social, political, and ethical commitments, and they often have very different views of how to execute ostensibly the same kind of qualitative research.
Neopositivists and constructivists, feminists and Marxists, and nurses, educators,
and anthropologists conduct grounded theory, phenomenologic, ethnographic,
and narrative studies. Furthermore, given the wide variety of re-presentation styles
for disseminating qualitative research, even finding the findings can be a daunting
challenge. We are showing here that we know that not all qualitative researchers agree that
metasynthesis is warranted, feasible, or congruent with a qualitative attitude.
Yet, qualitative research is endangered by the failure to sum it up. By using the
yet device, we quickly move here to reinstate the need to address the problem of resistance
to qualitative research integration. We show here a yes-but logic, that is, yes, we support the
legitimacy of the arguments of those who might disagree with what we intend, but we also
affirm the need to try. A recurring concern is that qualitative researchers are engaged
in a cottage industry: working in isolation from each other, producing one-shot
research (Estabrooks et al., 1994, p. 510) and, therefore, eternally reinventing the
wheel. Early in the history of grounded theory, Glaser and Strauss (1971) warned
that continued failure to link local grounded theories into formal theories (a type of
qualitative metasynthesis) would relegate the findings of individual studies to little islands of knowledge, separated from each other and doomed ultimately never
to be visited (p. 181). Qualitative metasynthesis is increasingly seen as essential to
reaching higher analytic goals and also to enhancing the generalizability of qualitative research. Schofield (1990) viewed qualitative metasyntheses as cross-case generalizations created from the case-bound generalizations in individual studies. We
wanted reviewers to have a sense of a debate here and what side we were, and had to be, on
to propose this study.
(b) describe accurately what they did do. The dual imperatives to give other scholars their due
and to advance scholarship are somewhat antithetical, as finding something that requires
further researching is the sine qua non of the academic enterprise. These imperatives thus
require a delicate balancing act, as the continuation of this enterprise depends on scholars
finding gaps, errors, or inconsistencies in existing scholarship. Some of these dilemmas
are comparable to those still unresolved in quantitative research integrations, for
example, deciding whether and how to use quality as a criterion for inclusion of
studies in the bibliographic sample, and whether and how to integrate heterogeneous studies (e.g., Cook, Cooper, et al., 1992; Lynn, 1989; Mulrow, Langhorne, &
Grimshaw, 1997). Dilemmas distinctive to qualitative research integrations include
separating data from the interpretation of those data, preserving the integrity of
each study, and avoiding immersion in so much detail that no usable synthesis is
produced. Moreover, qualitative metasynthesis entails resolving persistent dilemmas in qualitative research itself, most notably, the problems of determining what
constitutes a trustworthy study and the influence of method on findings. Because
the proposed project is directed toward developing and explicating means to
resolve these and other dilemmas in conducting and creating qualitative
metasyntheses, we will address them in detail in the section on Research Design and
Methods. Here is where we begin to depart from standard procedure because we are proposing a study of method, and so we alert reviewers to this change. Generally, writers should
avoid presentations in which readers are constantly referred to what was said previously or
what has yet to be said later. Too many references to discussions that took place previously
or that will take place below suggest that writers have not placed material in the right
order in the first place. Writers might thereby be forced to repeat material unnecessarily and
thus to consume space better used for other components of their proposal.
American, 21,937 are Hispanic, and 24,456 are White. The remaining women are in
other ethnic/racial categories, including Native American. The largest numbers of
AIDS cases in women are in the 30- to 39-year-old age group. HIV/AIDS was the
fourth leading cause of death among women in the United States between 25 and 44
and the leading cause of death among African American women in this age group
(CDC, 1999). AIDS disproportionately affects minority women, with women of
color making up approximately 75% of AIDS cases in women in the United States
(Cohen, 1997; Gaskins, 1997; Klirsfeld, 1998; Stein & Hanna, 1997). The typical
woman with HIV is a young, poor, minority woman in her childbearing years
(Russell & Smith, 1998; Sowell et al., 1999).
Since 1993, and as a consequence of the increasing rate of HIV infection in
women, there has been a proliferation of qualitative studies addressing womens
experiences as infected individuals. Prior to 1993, qualitative research that included
women was devoted largely to their roles as mothers of seropositive children or as
vectors of transmission. Even when researchers began to seek information from
women about their experiences with HIV, they combined it with information
obtained from men. (This is why women were not the focus of study in the research
integration of findings on HIV/AIDS described below in the Preliminary Studies
section.) We wanted to ensure that reviewers did not think a metasynthesis of qualitative
studies on HIV-positive women already existed and that we were simply repeating a previous study. Scholars in womens/gender studies and in womens health have shown
the importance of treating gender as a key variable differentiating experience (e.g.,
Fogel & Woods, 1995; Harding, 1991). Indeed, there is evidence that sex/gender is a
critical variable in understanding HIV/AIDS disease. For example, the findings
from a recent study suggest biological differences in HIV viral load between men
and women, with women developing AIDS at a lower viral load (after adjustment
for CD4 count) than men (Farzadegan et al., 1998). Women bear the greater burden
in the areas of reproduction, child care, and other family functions. Seropositive
women must make critical and even agonizing decisions about childbearing, abortion, sterilization, and child care (Arras, 1990; Levine & Dubler, 1990; Sowell et al.,
1999). Their parenting and other family responsibilities often preclude seeking
health care in a timely fashion. Because they are often disempowered in their relationships with male partners, women might find it more difficult to engage in practices to prevent HIV transmission. Heterosexual relations are the most rapidly
increasing mode of transmission of HIV in women, with most women infected in
this way reporting contact with male partners who inject drugs (CDC, 1999; Cohen,
1997). The imbalance of power between women and men often limits womens ability to negotiate condom use (Bedimo, Bennett, Kissinger, & Clark, 1998; Bedimo,
Bessinger, & Kissinger, 1998; Gaskins, 1997; Walmsley, 1998). Increasingly, women
with HIV infection are unaware of their male partners exposure to or risk for HIV
infection (Cohen, 1997; Fowler et al., 1997). Women who are abused are often prevented from practicing safe sex (Gaskins, 1997). Among 2,058 seropositive
women in the Womens Interagency HIV Study (Barkan et al., 1998), 66% reported
abuse by their partners. Violence has also emerged as a key variable in other studies
of women with HIV (e.g., Bedimo, Bennett, et al., 1998; Sowell et al.,1999). Finally,
some investigators have suggested that stigma might be differently and/or more
intensely experienced among HIV-infected women than men (Leenerts, 1998;
Raveis, Siegel, & Gorey, 1998).
