Best Recruitment Sources
Best Recruitment Sources
Best Recruitment Sources
Best Recruitment
for start-up companies
How to sta the newly setup start-up company?
How to recruit employees without a strong brand name?
What are the recruitment goals for the start-up?
Visit creativeHRM to find out more.
ter, 24. z 13
ter, 24. z 13
(1) About cHR
(2) Stang Challenge of Start-Up
(3) Recruitment Strategy: At least some ...
(4) Traditional Start-Up Recruitment Sources
(5) Creative Recruitment Sources
creative HRM
ter, 24. z 13
creative HRM is a website covering many HR related
topics... HR Management, HR Management Practices,
HR Strategy, HR Models, HR Business Partnering Model,
HR Processes, HR Development, Organizational
Design ...
The website is new and fresh, a lot of new content will
be added during 2013. Please, follow creative HRM as
you do not miss any news... cHRM Twitter
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ter, 24. z 13
Stang Challenge
of a Start-Up
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How to hire without a
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Quickly evolving idea behind the business requires to be elaborated and executed
quickly... but the start-up misses employees and has a lack of skills; it has to
attract new employees quickly without a deep knowledge of the local job market
The pool of employees willing to accept risks and start working for the start-up is
limited; they usually work for the start-up or develop products on themselves
The start-up has the idea, but it has no skills to hire new employees. It has no
name on the job market, no one knows that the new company hires and has
interesting job openings
Most start-up founders have no clear idea what jobs they need to run the
company successfully ... they look for universal soldiers, which are a scarce
resource on the job market
The start-up company oers a lot of adventures, but it oers a lot of the
uncertainty, as well
Start-up company cannot use the benets of the internal recruitment, it has to
hire all new employees externally
Finally, it has no the recruitment strategy and it has no knowledge of the best
performing recruitment sources for the company
creative HRM
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Recruitment Sources
General Info
creative HRM
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Recruitment Strategy
What is it?
creative HRM
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Recruitment Strategy
for the start-up company
The start-up has no time to dene the state-ofthe-art recruitment strategy, it has to act
quickly... it has its own style and way to
announce vacancies
creative HRM
ter, 24. z 13
Traditional Recruitment
Sources for start-up
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Traditional Recruitment Sources
1.An advert in a local bar
2.Discussion forums
3.Twitter announcement
5.An advert at the university campus
6.Facebook Page
creative HRM
ter, 24. z 13
Creative Recruitment
Sources for start-up
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Innovative Recruitment Sources
1. Guerilla Job Marketing: using other Facebook Pages
and Twitter accounts to spread information (the
power of the right comment)
2. YouTube Video: funny video about job openings and
how to apply (viral spreading)
3. Experts Comment: The respected social media
expert making a small note about your new company
(Twitter is cheap and it costs nothing)
4. Paid Referrals: Paying to people for the
recommendation of their friends; pay for the
successful placement
5. Friends, friends, friends
creative HRM
ter, 24. z 13
ter, 24. z 13
ter, 24. z 13
creative HRM is a website covering many HR related
topics... HR Management, HR Management Practices,
HR Strategy, HR Models, HR Business Partnering Model,
HR Processes, HR Development, Organizational
Design ...
The website is new and fresh, a lot of new content will
be added during 2013. Please, follow creative HRM as
you do not miss any news... cHRM Twitter
creative HRM
ter, 24. z 13