Lean Business Management
Lean Business Management
Lean Business Management
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Evaluation of the Lean Approach to Business Management and Its Use in the Public Sector
Dr Zoe Radnor
Paul Walley
Andrew Stephens
Giovanni Bucci
Warwick Business School
The views expressed in this report are those of the researchers and
do not necessarily represent those of the Department or
Scottish Ministers.
The research team would like to thank and acknowledge the following organisations and
people who helped and supported the research process:
Aberdeen City Council
Aberdeenshire Council
Brd na Gidhlig
Borders General Hospital
Cancer Service Improvement Programme
CIPFA in Scotland
Clackmannanshire Council
Communities Scotland
Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service
Professor Dan Jones
East Dunbartonshire Council
East Renfrewshire Council
Glasgow Royal Infirmary
Highland Council
HM Court Service
HM Inspectorate of Education
John Seddon
Lothian Acute Operating Division
Lothian and Borders Fire and Rescue Service
Lothian and Borders Police
NHS Ayrshire & Arran
North Lanarkshire Council
Perth and Kinross Council
RAF Leuchars
Renfrewshire Council
Royal Bolton Hospital
Scottish Agricultural Science Agency
Scottish Court Service
Scottish Environment Protection Agency
Scottish Leadership Foundation
Scottish Qualifications Authority
Sid Joynson
South Lanarkshire Council
Stirling Council
Student Awards Agency for Scotland
Student Loans Company
Telford College (Edinburgh)
Weir Pumps PLC
LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES ......................................................................................................................vi
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 7
A. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 7
B. Overview of the Lean Concept ...................................................................................................................... 8
THE RESEARCH ................................................................................................... 11
A. Literature review ......................................................................................................................................... 11
B. Survey.......................................................................................................................................................... 11
C. Case Studies................................................................................................................................................. 12
D. Pilot Studies................................................................................................................................................. 16
E. Other relevant research ................................................................................................................................ 17
PERCEPTIONS OF LEAN ..................................................................................... 18
A. Descriptions of Lean ................................................................................................................................... 18
B. Approaches to Lean ..................................................................................................................................... 19
C. Elements of Lean
................................................................................................................................. 21
D. Summary ..................................................................................................................................................... 23
IMPLEMENTATION OF LEAN............................................................................ 24
A. Process of a Rapid Improvement Event (RIE) or Blitz............................................................................. 24
B. Management Commitment .......................................................................................................................... 26
C. Scale and Scope ........................................................................................................................................... 28
D. Engagement................................................................................................................................................. 29
E. Communication............................................................................................................................................ 30
F. External Support .......................................................................................................................................... 31
G. Summary of the Perception of Lean ............................................................................................................ 32
OUTCOMES OF LEAN ......................................................................................... 33
A. Setting Outcomes ........................................................................................................................................ 33
B. Tangible outcomes....................................................................................................................................... 35
C. Intangible Outcomes.................................................................................................................................... 36
D. Overview of Outcomes................................................................................................................................ 39
E. Failing to implement changes ...................................................................................................................... 39
F. Sustainability............................................................................................................................................... 46
H. Summary of Lean Outcomes ...................................................................................................................... 48
A. Drivers for change ....................................................................................................................................... 50
B. Strategy Process........................................................................................................................................... 52
C. Reflections of the Relationship between Strategy and Lean........................................................................ 56
C. Summary..................................................................................................................................................... 58
ORGANISATIONAL READINESS FOR IMPROVEMENT ................................ 59
A. Need for improvement................................................................................................................................. 59
B. Capacity for improvement ........................................................................................................................... 60
C. Organisational Culture................................................................................................................................. 62
D. Summary
................................................................................................................................. 64
FACTORS ............................................................................................................... 67
A. Critical success factors ................................................................................................................................ 67
B. Barriers ........................................................................................................................................................ 69
C. Summary...................................................................................................................................................... 71
D. Conclusion................................................................................................................................................... 75
APPENDIX 1: GLOSSARY OF KEY TERMS................................................................................................... 77
APPENDIX 2: REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 79
APPENDIX 3: INTERVIEW SCHEDULE.......................................................................................................... 80
ANNEX 1 LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................................... 84
ANNEX 2 A SURVEY OF SCOTTISH PUBLIC SECTOR ORGANISATIONS............................................ 114
Lean thinking has its roots in the Toyota production system, and has been developed in the
manufacturing sector. Womack and Jones (1996) highlight five core principles to define Lean
thinking as a means for understanding value (Womack, 2002):
A toolkit of methods for practical use at the operational level has been developed to support
lean thinking. Tools include, for example, value stream mapping Tools include, for example,
value stream mapping which is used to analyse the flow of resources, highlight areas where
activities consume resources but do not add value from the customers perspective. This map
is used to generate ideas for process redesign.
Although applied successfully in the private sector, especially in manufacturing, the approach
is less frequently applied in the public sector, and little research has evaluated whether the
lean approach transfers successfully and what impact this has had on productivity and/or
quality of service.
This research aimed to evaluate the application of Lean in the public sector to consider if it is
an appropriate means to embed a culture of continuous improvement. The research consisted
of a literature review; case studies of eight public sector organisations, predominantly based
in Scotland; a survey of Scottish-based public sector organisations who believed they were
implementing aspects of Lean; and an evaluation of the implementation and impact of a
Lean methodology in three pilot sites.
Lean in the Scottish public sector: Working definition of Lean
The research found a key difference between Lean in the public service sector and that used
in manufacturing. In manufacturing, the emphasis is on a set of management tools and
techniques that are used to standardise processes. Within the public sector, however, there is
engagement with the principles of Lean, but less with the full range of tools and techniques.
Most organisations, for example, used just a few tools, such as value stream mapping.
This implies that many of the tools and techniques used in a manufacturing context are
currently not immediately and obviously applicable to service environments. Instead, some
of the tools need to be adapted to cope with the need for greater process flexibility that are
found in the public sector to meet the needs of the customer. In some cases, the limited range
of Lean tools in use in the public sector may be because the service sector has yet to
understand the value, relevance or purpose of the tools being applied from within the toolkit.
Lean in the Scottish public sector: Implementation approaches
Two models of Lean implementation are used in the public sector, and can be described as
Full Implementation of the philosophy and the use of Rapid Improvement Events. Examples
of Full Implementation, which is considered to be embedding of Lean principles and broad
use of different Lean tools including the use of Rapid Improvement Events, are more difficult
to identify in the public sector. This approach aligns improvement to strategy taking a whole
systems perspective.
Most case study sites use a Kaizen approach, often described as a Kaizen Blitz or Rapid
Improvement Event (RIE). The RIE approach uses rapid improvement workshops to make
small, quickly introduced changes. Rapid Improvement has three phases. It begins with a 2-3
week preparation period, followed by a 5-day event to identify changes required and a 3-4
week follow up period after each event when changes are implemented.
An advantage of the RIE found in this research was that public sector managers found its
style of delivery could overcome slow responses by staff to change initiatives. Line
managers argued that it provided a faster return for effort, was more visible and did not
challenge existing management control styles to the same extent as Full Implementation. It
was also favoured by staff as they felt engaged in an improvement process that quickly
demonstrated potential results where they had some input. However, the disadvantage of the
RIE was that quick wins may be difficult to sustain because they are not easily integrated
into the overall strategy of the organisation which would be more likely to lead to longer term
continuous improvement. The Full Implementation model, on the other hand, has the
advantage of linking improvement to overall strategy which, as will be shown, was found to
be advantageous in Lean implementation.
Outcomes from Lean implementation
The test for any new management concept is whether or not the outcomes of the approach are
sufficient to justify the cost and effort of implementation. All case and pilot sites, as well as
survey respondents, reported some improvements, but most sites had not achieved all the
objectives they had hoped from the Lean project. The research found two types of outcomes
from lean: tangible and intangible, the former referring to measurable outcomes, and the
latter referring to more qualitative outcomes.
There was a wide range of tangible outcomes reported, including:
Improving customer waiting times to first appointment in the health sector from
an average 23 to 12 days
Improving service performance in failure demand from 82% to 15% in four weeks
Improving processing times by two thirds in one local government department
Achieving more work in less staff time
Bringing services up to a standard
There was also a range of intangible outcomes delivering benefits to the customer, the
organisation and the staff which can be summarised as:
In sum, the research found that Lean can drive efficiency improvements but cannot
necessarily be used for the primary purpose of making cash savings in particular through
reductions in staff numbers.
In considering why change has occurred to a greater or lesser extent, the research highlights
several factors that inhibit change from happening. These factors relate closely to preexisting evidence from the manufacturing sector, and include:
Irrespective of the Lean model used, therefore, these findings suggest that organisational and
cultural factors shape the degree of success of Lean.
In most cases, improvement initiatives had not been integral to organisational strategy. This
apparent weak link between strategy and improvement had not impacted the outcomes of
Lean, as successes were found across all sites, but it was felt that this may not be sustained in
the longer term as organisations become more process focused and need to more clearly
allocate resources to improvement activities. This implies that a more sustained and effective
Lean application would link strategy and operational improvement in a whole systems
The research found that organisations who are more engaged with Lean and had considered
and planned for it are ready to embrace Lean improvements. The results suggest that the
organisations with a history of managing change, that had previously tackled process change
and are able to build effective, multi-disciplinary teams to work across traditional
organisational barriers are those with the greatest capacity for Lean improvement.
In terms of more sustained improvements, however, other factors are also relevant to
understanding the degrees of success of Lean. The research suggests that a critical mass of
people who are comfortable working with Lean practices is required. In the short-term this
requires behaviour change and those using the tools and techniques need to be trained in
Lean. In the longer term, skills transfer, especially from consultants to employees, from
those involved in the RIE to those needing to implement change, is a key factor in
sustainability, and strong leadership and communication of the changes are the main ways
through which people become skilled and engaged and add to the critical mass.
Success factors in implementing Lean
The evidence uncovered a wide range of factors related to the successful implementation of
Lean in the public sector. These are:
Organisational culture is an important success factor, with a need to ensure that all staff are
willing to take on board the initiative and to gain a sense of ownership. The case sites and
pilot studies both demonstrated that a key challenge during the early stages of a Lean
implementation was to engage all staff in the process as quickly as possible. By engaging
staff, they become motivated in their work and in making changes to the process. In addition,
the experience of participating in a process improvement initiative changes peoples attitudes
to the concept of change and prepares them for a future culture of continuous improvement.
Organisational readiness is a key factor in the success of Lean. This includes generating a
vision of a fully integrated Lean organisation at the outset of implementation; being realistic
about the timescales involved in making changes and embedding the process; engaging staff
and helping them to understand how the Lean approach may impact upon the organisation
and; evaluating the degree to which a process and customer view already exist within the
Management commitment to the improvement events is a key element of the implementation.
The survey, for example, found that managerial commitment to ongoing improvement was
the most important factor contributing to the success of the Lean projects. However, this also
requires making provision for supporting changes, including staff time for the duration of the
preparation meetings and RIE and financial resources for any changes recommended.
The research found that external support, often through management consultants, is effective
and even necessary for implementing lean. However, it was agreed that consultants should
provide a skills transfer function so that investment in consultancy will lead to wider gains
within an organisation. In one case, for example, the organisation had become dependent
upon consultants as skills transfer had not taken place, resulting in a much larger investment
in Lean consultancy than originally foreseen.
Good communication is also important to ensure Lean is implemented effectively. Good
communication during a Lean implementation has a number of benefits, including
recognition of employee effort; maintenance of the momentum for change, sharing
knowledge across work streams or departments, and generating buy-in from other staff not
involved in the RIE process. In a poorly communicated Lean implementation, the initial
enthusiasm for Lean may quickly diminish, while other staff not directly involved in the RIE
may remain disengaged, resulting in a reduction in improvement activity and a consequent
lack of sustainability of the changes made.
Taking a strategic approach to improvements can also help to generate this vision of Lean as
having broader impacts upon the organisation. The research found that by aligning Lean to
more strategic aims of the business more sustainable wins are made and commitment from
staff to the change process is enhanced.
Team working is an important, even critical, aspect of the Lean approach as well as other
change or improvement activities. The constitution of teams is important to generate both
buy-in from the participants and the staff who are involved in the process under review. It
was reported that team work allowed organisations to generate capacity for improvement, it
helped to reduce the hierarchical boundaries between staff where improvements were
required, and developed a sense of joined-up working in a whole system.
Finally, it is important to set realistic timescales for change so that expectations are set.
Timing is also important for building on the momentum for change generated by
improvement events as delays can impede implementation.
In contrast, the research identified a wide range of barriers to successful improvement
programmes, including:
People resisting change
Lack of ownership
Poor selection of improvement team members
Failure of leadership to drive change
Compartmentalisation or silo working
Weak link between improvement programmes and strategy
Lack of resources to support the programme and the changes
Poor communication of change initiatives throughout the organisation
Conclusions: Implementing Lean in the Public Sector
Analysis from the research with organisations in the Scottish public sector, together with
evidence from the literature, indicates that Lean is transferable to the public sector and can be
used to develop more seamless processes, improve flow, reduce waste and develop an
understanding of customer value. Lean is most suited to organisations with high volume,
repeatable tasks that allow greater standardisation and integration, supported by a less
hierarchical management structure that allows empowerment and engagement of the
workforce. However, to ensure greater successes, organisations require an awareness or
realisation of the need for improvement; the capacity within the organisation to deal with
change; and an organisational culture which is receptive to understanding the customer and
process analysis and is able to use relevant data to drive improvement.
For longer-term impact and sustainability, implementation of lean should be tied to more
strategic objectives. By tackling the barriers and ensuring the provision of the factors
contributing to success, this research finds that Lean is a suitable methodology for improving
performance and embedding a continuous improvement culture in the public sector.
A. Introduction
This report presents the research that was undertaken by Warwick Business School
commissioned by the Scottish Executive in order to evaluate the Lean approach to business
management and its use in the public sector. The research project commenced in August
2005 and was completed in March 2006.
Broadly the project aimed to evaluate the application of Lean in the public sector in
order to consider if it is an appropriate means to enhance the future embedding of a
continuous improvement culture.
meeting the aim and objectives it is then possible to answer the following
Can Lean work in the public sector?
How can Lean work?
Can Lean be replicated?
Can Lean embed a culture of continuous improvement?
The research consisted of a literature review, case studies of public sector
organisations in Scotland who believed they were implementing aspects of Lean, a survey
and an evaluation of pilots of a Lean methodology which had been developed by the Scottish
Executive (see 2.18-2.22).
The focus of this report is to present the findings from the case studies and pilot
studies, drawing on some evidence from the literature review (Annex 1) and survey (Annex
2) where relevant.
Chapter 2, The Research, sets out the data and information sources and methods
of data collection and analysis employed. It presents some detail on the case
studies and pilot sites who took part in the research.
Chapter 5, Outcomes of Lean, examines both the tangible and intangible outcomes
reported as a consequence of Lean. This chapter also reflects on the issues that
led to failed implementation of changes as well as factors that support
Manage toward perfection so that the number of steps and the amount of time and
information needed to serve the customer continually falls.
1.10 In practical terms one of the underlying assumptions made by Lean is that
organisations are made up of processes. Hence, improvements made in a Lean context
optimise the process or customers journey rather than optimising individual departments.
This perspective, which is widely applied in industry is sometimes referred to as the
process-based view of organisations.
1.11 Hines et al (2004) present Lean from two perspectives at a strategic level focusing
on the principles and at an operational level focusing on the tools and techniques often
associated with Lean (see Literature Review and Glossary Appendix 1). Figure 1.1 illustrates
this relationship which, as the report will indicate and refer to, became an important
distinction when assessing the use of Lean within Scottish public sector organisations.
Figure 1.1: A framework for Lean (Hines et al, 2004)
Strategic Level:
Understand Value
Level (tools):
Eliminate waste
Given the origins of Lean thinking in the automotive sector, the application of Lean
without appropriate adaptation for service organisations has been widely questioned. Whilst
Bowen and Youngdahl (1998) demonstrate that Lean principles can be applied within the
service sector, others (for example, (Hines et al., 2004)) highlight a number of the key
criticisms associated with gaps in the Lean philosophy. The criticisms include: concerns
about the increased vulnerability of Lean systems to errors or resource shortages; suggestions
that Lean systems do not cope well with demand variability; potential failure to address
human dimensions of work content and work environment; and a lack of strategic perspective
when implementing Lean tools and techniques. Related to the last criticism some
practitioners and writers of Lean see it as a holistic strategy that provides the adopting
organisation with a coherent and consistent set of practices.
1.13 In terms of public sector organisations, the literature analysis found that, to date, little
application and research has taken place with regard to Lean and the public sector, except in
health (Walley, 2003; Wysocki, 2004). In health, the Lean philosophy has been used to
generate a process-based perspective within the NHS Emergency Services Collaborative in
England. This work (Walley et al., 2001) studied the demand for emergency care within two
health communities and made recommendations for the redesign of parts of the system. This
innovation is responsible for substantial improvements to patient waiting times.
1.14 However, this finding does not necessarily imply that Lean is not appropriate for
public services. On the contrary the literature review indicates that many of the tools and
techniques used at the operational level within Lean could potentially be applied within the
public sector.
In order to meet the aims and objectives of the study, four main data sources and
methods were used: a literature review, survey, case studies and pilot studies. This chapter
will outline the data sources and the research methods used.
A. Literature review
A systematic literature review was carried out to provide a critical review of the
available literature. Systematic reviews were first developed in the medical sciences as part
of the search for a better evidence base for policy-making and for clinical practice (Tranfield
et al, 2003). More recently, they have been used in a range of health and education fields to
bring together research in an orderly and transparent way so that research evidence can be
used by professionals to inform policy and practice.
Systematic reviews take a defined sequence of locating, analysing, ordering and
evaluating literature from defined sources within a given timeframe. The advantages are that
the process is replicable, scientific and transparent (Tranfield et al, 2003).
A total of 81 sources of data were reviewed, summarised (in Data Extraction Sheets)
and analysed. These comprised:
The literature review was carried out between August November 2005. The report
of the full analysis and presentation of the findings can be found in Annex 1 (Literature
B. Survey
A survey was undertaken by an independent research company, AtoZ Business
Consultancy, on behalf of Warwick Business School to ensure that individual opinions
remained confidential. AtoZ Business Consultancy undertook the questionnaire design, the
design of the analysis schedule, the data inputting and the data analysis. The questionnaire
contained 20 questions designed to obtain information on the type of Lean projects that have
been implemented, how they were implemented and whether they had been successful in
achieving their original aims. The questionnaire contained a mix of open ended and closed
The Scottish Executive distributed the questionnaire via email to all public sector
organisations in Scotland during September 2005. Organisations were given seven weeks in
which to complete and return the questionnaires.
Completed questionnaires were returned directly to AtoZ Business Consultancy via
either email or post. In summary, 26 organisations responded to the survey, with 24
providing enough data for use in analysis. It should be noted that only those organisations
that had worked on Lean projects were asked to reply to the survey. This, therefore, restricted
the number of replies received.
A report from the survey is presented as Annex 2 (Survey Report). Due to the small
number of responses and the limitations of the survey approach, the survey results will only
be used in this report in order to support any relevant findings, as will the literature review
C. Case Studies
2.10 In order to assess the relevance of Lean a number of case studies were identified
across public service bodies in Scotland in order to compare the application of Lean tools and
techniques. Eight sites were visited by researchers including organisations in local
government, central agencies and health. The primary purpose of the case studies was to gain
an understanding of the following aspects of the application of Lean thinking:
A key observation at this stage was that many improvement initiatives had not used Lean concepts, but instead
applied alternative advanced concepts of operations management and systems thinking (although they call this
Lean). Some of these sites, therefore, were immediately rejected because of their lack of focus on Lean.
2 healthcare applications
2 local government sites
3 national/agency sites
1 military site
2.13 One of the case studies was in England but the rest were in Scotland, spread across
the central belt and into the east of the country.
Interview Process
For each case study, it was requested that the following people were interviewed:
At least one senior manager to confirm links between strategy and the initiative
The programme lead
Up to 2 programme team members
Up to 2 staff members who were affected by the change
Up to 2 customers/stakeholders affected by the service
External trainers/consultants where relevant
Relevant middle managers & service professionals (e.g. clinical leads)
1 IT manager/data manager
2.15 The actual numbers and profiles of those interviewed across the eight sites varied due
to the varying size and nature of the organisations.
2.16 A semi-structured interview pro-forma was prepared, which was divided into key
topic headings, with key questions to be asked. The document also highlighted follow-up
topics for each interviewer as key words were mentioned (see appendix 3). Most interviews
were conducted during September and October 2005 with the final case study being carried
out in January 2006. Notes were taken of all interviews and most were recorded on audio tape
and then transcribed so a full record was available.
Overview of Case Study Sites
2.17 In order to give some context and background to the case studies selected Table 1.1
gives an outline of their engagement with previous improvement programmes as well as
details of the Lean programme.
Processes are improved using check- plan do approach involving service practitioners.
Ambitious programme with 12 processes dealt with in first year. RIE chosen primarily because of its power
to engage staff.
Technique used was the Rapid Improvement Event (RIE) involving staff delivering service.
A project rather than a programme this initiative was to enable the organisation to respond to a sudden
increase in demand. Consultants were engaged to conduct a Rapid Improvement Event (RIE) involving
staff, focusing on:
ownership of cases
change in structure
increase in workload
waste of staff time on admin tasks
Consultants engaged for initial 6 months to launch programme of Rapid Improvement Events (RIE) for
process improvement.
Present improvement
Programme supported by a consultancy (in partnership with the Institute for Health Improvement) One
year targets of programme are to:
increase awareness among key stakeholders
equip people with the basic skills and tools Lean and philosophy
get people working together
make people see the end to end process to realise the benefits
get people thinking a different way about the organisation
introduce the tools from the private sector to the public sector
become an NHS pilot for Lean management in healthcare
The codes used in the left-hand column of this table are used later to identify the source of quotes used in subsequent chapters
Local Authority
Local Authority
Health Agency
Case Study2
RAF Base
Health Agency
The Rapid Improvement Event (RIE) is an intensive week where the new processes are trialled and put in
place. It is preceded by a three week preparation phase and followed by a three week sustainment phase.
Also use a tool which is called 2P (or 3P) production process preparation where the nature of the
process change is so great that it is impossible to do it in an RIE.
Value stream analysis (VSA) - to map out the processes and identify waste - initially at an enterprise level
and then at a process level - out of which comes an implementation plan which consists of quick wins,
Rapid Improvement Events (RIEs) and longer term projects.
A Lean programme - mainly tactically deployed, but with aspirations to strategic Policy Deployment using three main techniques:
Focusing on improving the patient experience. Multi-functional teams use PDSA (Plan Do Study
Act) technique to generate process improvement. Programme provides external change agents to support
organisations through the process.