Qualitative research findings are now available that contain information not
captured in biomedical and epidemiological studies on such topics as stigma and
disclosure, barriers to health care, symptom management, and alterations in
parenting. Bedimo, Bessinger, and Kissinger (1998) observed that although they
had obtained important facts about womens reproductive decision making from
their chart review, they had failed to learn anything about the meaning of those facts
to women themselves. At a recent meeting of the Society for Medical Anthropology,
researchers reportedly noted how little impact qualitative studies had on AIDS
research and prevention agendas (Swanson et al., 1997, p. 256). The proposed project will address these problems by creating a synthesis of findings from qualitative
research on women with HIV/AIDS that can be used for research and in practice.
What we intended here was to establish the significance of choosing the studies for the
method case, which is comparable to defending the choice of a particular sample.
womens substance abuse recovery, which involved more than 200 women in different cultural, racial, historical, and geographic circumstances. The power (Kearney, 1998a, p. 182) of this sample size and configuration lies in the ability not to draw
statistical inferences but, rather, to draw case-bound generalizations concerning a
target phenomenon across a range of cases. The practical value of this work lies in
making the most of the idiographic knowledge that qualitative research distinctively yields. Knowledge of the particular is critical to offset the frequent failure of
formal generalizations to fit the individual case. The development of valid instruments to measure health conditions and appropriate interventions to improve them
depend on just this kind of knowledge.
Finally, the findings from the proposed project will enhance the applicability of
qualitative findings directly to practice. A key deterrent to the use of qualitative
findings is the persistent notion that findings from qualitative studies cannot be
applied directly in practice without quantitative testing. This idea reprises the false
notion that qualitative research is always incomplete by itself (Morse, 1996). Moreover, it permits the idea of testing to remain appropriated exclusively for quantitative research. Testing is a sociocultural and linguistic concept and practice that does
not belong exclusively to the quantitative domain, as this word has meaning
beyond the mathematized definition it has there. Indeed, qualitative findings are by
definition findings validated against experience. Grounded theory, for example,
isby both definition and purposetheory grounded in and tested against human
experience. There is no more justification for applying tested nomothetic knowledge that often fails, or must be adapted, to fit the individual case than there is for
applying idiographic knowledge directly to a case. All findings, whether quantitatively or qualitatively generated and tested, must ultimately be tested in practice
with individual cases to ensure their pragmatic and ethical validity (Kvale, 1995).
The proposed project will provide a means to further this goal and to offset the current trend toward reducing our understanding of evidence to findings only from
experiments (Colyer & Kamath, 1999; French, 1999). Yet the findings from this project will likely also clarify how qualitative evidence can be used to improve the evidence from experiments, that is, to improve the design sensitivity and validity of
clinical trials (Lipsey, 1990; Sidani & Braden, 1998). In the preceding paragraph, we confronted the thorny issues of validity and generalizability by countering the quantitative
appropriation of the word testing.
In the previous section, we brought home the significance of the likely products of the
proposed study. Again, making the case for the significance of research problems, research
aims, and research outcomes is a defining attribute of a successful proposal. Reviewers are
more likely to forgive technical flaws in design if an excellent case is made for significance in
these three areas.
Preliminary Studies
The proposed project builds on metasynthesis studies the co-principal investigators
have conducted previously. Sandelowski (1995) has published a theoretical synthesis of findings generated from multiple analytic paths pursued in her study of the
transition to parenthood of infertile couples. (A copy of this article is in Appendix A.
Appendix A is not reproduced here.) This work is in the category of metasynthesis projects, characterized by the integration of findings from multiple analytic paths pur-
sued within the synthesists own program of research. The synthesist maintains
direct access to the data generating the findings and can easily answer questions
about the findings and the procedures that produced them. Moreover, the synthesist here does not have to deal with issues related to bibliographic retrieval.
Sandelowski used traditional grounded theory techniques to find a core variable
around which to organize the various findings generated from primary data analysis. This variable was work and, specifically, illness work and biographical
work. She then compared several groups of infertile couples to each other and to a
group of fertile couples to define the overlapping and special work distinctive
to each group. Although this work represents a kind of qualitative metasynthesis, it
did not entail a significant methodological departure from other grounded theory
efforts directed toward creating more abstract and transferable conceptual renderings of phenomena.
In contrast, Barroso and Powell-Cope (a member of the Expert Panel to be
described below) conducted the more difficult kind of qualitative metasynthesis
involving other investigators studies, where the synthesist has no direct access to
the data that generated the findings reported in these studies. (Acopy of the in-press
article reporting the results of this study is located in Appendix A. Appendix A is not
reproduced here; the article was published in 2000.) This is the kind of metasynthesis that
is the target of the proposed project. The focus of the Barroso/Powell-Cope project,
which began in 1996, was living with HIV disease. (As noted previously, women
were not the focus of study here. The participants involved in the studies reviewed
were largely gay men). An exhaustive search of multiple computer databases
showed a large number of qualitative studies had been conducted in this area. The
investigators limited their study to research published in refereed journals, because
they had limited resources with which to conduct this project and the refereed journal venue implied peer review. Accordingly, such important fugitive literature
(Lynn, 1989, p. 302) as doctoral dissertations was not included in their study. They
initially examined 45 English-language articles. The final bibliographic sample for
the metasynthesis included 21 studies consisting of a total of 245 pages of tightly
printed text. Studies were excluded for the following reasons: (a) They were not
qualitative but, rather, only qualitative adjuncts to quantitative studies; (b) qualitative data were analyzed quantitatively; (c) they did not address HIV/AIDS but,
rather, treated related topics, such as patients responses to hospital care; (d) they
consisted of secondary analyses of data collected in another study; and (e) they did
not meet quality standards.
