Dr. Ziad Arandi (Psychiatric MCQS)
Dr. Ziad Arandi (Psychiatric MCQS)
Dr. Ziad Arandi (Psychiatric MCQS)
Faculty of Medicine
Psychiatry Course
4th year 2015 2016
b. Fugue.
c. Ideas of reference.
d. Facial pain.
e. Obsessional-compulsive symptoms.
b. Excitability.
c. Short attention span.
d. Impulsivity.
e. Distractibility.
20. Agoraphobia:
25. Hallucinations:
a. Disturbances of thought process.
b. Visual type are common in schizophrenia.
c. Can be secondary to mood disorders.
d. Best treated by antipsychotic treatment.
28. Somatization:
a. Usually starts after the age of 30 years.
b. It involves multiple systems.
c. SLE is a differential diagnosis.
d. Is sometimes intentionally produced by patients.
e. Patients usually consult many doctors demanding more
29. Hypochondriasis:
a. Preoccupation with serious illness.
b. Repeated investigations are not encouraged.
c. Depression should be excluded.
d. Occurs more in obsessional persons.
e. Tricyclic antidepressants help some patients.
34. Delirium:
a. Cognitive impairment in clear consciousness occurs.
b. Is regarded as organic psychosis.
c. Alcohol withdrawal could be a cause.
d. Is a medical emergency.
e. IV diazepam 50mg is indicated.
35. Dementia:
a. The course is episodic.
b. Preservation of speech occurs.
c. Catastrophic reaction is a feature.
d. Confabulation occurs.
e. Depression is an important differential diagnosis to be excluded.
36. Antidepressant:
a. Imipramine has a good sedative effect.
b. Fluoxetine (Prozac) belongs to SSRI group.
c. Clomipramine has been used to treat obsessions.
d. May induce mania.
e. Usually lead to dependence due to tolerance.
37. Antipsychotics:
a. Are used in the treatment of manic episode.
39. Benzodiazepines:
a. Have a good sedative effect.
b. Risk of dependence is more with long acting benzodiazepines.
c. Withdrawal symptoms include seizures.
d. Ataxia is a side effect.
e. Are used in the treatment of delirium tremors.
40. ECT:
a. Usually done under local anesthesia.
b. Indicated for depressive stupor.
c. Indicated for resistant mania.
d. Cardiac infarction is an absolute contraindication.
e. It is a hazardous procedure.
e. Hyperhidrosis.
Good Luck
Best Wishes