Moving towards a more strategic approach with recent appointment of a Change Manager.
No formal programme. Improvement work was project based process improvement using team working
and mainly linked to implementation of new ICT systems.
D. Pilot Studies
2.18 During October 2005 to February 2006 three pilot sites were chosen by the Scottish
Executive to pilot a Lean implementation methodology. This methodology was based on the
Weir model3 with the main focus being the format of a Rapid Improvement Event (RIE)
(see 3.12). The team from Warwick Business School evaluated the methodology in terms of:
Were the staff and management engaged before, during and after the RIE?
Were the sites suitable for successful application?
Which tools and techniques within the domain of Lean thinking were used and
which were seen to work?
What were the outcomes of Lean initiatives?
Are there any lessons for the development of the Lean implementation
Are there any lessons for successful implementation?
2.20 As with the case studies across the three pilot sites a range of material was gathered.
Observation and interviews were carried out at the 3 to 5 day RIE. Then a follow up
occurred where a site visit was carried out in order to conduct semi-structured interviews,
analysis of reports and internal management documents (such as progress meeting minutes
and project and management board minutes). A guide to the follow up was a document titled
3 Cs (Concern, Cause, Countermeasure) which was a main output from the RIE and outlined
the changes and improvements planned and proposed implementation. This could, therefore,
act as a reference document for follow-up analysis.
2.21 However, it should be noted that due to time scales this research evaluates the Lean
implementation within four weeks of the RIE event. In all cases, further work related to Lean
implementation was planned for beyond that time period and so, if any subsequent evaluation
of the impact and results were to be carried out after three or six months after the RIE, for
example, it is likely that further outcomes would be noted.
2.22 The pilot sites selected are outlined in Table 1.2 which indicates past improvement or
change as well as the purpose of engaging with Lean and the data gathered to carry out the
The Weir Model is a Lean implementation project approach developed and designed by the Weir Group.
More information on this approach can be found in http://www.onesixsigma.com/organisations/Weir520Pumps
College of FE
Planned relocation
Improvement of the
contact centre using RIE.
Objective to handle
telephone calls at first
attempt without error & to
improve the quality of
information given to
8 participants involved in
the RIE.
Local Authority
investigation of
Improvement of the
housing repairs process
from first contact by
customer to access to the
property by repairs
20 participants in the RIE
NHS Hospital
Improvement of the
patient records process for
emergency admissions. 7
participants in the RIE
The codes used in the left-hand column of this table are used later to identify the source of quotes used in
subsequent chapters
This chapter presents the various perceptions of Lean identified within the case and
pilot studies. It will highlight that there was a very broad interpretation of Lean but all had
some origins in Lean thinking. It will also show that there was a general view of a clear
distinction between the application of Lean in a service context and its origins in
It is important to identify how the interviewees within the case studies identified,
perceived and described Lean in order to both place the remaining findings into context and
to help identify and define Lean for the public sector.
A. Descriptions of Lean
Of all the organizations involved in the case study work, six formally recognized the
Lean thinking origins of the improvement work.
While the methodology has its roots in Lean, in the end, perhaps because of its
Lean and mean connotations, the phrase used to describe the methodology is the
business change process. (CS4)
From the perspective of one Senior Manager in a case study, Lean was seen as a
practical way of using the experiences of front line staff and customers to improve services:
Lean thinking is such a simple concept [using] real practitionerswhat
would/would not work? Why are we doing it this way? [when there was the]
formation of a new authority we had four methods of doing the same thing first
thing was to pull it together decide what was the best of and [need to] review after
3 years. (CS4)
In two case studies, the managers were not formally using Lean thinking concepts and
had no intention of doing so. In both cases, the management style was probably incompatible
with a Lean approach, but for very different reasons. In one case, the command and
control5 management style aggressively forced top-down improvement activity. In the other
case, a reticence to use management fads was a dominant factor:
No formal attempt to implement Lean thinking has been made. The quality methods
and systems [as outlined by Womack and Jones] constitute the main methods used to
structure improvement activity. (CS6)
The RAF case probably represented the application of Lean closest to that found in
manufacturing environments, both due to the quasi-manufacturing processes to which it
was currently being applied and in the way it was being implemented via a strategic
Command and control is described by John Seddon as separating decision-making from work, expecting
managers to make decisions with measures like budgets, standards and, targets. Also, that managers are taught
that their job is to manage people and budgets
However, the case studies illustrated how they identified with the principles of Lean
(see 1.9), particularly the concepts of flow, process, identifying the customer and the need to
reduce waste.
As well as the definitions, the use of management tools differs in the public sector.
The case studies illustrated that the service-based approach to Lean did not necessarily use a
wide range of formal management tools. Process mapping was the main one used.
In sum, there was a difference between the actual type of Lean thinking considered
and used in the public service sector and that used in manufacturing. In manufacturing, the
emphasis is on a set of management tools and techniques that are used to standardise
processes. Within the public sector, it could be argued that, there is engagement with the
principles of Lean, but not with the tools and techniques (see figure 1.1). This implies that
many of the tools and techniques used in a manufacturing context are not immediately and
obviously applicable to service environments. However, this is not always the case, instead,
there is a suggestion that some of the tools need to be adapted to cope with the need for
greater process flexibility to meet the needs of the customer. In other cases, it may be that the
service sector has yet to understand the value, relevance or purpose of the tools being applied
from within the toolkit.
B. Approaches to Lean
3.10 Two models of Lean implementation were witnessed to be in use in the public sector,
and can be described as Full Implementation of the philosophy and Rapid Improvement.
3.11 Full Implementation of the philosophy was considered to be embedding of the
principles and broad use of the tools. One of the case studies had a model for Lean that had
been implemented by a consultancy, as a very careful translation of the original
implementation model used by Toyota. The full implementation model is a defined process
that starts with strategy formulation to determine the role of lean within the strategic vision
of how the organisation needs to develop in the longer term. This vision is cascaded using a
process of policy deployment that defines implementation steps and identifies areas requiring
change. The full approach can use a sophisticated means of systems analysis to identify
complex issues of process behaviour that dictate how best to tackle inefficiencies.
Implementation is cascaded, involving the entire workforce, looking at market requirements
through the concept of customer value. Improvement is achieved through analysis of the
systems abilities to satisfy customers needs. Full implementation can use Rapid
Improvement Events as one method of achieving employee involvement and process
improvement. However, their use is carefully defined and integrated into the overall plan.
3.12 The approach used by most sites was a Kaizen-type approach, often described as a
Kaizen Blitz or Rapid Improvement Event (RIE). One case study defined Kaizen in an
internal guidance booklet as:
from the Japanese and roughly translated means Making something as good as it
can be. It is a set of tried and tested techniques with the purpose of bringing about real
and sustainable improvement in processes. (CS3)
RIEs use a limited range of Lean tools to make rapid changes to small, targeted areas of a
process. They focus on waste elimination and quality improvement. RIEs can be used
strategically, as part of a full implementation plan. However, they are more commonly
observed to be used tactically to bring about change in problem areas. Although they still use
front-line staff to engage in improvement activity, RIEs tend to be more focused on shortterm outcomes than longer-term developmental issues.
3.13 Therefore, the Kaizen approach uses rapid improvement events to make small,
quickly introduced changes. This approach was cited by line managers as favourable as it
provided a faster return for effort, was more visible and did not challenge existing
management control styles to the same extent as full adoption. It was also favoured by the
staff as they felt engaged in an improvement process that quickly demonstrated potential
results where they had some input.
Kaizen provides a way of making improvement manageable by cutting problems into
bite-sized chunks. Kaizen works because it is a process which delivers quick and
visible but also sustainable wins. (CS3)
3.14 However, the consultancies that participated in the research reported they were
frequently under pressure by clients to use, in their mind, the less effective method of
implementing Lean. They all would have preferred a longitudinal, developmental approach
and even though that took time it allowed the development of a sustainable Lean capability.
This approach is also recommended in the literature (Annex 1). Consultants reported that
managers from client organisations preferred to see specific improvements achieved more
3.15 Some consultants were even disparaging of the Kaizen Blitz method yet many of the
case studies showed vast degrees of improvement by using this approach. The implementers
wished to stress that the methodologies used were not achieving the full potential of true
Lean but realised that the people at the sites liked, and even needed, a more tangible version
of Lean that had clear milestone events and measurable short-term objectives. This was
supported by the case study interviewees who stated that the approach was motivational and
enjoyable. As stated by one of the pilot studies participants:
Ive been on umpteen working groups and you just felt here we go again but certainly
with this group and approach things have moved (PS2)
3.16 The case studies did provide evidence that the two approaches are not naturally
compatible. In particular, one of the case sites accepted that the long-term aims of its Lean
programme could not be achieved purely through a succession of operational-level rapid
improvement events without some form of strategic level direction. Managers accepted that
their focus had been too short-term in their approach to the initial RIE. They reported that
they would have liked to have restarted the first RIE to make it more strategic. Another case
site successfully used their Kaizen Blitz to force through productivity improvement. In this
case, there was no intention to continue with the Lean methodology once the targets had been
achieved. There was only partial achievement of objectives and no staff engagement in
improvement once the RIE had finished, which would make full Lean implementation very
difficult to achieve in the future.
3.17 The advantage of RIE, and probably the reason why it was preferred by many of the
case study organisations, is due to the perceived benefit of it overcoming the natural tendency
for the public sector to adopt change slowly. However, there is a risk that the desire to
overcome inertia actually inhibits the sustainability of the change and could prevent full
integration of the Lean approach. Although the RIE may feel more in tune with public sector
requirements, this may not be true in practice.
C. Elements of Lean
3.18 There were common methods, tools and techniques used across the case study sites
which are outlined below:
Market-based demand analysis
3.19 One of the consulting methodologies that has taken hold is demand analysis. This
uses customer-driven, non-rework demand to define needs and assess workload volumes.
It is important to analyse demand and take out failure demand6. Then map process.
We still dont understand demand even after 4 years. (CS4)
Identification and elimination of waste
3.20 Process analysis was used primarily to identify waste in each process so that it could
be eliminated during improvement activity. This was seen as a way to increase the efficiency
of the process and eliminate problems for staff.
implementation of new processes rarely involves investment get rid of waste.
Eliminating waste frees up capacity. Main types of waste are failure demand (CS4)
By just concentrating on eliminating non value added steps a lot of waste can be
removed (CS4)
3.21 Some people used the manufacturing-based 7 sources of waste to identify types of
waste. Sites using one particular consultancy firm generated different sources of waste more
Examples of waste:
Preparing unnecessary reports
Working with badly designed IT systems
Fire fighting
Working from unreliable information
Checking other peoples work
Failure demand is described as the demand on a process or system because the process or system is broken and
has failed to deliver. For example, in a call centre it is analysing the reason why people are calling with
problems and addressing the root cause rather than focusing on reducing the cost per call answered.
Process-based improvement
3.22 Formal process mapping was not always used as part of the waste reduction process,
although it was used informally in all cases. One case of full value-stream mapping7 was
So the model is: enterprise level VSA [Value Stream Analysis] understanding the
way forward. If necessary, do a more detailed VSA to take it down another level. But
generally get a good enterprise level VSA generated; and then use the implementation
plan to plan what are the RIEs we want to do (CS8)
3.23 Most sites were moving from conventional departmental structures and more towards
The business change methodology works around the principle that processes can best
be developed by designing around the needs of customers. (CS4)
3.24 In healthcare, the approach to process management was possibly more sophisticated
than in other sectors as a result of prior capacity and demand work and the collaborative
programmes8. Healthcare discusses process streaming:
There will be a group of people who have fairly normal pattern come back and have
their diagnosis from the nurse specialist who will then provide them with the support
We have done some outpatient clinic work for some of the teams in terms of looking at
how the patients flow through outpatients. And getting them streamed for their first
investigation (CS1)
3.25 While process improvement was the common factor across all the case studies the
impact of these improvements was positioned very differently. In some cases the
improvement was seen as a short term tactical achievement while in others it was explicitly
seen as serving a higher purpose such as improved efficiency or better customer focus.
Value-stream mapping is a process analysis tool used within Lean to identify the key process characteristics
such as the sequence of activities in the process, their speed or cycle time and contains a judgement as to
whether or not the activities add value for the customer. Current state maps are used to capture the existing
process and these are adapted to future state maps that suggest how the process may be changed to become
The NHS in England has used a collaborative approach to improvement, whereby health regions were grouped
together for training in Lean principles and to share knowledge of successful ideas. The programmes were
supported by significant investment in technical guidance, knowledge development and site assistance.
3.26 Notably absent from the list of universally-used concepts was that of continuous
improvement. Although the majority of sites saw continuous improvement as a key element
of Lean thinking, this was not always the case. Similarly, work standardization was used in a
few cases, but did not feature across all sites.
Process capability
Time observations
Spaghetti diagrams (to look at waste in transit)
Cycle time charts
Cellular layout (i.e. the physical layout to promote flow)
Total productive maintenance
Zero defects (to pursue perfection)
D. Summary
Scottish public sector organisations made a clear link between Lean and what it
could contribute to continuous improvement
Scottish public sector organisations applied Lean in a different way to that used in
manufacturing, which suggested adaptation of the concept to fit different needs.
The principles of Lean were both widely understood and engaged with by
employees where an attempt to implement Lean had been made, but a smaller
range of improvement tools and techniques were used from the Lean toolkit when
compared with the manufacturing sector (see Figure 1.1).
The most commonly used tool was process mapping as a means to generate an
understanding of the process-based view.
The application of Lean used by many of the case studies was that of Rapid
Improvement Events or Kaizen Blitz due to its ability to encourage rapid change.
Although, it should be noted that, this approach can potentially be difficult to
sustain and integrate within the organisations.
This section considers the implementation of the improvement programme (the
implementation of the changes which come out of the improvement activity is discussed in
Chapter 5). By considering the implementation process, insights and recommendations can
be given regarding the methodology, its replicability and embedding of continuous
Whether discussed as a Kaizen Blitz, blitz or Rapid Improvement Event (RIE) the
methodology used in most cases followed a similar pattern although there was some
variation in scale, scope and timescales. This chapter will reflect on the process of the RIE as
well as issues affecting the implementation process.
A. Process of a Rapid Improvement Event (RIE) or Blitz
Section 3.12 mentioned that the favoured approach to Lean was the Kaizen Blitz or
Rapid Improvement Event (RIE). The RIE approach was adopted by the three pilot sites in
the study. The event usually comprised of three separate stages: preparation, workshop and
follow up9.
In the RAF case, the RIE was formalised into a seven week cycle in which the Blitz
week was essentially about trialling new processes which had come out of the Value Stream
Analysis (VSA). The Blitz week was preceded by a three week data-gathering and
planning phase and then followed by a three week sustainment phase to embed the new
The consultants brief for one case was typical of the structure of the preparation
In most cases, a short (1 day) training event for managers was held to establish the
purpose, direction and methodology for the second phase. This event was used to link
current managerial issues, strategy and the Lean thinking initiative.
See Literature Review (Annex 1) and the glossary for more details on a RIE/Kaizen Blitz
In a number of cases it was the role of the change managers to collate information
about the service to be reviewed such as current volumes, number of steps for a process, etc.
In two cases the participants-to-be were asked to carry out this work prior to the change
In all cases, some time was spent trying to understand the needs of the customer. A
common approach was a customer survey:
The business change methodology works around the principle that processes can
best be developed by designing around the needs of customers. To achieve this, each
service review includesa survey of recent customers. (CS4)
In the pilot studies, the facilitators made efforts to ensure that RIE teams would have
the necessary information at their disposal, by planning this at the preparation phase.
However, the research noted that much of this information could not be readily obtained
before or during the RIE week. For example, the hospital pilot did not have accurate demand
seasonality information and struggled to obtain this in a timely manner.
2. The Blitz week
4.10 Although most events were referred to as an improvement week, some actually took
less time than this (3 days) but 5 days was found to be the norm. This was to maintain
If it had been five Mondays it would not have worked. We would have forgotten
improvements. [Intensity] is part of the trick. (CS3)
The length of the event is short In this short time cross-functional teams from the
departments had to work together for achieving common objectives. A just do it
attitude meant that change could not be postponed. (CS1)
4.12 However in the RAF case the central purpose of the Blitz week was slightly
The physical change is at the heart of the improvement event. Three weeks of
preparation data gathering to make sure you get your facts and figures straight and
then at the end of the three weeks you say we have a good idea of what we want to
implement physically and then thats when it happens in the fourth week. (CS8)
4.13 Most Blitz events carefully managed the degree of involvement of staff in the
improvement week. It was essential that people who were not involved did not feel left out:
The biggest problem has been a degree of resistance from those who did not
participate [it] is addressed by having presentations for them. (CS3)
From the service perspective all staff would be involved at some stage in the
process but usually with a small working group leading, facilitated by the Business
Change Managers. (CS4)
4.14 During the week an improvement plan was developed. The plan usually sets out
some basic ground rules about objectives and resource requirements for the implementation.
Most Lean improvements were cash neutral, and did not emphasise cost reduction to staff:
But soon people began to realise that you can make change with no money (CS7)
I think people very quickly got over that not having resources[and] probably
found the methodology was quite simple and straightforward. (CS7)
4.15 In one of the pilots the RIE team said that they felt that a week had been too short a
time to get to grips with the process through process mapping and to trial new processes, let
alone to embed them.
4.16 The Local Authority pilot demonstrated the challenges associated with the inclusive
nature of the RIE week. In this case, it was deemed necessary to include 20 people in the
RIE. The facilitators were able to manage such a large group by dividing tasks and allocating
them to smaller groups. Even so, there were concerns that not enough people had been
3. The Follow-up
4.17 Most implementations had a third phase to implement more challenging changes
outside of the Blitz week:
There was also the 30-day follow through where additional actions would be
implemented. (CS2)
4.18 In most cases, these were necessary where changes to physical facilities or other
structural changes (e.g. IT, telephones etc) could not be adapted in the Blitz week.
4.19 Feedback from one of the pilots indicated that there was not sufficient structure
around the Blitz week to ensure that the momentum would be sustained and the changes
B. Management Commitment
4.20 Management commitment to the improvement events was identified by everyone as a
key element of the implementation. Also, the survey results reported that managerial
commitment to ongoing improvement was seen as the most important factor contributing to
the success of the Lean projects (Annex 2).
4.21 In one case, management responsibilities were made crystal clear with guidance
stipulating that commitment must be demonstrated in the following ways:
By giving your time for the planning and identification of projects
By having a vision and setting aggressive goals for your teams
By unblocking any problems around the arrangements for the Kaizen Week
By attending Blitz briefing sessions or delegating attendance
By attending the Friday Blitz Report Out
By ensuring those who need time to carry forward the implementation get it
By continuing to engage with the team leader post Blitz about the progress of
By unblocking any problems around the implementation
By attending the Final Report (project closure) out session. (CS3)
Will it be implemented? We took ownership. The fact that the service director was
there 3-4 times in the week was a good sign. (CS3)
I provided management support. I attended built in slots during the week. I needed
to give visible support. (CS3)
4.22 It was also noted that few interviewees reported senior management involvement in
the detailed work within the Kaizen week which is what would be expected. The
implementation teams tended to encourage other staff to do the practical aspects of this work
of which the outcomes would be presented to the senior management to generate their
support and buy-in. The commitment of senior management to be available during the RIE
was seen to be important as it reflected a commitment to the improvement activity.
4.23 The pilot studies showed that management participation in RIE weeks needed to be
managed carefully. Within the RIE process, managers need to be available to provide advice
and expert opinion, to sign off decisions and to demonstrate commitment to the process. It
was noted that some managers actually found it difficult to see their previous decisions being
corrected by junior staff. In one pilot, a senior manager watched as the team withdrew a
system he had championed. His lack of resistance (and indeed support) for the change
reinforced perceptions of management commitment. However, in another pilot, senior
management saw their role in the week as crucial to the staff empowerment aspect of the
4.24 The pilots demonstrated the care that must be taken when management roles are
determined for the RIEs. Too little involvement can create the impression of lack of
commitment to the RIE, but too much involvement may stifle the teams ability to challenge
existing practices. The style of involvement is also important. If managers are seen to act as
gatekeepers for all decisions, however minor, this may convey that the existing top-down
approach to management has not really changed. Employees may need unambiguous signals
that their empowerment is real. In complex systems, such as healthcare, there was some
evidence that senior managers need to have a better knowledge of the process behaviour,
otherwise they may incorrectly overrule valid suggestions.
activity and the pervasiveness of Lean. It is evident from the literature and from case studies
that partial implementation of Lean is seen as a missed opportunity and risks reversal of the
gains achieved. It is the relentlessness of lean that ultimately achieves sustainability.
D. Engagement
4.31 The case sites and pilot studies both demonstrated that a key challenge during the
early stages of a Lean implementation is to engage ALL staff in the process as quickly as
possible. Communicating among staff is also important in the engagement process (see
section E below). Staff need to be engaged in Lean early on for a number of reasons. Staff
not included in early RIEs can feel left out of the improvement process, occasionally
resulting in a lack of commitment, resistance to the improvement ideas generated and failure
to comprehend the different approach to improvement. Additionally, Lean improvement is
intended to be whole system and there are both behavioural and technical reasons for
requiring participation from all relevant groups or departments. Partial engagement may lead
to sub-optimal improvement.
There is a clear tension between the need to involve all staff and the need to keep the scale of
changes (and the inevitable short-term disruption) to manageable levels. The timing of the
engagement of managers relative to RIEs is important, to ensure that the approach is both
understood and supported.
4.32 In terms of delivering potential improvements the speed, intensive nature and design
of the RIE/ Blitz possibly contributed to the ability to establish truly representative multidisciplinary teams to implement the changes:
From the service perspective all staff would be involved at some stage in the process
4.33 Amongst those who have participated in Kaizen Blitz weeks, the response was
broadly positive, once initial barriers had been overcome:
The experience of Kaizen was very different. I was very sceptical at first about
another improvement initiative will anything change? My initial reaction was do I
have to go on this? (CS3)
My first reaction was how do I get out of this? no chance. (CS3)
I would like to see more of Kaizen. My initial reluctance has completely changed.
I wondered could it work? (CS3)
You saw guys today in civvies deliberately to free people up the guy who presented
is a junior rank at the beginning of the week he said Im just a junior in the rank
and I said we want you because you are the guy doing the job only you can tell us
how to do it. By the end of the week he was impressive. (CS8)
4.34 The change in attitude was not confined to the junior staff involved in the practical
work. Senior managers also engaged in the concept:
I was originally very sceptical. I was not a process person but [Im] now learning
the value of process. (CS3)
4.35 The pilot studies also successfully managed to engage staff and convert initial
scepticism into enthusiasm.