Barroso and Powell-Cope (2000) evaluated quality using Burnss (1989) standards for qualitative research, which include determining whether all of the desired
elements of a research report are present and the extent to which a report meets five
critique standards. Burnss guide remains the most comprehensive guide for evaluating qualitative research. Each of the critique standards consisted of multiple items
the investigators used to score each study. As Burns did not offer a means to score
studies on her critique standards, the investigators had to create a scoring system.
An item was judged to be present, minimally present, or absent. The investigators
decided to include studies if 75% of these criteria were at least partially met. Each
investigator scored half of the studies. Studies deemed unacceptable by one investigator were reviewed by the other investigator, and studies deemed unacceptable by
both investigators were excluded. The investigators also reached consensus on
studies about which they initially disagreed.
In doing this work, Barroso and Powell-Cope (2000) were confronted with the
difficulty of applying critique standards to qualitative studies. For example, they
found that studies rarely met the Burns (1989) criteria fully, and they surmised this
was most likely because of publication limitations, that is, a study might have actually met the criteria in practice, but all of the information supporting these criteria
could not be included in the report of the study. Moreover, Barroso and PowellCope began to question whether all of the criteria were equally important to establishing the trustworthiness of the findings. They also questioned the meaning of
some of the criteria themselves. For example, they were uncertain about how to find
evidence for, score, or weigh the adequacy of a researchers self-awareness. Burns
listed inadequate self-awareness as a threat to descriptive vividness (p. 48) In
short, the investigators concluded there was a need to find a standardized, communicable, and useful means of judging the value of qualitative work that could both
(a) serve as a guide for what a qualitative report should include regardless of publication constraints and (b) account for the idiosyncratic ways in which qualitative
research is conducted.
After determining which HIV studies would be included in their study, Barroso
and Powell-Cope (2000) used constant comparison analysis as the major analytic
tool to create the metasynthesis. They acknowledged the Noblit and Hare (1988)
work but had difficulty applying the method described there, which involved analyzing two to six book- or chapter-length ethnographies in education, to their own
study involving multiple article-length studies in the domain of health. They developed a classification system based on findings after discovering that grouping studies by method did not allow them to focus on the findings and their relationships to
each other. They placed findings in a common area of HIV experience, such as dealing with stigma, in separate files. They then sought to develop ways to consolidate
findings in each of these areas, attempting to find metaphors or concepts to grab the
findings and to discern the variations in findings on a target experience. The findings in target experiences were then summarized in narrative form, with a section of
the report devoted to each target experience. Questions were raised in this phase of
the project concerning what to do with findings reported in only one or two studies,
how to use the primary data the original investigators used to support the integration of findings, and what form the metasynthesis product should have. The investigators decided to concentrate on findings reported in the majority of studies, to
use original quotes to support findings, and to present an informational summary
of the metasynthesis findings.
Despite the methodological issues they confronted in conducting this project,
the investigators found that their understanding of living with HIV/AIDS was
enhanced. Indeed, Barroso and Powell-Cope have used the findings from their
metasynthesis in their practice with HIV/AIDS patients as a basis for appraisal and
intervention. For example, they were surprised to find how common the effort to
find meaning in HIV/AIDS was among affected persons. This meta-finding enabled them to think of this effort as a positive outcome of coping toward which
patients strove. The findings of their metasynthesis also heightened their awareness
of the everyday work involved in living with HIV/AIDS and, therefore, of the need
to communicate this to patients. That is, living long and well with HIV/AIDS is not
a part-time job but, rather, requires daily work on the part of patients. The metafinding that social support and human connectedness served as buffers against
social stigma also encouraged Barroso and Powell-Cope to discuss more fully with
their patients the potential value of telling their loved ones about their infection.
Finally, the meta-finding of shattered meaning led them to become more aware of
patients who might require assistance to find meaning in HIV/AIDS. The net
effect of their metasynthesis was to confirm what they had intuited by working with
patients with HIV/AIDS but on which they had been hesitant to act.
In summary, our preliminary efforts confirmed our view of the potential value
for practice of conducting qualitative metasyntheses but also forced us to revisit
persistent issues in qualitative research related to quality and communicability of
procedural and analytic moves. Moreover, they raised questions about how to disentangle methodological orientation and data from findings to understand their
relationships to and mutual influence on each other and how to make judgments
about the practice of qualitative research from the reports of qualitative research.
We plan to offer answers to these questions in the proposed project.
Our goal here was not only to show that we had already engaged the research problem
but also to specify and discuss only those findings that served as the immediate basis for the
proposed study. What we found concerning infertility and HIV was not the point here, so
those findings are not featured. Rather, we feature those findings concerning methods, which
is congruent with the method objectives of the proposed project.
from across the United States and several other countries. She is editor of and contributor to the Focus on Qualitative Methods series in Research in Nursing &
Health, a member of the editorial boards of Qualitative Health Research and Field
Methods (a new interdisciplinary journal devoted to qualitative methods), and the
North American editor of Nursing Inquiry, an Australian journal emphasizing critical qualitative methodologies. She is regularly invited to present keynote
addresses and distinguished lectures, conduct workshops, and provide individual
and program consultation on qualitative methods. She has served as visiting
scholar at universities in the United States, Canada, and Australia to disseminate
information about qualitative research and the findings from her qualitative work
on gender and technology. She has published extensively in both nursing and social
science journals and books, with 25 refereed articles on qualitative methods alone.
With Child in Mind (1993), a book-length synthesis of her qualitative studies with
infertile women and couples, was awarded a national book prize from the American Anthropological Association. She is skilled in a variety of qualitative methods
and techniques, including grounded theory, narrative analysis, and social history.
Her latest book, Devices and Desires: Gender, Technology, and American Nursing (to be
published in late 2000, or 2001),3 is a social history of technology in nursing. She is
also skilled in managing very large qualitative data sets, as were collected in the
Transition to Parenthood of Infertile Couples study, in which she served as principal investigator and which was funded by the former National Center for Nursing
Research from 1988-1993 (NRO1707).
Julie Barroso, co-principal investigator, brings both research and clinical experience to this project. She is an adult nurse practitioner with extensive clinical experience in caring for people with HIV disease. She currently maintains a practice with
HIV-positive patients. In addition to completing the qualitative metasynthesis project described above, she has conducted and published qualitative research with
long-term survivors of AIDS and long-term nonprogressors with HIV disease.
She has presented numerous papers on her research to both professional groups
and people with HIV disease. She has received two intramural grants to conduct a
qualitative study exploring fatigue in people with HIV disease. She will also conduct a study of HIV-related fatigue, with funding from OrthoBioTech and from the
UNC-CH School of Nursing, Center for Research on Chronic Illness, which recently
received renewed funding for 5 years from NINR. Moreover, she has maintained an
excellent network of relations in various HIV/AIDS communities, including
researchers and clinicians. She continues to present her work to practitioners and
people living with HIV/AIDS at Area Health Education Consortium (AHEC) HIV
conferences around the state.
The Expert Panel, whose members will provide both consultation and expert
peer review for the proposed project, is made up of scholars with the methodological, substantive, and clinical expertise required for this project. These scholars
include investigators on the metasynthesis projects we discussed previously. Cheryl
Tatano Beck is nationally known for her use of both qualitative and quantitative
research methods, primarily in the area of postpartum depression. She has also conducted quantitative meta-analyses and, therefore, brings to the project an understanding of the comparability of issues relating to quantitative and qualitative
research integrations. Louise Jensen has published one of the few qualitative
metasyntheses of health-related research findings. Having also conducted quantitative meta-analyses, she brings a broad view of issues related to research integration to this project. Margaret Kearney is well known for her qualitative research in the
area of women and substance abuse. She has also completed theoretical syntheses
from her own work and other studies in this area. George Noblit is well known for his
qualitative expertise in the field of education. His text on metaethnography provided the impetus for conducting qualitative metasynthesis research. In addition,
his research in education has been oriented toward the use of qualitative findings to
improve education. Gail Powell-Cope is a substantive and clinical expert in the HIV/
AIDS field. In addition to collaborating with Dr. Barroso in conducting a qualitative
metasynthesis project, she has published several studies on HIV symptom management and AIDS family caregiving. She also has extensive experience working as an
adult nurse practitioner with people with HIV disease. Sally Thorne is internationally known for her expertise in qualitative research, especially in the area of chronic
illness. She recently published the results of a metasynthesis project on diabetes.
Letters of support from these scholars are located in Section I. Section I is not reprinted
the proposed project is one big audit trail. Here, we prepared reviewers for a highly specific
research plan but also assured them that we understood the emergent nature of qualitative
research design. We named the concepts and literatures to which we were sensitized but also
suggested that they would have to earn their way into the study to remain guides. The temporal logic of the sections that follow is actual clock time: What we describe first, subsequently,
and last is what we anticipate we will do first, subsequently, and last. The division of the
description of design into clearly defined sections helps writers to maintain their focus solely
on the topic of that section and it offers reviewers a clean and clear narrative flow. Devices
such as section headers and visual displays ease the reading process for reviewers, who often
have a dozen lengthy proposals to critique in any one reviewing period. Although qualitative
research designs, and research integration studies in particular, are iterative and deliberately
nonlinear processes and their phases experientially inseparable, the act of writing requires
that these processes be analytically separated and laid out in some temporal order. However,
we show our recognition of the nonlinear nature of the research process by emphasizing that
our plan is a reasonable way to start the study, even though it might not be the plan we will
actually follow.
Retrieving Literature
We will locate these studies using the techniques for information retrieval that Cooper (1982, 1989) and Cooper and Hedges (1994) described, including (a) informal
approaches, (b) the ancestry approach, (c) the descendency approach, and (d) the
use of online computer databases. Informal approaches include gleaning information about studies by networking with researchers in the target area (here the HIV/
AIDS field) and at conferences and other professional meetings, such as the
National Conference on Women and HIV. The ancestry approach involves tracking
citations from one study to another until citation redundancy occurs. The
descendency approach involves the use of citation indices (such as Social Science
Citation Indexes) to locate studies. The use of computer databases involves the careful selection of keywords and phrases to locate studies in journals, books, dissertations, and conference proceedings included in these databases. A list of the electronic resources available to this project is included in the Resources section of this
proposal. The employment of all of these retrieval channels will make it more likely
we will capture fugitive literature, or studies that are not published or might otherwise escape retrieval. The failure to capture such literature is considered a threat to
the validity of research integrations.