4.36 Finally, there was evidence that the experience of participating in a process
improvement initiative had changed peoples attitudes to the concept and prepared them for a
future culture of continuous improvement. For example, in the case of one of the local
authorities, at least as important as an outcome of the Kaizen blitz was the culture change
reported at a personal level by those who had participated in the Kaizen process. Almost
without exception the team members interviewed reported that their very negative attitude
towards Kaizen was transformed by their participation in the process. This was reflected in
other cases too:
This event has enabled me to spot waste in every process and question why we are
doing things in a particular way. (CS3)
This process has shown the amount of steps that we are dulpicating and which can
be easily eliminated (CS3)
E. Communication
4.37 According to the literature, lack of communication is a factor that can lead to Lean
programme failure. This was reflected in the case studies where communication of the
activities and achievements of the improvement events was not widespread which, at times,
led to people feeling as if their efforts had not received wide enough recognition.
Although internal communication in relation to the change programme had been
good, respondents felt that there had been little or no external communication.
Communication was seen to be a big issue it was felt that there had not been
sufficient internal communications. (CS3)
All this is supported by wider communicationthis aspect was seen as a weakness
by one of the Kaizen team, amongst others. (CS3)
4.38 Good communication during a Lean implementation has a number of benefits,
4.39 In a poorly communicated Lean implementation, the initial enthusiasm for Lean may
quickly fall, while other staff not directly involved in the RIE may remain disengaged,
resulting in a reduction in improvement activity and a consequent lack of sustainability of the
changes made.
F. External Support
4.40 Outside consultants specialising in improvement were engaged by five out of the eight
case sites studied. In the other case studies a special team was set up to facilitate the sector.
These facilitators performed the role of external consultants to the organisations and they
worked with a standard methodology (e.g. PDSA) which had already been used elsewhere in
the sector.
4.41 Two of the three consultant organizations reported that they did not think they were
being used to best effect. They did not see the Kaizen Blitz as true Lean and suggested that
such approaches in isolation would not work as well as a longer-term approach to
We try to avoid kamikaze kaizen just seeing a problem trying to put fires out
all over the place. Sometimes they put the fire out but it does not make a real
difference to the overall world. (CS8)
4.42 There are clear benefits and drawbacks to the use of external support. From the case
studies that had used management consultants and external support, there were benefits,
which included:
A well-established methodology
Experience of Lean concepts
Process understanding
4.43 The survey report notes that the use of external support was seen as effective or very
effective by the majority of respondents (90%). In no circumstance was the external support
seen as ineffective. One caveat, however, is that the management consultants used by the
case study sites were all experienced in the implementation of Lean thinking in public
sector/health organisations. Consultants with less exposure to public sector work, or
experience only in manufacturing, might not be as effective as those used within the case
4.45 One local authority recognised the risk of becoming dependent upon external support
and addressed this by outlining clearly from the start the role of the management consultant.
The task for the consultants was to introduce their version of the Lean approach
which they termed Kaizen - to the organisation and build capacity to enable the
Council to take it forward itself. This meant specifically:
- Defining critical success factors and the chosen discipline of Kaizen
- Teaching the Champion and facilitators how to facilitate events
- Train the top 125 managers in the council through a one day Kaizen
Culture workshop
- Identify problems and issues and help think how to resolve the problems
- Develop a profile of a good facilitator and help in their recruitment and
- Provide tactical advice as to which projects to go for especially in the early
stages, and which to steer clear of. (CS3)
4.46 Although the risk of dependency is most acute for private sector support, due to the
costs of the assistance, the literature also highlighted that the NHS collaborative programmes
suffered a similar problem. At some NHS sites the programme support was intended to be
present for a period of 18 months. However, it often needed to be retained after the official
finish of the programme due to lack of spread of capability to front-line staff.
G. Summary of the Perception of Lean
The Rapid Improvement Event (RIE) or Blitz usually comprised of three separate
stages: preparation, workshop and follow up.
Management commitment was critical throughout all the stages.
Managers often found the devolving of decision-making during their first RIE a
personal challenge.
The intensive nature of the RIE led to high engagement of staff at all levels
throughout the organisation.
Involvement in the event allowed staff to develop a continuous improvement
The improvement programme often focused on small bite size processes which
supported high levels of volume with low levels of complexity.
Communication of the improvement programme was seen as important to both
recognise the level of improvement and the achievements of the workforce
External support, often through management consultants, was seen to be effective
and even necessary.
The test for any new management concept is whether or not the outcomes of the
approach are sufficient to justify the cost and effort of implementation. The first section
explores how outcome objectives were set by the implementation teams to understand the
appropriate mechanisms for determining objective-setting. The nature of the objectives being
set for Lean implementation and whether or not the objectives are realistic and appropriate
are also assessed.
The next two sections explore the tangible and intangible outcomes of Lean. Due to the
nature of service only a proportion of the appropriate performance measures that can be
applied are tangible, hard measures. It is also important to understand the softer aspects of
changes to service delivery. Therefore, it is equally important to assess the intangible
impacts of Lean, especially upon employees. Within the literature too, some issues are
identified concerning its impact amongst front-line staff.
The outcomes of the case studies and an early insight into the achievements of the pilot sites
are then summarised and presented. Although, it should be emphasised that the pilot sites
were still in early stages of implementation and hence the outcomes cannot be fully measured
or predicted. Finally this chapter will also outline possible reasons for the failure to
implement changes and the factors that may be relevant in ensuring sustainability.
A. Setting Outcomes
Although process improvement was the common goal across the board, how the
outcomes were set, by whom, and at what scale varied widely across the case studies. What
differed was the relationship between the improvement of a process and the achievement
of a broader objective.
In some cases, process improvement was broken down into bite sized chunks which
were consciously linked to the achievement of a higher objective or target. In these cases
there was a degree of flexibility and freedom about the specific targets for each process,
provided they contributed to the achievement of the higher objective. For example, in the
case of one of the local authorities, the most direct outcomes are those expressed in the
management goals, the general parameters of which are summarised in the Guidance to
Consider areas which are key to your service where improvements would
result in better customer satisfaction, higher staff morale or the achievements
of externally set targets. (CS3)
The guidance also emphasises the need to show measurable improvements, and that a balance
needs to be struck between ambition versus feasibility. In this case, through the interviews it
transpired that expectations (and targets) were kept tightly controlled so personnel in the
organisation could meet the targets which were set.
However, in other cases this control was seen as an impediment to change, described
as a top-down command and control culture:
The rapid implementation only had a moderate success with the less politically
sensitive changes taking place and everything else postponed. This may, in part, be
due to the fact that the preliminary works to identify the issues have been devised
almost entirely by the two people in charge of the unit. Therefore the team working
was very limited in its scope to identify alternative problems or alternative issues.
Similarly, other team members brought in from other departments were not allowed
to bring their issues to the table. This clearly influenced the degree of commitment to
the implementation. (CS2)
In other cases, the driver for change was the only focus and desired outcome, and
all other impacts should be avoided. In other words, if the driver was service improvement
linked to staff empowerment there was explicit guidance that financial targets or anything
involving a decrease in staff should be avoided:
There was a deliberate reluctance to set large strategic targets for Kaizen. It was
pitched much more as a tool at the service level and the managers targets were
specifically for that service. There was also a reluctance to set money targets for
Kaizen as senior management felt that this would have a negative impact on peoples
willingness to participate. This may need to be tested in the future. (CS2)
In one local authority, for example, the key message from the Chief Executive was
Kaizen is not to cut jobs but to improve morale to keep competitive advantage in
the public sector. (CS3)
While there was no doubt that in this case the programme was very popular with participants,
with a wide range of individuals describing personal paths from deep scepticism to total
commitment, there was an acknowledgement that this might limit its application to service
improvement driven by the need to make efficiency savings.
This view was echoed by a senior officer from the other local authority:
They have so far focussed on hearts and minds, rather than big stick and have not
been robust in exposing savings. (CS4)
Similarly, within the RAF case study, there was a concern that mixed messages
about drivers and required outcomes might have a negative impact on the willingness of
staff to participate in Lean activity:
When we save manpower on an activity those people dont become redundant we
move them to other areas. The trouble is, they dont believe that, they dont see that
so we have to sell that, which is why I go about making a big issue about
Interestingly, the survey (Annex 2) reported that those Lean projects deemed to be
unsuccessful in achieving their original aims were the ones mainly concerned with cost or
workforce reduction.
B. Tangible outcomes
5.10 While some outcomes were very limited bite size chunks, others looked at a whole
service. Some were linked to other initiatives such as ICT projects or customer access
improvement programmes. There was a wide range of tangible outcomes reported, including:
5.12 As an example of the practical impact of the above change, the journey for some
cancer patients had 6 fewer steps than previously and an average reduction in time to first
appointment from 23 to 12 days.
5.13 Improving service performance through migration of services into a corporate
front office:
If a service area shows high levels of failure demand, the Northline Manager will
contact the relevant department to flag up the situation and work with them to resolve
the underlying process problem and improve the service. Since this approach is also
used in the Business Change Process we can demonstrate before and after
information on demand. At this review stage, we also measure capability the
measure of how well the service performs on what matters to the customer. In one
service area Failure demand was reduced from 82% to 15% in four weeks. (CS4)
5.14 Improving processing times. The Planning & Environment department of one of the
local authorities set its goal to register 100% of planning applications within 3 days. In six
months the time taken for registration was reduced from an average of five days across the
six areas to an average of two.
5.15 Achieving more for less. In one of the central government agencies the Blitz process
very successfully devised a way of structuring documents in a labelled filing system so that
every document could be identified quickly by the recipient who was conducting the
research. This was seen to be important to cope with the increased workload with no extra
5.16 Bringing services up to a standard. The Head of Environmental Health in one local
authority described the use of the business change process, supported by one of the business
change managers, which had turned around an inconsistent and failing service. He had come
from a neighbouring council with the remit of restructuring what had been three separate
5.17 Improvement of customer flow. By the use of process mapping and removing non
value adding activities as well as incorporating the streaming process a result achieved in one
of the health cases was a reduction in flow time for patients of 48%.
5.18 In the RAF case clear reduction in staffing and other costs were reported. Between
February and November 2005 there were two Value Stream Analysis events, each generated
an implementation plan, including 14 RIEs. These have generated a 105 person reduction in
manpower and 31m budget saving. A more recent estimate of the total savings for the
platform programme to date was over 60m.
5.19 The research was designed to evaluate the pilot study results after four weeks.
Therefore, it would be unreasonable to expect very rapid implementation of quantifiable
results. However, there was planning for a steady phasing in of the improvement actions. In
pilot study 1, the following achievements can be quantified in the weeks following the
improvement event:
The number of telephone calls answered first time improved from 35% to 85%
over a twelve week period.
The number of call queries answered in full by the contact centre without passing
the caller on increased from 56% to 65% in the same time frame.
77% of the actions identified in the initial RIE have been fully implemented in the
4 months after the RIE.
5.20 The second pilot study generated 96 improvement ideas and the third pilot 45 items.
Both also developed an implementation plan (3 Cs document) to act upon these, where
possible, within a three-month time frame.
C. Intangible Outcomes
5.21 There was also a range of intangible outcomes delivering benefits to the customer, the
organisation and the staff which can be summarised as:
Process change
Culture change
Greater focus on prevention rather than correction of errors
Support for the development of a culture of continuous improvement
Greater understanding of the whole system and how it fits together
Better understanding of the needs of the customer
Improved performance measurement
Greater staff satisfaction and confidence in themselves and the organisation.
5.24 In one case study, Lean had contributed to a greater focus on prevention (as
opposed to policing or reacting), improved partnership working, more satisfied and
empowered staff working in more flexible ways.
The way of work allocation now that people are nominally in teams but not locale
located means that the delegation of work is easier where teams can be allocated
work rather than individuals. This means that variation in workload can be spread
fairly across people. (CS2)
5.25 The improvements also supported the delivery of other programmes such as an ICT
implementation or a best value review. Other benefits reported were that respondents
understood the whole system and the organisation better and that after, having met others
involved in the process, they had better ongoing working relationships with them and were
better able to deal with problems as they arose:
I have worked for council a long time seen peoples names on list but now know
them and can call them. Kaizen helped make links between offices. Now lots of to-ing
and fro-ing and e-mails across different areas. (CS3)
It has fundamentally changed the shape of the organisation and the shape and
content of the jobs. (CS5)
5.26 Many of the case studies reported that the improvement and change programmes had
helped to create a better understanding of the need to consider the customers themselves
as the receiver of the service, rather than the needs of the central department.
There is a customer focus attitude: that they are there to serve the community not
ivory tower we know best. (CS3)
General role of Lean thinking is increasing. Customer focus Lean thinking helps.
I was looking at how we could collectively help in improving the process from the
patient point of view. (CS7)
Patient involvement is at the heart of the .Plan and the[organisation] has tried
to ensure that the patients voice is heard during the redesign process. (CS7)
5.27 Related to the last quote, this health case involved patients directly in the mapping
and redesign of services by organising special sessions for patients which were then fed into
the service redesign process. Although, interestingly, within the same case study it was
reported that it was felt that there was still some way to go in creating a customer focus, with
one respondent commenting that compared to the private sector retail environment, where she
had recently worked, customer care practices in the NHS were fairly poor.
5.28 In addition, putting things right when they go wrong was easier because the services
have better information about, and understanding of, the process, as well as supporting a
culture of continuous improvement:
previously they were producing all this audit data and nobody was actually paying
attention to it. It was not in use as a tool which I think is what they want to do now.
Because they have been tying that into the changes they are actually much more
aware. I think they will be much more willing to recap and much more able to say
right what is happening where has it gone wrong why has it gone wrong and is it
something we can do to change that. And as a team we can fine if it is an external
factor then we seem to have a better ability to communicate that in an appropriate
manner. To have something done about it if that is the case. (CS7)
5.29 The two local authorities both mentioned an increased emphasis on measurement
of, for example, customer demand as one of the beneficial spin offs from their improvement
programmes. However, commentary on one of the agencies suggested there was an excess of
performance management in that organisation, which effectively amounted, in Lean terms, to
5.30 The staff also benefited in a number of ways, including greater job satisfaction,
improved confidence and development of a critical mindset to embed a continuous
improvement culture.
I think for some of the staff involved they have seen some changes happen that they
wanted to see and then actually making that change now, which they never managed
to do before. I think the general feeling of the staff here is that they are providing the
patient with a better service. (CS7)
5.31 Staff were generally happy with the results of the change activity. A particular
characteristic was where they saw efficiency improvements as helping them in their own
work and enjoyment of work:
Most people think it is a nice place to work. (CS6)
I think the better service we do the better life we all have the better we do our job.
5.32 For others, the experience had built their personal confidence and convinced them
that the organisation would listen to their ideas and that it would implement change. The
following comments were from Kaizen team members from one of the local authorities:
Id not been in the job long and realised how much knowledge admin and clerical
jobs require. We are not given credit for what we know. This was my first opportunity
to make a contribution to improvement. (CS3)
I have been in the council quite some time and it was the first time I was involved in
looking at the process. (CS3)
It was pleasing to come to the end of the week and having gone through a
complicated process with something different from what we do. (CS3)
We can now see how everyone works we need more of that team working has
begun to bear down. It will improve the way we work.
D. Overview of Outcomes
5.33 Table 5.1 summaries some of the qualitative and quantitative outcomes for both the
case and pilot studies. It is interesting to note that both tangible and intangible outcomes are
reported for the majority of the organisations.
E. Failing to implement changes
5.34 While all the case studies documented some positive outcomes, concern was
expressed across the case studies about the gap between proposals coming out of the
improvement process and what was being implemented. The reasons for the possible
failures to implement changes are varied and have been highlighted in the literature as
common factors for failure (see Annex 1).
These can be summarised as:
Lack of resources
Resistance to change
Post RIE/ Blitz week lack of ownership for the improvement activity
Lack of management, and staff, commitment throughout the change process
Slow natural pace of change
Local Authority
Government Agency
A range of outcomes was reported from the Kaizens which had already been carried out. For example, on a tangible level:
Planning & Environmental Services (the first Kaizen conducted, in December 2004) aimed to reach a target of to register 100% of planning applications
within 3 days. By July 2005 the time taken for registration was reduced from an average of 5 days across the six areas to an average of two. (Three of
the areas succeeded in meeting the 100% target but poorer performance in the other three areas brought the average down to 97% - although the project was
considered closed.)
People were set up nominally in teams, but not locale located, which meant that the delegation and allocation of work was easier as teams were allocated work
rather than individuals. Variation in workload was now spread more evenly across team members.
Subjectively the team believe there was better quality of the reports coming out of the unit and better communication between those covering similar work.
The outcome for the project was simply to be able to cope with the additional workload within existing resource constraints. Through a combination of
elimination of waste, plus passing some of the work to other departments, this has predominantly been achieved. The Department achieved their on-going
target of never failing to complete their part of the process within the seven day limit.
Other improvements reported included seven minor process improvements, reduction in transportation required and patient hand-offs reduced from 23 to 13 as
a consequence of the value-stream mapping exercise.
Manual Time
Flow Time
Outcomes/ Achievements
At the start of the event three key measurements were set targets. They were flow time, manual or touch time and the number of steps in the process.
Flow time was the time taken for the patient to go from being admitted to A&E, departure to ward or theatre with the necessary diagnosis and necessary
Manual time or touch time was the time in which some activity was being carried out by the staff on the patient.
The number of steps was the steps that were being carried out by the staff from admitting to discharging a patient.
The results are tabulated below:
Target At
Table 5.1 Summary of the Qualitative and Quantitative Outcomes of the Case and Pilot Studies
Government Agency
Local Authority
Customer satisfaction - Customers were routinely surveyed (typically monthly) with 400 calls per month in the samples. The survey looked across 14
Process Workflow Efficiency - Customer services (call centre staff) were carefully monitored. Issues such as telephone response time were key measures.
Waste Reduction - Major reductions in the cost of mail sorting, printing, telephones, computer licences, procurement (of booklets), PR and bank charges
which have been achieved in the current financial year and totalled 1m of savings. A target had been set for the following year of 695,000.
Less tangible benefits included more focus on prevention, improved partnership working, and more satisfied and empowered staff, working in more flexible
ways and, a change to a culture of continuous improvement and customer focus.
There were a range of benefits reported from the various improvement initiatives, for example:
Similar improvements were reported for the dog wardens service and the pest control service, including service improvements at no extra costs.
In another example the Environmental Health Manager reported the use of the business change process to turn around an inconsistent and failing service. This
service was the removal of abandoned vehicles. The service had moved from:
An average of 28 days to remove vehicle
Poor awareness of service
Average 1000 enquiries per annum
Average 250 cars removed per annum
15 charge to council per vehicle removed
Average 3 days to remove vehicles 95% in 7 days
Proactive approach taken service marketed and advertised
Demand peaked at 3300 enquiries per annum now 2500
Removal peaked at 1300 per annum now 800
New contract for uplift no charge to council
One example was the migration of services into corporate front office where for one service area failure demand was reduced from 82% to 15% in four
Other benefits reported were that respondents understood the process and the organisation better, and that after having met others involved in the process
they had a better ongoing relationship with them and, were better able to deal with problems as they arose. For others, the experience had built their personal
confidence and convinced them that the organisation would listen to their ideas and that it would implement change.
Outcomes included improved service performance.
This example reflects another outcome which was to develop a culture where teams have the absolute right to amend the management goals set and that they
can improve them by setting more challenging targets. The culture change was an important outcome of Kaizen reported at a personal level by those who had
participated in the Kaizen process. Almost without exception the team members interviewed reported that their very negative attitude towards Kaizen was
transformed by their participation in the process and the sceptics were converted into enthusiasts.
College of FE
RAF Base
Health Agency
Government Agency
Staff empowerment was also reported as an outcome, with the long term aspiration of culture change. They were working towards a time when Lean ceased to
exist because the improvement culture was totally embedded in the organisation.
RIE found 56 corrective actions to implement
Staffing levels more rapidly brought up to required levels to achieve response targets
The staff stated that they had now had the opportunity to make changes happen as well as seen other changes occur which had never happened before.
According to a programme spreadsheet between February and November 2005 there were two Value Stream Analysis (VSA) events. Each generated an
implementation plan, including 14 RIEs. These generated a 105 person reduction in manpower and 31m budget saving. A more recent estimate of the total
savings for the platform programme to date was over 60m.
For the organisation and staff it was reported that although the changes achieved through process mapping and PDSA had been reasonably easy to sustain,
putting things right when they went wrong was easier because the services had better information about, and understanding of, the process.
In other parts of the process they reported that for the first consultation the time was on average 23 days and it is now down to 12 days and they were looking to
reduce this further. Other examples were outpatients moving to endoscopy within 2 weeks. Having been 45%, it was now 92%.
In one centre they were able to report that they had increased their percentage of patients meeting their fixed target from around 40% in 2003 to currently 75 80 % as an overall 62 day target. As a contribution to this for one process, the journey of a cancer patient, there were now 6 steps fewer than previously which
had allowed an average reduction in time to first appointment from 23 to 12 days.
They had reduced the acknowledgement time to three days, with a lot of applications actually being acknowledged on the day of receipt. The processing
time had been reduced to between 14 and 21 days.
The objective for the programme was to improve the patient experience through the implementation of the Top 20 Actions for Change and to support the
hospital networks to achieve the target of a maximum of 62 days for all urgent primary care referrals to commencement of first treatment.
The process improvements had made a difference to various dimensions of performance and had fundamentally changed the shape of the organisation and
the content of the jobs.
Staff were generally happy with the results of the change activity. A particular characteristic was where they saw efficiency improvements as helping them in
their own work and enjoyment of work. This had led to a significant decrease in the staff turnover which was now around 4% compared to previously 25
dimensions of quality (both qualitative and quantitative). Responses of excellent or good were deemed to be a pass and this was used to formulate an
overall percentage satisfaction score.
NHS Hospital
Local Authority
5.37 Pilot study 2 highlighted that unions needed to be engaged in Lean effectively if there
was not to be formal resistance to change. A union representative was involved in the RIE,
resulting in union support for Lean because of the perceived benefits of Lean working on
employee morale and workplace stress. It should be noted that the policy of no compulsory
redundancies had a positive effect on the willingness to adopt Lean. In the follow-up
interviews it was revealed that without this protection for staff Lean would have been seen as
more of a threat by staff and unions.
Post RIE/ Blitz lack of ownership for the improvement activity
5.38 There was evidence of some delays in implementation following the RIE week. From
one of the health cases, it was observed that improvements from improvement events could
be difficult to sustain if post event ownership was poor and follow-up did not work.