Title of study
Investigator(s) name(s)/discipline/institutional affiliation(s)
Publication venue (name and type): e.g., journal, authored/edited book, conference proceeding,
Mode of retrieval: e.g., computer database (specify), citation list (specify), personal
communication (specify)
Funding source for study
Research problem/significance
Research purpose(s)/question(s)
Type and area of literature reviewed
A priori theoretical orientations to, assumptions about the target phenomenon
Methodological orientation (name and type; specify with citations provided): e.g., naturalistic
inquiry (Lincoln & Guba, 1985), hermeneutic phenomenology (van Manen, 1990),
constructivist grounded theory (Charmaz, 1990)
Sample: e.g. size, composition, type
Data collection methods or sources (for each one, indicate kind; specify with citations
provided): e.g., interview (narrative, Mishler, 1986), observation (participant, Spradley,
1980), documents (diaries), artifacts (photos)
Data analysis techniques (type; specify citations provided): e.g., qualitative content analysis
(Altheide, 1987), phenomenological thematic analysis (van Manen, 1990), constant
comparison analysis (Strauss & Corbin, 1990)
Techniques to ensure validity/trustworthiness: e.g., audit trail, member validation, peer review,
prolonged contact with participants/time in the field
Interpretive product: e.g., informational summary, theory or other conceptual rendering,
phenomenological description, ethnographic description, visual displays
Major findings
Significance of findings: e.g., for research, for practice
Study format: e.g. conventional (literature review separated from method, results separated from
discussion), other (describe: e.g., results foreshadowed, data merged with interpretation)
Additional information/comments
be asked to comment on whether the revisions solved the problems raised for them
in reviewing the first set of studies. We will further refine the guide if any additional
revisions are warranted after this second review. Consensus on any persistently
troublesome features of the guide will be reached through a process of negotiation
described later in the section on Procedures for Enhancing Study Validity. Although
we will discuss validation techniques later, in a section of the proposal reserved for this purpose, the concern to ensure valid findings is foundational to every design choice. Accordingly, we embed these techniques throughout the design section.
Before the findings from studies can be synthesized, the studies themselves
must be understood for what they uniquely are. Each study must be understood as
providing a specific context for its findings before attempts are made at cross-study
comparisons or combinations of findings. The objectives here are to understand the
particular configuration and confluence of elements characterizing each study as
the investigators themselves presented them and to preserve the integrity of each
study. This objective can be difficult to achieve because of the great diversity in conducting and presenting qualitative research. A hallmark of qualitative research is
variability, not standardization (Popay, Rogers, & Williams, 1998, p. 346). Yet
our goal in this phase of the project is to find a standardized way to characterize
studies that retains their unique character.
The detailing of each study will allow us to address several key problems in
conducting qualitative research integrations. First, unlike quantitative researchers,
qualitative researchers are not necessarily obliged to separate the results of their
studies physically from their discussion of these results. Accordingly, the
reviewer must know how to find the results throughout the research report, and this
skill entails an understanding of various formats and language conventions for the
and the actual interpretive product shown in the research report. We will further
develop these items in the course of the project.
When this work is completed, we will provide narrative and quantitative summaries of the information we collected from this process. For example, we will show
the total and mean sample sizes across studies. We will show the frequency with
which different methodological approaches were used and topics were studied. We
will look for any associations between methods used and topics addressed in studies. This work will provide an overall profile of qualitative research with women
with HIV/AIDS and permit us to suggest useful ways for synthesists to describe a
set of studies. This work will allow us also to suggest which features of a study are
necessary to detail. We surmise that there will be much less true diversity in
method in qualitative health-related studies than is commonly believed, but this
work will allow us to determine whether that impression is accurate.
Focus of Evaluation
Adequate and/or Appropriate
for Purpose/Method/Claims
Research problem/significance
Research purpose(s)/question(s)
Literature reviewed
Sampling strategy
Sample size
Sample composition
Data collection methods/sources
Data analysis techniques
Validation techniques
Interpretive product
Significance of findings
Research purpose/question is amenable to grounded theory.
Literature/theoretical review is in the service of showing theoretical sensitivity.
Sampling is theoretical.
Data collection and analysis proceeded together.
Constant comparison analysis is evident.
Concepts are grounded in data.
Concepts are the basic units of analysis.
Concepts/categories are well developed.
Concepts/categories are shown in relation to each other.
Relationships among concepts/categories are verified.
Negative cases are accounted for.
The findings are re-presented in a fully integrated theoretical product.
A psychosocial process is at the core of this product.
these guides by applying them to yet another set of five studies randomly selected
from the sample of HIV studies. We will then work to refine these guides in the iterative manner we proposed above to develop the guide to detail studies.
A key problem in current evaluation guides, which we will attempt to resolve
by further developing the guides shown in Figures 2 and 3, is the conflation of different kinds of evaluations. For example, a sample might be adequately described
but inadequate to support the findings of the study or claims to informational
redundancy or theoretical saturation. The overall methodological approach chosen
might be appropriate for the research question but inadequately executed. We will
also consider how criteria might be differently weighted. For example, evoking a
vicarious experience may be more important in phenomenological studies than in
grounded theory studies, where the emphasis is on producing abstract conceptual
rather than concrete, preconceptual renderings of experience. Theoretical development is, arguably, not a criterion at all for phenomenologies.
As a result of experimenting with these criteria, we will be in a better position to
discern what really counts methodologically in deciding whether to discount findings, and whether quality should be a criterion at all for exclusion of studies from
the bibliographic sample, or yet another contextual factor on which all studies are
compared. The critical error here would be to exclude studies with valuable findings for only surface reasons, or reasons unlikely to devalue or invalidate the
findings. For example, investigators might use what some reviewers would argue is
the wrong language and method citations to describe their work. A study presented as a phenomenology that is better described as a qualitative descriptive
study may still be a generally good study. Using Burnss (1989) standards for the
critique of qualitative research, such a study might still have descriptive vividness (p. 48), analytic preciseness (p. 49), and heuristic relevance (p. 51).
Indeed, even a study misrepresented as a phenomenology can still have methodological congruence (p. 48). Moreover, a study presented as a phenomenology that
is really a qualitative descriptive study should be evaluated as a descriptive study
and not as a phenomenology. Similarly, a qualitative content analysis wrongly
presented as a narrative analysis should be evaluated as a content analysis. Evaluating the goodness of a qualitative study requires reviewers to distinguish between
nonsignificant errors and mistakes fatal enough to discount findings. Our goal is
to assist reviewers to do this, that is, to know specifically what to look at and for in a
study to judge the value of its findings. By meeting this goal, we hope to contribute
to a satisfactory resolution of the criterion problem in evaluating research.
report of the Paterson et al. (1998) metasynthesis on living with diabetes, Gillespie
observed that the value of their research integration lay in helping clinicians see the
importance of reconceptualizing the target of appraisal and intervention in the care
of persons with the disease, that is, nurses were advised to see diabetic persons positivelyas actively striving to balance their disease with a normal lifeinstead of
negativelyas potentially noncompliant with prescribed regimens. The findings of
the integration suggested the working hypothesis and working course of
action, namely, that treating these patients as active managers led to better compliance, whereas treating them as potentially noncompliant led to noncompliance.
To enhance the utility of this audit trail as both data and documentation, we will
use a think/talk-aloud strategy (Fonteyn, Kuipers, & Grobe, 1993) to capture the
procedural and analytic moves that often remain unexpressed in qualitative
research reports. Although there is a magic (May, 1994) in qualitative research
that will always resist expression in language, a think/talk-aloud approach can
overcome some of this resistance. Indeed, this approach is especially suitable for
this project as it entails that persons engaged in a problem-solving activity talk it
through out loud while in the act to capture the cognitive steps they are taking to
solve the problem. In this project, these acts include, for example, determining
whether a study meets quality criteria for inclusion, discerning the findings of a
study, and discerning the relationship between findings across studies. The principal investigators will use this strategy periodically, independently to document
their individual thinking and with each other to play their thoughts off each other.
Communicating the process we used to arrive at the process we will develop to conduct qualitative metasynthesis projects is essential to creating a useful audit trail
and to enhancing the value of the products of our research, namely, the research
integrations and the protocol for conducting them.
Negotiated validity (Belgrave & Smith, 1995) refers to a social process and
goal especially relevant to collaborative qualitative research, such as the proposed
project. Because the researcher is the primary instrument in qualitative research,
analysis and interpretation will vary with the orientations of each investigator. In
the proposed project, which will involve two investigators and a six-member
Expert Panel, consensus will have to be reached on the facts and meanings of each
study, on the appropriate means to discern these, on the final interpretive products,
and on the process used to create these products. The negotiated validity process
will require that team members explicate the orientations and assumptions leading
toward various interpretations of study data, and persuade others that they offer
the interpretation that is most grounded in and that best fits these data. Consensus
is achieved not by conventional techniques for reliability coding but, rather, around
the most persuasive argument.
The essence of consensual validation in qualitative research does not lie in a
coefficient of agreement. Instead, as Eisner (1991) proposed, it lies in the reasons
offered for a point of view, the cogency of arguments for it, and the incisiveness
of observations relating to it (pp. 112-113). Consensual validity here does not rest on
unanimity per se (p. 112). Indeed, efforts to achieve unanimity often result in
simplifications (that) compromise validity (p. 113) in qualitative research. Moreover, as Eisner argued, and as Hak and Bernts (1996) demonstrated in their field
study of research coders and coding, the consensus achieved via traditional techniques for establishing and demonstrating interrater reliability offers no purchase
on reality (Eisner, 1991, p. 47). Morse (1997b) cautioned qualitative researchers
about the myth of inter-rater reliability. Such techniques simply show that raters
can, or can be made to, agree. A correlation coefficient is itself a product of a socially
negotiated process. Accordingly, such quantitative techniques ensure neither more
nor less validity than the explicit process of negotiation typically used in qualitative
The principal investigators will each initially detail and evaluate every study
using the guides in Figures 1 to 3 and then compare the results for each study. This
will allow us to develop these guides further, to negotiate areas of disagreement,
and to discern the reasons for our agreement about the detail and quality of studies.
Hak and Bernts (1996) found that the research coders they observed never discussed the codes on which they agreedonly the ones over which they disagreed
thereby losing the opportunity to check whether there was consensus on the reasons for consensus. Our goal here is to arrive at a set of techniques for detailing and
evaluating qualitative studies that will reduce the likelihood of disagreement
among investigators. Depending on the outcome of this work (and the Expert Panel
work to be described below), it might be possible to develop coding tools for detailing the contents and evaluating the quality of qualitative studies that can be subjected to quantitative techniques for interrater reliability testing that will not invalidate these tools by oversimplification.
The two investigators will work together to analyze the findings of each study
for metasynthesis and negotiate the analytic strategies best suited to each study.
Once a set of strategies is negotiated, each investigator will apply it to each study,
and then they will compare the results. This process will be documented as part of
the audit trail. The goal here is to develop techniques for analyzing and combining
qualitative findings that will result in interpretations on which different investigators can comfortably agree. Although it is axiomatic in qualitative research that
interpretations of the same data will vary with each interpreter, qualitative
researchers agree that a valid interpretation is one that is discernibly based on data.
Accordingly, our validation work here will be directed toward developing techniques around which consensus can be comfortably achieved, as opposed to quantitatively established. A key component of the analytic documentation for this project
will be to describe the process and outcomes of negotiations around issues where
this kind of consensus was both easy and difficult to achieve.
A critical component of the negotiation of validity in this project is the use of the
Expert Panel. The expertise required for the proposed project includes qualitative
analytic and interpretive skills and substantive/clinical knowledge in womens
health and HIV/AIDS. We will draw on the six members of the Expert Panel previously described to evaluate our work. This will entail their judgments about the
overall conduct of the study and specific judgments about the metasynthesis protocol we will develop in the course of the project. Members will be convened in Chapel Hill 2 days each year of the project for group discussion of the work completed
to date. They will also be convened 1 additional time per year by teleconferencing
for 2 hours, and they will participate in ongoing communicationsin between
these on-site and distance meetingsvia a online discussion group and discussion
forum. These activities are designed to permit members to participate fully (in a
manner that is practical and respectful of their other work and personal obligations)
in evaluating the content validity, appropriateness, and utility of the guides we
develop, and the trustworthiness and utility of the metasynthesis of qualitative
findings about women with HIV/AIDS we create.
As described previously, once the principal investigators have reached consensus on the detailing and evaluation guides, each member of the Expert Panel will be
asked to apply them to a common set of at least five randomly selected studies: one
set for detailing and a second set for evaluating the quality of studies. We will mail
these studies and the instructions that we have developed to date to each member.