[What happened on the following Monday?] Not a lot it took a week. [How many
recommendations?] 8-10 half have been implemented harder ones have not. We
have not met as a team since. (CS3)
This lets people slide back into their comfort zones and there is resistance to change.
Small improvement that can be adopted on a personal level can be left to wait till
another such event is organised. Lack of continued management support and
resources can mean that this improvement is only short lived. (CS3)
5.39 In the other health case the resistance appeared during the improvement process and
was not overcome, which prevented implementation of suggested improvements after the
Mapping day some came well prepared. 20-30 people. Some people said they
would not move. Their attitude focussed the discussion (and were a barrier) and
decision to move forward. Two hours only . PDSA was not presented it was all very
quickStill at planning stage study. Still trying to implement. (CS7)
Lack of management, and staff, commitment throughout the change process
5.40 The importance of staff engagement was explicitly recognised in one of the local
authority cases, which used Kaizen, as one of the key features. The participation of
practitioners which, when combined with speedy implementation, helped sustain the
commitment of those affected by the changes most of whom had already been directly or
indirectly engaged in the process. It was made clear that should the commitment from
management to attend the Rapid Improvement Event slip, the commitment from staff to
participate would probably also slip and so, therefore, would the implementation of potential
5.41 In one of the pilots both staff involved in the RIE and sponsoring managers said that
the RIE process could be clearer about the next steps post RIE. The manager in particular
said that while she took on board the clear message from the facilitators not to take over and
managerialise the outcomes of the RIE, the staff were not perhaps taking as pro-active a
role as they had been invited to take. She speculated that this might be due to the lack of
seniority of the staff involved, which she acknowledged was a good thing in principle,
combined with the culture of the organisation which did not normally encourage this sort of
5.42 In other cases it was the perceived lack of support from, or capacity of, senior
management that blocked implementation of changes:
The outcomes of the project had been communicated to senior management but to
nobody else. However, it should be observed that even some of the changes were not
communicated to senior management very deliberately. In some cases some of the
changes were deemed not to be part of government policy or department policy and
this would cause senior management to react unfavourably to the change suggestions.
Therefore some changes have taken place quietly without senior management
knowledge. (CS2)
External constraints may limit the amount of time the CEO has to implement these
changes. (CS6)
We need to have a stable management to see these changes through. (CS6)
5.43 Staff and middle managers within organisations were identified as key barriers to
Lean implementation in two of the case sites, largely because they had variable abilities,
some had been in the organisation a long time and were only focussed on the day-to-day
delivery. In some cases, managers owed their position more to professional seniority rather
than to being effective managers, which impacted upon their readiness to engage with Lean
There has been tension between front shop/back shop with the perception that the
best of the crop goes to front office (CS4)
Middle managersthere is still considerable resistance. (CS4)
Slow natural pace of change
5.44 In most of the case study sites, interviewees reported historical tendencies for the slow
pace of change in their organisation. In two cases, this lack of response had resulted in crises
that had forced radical change involving new management teams.
In the Lean
implementations some RIEs equally suffered from this inertia problem with the improvement
ideas being put back into existing bureaucracies. In one pilot site interviewees commented
that a pre-Lean suggestion to introduce a customer handbook had taken two years and was
still not ready. After the Lean implementation no work was immediately completed but a
plan to introduce improvements to a schedule was devised.
At this time. I dont know of any [changes]. I know the board is having meetings
I have not seen any result because we have not actually implemented them yet
5.45 The purpose of the RIE approach is to introduce change quickly to minimise the risk
of loss of enthusiasm. One council employee conveyed the impact of lack of action to
change suggestions before Lean was introduced:
They would see their line manager in the past. He would maybe make a suggestion
and nobody comes back[to him ] people just felt terrible (PS2)
5.46 The ability of the organisation to adopt changes quickly is clearly a necessary
characteristic. Although this point is relevant for all public sector organisations, additional
care should be taken where changes need to be formalised or adopted on a wide scale. This is
especially relevant in healthcare where some changes may need to be authorised by
committees that meet infrequently. The momentum for Lean has to be sustained during these
delays and at times this may be difficult.
F. Sustainability
5.47 Many of the case studies addressed the issue of how to sustain continuous
improvement. Resources and organisational capacity, culture change and knowledge
transfer, and leadership and communication were seen as the main ways of trying to ensure
5.48 In the case of one of the local authorities using Kaizen it was the sheer scale of the
work which appeared daunting. Each process improvement was owned by a manager and
developed by a team of around a dozen people working full time over the course of a week.
The commitment of all participants was impressive but there has to be some concern about
the capacity of the organisation to sustain such a programme, both in terms of the skills
required to drive the programme and the heavy resource required for each Kaizen.
5.49 The dangers of not providing sufficient resources or some sort of invest-to-save
mechanism to recycle resources through improved efficiency was also highlighted in one of
the health cases where the management still have not secured funding for the cost of quality
improvement. They have benefited from free consultancy and hence seem to have gone into
the process with the attitude that there was nothing to lose.
5.50 In four cases, though interestingly not in the government agencies which worked to a
more commercial model, there was a conscious effort to transfer knowledge from external
consultants to internal consultants. While this was seen as positive, there was a concern in
some cases that the particular methodology used might get diluted unless there was an
independent quality assurance role taken by the change agents, although, as we see from one
of the health case studies, this role was by no means clear:
we went in and undertook the exercise with them and then explained what to do
with the initial PDSA cycle with the view that they would then have the ability to or
should have the ability to undertake those on a longer term basis whether we would
always be a support mechanism should we need to come back in (CS7)
In the RAF case the sustainability model was also based on skills transfer:
Although they [the consultants] cost us 2000 a day they are saying there are a lot
of these things you can do yourself and they are happy to do it whereas some other
companies wont tell you what the secrets are and we get all the tools. (CS8)
5.53 In another case study there was resistance to the idea that a continuous improvement
culture could be achieved by knowledge transfer except through direct participation i.e. no
manuals or toolkits. Leadership at a strategic level and communication were seen as
key to supporting the development of a continuous improvement culture which ideally
needed to be the responsibility of all employees at all times rather than being driven from the
Continuous improvement should be a part of ones daily work and not a once a year
event that one has to attend. Each person should be flexible to learn a new way of
doing things if this is in the interest of improvement. (CS1)
5.54 An interpretation of these findings is that sustainability requires a critical mass of
people who are comfortable working with Lean practices. In the short-term this requires
behaviour change and those using the tools and techniques being trained in Lean. However,
the objective is that once a critical mass is achieved, Lean should become standard practice
and so self-sustaining. This sustainability may be difficult in public sector organisations
where there are implementation difficulties associated with a naturally rapid turnover of staff,
e.g. the rotation of junior doctors. Also, if practitioners within public sector organisations
become experienced enough in Lean, there is a possibility that they will be attracted to work
elsewhere, including a loss of some experienced staff to the management consultancies
implementing Lean.
G. Replicability
5.55 Linked to the concept of sustainability is the question of replicability. This could be
considered at two levels. First of all, is a particular methodology replicable across different
organisations and secondly, could a particular process improvement be transferred between
departments or even between organisations? There was an acceptance that, notwithstanding
cultural and other contextual differences, the former might be possible (maybe through the
use of external support).
5.56 On the latter point, however, there were opposing views, though this view was
limited. For example, one of the improvement programmes in health makes a virtue of
offering off the peg process improvements as a way of engaging with target hospitals:
[The organisation] supports networks across all three regions in Scotland.
Results demonstrate reductions in delays and improved services. The team are now
The outcomes expected of Lean ranged from short-term tangible targets to broad
organisational improvements and cultural change.
The entire range of outcomes have been achieved, from quantifiable service-level
improvements in all sites, to broad, long-term shifts in organisation culture within
the most established case studies.
Successful Lean implementations tended to view cost reduction as a secondary
rather than a primary objective.
Headcount reduction was not seen as a primary Lean objective.
Tangible Lean outcomes included improvement in customer waiting time, service
performance, processing times, customer flow as well as bringing a service up to
standard and being able to achieve more for less.
Intangible Lean outcomes included a better understanding of process, joined-up
working, the whole system, performance measurement, a support for continuous
improvement, increased staff satisfaction and confidence, and an ability to embed
a continuous improvement culture.
Achievement of all the outcomes in the Scottish public sector, where some
organisations were not used to improvement methods, was often set to a slow pace
that could not be forced too hard.
Effective leadership is commonly seen as an essential driver for change. In two case
studies, an agency and a local authority, it was the Chief Executive who was the driving force
for the changes implemented. In both cases, the Chief Executive had a view to shape new
working practices and ideas. In one case, the Chief Executive promised neither to reduce pay
nor enforce any redundancy as a result of the new Lean approach, which also coincided with
the introduction of single status10. In the other case, the appointment of a new Chief
Executive was at a time of crisis where the media was commenting that the customers were
not receiving adequate service and the agency was in meltdown:
The place had not been subject to any proper change programme ever since it had
been set up. [We] had a lot of morale issues; staff turnover at the time was
somewhere between 30 and 35 per cent. (CS6)
Single status is the assimilation of existing employees to the new pay spinal column in accordance with the
agreements reached in the Scottish Joint Council.
Here the appointment of the new Chief Executive was seen as the catalyst for change
as well as a key part of shaping the organisation as he used the opportunity to introduce new
approaches ranging from implementing information technology (IT) systems to improved
quality procedures.
Achieving key performance indicators (KPI) was another reason cited for driving
change in processes and practices. It was mentioned that by redesigning some processes and
looking for opportunities for change so that some KPIs could more easily be met.
New IT systems in both agencies had allowed these organisations to reflect on their
current processes and use their introduction as a means to implement new ways of working
across the organisation. In another case there was a perception that the systems cannot
deliver change, leading to a requirement in the Corporate ICT strategy that a business change
exercise must be done prior to the implementation of any ICT system. This scepticism ran
deeper in the view of the change managers:
you cant trust IT systems to deliverIT can help but IT must pull
system[but]not once has there been an IT solution [as a result of the Business
Change Programme]. (CS4)
A couple of cases mentioned that the impetus to introduce Lean ways of working
came from the need of managing outcomes and the relationship between itself, as the local
service deliverer, and Central and Scottish Government. In these cases, drivers also
included the efficiency agenda, funding (or the lack of it), e-government, the new Best Value
audit regime and community planning.
In most cases, Lean had been brought into the organization by some external
recommendation or policy. This is especially evident in healthcare, where most formal
process improvement activity in England is underpinned by Lean thinking as a philosophy.
This has resulted in diffusion of the approach across to the NHS in Scotland. This diffusion
has recently accelerated with the closure of the Modernisation Agency and the dispersion of
its Lean thinking facilitators throughout the UK to NHS management jobs.
6.10 A health case mentioned the change being driven from a national strategy designed
to improve services over the years which hoped to provide, amongst other things, rapid
access to diagnosis and treatment, improved treatment and investment in staff and
technology. Overall, in a health case it was mentioned that they just wanted to work smarter
and to introduce a customer focused approach to their ways of working, hoping to increase
quality and help create efficiency savings to reduce the financial shortfall. However, it was
also mentioned in both health cases that the consideration and implementation of Lean
appears to have been opportunistic or connected to some short-term advantage usually in the
form of extra funding.
6.11 For one case study the driver for considering changing working practices, or looking
at how they could carry out their role more efficiently, had been triggered by the
announcement that a second organisation (deemed to be the customer) would be opened,
which would double the workload, with no additional resources:
Managers within the unit were told Get on and do it, do the extra work, there will
not be any financial resources provided. (CS2)
6.12 Both agencies felt the external driver coming from the threat of competition. It was
mentioned a number of times by both that the work could always be outsourced to someone
else. A perceived low barrier of entry meant that the organisations felt the strong need to
justify their service delivery and look to ways to continually improve:
the world does not owe us a living (CS5)
I think as a company we have to be aware that we have to be competitive (CS5)
if we are cost effective, efficient and delivering a good service it makes it less
attractive for somebody to come in and do these kind of things (CS5)
6.13 Regular policy changes were another reason organisations gave as an external driver
for change. Although some, particularly the agencies, had attempted to shape the timing of
the policy changes so that they could manage their impact more effectively into their
organisation. What any policy change meant was that organisations needed to be more
flexible at being able to adapt to the changes. Understanding the processes, the work flow
and reduction of waste were seen to help with this flexibility.
6.14 An emerging driver mentioned by some was the efficiency in government agenda
with the increasing emphasis not only on value for money but on efficiency with the
Minister for Finance and Public Service Reform, Tom McCabe, setting a target of 1bn
efficiency savings for government in Scotland over the next 10 years. Linked to this was also
the mention of the Gershon report.
The fact that 54% of Scottish GDP is represented by activity in the public sector
compared with 42% in England - has contributed to a recent and growing emphasis
from the Scottish Executive on improving efficiency and achieving value for money.
Modernising government was about improving customer services now it is about
saving money (CS4)
B. Strategy Process
6.16 In order to understand if the change programmes have been considered within the
context of an overall strategy it was important to ask the interviewees some details about their
strategy process. For example, this referred to the development of the community strategy
for local authorities or, the vision and objectives for the government agencies.
very well the Lean ethos of service improvement through staff and customer
involvement. (CS4)
6.23 In other cases there was a post-facto realisation, leading to a retro-fitting of a
particular approach into a broader improvement programme. Within a local authority case it
was described that whether or not Kaizen was initiated as a corporate continuous
improvement programme or simply as a way of engaging more staff in fairly low level
service improvement there was little doubt that the organisation, having seen the benefits of
Kaizen, was seeking to embed it in its overall continuous improvement approach:
Kaizen is now beginning to embed itself within the Councils strategic approach to
quality development. It lies at the heart of our corporate commitment to continuous
improvement in the way we deliver services to customers, and supports the Councils
approach to achieving Best Value by bringing about real improvements in service
performance. (CS3)
6.24 In another case there was partial alignment of the strategic goals to the improvement
activity but these goals were not known to the entire organisation. Hence, the link between
the strategic goals and the improvement exercise could not be drawn and so it led to a certain
amount of scepticism, lack of ownership and a feeling of another top down initiative.
6.25 For one local authority there was a formal strategic planning process linked to the
electoral cycle and, in the opinion of one of the Senior Managers, the Council has recently
got better at linking the strategic plan and service plans. However, the links between the
strategy and budget planning were weak and it was also perceived that there was a weak
connection between strategy and improvement.
6.26 This was supported by a health case where the improvement programme had not yet
been sufficiently integrated into the organisations strategy, which had constrained its
The following exchange with the regional facilitator indicates that, in this
case, there was no systematic link between strategy and service improvement:
Q: So there was a group who in one sense were reasonably switched on to the idea
of improving the system?
A: Yes, met regularly to look at the service.
Q: But they were not working to very specific objectives.
A: No.
Q: They probably did not have a consistent methodology.
A: No I would not say they were aware of anything.
Q: But there was a will.
A: Yes. (CS7)
6.27 One agency cascaded the strategy to people in a variety of ways including
encouraging Improvement teams to help with the implementation of major pieces of work:
On a strategic level there is always something and at our level we have set up a
number of improvement teams. It is getting them to think about themselves and we
know what the solution might be. (CS5)
6.28 The other agency had focused on IT and the use of technology to improve
operating efficiency:
I think within the next year or two we will be as close to a paperless office as it is
possible for a civil service outfit to get. (CS6)
We have seen a lot of suggestions for change, on the IT front we have done as much
as we could that is where we have been heading over the last five years. (CS6)
6.29 Another approach taken was to create an improvement programme across a network
of hospitals to help support the change process which itself has aims which are in line with
health agenda and targets.
working in support of improvement. The focus of the work is to enable clinical
teams and their support staff to make changes happen and to encourage changes that
are sustainable. (CS7)
"The programme was the glue between the networks and the trusts (CS7)
6.30 However, even with this approach there was a variable fit between the programme
and the strategies which the hospitals had developed. Although, in their view there had been
more of an alignment over the past year due to the programme being linked with a short-term
target with the hospital Chief Executives receiving monthly reports which they feed into the
action plans.
6.31 Some cases cited the use of tools such as the European Foundation Quality Model
(EFQM) or a local version of it, as providing a link between the deployment of improvement
tools and the improvement strategy.
6.32 In the RAF case, while the consultants had aspirations that the organisation would
adopt Lean at a strategic level, the reality was that it was competing with a number of other
approaches in different parts of the organisation, including the use of the balanced scorecard:
[The consultants are]trying to get them, with varying success, to go down the
policy deployment routine so that effectively they have clear cascading down from
their high level objectives and the methodologies needed to get there Its a difficult
one to sell to them with the IPT [Implementation Project Teams - part of the
Defence Logistics Organisation] they are on the balanced scorecard, which is roughly
doing the same stuff but a completely different methodology so it does seem to be a
waste of time to do both. (CS8)
6.33 Two cases highlighted the possible approaches to developing an improvement
strategy. In the first, one of the local authorities, what had started out as a relatively low level
process improvement technique was increasingly becoming broader and linked to the
corporate continuous improvement approach based on EFQM. In the other case (one of the
health examples), the project seemed to follow the opposite trajectory starting out as an
improvement programme with a very broad remit but very quickly trimming its sails to
become more of a technique to help deliver a time-limited target. As it was observed in one
case study:
How Strategy
Impacts Upon
of New
of Service
How Lean
of Service
The Role
of Lean
of Effort
Sequence &
6.36 Lean potentially represents a major change that impacts upon the long-term direction
and focus of the adopting organisation. It is important that this role of Lean, as part of the
strategic development process, is understood. In case study 1, the organisation faced shortterm financial pressures and also had a desire to substantially improve the quality of patient
care, both in terms of outcomes (mortality) and the customer service quality of the delivery
process. It was recognised that the Lean implementation, by itself, was not the appropriate
mechanism to deliver the required substantial cost savings, due to the short timescale for this
change and the sensitivities of the situation. The short-term financial outcome was not
included in the role of Lean in the early implementation phase. It was seen that Lean could
help improve quality performance and so the role of Lean was focused on reducing mortality
as a key measure. This was achieved through improvements to patient waiting times and
reductions in process waste, indirectly achieving some cost savings as well as the quality
improvement. This decision affected where Lean was started, its timing and how the first
RIEs linked to later events.
6.37 Organisations are often faced with a number of improvement priorities that may
conflict with each other. For example, healthcare organisations are facing the twin aims of
demand pooling, to reduce the likelihood of queues forming, and the choose and book
initiative to provide patients with more choice about when and where treatment is delivered.
The two have an obvious conflict as demand pooling sometimes stops patients from choosing
precisely which doctor they see (e.g. for a follow-up outpatient appointment). Such
interactions need to be managed in a process of policy deployment, which relates high-level
strategy to specific improvement projects and identifies the areas of potential conflict. A
strategic Lean implementation normally starts with a policy deployment exercise. This
exercise helps to define improvement priorities and generates ideas about the content, timing
and sequence of specific aspects of the Lean implementation. This would include decisions
such as identification of the areas that receive attention for RIEs etc. The policy deployment
brings cohesion to the implementation plan for the roll-out of Lean.
6.38 The results demonstrated that Lean has potential to dramatically improve the quality
performance, or process capability, of individual services. When this is achieved, the new
process capability impacts upon strategy. For example, in case study 4, the Lean process
radically redefined how the organisation tackled the problem of abandoned vehicles. They
recognised that they could in fact expand their service offering to one with a more
customer-friendly approach, that provided better facilities for the disposal of unwanted
vehicles and was also more cost effective. After Lean, the new vehicle collection service
collected more than double the number of vehicles as before, but at less cost. In fact, the new
service has a small income stream. The service also has better integration with other public
organisations that interacted with the service, such as the police. The redefined service
represents a radical change to the service concept offered by the council.
6.39 Before Lean, many sites reported concerns that an increase in service quality may
increase demand for services, creating financial pressures. The case studies showed that the
increases in customer focus and delivery efficiency also tended to reduce concerns about
demand, as increases in demand could be absorbed more readily by the more efficient
processes. It some cases, anticipated requirements to restrict demand for services are not as
necessary. Improvements to processes and radical changes to the types of services offered
may actually help redefine organisation strategy through the exploitation of new capabilities.
These are presented under the concept of organisational readiness and relate to many
of the points already presented. However, this concept became one of particular relevance
and importance within the research as the degree to which the organisation was ready
appeared to have impact on its ability to engage with Lean or, indeed, any improvement or
change programme which, in turn, impacts upon outputs.
A. Need for improvement
Many of the respondents across the majority of the case studies believed that
improvements needed to be made and there was acceptance that there were problems at
different levels. These included Director-level structuring of teams to deal with the
implementation of a new IT team, to managers aware of issues through backlogs or work in
progress, to front line workers working in Kaizen teams to address process problems.
In one case study, where 75% of this departments staff were manual workers, they
understood the need to ensure that people were in a position where they felt they could
contribute. Kaizen was not the only method used and many things were done to make staff
feel involved, including meeting people, open forums and newsletters.
In a further case study, the programme had to be sold to combat "initiativitis" and to
overcome pockets of resistance, and this has been accomplished over time due to evidence
that the programme had delivered. The evidence had been communicated through word of
mouth, through the publication of a Storyboard which gave examples of the 500 processes
which have been improved by focussing on 20 core Actions for Change and an imminent
Each of the pilot sites had clear and specific reasons to attempt implementing a Lean
approach. In the case of Pilot 1, the imminent move to a new, expensive site had created the
managerial opportunity to encourage radical ways for the processes and systems to change.
Furthermore, there was a strong business case for the need to improve student recruitment
practices, due to the impact of the costs of the new sites. At the level of the pilot
implementation, there was a clear recognition that existing practices were causing problems
for both staff and students. There was a comparable need for radical restructuring in Pilot 2,
due to mergers of smaller council organisations, coupled with a recognition by management
that both quality and cost efficiency needed to be improved. It could be argued that Pilot 3
was the least ready to adopt Lean practices of all the sites. There was not the same degree of
management or professional acceptance of the need to change and there were even concerns
that Lean would interfere rather than support intended improvements. Crucially, the
managers in Pilot 3 perceived that Lean could detrimentally impact upon short-term reporting
of performance measures to Government.
B. Capacity for improvement
In order to create capacity for improvement within the work force some cases had to
rely on current resource, considering more efficient means of managing it whereas others
bought in resource through new appointments. For example, one agency had recently
appointed a new change manager whereas another did a big change nine months ago (where
they) changed the whole management structure of the company.