Members will also review the documentation of our progress in developing guides
to conduct the metasynthesis itself, in analyzing the findings from each study, and
in combining them across studies. In addition, they will evaluate the time it takes
and how easy it is to use the techniques we develop.
The members of the Expert Panel will evaluate all of the various products of this
project using an adaptation of the questions Hunt and McKibbon (1997) developed
to appraise systematic reviews. These will be further developed in the course of the
project. The questions are (a) Did the metasynthesis focus on clearly defined areas?
(b) Is it likely that important, relevant studies were missed? (c) Were the inclusion
criteria used to select studies appropriate? (d) Was the quality appraisal of each
study included? (e) Were the various guides developed in the project appropriate
and easy to use? (f) Are the synthesis products plausible, usable, and significant for
research and/or practice?
In addition to the members of the Expert Panel, we will invite, in the final year
of the project, at least three clinicians (yet to be named) in HIV practice and three
researchers (yet to be named) experienced in conducting instrument development
and/or intervention studies in the HIV field to review the final metasynthesis products for their utility and applicability to their work. The clinicians will review a form
of the metasynthesis product oriented toward application of findings in practice,
and the researchers will review a form of the product oriented toward serving as a
basis for theory-based instrument and intervention research.
Literature retrieval
Development of techniques for detailing
and evaluating studies in method case
Development of techniques for
conducting and creating the metasynthesis
with studies in method case
Literature retrieval of additional HIV and
test case studies
Application of complete metasynthesis
protocol to additional HIV studies
Application of fine-tuned metasynthesis
protocol to test case studies
Consultation/peer review and evaluation
Time Line
Figure 4 shows the time line for the proposed project.
Human Subjects
There are no human subjects in this research per se, although the project involves
the study of human subjects research.
Vertebrate Animals
There are no vertebrate animals in this study.
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successfully but still had doubts concerning whether qualitative metasynthesis was
feasible at all. Reviewer 4 itemized what he or she believed to be substantive omissions and errors. In the preceding paragraph, we summarized what we saw to be the
themes across all four reviews. This set the stage for the revisions we would describe.
We now focus on specific issues raised in Critiques 1, 3, and 4. We addressed the
problem of ambition by adding one more year to the study. Although Reviewer 3
suggested omitting the testing of the metasynthesis protocol we will develop with a
group of studies on prenatal testing, we think this validation exercise is critical to
any claims we will want to make about the credibility, feasibility, and utility of that
protocol. Adding a year to the study will permit us more time to accomplish this
critical step. It will also address the lack of time Reviewer 4 noted for achieving
negotiated validity. We have added more distance and face-to-face meeting times
among the members of the research team in each year of the study to increase their
Critique 1
This reviewer stated that we believed conducting qualitative metasynthesis was
more pressing than quantitative metasynthesis. Although we neither made nor
implied this claim in the original proposal, we did state that qualitative
metasynthesis ought to be subject to as much interest and effort as has been shown
in quantitative research integration. In the preceding statement, we specifically countered this reviewers reading. Responding to reviewer comments does not necessarily mean
accepting everything reviewers say. Our reference to 1,000 qualitative health studies
was simply to show that there exist more than enough studies to warrant such interest. This reviewer also stated that we spent too much time justifying qualitative
research. We agree with the reviewer that qualitative research requires no defense.
What we did in the original proposal was to justify the significance of efforts to conduct qualitative metasyntheses and to describe the problems they raise by virtue of
the nature of qualitative research. Here, we again countered a reading by deriving an area
of agreement from a comment with which we frankly disagreed. Reviewer 2 found very
convincing (p. 4) the case we made for why qualitative research has still not been
wholly accepted as real research. Reviewer 1 stated both that we had no explicit
aims and that our aims were explicitly focused on resolving the problems qualitative metasynthesis raises. Here, we featured what we perceived to be between- and intrareviewer contradiction. Our aim for the study, and the individual steps we will take to
accomplish it, are stated on p. 36 and pp. 36-37. Whenever referring to specific revisions,
writers should give the page numbers where reviewers will find them. The purposes of
every design feature are stated in the relevant method section. Our aims are stated
to capture the problem-solving orientation of our approach to developing a process,
namely, conducting qualitative metasyntheses.
We have eliminated the reference to correcting scanned texts, as it seemed to be
misleading. What we were referring to here was that scanning technology fails to
retrieve every word of the texts it scans and that we would add those words to have
a correct copy. The reviewer also described a potential problem in detailing studies,
namely, whether two reviewers would identify the same results from one study.
This is one of the many problems associated with understanding and evaluating
qualitative research that we will explore and hope to resolve in the proposed study.
We have clarified this on p. 49 of the revised proposal.
Critique 3
This reviewer affirmed that qualitative research designs are emergent and acknowledged that we had likely done the best anyone could in explicating our strategies
but still seemed hesitant. Accordingly, we have added some material to the design
section to further explicate our plans without violating the design-by-doing tenet
of qualitative research. We believe, though, that any studyqualitative or quantitativerequires a leap of faith about its techniques and promises.
Critique 4
This reviewer stated that we did not adequately review the literature. We cited
Morse s qualitative metasynthesis workwhich this reviewer stated we had not
and we found no research integrations of the kind addressed in our proposal by
(specific name of a nationally known scholar mentioned by this reviewer) or anyone else
not cited in the proposal. In a personal e-mail communication, (this scholar) stated
she doubted whether anything she had done could be categorized as qualitative
metasynthesis unless we widened the definition of that term to include conventional narrative reviews of the literature or broad overviews of a field. Indeed, we
suspect that the problem here lies in the reviewers holding a more expansive view
of metasynthesis than we do. Looking back, we now believe that a better way to convey
this idea would have been to state that we had not sufficiently clarified our focus rather than
transferring the obligation to understand our focus to the reviewer. The use of the first person
conveys the assumption of the burden of agency: the researcheras opposed to the
reviewerdoing or not doing something he or she should have. Even though reviewers have
obligations to be careful and informed readers, the greater burden is on writers to inform
clearly. Accordingly, we have added material further defining qualitative
metasynthesis for this study. We state on p. 36 that qualitative metasynthesis refers
to the synthesis of findings in completed qualitative studies. Qualitative
metasynthesis constitutes a kind of data-based research that is analogous to quantitative meta-analysis in its intent systematically to put together or sum up findings in a specific domain of scientific research.