One of the Senior Managers felt that Lean reflected the way they had already had to
work with increasing workload and no increase in resources, and Kaizen was a tool to help
them address externally-driven changes whilst ensuring buy-in from staff:
Kaizen is the staffs experience of the efficiency drive its been a great way of
getting buy in from junior staff. (CS3)
For some cases the improvement agenda and the tools and techniques that
accompanied it were new. One case study reported that it did not have any experience in
improvement and in fact had not changed their processes in any way for many years. Some
people were saying that no changes had taken place for probably 1015 years. In Pilot 2, the
lack of experience of change was widely recognised:
I dont think they had a great deal of experience in terms of process and procedures
and what was going to change as a result of this. So I dont think they had a lot of
experience of that at all some did. Some of the tradesmen have never been
involved in [improvement] in their life.
7.10 Therefore, some experience of processes analysis and implementing change is a
necessary characteristic for implementing Lean and organisations lacking this experience
may initially struggle to achieve a capacity for improvement.
7.11 Team working was often cited as an important, even critical, aspect of the Lean
approach as well as other change or improvement activities. It was reported that team work
allowed organisations to generate a capacity for improvement.
The team leaders speak to their staff and ask them to put forward any
concerns that they have it is basically about the processes. (CS6)
7.12 Within the case studies there were both mixed approaches and feelings about team
working. Often the impression was that people were used to team-working at a local level
within departments, although it appeared less effective across departments, especially where
there were large physical distances between offices.
7.13 For the RAF, while there had been improvement programmes in the past they had not
been sustainable. They had appointed a Lean manager and a central Lean team by
secondment to which the consultant transferred his skills, but they were also transferred to the
teams actually carrying out the RIEs:
the whole idea is that the Lean team receives the skills from us during the skills
transfer and they start to run their own events. With joint consultation with us
because it is always helpful. So the guy who was facilitating the launch day event did
a fantastic jobI just popped in for a couple of hours per day and he was running
simple 6S11 ones and I just touched in for half an hour and we did some planning
together and thats what we should do, so 6S stuff, some standard work then into
year 2 they should really be starting to do that and that is good value for money.
7.14 The pilot studies further demonstrated both the need and the value of team working.
In Pilot 2, the process of housing repairs spanned a wide number of disparate departments
and locations. The RIE event needed a minimum of 17 people to ensure that each
stakeholder group was represented. The RIE successfully addressed these issues:
[Lean] breaks down the barriers, to create a more integrated team work (PS2)
7.15 In Pilot 3, there were additional challenges to bring a multi-disciplinary team together
for a sustained period, especially as there were additional professional boundaries that
inhibited team working.
7.16 The majority of the case studies did encourage multidisciplinary teams even if they
only existed for the life of the improvement project. This was evident in two health cases, an
agency and in a local authority where teams were constructed to consider a particular process
i.e. within the Kaizen Blitz or RIE week.
7.17 One of the most striking examples of developing a capacity for change was with an
agency case study where the approach to quality and continuous improvement could be
described as being driven in a very organic or emergent way through questioning and
opportunity to implement changes though guided by direction from the top. This approach
had developed a culture of team working, questioning, improvement and determination to
succeed in a clearly defined strategic framework.
7.18 To summarise, the results suggest that the organisations with a history of managing
change, that had previously tackled process change and were able to build effective, multidisciplinary teams were those with the greatest capacity for Lean improvement. Therefore,
some organisations will need to assess their own capabilities or degrees of development in
each of these dimensions so that they can anticipate the implementation challenges that Lean
presents. For some public sector organisations it may be that the introduction of Lean needs
to be timed appropriately, so that some preparatory work can be carried out to generate this
improvement capability.
In this case 6S is an adaptation of the Lean thinking 5S tool which contains five separate aspects of
assessing workplace orderliness, tidiness and general housekeeping. The added sixth S is sustainability.
C. Organisational Culture
7.19 The literature frequently sees Lean as a significant culture change. When
implementing Lean it is necessary to treat organisation culture both as a factor that influences
ease of implementation and as an outcome variable. An effective Lean implementation needs
to cope with the cultural barriers to adoption and also to change employee expectations,
beliefs and behaviours. The most relevant aspects of culture influenced by Lean include:
7.20 Most organisations exhibit different characteristics across each of the above
dimensions and the Lean implementation may need to be adjusted to cope with the necessary
changes of emphasis. Care may have to be taken in situations where aspects of culture are
initially diametrically opposed to the Lean approach. For example, in many public sector
organisations, the current approach to management focuses on Government target
achievement in a performance management style. This often restricts the availability of
useful data for continuous improvement purposes and limits objective measurement.
Understanding the Customer
7.21 Within public sector organisations there is on-going debate regarding who is the
customer? The first principle of Lean is to specify the value desired by the customer so
there is a need for organisations to understand or define who their customers are and what
their needs are. Some of the case study organisations carried out customer surveys, which
were believed to help develop an understanding of customer requirements and needs. The
results, from customer and employee surveys, were used to identify and highlight areas for
improvement that were visible to all part of the organisations.
Customers are routinely surveyed (typically monthly), with 400 calls per month in
the samples. (CS5)
We have got customer surveys and all that, that are issued on a regular basis and
we get lots of feedback. The away day is [used] to see the kind of comments that
have been coming in on how staff feel and, if [staff] can improve on the level of
service that we have got. (CS6)
7.22 As well as a survey, a government agency also encouraged customers to give
improvement suggestions on a web page and through focus groups. By understanding and
meeting customers needs the customer receives a good service and it generally places less
demand on the operation (through rework and so on).
The same view was expressed in one of the local authority cases:
I have worked for council a long time seen peoples names on list but now know
them and can call them. Kaizen helped make links between offices. Now lots of to-ing
and fro-ing and e-mails across different areas. (CS3)
7.28 Feedback from two of the pilots indicated that one of the most important benefits of
the RIEs was that staff gained a view of the whole process which would not normally be
possible in the silo-based organisations in which they worked.
Data Collection and Analysis
7.29 Collecting and presenting data and information was considered a way of creating a
culture of improvement. Targets and measures were cited by a few case studies as a means to
focus attention on key areas of business. For example, they were said to help concentrate
the minds of the Trust Chief Executives who were responsible to the Scottish Executive for the
achievement of the targets. There was also a feeling that most people knew about the
targets and non achievement and, therefore, the need to change, which helped with the sign
up. Some of the case studies were surprised about how useful this process was.
I would say as the programme commenced we were probably not as good at putting
information in at the beginning of the change. But I think they had reasonably good
audit data being collected on a monthly basis and with some of the changes we were
able to use that ongoing gathering of data to show an outcome of reduction in time
from x to y. (CS7)
7.30 However, the level of the use of measures ranged significantly across the case studies.
One case study had no formal quality measurement system, focusing only on their delivery
target which they usually missed. Others had extensive quality measurement both externally
and internally. For example, one case study mentioned continual student and staff surveys, a
performance measurement system, delivery reports which represent an overwhelming amount
of information about performance and issues. They reported a monthly summary of quality
in delivery which for September 2005 ran to 42 pages of analysis.
7.31 One case study, an agency, focused their quality measurement on staff and customer
feedback. The same case study also extensively checked for quality, errors and service
levels in the high volume processes:
On the core processing business we have various internal checking systems. New staff,
for example, have the quality of their work checked out 100% that is usually in the first
few weeks and then as they gain experience and get better we progress and we reduce
the level of checking to zero in some cases. Again when I first came here everybody
had 100% of all of their work checked. (CS6)
D. Summary
7.32 In summarising the need to understand and be aware of organisational readiness table
7.1 highlights the dimension together with the impact if it is not addressed prior to a Lean
implementation. The table also shows how implementing a Lean approach can benefit and
support the dimension.
Evidence base
All successful case sites had
experienced either a crisis or
a major organization event
that highlighted the need to
One pilot site demonstrated
considerable lack of
acceptance of the need to
Capacity for
Team working
Lack of customer
Potential Impact
Lean programmes cannot be
successfully established if
personnel do not accept that there
is a need. Symptoms would
Lack of management
Lack of direction for the
Lack of attendance at
Failure to implement or
sustain changes
Improvement events will not
achieve sustained changes unless
the right types of change are
implemented correctly.
Improvement events
deliberately bring together the
teams and provide a suitable
environment for no-blame
team working
Lack of
improvement data
This chapter has demonstrated that the capacity for improvement through lean is influenced
An awareness that improvement was needed which, in turn, engaged staff within
the organisation.
Clear and multiple avenues of communication, which were used to highlight the
impact of the changes and improvement and motivate staff.
Targets, Performance Indicators (PIs) and measures, which were used to focus
minds and guide the improvements.
In terms of benefits, the Lean process itself has:
brought some of the PIs and measures into question.
allowed many of the case studies to question, analyse, and so, improve their
processes, understanding of customers and team working.
given public sector organisations in Scotland a greater appreciation of processes,
flow, waste and what the customer valued.
Chapters three to seven have highlighted a number of points and issues that were
raised within the research. These have been summarised at the end of each chapter. This
chapter will reflect on the findings presented in order to identify the critical success factors
and barriers to change regarding the implementation of Lean in the public sector. This
analysis together with points raised in the findings will then present a series of questions
designed to address the aim and objectives of the research before clearly answering the
The cross case analysis indicated that developing a real organisational culture of
continuous improvement was a factor for successful application of Lean. This meant
developing an awareness and understanding of processes, flow, waste and customer value.
Staff in the case study sites reported initial scepticism towards Lean as just another
management fad that would eventually fade and disappear but the success of the approach
had converted many people within a short time. However, as writing in the literature points
out, each organisation may only get one chance to implement Lean and if this fails it could
quickly develop a reputation for not working here. Staff ownership of the Lean projects
was cited in all pieces of research as a key factor to success.
The case study and pilot studies analyses highlighted the importance of
organisational readiness, which had been a less significant theme in the literature. All the
case studies reported an awareness of the need of change and improvement. The analysis
suggested that organisations should consider if, and what type of, capacity and mindset they
have for change and improvement. The lack of sustainable, relevant and related quantifiable
results, particularly in the pilot studies, indicated that some Scottish public sector
organisations may not currently be in a position to embrace the complete Lean philosophy.
The existing literature and the pilot studies demonstrated that degrees of sub-optimal,
departmental working, top-down management style and potential union resistance may all
influence the effectiveness of Lean, unless these factors are addressed. It is also difficult to
implement Lean in circumstances where organisations are distracted by performance
reporting crises.
Management commitment, in terms of being visible and sustained, was mentioned
in almost all case studies in terms of supporting the implementation of the programme,
methodology proposed and driving improvements. Similarly, the two most successful pilots
had been chosen partially for the reason that management had clearly demonstrated
commitment to the approach used. In the third pilot, commitment was not as complete,
especially amongst senior managers who were more focused on a performance management
approach to improvement. These pilots demonstrated that the RIEs cannot be successfully
managed unless the support is total. A failure to commit leads to lack of attendance at events,
partial engagement in the change process and a visible reluctance to implement the
workforces ideas.
From the start management commitment was seen as crucial to the success of Kaizen.
As one of the Kaizen team put it, the key ingredients are: total management commitment,
benefits and focus on benefits to the customer, and focus on benefits to the employees and the
The idea is to embed the approach in the organisation so it becomes the normal way
to change. (CS3)
Whilst there was wide variation in the level of resource required to carry out the
improvement process and implement any changes, all cases highlighted the need for
resources for both stages and for a plan to sustain this resource at staff and management
level. The most successful implementations of improvement and Lean programmes required
considerable managerial resource. Getting staff released from duties and other work
pressures were reported as barriers in the survey, with dedication of time, a committed
delivery team and appointed facilitator noted as success factors.
In the majority of cases, external support was brought into the organisation, at least
to kick start the improvement programme. All respondents and case study organisations had
spent money on external implementation support over a period of time. Some of the case
studies indicated that although the external support was important it was only really
necessary at the beginning of the programme and for initial education and in developing a
manageable Lean process. Then the consolidation and development of the Lean programme
could be handed over and carried out by dedicated internal resource.
8.10 In a number of cases the specific improvement programme was shaped by a chief
executive or senior manager with previous experience of improvement. Therefore, Scottish
public sector bodies seem to have achieved a good balance of internal and external
8.11 In all cases, effective clear communication to ensure participation and engagement at
all levels of the organisation was seen to be crucial. Communication was a commonly-cited
implementation failure in the literature. However, the survey analysis showed that through
meetings, intranet, workshops and awareness-raising sessions, staff had become both engaged
and aware of the results. The case studies revealed that there was an important need for the
organisation to recognise, accept and create a common understanding and language, for
change and improvement, which should be done through effective communication.
8.12 In the majority of case studies the Rapid Improvement Event (RIE) or Blitz approach
had worked effectively to motivate, encourage and develop an understanding of
improvement within staff and management. This improvement was viewed in terms of flow,
process, customer value and reduction of waste and non-valued activities. Within this
approach there was a focus on implementation which was a key way of overcoming
scepticism and building commitment to change.
8.13 Some of the outcomes of this approach had been excellent both in terms of tangible
and intangible results. This approach and outcomes highlighted engagement with the
principles of Lean as defined by Hines et al (2004) (Figure 1.1). Although, the results also
showed that the tools of the Lean toolkit (as in Figure 1.1) were rarely used.
8.14 The RIE/Kaizen approach was described as tactical deployment of process
improvement in the literature and by the management consultants. They also suggested that
process improvement was time consuming and resource intensive so, to achieve long-term
sustainability of an approach and the implementation of improvements, the process
improvement should take a strategic approach. This would allow Lean to be linked to
broader objectives so it drives change, including improving the customer experience and
promoting a lasting culture change.
8.15 Timing can also be considered as an important success factor for three reasons.
Firstly, management must set realistic timescales for change programmes. Secondly,
momentum for change, once established needs to be maintained:
We continue to review quick wins have a short shelf life. (CS4)
8.17 Team working was used by all the case and pilot studies in the improvement analysis
stage i.e. the RIE or Kaizen event. Multifunctional and cross-hierarchical teams were used to
assess, analyse and improve a process. The findings indicate that constitution of these teams
was important to generate both buy-in from the participants and the staff who were involved
in the process under investigation. Team work was reported by some case studies as an
important element to drive the implementation of improvements sometimes represented as
temporary or virtual teams or as permanent departmental teams.
B. Barriers
8.18 Through the case studies a wide range of barriers to successful improvement
programmes were identified, including:
Lack of ownership
Identity of improvement team members
Failure of leadership
Weak link between improvement programmes and strategy
Lack of resources
Poor communication.
8.19 The most commonly-reported barriers to improvement across all case studies were
those posed by people at all levels of the organisation. At the staff level, scepticism was
expressed about change programmes, especially about them being the latest management fad,
and a feeling that they would not be listened to and that nothing would change. In one case
this scepticism boiled down to the attitude that it was all about money and cost reductions.
Although the results clearly show that headcount and cost reduction was not a primary
objective for any case study.
8.20 Managers, and middle managers in particular (often service heads), were accused of
lack of ownership of the improvement process by either not understanding the processes
they were supposed to be managing, not being willing to look outside their part of any
process, or being too focused on operational matters to look at process improvement.
Professionals, especially in health, expressed similar attitudes:
My job as a doctor is to just make sure that the patient gets better. This is more of a
management exercise (CS1)
8.21 This lack of ownership also led to poor selection of improvement team members.
Comments were made that in some cases the wrong people were involved in the
improvement programmes and not the people really doing the job. There were also clear
cases of disengagement by those who should have been involved pleading time pressures, and
attempts at undermining the process by those who did attend. As one of the facilitators put it:
The ones who did want to get involved did so. (CS7)
8.22 Although it is desirable to have a team made entirely of willing volunteers, reliance
upon a few that get involved does contain some risks. In the pilots, there were a few
examples of complaints that some people were not representative of certain departments or
disciplines. The literature also provides examples of teams being over-powered, with too
many middle managers involved in activities instead of front-line staff. Lack of involvement
also risks the scalability of Lean, especially if the programme is reliant upon professional
representation, e.g. in healthcare or legal service. In these cases, the few volunteers can be
8.23 Failure of leadership was cited by many as a barrier. Those participating were not
always clear about what was really driving the change, the parameters of what could and
could not be changed, and what commitment senior management had made to implementing
proposals. As suggested in the success factors, management needed to set the tone for the
whole improvement process and the failure to implement changes was seen as a lack of
commitment by management to face up to resistance and drive changes through.
8.24 There were many comments about the silo culture of the organisation under
consideration and, specifically in the two local government case studies
compartmentalisation was cited as a barrier. This organisational issue posed the difficulty
of trying to develop a more process-oriented, customer-focussed approach.
8.25 In one case there were concerns that performance indicators, by which organisations
were judged externally and on which some managers performance-related pay was based,
did not reflect the values of customer focus; rather, they supported a departmental approach.
The departmental approach was also cited by some cases due to the command and control
8.26 The research also highlighted that the link between improvement programmes and
the organisations strategy was weak and that this could hamper the embedding of a culture
of improvement into the organisation longer term.
8.27 A number of case studies cited a lack of resources for the improvement programme
and to implement changes as a barrier to change. In at least one case the scope of the process
improvement was trimmed to take this into account. There were also concerns about the lack
of capacity, knowledge, experience and skill to drive and implement improvement.
8.28 As well as the barriers mentioned, some others also emerged or were found in the
research which can be considered to be the reverse of the success factors. For example, poor
communication was often blamed for failure of improvement programmes and to develop a
culture of continuous improvement. Problems included the use of jargon, lack of a clear
message about improvement, and over-control of information released. Linked to this, some
sites mentioned that they needed to avoid the feeling of initiativists by communicating yet
another initiative. Within the survey the most frequent barriers to avoid were reported as
organisational culture, a resistance to change and lack of awareness or knowledge of
C. Summary
8.29 This final section will draw together the findings from the research in order to answer
both the objectives and four key questions. It will do this by integrating responses were
appropriate to ensure that all are responded to.
What is the evidence from Scotland about the use of Lean in the public sector?
8.30 The research provides strong evidence that Lean can work within the Scottish public
sector, conditional upon an effective approach to implementation. Scottish public sector
organisations can use Lean to focus on developing more seamless processes, reducing waste,
improving flow and developing an understanding of customer value.
Does not affect all staff
Partial involvement
Lack of overall visibility
Potential lack of sustainability
Does not cover all improvement possibilities
Shorter, simpler projects only
May not help embed culture of continuous
Bigger implementation challenge
Longer project timescale
Slower achievement of main results
Greater potential for resistance
Less fit with existing management styles
Can lose site of where its going
helping the organisation to meet short- to medium-term management objectives. While these
cases can be classed as successes in their own terms, it is not clear how sustainable their
approach might be and how effective they can be if the exercise does not fundamentally
change the way the organisations function.
8.36 Some sites are potentially unsuitable for Lean if the organisation is not in a state of
readiness for Lean. Organisational readiness is a mix of many factors, including the
acceptance of the need to change and the ability to develop a change capability. The notion
of organisational readiness together with its factors and characteristics have not been reported
significantly in earlier literature.
What factors are relevant to the development of readiness for Lean?
8.37 There is no doubt, based on the evidence of the case studies and pilot studies, that the
Lean approach can be used across a wide range of organisations and processes. However, in
order for Lean to occur three key factors under the concept of organisational readiness are
8.38 The research shows that all cases studies had a common understanding of why the
organisation needed to change. Also they could report what the drivers and outcomes were
which the organisation needed to achieve through the improvement process. However, in
some cases, whilst there may have been an awareness of the need for improvement there was
not always a general culture of improvement.
8.39 The more successful public sector organisations also appeared to have, and planned
the capacity for, improvement by having the managerial commitment for driving the
improvement process, the in-house skills to manage the improvement process, and staff
knowledge and skills to participate in the process and implement the changes.
8.40 Case studies brought their previous experience of change which ranged from no
previous experience of improvement or experience, to previous initiatives that had failed.
This experience allowed the case studies to prepare the ground for the current improvement
Which Lean tools and techniques worked in the Scottish public sector?
8.41 The evidence from the survey, case studies and pilot studies highlighted that, to date,
a complete tool-based approach to Lean implementation in the public sector has not taken
place. However, what was evident was an engagement with the principles of Lean and
limited use of its range of tools. Particularly, four concepts underpinned much of the
improvement work across the case studies, although, they were often expressed in different
1. Demand and value analysis This broadly meant trying to understand the needs of
the customer or end user of the service, both by analysing patterns of service to define
volume and by direct consultation with them to define service quality.
2. Waste elimination Looking at what adds value, from the customers perspective,
and taking out any steps or activities which did not add value. By eliminating waste
case studies reported on having a better understanding of flow, process and the
3. Process improvement This meant looking at a service as a whole process from the
customers perspective rather from an organisational point of view in order to help
identify customer value and waste.
4. Team working occurred in many case studies, more in the process of analysis
than as part of a solution. However, in some cases the process improvement
implementation resulted in having to establish teams, or improve the working of
existing multifunctional teams, or creating virtual teams to drive the improvements
within the organisation.
8.42 The first three principles were repeatedly noted as a means by which Lean had been
successful in generating an understanding of customer value, flow, process and the need to
reduce waste in the Scottish public sector.
8.43 The most ubiquitous (and successful) tool was process mapping in a variety of guises.
Other tools used were process capability, time observations and cellular layout. Many case
studies resisted the idea of a Lean toolkit and so used a much more analytical approach to
inform the improvement process.
What types of issues were being tackled by the Lean initiatives?
8.44 Every case study had its own reasons, some external, others internal, for embarking
on an improvement programme. These included:
8.45 Linked to these drivers, for some cases, were specific outcomes and targets,
representing the way in which the problem was presented generally at a process level but
sometimes feeding up into a higher level target. For example:
Reducing the time taken for a patient to be referred between two departments
Simplifying the process of responding to a report of an abandoned vehicle
Doubling the caseload with the same number of staff
Effective implementation of a new ICT system
sustained in the public sector the objectives of the programme should be integrated and linked
into the strategy of the organisation.
8.51 Can Lean be replicated? The findings supported that Lean cannot be replicated in
terms of the process outcomes. In a service environment variation exists and it cannot be
removed as in manufacturing, so the focus needs to be managing variation as well as
standardising the processes. However, as noted in the case studies, there can be replication of
the Lean implementation methodology but even then adaptation not adoption was
experienced in terms of the Rapid Improvement Event (RIE). External support and
experience was used in most cases to support the implementation process.
8.52 Can Lean embed a culture of continuous improvement? The research clearly
shows that the RIE/ Blitz approach started to generate an improvement culture and
engagement with the Lean concept. Lean cannot be sustained unless continuous
improvement becomes an integral part of an organisations cultural norms. The habit of
continuous improvement can only be maintained through clear communication, ownership of
improvement throughout the organisation and management commitment. The case sites who
were more engaged with Lean considered it not as a short term fix but a longer term approach
which was part of the organisations strategy and driven through leadership. Although the
literature quotes case examples of manufacturing organisations that have sustained
continuous improvement for many years using a Lean philosophy, the history of Lean in the
public sector is too recent to be able to identify Lean programmes that have been sustained
for many years. However, this research strongly indicates that some of the case sites and
pilot sites in this study do have the potential to achieve a sustained Lean implementation and
culture of improvement.
The progressive completion of tasks along the value stream so that a product
or service proceeds from design to launch, order to delivery, and raw materials
into the hands of the customer with no stoppages, scrap or backflows.
Full Implementation: The adoption of Lean across an entire organisation, to the extent that
Lean practices become the norm. The process requires an integration of Lean
with organisation strategy, usually achieved through a process of policy
deployment. The timing, sequence and coordination of implementation
activities are carefully planned to achieve the primary objective of a fully
embedded Lean approach. Shorter-term targets take a secondary role.
Just-In-Time: A system for producing and delivering the right items or services at the right
time in the right amounts. Just-In-Time approaches just-on-time when
upstream activities occur minutes or seconds before downstream activities, so
single-piece flow is possible.
Lead time:
The total time a customer must wait to receive a product or service after
requesting the product or service. In service sectors, it is the time from the
beginning of the process to the end (e.g. from when a patient arrives until he
or she leaves the hospital).
Rapid Improvement
Event/ Kaizen Blitz: Rapid Improvement is the engine for implementing the changes
(physical and cultural) that a Lean approach requires.
Formal Rapid Improvement (Kaizen) events are 5 days long. In addition, there
is a 2-3 week preparation period before each event and a 3-4 week follow up
period after each event. During a Rapid Improvement (Kaizen) event, teams of
employees focus on topics with the following agenda:
Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 3:
Day 4:
Day 5:
Standard work: A precise description of each work activity specifying cycle time, takt time,
the work sequence of specific tasks for each team member, and the minimum
inventory of parts on hand needed to conduct the activity.
Takt time:
The available operations time divided by the rate of customer demand. Takt
time sets the pace of the operations (or process) to match the rate of customer
demand and becomes the heartbeat of any lean system.
Throughout time: The time required for a product or service to proceed from concept to
launch, order to delivery, or raw materials into hands of the customer. This
includes both processing and queue time.
Value stream: The specific activities required to design, order, and provide a specific product
(or service) from concept launch to order to delivery into the hands of the
Value stream mapping: The identification of all the specific activities occurring along a value
stream for a product or product family (or service).
In value stream mapping, step in a process is valuable if it creates value for the
Anything that does not add value to the final product or service, in the eyes of
the customer; an activity the customer wouldnt want to pay for if they knew it
was happening.
The 7 manufacturing wastes are: Transport, Inventory, Motion, Waiting,
Overproduction, Over-processing and Defects.
The 7 service wastes are: Delay, Duplication, Unnecessary Movement,
Unclear Communication, Incorrect Inventory, Opportunity Lost and Errors.
A further waste that can be added to both manufacturing and service is not
using the minds of the employees.
Bowen, D. E. & Youngdahl, W. E. (1998) 'Lean' Service: In defense of a production line
approach. International Journal of Service Industry Management, vol. 9, issue 3, pp
Gershon, P. (2004) Releasing Resources to the Front Line: Independent Review of Public
Sector Efficiency. in TREASURY, H. (Ed.) London, HM Stationary Office.
Hines, P., Holweg, M. & Rich, N. (2004) Learning to evolve: A review of contemporary
Lean thinking. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, vol.
24, issue 10, pp 994-1011.
Monden, Y. (1983) The Toyota Production System, Portland, Productivity Press.
Tranfield, D., Denyer, D. & Smart, P. (2003) Towards a Methodology for Developing
Evidence-Informed Management knowledge by Means of Systematic Review. British
Journal of Management, vol. 14, issue 3, pp 207-222.
Walley, P (2002). Cellular operation design in Healthcare. Warwick Business School, April
Walley, P., Watt, A. & Davies, C. (2001) A Study of Demand for Emergency Access Health
Services in Two UK Health and Social Care Communities. The University of
Warwick, Coventry
Womack, J. (2002) Lean Thinking: Where have we been and where are we going? Forming
and Fabricating, 9, 9, L2-L6.
Womack, J. & Jones, D. (1996) Lean Thinking: Banish the Waste and Create wealth in your
organisation, New York, Simon and Schuster.
Wysocki, B. (2004) Industrial Strength: To Fix Health Care, Hospitals Take Tips From
Factory Floor; Adopting Toyota Techniques Can Cut Costs, Wait Times; Ferreting
Out an Infection. Wall Street Journal. 9th April New York.
The first few set of questions (sections 1 -4) relate to the organisation/ department in general
in terms of its approach to change and improvement programmes as well as its culture and
structure. The second half (sections 5 7) refer to Lean directly understanding how it is
defined, what projects have consisted of in terms of Lean and why and, how has Lean
been implemented and then monitored and assessed in terms of outcomes.
Note that we are using a very loose definition of Lean essentially looking for good practice of process/
operations improvement that has allowed reduction of waste, improvement of flow and better concept of
customer and process view.
1. Contextual Factors (This section focuses on the organisational context, history and
structure relating to change/ improvement projects and initiatives)
Please describe the Lean or Improvement projects/s that you have been involved
with that have focused on process improvement/ flow.
What were the critical incidents or crises that sparked the change?
What are the current key challenges facing the organisation?
Are there any particular reasons why the organisation is facing forces for change at
the moment?
Are there any specific Government initiatives that are currently pertinent in
encouraging improvement or change projects?
Please describe any other improvement or change projects that the organisation has
embarked on in the past (e.g. job development, IT projects)
Pick Ups
Is the Lean project having to fit in with a larger scale programme where methodology,
strategy or objectives are given?
Who has championed the change?
Is the Lean project seen as a short-term or developmental process
2. Organisation Strategy (This section focuses on the organisations understanding,
awareness, approach and process of developing strategy)
Get a copy of the strategy if possible/ what is the strategy??
How realistic are the objectives for the strategy?
Are timescales seen to be realistic?
Has there been any policy deployment?
Does Hoshin Kanri mean anything to you?
Have stakeholders been involved in the strategy process?
How publicised is the strategy?
3. Organisation Readiness (This section focuses on the extent which the people in the
organisation and the organisation itself understands, is aware of, any problems, issues, change
or improvement programmes and projects.)
Do you feel that there is an awareness that improvements need to take place within
the organisation/ department?
Are there issues with professionals?
What training has already taken place as part of professional development or graduate
management development?
Can the culture be described?
Extent and breadth of improvement projects.
4. OD perspective and Potential Organisational Barriers (This section focuses on the
awareness of the level of barriers/ issues within the organisation)
Can they provide copies/examples of quality records?
What market research evidence is there about customer needs?
How do they define quality and quality improvement tools and techniques.
5. Lean thinking content (This section focuses on how they define and consider Lean and
what they think the organisation or projects have done related to it)
How do you define the term Lean thinking/ kaizen / systems improvement?
Which elements of the concept are most important for you?
Which aspects of Lean do you think have been tried within the organisation?
o Get a list of concepts, tools and techniques, projects etc.. that they feel have
been used related to Lean
Which ideas have worked best and why?
Are some ideas more relevant?
Are some tools and techniques irrelevant/ unsuitable?
6. Implementation (This section focuses on how the improvement or Lean concepts have
been implemented there maybe some overlap with section 1)
Who has been involved in providing the training and development for the
improvement or Lean projects?
Describe the implementation strategy that has/ is taking place?
What timescales are involved?
How has the project been communicated?
What proportion of the workforce are involved?
How resource intensive was implementation for both participants time and central
How politically sensitive were/ are the changes?
Did Lean have a good message to sell? Do you think that people could engage in the
How were change management issues addressed?
How were dissenters dealt with?
Are there areas where change is more patchy through implementation issues?
With hindsight, how much time is really needed?
7. Outputs and Outcomes (This section focuses on the actual outputs and outcomes of the
Lean/ improvement project)
Do they have SPC charts? If so, get some examples.
Has measurement continued after the initiative?
Are there hidden benefits?
Are there benefits for the taxpayer?
Have they scaled up the approach? Are they planning to?
Figure A1:
Executive Summary
Through the analysis of over 80 articles from mainly academic but also practitioner sources
this literature review presents an overview of the writings of Lean. This analysis leads to
some main findings from the literature review:
Can Lean Work in the Public Sector?
Lean is making a transition from the manufacturing sector to the service and public
There is little doubt of the applicability of Lean to the public sector. Many of the writings
indicated that many of the processes and services within the public sector can gain greater
efficiency by considering and implementing aspects of Lean.
However, there is still little evidence of the complete Lean philosophy being applied in
the public sector so it is not possible to state completely that it can work in the public
How does Lean Work?
Lean can be considered in the broadest sense to be a philosophy, which aims to develop
good practice of process/ operations improvement that allows a reduction of waste,
improvement of flow and better concept of customer and process view through a culture
of continuous improvement involving everyone.
The writings on Lean thinking promote it as a different way of looking at organisational
processes requiring the workforce to consider things from a customer point of view. It is
argued that by doing so, the flow of information and customer contact through the process
is enhanced.
From research findings discussed in articles implementation should include as many
people as possible from the organisation and also customers during the transformation
process in order to achieve a cultural change within the organisation.
Can Lean Thinking be replicated?
To date the majority of the writings on Lean have been focused on the manufacturing
sector with some examples of service becoming available. There is little empirical
research on public sector organisations related to the complete implementation of Lean
although there is indication that this is starting to grow.
Tools and techniques associated with lean are being used in different parts of the public
sector, e.g. healthcare, to remove non-value added activities and waste from the systems.
Does Lean Thinking embed Continuous Improvement?
Continuous Improvement is an integral aspect of the Lean approach. However,
discussion in literature indicates that Lean Thinking should not be interpreted as a shortcut route to the development of a CI culture.
Drawing from the lean writings barriers to Lean, particularly in the public sector, include
culture, lack of clear customer focus; too many procedures; people working in silos; too
many targets; lack of awareness of strategic direction; general belief that staff are
overworked and underpaid; dominance of stakeholders; lack of understanding of the
effect of variation, systems thinking and process flow.
The aim of this report is to outline a review of the existing literature on Lean between June
and September 2005. This report presents a summary of the key points from the literature,
with an emphasis on drawing out some conclusions of what this implies for those
organisations undertaking Lean projects in the public sector.
The review starts by looking at theoretical developments in the concept of Lean. Section 2 of
the report defines the key terms of Lean and associated tools that are used in this review.
Section 3 provides an overview of the key points from the literature detailing the
implementation of Lean in manufacturing during the 1980s and 1990s and also more recent
literature looking at the implementation of Lean in the service and public sectors. The section
also highlights the key points from the literature, which can be considered to inform
developments in the public sector. There is a strong emphasis on research in health services,
which is the main public sector area where there is a significant amount of literature. Section
4 provides brief information on some of the tools, techniques and approaches that are
associated with Lean.
Within this report there is a number or a set of numbers in brackets that follow the key points
from the literature. These numbers should be cross-referenced to the specific data source
listed in Appendix 2 to determine the source of information.
Appendix 1 outlines associated tools and techniques (both those directly part of the Lean
approach and those related) which were considered in the literature search. Appendix 2 of the
report describes the approach adopted by the researchers to determine the relevant articles
and the key points from the selected literature. A Data Extraction Sheet (DES) for each
source listed in Appendix 2, which provides more details on each piece of literature, is
available on request from the Scottish Executive.
The definition of Just In Time (JIT) used for this study is: A philosophy of making when needed and directed
towards the elimination of waste, where waste is anything which adds cost, but not value to a product (43).
Process Engineering (BPR)15 particularly related to research that has been carried out into
their implementation within organisations. We can, therefore, consider the notion of Lean
Principles or a Lean Philosophy, which relates ideas and concepts whose fundamental
ideas lie in continuous improvement, elimination of waste, process flow and systems thinking
developed throughout the organisation.
The proponents of Lean Thinking emphasise the scale of the opportunity to eliminate waste.
The following quote is typical of those seen within the literature:
Half the human effort in the factory, half the manufacturing space, half the investment in
tools, half the engineering hours to develop a new product in half the time. Also, it requires
keeping far less than half the needed inventory on site, results in many fewer defects, and
produces a greater and ever growing variety of products (43, 66).
The actual scale of the improvement possible through the adoption of Lean Thinking is
highly debatable and clearly contingent on the starting point for any lean initiative. Hence
the scale of improvements achieved in other economic sectors might be more or less than that
seen in specific manufacturing companies.
3. Review of Literature
3.1 Overview / History of Lean
3.1.1. Lean Manufacturing
This first section aims to give an overview of both the history of Lean and the development
of the concept. The term Lean was first adopted in the 1980s (66) as it was claimed that
the implementation of Lean practices resulted in using less of everything (e.g. raw materials,
labour, time, etc) compared to mass production. The Lean concept was based on the Toyota
Production System, which was developed in the 1950s after World War 2 (10, 38, 66). It was
introduced as an alternative to mass production techniques in the Toyota factory and led to
raised productivity and quality levels by allowing the flexibility of skilled production with
the volume efficiencies of mass manufacturing. The core characteristics of the Lean
Manufacturing can be described as (38):
The definition of Total Quality Management (TQM) used for this study is: The management of quality at
every stage of operations, from planning and design through self-inspection, to continual process monitoring for
improvement opportunities (43).
The definition of Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) used for this study is: "The logical organisation of
people, materials, energy, equipment and procedures into work activities designed to produce a specific end
result" (7, 43)
Studies into the adoption of Lean practices in Japanese vehicle manufacturers have concluded
that these companies have superior performance in terms of productivity and quality when
compared to their European or North American counterparts (38, 39, 66). However, even
though European and North American manufacturing companies have taken on board some
of the principles (39, 49, 50, 66) very few have evidence of all aspects of the Lean
Manufacturing model.
3.1.2 Lean Service
There has been literature with evidence of the transfer of manufacturing concepts to the
service sector since the 1970s arguing that service characteristics are not an excuse for
avoiding manufacturing methodologies as a means of efficiency gains (6, 29). Some studies
argue that any organisation can gain substantial benefits including improved quality,
reduction in costs and increase responsiveness from at least some new practices (57). Indeed
supermarkets have been adopting Lean techniques for improving the flow of customers for
many years (51). There are strong benefits that can be gained from implementing Lean
whatever the size or sector of the organisation (19, 41, 50, 51).
3.1.3 Lean Enterprise
During the 1990s, the Lean debate moved away from best practice production techniques in
automotive to other techniques / approaches and sectors. The Lean concept was extended to
develop the Lean Enterprise which is defined as a group of individuals, functions, and
legally separate but operationally synchronized companies (65). Lean Enterprises join
together all the value-creating activities from all the organisations and use Lean
technologies and techniques. It is also claimed that the development of a Lean Enterprise
aids the stimulation to innovate (48).
3.1.4 Lean Thinking
From Lean Enterprise came the idea of Lean Thinking, which took the Lean idea further
and is described as having five principles (64):
The five principles of Lean Thinking have become the foundation to Lean and can be used in
relation to all notions of Lean, Leanness and Lean principles. However, some writings focus
on the organisation (as in Lean Manufacturing or Lean Service), the supplier (Lean Supply)
or customer end (Lean Consumption).
3.1.5 Lean Supply and Lean Consumption
Lean Supply literature focuses on the need for closer relationships between customers and
a small base of suppliers as a key characteristic (27). Lean Supply considers the entire flow
from raw materials to consumer, recognising that there is a cost associated with any departure
from perfection in undertaking the tasks necessary to provide long-term customer satisfaction
(27). Lean Consumption requires the integration and streamlining of the process of
provision and consumption (63). The challenge is for service providers to consider total cost
from the standpoint of the customer and to work with customers to optimise the process of
3.1.6 Leanness
Considering the fundamental ideas of Lean Manufacturing and Lean Thinking it is possible to
develop the concept of Lean ways of working or Leanness, which can be equally well applied
to a number of other 1990s management doctrines like BPR and TQM (52). There are three
common reasons for introducing Lean ways of working; to cut costs, to promote efficiency
and to support growth and innovation (52). Using the muscle, fat, etc, connotations of the
Leanness concept, it has been suggested that what is needed is fitness or strive to be fit
(52). Some organisations have embraced the notion of Leanness by adopting new working
practices, including teamworking, project leadership, self-directed teams, empowerment,
outsourcing, flexible working and the learning organisation.
3.2 Lean in the Public Sector
3.2.1 Lean Evidence in the Public Sector
This section particularly focuses on the evidence of Lean in the public sector, drawing on
relevant ideas based on Lean Service. This evidence outlines how there are substantial
efficiency gains to be made from the introduction of Lean practices and techniques in the
public sector with improved customer service, quality and reduction unit costs (42, 30) as
well as better planning of service operations (28). The public sector should look to
manufacturing to learn about Lean, and although Lean will have to be modified to suit the
peculiarities of these sectors, the principles are the same as are the lessons regarding the
configurations of systems (21). However, some argue against this suitability of Lean practices
outside of high volume manufacturing (17). In addition, other writers have stated that Lean
ways of working are affected by the organisational context into which they are introduced
(i.e. size, sector, union presence or absence, greenfield/ brownfield site and legal framework)
so Lean or Leanness is not a homogeneous or invariable concept but a context-dependent
process (44).
3.2.2 Lean Application in the Public Sector
Lean principles have been adopted in various public sector organisations, although the way
that they have been implemented differs depending on the organisation. This includes for
example, the use of Lean production, flow, kaizen, process and value stream mapping,
standardising systems and root cause analysis in hospitals to improve emergency care
services, intensive care units and operating units and to reduce waiting times (1, 47, 55, 67).
However there are still few empirical studies on the implementation of Lean in the public
sector within both academic and practitioner literature. Some studies have been undertaken in
the US on related Lean principles, which have concluded:
There is a lack of empirical research documenting the JIT experience in the public sector.
This can be attributed to the lack of such experience and its relatively new adoption (69).
That the public sector appears to be behind manufacturing and service organisations in
terms of utilising innovative operational practices such as JIT, TQM and automation (70).
That where hospitals are trying techniques first used in manufacturing as a means of
improving performance, there are no examples of a hospital that has achieved comparable
large-scale transformation (71).
A study assessing the suitability of Lean Thinking in the UK health service looked at how a
performance measurement system called the flow model was designed to identify key
performance indicators that measure changes towards Lean Thinking (26). The study
concluded that Lean Thinking is applicable in health care settings, and that the flow model is
a suitable tool for following up these initiatives. This has practical implications for health
care practitioners, who may use the findings to develop measurements of the outcome of
Lean Thinking initiatives on existing care processes. However, it is argued that the flow
model needs to be balanced with other measurements in order to receive a complete picture
of Lean Thinking performance (26). The same study also reported similar findings in a study
of the Swedish health care system (26).
In the UK, there are organisations aiming to develop and introduce the principles and
practices of system thinking in the public sector. These organisations specialise in the
translation of these ideas into service organisations, and have developed the term Lean
Service (46). Using the experience and knowledge gained in local authorities, police forces,
fire services and housing associations, the improvement of one particular system may be used
to improve systems in other processes and departments. Every local authority has similar
administration processes across different departments. If the time to make decisions can be
halved and the service improved in one department, the same principles might be used to
improve others.
A recent study [73] of the use of Lean Thinking to improve Social Housing revealed 80%
reductions in the time taken to process repairs, a 40% reduction in the time taken to collect
first rental payments, a 50% reduction in the number of steps needed to re-house and a 50%
reduction in void time. This was all achieved with both significant cost reduction and
improvement to the customer experience. The main caveat of this approach is that it took a
systems approach to the implementation of Lean, which some people may regard to be a
significantly different version of the approach conventionally applied.
3.2.3 Relevance of Lean in the Public Sector
Despite the lack of concrete empirical examples of successful implementations in the public
sector, some researchers do believe that non-manufacturing organisations can reap rewards
from Lean approaches if they look past the manufacturing-associated labels and utilise the
underlying concepts (2). The essential requirements of any organisation, which might want to
take advantage of these techniques, are patience, support from top management, and the
presence of a change agent/champion.
However, again others have questioned the application of the Lean philosophy within the
service industry. Some key criticisms have included (17):
Human aspects: Lean systems can be seen as exploitative and high pressure to the shop
floor workers. The long-term sustainability of any Lean programme is dependent on the
human dimensions of motivation, empowerment and respect for people.
Scope and lack of strategic perspective: There is a lack of discussion of strategic level
thinking in Lean programmes leading to a lack of sustainability of many Lean
transformation programmes.
Lack of contingency: Lean thinking may encourage organisations to remove buffers
which may not always be in use but are necessary for occasional or unforeseen factors.
Coping with variability: Various Lean approaches manage variability and create capacity
by utilising assets more effectively. In many sectors however, as demand varies the
ability of Lean production systems and supply chains to cope can become the main
inhibitor to the implementation of Lean.
Over-standardisation: Service organisations are under pressure to meet individual
customer needs and standardisation of services to fit the Lean model can lead to
accusations of McDonaldlisation.
Inflexible and fragile: A truly Lean system lacks flexibility in terms of `space to
experiment and `time to think.
Unable to deal with uncertainties: Higher levels of Lean can remove essential levels of
organisational slack, which are required to deal with uncertainty. It gives preference to
efficiency over robustness and system reliability.
In some respects the evidence that critiques Lean is probably greater than the evidence that
proclaims the scale of improvements using Lean, mainly due to the lower levels of vested
interest by those generating the criticism. However, the evidence tends to be case-based and
does not involve extensive empirical data.
3.3 Outcomes of a Lean Approach
This section presents the possible outputs and outcomes that have been and can be achieved
through the implementation of Lean. Due to the majority of writings and studies to date
being in manufacturing organisations then the initial material presented in this section relates
to manufacturing. However, as indicated in various sections above and some evidence below
some writers indicate that equal, if not more benefit, can be gained in the public sector. By
presenting the outputs and outcomes of Lean in manufacturing and service it can become a
useful benchmark of possible achievement that can be attained. Although, of course, it
should be noted that other writers claim that a like for like comparison should not be made
due to issues of context and customer requirements. From an academic perspective, the
standard of the direct evidence is quite poor, with carefully selected case studies being used
to promote benefits without a balanced view of the negative aspects. The work has never
really established whether other factors, such as the advances in IT capability, have made a
3.3.1 Successful Lean Implementation Programmes in Manufacturing
Common themes running through successful Lean implementation programmes in
manufacturing are (32):
Receiving assistance to prioritise, select and define the focus and boundary of the
improvement programme.
A high level of expertise in delivering implementation programmes using Lean
practitioners with hands on process improvement expertise and relevant production
management experience.
Going for quick wins is popular and does actually work.
Integrating accredited training and workforce development, change management and
rapid improvement techniques.
Organisations use operational measures to quantify the success of their Lean programme,
with an investment of 20,000, report it delivering benefits of 100,000.
Networks and sharing of learning has been an important way of gaining information and
knowledge on Lean.
The main qualitative results from surveys of manufacturing companies are (32):
Vastly improved customer focus was the main legacy of Lean implementation and of the
new organisation created.
Successful companies conceived and executed a strategy for change to support the
adoption of Lean.
The initial implementation of Lean was usually piloted on a smaller scale prior to the
investment in training being made to expand Lean outside of the pilot area.
One methodology does not fit all applications of Lean and methodologies and tools need
to be flexible enough to fit a variety of programmes.
The Lean toolbox is extensive with a very broad range of tools being used. Much of the
support delivered to companies involves training in these tools and techniques.
Support provided by specialist consultancies, public sector support agencies and FE/HE
was seen as effective.
The most common areas for the application of Lean was in the production function,
Improvements in quality reduce process cycle time, cut production costs and were likely
to improve delivery performance and customer satisfaction.
Companies found it very difficult to report on the level of investment that they had made
in order to secure the cost savings they were reporting.
There is also evidence of other benefits in the public sector (67). Using the Lean approach,
some hospitals have traced problematic infections in some patients to their source, prompting
changes in the way that intensive-care units inserted intravenous lines. The result was a 90%
drop in the number of infections after just 90 days of using the new procedures. It also made
good business because the fall in infections led to savings of almost half a million dollars a
year in intensive-care-unit costs.
Reported outcomes from a kaizen blitz in another hospital case study include dramatic
performance improvements by capitalising on many hands and minds working together with
a common focus. This includes 97% reductions in throughput time and 50% reduction in
space required (34). The process, often led by practitioners, gives other benefits which help
to demonstrate employee empowerment, development of cross-team synergies and provide
lessons in best practice by actual use - e.g. process mapping.
A range of benefits were also listed in a study on initiatives, in which JIT approaches were
used with the implementation of new Information Technology systems (e.g. Enterprise
Resource Management) to improve business processes in a large public sector organisation
39% decrease in reference to others for information
56% increase in respondents indicating "frequent" or "constant" use of electronic
60% increase in respondents indicating a 75% or greater reduction in time required for
accessing information
61% increase in respondents indicating a 75% or greater reduction in time required for
taking action on information
Customer satisfaction:
95% increase in respondents indicating satisfaction with the new processes
94% increase in respondents indicating preference for the re-engineered electronic
3.4 Lean Thinking in Practice
3.4.1 The Five Principles of Lean Thinking
This section builds on the five main principles of Lean Thinking outlined in section 3.1 to
highlight the other key concepts and the content of Lean Thinking within literature. These
include (20, 61):
Value. Organisations need to determine what aspects of the service are critical to quality
and what are the key characteristics. It may also be useful to identify who the real
customer is and better understand their requirements.
Value Stream. Identifying the value stream and measuring how and when value is added
helps to identify and remove waste. In services it can be hard to see waste, work in
progress and problems.
Flow. Adopting standard operations and identifying best practice can achieve the
maintenance of a high rate of flow and quality through value chains. This allows the
routine to run more smoothly, freeing up time for creativity and innovation.
Pull. This focuses upon the customer demand and trigger events backwards through the
value chain. Thereby linking activity to customer needs. However, customer demand is
not always clear in a service environment and effort is required early to understand this
area (42).
Perfection. Striving for perfection is an important element of Lean embedding continuous
improvement in the culture. Continuous improvement ensures that non-value adding
activities are removed from the value chain.
Specify Value - putting the patient at the centre means measures such as medical quality,
waiting times and patient satisfaction are key.
Identify Value Stream (to eliminate "wasteful" activities) - they suggest process mapping
is key and the degree to which this happens is a key measure, as is the amount of time
spent by medical staff on patient contact, and waste in the referral process.
Flow - measurement might include the number of times demand for care can be matched
with capacity, the ability to smooth demand by scheduling, improving flow through the
use of multi-skilled teams, and transparency through information;
Pull - waiting times and delays are key measurements of the effectiveness of this element.
Perfection - policy deployment is key, with measures feeding into a balanced scorecard.
This study examines how well the flow model used in the Swedish health care system
provides measures which support all five Lean principles. The study found that additional
measures e.g. policy deployment, patient satisfaction and continuous improvement are
needed in order to fully capture the changes towards Lean thinking. The study also suggests
that designing a performance measurement system that reflects Lean initiatives is one
important phase in implementing Lean Thinking in the entire organisation (26).
3.5 Organisational Readiness
3.5.1 Defining Organisational Readiness
The readiness of an organisation to take on board change, and particular concepts like Lean,
are critical in allowing successful implementation. Organisational readiness is concerned
with the ability of an organisation to take on board change, together with deciding which
concepts to implement. It is related to organisational barriers (see section 3.7), although
readiness could be considered as the point before implementation and so before the barriers
may appear.
This section considers studies on organisational readiness, drawing mainly on associated
concepts such as Just In Time (JIT) and benchmarking. Lean has the potential to increase the
operational efficiency, service quality and organisational effectiveness of the public sector,
but there are several prerequisites for gaining such benefits. Therefore, this section will
describe some ways for this potential to be achieved, related to how public sector
organisations must modify their operating procedures, production systems and organisational
culture. A study of the application of JIT into the public sector suggested the consideration
of the following issues in order to enhance its potential success (69):
System-wide pre-JIT modifications appear to reduce the potential for JIT implementation
problems. This is especially the case for public sector organisations, which should learn
the lessons from the manufacturing experience.
Pre-JIT modifications appear to enhance JIT success, especially for public sector
organisations where both operations- and procedures-related modifications are associated
with JIT success.
Top management should champion the initiation of the JIT effort, while leaving
involvement in the details of the implementation process to other internal constituents and
external partners such as customers and suppliers.
Organisations that follow a differentiation business strategy appear to have more success
with JIT.
Industry leaders tend to have more success with JIT than others in their industries.
The need to ensure that Lean does not mean a loss in humane aspects of work i.e. over
standardisation of the process so that little human ability is required.
Lean should be appropriate to the organisational strategy and teamwork but should also
take into account the productive capacity of the organisation as well as the nonproductive capacity.
Lean should be associated with fitness for purpose.
Lean means having the optimal amount of particular resource for the circumstance in
A project was undertaken using this approach to help reach the target for an Accident and
Emergency department to treat, discharge or transfer 90% of patient arrivals within 4 hrs.
Relating this to Lean the project was undertaken with the objective to improve care, staff
satisfaction and variability in the treatment process (56).
3.6.5 Developing Relevant Training and Involvement
For successful implementation Lean practice implies a pre requisite is having the right
employee in the right position. This means Human Resource practitioners need to review the
reliability of their selection programmes for every level of the organisation (14). As a result,
amended training needs implies:
Developing a culture that creates the involvement of everyone in the organisation is a critical
element of the Lean philosophy (66). Everyone in the organisation needs to be trained in the
Lean philosophy concepts as well as the planning, design, implementation and evaluation of
the changes so that Lean is driven by all the people, usually through teams, in the
organisation not just the senior management (19, 49, 50).
However, this development of teamworking and involving everyone in the Lean approach
needs to be handled carefully as it can lead to teamworking characterised by significant
responsibility being given to the team leader, rather than team members, and the use of
continuous improvement techniques that make marginal improvement in standard operating
procedures. A set of case studies looked at the introduction of team working in the Inland
Revenue in the UK (8), where teamworking was implemented to facilitate the introduction of
a new tax regime in the face of reduced numbers of middle managers and clerical employees.
In this study certain human resource policies and practices had an effect upon its
implementation. The study concluded that because the primary motivation for introducing
teamworking was economic, the scope for increasing the autonomy of team members was
limited. However, the change in management style that came with the implementation meant
that there was increased autonomy, but that this resided with team leaders.
The studies presented in the articles in the literature review referred to many of these barriers.
However, some were mentioned more than others, related to the public sector, and so are
discussed a little further.
3.7.2 Lack of Understanding of Variation, Systems Thinking and Process Flow
In the literature there are debates between the role of variation reduction in the service sector
in contrast to that of manufacturing (33), claiming that there is a need to accept greater
variability in service outcomes and a need to develop ways of achieving necessary flexibility.
A study evaluating lean techniques in the health sector examined the causes of excessive
queuing in the NHS, which results in patient backlogs and long waiting times (47),
suggesting that the variation between demand and capacity is the major issue. Poor
understanding of this leads to ineffective capacity planning. However these studies propose to
eradicate queues in the NHS by advanced access systems, which emphasise the need to
properly understand and manage patient flow. Many hundreds of NHS teams are already
using these principles with promising results. Given concerted leadership action, staff
capability building and new systems to match demand and capacity on a daily basis, it would
be possible to develop low wait or even no wait services across the NHS.
Under the concept of Lean Service, system thinking requires understanding work as a
system. This leads to managing flow rather than function. It requires the development of
different measures and methods. If this understanding does not exist it may cause a potential
barrier to full implementation and the realising of benefits which can lead to a reduction in
the number of steps, in end-to-end time, in waste, and cost but, overall an improvement of
service (46).
3.7.3 Lack of buy-in from Staff
For the public sector similar barriers to the adoption of Lean tools and techniques exist due to
the lack of the necessary skills, capability, experience and understanding (42). In studies
looking at the adoption of Lean techniques in US hospitals, the following problems were
highlighted (67):
There have also been attempts to develop more effective public management and more
efficient public services through continuous improvement, business excellence and other
change management practices in Northern Ireland (16). This has highlighted:
Making employees aware that there were better ways of performing the tasks they had
been doing for years
Changing attitudes of people in the shop floor and making them realise that waste means
lost time and money.
Developing and maintaining discipline especially getting operators to produce only the
required quantities.
education institutions provides evidence of low adoption with some differences across
colleges, new and old universities (22). Some organisations did not fill in the questionnaire,
explaining that they lacked the quality management processes. TQM was only adopted in
academic functions only. The specific results were:
Lean is used in reference to Lean principles, concepts and the notion of Leanness by
authors not necessarily referring to the five principles of Lean Thinking.
The five fundamental principles of Lean Thinking are specify value, identify the value
stream, make value flow, let the customer pull and strive for perfection. These have
been applied and adapted by writers for the service industry and the public
sector with particular examples for the Health Service indicating an applicability of
the overall concepts for many organisations.
There is still relativity little evidence of the complete Lean philosophy being applied
within the public sector with the most extensive examples being in the health sector.
Of the evidence presented in the current literature there appears no over whelming
support towards either accepting or rejecting lean as a concept that can be applied to
the public sector. Evidence illustrates that related Lean concepts, tools and techniques
have been applied to a fairly successful degree however, other writings state that the
issues and context of the public sector means that the approach could only ever be
piece meal due to the need of service processes being able to cope with variety,
uncertainty and so not being over standardised and inflexible. More time and research
is needed to gain a full picture of the effect of Lean in the public sector.
Before Lean and related concepts are introduced, an understanding of the degree of
organisational readiness is advised by some writings on change and improvement to
be necessary. It is suggested, that the organisation needs to develop and communicate
clear messages about Lean in terms of its content, process and outcome. The
organisation needs to realise that there will be big implications for training,
developing new procedures and be prepared to identify and prioritise areas which can
benefit from Lean. Benchmarking is often cited as a useful tool to help the
preparation process.
The barriers to implementation and adoption include; public sector culture; lack of
clear customer focus; too many procedures; people working in silos; too many targets;
lack of awareness of strategic direction; general belief that staff are overworked and
underpaid; domination by stakeholders; lack of understanding of the effect of
variation, systems thinking and process flow.
To summarise, the literature supports the idea that Lean Thinking can be adapted for use in
the Public Sector, to achieve a wide variety of improvement objectives. Lean Thinking
works by offering a methodology that helps integrate processes in a customer-focused
manner, using front-line staff to generate the analysis of what is wrong with a process
and how to make improvements. Some of the literature cautions against simple replication
of existing manufacturing-based approaches in the Public Sector, suggesting that service
organisations need to move away from some aspects of the manufacturing version of Lean.
Although Continuous Improvement is an integral part of the Lean philosophy, it should
not be assumed that CI is easily sustained in organisations that attempt Lean. There are a
number of critical success factors, not always present in organisations, that are necessary
for the sustainability of the CI element of Lean.
Reducing waste improves production, which results in Leaner operations and the ability to expose further waste
and quality problems. The seven value stream mapping tools are:
Process activity mapping involving five steps. First an analysis of the process is undertaken, followed by
the identification of waste. Then consideration of whether the process can be rearranged in more efficient
sequence, whether there is a better flow pattern and whether superfluous tasks can be removed.
Supply chain response matrix seeks to portray the critical lead times for a particular process from
distribution, supply to retailer. Once the total lead-time is understood, individual lead times and inventory
amounts can be targeted for improvement.
The production variety funnel allows an understanding of how firms or supply chains operate, how
complexities can be managed and the identification of similarities and differences between industries. This
tool can be useful for targeting inventory reduction.
The quality filter map identifies the three types of quality problems that can exist in a supply chain. These
are defects with the finished product as noted by customers, service defects not concerned with the
production of the product and defects picked up by internal inspection systems. Each defect can be mapped
along the supply chain to target improvement activity.
Demand amplification mapping assess how demand changes along the supply chain in varying time
periods. The information can be used to redesign the value stream configuration, manage fluctuations or
establish solutions to manage regular and exceptional demand.
Decision point analysis at the point in the supply chain where demand-pull gives way to a forecast driven
push. Understanding where this point lies is useful for assessing processes upstream and downstream from
this point and for designing what if scenarios to see the impact of moving the point. The may allow for a
better design of the value stream.
Physical structure mapping is useful for understanding what a particular supply chain looks like at an
industry level. This knowledge helps to understand how the industry operates and for directing attention to
areas that may not be receiving sufficient development attention (18).
The Value Stream Analysis tool involves completing the sections on the wastes identified, the mapping tools
available and the correlation between these tools and wastes. A high correlation is equivalent to 9 points,
medium to 3 points and low to 1 point. Then identifying for each of the wastes the benchmark company in the
sector (Section A), in order to get people to think about who is best at reducing waste. The next stage is to
ascertain the individual importance of the seven wastes by assigning weights to them (Section B). The last stage
is to create total weights for each tool in order to identify how useful each tool is in identifying the various
wastes designated as most important by the organisation. This type of calculation is applied to each row so that
scores are recorded for each individual correlation. The total scores for each column are then summed and
recorded in Section C. The columns with the highest scores are those that contain the most appropriate tools. It
is useful to choose more than one tool. Also make sure that the most important two or three wastes, are being
addressed by tools with which they are highly correlated.
(Section B)
Another study reported on a BPR attempt where the need for change arose out of low customer satisfaction due
to inefficient processes clogging up the supply chain. However, the technical, financial and political restraints
led to only a hybrid version of the old and new system being implemented. Although internal people were used
to drive the redesign these people still had a vested interest in preserving as much of the status quo as possible
and suggested modifications were conservative. The main problems associated with BPR for this project were
then concluded to be (5):
Other research has stated that the critical factors in process re-design projects are (15):
The redesign must address 6 depth levers roles and responsibilities, measurement and incentives,
organisational structure, information technology, shared values and skills.
Need to restructure all the organisational elements from layout of offices to skills required.
Process improvement can only produce lasting results if senior executives invest their time and energy.
Wont get level of return if the processes are too narrow and only 1 or 2 depth levellers are changed.
Success will only happen if true cost savings have breadth and depth.
Therefore, a study of a number of companies concluded that successful redesign would only be achieved if an
organisation (15):
The same study also highlighted the following ways to fail (15):
Assign average performers
Measure only the plan
Settle for the status quo
Overlook communication
A1.2.2 Just In Time (JIT)
The Just In Time (JIT) philosophy adopts a make when needed approach in order to reduce non-value added
waste. The advantages of JIT are (69):
Potential for increasing organisational efficiency and effectiveness and eliminating waste in production and
Improving communication internally within the organisation and externally.
Potential for reducing purchasing costs, a major cost to many organisations.
Reducing lead-time, decreasing throughput time, improving production quality, increasing productivity and
enhancing customer responsiveness.
Fostering organisational discipline and managerial involvement.
Integrating the different functional areas of the organisation.
Studies looking at the application of JIT in the administrative functions of an organisation, e.g. billing, order
taking, financial tasks like accounting (4). One of the techniques used is under capacity scheduling, whereby
any employee performing an administrative task should have time to identify the problems in the task and
provide a solution to improve productivity. Solutions include:
Layout and merger of operations so that interrelated activities are close together.
Standardisation of tasks and training of workers to increase flexibility and efficiency.
Worker centred quality control to trace task performance to an individual.
Finding factors that cause slowdown, by reducing workers involved in doing the tasks.
Cellular organisation and grouping is also considered to increase ease of communication and better delivery
of the task.
Define Step: Management works with its Six Sigma specialists to identify the business issue and define a
significant project for close scrutiny.
Measure Step: Determines the baseline business performance for the process, identifies all potential failure
modes, characterises the measurement capability within the process and also identifies both its current
performance capability as well as the potential for improvement in both statistical and financial terms.
Analysis Step: Identifies the variables that contribute the most variation to the undesirable outcome of the
Improve Step: Optimises process performance by defining the set operating conditions for best performance
and testing these factors to establish the degree of performance improvement that is available on a
consistent basis.
Control Step: Prepares the process for routine operation at thee new level of performance and integrates the
improvements in the business control systems.
By process mapping the value stream of the process, Six Sigma specialists identify unnecessary process
complexity, eliminate unnecessary work, and minimize the process activities that do not add value. Lean
production tools such are integrated with the quality tools used to produce a combined "Lean sigma" perspective
of process performance that identifies both the Lean improvement opportunities as well as the statistically based
improvement opportunities (58).
Studies have shown that a significant number of organisations applying six sigma have not been in
manufacturing, and have provided case studies in which six sigma was used to reduce student scheduling
(timetabling) errors (2).
Six Sigma is being applied now to various sectors with government and healthcare applications joining
manufacturing, financial, information technology and other sectors. In many instances the supporters of this
approach (12):
Believe that existing culture and systems (for example, Lean, ISO 9000 and continuous improvement)
are sufficient to meet their needs.
Do not understand Six Sigma or have the internal capability to assess its potential value to them.
Regard the costs of hiring, training and retaining Six Sigma talent as prohibitive in view of what they
believe the returns will be.
Are in services and do not see the applicability of Six Sigma since they don't make things.
Fear change for any of a variety of reasons, some of which may be valid.
Six Sigma supports report on high returns on investment, defect reduction or elimination, cycle time reduction,
waste reduction, market share gain, significant product or process improvement or innovation, and increased
customer satisfaction (12). However at the root of Six Sigma failures one commonly finds poorly scoped
projects, poor project management or use of Six Sigma when another method might have proved a better match
A1.3 Agile Manufacturing
Agile Manufacturing is presented not as a component of Lean but for completeness as often Lean and Agile are
presented in documents and writing together i.e. Lean and Agile. However, it is important to realise that Agile
is not the same as Lean as it is often considered to be appropriate for high variety, low volume situations
whereas Lean lends itself to high volume and low variety. Agile can be seen as the principles of Lean combined
with Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) to provide low-cost manufacturing for all volumes through
application of processes, techniques and people. There are comparisons with Lean through considering the
elements of agile (54):
The product; agile considers optimising current processes but has flexibility to respond to other
developments whereas Lean only responds to the first.
The process; agile focuses on the reduction or elimination of variables.
The people; important in both.
Global manufacturing; important for both.
Appendix 2: Approach
The articles used for this literature review have been obtained from the following sources:
Reviewing identified journal articles, including peer-reviewed articles, which were downloaded or obtained
from The University of Warwick library.
The research teams own knowledge and collection of articles, papers and reports from other current and
previous research projects. This includes articles written by authors such as James Womack, Dan Jones
(plus the website of The Lean Institute), Peter Hines and Nick Rich.
UK Government sources, including work done at the National Health Service, service delivery units and
searching other central government departments such as Cabinet Office/Treasury and the Office of the
Deputy Prime Minister.
The websites of professional institutes and consultancies especially Andersen Consulting, Vanguard and
Oakland Consulting.
The work of other academic professional contacts such as colleagues at the DANSK Industries and
colleagues who are members of international academic networks, including as EurOMA (European
Operations Management Association).
A total of 81 sources of data were reviewed comprising articles, papers and reports. These were distributed
among the team of researchers. Each researcher was responsible for reading the data and summarising the
information on a Data Extraction Sheet (DES). Upon reading the data sources, it was discovered that a further
nine sources were not relevant for this review. As a result, these were excluded from the list of data sources (see
Annex 3).
The remaining DES were collated by the researchers preparing the literature review, and organised according to
the sections listed below. Appropriate information from each DES was then taken and used to complete the
relevant section. The separate DES are included in a separate Annex 3.
Anonymous, (2004). Hospitals Adopt Toyota Production Techniques to Cut Costs. Quality Progress 37,
Bane, R., (2002). Leading Edge Quality Approaches in Non-Manufacturing Organisations. Proceedings
of the Annual Quality Congress.
Bicheno, J. (2004). The New Lean Toolbox: Towards Fast, Flexible Flow. PICSIE Books.
Blair, H. and Taylor, S. (1998). A pernicious panacea: A critical evaluation of business re-engineering.
New Technology, Work & Employment 13, 2.
Bowen, D.E. and Youngdahl, W.E. (1998). Lean Service: In Defense of a Production-Line Approach.
International Journal of Service Industry Management 9, 3.
Cooper, D. (2004). Organisational Change: from Public to Private Sector A UK based reflective Case
Study. Journal of American Academy of Business, 5, 1/2.
Currie, G. and Proctor, S. (2003). The interaction of human resource policies and practices with the
implementation of teamworking: evidence from the UK public sector. International Journal of Human
Resource Management, 14, 4.
Cusumano, M. A. and N. Kentaro (1998). Thinking Beyond Lean. New York, The Free Press.
10. Cusumano, M. A. (1994). "The Limits of Lean." Sloan Management Review, Summer 1994.
11. Dean, A.M. (2000). Managing change initiatives: JIT delivers but BPR fails. Knowledge and Process
Management, 7, 1.
12. Edgeman, R.L. and Bigio, D.I. (2004). Six Sigma In Metaphor: Heresy Or Holy Writ? Quality Progress,
37, 1.
13. Fitzgerald, I. and Rainnie, A. (1996). Coming to terms with quality: UNISON and the restructuring of
local government. Capital and Class, 59.
14. Forrester R. (1995). Implications of Lean manufacturing for human resource strategy. Work Study, 44, 3
15. Hall, G., J. Rosenthal, et al. (1993). "How to Make Reengineering Really Work." Harvard Business
Review, November-December 1993.
16. Hazlett, S.A. and Hill, F. (2000). Policy and practice: an investigation of organizational change for service
quality in the public sector in Northern Ireland. Total Quality Management, 11, 4-6.
17. Hines, P., Holweg, M. and Rich, N. (2004). Learning to Evolve. A review of Contemporary Lean
Thinking. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 24, 10.
18. Hines, P. and Rich, N. (1997). The Seven Value Stream Mapping Tools. International Journal of
Operations and Production Management, 17, 1.
19. Hogg, T. M. (1993). "Lean Manufacturing." Human Systems Management, 12, 1.
20. Jones, D.T. (2004). The Lean Service Opportunity. Lean Service Summit. Amsterdam, June 2004.
21. Jones, D. T. (2004). Lean Beyond Manufacturing. www.Leanuk.org.
22. Kanji, G.K., Malek, A. and Tambi, B.A. (1999). Total quality management in UK higher education
institutions. Total Quality Management, 10, 1.
23. Karlsson, C. and P. Ahlstrom (1996). "Assessing changes towards Lean production." International Journal
of Operations and Production Management, 16, 2.
24. Kinnie, N., Hutchinson, S. and Purcell, J. (1998). Downsizing: Is it always Lean and mean? Personnel
Review, 27, 4.
25. Kinnie, N., Hutchninson, S. et al. (1996). The People Management Implications of Leaner Working.
London, Institute of Personnel Management.
26. Kollberg, B. and Dahlgaard, J.J. (2005) Measuring Lean Thinking Initiatives in Health Care Services,
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management (Forthcoming).
27. Lamming, R. (1996). "Squaring Lean supply with supply chain management." International Journal of
Operations and Production Management, 16, 2.
28. Levitt, T. (1976). The Industrialisation of Service. Harvard Business Review, September-October 1976.
29. Levitt, T. (1972). Production-Line Approach to Service. Harvard Business Review, September-October
30. Lucey, J. (2004). How much does it cost to change a light bulb?. Management Services, April 2004.
31. Lucey, J., Bateman, N. and Hines, P. (2004). Achieving Pace and Sustainability in a Major Lean
Transition. Institute of Management Services, September 2004.
32. Manufacturing Foundation (2004), Lessons in Lean, June 2004.
33. McLaughlin, C.P. (1996). Why Variation Reduction is not Everything: A New Paradigm for Service
Operations. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 7, 3.
34. McNichols T., Hassinger R. and Bapst G.W. (1999). Quick and Continuous Improvement Through Kaizen
Blitz. Hospital Materiel Management Quarterly 20, 4.
35. McNulty, T. (2002). Reengineering as Knowledge Management. Management Learning, 33, 4.
36. Moon, C. and Swaffin-Smith, C. (1998). Total quality management and new patterns of work: Is there life
beyond empowerment?. Total Quality Management 9, 2/3.
37. Morling, P. and Tanner, S. (2002). Benchmarking a public service business management system. Total
Quality Management, 11, 4-6.
38. Oliver, N., J. Lowe, et al. (1994). Worldwide Manufacturing Competitiveness Study: The Second Lean
Enterprise Report. UK, Andersen Consulting.
39. Oliver, N., J. Lowe, et al. (1992). The Lean Enterprise Benchmarking Project. UK, Andersen Consulting.
40. Ostrowski, S. L., T. F. Millman, et al. (1996). Dimensions of Leanness. Employment Relations, Cardiff
Business School.
41. Pollman, W. (1993). "Car Industry." Human Systems Management, 12, 1.
42. Porter, L. and Barker, B. (2005). Using Lean Principles to Increase the Efficiency of Service Delivery in
the Public Sector. Oakland Consulting plc, March 2005.
43. Radnor, Z. (2000). "Changing to a Lean Organisation: The Case of Chemicals Company." International
Journal of Manufacturing and Technology Management.
44. Rees, C., H. Scarbrough, et al. (1996). The People Management Implications of Leaner Ways of
Working. London, Institute of Personnel and Development.
45. Sanderson, I. (2001). Performance Management, Evaluation and Learning in Modern Local
Government. Public Administration, 79, 2.
46. Seddon, J. (2002). Systems Thinking and Performance Improvement in the Public Sector. Vanguard,
January 2002.
47. Silvester, K., Lendon, R., Bevan, H., Steyn R. and Walley, P. (2004). Reducing waiting times in the NHS:
is lack of capacity the problem? Clinician in Management, 12.
48. Smeds, R., (1994). Managing Change towards Lean Enterprises. International Journal of Operations and
Production Management, 14, 3.
49. Sohal, A.S. (1996). Developing a Lean Production Organisation: An Australian Case Study. International
Journal of Operations and Production Management, Special Edition on Lean Production and Work
Organisation, 16, 2.
50. Sohal, A. S. and A. Egglestone (1994). "Lean Production: Experience among Australian Organisations."
International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 14, 11.
51. Swank, C.K. (2003). The Lean Service Machine. Harward Business Review, October 2003.
52. Syrett, M. and J. Lammiman (1997). From Leanness to Fitness London, Cromwell Press.
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1. Introduction
The aim of this report is to describe a survey of Scottish public sector organisations
undertaken between September and November 2005. The survey is part of a larger
investigation undertaken by Warwick Business School, on behalf of the Scottish Executive,
on the evaluation of the Lean approach to business management in the public sector. Lean
is defined as essentially any good practices of process / operations improvement that have
resulted in a reduction in waste, improved the flow and provided a better concept of
customers and process views.
Section 2 of the report describes the survey methodology and provides a breakdown of
respondents to the survey in terms of geographical location and type of public sector
organisation. Section 3 of the report provides a quantitative and graphical breakdown of the
results of the survey, incorporating the views and opinions of the respondents, together with
an analysis of the results. A qualitative analysis of the survey results is provided in section 4
of the report, with a selection of the actual comments made by the respondents in the openended questions of the questionnaire. Section 5 includes the conclusions drawn from the
analysis of the survey results. Appendix 1 of the report includes the survey questionnaire
that was sent to public sector organisations in Scotland. The questionnaire also outlines the
definition of Lean that was used for the survey.
2. Methodology
The survey was undertaken by an independent research company, AtoZ Business
Consultancy. The questionnaire contained 20 questions designed to obtain information on
the type of Lean projects that have been implemented, how they were implemented and
whether they had been successful in achieving their original aims. The questionnaire
contained a mix of open-ended and closed questions. A copy of the questionnaire is
attached at Appendix 1.
The Scottish Executive distributed the questionnaire via email to all public sector
organisations in Scotland during September. In many instances the questionnaire was sent
to the prime Scottish Executive contact in the organisation or the Chief Executive for
cascading. In order to ensure that sufficient time was given to enable this to occur,
organisations were given seven weeks in which to complete and return the questionnaires.
Questionnaires were completed by those who were using Lean. Completed questionnaires
were returned directly to AtoZ Business Consultancy via either email or post. In summary, 24
organisations responded to the survey, broken down as follows:
Responses were received from a range of public sector organisations. The breakdown of
respondents is indicated in Chart 1 below. The largest proportion of respondents came from
local authorities. The actual number of organisations responding is shown in brackets.
Non Departmental
Public Body
8% (2)
Central Government
8% (2)
Emergency Services
8% (2)
Government Agency
21% (5)
Local Government
42% (10)
Health Service
13% (3)
Chart 2 below show the geographical split of respondents, with the largest proportion of
respondents coming from the central areas of Scotland around Glasgow and Edinburgh.
However there is significant national representation with a large proportion of respondents
coming from the northern areas. The actual number of organisations is shown in brackets.
South Scotland
12% (3)
Central Scotland
34% (9)
3. Analysis of Results
This section analyses the information obtained from the survey, and has been presented in
the order of the questions asked on the questionnaire.
1. Please list the Lean projects that you have been involved with in your organisation and
provide a brief summary of them.
One or two projects
Between 5 and 10 projects
About 5 projects
Greater than 10 projects
Only beginning to undertake projects
It is not surprising that all respondents have undertaken Lean projects and this is a prime
motivator for them to respond to the questionnaire. The largest proportion of respondents
had only undertaken one or two projects. However it is noteworthy that 50% of the
respondents have undertaken 5 or more Lean projects, showing either that in some
organisations, individuals are taking the concept of Lean very seriously or there is a
misunderstanding about what Lean is and what continuous improvement is. It could be
perceived that these organisations are not seeing Lean as an overall philosophy and
approach but rather as a number of stand-alone projects e.g. Kaizen Blitz or Rapid
Improvement Events. This supports the research findings in Annex 3 of the evaluation. Many
comments went into great detail on the projects undertaken (see Section 4).
2. Please list the departments and/or areas of your organisation in which the Lean projects
have been implemented.
Several departments / areas - unspecified
Many departments / areas - unspecified
Just the one department / area - unspecified
All departments / areas
There was a range of comments to this question. Many respondents made references to
projects undertaken in departments, but did not specifically mention the departments. The
departments mentioned the most were housing, finance and administration. Several
organisations have sought to implement Lean across all departments.
3. What was the original aim of the Lean projects your organisation has implemented?
This question gave respondents the option to choose any number of aims from a list of to
specify their own original aim(s) for implementing Lean. The responses are presented in
Chart 3.
Cost Reduction
10% (11) Improve Customer
17% (18)
Increase Staff
11% (12)
10% (10)
The majority of respondents are planning to implement Lean projects in a few other
departments. However there was no mention of which departments these would be. Of the
specific departments mentioned housing, finance and administration were once again the
areas singled out for further projects. In several organisations many projects are being
planned and in one organisation, over 40 projects have been identified.
6. How long was the implementation phase of the Lean projects?
Ongoing projects / projects always in development
About 1 year
Between 1 and 3 years
Varying lengths of projects
Between 3 and 6 months
Very short - about 3 months
Not yet been implemented
3 year projects or greater
The implementation phase of project varied greatly from 3 months to over 3 years. However
in many instances the implementation of project is ongoing. This is typical and supports the
idea of Lean being an approach or a philosophy.
7. What proportion of your overall organisation has been involved in implementing Lean
Between 5% and 10%
Between 10% and 20%
Hard to determine
A high proportion / Everyone
Less than 5 %
Planning to increase the proportion of workforce
Greater than 25%
When asked about the proportion of the organisation involved in implementing Lean
projects, the largest proportion of comments stated that between 5% and 10% of the
organisation was involved. However approximately 57% of comments stated that less than
25% of the organisation was involved and a further 15% of comments could not determine
what proportion had been involved. Only 19% of comments stated that more than 25% of the
organisation was involved. Encouragingly almost 10% of comments stated that they were
planning to increase involvement.
8. What have been the other resource implications of implementing the Lean projects?
The main comments regarding other resources focus on the need for additional internal staff
and time commitment, while 30% expressed the need for additional funding or additional
external staff in the form of consultants. Interestingly, only 10% of comments focused on the
need to invest in training or awareness.
Additional internal staffing required
Time commitments from all involved
Additional funding to implement project
External staffing required
A need to invest in lean training or awareness
Set up of a specialised Change team
Additional technology resources
9. What tools and techniques have been used in the Lean projects?
Respondents were provided with a list of tools and techniques from which they could choose
to indicate their prevalence in Lean projects. There were a wide variety of answers to this
question. However, it is clear from the responses provided that the main tool used in the
Lean projects was process mapping. Other tools and techniques mentioned included
process simplification, waste reduction, systems thinking and the use of the balanced
scorecard. The actual number and percentage split for each comment is shown below.
Don't know
Changeover reduction
2% Error proofing
Worplace organisation
Kaizen Blitz
Overall Equipment
Process Mapping
Six Sigma
Work standardisation
Visual Management
Value Stream Mapping
Total Productive
10. What external support is your organisation utilising to assist with the implementation of
the Lean projects?
Respondents were able to choose more than one option or state an alternative. The
responses are presented in Chart 5.
Chart 5. External organisations providing support
9% (3)
9% (3)
27% (9)
12% (4)
6% (2)
37% (12)
Very Effective
19% (3)
68% (11)
Very Successful
25% (5)
65% (13)
Not Communicated
5% (3)
Notice Boards 4% (2)
9% (5)
29% (16)
New sletters
18% (10)
20% (11)
15% (8)
The main method used for communicating progress on the Lean projects was through
meetings. In some cases respondents actually stated whether these were individual or group
meetings. The use of intranets as a method of communicating was also high, accounting for
20% of the comments. Respondents could highlight as many methods as were relevant, with
many highlighting two or three options. Only 4% of respondents highlighted that progress
was not communicated. Other methods stated as being used to communicate progress
included reports and working groups.
15. If progress has been communicated, how successful has this communication been?
Very Successful
6% (1)
71% (12)
Increase Staff
12% (11)
Workforce Reduction
23% (3)
Cost Reduction
46% (6)
Lead time reduction
15% (2)
Increase Staff
8% (1)
Increase Staff
8% (1)
When considering the factors that contributed to the success of he Lean projects, the most
important was commitment to ongoing improvement from management. However all factors
cited are those consistent with key success factors required to implement successful
projects reported in the literature (Annex 1). Also important was the experience of the
delivery team, although training was not considered to be as important. This supports the
comments regarding training provided at questions 8 and 12 above and may indicate that
experience of implementing Lean projects is more important than undergoing formal training
in lean concepts, tools and techniques.
18. What have been the barriers to implementing Lean projects and/or realising success?
Organisational culture and resistance to change
Lack of awareness / knowledge about Lean
Staffing shortages / getting staff released from duties
Lack of management commitment
Backlogs and other ongoing work pressures
Lack of equipment
Short term funding
Reliance upon or engagement with other internal
Inability to quantify and realise savings
The scale of the project / high volume of data
IT illiteracy of many people
The most important barrier to implementing Lean projects was organisational culture and a
resistance to change, accounting for almost 30% of comments. Lack of awareness or
knowledge of Lean was also seen as an important barrier. However as indicated above, in
order to overcome this barrier, awareness raising sessions and practical experience of Lean
may be more useful than structured formal training.
19. Has there been any evaluation of the impact of the Lean projects? If so, please provide a
brief summary.
Each process improvement is monitored / audited for
Quantitative evaluations to measure lead time and
performance indicators
Used to produce conclusions and recommendations
Still early days in terms of realising benefits from projects
Used to demonstrate improvements
Used to highlight lessons learnt
Many comments were made regarding the evaluations that had been undertaken (see
Section 4). It is important to note that evaluations are being undertaken. However in many
cases, these evaluations are used to demonstrate the success of the projects rather than
highlighting what lessons could be learnt from the project or how they could be implemented
better in future i.e. based upon measures and outputs rather than outcomes.
20. Is there anything else that has not been covered above that you wish to tell us about
Lean in your organisation?
There were not many comments to this question, nor was there much consistency between
the comments. Some organisations were convinced of the benefits of implementing Lean in
the public sector, while some were less sure that manufacturing techniques could be
transferred. However these comments do seem to point in the direction of it being early days
in terms of determining whether Lean techniques are applicable in the public sector and that
some coordination and transfer of knowledge between projects would be of greater benefit to
the public sector.
Still at an early stage of development in terms of final improvement contribution
Can see the contribution that Lean tools and techniques can make
Difference between lean in manufacturing and service sector
Use of operations management can be transferred to public sector
A Lean Working Group to coordinate projects across Scottish local authorities
4. Qualitative Comments
The following are some of the actual comments made by respondents to the open ended
questions on the survey. These support the comments made above and the analysis
1. Please list the Lean projects that you have been involved with in your organisation and
provide a brief summary of them.
Actual comments by respondents to this question included:
We are only just beginning Business Change projects and have not decided to take a
Lean only approach. However we have used Lean methods (identifying failure / value
demand) in a review of our Housing Repairs project.
We are using Kaizen principles and in particular facilitating Kaizen Blitz weeks to
improve processes, which are critical business issues for the authority.
[We practice] continuous improvement and have adopted a number of approaches,
implementing significant process streamlining in recent years. We have not as yet used
the lean approach however, a number of our staff are due to attend training on how to
adopt it. It is likely therefore that we will trial the methodology in the near future.
2. Please list the departments and/or areas of your organisation in which the Lean projects
have been implemented.
Actual comments by respondents to this question included:
Business improvements as a result of streamlining processes, using some elements of
management, have been delivered in Corporate Services, Housing, Social Work,
Finance & IT, Education and Leisure, Planning and Transport, Environmental Services.
Community Care, Housing, Mental Health, Learning disabilities.
Pre-admission Unit, Emergency Gynaecological Triage Area and Pregnancy
Assessment Service.
5. If yes, please specify where and why.
12. What strategies have been used to engage staff in the Lean projects?
Actual comments by respondents to this question included:
Regular reporting of service delivery and implementation to strategic level
managers/partnerships identifying issues, gaps and needs. Staff Team meetings to
monitor and evaluate these and individual project management to ensure workloads
have tasks prioritised appropriately to meet targets.
Agency wide, staff have been consulted both through their managers, by using a
business briefings road-show to encourage business improvement and by integrating
[this] into the Corporate and Local Action Planning Process which cycles annually.
Staff have been engaged in a number of ways from initial research via surveys, focus
groups etc., involvement in project teams, through to full training and development in
the new process. In addition major improvement projects are always accompanied by
a full communications plan, which will include newsletters, team briefing, information
cascade etc.
17. What have been the factors contributing to the success of the Lean projects?
Actual comments by respondents to this question included:
Taking it seriously. Having one person driving the project. Having total Management
commitment from the top down. Learning from an expert and thereafter beginning to
mould it into something else.
Careful planning and enthusiastic staff.
Probably the major factor has been demonstrating commitment though staff training
and investment to release resources to undertake projects.. Supporting this has been
the role of managers in encouraging staff to act and think differently and taking risks
in adapting the managers role to managing the system rather than.. managing
through targets and budgets.
18. What have been the barriers to implementing Lean projects and/or realising success?
Actual comments by respondents to this question included:
A lack of understanding of which topics to pick in the early days. Less senior managers
being uncomfortable with change, which they see as imposed by staff.
The work pressure and volume of work is ever present when trying to also look to
making specific improvements.
A fundamental change in working practices.
Culture some managers are still very much command and control.
Lack of management Buy-In
19. Has there been any evaluation of the impact of the Lean projects? If so, please provide a
brief summary.
The main aims of these projects are to improve quality, improve customer satisfaction
and to reduce lead-time. Cost reduction and workforce reduction projects appear to be
less important in the organisations surveyed.
All survey respondents were developing plans to implement Lean projects in other
departments or business areas, especially housing, finance and administration.
The implementation phase of projects varied greatly from 3 months to over 3 years.
However in many instances the implementation of project is ongoing.
The majority of respondents involved less than a quarter of their organisation or were
unsure what proportion of the organisation had been involved in the projects. However
many respondents were planning to increase involvement.
When asked about utilising external support in implementing Lean projects, the majority
of respondents stated that customers or a specialised consultancy was providing
assistance. However in many cases, a combination of external organisations were used
to provide. The majority of respondents saw the use of this external support as effective
or very effective.
The main strategies used to engage staff was consultations with staff and the use of
workshops and awareness raising sessions. Respondents viewed the use of these
strategies as successful or very successful. However there is some evidence to suggest
that strategies adopted to engage a higher proportion of staff were less successful than
those used to engage a lower proportion.
The main methods used for communicating progress on the Lean projects were
meetings and intranets. However in many cases, a combination of communication
methods were used. Only in a small proportion of organisations was progress not
communicated. The majority of respondents saw these methods for communicating
progress as successful or very successful.
Many respondents claimed that the Lean projects had been successful in achieving their
original aims. It was mainly cost reduction or workforce reduction projects that were not
successful in achieving their original aims. It appears that in the public sector Lean is not
being used to achieve cost or workforce reduction. This is supported by the cross case
Managerial commitment to ongoing improvement was seen as the most important factor
contributing to the success of the Lean projects. The most important barriers were
organisational culture, a resistance to change and lack of awareness or knowledge of
Lean. Training in Lean tools and techniques was not seen to be as important as practical
experience of just implementing Lean projects.
Name (optional):
Organisation Type:
Central Government
Emergency Services
Government Agency
Health Service
Local Government
1. Please list the Lean projects that you have been involved with in your organisation and
provide a brief summary of them.
2. Please list the departments and/or areas of your organisation in which the Lean projects
have been implemented.
3. What was the original aim of the Lean projects your organisation has implemented?
Please tick as many options as relevant.
Customer satisfaction
Cost reduction
Flexibility improvements
Increase staff motivation
Increase staff contribution
to decision making
Quality improvement
Workforce reduction
4. Does your organisation have any plans to implement Lean in other areas / departments?
7. What proportion of your overall organisation has been involved in implementing Lean
8. What have been the other resource implications of implementing the Lean projects?
For example time and finance.
9. What tools and techniques have been used in the Lean projects?
Please tick as many options as relevant.
Changeover Reduction
Error Proofing
Overall Equipment
Kaizen Blitz
Six Sigma
Process Mapping
Total Productive
Value Stream Mapping
Work Standardisation
Visual Management
Workplace Organisation
Dont Know
10. What external support is your organisation utilising to assist with the implementation of
the Lean projects?
Please tick as many options as relevant.
Further / Higher Education
Local Enterprise Centre
Specialist Consultancy
11. If you have utilised external support, how effective has this support been?
Very Effective
Neither Effective
Very Ineffective
nor Ineffective
12. What strategies have been used to engage staff in the Lean projects?
14. How has progress on the Lean projects been communicated through the organisation?
Please tick as many options as relevant.
Individual / Team
Progress Not
Notice Boards
Other (Please specify)
15. If progress has been communicated, how successful has this communication been?
Neither Successful Unsuccessful
nor Unsuccessful
16. Which of the following proposed aims of the Lean projects have been achieved?
Please ensure that these are the same aims you highlighted in Question 3.
Cost reduction
Customer satisfaction improvement
Flexibility improvements
Increase staff contribution to decision making
Increase staff motivation
Lead time reduction
Quality improvement
Workforce reduction
Other (Please specify)
17. What have been the factors contributing to the success of the Lean projects?
18. What have been the barriers to implementing Lean projects and/or realising success?
19. Has there been any evaluation of the impact of the Lean projects? If so, please provide a
brief summary.
20. Is there anything else that has not been covered above that you wish to tell us about
Lean in your organisation?
A full analysis of the results from this questionnaire will be available in the evaluation report
to the Scottish Executive. However, if you would like to receive a summary of the results of
this survey, please provide your email address below. This information will be sent to you in
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Evaluation of the Lean Approach to Business Management and Its Use in the Public Sector