This reviewer also stated that we were taking a demonstrably nonfruitful
approach to metasynthesis and that we misrepresented the Noblit and Hare work.
We have checked all our references, and they were accurate in word and meaning in
the original proposal. Nevertheless, we have significantly revised our presentation
of the Noblit and Hare work on pp. 39-40. We were countering this reviewers opinion
but nevertheless making changes based on it. Moreover, in this revision, we have specifically addressed these authors views of aggregation as an inadequate approach to
metasynthesis. We have not committed ourselves to any one approach in the proposed study as our plan is to experiment with different approaches to
metasynthesis. Noblit and Hare found aggregation to be inadequate for the very
specialized kind of ethnographic work in which they were engaged. Such an
approach might not be inadequate for other kinds of studies. Although the Noblit
and Hare work is considered a key work in a methodological domain (namely, qualitative metasynthesis), that domain has yet to be developed. Their work cannot be
held as the gold standard against which all other approaches to qualitative
metasynthesis in other fields of research are judged. Our aim in the proposed project is to contribute to the development of this methodological domain.
We disagree with the reviewer that the Barroso and Powell-Cope (2000) synthesis featured in the preliminary studies section does not advance the science. Since
the original proposal was submitted, this work was accepted for publication in a
peer review journal, indicating its value for dissemination. Moreover, not only do
the findings enlarge our understanding of having HIV/AIDS and suggest new strategies for caring for persons with HIV/AIDS, the very act of conducting this study
dramatized the problems that must still be resolved in qualitative research integrations. We have added material to the preliminary studies section on p. 44 to support
our view of its contribution.
This reviewer stated that we were unclear about the criteria we will use to
include studies. One of the major objectives of the proposed project is to specify
these criteria further. As we state on p. 46, the proposed project is about developing
a process to conduct a process. Moreover, contrary to this reviewers observation,
we have already done the preliminary work (described in the proposal) to specify
both the criteria we tentatively plan to use and the problems that must be resolved
to further specify them. Reviewer 3 found a strength of our approach to be that it
was based on tested experience (p. 7), that is, that we had each completed and
reported our preliminary metasynthesis work. Here, again, we use other reviewers
comments to support our view.
Reviewer 4 also stated that it was not necessary to detail each study to the extent
that we will, and justifies this claim by saying that no one else has done that. We
believe that it is essential to do this, in part because no one else appears to have done
it. Moreover, no reader can safely infer from the few other metasyntheses done how
detailed their authors examinations of studies were as they did not provide much
information in their publications on that subject. We cited this lack of information as
a problem that had yet to be resolved. In addition, we emphasized in the original
proposal the need to resolve persistent dilemmas in understanding and evaluating
qualitative studies that can be resolved only by this attention to detail. We believe
that it is only by this laborious detail that we can arrive at a credible and less laborious protocol for conducting qualitative metasyntheses that will preserve only that
detail work necessary to do them. Our aim is to provide a user-friendly protocol.
However, to achieve that goal, we must do the detail work that will allow us to say
with confidence what details can be excluded in the future. For example, our preliminary work suggests that the stated method in a study might be a detail that is not
relevant to evaluating the quality of a study or to creating credible metasyntheses.
We have added material to the design section on p. 50 to clarify the detail issue.
All of the members of the Expert Panel named in the original proposal have
again consented to participate in this study after receiving a summary of the proposed study, including its aims and methods.
In summary, we have revised this proposal to address the issues raised by
reviewers and to update information. These revisions are in italics (not shown here).
As most of these issues related to sections A to C (Specific Aims, Background and Significance, and Preliminary Studies), most of the revisions are in these sections. We
appreciate the dilemma some reviewers face in encountering what they recognize
to be a project well worth doing but that they suspect cannot be done. In our revised
submission, we sought to clarify further the process we propose to engage in to
develop a process for engaging in a process. We hope the explanations we have
offered here and the revisions we have made to the proposal itself, in combination
with the potential contribution this study could make, will encourage reviewers to
take a leap of faith.
mind-sets influenced the design and will influence the execution and findings of the
study. Rote descriptions of theories of and techniques for maximizing validity in
qualitative research are not informative if researchers do not show how they will be
applied to and operate in the proposed study.
Successful qualitative research proposals in the practice disciplines appeal as
science and art. They embody the attention to communicable procedure expected in
the sciences and the creativity and expression associated with the arts.
1. Material was used in the proposal that originally appeared in Sandelowski, Docherty, and
Emden (1997).
2. For current information about the Healthy People initiative, see http://www.health.gov/
healthypeople (retrieved May 1, 2003).
3. Devices and Desires: Gender, Technology, and American Nursing was published in 2000 by the University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill.
Sandelowski, M., & Barroso, J. (2002). Reading qualitative studies. International Journal of Qualitative
Methods, 1(1), Article 5. Retrieved March 24, 2003, from http://www.ualberta.ca/~ijqm/english/
Sandelowski, M., Davis, D. H., & Harris, B. G. (1989). Artful design: Writing the proposal for research in
the naturalist paradigm. Research in Nursing and Health, 12, 77-84.
Sandelowski, M., Docherty, S., & Emden, C. (1997). Qualitative metasynthesis: Issues and techniques.
Research in Nursing & Health, 20, 365-371.
Margarete Sandelowski, Ph.D., R.N., F.A.A.N., is Cary C. Boshamer Professor of Nursing at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Julie Barroso, Ph.D., A.N.P., C.S., is an assistant professor of nursing at the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill.