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CTM Admin 9.0.00

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Control-M Workload Automation

Administrator Guide

July 2015

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Introduction to Control-M Configuration Manager .............................................................. 9
Logging in to CCM ........................................................................................................................ 10
Configuring CCM options ............................................................................................................... 10

Component management .............................................................................................. 11

Defining a Control-M/EM component ............................................................................................. 11
Control-M/EM component parameters ............................................................................................ 12
Defining a Control-M/Server component ........................................................................................ 13
Control-M/Server component parameters ....................................................................................... 14
Renaming a Control-M/Server component ...................................................................................... 17
Pausing Control-M/Server ............................................................................................................. 18
Defining a Control-M/Agent component ......................................................................................... 18
Defining a remote host ................................................................................................................. 19
Defining a Network Load Balancer Router ...................................................................................... 20
Network Load Balancer Router parameters .................................................................................... 20
Communication parameters .......................................................................................................... 22
Persistent connection parameters .................................................................................................. 25
Job submission and tracking parameters ........................................................................................ 26
Output parameters ....................................................................................................................... 27
Security parameters ..................................................................................................................... 27
Agentless parameters ................................................................................................................... 28
Email parameters ......................................................................................................................... 29
Database management ................................................................................................................. 29
Editing a component ..................................................................................................................... 31
Configuring Control-M/Server synchronization ................................................................................ 31
Deleting a component................................................................................................................... 32
Component status ........................................................................................................................ 32
Promoting Control-M/Server in Control Configuration Manager (CCM) .............................................. 34
Promote parameters ..................................................................................................................... 36

System configuration .................................................................................................... 37

Control-M/EM system parameters .................................................................................................. 37
Control-M/Server parameters ...................................................................................................... 124
Control-M/Agent parameters ....................................................................................................... 187
Defining Control-M for z/OS system parameters ........................................................................... 215

Connecting to Control-M/EM behind a firewall .............................................................................. 215

Defining Daylight Savings Time support ....................................................................................... 216
Daylight Savings Time considerations (Spring) ............................................................................. 217
Daylight Savings Time considerations (Winter) ............................................................................. 218

Control-M security ...................................................................................................... 219

Control-M/Server security ........................................................................................................... 219
Control-M/Agent security ............................................................................................................ 223
Agentless SSH key management ................................................................................................. 225

Control-M/EM Authorizations ....................................................................................... 228

Defining a Control-M/EM user/group ............................................................................................ 228
Editing a Control-M/EM user/group .............................................................................................. 229
Copying a Control-M/EM user/group ............................................................................................ 229
Deleting a Control-M/EM user/group ............................................................................................ 230
Control-M/EM user and group authorizations ................................................................................ 230
Creating an administrator user .................................................................................................... 259
Changing the DBO password ....................................................................................................... 259
Authorizing non-administrators to manage application plug-in connection profiles .......................... 260
cm_admin.xml parameters .......................................................................................................... 261

High availability .......................................................................................................... 262

Control-M high availability on one host ........................................................................................ 263
Control-M/EM and Control-M/Server high availability with Oracle/MSSQL ....................................... 264
Control-M/Server high availability with PostgreSQL ....................................................................... 270
High availability compatibility ...................................................................................................... 274
High availability scenarios ........................................................................................................... 275
Control-M/Server mirroring database ........................................................................................... 276
Failover implementation .............................................................................................................. 282

Alerts ........................................................................................................................ 288

Shout destination management ................................................................................................... 288
Managing exception alerts .......................................................................................................... 291
Removing old alerts .................................................................................................................... 292
Usage alerts ............................................................................................................................... 292

Host group management ............................................................................................ 295

Host groups ............................................................................................................................... 295
Host group restrictions ............................................................................................................... 297

Control-M deployment ................................................................................................ 300

Control-M/Agent deployment ...................................................................................................... 300
Client Distribution ....................................................................................................................... 304
Distributing Control-M Workload Automation clients ..................................................................... 305

Workload Archiving configuration................................................................................. 306

Starting up the Workload Archiving Server ................................................................................... 306
Defining Workload Archiving policies............................................................................................ 307
Workload Archiving policy rule parameters ................................................................................... 308
Configuring Workload Archiving disk space and cleanup settings ................................................... 309
Workload Archiving Server Configuration parameters .................................................................... 310
Deleting data from the Workload Archiving server ........................................................................ 310
Shutting down the Workload Archiving Server .............................................................................. 311

Control-M diagnostics ................................................................................................. 312

Debug levels .............................................................................................................................. 312
Generating diagnostic data ......................................................................................................... 314
Troubleshooting diagnostic data collection failure ......................................................................... 315
Sending commands to Control-M/EM server components .............................................................. 315
Monitoring the Control-M/EM Configuration Agent Log .................................................................. 316
Usage Reporting Tool ................................................................................................................. 316
Generating a usage report .......................................................................................................... 316

Database operation and maintenance .......................................................................... 317

Accessing the Control-M/EM database maintenance menu ............................................................ 317
Control-M/EM Database Maintenance menu options ..................................................................... 318
Database backup and restore ...................................................................................................... 319
Database maintenance and cleanup ............................................................................................ 326

User Exits .................................................................................................................. 330

Implementing User Exits in Control-M/Server ............................................................................... 330
Control-M general user exits ....................................................................................................... 331
Job Order Exit (CTMUE101) ........................................................................................................ 331
Job Submission Exit (CTMUE102) ................................................................................................ 333
Before New Day Procedure Exit (CTMUE103) ............................................................................... 335
After New Day Procedure Exit (CTMUE104) .................................................................................. 336
Before User Daily Exit (CTMUE105) ............................................................................................. 336
After User Daily Exit (CTMUE106) ................................................................................................ 336

BSM configuration procedures ..................................................................................... 337

BMC Service Impact Manager configuration ................................................................................. 337
Purging obsolete periodic statistics entries ................................................................................... 339

Remedy configuration ................................................................................................. 341

Configuring Remedy connection parameters ................................................................................ 341
Remedy incident information configuration .................................................................................. 341
Creating an incident form ........................................................................................................... 343
Batch Discovery ......................................................................................................................... 343

Introduction to Control-M Configuration

The Control-M Configuration Manager (CCM) is a GUI application that enables you to administer, manage,
monitor, configure, and maintain all Control-M components, as well as defining security settings and user
The CCM enables you to configure the following:

Control-M components: Enables you to define Control-M/Enterprise Manager (EM),

Control-M/Server, Control-M/Agent components including databases, remote hosts, and Control-M for
z/OS components, as described in Component management (on page 11).

System parameters: Enables you to define Control-M/EM, Control-M/Server, Control-M for z/OS,
and Control-M/Agent system parameters, as described in System configuration (on page 37).

Security settings: Enables you to define user authorizations in Control-M/Server, Run as

authentication in SSH or password mode, and encrypt data between Control-M/Agent and a remote
host with SSH, as described in Control-M security (on page 219).

Control-M/EM authorizations: Enables you to assign LDAP, Global and Prerequisite Conditions,
Quantitative and Control Resources, Calendar, Folder, Workload Policy, and Run as User
authorizations for Control-M/EM users, as described in Control-M/EM Authorizations (on page 228).

High Availability: Enables you to to fail over Control-M/EM or Control-M/Server to a secondary host,
as described in High availability (on page 262).

Alerts: Enables you to create shout destination tables and manage exception alerts, as described
in Alerts (on page 288).

Host groups: Enables you to define and run jobs on any host in a group and limit the number of
jobs submitted to a specific host according to a defined CPU usage limit and the number of
concurrently running jobs on a host, as described in Host group management (on page 295).

Control-M Deployment: Enables you to upgrade or downgrade Control-M/Agents from the CCM
and distribute the Control-M/EM client to every supported Windows computer in your organization, as
described in Control-M deployment (on page 300).

Workload Archiving: Enables you create Archive policies and configure Archive settings, as
described in Workload Archiving configuration (on page 306).

Diagnostics: Enables you to define Control-M/EM, Control-M/Server, and Control-M/Agent debug

levels, generate diagnostic data, and send commands to Control-M/EM server components, as
described in Control-M diagnostics (on page 312).

Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Logging in to CCM
This procedure describes how to log in to CCM, which enables you to perform component and system
configuration, enable security parameters and authorizations, and manage system alerts and host group

To log in to CCM:
1. From the Start menu, select All Programs > BMC Software Control-M 9.0.00 > Control-M
Configuration Manager.
The Control-M Configuration Manager login window appears.
2. In the User Name field, type the username that you want to use to log in to CCM.
3. In the Password field, type the password of the username.
4. From the Server drop-down list, select the CMS server that you want to connect.
5. To change the Naming Service server and select the CMS server related to that environment, do the
a. Click Advanced.
b. In the Host Name field, type the hostname where the Naming Service server is located.
c. In the Port Number field, type the port number for the Naming Service server.
d. The Using SSL checkbox indicates the SSL mode. To change the mode, see Introduction to SSL
for Control-M.
e. From the Domain drop-down list, select an LDAP domain or the Local_EM domain.
This field only appears if there is a defined LDAP domain, as described in Defining LDAP system
parameters (on page 39).

Click Apply.

6. Click Login.

Configuring CCM options

This procedure describes how to configure CCM options, such as when to start, stop, enable, and disable
components and determine what options are shown in the CCM.

To configure CCM options:

1. From the drop-down list in the top left-hand corner, select Options.
The Options dialog box appears.
2. Select the required options and click Confirmations.
The Confirmation options determines which actions raise a confirmation dialog before executing.
3. Select the required options and click OK.
The CCM options are updated.


Component management
After you have installed Control-M, the initial configuration automatically defines and starts up the
required components. However, you might want to define additional components for one or more of the
following reasons:

Load balancing

Organizational structure

Geographic distances

In most configurations, two or more Control-M/Servers are required with multiple Control-M/Agents to
handle the load balancing of jobs. For more information about Control-M configuration, see Control-M
The following procedures describe how to define, edit, and delete Control-M/EM, Control-M/Server,
Control-M/Agent and remote host components:

Defining a Control-M/EM component (on page 11)

Defining a Control-M/Server component (on page 13)

Renaming a Control-M/Server component (on page 17)

Pausing Control-M/Server (on page 18)

Defining a Control-M/Agent component (on page 18)

Defining a remote host (on page 19)

Defining a Network Load Balancer Router (on page 20)

Editing a component (on page 31)

Deleting a component (on page 32)

To change the status of a component, see Component status (on page 32).
To set the synchronization mode for a Control-M/Server component, see Configuring Control-M/Server
synchronization (on page 31).

Defining a Control-M/EM component

This procedure describes how to define a Control-M/EM component, which enables you to divide your
workflows based on load balancing requirements to ensure resources are allocated appropriately.

To define a Control-M component:

1. From the Home tab, in the General group, select New and then click Control-M/EM Component.
The Control-M/EM Component dialog box appears.
2. For each field, type or select the required value, as described in Control-M/EM component parameters
(on page 12).

Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

3. Click OK.
The new component appears in the CCM.

Control-M/EM component parameters

The following table describes parameters that enable you to define a Control-M/EM component.


Desired State

Determines the state of the component after it is defined. For

more details, about component status, see Component status
(on page 32).


Determines which of the following Control-M/EM components

to define:




GUI Server

Forecast Server

Workload Archiving Server

Self Service Server

Web Server

Defines the logical name of the component or the name of the

computer where the Control-M/EM component is located.
You can define multiple GUI servers to run simultaneously.
(These capabilities enable you to balance job loads in your
environment.) These servers can run on the same host or
different hosts. Each instance of a GUI server must have a
unique name.

GUI Server Name

Defines the name of the GUI Server that connects with the
By default, the GUI Server is named according to its host
name. If more than one GUI Server is on the same host, each
instance must have a unique name.

Host Name

Defines the hostname of the computer where the Control-M/EM

component is located

Check Interval

Determines the number of seconds between intervals when the

CCM checks the status of the component


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



Additional Startup Flags:

Defines alternative parameters to start up the component.

There is no need to change this value unless directed by BMC

Defining a Control-M/Server component

This procedure describes how to define a Control-M/Server component, which enables you to divide your
job workflows based on load balancing requirements, geographic distribution, or organizational structure
of your business.

To define a Control-M/Server component:

1. From the Home tab, in the General group, select New and then click Control-M/Server.
The Control-M/Server definition dialog box appears.
2. Select of the following options and then click OK:

Discover: Enables you to automatically define a Control-M/Server for a specific host.

Define: Enables you to manually define a Control-M/Server for a specific host.

3. Do one of the following:

If you selected Discover, type the required values for each field and then click OK.

If you selected Define, type the required values for each field, as described in Control-M/Server
component parameters (on page 14) and then click OK:

The Control-M/Server appears in the CCM.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Control-M/Server component parameters

The following table describes parameters that enable you to define a Control-M/Server component, as
described in Defining a Control-M/Server component (on page 13).



Defines the name of the Control-M/Server.

The name can be a maximum of 20 alphanumeric characters
long. You can include symbols, but do not use blank spaces.


Determines whether the Control-M/Server is installed on a

distributed or z/OS operating system.
If your operating system is UNIX or Windows
select Distributed.


Defines a unique 3-character code (such as 999 or NYC) that

Control-M/EM uses to identify each Control-M/Server


Determines the version number of the Control-M/Server


Provides a description of the Control-M/Server


Defines the name of the contact person who is responsible for

Control-M/Server maintenance

EM Statistics

Defines the job attribute which is used as the key for statistics
collection according to Jobname or Memname.
The settings on the Control-M/Server computer must match
these settings.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



Synchronization mode

Determines when, if, and how to synchronize data between

Control-M/Server and Control-M/EM, as follows:

No Synchronization: No synchronization between

Control-M/EM and Control-M/Server takes place. To
synchronize manually, you can download the
Control-M/Server data to Control-M/EM, upload the
Control-M/EM data to Control-M/Servers, or Create a
regular calendar.

Update Control-M/Server definition during

Check-in: Synchronizes only Control-M/EM Workspace and
Calendar changes with Control-M/Server during Check-in.
Other Control-M/EM definition changes are not
synchronized with Control-M/Server. Control-M/Server
changes are not synchronized with Control-M/EM. For more
information on checking in, see Workspaces or Creating a
regular calendar.

Update Control-M/Server only: Synchronizes

Control-M/EM changes with Control-M/Server.
Control-M/Server changes are not synchronized with

Update Control-M/Server and Control-M/EM:

Synchronizes all Control-M/EM and Control-M/Server
changes with each other, for full synchronization.


Determines which protocol Control-M/Server uses to

communicate with Control-M/EM


Defines the name of Control-M/Server host

Control-M/EM Port

Defines the TCP/IP port number that Control-M/Server uses to

connect to Control-M/EM


Defines a new Gateway that is used to connect to

Control-M/EM, as described in Defining a Control-M/EM
component (on page 11).


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



Time Zone

Determines the time zone where the Control-M/Server is

NOTE: Although time zone definitions in the northern
hemisphere are set to summer Daylight Saving Time,
definitions in the southern hemisphere are set to winter. In
Sydney, Australia, winter time (GMT+10:00) is from March 25
at 03:00 until October 1 at 02:00. All other dates are
GMT+11:00 (summer time). The time label for Sydney is
defined as follows:
SYD (GMT+11:00) FROM 25.03 03:00 TO 01.10. 02:00

Start Day

Determines the first day of the business week.

The settings on the Control-M/Server computer must match
these settings.

New Day Time

Determines the time of day that the New Day procedure is

performed on the Control-M/Server.
The settings on the Control-M/Server computer must match
these settings.

Daylight Savings Time

Determines the following:

Determines whether the Control-M/Server will schedule

jobs based on Daylight Savings Time and when it starts
and ends

Determine how to show forecasts during times when

Daylight Savings Time (DST) is active and inactive

Determines whether or not to consider which ODAT is used

during the time when the New Day occurs and after the
time that DST occurs.


Determines whether Control-M/Tape is installed on this

computer with Control-M/Server (z/OS only)


Determines whether Control-Restart is installed on this

computer with Control-M/Server (z/OS only)


Determines whether Control-Analyzer is installed on this

computer with Control-M/Server (z/OS only)


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



Upper Case

Determines whether to restrict user input to upper case letters

only in job attributes.
If you select this option, you cannot change it without fixing all
the job attributes.


Determines whether the Control-M/Server is enabled

Renaming a Control-M/Server component

This procedure describes how to rename a Control-M/Server component in the Control-M Configuration
Manager, which automatically updates all associated definition tables in the database (not the active

Before you begin

Back up Control-M/Server, as described in Control-M/Server database backup and restore (on page

Do not run any utilities that update job or calendar definitions during the rename.

Save and close any open workspaces.

To rename a Control-M/Server component:

1. Shut down the following components, as described in Shutting down a component (on page 33):


GUI Server


Forecast Server

Self Service Server

Gateway (associated to the Control-M/Server)

2. Right-click a Control-M/Server that you want to rename and select Rename.

The Rename Control-M dialog box appears.
3. In the New Name field, type the new name of the Control-M/Server and click OK.
If there are database fields that contain regular expressions, such as Global Condition Prefixes,
warnings might appear if one of the following is identified:

The pattern used to match the old Control-M/Server name does not match the new name.

The pattern used to exclude the old Control-M/Server name now matches the new name.

4. Do one of the following:

Fix the definitions found in each warning.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Click Ignore and Continue and fix the definitions after the rename.

The renamed Control-M/Server appears in the CCM component list and the list of warnings are saved
in the following directory:

Pausing Control-M/Server
This procedure describes how to pause Control-M/Server, which stops Control-M/Server from submitting
EXAMPLE: You might want to pause submitting new jobs when you want to investigate abnormal
behavior in Control-M/Server, without shutting it down, or if you want to start it up after its

To pause Control-M/Server:
1. Select the Control-M/Server component that you want to pause.
2. Right-click and select Pause.
A confirmation message appears.
3. Click Yes.
If the Control-M/Server state was up, then the state changes to Up and Pause. If the
Control-M/Server state was down, then the state changes to Down and Pause. When you restart
Control-M/Server, Pause remains in effect and new jobs are not submitted.

Defining a Control-M/Agent component

This procedure describes how to define a Control-M/Agent component, which enables you to connect it to
a Control-M/Server using specific communication parameters. After the Control-M/Agent is defined you
can use the Control-M/Server to run jobs on this Control-M/Agent.

To define a Control-M/Agent component:

1. From the Home tab, in the General group, select New and then click Control-M/Agent.
The Add Control-M/Agent dialog box appears.
2. From the Control-M/Server Name drop-down list, select the Control-M/Server that you want to
connect the Control-M/Agent.
3. In the Control-M/Agent Host Name field, type the name of the host where the Control-M/Server is
4. Accept the default values, or type or select the required value, as described in the following:

Communication parameters (on page 22)

Persistent connection parameters (on page 25)

Job submission and tracking parameters (on page 26)


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Output parameters (on page 27)

Security parameters (on page 27)

Agentless parameters (on page 28)

Email parameters (on page 29)

5. Click Test.
The test completes successfully.
6. Click OK.
The new Control-M/Agent appears in the CCM.

Defining a remote host

This procedure describes how to define a remote host, which enables you to run jobs on a computer
without having to install a Control-M/Agent.

To define a remote host:

1. From the Home tab, in the General group, select New and then click Remote Host.
The Step 1: Set Remote host and Agent list window appears.
2. From the Control-M/Server Name drop-down list, select the Control-M/Server where the remote
host will reside.
3. In the Remote Host Name field, type the name of the remote host.
4. Select the Control-M/Agent that you want to use to access the remote host.
5. Click Next.
The Step 2: Set connection parameters window appears.
6. Select one of the following encryption methods:

SSH: Encrypts access to the remote host with SSH and determines the SSH server port,
encryption algorithm, and compression.

WMI: Encrypts access to the remote host with WMI and defines the output directory (Windows

7. To test the connection to remote host, click Test. Otherwise, click Next.
The Step 3: Define an owner dialog box appears.
8. Do one of the following:

If you have a defined owner for this host, select I already have owners defined for this

If you want to define a new owner for this host, select I want to define a new owner for this
host, and in the 'Run as' User Properties area, type the required values for each field and
click Test.

9. Click Next.
The Step 4: Summary window appears.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

10. Review the remote host connection parameters and then click Finish.

Defining a Network Load Balancer Router

This procedure describes how to define a Network Load Balancer Router, which automatically routes jobs
to the required Control-M/Agent based on a pre-defined configuration.
NOTE: The Network Load Balancer Router is a third party component. You need to configure it according
to manufacture instructions.

To define a Network Load Balancer Router:

1. From the Home tab, in the Definitions group, click System Parameters.
The Control-M/EM System Parameters window appears.
2. In the left pane, click Advanced.
3. In the Name column, type EnableLoadBalancerRouter and double-click the parameter.
The Control-M/EM-Update System Parameter window appears.
4. In the Value field, change the value to True, and then click Save.
5. Click Close.
6. Restart the Control-M Configuration Server.
7. From the Home tab, in the General group, select New > Network Load Balancer Router.
The Add Network Load Balancer Router window appears.
8. In the Control-M/Server Name field, type the name of the Control-M/Server that connects to the
Network Load Balancer.
9. In the Network Load Balancer Router Host Name field, type the hostname of the Network Load
10. In the Communication tab, for each field, type the correct value, as described in Network Load
Balancer Router parameters (on page 20).

Network Load Balancer Router parameters

The following table describes Network Load Balancer parameters that are used in Defining a Network
Load Balancer Router (on page 20).


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

NOTE: Verify that all fields marked with an *have the same value in all Control-M/Agents that are
connected to the Network Load Balancer Router.


*Server to Agent Port Number

Defines the port number in the Control-M/Agent computer

where data is received from the Control-M/Server computer.
The value assigned to this parameter must correspond to
the value assigned to the Server-to-Agent Port Number field
in the configuration file on the corresponding
Control-M/Agent computer.
Default: 7006

Check Interval (Available


Defines the number of seconds between status checks for

each Control-M/Agent that communicates with
If you decrease the default value, it might impact
Control-M/Server performance.
Default: 7200 (2 hours)

Retry Interval (Unavailable


Defines the number of seconds between attempts to

communicate with a Control-M/Agent computer whose
status is Unavailable.
If you decrease the default value, it might impact
Control-M/Server performance.
Default: 90

Unavailability Shout Urgency

Determines the urgency level of a message sent with high

priority sent from a Control-M/Agent with an Unavailable
Urgent message are sent with a special indication so that
the recipient of the message is aware of the urgency.

Communication Timeout

Determines the maximum number of seconds that

Control-M/Server attempts to connect to Control-M/Agent
before the Control-M/Agent is set to Unavailable.
If you decrease the default value, it might impact
Control-M/Server performance.
Default: 120

Agent TCP/IP Timeout

Defines the timeout used by the Control-M/Agent when

listening on the Server to agent port number before timing
out and performing housekeeping tasks


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



Maximum Retries

Defines the number of times Control-M/Server attempts to

connect to Control-M/Agent before the Control-M/Agent is
set to Unavailable.

*Secure Socket Layer

Determines whether SSL is used to encrypt the

communication between Control-M/Server and the
Control-M/Agent. For more information, see Introduction to
SSL for Control-M.

Communication parameters
The following table describes the Control-M/Agent Communication parameters:


Server to Agent Port Number

Defines the port number in the Control-M/Agent computer

where data is received from the Control-M/Server computer.
The value assigned to this parameter must correspond to
the value assigned to the Server-to-Agent Port Number field
in the configuration file on the corresponding
Control-M/Agent computer.
Default: 7005

Agent to Server Port Number

Defines the port number between 1024 and 65535 that

receives data from the Control-M/Agent computer.
Verify that this port is not used for any other purpose. This
value must match the Agent-to-Server Port Number in
Control-M/Server. The value is the COMTIMOUT
communication job-tracking timeout in seconds.
Example: 7005/30.
Note: Increasing the Timeout value reduces agent
Valid values: Between 1024 and 65535 inclusive
Default: 7005

Primary Server

Defines the hostname of the computer where the current

Control-M/Server submits jobs to the Control-M/Agent


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



Authorized Servers

Defines a list of backup servers which can replace the

primary server if it fails. The Control-M/Agent only accept
requests from servers on this list.
NOTE: You cannot submit jobs to the same
Control-M/Agent if there is more than one active
Control-M/Server. Another Control-M/Agent instance must
be installed with unique ports to support this configuration
or job status updates corrupt.

Check Interval (Available


Defines the number of seconds between status checks for

each Control-M/Agent that communicates with
If you decrease the default value, it might impact
Control-M/Server performance.
Default: 7200 (2 hours)

Retry Interval (Unavailable


Defines the number of seconds between attempts to

communicate with a Control-M/Agent computer whose
status is Unavailable.
If you decrease the default value, it might impact
Control-M/Server performance.
Default: 90

Unavailability Shout Urgency

Determines the urgency level of a message sent with high

priority sent from a Control-M/Agent with an Unavailable
Urgent message are sent with a special indication so that
the recipient of the message is aware of the urgency.

Communication Timeout

Determines the maximum number of seconds that

Control-M/Server attempts to connect to Control-M/Agent
before the Control-M/Agent is set to Unavailable.
If you decrease the default value, it might impact
Control-M/Server performance.
Default: 120

Agent TCP/IP Timeout

Defines the timeout used by the Control-M/Agent when

listening on the Server to agent port number before timing
out and performing housekeeping tasks

Maximum Retries

Defines the number of times Control-M/Server attempts to

connect to Control-M/Agent before the Control-M/Agent is
set to Unavailable.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



Logical Agent Name

Defines the logical name of the agent.

The value must be the same as the value in
Control-M/Server computer.
The logical name is used when the Control-M/Agent initiates
the communication to Control-M/Server with the output
from Control-M/Agent utilities and in messages sent to

Listen to Network Interface

Determines which network interface the Control-M/Agent is

listening on.
It can be set to a specific hostname or IP address so that
the Control-M/Agent port is not opened in the other

Secure Socket Layer

Determines whether SSL is used to encrypt the

communication between Control-M/Server and the
Control-M/Agent. For more information, see Introduction to
SSL for Control-M.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Persistent connection parameters

The following table describes the Persistent connection parameters:


Persistent Connection

Determines whether to connect to a specific agent with either a

persistent or transient connection.
The connection between Control-M/Server and Control-M/Agent
agent is constant and can be initiated by both. When the
Control-M/Agent starts up, the Agent Router process is started
and acts as a broker between the other Control-M/Agent
components and Control-M/Server.
The Agent Router process allows Control-M/Server to maintain
a constant connection with the Control-M/Agent. However,
when Control-M/Server sits behind a firewall, the Agent Router
cannot initiate the connection with Control-M/Server. After the
Control-M/Server creates the connection to the Agent Router,
the Agent Tracker and Agent Utilities processes use this
connection to communicate with Control-M/Server.

Maximum Disconnect Time

Determines the maximum number of seconds between 30 86400 that the Control-M/Server allows an agent to be
disconnected before it initiates a session. This parameter is
relevant only if the Allow agent to initiate a session
parameter on the agent is set to NO.
Default: 300

Session Idle Timeout

Determines the maximum number of seconds between 30 86400 that a session can be idle before Control-M/Server
terminates it.
Default: 900

Allow Agent Disconnection

Determines if the current connection to this Control-M/Agent

can be disconnected when the maximum number of concurrent
sessions is reached.
Allowing a persistent connection on a Control-M/Agent to
disconnect requires the connection to be reestablished before
communication with the Control-M/Agent can continue. If
you run time-sensitive jobs on the Control-M/Agent, you might
want to select No.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



Allow agent to initiate a


Determines if the Control-M/Agent can open a connection to

the Control-M/Server when working in Persistent Connection
If the Control-M/Agent is outside a firewall and the Agent to
Server port is blocked, set this parameter to No.

Job submission and tracking parameters

The following table describes the Job submission and tracking parameters:


Run Job Owner's Logon Script

Determines whether the Control-M/Agent runs the log on

script defined by the system administrator before each job

Wait for child processes to


Determines whether the job ends when all sub processes exit
or waits until the main job process exits. It is recommended to
select Yes, when the Control-M/Agent is used to start
background applications.

Echo job commands into OUTPUT Defines whether to print commands in the output of a job
Foreign Language Support

Determines whether CJK or LATIN-1 is supported.

Application Locale

Determines the CJK encoding used by Control-M/Agent to run


Tracker Polling Interval

Determines the time the Control-M/Agent tracker process

waits for incoming events from Control-M application support
modules before going back to scan the status directory


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Output parameters
The following table describes the Output parameters:


Days to retain OUTPUT files

Determines the number of days that job output files are

retained for jobs executed by Control-M/Agent computers.
After this period, the New Day procedure deletes all expired
job output files.
This parameter also affects the number of days that archived
viewpoints are saved.

Default Printer

Defines the default printer for job output (OUTPUT)


Determines one of the following prefix options for the output

file name:



Security parameters
The following table describes the Security parameters:


Logon Domain

Defines the logon domain name if <domain> is not defined in

<domain>\<username> in the Run as parameter of the job

Logon as User
Owner's Authenticate Settings

Defines which user account is used for the services (Windows


See Control-M/Agent security (on page 223).


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Agentless parameters
The following table describes the Agentless parameters:


SSH Connection Mode

Determines one of the following connection modes:

SSH Only

SSH with SFTP - One Connection

SSH with SFTP - Two Connections

Connection Retries

Defines the maximum number of attempts to restore the

connection between Control-M/Server and the remote host

Connection Timeout

Determines the maximum number of seconds that

Control-M/Server attempts to connect to the remote host
before the remote host is set to Unavailable.

Temporary Directory

Defines a directory to store temporary files that are

automatically removed from Control-M/Agent when the jobs
end and the network connection is available or restored.
Default: Job Owners (Run As) home directory. The period (.)
represents this directory.

Print Details to OUTPUT

Determines whether to include details related to the remote

connection in the job output of jobs executed on a remote

Default Queue

Defines the default batch queue where the Control-M/Agent

submits jobs to an OpenVMS remote host.
If this parameter is not specified, the Control-M/Agent submits
jobs to sys$batch (the systems default batch queue).
Valid values: String consisting of 1 to 31 characters, including
any uppercase and lowercase alphanumeric digits, the dollar
sign ($), the underscore (_), and includes at least one
alphabetic character.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Email parameters
The following table describes the Email parameters:


SMTP Server Name

Defines the name of the SMTP server

SMTP Port Number

Determines the port number between 0-65535 where the

SMTP server communicates

Sender Email

Defines the e-mail address of the sender (max 99 characters)

Sender Friendly Name

Defines the name or alias that appears on the sent e-mail

Reply to Email

Defines the e-mail address where to send replies. If this field

is left empty, the sender e-mail address is used.

Database management
The following procedures describe how to check database space and location and extend the size of an
Oracle or MSSQL database:

Checking Database space (on page 29): Describes how to check the size of the database server.

Checking Database location (on page 30): Describes how to verify the location of the database.

Extending the Oracle database (on page 30): Describes how to extend the table space names of a
data file in the Oracle database.

Extending the MSSQL database (on page 30): Describes how to extend the MSSQL database, which
enables you to extend the size of the data or log files in the database.

Checking Database space

This procedure describes how to check database space in the CCM.

To check database space:

1. From the Components Tree pane, under the Control-M/EM component, right-click Database:
<schema name@database host:database port> and select Check Space.
The Control-M/EM Database space use report window appears.
If the available space falls below 20%, either extend the database or reduce the existing data, as
described in Extending the Oracle database (on page 30) or Extending the MSSQL database (on page
2. To reduce the data, cleanup the database error log files.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Checking Database location

This procedure describes how to check database location in the CCM.

To check database location:

1. From the Components Tree pane, under the Control-M/EM component, select Database:
<schema name@database host:database port>.
2. From the Manage tab, in the Reporting Facility group, click Database Location.
The Database Hostname and Port window appears.

Extending the Oracle database

This procedure describes how to extend the table space names of a data file in the Oracle database.

To extend the Oracle database

1. From the Components Tree pane, under the Control-M/EM component, right-click Database:
<schema name@database host:database port> and select Extend Database.
2. Log in to the Control-M/EM database as an administrator with your username and password.
The Control-M/EM Extend Database window appears.
3. From the Table Space Name drop-down list, select the table space name that you want to extend:
4. In the Extension Size field, type the extension size in MB.
5. Select one of the following options:

Extend existing file

Add new file

6. In the Data file name field, select the data file that you want to extend or type the name of the new
data file that you want to extend.
7. Click OK.
The database file size is extended.

Extending the MSSQL database

This procedure describes how to extend the MSSQL database, which enables you to extend the size of the
data or log files in the database.

To extend the MSSQL database

1. From the Components Tree pane, under the Control-M/EM component, right-click Database:
<schema name@database host:database port> and select Extend Database.
2. Log in to the Control-M/EM database as an administrator with your username and password.
The Control-M/EM Extend Database window appears.
3. Select one of the following database file types that you want to extend:



Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide


4. In the Size field, type the extension size in MB.

5. Do one of the following:

In the Current Files area, select the required file.

In the New File area, type the name of the file.

6. Click OK.
The database file size is extended.

Editing a component
This procedure describes how to edit a Control-M/EM, Control-M/Server, or a Control-M/Agent component
from the CCM.

To edit a component:
1. Select the component that you want to edit.
2. From the Home tab, in the General group, click Properties.
The Control-M <component type> dialog box appears.
3. Do one of the following:

If you are editing a Control-M/EM component, edit the required enabled fields, as described
in Defining a Control-M/EM component (on page 11).

If you are editing a Control-M/Server component, edit the required enabled fields, as described
in Defining a Control-M/Server component (on page 13).

If you are editing a Control-M/Agent component, edit the required enabled fields, as described
in Defining a Control-M/Agent component (on page 18).

4. Click OK.
The component is updated.

Configuring Control-M/Server synchronization

This procedure describes how to configure Control-M/Server synchronization, which enables you to
determine how Control-M/Server synchronizes definition changes with Control-M/EM.

To configure Control-M/Server synchronization:

1. Set the Control-M/Server component, as described in Editing a component (on page 31).
2. In the Control-M/Server component parameters (on page 14), set the Synchronization mode select
one of the following:

No Synchronization: No synchronization between Control-M/EM and Control-M/Server takes

place. To synchronize manually, you can do any of the following:

Download the Control-M/Server data to Control-M/EM


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Upload the Control-M/EM data to Control-M/Servers

Create a regular calendar

Update Control-M/Server definition during Check-in: Synchronizes only Control-M/EM

Workspace and Calendar changes with Control-M/Server during Check-in. Other Control-M/EM
definition changes are not synchronized with Control-M/Server. Control-M/Server changes are not
synchronized with Control-M/EM. For more information on checking in, see Workspaces or
Creating a regular calendar.

Update Control-M/Server only: Synchronizes Control-M/EM changes with Control-M/Server.

Control-M/Server changes are not synchronized with Control-M/EM.

Update Control-M/Server and Control-M/EM: Synchronizes all Control-M/EM and

Control-M/Server changes with each other, for full synchronization. This is the default option.

The selected Control-M/Server is set according to the selection.

Deleting a component
This procedure describes how to delete a Control-M/EM, Control-M/Server, or a Control-M/Agent
component from the CCM.

To delete a component:
1. Select the component that you want to delete.
2. Right-click the component and select Desired State > Down.
Wait until the component is shut down before continuing.
3. From the Home tab, in the General Group, click Delete.
A confirmation message appears.
4. Click Yes.
The component is deleted.

Component status
You can set Control-M components to one of the following desired states:

Up: Enables the component to communicate with other components

Down: Disables communication from other components

Ignore: The Configuration Agent does not attempt to start up or shut down components

Recycle: The Configuration Agent restarts a component to solve server issues

The Configuration Agent attempts to start up or shut down components, depending on the desired state
and defined intervals.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

NOTE: In a high availability environment, the secondary host only starts up components that have the
desired state set to Up. If the desired state is set to Down, Ignore, or Recycle, those components remain
the same state as the primary.
The following procedures describe how to start up, shut down, ignore, and recycle Control-M

Starting up a component (on page 33)

Shutting down a component (on page 33)

Ignoring a component (on page 33)

Recycling a component (on page 34)

To disable a Control-M/Server or Control-M/Agent component, see Disabling a component (on page 34).
To change the status of a Control-M/Server, see Changing the status of Control-M/Server (on page 34).

Starting up a component
This procedure describes how to start up a Control-M/EM, Control-M/Server, or Control-M/Agent

To start up a component:
1. Select the component that you want to start up.
2. From the Home tab, select Up.
The selected component is now in an Up state.

Shutting down a component

This procedure describes how to shut down a Control-M/EM, Control-M/Server, or Control-M/Agent

To shut down a component:

1. Select the component that you want to shut down.
2. From the Home tab, select Down.
The selected component is now in a Down state.

Ignoring a component
This procedure describes how to ignore a Control-M/EM, Control-M/Server, or Control-M/Agent
component. This procedure is used in certain cluster configurations.

To ignore a component:
1. Select the component that you want to ignore.
2. From the Home tab, select Ignore.
The selected component is now in an Ignored state.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Recycling a component
This procedure describes how to recycle a Control-M/EM, Control-M/Server, or Control-M/Agent

To recycle a component:
1. Select the component that you want to recycle.
2. From the Home tab, select Recycle.
The selected component is now in a Recycle state.

Disabling a component
This procedure describes how to disable a Control-M/Server or Control-M/Agent component. This enables
you to perform maintenance procedures, such as a backup.

To disable a component:
1. Select a Control-M/Server or Control-M/Agent component.
2. Right-click and select Disable.
The component is disabled.

Changing the status of Control-M/Server

This procedure describes how to change the status of Control-M/Server, which enables you to determine
whether a Control-M/Server can be connected to one Control-M/EM or can used from multiple

To change the status of Control-M/Server:

Do one of the following:

If the Control-M/Server is connected to one Control-M/EM and you want to disable this function,
do the following:
a. Select the Control-M/Server that you want change.
b. Right-click and select Set to Un-Managed.

If the Control-M/Server is available to all Control-M/EMs and you want to designate it for one
Control-M/EM, do the following:
c. Select the Control-M/Server that you want change.
d. Right-click and select Set to Managed.

Promoting Control-M/Server in Control Configuration

Manager (CCM)
This procedure describes how to promote Control-M/Server data after upgrading both Control-M/EM and

Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Before You Begin

Verify that you have met the following requirements:

Control-M/Server Upgrade

Do not delete the old Control-M/Server component in the CCM. This process will upgrade the
Control-M/Server data in the Control-M/EM database and also update the Control-M/Server
component to the new version.

Do not start up the corresponding gateway until after you complete this procedure. The Promote only
affects the Control-M/Server data that is in the Control-M/EM database. It does not need to connect
to the Control-M/Server to perform this procedure.

NOTE: You need to follow this procedure only when the Control-M/Server was upgraded to 9.0.00. If only
the Control-M/EM was upgraded and not the Control-M/Server then you do not perform these steps.

To promote Control-M/Server in Control Configuration Manager (CCM):

1. Log in to the new version of Control-M/EM 9.0.00 client and open Control-M Configuration Manager
NOTE: Do not change the version of the Control-M/Server component in the CCM. The Promote
Control-M action performs this change automatically.
2. From CCM, select the Control-M/Server that you want to synchronize with Control-M/EM and check
the Version column.
NOTE: If the Control-M/Server version for the selected server is an earlier version than the version of
the server that is actually installed (because the server was upgraded), then continue with this
procedure. Otherwise, there is no need to promote.
3. From the CCM, select the Control-M/Server that was upgraded, right-click and select Promote
4. In the Version field, select version 9.0.00
5. Set the fields, as described in Promote parameters (on page 36).
6. Click OK.
7. Right-click Gateway and select Desired State > Up.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Promote parameters
The following table describes the Promote fields:



Defines whether to update the data for a Control-M/Server in the Control-M/EM

database to a new version.


Select the new version of the upgraded Control-M/Server.

All job definitions will be converted to a format that is consistent with the
standards for the new version.
If you upgraded the Control-M/Server on UNIX, Windows or z/OS to a version
lower than 9.0.00, then select the version that the Control-M/Server was
upgraded to.


Defines the name of the Control-M/Server machine (maximum length: 255



Defines either:

The port number of the Control-M/Server Configuration Agent


The port number of the Control-M/Server listening port

NOTE: Only one can be selected. If this Control-M/Server is being managed by

the CCM, then you should select and set the Control-M/Server Configuration
Agent Port number.
Synchronization Determines how to synchronize data between Control-M/Server and
Control-M/EM, as described in Configuring Control-M/Server synchronization.


System configuration
In CCM, you can change the default values of the Control-M/EM system parameters or each component
without having to access each individual computer.
Before a modified parameter value can take effect, the component that uses the value needs to be
To define system configuration parameters, see the following:

Control-M/EM system parameters (on page 37)

Control-M/Server parameters (on page 124)

Control-M/Agent parameters (on page 187)

Control-M/EM system parameters

In the CCM, you can change the default component system parameter values of Control-M/EM system
parameters without having to access each individual computer.
Before a modified parameter value can take effect, the component that uses the value needs to be
The following procedures describe how to define Control-M/EM, LDAP, Audit and Annotation, and
Control-M Self Service system parameters:

Defining Control-M/EM system parameters (on page 37)

Defining LDAP system parameters (on page 39)

Defining Audit and Annotation parameters (on page 42)

Defining Control-M Self Service parameters (on page 43)

Defining Control-M Workload Change Manager system parameters (on page 45)

Defining Control-M/EM system parameters

This procedure describes how to define Control-M/EM system parameters in the CCM.

To define Control-M/EM system parameters:

1. From the Components Tree pane, select the Control-M/EM component and from the Home tab,
in the Definitions group, click System Parameters.
The Control-M/EM System Parameters dialog box appears.
2. In the left pane, click Advanced.
3. From the system parameters table, filter for the required parameter from one of the following column


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide





Default Value

Refresh Type

Automatic: Automatically refreshes the component. In general, an Automatic parameter is

called by a utility, which accesses the current value each time it runs.

Recycle: You need to recycle (stop and restart) the component (for example,
Control-M/Server) for the change to take effect.

Manual: You need to perform an action that refreshes the parameter value (with no need for
recycling the component).

Last Updated

4. Double-click the required parameter.

The Control-M/EM - Update System Parameter dialog box appears.
5. In the Value field, change the value of the parameter, as required, and then click Save.
You can use the Type, Name, and Host fields for specific components running on a specific
computer. For example: Type:BIM Name:BIM1 Host:HH12.
The Control-M/EM system parameter is defined.

Customizing the Welcome window

This procedure describes how to customize an HTML page in the Welcome window called myHomePage
that can reside on any location accessible by the Control-M Workload Automation client computer. This
section is a customized area where you can create your own links by mapping it to the relevant HTML file
and adding your HTML content.

To customize the Welcome window:

1. Access the Control-M/EM system parameters window, as described in Defining Control-M/EM system
parameters (on page 37).
2. In the name column, type GettingStartedCustomizedURL.
3. Double-click the parameter.
The Control-M/EM - Update System Parameter window appears.
4. In the Value field, type the full URL of the customized HTML page.
It can be an actual URL to some website, a location on the local hard disk, or it can be an accessible
network location.
5. Click Save.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Defining LDAP system parameters

This procedure describes how to define LDAP system parameters for different domains, which enables
you to authenticate Control-M/EM users with the LDAP protocol.

To define LDAP system parameters:

1. From the Components Tree pane, select the Control-M/EM component and from the Home tab,
in the Definitions group, click System Parameters.
The Control-M/EM System Parameters dialog box appears.
2. In the left pane, click LDAP.
3. Select Enable LDAP Authentication.
If LDAP authentication is enabled, the AuthenticationMethod system parameter is ignored. For
information on configuring LDAP with SSL, see Configuring communication with LDAP or Active
Directory servers using SSL.
4. In the Add New Domain field, type the domain name that hosts the LDAP servers that authenticates
the Control-M/EM users, and then click

Repeat this step to connect to multiple LDAP servers in other domains.

5. For each domain, type the required values, as described in LDAP system parameters (on page 40).
6. Click Activate Changes.

Setting the environment attributes

This procedure describes how to set the banner background color, title and description of your EM
environments which enables you to identify which EM environment you are connected to. If the
environment attribute fields are empty, the default banner background color is blue and the
environment's host name is used as the title.

To set the environment attributes:

1. From the Home tab, select the Control-M/EM component and click System Parameters.
2. In the left pane, click General.
3. From the Banner Color drop-down list, select the color for the banner.
4. In the Environment Title field, type an environment name for the Control-M client applications.
5. In the Description field, type a description for the enviromment of the Control-M client applications.
6. Click Activate Changes.
NOTE: To view the updated color, environment title and description, you must log out and log in


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

LDAP system parameters

The following table describes LDAP system parameters, which enables you to authenticate Control-M/EM
users with the LDAP protocol, as described in Defining LDAP system parameters (on page 39).


LDAP Directory Server Type

Determines which LDAP configuration is used for

The values in the drop-down list are taken from
the DirectoryServiceType.cfg configuration file located in
the ctm_em/etc directory. This file contains the names of the
default types used by the system parameters, including a set of
default parameters that define the standard configuration of
the specific type. For more information,
see DirectoryServiceType.cfg parameters (on page 41).

LDAP Directory Search User

Defines the name of the user that runs the search action for
users that log on. For
example, cn=admin,dc=company,dc=us,dc=com.
If this field is not defined, then the LDAP Directory Search Base
field must have a value.

LDAP Directory Search Password

Defines the password of the user specified in

the LDAP Directory Search User field. The value of this field
can be left blank if the Search user does not have a defined

Transmission Protocol

Determines one of the following transmission protocols that

LDAP uses to connect to Control-M/EM:



BMC recommends that you configure the SSL mode between

Control-M/EM clients and Control-M/EM servers before you
define the LDAP system parameters, as described in
Introduction to SSL for Control-M.
Server Host Name and Port

Defines hostname and port number values for the computer

where the LDAP Directory Server is located.
It is not mandatory to set the port value for this system
parameter. If the port is left blank, the default value 389 (or
636 for SSL communication) is used.
Multiple active directory servers can also be defined. This
enables Control-M/EM to perform authentication against
backup active directory servers when the primary server is


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



LDAP Directory Search Base

Defines the starting domain name for the user search in the
directory tree structure. For example, sales.company.us.com
or dc=sales,dc=company,dc=us,dc=com.
This field must have a value if the LDAP Directory Search
User field is left blank. Otherwise the default value is the
domain where the search user is located.

DirectoryServiceType.cfg parameters
The following table describes the parameters listed in the DirectoryServiceType.cfg file.
After you edit any of the parameters in this table and save the DirectoryServiceType.cfg configuration file
located in the ctm_em/etc directory, you must refresh the various components and servers with the


Default Value


Defines the LDAP users

distinguished name attribute
name defined in the directory

AD: distinguishedName

Other: dn

Defines the LDAP user attribute

required to log onto

AD: sAMAccountName

Other: cn

Defines the LDAP attribute used

when looking for group names.

AD: sAMAccountName

Other: cn

Defines the LDAP attributes of

groups that stores its members

AD: member

Other: uniqueMember

Defines the users that are

assigned within the members
attribute of groups

AD: distinguishedName

Other: dn



The values of this attribute are

entered in the first part of the
LDAP Groups Reference field, as
described in Defining LDAP
Groups (on page 232).



Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



Default Value


Defines the object class attribute

that defines the LDAP entry for

AD: group


Defining Audit and Annotation parameters

This procedure describes how to define Audit and Annotation parameters, which determines the user
categories that is audited in the Control-M/EM database each time an audited action occurs. For each
audited action, you can define whether to prompt the user to provide an annotation to justify the user

To define Audit and Annotation parameters:

1. From the Components Tree pane, select the Control-M/EM component and from the Home tab,
in the Definitions group, click System Parameters.
The Control-M/EM System Parameters dialog box appears.
2. In the left pane, click Audit and Annotation.
3. For each field, type the required value, as described in Audit and Annotation parameters (on page
4. Click Activate Changes.

Audit and Annotation parameters

The following table describes audit and annotation parameters,which determines the user categories that
will be audited in the Control-M/EM database each time an audited action occurs, as described in Defining
Audit and Annotation parameters (on page 42).


Enable audit

Determines whether to enable auditing for the CCM categories

Enable annotation

Determines whether to enable annotation for CCM categories

Enable automatic cleanup

Determines whether to automatically delete audit information in

the Control-M/EM server database

Days to retain audit information Determines the number of days to retain audit information before
automatically deleting it from the Control-M/EM server database


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Defining Control-M Self Service parameters

This procedure describes how to define Control-M Self Service system parameters, such as site language,
color, and logo path.

To define Control-M Self Service parameters:

1. Open the Control-M Configuration Manager.
2. From the Components Tree pane, select the Control-M/EM component and from the Home tab,
in the Definitions group, click System Parameters.
The Control-M/EM System Parameters dialog box appears.
3. In the left pane, click Self Service.
4. For each field, type the required value, as described in Control-M Self Service system parameters (on
page 43).
5. Click Activate Changes.

Control-M Self Service system parameters

The following table describes Control-M Self Service system parameters. To define these parameters,
see Defining Control-M Self Service parameters (on page 43).


Site Logo Path

Defines the location of your organizations logo that is

displayed in the Control-M Self Service site.
Example: D:\images\logos\SLS_Custom_Logo.png
Note the following:

The maximum size is 100w X 20h pixels.

The logo file must be in png or jpg format.

Site Login Logo Path

Defines the Login Logo path, where the site login logo is

Background Color

Determines the background color of the Control-M Self

Service site

Site Interface Language

Determines the language of the Control-M Self Service site

Refresh Rate

Determines the number of seconds that the service

automatically refreshes the jobs and services in the
Control-M Self Service site


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



Maximum number of jobs in

Tile view

Determines the maximum number of jobs that can appear in

Tile view of the Jobs view in the Control-M Self Service site.
If there are more jobs in the service than the number
defined here, you might experience low performance. When
the number of jobs exceed its limitation, a warning message
appears and the user is prompted to select Simple Tile view.

Maximum number of services Determines the maximum number of services that can
in view
appear in the Map view of the Services view in the Control-M
Self Service site.
If there are more services than the number defined, you
might experience low performance. When the number of
services exceed its limitation, a warning message appears
and the user is prompted to select List view.
Output automatic load limit

Determines the size of the output (in bytes) that determines

whether Control-M Self Service sends an output download
confirmation message to the user.
This occurs when the user attempts to download an output
in the Control-M Self Service site.

Job Primary Field

Determines whether the JobName or MemName is

displayed as the title of the job.
Note: If JobNameMemName is selected, then Control-M
Self Service displays JobName for Distributed jobs
and MemName for Control-M for z/OS jobs.

User Inactivity Timeout

Determines the number of minutes that Control-M Self

Service remains idle before the user is automatically logged

Administrator Mail

Defines the Control-M Self service administrator email

address that appears in login page

Support/Helpdesk Info

Describes general support information, such as help desk

phone number and administrator extension that appears in
the Control-M Self Service login page


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



Enabled Job Actions

Determines whether the following job actions are enabled in

the Control-M Self Service site:

Service Rule Review Source







Order Now

Set to OK


Archive Search

Determines whether the Service Rule wizard inspects one

or more of the following for review in the Review and
Generate Services window:

Jobs Definition: Inspects the job definitions in the

Control-M/EM server

Jobs on Active Jobs database: Inspects the jobs in

Active Jobs

Defining Control-M Workload Change Manager system parameters

This procedure describes how to define Control-M Workload Change Manager system parameters.

To define Control-M Workload Change Manager system parameters:

1. From the Components Tree pane, select the Control-M/EM component and from the Home tab,
in the Definitions group, click System Parameters.
The Control-M/EM System Parameters dialog box appears.
2. In the left pane, click Control-M Workload Change Manager.
3. For each field, type the required value, as described in Control-M Workload Change Manager system
parameters (on page 46).
4. Click Activate Changes.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Control-M Workload Change Manager system parameters

The following table describes Control-M Workload Change Manager system parameters. To define these
parameters, see Defining Control-M Workload Change Manager system parameters (on page 45).


Site Logo Path

Defines the location of your organizations logo that is displayed in

the Control-M Workload Change Manager interface.
c:\Control-M Workload Change Manager.jpg
Note the following:

The maximum size is 100w X 20h pixels.

The logo file must be in png or jpg format.

Site Login Logo Path

Defines the location of your organizations logo that is displayed in

the Control-M Workload Change Manager login page.

Site Interface Language

Determines one of the following as the default language for the

Control-M Workload Change Manager interface for all users:




Control-M Workload Change Manager users can customize the

language settings from the Control-M Workload Change ManagerR
Maximum Number of Jobs in
Flow Diagram View

Determines the maximum number of jobs to load into a flow

diagram view. If this number is exceeded, job view automatically
changes into list view.

E-Mail Sender

Defines the sender email address that is used to send notifications

to Control-M Workload Change Manager end users.

User Inactivity Timeout


Determines the number of inactive minutes before the Control-M

Control-M Workload Change Manager site times out.

New Folder Default Strictness


Determines whether to enforce validation on a new folder or not.

Order Method Default Settings:

Determines whether Control-M Workload Change Manager jobs

are ordered according to specific date and time or automatically.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



End User's Site Portal URL


Defines a URL or a network path that contains an internal site

portal that is referenced by Control-M Workload Change Manager
end users. The file type can be one of the following:

Automatic Save Interval




Microsoft Word

Any text supported file format

Determines the number of seconds between each workspace save

when the Auto Save preference is checked.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Control-M/EM general parameters

The following table describes Control-M/EM general system parameters in the CCM.



Do not modify this parameter unless requested by BMC Software

Customer Support.
Default: N


Determines whether users can view a list of user names (used by

Control-M for AFT configuration plug-in).
Valid values:


0 - Not permitted

1 - Permitted (default)

Used to specify who has authorization to view BMC Batch Impact

Manager reports.
Valid values:


0 - Only administrators are allowed to create reports (default)

1 - All users are allowed to create reports

Determines whether users can view existing database values.

Valid values:


0 - Disabled

1 - Feature enabled

Allows user to indicate whether the Available Values option is

displayed for selected fields in What If dialogs.
Valid values:

0 - Disabled

1 - Feature enabled (default


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



ApplyAnnotationForAuditContext Specifies the activities that require user annotations.

Valid values:

ALL All of the activities listed below

NONE None of the activities listed below

AUTH Authentication (logon tries, logouts, password actions)

SCHED Scheduling definition activities

J_CONT Active network activities (control requests)

J_INFO Active job information activities (order, force, hold ...)

RES Quantitative and Control resource activities

ALERT Alerts

ACCOUNT Account management activities

OPER Start and stop components using the Control-M

Configuration Manager

CONFIG Configuration operations from Control-M



CTMSEC Control-M/Server security interface using Control-M

Configuration Manager

DB_MAINT Database maintenance operations using Control-M

Configuration Manager



When cleanup of audit information from the Control-M/EM database

is automatic, this parameter specifies the interval, in minutes, at
which the GUI Server performs its cleanup operations.
Valid values: 60 and up
Default: 360 (minutes)


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Specifies whether cleanup of audit information from the

Control-M/EM database should occur automatically.
Note: When automatic cleanup of audit information is activated, the
GUI Server first waits the specified number of minutes (as specified
in the AuditCleanupIntervalMinutes system parameter) before
cleaning the auditing table the first time.
Valid values:

0: Cleanup is performed manually by the user as necessary

1: Cleanup is automatic

Default: 1

Determines whether to audit all changes to the job definition when it

is updated.
Valid values: 0,1
Default: 1 - Audit all changes when job definition is updated


When cleanup of audit information from the Control-M/EM database

is automatic, this parameter specifies the number of days that audit
information is retained before being cleaned from the Control-M/EM
Minimum values: 1
Default: 7


Name of the external authentication plug-in.

Default: null (for internal Control-M/EM authentication)

AutomaticOrderMethodByDefault Determines whether the default for folders that are created by Order
Method is automatic or manual.
Valid values:

1: Automatic Order Method (Daily)

0: None (Manual Order)

Default: 1


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Default bulk size for database bulk operation.

Valid values: 10-10000
Default: 100


Default value for storage length in bulk operation. Must be at least

as long as the longest field involved in the bulk operation.
Default: 264


Defines a network location where the installation packages for Agent

Deployment are saved.
NOTE: After you defined the value for this parameter, restart the
Control-M/EM Configuration Agent.
Default: Empty


Time interval in seconds after the server issues a request and

receives a response from the client. If a response is not received
during this interval, the server sends a FAILURE message and
terminates the communication.
Default: 60


Defines the ID that GCS uses to identify itself to Convrol-M. This

user must be defined in the Control-M with add or delete condition
Valid values:<String expression>.
Default: GCSERV


Sets the refresh interval in seconds for collecting host group data.
Valid values: 0-10000 (0 -host group data is not collected)
Default: 900


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Excludes folders from automatic synchronization

(upload/download/delete) by the Gateway where the
synchronization mode is set to No Synchronization.
EXAMPLE: If the Control-M synchronization mode is set to Update
Control-M/Server and Control-M/EM and this
parameter is defined as "A*,B*" folders that start with A
or B are not downloaded automatically from
Control-M/Server to Control-M/EM and are not uploaded
automatically from Control-M/EM to Control-M/Server.
You can set this parameter for each Control-M/Server separately or
for all (*).
Valid values: A valid regular expression (see Pattern matching
Default: Empty (no exceptions).
If you modify the value, you must recycle the GUI Server and the
Gateway components.


Amount of time between database availability checks by certain

server components.
Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do
so by BMC Software Customer Support.
Default: 10


Determines the maximum number of connections to the database

retained in the connection pool of each server component.
Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do
so by BMC Software Customer Support.
Default: 5


The maximum number of attempts by a server component to

perform certain actions with the database.
Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do
so by BMC Software Customer Support.
Default: 10


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




The amount of time between the attempts set in DatabaseRetries.

Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do
so by BMC Software Customer Support.
Default: 10


Average run time for jobs with no statistics. This value is often used
if no statistics are available.
Valid values: Any valid time, entered in the following format:
Default: 00:05


Determines Excluded Rule-based Calendar (RBC) support in a newly

defined Control-M/Server. The value is overridden by the value set in
the Control-M/Server system parameter EXCLUDE_RBC_ENABLED.
Valid values:

Y - Supports Excluded RBC in a defined Control-M/Server

N - Does not support Excluded RBC in a defined


Default: Y
If this feature was disabled during the fix pack installation, you need
to change RBC names that start with ! and run the
enable_exclude_rbc.pl perl script from the <scripts> directory.

Maximum number of rows to be deleted by a single SQL statement,

used by purge_runinfo and erase_audit_data scripts.
Default: 10,000
Valid values: A whole number equal to or greater than 1.


Determines the Directory Service mode for authentication purposes.

Valid values:

On - LDAP authentication is used

Off - Control-M/EM authentication is used

Default: Off


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




The full domain name of the host on which the LDAP server is
installed and the port on which to communicate with the LDAP
Format: full domain name:port number
Example: CTMhost1.DOMAIN1.level1:389
Default: <null>
Note: Multiple LDAP servers can be defined. This enables
Control-M/EM to perform authentication against backup LDAP
servers when the primary server is unavailable.


Stores the LDAP Domain Name (DN) credentials for a special user
who has read access to the directory. This parameter is mandatory if
the value of the DirectoryServiceType parameter is Active
Directory, otherwise it is optional.
If no value is used, the parameter value is interpreted as an
anonymous user (Default).
Valid values:Either the URL notated definition of the user ID or its



cn=Schemp Anderson, o=family, c=US, dc=hotmail, dc=com

Stores the LDAP password for the search user defined in the
DirectorySearchUserDN parameter who has read access to the
directory. Optional if the value of the DirectorySearchUserID
parameter is empty or anonymous.
Valid Values: The value is an encrypted password string. which is
entered into the parameter value field as regular text and is then
converted to an encrypted string before being stored in the
database. Thereafter, the displayed value is the encrypted string
whenever the parameter is accessed in the System Parameters
window. If no value is used, the parameter value is interpreted as
blank (Default).


Defines the LDAP directory type or vendor that is available to the

enterprise, for example, Active Directory, iPlanet, Apache Directory.
This definition points to the relevant parameter load section in
the DirectoryServiceType.cfg configuration file in the
ctm_em/etc. The value of this parameter should be listed in this file.
By default, two default directory service types (Active Directory and
iPlanet) are provided in the configuration file. The default value of
this parameter is Active Directory.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Determines the validation level of Directory Service parameters

when connecting to LDAP.
Valid values:

0: Specifies that validation is not performed

1: Specifies that only the fields defined in the CCM LDAP

configuration window should be validated for existence.
When LDAP authentication is applied directly on users defined
in Control-M/EM Authorizations (on page 228), LDAP Directory
Search User and LDAP Directory Search Base parameters are
optional. In all other cases, at least one of these parameters
must be used.

2: Specifies that all the fields defined in the CCM LDAP

configuration window and the parameters defined in the
DirectoryServiceType.cfg file should be validated for successful
LDAP access and implementation.

Default: 1
Refresh type: manual
The best configuration duration time can be achieved by setting this
parameter to bypass validation actions during Control-M/EM startup
or LDAP activation. This can be done after validating your
configuration at least once to ascertain that all the configuration
values are valid.

Determines the security level of communication with the Directory

Valid values:



Default: TCP


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Defines the starting point (domain, country, and so on) in the

directory tree structure. The domain name values in this field
supports both dot separated or DN format, For example,
"PRODUCTION.bmc.com" or "c=us, o=acme, dc=root". You can
define multiple starting leafs by separating them with colons (":").
The lookup order is from left to right, according to the domain list
If the value of this parameter is NULL then a default value will be
used, only if the DirectorySearchUserDN parameter is not blank. The
DirectoryUsersSearchRoot parameter can only be left blank if the
DirectorySearchUserDN has a configured value. The default value of
DirectoryUsersSearchRoot is the domain of the search user. For
example, if the DirectorySearchUserDN parameter value is
"jsmith@PRODUCTION.bmc.com", then the default value of
DirectoryUsersSearchRoot parameter would be


Defines the email address that issues the high availability alert.


Defines the E-mail server that is used to send notifications emails to

Control-M Workload Change Manager end users.


Defines the email addresses that receive the high availability alerts.
The email addresses must be separated by a comma.


Enables you to define a third party Network Load Balancer Router,

which sends the jobs to specific Control-M/Agents according to its
own load balancing definitions.
Valid Values:



Default: False


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Enables you to browse for a script in a file system on a

Control-M/Agent node from the job properties pane.
Valid values:

Default: Y

Defines the ID that GCS uses to identify itself to Control-M. This user
must be defined in the Control-M/Server with Add or Delete
Default: GCSERV


Determines how to handle alerts when a job is rerun.

Valid values:

0: Alerts for this job that are in the Alerts window before the job
is rerun are not automatically changed to HANDLED. If the rerun
fails, a new alert is displayed in the Alerts window.

1: Alerts for this job that are in the Alerts window before the job
is rerun are automatically changed to HANDLED.

Default: 0

Host name and port number for a specified component. This

parameter can have multiple values, each related to a different
component or a different host computer.
Default: null
Format: host name:port number
Note: See HostPortList below.


Example: CTMhost1:1530

Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Indicates whether the system is configured for CJK languages or

Latin1 languages.
Warning: This parameter is automatically set during installation,
according to the specified choices, and must not be changed
For more information, see Control-M Installation
Valid values:



Default: latin1 or cjk


Language for the Control-M/EM application. These values are not

Valid values:

use_account_locale language set for the account and

computer us_english





Default: use_account_locale

Enables and disables limitations on the distribution of global

conditions using the Global Conditions Distribution facility.
Valid values:

_ 1 The Global Conditions Distribution facility distributes


conditions according to limitations defined using the

LimitGCSDistribMaxDays and LimitGCSDistribExcludeDates

_ 0 The Global Conditions Distribution facility imposes no

limitations on the distribution of global conditions.

Default: _1


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Dates for which global conditions are distributed, regardless of

limitations specified using the LimitGCSDistribMaxDays parameter.
Dates are specified in mmdd format and separated with commas.
Default: STAT


The range of days within which conditions can be distributed.

Valid values: 1-28
Default: 7


License Manager address. Not yet implemented.

Default: null


Time interval, in minutes, after which an account that was

automatically locked is automatically unlocked. (Accounts locked by
an administrator are not unlocked automatically.) If set to 0, the
account is not automatically unlocked but an administrator can
manually unlock it.
Valid values:Positive integer values
Default: 0


Determines the logical name context of GUI Server that the

Control-M Self Service Web server must connect to.
Valid values: GUI Server logical name
Default: Empty


When cleanup of audit information from the Control-M/EM database

is automatic, this parameter specifies the maximum number of audit
records to delete during each automatic cleanup operation. If the
number of audit records to clean is higher than this number, no
records are deleted and a message is issued to the GUI Server
diagnostic log asking you to clean audit records manually using the
erase_audit_data script.
Valid values:Positive integer values
Default: 2000


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




The maximum number of characters for user passwords.

Note: If a Control-M administrator uses the Authorization facility to
set a password, this parameter is ignored.
Valid values: Any value between the MinPasswordLength and 32
Default: 32


The minimum number of characters for user passwords.

Note: If a Control-M administrator uses the Authorization facility to
set a password, this parameter is ignored.
Valid values: Any value between 1 and the MaxPasswordLength
Default: 6


The maximum number of handled alerts saved in the database (in

addition to not-yet-handled alerts).
Valid Values:Positive integer values
Default: 0
Note: When set to 0, handled alerts are not deleted.


The number of sequential failed logins after which an account is

Valid values: 0-100
Default: 0 (indicates that automatic account locking is not
and accounts are never automatically locked).

NumberOfPasswordReplacement The number of password changes that must occur before a

password can be reused (if PasswordHistoryOnOff is set to 1).
Note: If a Control-M administrator uses the Authorization facility to
set a password, this parameter is ignored.
Valid values: 1-20
Default: 10

Determines the number of days to keep report data in the database

for generating reports about services.
Valid values: 2 and higher
Default: 90


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Determines the number of days to keep history report data in the

database for generating history of services.
Valid values: 2 and higher
Default: 90


Determines the size of output data that Control-M loads

automatically. If the output data size exceeds the threshold, then
the user is prompted to save the output data in a separate
temporary file.
Default: 10000000


Indicates if passwords need to comply with complexity rules.

Note: If a Control-M administrator uses the Authorization facility to
set a password, this parameter is ignored.
Valid values:

0 (no = off)

1 (yes = on)

Default: 0

One, some, or all of the following values separated by a blank space.

Multiple values are joined by AND logic.
Note: If a Control-M administrator uses the Authorization facility to
set a password, this parameter is ignored.
Valid values:

PWD_DIGIT: using digits is mandatory

PWD_UPPER: using letters in upper case is mandatory

PWD_LOW: using letters in lower case is mandatory

PWD_NON_LETDIG: non-alphanumeric characters are



PWD_NON_LETDIG: all of these rules to be satisfied.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Indicates how user passwords are transmitted by clients to the

Valid values:

0 - Two-way encryption (encoded). Often used with External

When using the AES algorithm, you can use the default
hard-coded string, or the string in the aes_key.txt file, if it exists
in the etc directory.

1 - Encrypted by the client.

2 - Challenge-response. Recommended if SSL is not used.

Default: 2

Determines whether password expiration parameters should be

Valid values:

0 (off, password expiration is not checked).

Note: When set to 0, other password expiration parameters can be

edited but are ignored.

1 (on, password expiration is checked).

Default: 0

Determines whether password history is recorded.

Note: If a Control-M administrator uses the Authorization facility to
set a password, this parameter is ignored.
Valid values:

0 (no). If set to 0, new passwords are not checked against

previous passwords.

1 (yes)

Default: 0

Determines the number of days before the password expires. Used

in the password expiration date computation by
the set_pwd_def_lifetime script.
Valid values: 1 - 365
Default: 60


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




This parameter specifies whether non-administrators can manually

unlock their own tables (for example, if tables are locked during an
abnormal disconnect from the GUI Server).
NOTE: Non-administrators will not be able to unlock other users
Valid values:

1 - Users can unlock their own tables

0 - Only administrators can unlock the table

Default: 1

Determines the host and port of the proxy server for all users
connecting to the Newsfeed through a proxy server.
Valid values: <host>:<port>
EXAMPLE: Venus:13888
Default: Empty


Determines the maximum number of objects (files-directories) that

are allowed for a Remote Browsing request.
Valid values: Any whole integer
Default: 1000


Determines whether to allow users with job level authorizations to

generate reports from the Reporting Facility.
Valid values:

Default: Y

Indicates the maximum number of rows in the database of historical

data to be deleted, each time a deletion is performed.
Valid values:Positive integer values
Default: 25000
Note: This system parameter is relevant only if Control-M/Forecast
is installed.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Interval in seconds between the deletion of historical records.

Valid values:Positive integer values
Default: 21600
NOTE: This system parameter is relevant only if Control-M/Forecast
is installed.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Full path name of the script that is activated when an alert is

This script is activated only if the value of SendSnmp is either 1 or 2.
Valid values:Full path name of the script that is activated when an
alert is generated.
Default: script_name
When Alert data is sent as input to a script, the parameters are sent
in the following format:
call_type: "<call_type>" alert_id: "<alert_id> "
data_center: "<data_center> " memname: "<memname> "
order_id: "<order_id>" severity: "<severity>" status:
"<status> " send_time: "<send_time>" last_user:
"<last_user> " last_time: "<last_time> " message:
"<message>" run_as: "<run_as>" sub_application:
"<sub_application> "
application: "<application> " job_name: "<job_name> "
host_id: "<host_id> " alert_type: "<alert_type>"
closed_from_em: "<closed_from_em> " ticket_number:
"<ticket_number> " run_counter: "<run_counter> "
notes: <notes>
NOTE: The last data field is visible only if the SendAlertNotesSnmp
parameter is set to 1, and in Control-M/EM 7.0.00 fix pack 2 and
EXAMPLE: for testing SNMP traps when enabling this parameter
echo $* > /tmp/snmptest.out
On Windows:
echo %* > c:\snmptest.out
NOTE: On Windows, double back-slashes should be used as a


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Specifies whether Alerts NOTES data field text should be sent to

SNMP and script.
Valid values:

0 - field is not sent to SNMP and script

1 - field is sent to SNMP and script

Default: 0
NOTE: The SendAlertNotesSnmp parameter is available for
Control-M/EM 7.0.00 fix pack 2 and later.

Specifies whether BIM runtime information updates are sent to the

Valid values:

0 - disables the Show/Hide Time field from the View tab in the
Montoring domain

1 - enables the Show/Hide Time field from the View tab in the
Monitoring domain

Default: 0

Indicates where Alert data is to be sent.

0 - SNMP only

1 - User-defined script only

2 - SNMP and user-defined script

Valid values: Valid hostname or ip address.

Default: 0
NOTE: Alert data is sent to SNMP (values 0 or 2) only if the value of
the SnmpSendActive parameter is set to 1.

Determines whether the Newsfeed domain appears in the Control-M

Workload Automation client.
Valid values:

0 - Hide

1 - Show

Default: 1


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Host name or list of host names (if a list, using semi-colons (;) as
delimiters) to send the SNMP trap on an alert. Specific ports can be
set using a colon (:) as a delimiter.
Valid values:Valid hostname or ip address
Default: <no_host>
Example: dhost1;jhost2;myhost3:2000


Determines whether SNMP messages for Active Alerts are generated.

Valid values.
Valid values:

0SNMP messages for Active alerts are not generated

1SNMP messages for Active alerts are generated

Default: 0

For BMC Software Customer Support use only.

Valid values: List of releases separated by semicolons. For
Default: 0


Specifies the activities that are audited and recorded.

Valid values:

ALL All of the activities listed below

NONE None of the activities listed below

AUTH Authentication (logon tries, logouts, password actions)

SCHED Scheduling definition activities

J_CONT Active network activities (control requests)

J_INFO Active job information activities (order, force, hold ...)

RES Quantitative and Control resource activities

ALERT Alerts

ACCOUNT Account management activities



Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Indicates if the user will be required to enter details about the type
of operation being performed and the reason for its performance,
which will be saved as an annotation to the audit report, before
completing the operation. UserAuditOn must be defined as 1 for
UserAuditAnnotationOn to activate.
Valid values:

0 (no) - When 0, the UserAuditAnnotation parameter is ignored.

1 (yes)

Default: 0
Refresh Type: Manual

Additional job related key fields to be defined by a user.

BMC Software recommends that you not use the same job name (or
mem name, in Control-M for z/OS) for multiple jobs. If you use the
same name for multiple jobs, use this field to identify additional key
fields that Control-M/EM can use to distinguish between different
jobs with the same name/mem name, so as not to confuse or switch
their job histories.
A space must be used as a delimiter between key field values:
Recommended Values: DESCRIPTION, MEM_LIB, HOST_ID,
Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do
so by BMC Software Customer Support.
Default: <empty>
Refresh Type: Manual


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




The number of versions of the job to keep, including the current

NOTE: A job version is deleted only when all of the following are

The version exceeds VMVersionsNumberToKeep.

The version exceeds VMMaxDaysRetainCurJobsHistory.

Automatic cleanup has run, as determined by


BMC Software recommends not setting a value greater than 30

because of possible performance degradation.
To deactivate version history, set the parameter to 1 (keep current
version only).
Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 0.
Default: 2 (current version, and one history version)
Refresh Type: Manual
WarningPasswordExpirationDays Number of days prior to password expiration during which a warning
message is generated when certain utilities or scripts are run or a
successful logon occurs.
Valid values: 0-90
Default: 0 (no warning is generated)

Number of days prior to certificate expiration during which the GUI

server generates a warning message in the CCM.
Valid values: 1-365
Default: 60


Flag that indicates whether alerts are (1) or are not (0) sent for jobs
that end NOTOK.
Valid values:

0 - Alerts are not created.

1 - Alerts are created

Default: 1


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Specifies whether the Gateway automatically requests updates from

Control-M for z/OS for the following information:

ordered jobs

table list

user daily list

The information is saved in the Control-M/EM database.

Valid values:

0 - No requests are sent.

1 - Requests are sent

Default: 1

The number of bytes buffered in Gateway that are waiting to be sent

to the Control/M Server. If the number of bytes are exceeded,
communication with Control/M Server is terminated.
Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than
Default: 10,000,000


The number of bytes buffered in Gateway that are waiting to be sent

to other EM Servers.
Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than
Default: 10,000,000


Specifies whether the ordering job and table keys (used when
sending job ordering information from Control-M for z/OS to the
Gateway) includes dataset names. Typically, the dataset name is
changed for each job order.
Valid values:

0 - Do not include the dataset name

1 - Include the dataset name

Default: 1

Age, in minutes, for a net to be considered valid for distribution of

Global Conditions.
Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than
Default: 2160


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Flag that indicates whether to send alerts for downloaded jobs that
end NOTOK when they are run. Note: AlertOnAbend must be set to
1 for DownCreAlert to be operational.
Valid values:

0 - Alerts are not sent.

1 - Alerts are sent.

Default: 1

For MVS data centers: This parameter defines the EBCDIC code
page to which ASCII data is translated.
Valid values:

0 - Instructs the gateway to use the translation table that was

used by

the previous version.

1047 for English (USA)

285 for English (British)

273 for German

297 for French

284 for Spanish

Default: 0

Enables you to set command line trace options for multiple

NOTE: If a gateway already has a trace option specified, the
GatewayDefaultTraceOptions parameter value is ignored.
Valid values: All Gateway trace option parameters
Default: <empty>


For Customer Support use only.

Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do
so by BMC Software Customer Support.
Default: CTM5050 CTM5301 CTM5311 CTM5312 CTM5323


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Only available if GtwParallelProcessingMode is on. *(See below). The

number of threads in the multi-thread processing mode is indicated
by the value of this parameter.
Valid values: 2-16
Default: 2


Enables multi-threading processing mode. The value off indicates

single-thread processing.
Valid values:



Default: on

Listening port host name and port number for gateways.

Default: null
NOTE: This parameter is overridden by the HostPort parameter. See
HostPort above.


Number of times that the gateway attempts to insert an alert into

Control-M/EM. The number includes the initial attempt.
Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 1.
Default: 10


Number of days that the list of downloads is saved. This list contains
abbreviated information about each download, such as date and
time, net name, and number of downloaded jobs and resources.
Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than
Default: 100


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Downloads are kept in the Control-M/EM database for not more than
the number of days specified in this parameter.
Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 0.
Default: 2
NOTE: The number of downloads stored in the database is never
more than the smaller of the MaxOldDay value and the MaxOldTotal


Number of downloads that can be stored in a Control-M/EM

database. If this number is exceeded, the oldest download is
Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 1.
Default: 4


Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do

so by BMC Software Customer Support.
Default: 60000


Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do

so by BMC Software Customer Support.
Default: 60000


Determines what MultiByte code page Gateway uses to translate

when sending data to a Control-M/Server of type z/OS.
Valid values: Any valid CJK EBCDIC code page


Determines whether a non-administrator can access and update

application plug-in connection profiles.
Valid values:



Default: 0
For more information see Authorizing non-administrators to manage
application plug-in connection profiles (on page 260).

Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do

so by BMC Software Customer Support.
Default: 0


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Indicates the maximum and minimum length of elapsed run time

between calculation discards.
Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater that 0.
Default: 2


Indicates the maximum number of run samples to be kept per job.

Valid values: Any whole number between 1 and 165.
Default: 20


Maximum number of run detail records processed in one loop.

Valid values: Any whole number between 10 and 10000.
Default: 100


Configures the context in which run information is processed.

Valid values:

0 - Gateway main thread

1 - Separate thread

Default: 1

Interval in seconds between processing of run details in the

Valid values: Any whole number between 1 and 100.
Default: 10


Number of times Control-M/EM attempts to establish communication

with the gateway before turning SSL on or off. SSL can either be
enabled or disabled when Control-M/EM initially tries to connect to
the gateway.
After making the specified number of attempts, SSL is toggled on or
off (as required). This parameter is relevant only when SSL Enabled
communication is selected. It does not work when only TCP/IP is
Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 1.
Default: 2


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Replaces the value of the Sync_Timeout parameter (in the

Defaults.rsc file) that determines the period of time between
attempts to establish communication with the gateway when
changing the communication protocol to SSL Enabled.
Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than
Default: 90


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Gateway parameters
The following table lists the Gateway parameters:



Indicates whether alerts are (1) or are not (0) sent for jobs that
end NOTOK.
Valid Values:
0 - Alerts are not created.
1 - Alerts are created
Default: 1


Specifies whether the Gateway automatically requests updates from

Control-M for z/OS for the following information:
ordered jobs
table list
user daily list
The information is saved in the Control-M/EM database.
Valid Values:
0 - No requests are sent.
1 - Requests are sent
Default: 1


The number of bytes buffered in Gateway that are waiting to be sent to

the Control/M Server. If the number of bytes are exceeded, communication
with Control/M Server is terminated.
Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than
Default: 10000000


The number of bytes buffered in Gateway that are waiting to be sent to

other EM Servers. If the number of bytes are exceeded in GSR or GCS
components, communication with Control/M Server is terminated.
Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than
Default: 10000000


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Specifies whether the ordering job and table keys (used when sending job
ordering information from Control-M for z/OS to the Gateway) includes
dataset names. Typically, the dataset name is changed for each job order.
Valid values:
0 - Do not include the dataset name
1 - Include the dataset name
Default: 1


Determine the number of seconds between for each automatic

synchronization interval per Control-M.
Default: 1800


Age, in minutes, for a net to be considered valid for distribution of Global

Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 300.
Default: 2160


Flag that indicates whether to send alerts for downloaded jobs that
end NOTOK when they are run. Note: AlertOnAbend must be set to 1
for DownCreAlert to be operational.
Valid values:
0 - Alerts are not sent.
1 - Alerts are sent.
Default: 1


For MVS data centers: This parameter defines the EBCDIC code page to
which ASCII data is translated.
Valid values:
0 - Instructs the gateway to use the translation table that was used by the
previous version.
1047 for English (USA)
285 for English (British)
273 for German
297 for French
284 for Spanish
Default: 0


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Enables you to set command line trace options for multiple gateways.
NOTE: If a gateway already has a trace option specified,
the GatewayDefaultTraceOptions parameter value is ignored.
Valid values: All Gateway trace option parameters
Default: <empty>


Valid values:Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by

BMC Software Customer Support.
Default: CTM5050 CTM5301 CTM5311 CTM5312 CTM5323


List of logical names of CONTROL-M data centers that are connected to

Valid values: The host name and port number, entered in the following
Default: null


Only available if GtwParallelProcessingMode is on (see below).

The number of threads in the multi-thread processing mode is indicated by
the value of this parameter.
Valid values: 2-16
Default: 2

GtwParallelProcessingMode Enables multi-threading processing mode. The value off indicates

single-thread processing.
Valid values:
Default: 0

Listening port host name and port number for gateways.

Valid values: The host name and port number, entered in the following
Default: null


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Number of times that the gateway attempts to insert an alert into

Control-M/EM. The number includes the initial attempt and can be any
whole number equal to or greater than 1.
Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instucted to do so by
BMC Software Customer Support.
Default: 10


Number of days that the list of downloads is saved. This list contains
abbreviated information about each download, such as date and time, net
name, and number of downloaded jobs and resources.
Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 0.
Default: 100


Downloads are kept in the Control-M/EM database for not more than the
number of days specified in this parameter.
Valid values: Any whole number that is greater than 0.
Default: 2
NOTE: The number of downloads stored in the database is never more
than the smaller of the MaxOldDay value and the MaxOldTotal value.


Number of downloads that can be stored in a Control-M/EM database. If

this number is exceeded, the oldest download is deleted.
Valid values: Any number that is greater than 0.
Default: 4


Valid values:Do not change this paramater unless instructed to do so by

BMC Software Customer Support.
Default: 60000


For Customer Support use only.

Default: 60000


Determines what MultiByte code page Gateway uses to translate when

sending data to a Control-M/Server of type z/OS.
Valid values: Any valid CJK EBCDIC code page


Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by

BMC Software Customer Support.
Default: 0


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Indicates the maximum and minimum length of elapsed run time between
calculation discards.
Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by
BMC Software Customer Support.
Default: 2


Indicates the maximum number of run samples to be kept per job.

Valid values:Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by
BMC Customer Support.
Default: 20


Maximum number of run detail records processed in one loop.

Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by
BMC Software Customer Support.
Default: 100


Configures the context in which run information is processed.

Valid values:
0 - Gateway main thread
1 - Separate thread
Default: 1


Interval in seconds between processing of run details in the Gateway.

Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by
BMC Software Customer Support.
Default: 10


Number of times Control-M/EM attempts to establish communication with

the gateway before turning SSL on or off. SSL can either be enabled or
disabled when Control-M/EM initially tries to connect to the gateway. After
making the specified number of attempts, SSL is toggled on or off (as
required). This parameter is relevant only when SSL Enabled
communication is selected. It does not work when only TCP/IP is selected
Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by
BMC Software Customer Support.
Default: 2


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Replaces the value of the Sync_Timeout parameter (in the Defaults.rsc

file) that determines the period of time between attempts to establish
communication with the gateway when changing the communication
protocol to SSL Enabled.
Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by
BMC Software Customer Support.
Default: 90


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Global Conditions Server administration parameters

The following table refers to Global Conditions Server administration parameters.



Interval (in seconds) between sending groups of conditions to a reconnecting

data center.
Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC
Software Customer Support
Default: 0


Maximum number of messages to send in a group to a reconnected data center.

Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless requested to do so by BMC
Software Customer Support.
Default: 1000000


Maximum time, in seconds, unused conditions wait in the database before they
are removed. These conditions may have no data center destinations.
Valid values: 601 or higher
Default: 86400 (24 hours)


Maximum time, in seconds, unused conditions wait in the database before they
are removed. These conditions may have no data center destinations.
Valid values: 601 or higher
Default: 86400 (24 hours)


Determines the number of threads dispatching updates to destinations.

Default: 1


Determines the number of seconds before GCS cleans already handled

conditions from memory and the database.
Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC
Software Customer Support.
Default: 120


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Determines how to handle conflicting add or delete requests for global

conditions when the requests are received within the interval specified
in GcDoneWaitSecs.
Valid values:

ALL: Handle all requests, in the order they arrived, until they are sent to
all destinations

TOGGLE: Each time a new request conflicts with the current request, stop
processing the current request and start processing the new request.

NO_TOGGLING: Continue processing the current request and ignore all

conflicting requests.

Default: TOGGLE

Minimum time (in seconds) global conditions wait in memory, after they have
been sent to all connected data centers, before they are removed. This "waiting
period" prevents conditions from being sent again.
Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC
Software Customer Support.
Default: 120


Maximum number of retries to send conditions to a data center that had

previously returned a temporary error.
Valid values : Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC
Software Customer Support.
Default: 5


Interval (in seconds) between attempts to send conditions to a data center that
had previously returned a temporary error.
Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC
Software Customer Support.
Default: 180
NOTE: In Control-M/EM environments with high workloads, the Global
Conditions server might not respond to life check requests because it is busy
communicating with gateways and re-sending messages. It is reccomended to
change the value to 360 or more to avoid overloading the Global Conditions
server and help it respond to the Maintenance Agent.
Refreh type: Manual


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Indicates whether to activate toggling policies for identical operations (like

Valid values:

1: All operations

0: For different operations (COND X DELETE after COND X ADD).

Default: 1

Determines whether to enable or disable sending xalerts when a condition is not

Valid values:



Default: ON

Determines the size of GCS maintenance thread pool.

Default: 1


Default port where GCS waits for requests from clients (such as ctl commands
or life check messages). This value is used only if a port has not been defined
using the HostPort system parameter. Furthermore, this port is used only if it is
not busy; otherwise GCS selects a free port at random.
Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC
Software Customer Support.
Default: 10,000


Interval (in seconds) between attempts to communicate with a gateway.

Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC
Software Customer Support.
Default: 60


Determines the size of main GCS thread pool.

Default: 2


Interval (in seconds) between readings of the Communication Table in the

Control-M/EM database for new data centers.
Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC
Software Customer Support.
Default: 60


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Global Conditions Server (GCS) logging parameters

The following table lists Global Conditions Server (GCS) logging parameters.



Logging information level for condition transfer activities. Information is displayed

for conditions received (In), conditions sent (Out), transfer confirmation and
rejection actions, and communication problems.
Valid values:
0 No diagnostics
1 Condition transfer, problem, and information received
2 Condition transfer, problem, and information sent
3 Value 1 + value 2 (Default)


Logging information level for messages related to database activities. Diagnostic

information is displayed about condition transfer requests inserted or deleted in
the database or read from the database for recovery operations.
Valid values:
0 No diagnostics
1 Messages about database writing (insert, update, delete)
2 Value 1 plus database reading (recovery operations) activity (Default)


Determines the logging information level for messages related to internal GCS
actions involving temporary problems and rebound situations. The information is
displayed about GCS condition handling activities.
Valid values:
0 No diagnostics
1 Condition actions based on conflict handling policies
Default: 1


Maximum number of record lines in the GCS_LOG file. When the number of record
lines in the currently open GCS_LOG file reaches the value specified in this
parameter, the file is closed and a new GCS_LOG file is opened.
Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 0. If the value is
0, the file never closes, because there is no maximum size.
Default: 15000 KB


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Maximum number of log files to be managed cyclically. When the number of

GCS_LOG files reaches the value specified in this parameter, the oldest file is
deleted, in order for a new GCS_LOG file to be created.
Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 0.
Default: 5


Determines whether to display the new Message ID in the GCS Log.

Valid values:

Default: N

Control-M Self Service parameters

After modifying Control-M Self Service parameters, stop and restart the Self Service Server component for
the changes to take effect.
For a description of all other Control-M Self Service system parameters, see Defining Control-M Self
Service parameters (on page 43).



Determines the interval for recalculating the status of a

Valid values: Time in the format of HH:MM:SS
Default: 00:01:00


Defines the username of the Control-M Self Service server

when it connects to the GUI server.
Valid values: String expression.
Default: slsuser


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Control-M Workload Change Manager advanced system

The following table describes Control-M Workload Change Manager system parameters from the
Control-M/EM system parameters Advanced window. For a description of all other Control-M Workload
Change Manager system parameters, see Defining Control-M Workload Change Manager system
parameters (on page 45).



Determines the number of days to keep approved requests data in

the Control-M/EM database.
Default:14 days
Valid values: 0-28 days


Defines the template for the e-mails subject field that is sent to
the End users after the request state changes to one of the



Default:Your request <REQUEST_NAME> for Ticket ID

<CHANGE_ID> has been <ACTION>

Defines the E-mail server that is used to send notifications emails

to Control-M Workload Change Manager end users.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Configuration Agent parameters

After modifying Configuration Agent parameters, stop and restart the Configuration Agent component for
the changes to take effect.



The number of times that the Configuration Agent tries to start an inactive
Note: After the specified number of retries are attempted without success,
use the CCM to reset the unresponsive component. Change the state of the
unresponsive component to a state other than Up, then change it to Up,
and then try again to activate the component.
Valid values: Minimum of 3
Default: 10

ComponentRestartInterval Frequency, in minutes, at which the Configuration Agent makes an attempt

to start a Control-M/EM component that is not responding. This parameter
can be modified from the CCM.
Valid values: 3-10
Default: 3

Some Control-M/EM components, such as the GUI Server, the gateways,

and the Global Conditions server, operate hidden from the user. These
components can be displayed in command prompt windows by setting this
parameter to 1, stopping the Configuration Agent, and restarting the agent.
Valid values: 0 and 1
Default: 0


Time, in seconds, that the Configuration Agent waits for a component to

respond to a life check.
Valid values: Minimum of 15
Default: 30


Number of life checks the Configuration Agent performs before the

component is treated as malfunctioning.
Valid values: Any whole number greater than 0.
Default: 5


Interval, in seconds, after performing a life check to which there was no

response until another life check is performed.
Default: 15


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Interval, in minutes, between LogReg log cleaning operations by the

Configuration Agent.
NOTE: The Configuration Agent cleans the LogReg log every time it is
Valid values: Any whole number greater than 0
Default: 360


Amount of detail the clean operation erases from the LogReg log.
Valid values:

0 - No deletion

1 - Cleans only the agents own log messages

2 - Cleans all log messages

Default: 1

Number of days that log entries are retained before they can be cleaned
from the log.
Valid values: Minimum of 0
Default: 1


Level of detail in LogReg log entries recorded by the Configuration Agent.

Valid values:

0 - No entry

1 - Configuration Agent-related messages

2 - Brief component and agent related messages

3 - Detailed component and agent related messages

Default: 2

Valid values: Maximum number of times that the Configuration Agent can
attempt to create a socket.
Default: -1 (no limit)


Interval, in seconds between successive attempts to create a socket.

Valid values: Any whole number greater than 0.
Default: 10


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Level of detail in standard output messages reported by the Configuration

Valid values:

0 - No entry

1 - Configuration Agent-related messages

2 - Brief component and agent related messages

3 - Detailed component and agent related messages

Default: 2

Time, in seconds, that a component is given to shut down following a Stop

command. When this time is exceeded, the Configuration Agent again tries
to stop the component. If the number of retries specified by the StopTries
parameter is exceeded, the agent kills the component.
Valid values: Any whole number greater than 0.
Default: 45


Number of times that the Configuration Agent tries to stop the component
using the Stop command before performing a kill operation.
Valid values: Minimum of 1
Default: 2


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Maintenance parameters
The following table describes Maintenance paramaters.



Enables the Configuration Agent to automatically recycle

components in a Distributed environment when a Failover or a
Fallback has occurred.
Valid Values:

0: On

1: Off

Default: 0

Determines the number of minutes to wait for a manual Failover

or Fallback before a timeout.
Default: 5


Determines the number of consecutive life check requests to the

database server without getting a response.


(PostgreSQL only) Determines the number of unsuccessful

attempts that Configuration Agent tries to start up the database

HADBTimeBetweenLifeCheck Determines the number of seconds to wait between sending life

check requests to the database server.
HADBTimeToWaitAfterStartU (PostgreSQL only) Determines the number of seconds to wait after
the Configuration Agent started up the database server.


Determines the number of consecutive failed life check requests

between the the Configuration Agent and the Control-M/EM
components before the Configuration Agent tries to start it up.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Determines the number of unsuccessful attempts that the

Configuration Agent tries to start up a component and then


Determines the number of seconds to wait between sending life

check requests to the primary Configuration Agent.


Determines the number of seconds to wait after the Configuration

Agent started up a component.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

GUI parameters
After modifying GUI parameters, stop and restart the relevant GUI components for the changes to take



For Customer Support use only. In Control-M/EM and Control M

Workload Automation wait for acknowledgment from the CORBA Object
Request Broker (ORB) before shutting it down.
Valid values:

0 (No) - Control-M/EM and Control M Workload Automation do not wait

for confirmation that the ORB was shut down.

1 (Yes) - Control-M/EM and Control M Workload Automation wait for

confirmation that the ORB was shut down.

Default: 1

For Customer Support use only.

Number of GUI Server commands that Control-M/EM can process at a time
for each ViewPoint. These commands include submitting, adding, and
updating jobs, and making refresh requests.
Default: 1


For Customer Support use only.

Number of GUI Server commands Control-M/EM can process at a time.
These commands are not related to specific ViewPoints and include
displaying pop-up windows and task bar messages in the Control-M
Workload Automation window.
Default: 10


For Customer Support use only.

Number of GUI Server commands Control-M/EM can process at a time for all
ViewPoints. These commands include submitting jobs, adding jobs, updating
jobs, and refresh requests.
Default: 10


Determines if a user can change his or her own password.

Valid values:

0 - Only users who have Full or Update permission to modify security

definitions can change their own password.

1 - All users can change their own password.

Default: 1


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

GUI Server parameters

If a Control-M/EM administrator uses the Authorization facility to set a password, the password
complexity, length, and history requirements are ignored.



Indicates if users with Browse access can order or force jobs.

Valid values:

UPDATE_ACCESS Only users with Update access can order or

force a job.

BROWSE_ACCESS Users with Browse access or Update access

can order and force jobs.


Chunk size of jobs during View Point opening.

Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by
BMC Software Customer Support.
Default: 1000


Indicates whether Available Values options are displayed for certain

fields in the Properties Pane.
Valid values: 0 or 1.
Default: 1 (On)


NOTE: Do not change this parameter unless requested to do so by BMC

Valid values: 0, 1, or 2.
Default: 2


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Indicates whether a very strict (restrictive), strict, or lenient (permissive)

security policy is enforced for submitting jobs during New Day processing.
The Control-M security mechanism uses the Created By parameter and
the AuthorSecurity system parameter to ensure that only authorized users
can submit jobs during New Day processing. In all modes, the
administrator is authorized to change the author.
NOTE: If this parameter is modified, Control-M Workload Automation
users who are offline must log on to become synchronized with the new
Valid values:

1 (Permissive mode) - Editing the author is enabled. Users can retain

the original Author when running utilities or performing a Write to
Control-M/EM, or, alternatively, change the author to another user.

2 (Restrictive mode) - Author is the user currently performing a Write

to Control-M/EM. However, the original author can be retained for
existing job processing definitions (whose associated tables are

3 (Very restrictive mode) - The author is set to the user currently

performing a Write to Control-M/EM for all job processing definitions.

Default: 1

Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by

BMC Software Customer Support.
Default: 45


Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by

BMC Software Customer Support.
Default: 30


Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by

BMC Software Customer Support.
Default: 10


Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by

BMC Software Customer Support.
Default: 1


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Bulk size in bulk operation for retrieve conditions.

NOTE: Do not change any of the four bulk_act_xxx parameters unless
requested to do so by BMC Software.
Valid values: 10 -10000
Default: 250


Bulk size in bulk operation for retrieve tables.

Valid values: 10- 10000
Default: 100


Bulk size in bulk operation for retrieve jobs.

Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by
BMC Software Customer Support.
Default: 250


Bulk size in bulk operation for retrieving control or quantitative resources.

Valid values: 10 - 10000
Default: 50


NOTE:: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC

Software Customer Support.
Valid alues: 0 or 1
Default: 1


The number of collections that can be read in parallel.

If set to 1, collections are read serially. Increasing this number improves
response time but may use more CPU resources.
NOTE: If you increase the value of this parameter, monitor the system
for several days, especially during periods of heavy usage, to ensure that
performance is not degraded. You may want to increase the value of this
parameter gradually (for example, by one or two at a time), to avoid CPU
After modifying this parameter, stop and restart all GUI Server
components for the change to take effect.
Valid values: 1-10
Default: 4


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




The maximum number of control resources that can be loaded into

memory from the Control-M/EM database at the same time. This
parameter can help control memory usage. However, if this parameter is
set to -1, there is no maximum limit.
Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by
BMC Software Customer Support
Default: -1


The number of seconds before the GUI Server begins processing

the pin_collection.ini file.
Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by
BMC Software Customer Support.
Default: 10


The number of jobs in the Active Jobs database that are checked by the
GUI Server when processing the request_act_retrieve_jobs request, and
included in the request response.
Valid values: from 10 to -1 (unlimited)
Default: 1000


Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by

BMC Software Customer Support.
Default: 30


Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by

BMC Software Customer Support.
Default: 100


Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by

BMC Software Customer Support.
Default: 5


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Identifies fields (database columns) that should not be downloaded from

the database when retrieving collections, thereby decreasing memory load
and improving response time.
Any or all of the following fields can be excluded. Use spaces, commas,
colons, or semicolons to separate multiple entries.
Warning: BMC Software recommends that you not exclude data (change
the value of this parameter to 1) without first consulting BMC Software
Customer Support. If you do change the value to 1, be sure to modify job
processing definitions do that they do no contain excluded data.
NOTE: Control-M Workload Authorization users cannot perform a find or
query on excluded fields. You can modify fields to exclude by adding or
removing fields in this parameter. After modifying this parameter, stop
and restart all GUI Server components for the change to take effect.
Valid values:

Database Column - Description

MAX_WAIT- Maximum Wait

ODATE - Order date

OWNER - Owner

DESCRIPTION- Description

CPU_ID - Host ID

Default: null (no fields are excluded)


Determines whether control resources are (0) or are not (1) downloaded
from the database when retrieving collections. If unneeded control
resources are not downloaded, memory requirements are reduced and
response time is improved.
Warning: BMC Software recommends that you not exclude data (change
the value of this parameter to 1) without first consulting BMC Software
Customer Support. If you do change the value to 1, be sure to modify job
processing definitions do that they do no contain excluded data.
NOTE: Control-M Workload Automation users cannot perform a find or
query on excluded control resources. After modifying this parameter, stop
and restart all GUI Server components for the change to take effect.
Valid values:

0 Do not exclude control resources.

1 Exclude control resources.

Default: 0


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Determines whether quantitative resources are downloaded from the

database when retrieving collections. If unneeded quantitative resources
are not downloaded, memory requirements are reduced and response
time is improved.
Warning: BMC Software recommends that you not exclude data (change
the value of this parameter to 1) without first consulting BMC Software
Customer Support. If you do change the value to 1, be sure to modify job
processing definitions do that they do no contain excluded data.
NOTE: Control-M Workload Automation users cannot perform a find or
query on excluded quantitative resources. After modifying this parameter,
stop and restart all GUI Server components for the change to take effect.
Valid values:

0 Do not exclude quantitative resources.

1 Exclude quantitative resources.

Default: 0

Time, in seconds, until the GUI Server checks the communication status
of the database server. If communication is still down, communication is
considered to be disrupted and the action specified
in StopIfDBConnectionFail is implemented.
NOTE: This parameter is relevant only after the GUI Server determines
that communication with the database server is disrupted. After modifying
this parameter, stop and restart all GUI Server components for the
change to take effect.
Valid values: 1-60
Default: 5


The maximum number of archive jobs in memory per GUI Server.

Valid values: Any number greater than 0.
Default: 40000


NOTE: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC

Software Customer Support.
Valid values: Any number greater than 0.
Default: 100000


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Time, in seconds, that a Control-M/EM API client user token can be valid.
Afterwards, the GUI Server can invalidate the token.
NOTE: After modifying this parameter, stop and restart all GUI Server
components for the change to take effect.
Valid values: Any number greater than 0.
Default: 10800


Total number of job hosts that are displayed when Local View is used. For
information about Local View, see Alerts Monitor.
NOTE: After modifying this parameter, stop and restart all GUI Server
components for the change to take effect.
Valid values: 2-30,000
Default: 100


Determines whether the All Jobs collection is loaded and pinned when the
GUI Server starts up.
Valid values:
0 The All Jobs collection is not loaded and pinned when the GUI Server
starts up.
1 The All Jobs collection is loaded and pinned when the GUI Server
starts up.
Default: 1


The maximum number of prerequisite conditions that can be loaded into

memory from the Control-M/EM database at the same time. This
parameter helps control memory usage.
Valid values: Any number greater than -1.
Default: -1 (no limit)


The maximum number of quantitative resources that can be loaded into

memory from the Control-M/EM database at the same time. This
parameter helps control memory usage.
Valid values: Any number greater than -1.
Default: -1 (no limit)


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Collection of jobs to include in the Network Neighborhood Collection.

Valid values:

CURRENT The collection of jobs in the ViewPoint from which the

user opened the Network Neighborhood.

All Jobs The collection includes all jobs, not only the jobs in the
current ViewPoint.

Default: CURRENT

Determines if the GUI Server is in Secure mode. If the GUI Server is in

Secure mode, user requests to view or modify fields that are included in
the Security filter of a ViewPoint are rejected.
Warning: BMC Software recommends that you not exclude data (change
the value of this parameter to 1) without first consulting BMC Software
Customer Support.
Valid values:

0 - The GUI Server is not in Secure mode; it prompts the user for
confirmation whether to continue processing the request.

1 - The GUI Server is in Secure mode; it denies the request because

opening any ViewPoint might involve a security breach. The user
cannot open any ViewPoint until the Authorization Filter for the user is
changed by the system administrator so that it no longer contains
excluded fields.

If the GUI Server prompts for confirmation, carefully consider the

following factors before confirming the request:

If a ViewPoint hierarchy definition contains an excluded field, the

ViewPoint groups the jobs as if they all have the same empty value
("") and the hierarchy is incorrect.

If a Collection, Filter, or User Authorization filter contains criteria that

match excluded fields, a match is assumed for those filtering criteria,
yielding unwanted filtering results.

If a User Authorization filter includes only jobs for which the user is
the owner, but Owner is an excluded field, then a match on Owner is
assumed for every job in the Active Jobs database. This could cause
every job in the Active Jobs database to be loaded (if there are no
other exclusion criteria).

Default: 0


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Allows administrators to define a script that runs when a Control-M

Workload Change Manager request changes state.
EXAMPLE: An administrator wants to monitor submitted requests and
verify that a change ticket with the ticket ID that was
assigned to the request exists in Control-M Workload Change
Manager and is approved.
To activate an external application for a Control-M Workload Change
Manager request, see Activating an external application for a Control-M
Workload Change Manager request.
Valid values:Full path to the script


Maximum number of times that the GUI Server can attempt to create a
NOTE: After modifying this parameter, stop and restart all GUI Server
components for the change to take effect.
Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by
BMC Software Customer Support.
Default: -1 (no limit)


Interval, in seconds between successive attempts to create a socket.

NOTE: After modifying this parameter, stop and restart all GUI Server
components for the change to take effect.
Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by
BMC Software Customer Support.
Default: 10


Action to take if communication between the GUI Server and the database
server is disrupted.
NOTE: After modifying this parameter, stop and restart all GUI Server
components for the change to take effect.
Valid values:

0 The GUI Server is shut down until communication with the

database server is restored. When communication is restored, the
Configuration Agent restarts the GUI Server.

1 The GUI Server remains operational. However, its status

is Warning (as displayed in the CCM) and it may not function.

Default: 0


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



UseQueriedCollectionForFind Determines the collection of jobs to be searched when performing a find

from within a ViewPoint screen.
Valid values:

1 (Yes) - When performing a find from within a ViewPoint, limit the

search to jobs that satisfy the QueriedCollection system parameter.

0 (No) - Perform the search using all jobs.

Default: 1

Determines which SMART Folders are passed to the ViewPoint.

Valid values:

SELECT_JOBS - Filtering criteria are applied only to the jobs. Only

jobs satisfying the filtering criteria, and only SMART Folders
containing at least one such job, are passed and displayed. (No empty
folders are passed.)

SELECT_JOBS_AND_SG - Filtering criteria are applied both to jobs and

SMART Folders. In addition to passing the same jobs and SMART
Folders that are passed for the SELECT_JOBS value, the Server also
passes any SMART Folders that match the filtering criteria (and pass
the security criteria) even if they are empty.


The number of milliseconds within which the Control-M/EM GUI Server

should receive a reply from the BMC Batch Impact Manager after sending
a request.
Valid values: Any whole number greater than 0 .
Default: 600000


Default size of the updates queue for a ViewPoint.

Valid values: Any number greater than 0 and smaller than
Default: 5000


The maximum possible size of the updates queue for a ViewPoint.

Valid values: Any number greater than 0.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Frequency, in seconds, at which the Global Alerts updates its database

about which Alerts were deleted and why. The update occurs only when
both the specified time has passed and one or more alerts have been
Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by
BMC Software Customer Support.
Default: 60

GatewayOutgoingQueueSize Maximum number of bytes buffered in the GUI server waiting to be sent
to Control-M/Server. For example, as a result of a Save JCL request.
Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by
BMC Software Customer Support.
Default: 500000

Indicates in which mode a Remedy ticket is closed, and what effect that
has on the alert status.
Valid values:

HANDLE_ON_CLOSE - The alert status is updated to Handled

automatically when the ticket is closed.

CLOSE_ON_HANDLE -When the alert status is Handled, the ticket

is automatically closed.


becoming Handled closes a ticket, or closing a ticket causes the alert
status to be Handled.

SEPERATE_CLOSE_HANDLE - Close and Handle are two separate

actions that do not affect each other.


Interval, in seconds, between successive attempts to create a socket.

Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by
BMC Software Customer Support.
Default: 10


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Exception handling parameters

The following table refers to Exception Handling parameters.



Determines whether the option to send exception alerts is enabled or disabled.

Valid values:

1 - Enable

0 - Disable

Default: 1
IdenticalXAlertTimeDelt Determines the interval, in minutes, within which an alert is defined as identical
to a previous matching alert.
Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 0.
Default: 30 minutes
IdenticalXAlertCompare Determines whether the MESSAGE field is used to compare identical alerts.
Valid values:

1 - Compare the MESSAGE field

0 - Do not compare the MESSAGE field

Default: 0

Determines whether an alert will be sent as an SNMP trap, to a script, both, or

Valid values:

0 - Not active

1 - Sent as an SNMP trap

2 - Sent to a script

3 Sent as an SNMP trap and to a script

Default: 0
IdenticalXAlertHandling Determines whether identical alerts are sent as an SNMP trap or to a script.
Valid values:

1 - Identical alerts are sent as an SNMP trap and to a script

0 - Identical alerts are not sent as an SNMP trap and to a script

NOTE: This parameter is only valid when the XAlertsSendSnmp system

parameter has a value of 1, 2, or 3.
Default: 0


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Determines whether handled alerts are sent as an SNMP trap or to a script.

Valid values:

1 - Handled alerts are sent as an SNMP trap and to a script.

0 - Handled alerts are not sent as an SNMP trap and to a script.

NOTE: This parameter is only valid when the XAlertsSendSnmp system

parameter has a value of 1, 2, or 3.
Default: 0

Determines, in days, how long XAlerts are saved before they are deleted by the
Configuration Management Server.
Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 0.
Default: 180 days


The maximum number of handled XAlerts that are displayed in the Exception
Alerts window.
Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 0.
Default: 100


Specifies the host names of the machines to which you want to send the SNMP
Valid values: Any host name or IP address. Separate multiple hosts with a
semicolon. To add a specific port for each host, enter the host name followed
by a colon and the port number.
Default: null


Specify the full path and file name of the script to be sent. This parameter is
used only when the XAlertsSendSnmp system parameter is set to either 2 or 3.
Valid values: Any full path and file name.
Default: null


Specify the host or IP address on which the CMS is forced to receive XAlerts.
Valid values: Any valid host name or IP address.
NOTE: If no value is entered for this parameter, the host name on which the
CMS is installed is used.
Default: null


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Specify the port through which the XAlerts are received.

Valid values: Any valid port.
Default: 0
NOTE: The default value 0 means that any random port is used.


Specify the message IDs for which no XAlerts are sent. By default, no message
IDs are listed. Use a comma to separate multiple message IDs.
Default: none

XAlertsMinSeverityFilte Specify the severity level filter. XAlerts with a value equal to or greater than the
specified severity level are sent to the Exception Alerts window.
Valid Values:




Default: Warning
MaxXAlerts2Send2Clien Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by BMC
Software Customer Support.
Determines the maximum number of exception alerts sent from the CMS to the
Exception Alerts window.
Default: 2000


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

CMS parameters
The following table lists the CMS parameters.



NOTE: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by

BMC Software Customer Support. If you are instructed to change this
parameter, you must restart the CMS for the change to take effect.
Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 20.


The mode with which the Configuration Management Server connects

to the Control-M/Server Configuration Agent.
Valid values:

TCP - A non-secure connection is established.

SSL - Connect using SSL only.

Auto - The system automatically detects the type of connection

that is established.

Default: TCP

The Configuration Management Server (CMS) refreshes the status and

topology of the Control-M/Servers on a regular basis. This system
parameter governs the length of time in seconds between each refresh
Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 30.
Default: 60


The CMS refreshes its internal image of Control-M/EM component

status on a regular basis. This system parameter governs the length of
time in seconds between each refresh episode.
Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 30.
Default: 60


Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so

by BMC Software Customer Support.

HAProgressDataRetentionInterv Determines the number of seconds that the failover or fallback

progress information is available after the process completes.
Default: 604800


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Determines the expiration duration of a certificate in the Manage SSL

Generate Certificate Wizard.
Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 1.
Default: 7300


Determines the expiration duration of a site CA in the Manage SSL

Generate Certificate Wizard.
Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 2.
Default: 7300


Determines the number of bits of the certificate key in the Manage SSL
Generate Certificate Wizard.
Valid values: 1024, 2048, 3072, 4096
Default: 1024


The maximum number of jobs in the table to be audited.

Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 1.
Default: 1000


The amount of time, in seconds, that the CMS will wait for a reply to a
remote request sent through the Configuration Management Server to
Control-M/Server, Control-M/Agent, and Application Plug-Ins, before
timing out.
An example of such a request is a ping agent request.
Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 30.
Default: 300


The number of days to retain deleted statistics, after which the

statistics will be deleted when automatic purge is performed.
Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 1.
Default: 100 days


Interval, in minutes, between activations of automatic purging of

periodic statistics by the CMS.
NOTE: To disable automatic purging, set the value to 0.
Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 1.
Default: 30


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Interval, in minutes, between activations of automatic job history

cleanup by the CMS.
NOTE: To disable automatic cleanup, set the value to 0.
Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 30.
Default: 30

VMMaxDaysRetainCurJobsHistor The number of days after which the history of the current jobs should
be deleted automatically.
NOTE: A job version is deleted only when all of the following are true:

The version exceeds VMVersionsNumberToKeep.

The version exceeds VMMaxDaysRetainCurJobsHistory.

Automatic cleanup has run, as determined

by VMCleanupIntervalMinutes.

Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 0.

Default: 0

The number of days to retain deleted jobs and their history. Deleted
tables will also be deleted according to this value.
Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 1.
Default: 180


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Control-M/EM parameters in the Defaults.rsc file

The following table lists the parameters located in the Defaults.rsc file.



Indicates how many job and resource details the gateway should load into
memory at a time before saving the entities in the Control-M/EM database
when performing a download from Control-M. A larger number causes the
download to occur faster and more efficiently, at the expense of virtual
Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 10.
Default: 100

continue_not_respondin Indicates how the new gateway handles multiple gateway instances for the
same Control-M installation if all attempts to stop and kill the original gateway
are unsuccessful.
Valid values:

Y- Both gateway occurrences are allowed to run concurrently. This is not


N- The original gateway continues in its "hung" state. The new gateway
stops running.

Default: N

Valid values:Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so BMC

Software Technical Support.

dal_select_min_bulksize These parameters indicate the bulk size being used by the database access
layer during bulk insert and choose SQL operation. Larger numbers cause the
insert and choose SQL operations to occur faster and more efficiently, at the
expense of virtual memory.
Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 10.

dal_select_min_bulksize: 10


Oracle: 50


dal_insert_min_bulksize: 10


Oracle: 100



Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Indicates in which mode the gateway opens communication connections.

Valid values:


1 - The gateway establishes connections in blocking mode.

2 - The gateway establishes connections in non-blocking mode.

Timeout period, in seconds, for determining if the original gateway is

responsive (up).
Valid values: Any whole number that is equal to or greater than 20.
Default: 45


Indicates whether a new gateway stops or kills existing gateway instances for
the same Control-M installation.
Valid values:

Y - The new gateway tries to kill the original gateway and, if successful,
continues to run. If the original gateway cannot be killed, the new gateway
handles the original gateway according to the continue_not_responding

N - The new gateway tries to stop the original gateway (using the ctl
utility) and, if successful, continues to run. If the original gateway is not
stopped after 3 attempts, the new gateway handles the original gateway
according to the continue_not_responding parameter.

Default: N

If a gateway is in non-block mode and part of a message is not received during

the number of seconds specified in this parameter, the gateway assumes
communication is down.
Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to do so by
BMC Software Customer Support
Default: 40.
This parameter is relevant only if the useNonBlock parameter is set to Y.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Indicates whether the gateway operates in blocking mode or non-blocking

mode. This mode determines whether the gateway receives entire messages or
parts of messages.
Valid values:

N - The gateway waits and receives for the entire message to arrive in
blocking mode, regardless of length of time.

Y - The gateway receives parts of messages (non-blocking mode).

Communication is assumed to be down if part of a message is not received
within the time interval specified in the nonBlockTimeout field.

Default: N

Control-M BMC Batch Impact Manager parameters

System variables influence the behavior of BMC Batch Impact Manager components and features. The
following table describes the function of each BMC Batch Impact Manager-related system parameter and
lists its default, if one exists.
BMC Batch Impact Manager administrators can change the value of most of these system parameters. If,
however, a system parameter is to be modified only upon instruction of Customer Support, this is noted in
the description of that system parameter.
NOTE: After modifying any of these system parameters, you must stop and restart the BMC Batch Impact
Manager Server.



Manual conditions are conditions that are specified as in conditions for

jobs but will not exist at the time BMC Batch Impact Manager estimates
the completion time of the services and jobs. This may be because:

The job relies on a condition from a previous day.

The job relies on a condition that has to be manually added.

This system parameter determines if, by default, BMC Batch Impact

Manager should assume orphan conditions exist when estimating
completion times.
Valid values:

0- Orphan conditions are not assumed to exist.

1- Orphan conditions are assumed to exist at newday.

2- Orphan conditions are added at the average start time of the first
job waiting for the condition.

Default: 2


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Determines whether the BMC Batch Impact Manager consolidates email

alerts, BMC Remedy ITSM incidents, and shout messages.
Valid values:

0- Disables consolidation.

1- Alerts are consolidated in one line with some exceptions regarding

alerts recorded in separated lines and or with added spaces.

2- Alerts are consolidated with a space between the message text for
each service.

Default: 1


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Allows service report viewing from web for users that are not
Valid values: The number 1
Default: 0


GUI Servers to use in case there is a problem with the primary GUI Server
(as indicated in the Control-M Configuration Manager). The value of this
parameter can be one GUI Server or list of GUI Servers separated by
commas ( , ).
Valid values: String expression.


The user name that BMC Batch Impact Manager uses when connecting to
Valid values: bimuser
Default: bimuser
NOTE: Before changing this value, ensure that the new user name value
already exists in Control-M/EM. (If it does not exist, create it before
changing the value.) The BMC Batch Impact Manager user name is a
hidden user, so if a new user name is indicated here it will also become


Defines the number of days of active conditions BMC Batch Impact

Manager loads for service calculations.
Valid values: The number of days equal to or greater than 1 .
Default: 7 days


The delay, in seconds, BMC Batch Impact Manager waits before

reconnecting to the Control-M/EM GUI Server, if the connection has
Valid values: Any whole number equal to or greater than 1.
Default: 30


Format in which dates are displayed in the BMC Batch Impact Manager
Web Client or by the bim_report utility.
Valid values: DD/MM and MM/DD.
Default: DD/MM


Average run time for jobs with no statistics. In the format HH:MM. This
value is often used if no statistics are available.
Valid values: Time in the format of HH:MM.
Default: 00:05


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Interval at which BMC Batch Impact Manager checks for problems in the
Valid values: Time in the format of HH:MM:SS.
Default: 00:01:00


Valid values: E-mail address from which alerts are being sent.
Default: bim@bmc.com


This value must be set after installation.

Valid values: Name of the e-mail server for alert notifications.
Default: mail


Determines if, by default, BMC Batch Impact Manager should assume all
jobs are confirmed.
Valid values:

0-All jobs are not confirmed.

1-All jobs are confirmed at order time.

2-All jobs are confirmed, each at its own average start time.

Default: 0

Maximum number of times the BMC Batch Impact Manager Server should
reconnect to the Control-M/EM GUI Server, if this connection repeatedly
fails. This parameter is reset by the FailoverMinUptime parameter.
Valid values: Any whole number equal to or greater than 1.
Default: 10


The amount of time that the BMC Batch Impact Manager Server must be
connected to the Control M/EM GUI Server, before the counter used by
the FailoverMaxRetry parameter is reset to zero. For example, if this value
is 30 minutes and the connection has been maintained for more than 30
minutes, the counter is reset.
Valid values: Time in the format of HH:MM:SS
Default: 00:30:00


The field is used to identify a job in Control-M. BMC Batch Impact

Manager uses this parameter when processing the PROBLEMATIC-JOBS
auto edit variable.
Valid Values:


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



1. JOBNAME/MEMNAME- Search according to the name of the job or

the member.

2. JOBNAME- Search according to the name of the job.

3. MEMNAME- Search according to the name of the member.



Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Defines the correction message of a problematic service that has become

Valid values: String expression.


Maximum number of threads for recalculating the status of the service.

Valid values: Any whole number equal to or greater than 1.
Default: 2


Number of days to simulate the running of the services to calculate

estimated end times. Each additional day takes more CPU time during the
calculation process.
Valid values: Any whole number equal to or greater than 1.
Default: 2


Interval at which BMC Batch Impact Manager will check to see if new jobs
have been added to the critical service.
Valid values: Time in the format HH:MM:SS.
Default: 00:01:00


NOTE: Determines the number of days to keep report data in the

database for generating reports about services.If you update this
parameter, you need to update this same parameter with type general.
Valid values: The number of days equal to or greater than 1
Default: 90


Determines whether to send the correction message or not.

Valid values:

0- do not send

1- send

Default: 1 (send)

Interval, in seconds, the simulation advances its calculation of the

estimated end time.
Valid values:

10 seconds


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



20 seconds

30 seconds

60 seconds

Default: 10 seconds

Determines the rate at which the BMC Batch Impact Manager Web Client
is refreshed.
Valid values: Time in the format of HH:MM:SS.
Default: 00:01:00
NOTE: You must log out and in again to the BMC Batch Impact Manager
Web Client for the new value to take effect.

Batch Discovery parameters

The system parameters that are described in this section are added to Control-M Configuration Manager
during the installation of Batch Discovery. Immediately after installation, Batch Discovery is ready to run
without further specification or modification of the system parameters.


IncludeCtmMpmComputerC Provides the option to include the Control-M/Server computers on which

the batch service depends in BMC Atrium CMDB.
Valid values:

0- Control-M/Server computers are not included.

1- Relevant Control-M/Server computers are included.

Default: 0

Control-M Forecast parameters

System variables influence the behavior of Control-M/Forecast components and features. The table
describes the function of each Control-M/Forecast -related system parameter and lists its default, if one
Control-M/Forecast administrators can change the value of most of these system parameters. If, however,
a system parameter is to be modified only upon instruction of Customer Support, this is noted in the
description of that system parameter.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

NOTE: After modifying any of these system parameters, you must stop and restart the Forecast server.
System parameter



Manual conditions are conditions that are specified as in conditions for

jobs but will not exist at the time Control-M/Forecast generates its
forecast. This may be because:

The job relies on a condition from a previous day. (Forecasts are

only generated for a specific day.)

The job relies on a condition that has to be manually added or


This system parameter determines if, by default, Control-M/Forecast

should assume orphan conditions exist when generating forecasts.
Valid values:

0 - orphan conditions are not assumed to exist

1 - orphan conditions are assumed to exist at newday.

2 - orphan conditions are added at the average start time of the

first job waiting for the condition.

Default: 2

Determines whether the drop-down lists of available values are

displayed for fields in the What-If event definition dialog boxes.
Valid values:

0 - drop-down lists are not displayed

1 - drop-down lists are displayed

Default: 1

Average run time for jobs with no statistics. In the format HH:MM.
This value is often used if no statistics are available Default: 00:05


Determines the number of records deleted in one transaction by the

purge_runinfo utility when removing run information from the
RUNINFO_HISTORY table in the Control-M/EM database.
Default: 10000


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

System parameter



Determines if, by default, Control-M/Forecast should assume all jobs

are confirmed.
Valid values:

0 - all jobs are not confirmed

1 - all jobs are confirmed at order time

2 - all jobs are confirmed at the jobs average start time

Default: 0

Defines how many exceptional historical samples should be ignored

when calculating the average runtime for reporting purposes.
Default: 2


Defines the number of runs per day the gateway will keep in the history
table for each job. Default: -1 (No limit
Valid values: Any whole number equal to or greater than 1


Maximum number of jobs that should be retained in memory at a time

on each Control-M/Forecast Server. Control-M/Forecast Server releases
all memory after the forecast is closed in Control-M/Desktop.
Valid values: The number of jobs equal to or greater than 1.
Default: 20,0000
NOTE: This system parameter does not affect forecasts of schedules or

MaxForecastRunningRequests Maximum number of forecast requests that can run simultaneously.

Valid values: The number of forecasts requested equal to or greater
than 1.
Default: 5

Sets the minimum chunk size for jobs when generating the forecast.
Valid values: The number of jobs equal to or greater than 1.
Default: 1000


Number of days to simulate the running of the services to calculate

estimated end times. Each additional day takes more CPU time during
the calculation process.
Valid values: The number of days equal to or greater than 1.
Default: 2


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

System parameter



Sets the number of days that job runtime statistics, which have not
been updated, are retained in the database.
Default: 100 days


Sets the number of minutes between purges of obsolete job runtime

Default: 30 minutes
NOTE: A value of 0 prevents purging.


Sets the number of days historical statistics should be saved for

reporting purposes.
Valid values: The number of days equal to or greater than 1.
Default: 90 days


Maximum size (in KB) of the XML files that hold forecast What-If
Valid values: The number of KB greater than 1.
Default: 64


Interval, in seconds, the simulation advances its calculation of the

estimated end time.
Valid values:


1 - Improves accuracy

10 - Default

60 - Improves performance

If Control-M/Forecast should send updates when loading a forecast.

Valid values:

0 - No

1 - Yes

Default: 1


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

System parameter



Regular expression that identifies Command-type jobs that use

the ctmudly user daily job to order tables. If the command specified in
the Command field in a job editing form matches the expression,
Control-M/Forecast assumes that the job uses ctmudly.
Valid values: <string expression>
Default: ^.*ctmudly[^ ]*
NOTE: The regular expression, ^.*ctmudly[^ ]*, identifies jobs that
call ctmudly, regardless of the specified path or file extension.


Regular expression that identifies Job-type jobs that use a particular

user daily job (usually ctmudly) to order tables. If the name specified
in the File Name field in a job editing form matches the expression,
Control-M/Forecast assumes that the job uses the user daily.
Valid values: <string expression>
Default: ^.*ctmudly.*
NOTE: If you use this system parameter, you must also use
the UserDailyParamNO system parameter so that Control-M/Forecast
can access the name of the user daily.


Numeric suffix of the AutoEdit variable, %%PARAMn, which contains

the name of the user daily. For example, if this system parameter is set
to 2, Control-M/Forecast reads the name of the user daily
from %%PARAM2.
Valid values: Any whole number equal to or greater than 1.
Default: 1


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Control-M Workload Archiving parameters

The following table describes the Control-M Workload Archiving parameters.



Determines the last time the Workload Archiving Server read data
from Control-M/EM.


Determines the number of days to keep Archive data on the

Workload Archiving Server before it is removed.
NOTE: If the value of today's date is bigger than value
of ArchiveLastRead and the number defined for this parameter,
then jobs are not archived and an Xalert is sent.


Defines the name of the Archive user that connects from the
Workload Archiving Server to Control-M/EM.

Control-M/Server parameters
In the CCM, you can change the default component system parameter values of Control-M/Server system
parameters without having to access each individual computer.
Before a modified parameter value can take effect, the component that uses the value needs to be
To define Control-M/Server parameters, see Defining Control-M/Server system parameters (on page 124).

Defining Control-M/Server system parameters

This procedure describes how to define Control-M/Server system parameters in the CCM.

To define Control-M/Server system parameters:

1. From the Components Tree pane, select the Control-M/Server component and from the Home
tab, in the Definitions group, click System Parameters.
The Control-M/Server - System Parameters dialog box appears.
2. From the Control-M/Server drop-down list, select the computer where the Control-M/Server is
3. From the system parameters table, filter for the required parameter from one of the following column



Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Default Value

Refresh Type

4. Double-click the required parameter.

The Update System Parameter dialog box appears.
5. In the Value field, change the value of the parameter, as required, and then click Save.
6. Click Activate Changes.
The Control-M/Server system parameter is defined.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Control-M/Server general parameters

The following table lists the Control-M/Server system parameters. These parameters are assigned default
values during installation. For some of the parameters, you can use the ctmsys utility to change the
parameter value.
Parameter Name


Active Shout Table

Currently active Shout Destination table

Default: SYSTEM
Refresh Type: Automatic

Control-M Date

Date that Control-M/Server regards as the actual working date (Odate)

To determine this date, Control-M/Server uses the operating system date and
the value of the Day Time parameter (listed in this table).
NOTE: The New Day procedure updates this value each time the procedure
Valid Values: dates in the format yyyymmdd (for example, 20080215 for
February 15, 2008)
Default: 00000000 at installation


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Parameter Name


Day Time

Start-of-day time that Control-M uses


This time is when the Control-M date (Odate) changes and the New Day
procedure runs.
Valid Values: either of the following formats (where hh indicates hours
and mm indicates minutes):

+hhmm changes the Control-M date at the specified time after midnight.

-hhmm changes the Control-M date at the specified time before


These values reflect 24-hour time. For example, 2200 is equivalent to 10 P.M.
If you use +0600, the hours between midnight and 6:00 A.M.
are considered part of the previous dates work day. Thus,
system date February 10, 5:59 A.M. is considered part of the
February 9 work day.
If you use -2200, the hours between 10 P.M. and midnight are
considered part of the next dates work day. Thus, at 10:00 P.M.
on system date February 10, the Control-M date changes to
February 11.
Default: +0700
How / where to set: Use the ctmsys utility to change the parameter value.
Refresh Type: Automatic
Executable Path

Location where Control-M/Server expects to find all of its executable

programs (for example, /usr/controlm/ctm_server/exe_Solaris).

Full Security

Whether Control-M operates with a restricted or unrestricted level of security


NOTE: A user for whom one or more authorizations have been assigned in
the security database can perform only the actions for which the user is
specifically authorized.
Y (restricted) means a user who is not defined in the Control-M security
database does not have any application authorizations.
N (unrestricted) means a user who is not defined in the Control-M security
database is regarded as having all application authorizations.
Default: N
Refresh Type: Automatic


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Parameter Name


Ignore New Day

Conditions (C2)

Whether the New Day procedure should ignore prerequisite conditions if their
reference date (day and month) matches the Control-M date + 1.
How / where to set: Use the ctmsys utility to change the parameter value.
Refresh Type: Automatic
Valid values: Y or N
Default: N

Max. Days to Retain

Output Files

Number of days that job OUTPUT files are retained for jobs executed by
agent computers
After this period, the New Day procedure deletes all job OUTPUT files.
This parameter also affects the number of days that old nets are saved. To
view OUTPUT files of jobs in old nets, in some cases OUTPUT files must be
saved for an extra calendar day.
Valid values: Any number greater than 0.
Default: 1
How / where to set: Use the ctmsys utility to change the parameter value.
Refresh Type: Automatic

MAX_GET_HOST_RETRI Number of attempts to get an Agent's network information

Valid values: 1-2048
Default: 5
Maximum Days
Retained by Control-M

The maximum number of days that entries are retained in the Control-M log
before the New Day cleanup procedure deletes them
If this value exceeds 2, the syslogs might run out of space. Either delete the
transaction log or use ALTER DATABASE to increase the size of the segment.
For example, if the data device size is 400 MB and you want to retain history
for 10 days, enlarge the temporary database to 240 MB.
Valid values: Any number greater than 0.
Default: 2
How / where to set: Use the ctmsys utility to change the parameter value.
Refresh Type: Automatic


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Parameter Name


Maximum Retries

The number of times that the Control-M auto-recovery mechanism can

reactivate Control-M/Server processes when a failure occurs
If this number is exceeded, Control-M/Server shuts down.
Valid values: Any number greater than 0.
Default: 10
How / where to set: Use the ctmsys utility to change the parameter value.

Secure Sockets Layer

Handshake protocol for communications between Control-M/Server and

Control-M/EM, and between Control-M/Server and Control-M/Agent.
Valid Values:

INACTIVEControl-M/Server works in non-SSL mode. If

Control-M/Agent is in SSL mode, the server tries to switch that agent to
non-SSL mode.

DISABLEDControl-M/Server works in non-SSL mode. If

Control-M/Agent is in SSL mode, the server does not try to switch that
agent to non-SSL mode.

ENABLEDControl-M/Server works in SSL mode.

Default: Disabled
How / where to set: In the Control-M Main Menu, choose Parameter
Customization => System Parameters and Shout Destination
Tables => System Parameters => Next Page => Secure Sockets
Layer. The parameter that is updated is the
Refresh Type: manual
Start Day of the Week

Day on which the work week starts at your site

NOTE: This parameter affects the Weekdays job processing parameter.
Valid Values: 0 (Saturday) through 6 (Friday)
Default: 2 (Monday)
How / where to set: Use the ctmsys utility to change the parameter value.
Refresh Type: Automatic


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Parameter Name



Whether job statistics should be written to the Control-M/Server database

Y tells Control-M to record job statistics.
N tells Control-M not to record job statistics.
Default: Y
How / where to set: Use the ctmsys utility to change the parameter value.
Refresh Type: Automatic


Determines which email addresses receive notifications about events.

The e-mails are sent using the SMTP parameters, as described in E-mail
configuration parameters (on page 175).


Determines which email addresses receive notifications about events.

The e-mails are sent using the SMTP parameters, as described in E-mail
configuration parameters (on page 175).


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Control-M/Server Agent deployment parameters

The following table describes Agent deployment parameters.



Determines the number of seconds for the upgrade or

downgrade to complete before a timeout.
Default: 3600


Determines the number of seconds to wait to retrieve

output information from the Control-M/Agent to display
in the Control-M/Agent upgrade/downgrade log before a
Default: 60


Determines the number of seconds to wait for jobs to

complete prior to deployment before a timeout occurs.
NOTE: This parameter is only relevant for
Control/Agents that do not support upgrade with no
Default: 600


Determines the maximum bandwidth (KB/second) limit to

transfer the installation packages from Control-M/Server
to Control-M/Agent.
Default: 1024


Determines the maximum number of upgrade or

downgrade processes that can run simultaneously.
Default: 5


Determines the minimum number of MB required in the

Control-M/Agent computer for Agent Deploy.
Default: 2048


Determines the number of days that the installation

package is saved in the Control-M/Server cache.
Valid Values:

0: Never remove


Default: 30


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

High Availability parameters

The following table describes Control-M/Server High Availability system parameters.



Determines the maximum time to wait for a response from the

database server. If the maximum time has passed, and there is no
response, it is considered a failure.


Determines the number of consecutive life check requests to the

database server without getting a response.


(PostgreSQL only) Determines the number of unsuccessful

attempts that Configuration Agent tries to start up the database

HA_DB_TIME_BETWEEN_LIFECH Determines the number of seconds to wait between sending life

check requests to the database server.

(PostgreSQL only) Determines the number of seconds to wait after

the Configuration Agent started up the database server.


Determines the maximum number of seconds to wait for a life

check response before a timeout.


Determines the number of consecutive failed life check requests

between the the Configuration Agent and Control-M/Server before
the Configuration Agent tries to start it up.


Determines the number of unsuccessful attempts that SU process

tries to start up a process and then crashes before shutting down

HA_TIME_BETWEEN_LIFECHECK Determines the number of seconds to wait between sending life

check requests to the primary Configuration Agent.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



HA_TIME_TO_WAIT_AFTER_STA Determines the number of seconds to wait after the Configuration

Agent started up a component.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Communication parameters
The following table list the Control-M/Server communication parameters.


Agent-to-Server Port

The listening port number of the NS process (not to be used for any other
purpose in the server computer). Control-M/Server communicates with
Control-M/Agent using two TCP/IP ports. CTMS_PORT_NUM specifies the port
for data flowing from Control-M/Server to Control-M/Agent. The other port is
specified using Server-to-Agent Port Number parameter.
NOTE: This number must match the value assigned to the Agent-to-Server
Port Number parameter on the agent computer.
Valid Values: 102465534
Default: 7005 (On UNIX, the default value is overridden, using the value
given during installation.)
How / where to set: In the Control-M Main Menu, choose Parameter
Customization => Basic Communication and Operational
Parameters => Agent to Server Port.
Refresh Type: Recycle

Communication Protocol Protocol used to communicate with the agent computers. (The protocol
specified here must be the same as that specified on the agent computer.)
Valid Values: TCP
Default: TCP It is recommended that you use TCP when there are many jobs
running simultaneously reporting to Control-M/Server.
Refresh Type: Recycle
Inter Process
The listening port number of the RT process.
Communication (IPC)
Valid Values: 102532767
Port Number
(CTM_RT_PORT_NUMBE Default: 6005
How / where to set: In the Control-M Main Menu, choose Parameter
Customization => Basic Communication and Operational
Parameters => IPC Port.
Refresh Type: Recycle


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



Local IP Host Interface


Host interface name of the TCP/IP network interface card on the server
computer to use for communication with Control-M/EM.
This name is typically the host name of the server computer. You should
modify this parameter only if the server computer contains more than one
network interface card (for example, Ethernet and Token-Ring).
Valid Values: host name, or host IP address (for example,
Default: the default host interface name defined in the server computer
operating environment.

Configuration Agent

Port number for the Control-M/Server Configuration Agent.

Valid Values: 102532767
Default: 2369
Refresh Type: Recycle

CMN_PRM_CD_MAX_SE Maximum number of requests (originating from CONTROL-M/EM gateways)

that Control-M/Server can queue.
Valid Values: 6032000
Default: 60
How / where to set:
Refresh Type:

Whether the Heartbeat monitor operates in active or passive mode.

Valid Values: Y (for active) or N (for passive)
Default: Y
Refresh Type: Recycle


Time in seconds between heartbeat checks.

Valid Values: 12^31 (integer)
Default: 300
Refresh Type: Recycle


Time in seconds to wait for a confirmation from Control-M/EM.

If confirmation does not arrive, a timeout is generated and the connection is
Valid Values: any integer
Default: 300
Refresh Type: Recycle


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



CTM_VARIABLE_SHOUT Enables alerts to be sent when variables have not been resolved during job
_ON_ ERROR_URGENCY submission. You can set this parameter in the config.dat file.
The format for the parameter is:
Valid values:

N Do not send alert

R Regular (default value)

U Urgent

V Very urgent

For changes to take effect, restart Control-M/Server or run the following

ctmipc -dest ALL -msgid CFG

Communication timeout in seconds.

Valid Values: 102^31
Default: 60 (seconds)
How / where to set: In the Control-M Main Menu, choose Parameter
Customization => Default Parameters for Communicating with
Agent Platforms => Communication Timeout.
Refresh Type: Recycle


Communication retry value.

Valid Values: 12^31 (seconds)
Default: 5
How / where to set: In the Control-M Main Menu, choose Parameter
Customization => Default Parameters for Communicating with
Agent Platforms => Maximum Retries.
Refresh Type: Recycle


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Determines whether to enable IPV6.

Valid Values:


DUAL (Enables IPV6)

Default: IPV4
How / where to set: In the config.dat file of Control-M/Server and
the CONFIG.dat file of Control-M/Agent, set the IPV_MODE parameter
to DUAL and then restart both Control-M/Server and Control-M/Agent.
NOTE: If Control-M/Server and/or Control-M/Agent.are installed on AIX,
verify that the fix for APAR IV23320 is installed.
If you want to enable IPV6 before installation, see Setting environment
variables in UNIX.

Used in various ways, for example, the name of the server to be sent to the
Agent, for later comparison with the Agent's permitted server list.
Valid Values: 50 characters
Default: gethostname
How / where to set:
(UNIX) In the Control-M Main Menu, choose Parameter Customization =>
Basic Communication and Operational Parameters => Local IP host
interface name.
Refresh Type: Recycle


Enables you to define an IP address for Server to Agent connections.

Valid Values: IP address or hostname
Default: hostname
Refresh Type: Recycle


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Operational parameters
The following table lists the general Control-M/Server operational parameters.


The port number that Control-M/Server uses to listen for communication from
TCP/IP Port Number Control-M/EM. Verify that the port number is not used for any other purpose on the
(GATEWAY_TO_SER server computer.
Valid values: between 1025 and 32767 inclusive.
Default: 2370
Refresh Type: Recycle
Maximum Job State

Number of job state changes retained by Control-M/Server in the event

communication with Control-M/EM is interrupted. If the number of job state
changes that occur exceeds the value specified for this parameter, Control-M/Server
will initiate a download when communication with Control-M/EM is resumed.
Valid values: 50-5001
Default: 1000

Maximum Server

Maximum number of communication server (CS) processes that communicate with

the Control-M/Server gateway process concurrently.
Valid values: 1-1000
Default: 6

Minimum Server

Minimum number of communication server (CS) processes that communicate with

the Control-M/Server gateway process concurrently.
Valid Values: 1-1000
Default: 3

Number of Tracker
This parameter determines the number of worker threads available for the tracker
Worker Threads
process at startup.
Valid values: 1100
Default: 5
Refresh Type: Recycle (by shutting down the Control-M/Server and then
re-starting it)


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



Maximum Number
of Tracker Worker

Determines the maximum number of worker threads that the tracker can create.
Valid values:
Maximum: 100
Default: 20
Refresh Type: Recycle (by shutting down the Control-M/Server and then
re-starting it)

Statistics Mode

Mode used by the ctmjsa utility to collect summary statistics. JOBNAME compiles
statistics for each Control-M Job Name/Table and Host ID where the job was
submitted. MEMNAME compiles statistics for each Control-M Mem Name/Mem Lib
and Host ID.
Valid values: MEMNAME, JOBNAME
Default: MEMNAME
Refresh Type: Manual

Agent communication parameters

The following table lists the Control-M/Server parameters for communicating with agent computers.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

The values specified for these parameters are used as the default values for communication with each
agent computer. You can change values for specific agent computers individually.


Allow Agent

Set the ALLOW_ AG_DISCONNECTION parameter to determine if the current

connection to this AGT can be disconnected when
Valid Values: Y and N
Default: Y

Check Interval

Interval (in seconds) between status checks for each Control-M/Agent that
communicates with Control-M/Server.
Valid Values: 30-65534
Default: 7200 (2 hours)

Communication Protocol

Version of Control-M/Agent.
Valid values:

06 6.1.0x and 6.2.0x

07 6.3.0x

09 - 6.4.0x

Default: 09
Communication Timeout

Maximum length of time (in seconds) that Control-M/Server should spend

attempting to communicate with an agent computer before assigning it
Unavailable status.
During this time, Control-M/Server attempts to communicate with the agent
computer x times, where x is the value specified by parameter Maximum
EXAMPLE:If the value of Communication Timeout is 120 and Maximum
Retries is 12, Control-M/Server attempts to communicate with the
agent computer once every 10 seconds (120/12) during the
timeout period.
Valid Values: 30-65534
Default: 120


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



Maximum Concurrent
Indicates the maximum number of concurrent sessions that the NS process
will hold.
Once the maximum of the MAX_CONCURRENT_SESSIONS parameter is
reached, the session with the maximum idle time will be terminated in order
to open a new connection. If this agent connection is marked as not allowed
to be disconnected (see the ALLOW_ AG_DISCONNECTION parameter) then
the next one in line will be disconnected.
Valid Values: All integers in the range of 16 to the maximum available
according to the operating system.
Default: 256
Maximum Disconnect

Sets the maximum time in which the NS allows an agent to be disconnected

before it will initiate a session with it (although there's nothing to submit to
it). The MAX_DISCONNECT_TIME parameter is relevant only if the
ALLOW_COMM_INIT parameter on the agent is set to NO.
Valid Values: integers in the range 30 - 86400 (in seconds)
Default: 300

Maximum Retries

Number of communication retries to attempt in the period of time specified

before assigning the Unavailable status to an agent computer.
Valid Values: 1-100
Default: 12

Persistent Connection
Indicates the persistent connection setting. Set the
(PERSISTENT_CONNECTI PERSISTENT_CONNECTION parameter to connect to a specific agent with
either a persistent or transient connection.
When Persistent Connection is set to Y (for example, with an agent
version 6.2.01), the NS process creates a persistent connection with the agent
and manages the session with this agent. If the connection is broken with an
agent or NS is unable to connect with an agent, the agent is marked
as Unavailable. When the connection with the agent is resumed, the NS
recreates a persistent connection with the agent and marks the agent
as Available.
Valid Values: Y or N
Default: N for a new agent installation and N for an agent that is known to
Control-M/Server before upgrading to version 6.2.01 and above.
Polling Interval

Time interval (in seconds) between requests from Control-M/Server for status
updates from agent computers that are executing jobs.
Valid Values: 60-65534
Default: 900


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



Retry Interval

Length of time to wait (in seconds) between attempts to communicate with

an agent computer whose status is Unavailable.
Valid Values: 30-65534
Default: 90

Server-to-Agent Port

Port number in the agent computer through which data is received from the
server computer. The value assigned to this parameter must correspond to
the value assigned to the Server-to-Agent Port Number field in the
Configuration file on the corresponding agent computer.
Valid Values: 1024-65534
Default: 7006
Refresh Type: Recycle

Session Idle Timeout

Indicates the maximum time a session can be in idle before NS terminates it.
Valid Values: integers in the range 30 - 86400 (in seconds)
Default: 900
Unavailability Shout

Indicates messages with a high priority sent from an agent

assigned Unavailable status. Urgent message are sent with a special
indication so that the recipient of the message is aware of the urgency.
Valid values: R, U, or V
Default: R


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Configuration parameters
The following table describes the parameters in the Control-M/Server configuration parameter file
(<controlm_owner>/ctm_server/data/config.dat on the server computer).



Specifies whether the New Day procedure sends a request to Control-M/Agents

to remove OUTPUT files and exit status files that are no longer needed.
Valid values: Y, N

YThe New Day procedure sends a request to Control-M/Agents to remove

OUTPUT files and exit status files that are no longer needed.

N The New Day procedure does not send a request to the

Control-M/Agents to remove OUTPUT files and exit status files that are no
longer needed.

NOTE: You can speed up the New Day procedure by specifying N for this
parameter and running the ctmagcln utility. For more information, see Control-M
Default: Y
Refresh Type: Recycle

Logical name of the Shout destination for critical Alert messages.

Valid values:

EMControl-M/EM GUI

IOALOGControl-M IOALOG files

CONSOLEServer console

Default: EM
Refresh Type: Manual


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



CTM_ADJUST_COND_S For jobs in the SMART Folder, determines conditions of which unscheduled
predecessor jobs to ignore.
Valid values:

AJF Ignore predecessor jobs in the Active Jobs level. When selected, jobs
in the SMART Folder ignore conditions set by jobs in Active Jobs that are
not scheduled.

GROUP Ignore predecessor jobs in the group level. When selected, jobs
in the SMART Folder ignore conditions set by jobs in the SMART Folder that
are not scheduled. Default.

NOTE: This parameter is relevant only when ADJUST_COND is set to Y. For

more information, see ADJUST_COND in Control-M Parameter.
Default: GROUP
Refresh Type: Manual

Enables user-defined variables to contain the - (hyphen) character.

Valid values: N, Y
Default: N
Refresh Type: Manual
NOTE: If a job has an variable that includes a hyphen in the variable name, it
will fail when submitted to an agent that is running on UNIX.

CTM_CONFIG_AGENT_ The Control-M/Server Configuration Agent issues the following message when
AGENT_UNAVAIL_THR the number of unavailable agents is equal to or greater than the threshold:
Some of the Control-M/Agents are unavailable.
Valid values: 12^31
Default: 1
Refresh Type: Manual


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



CTM_CONFIG_AGENT_ Specifies the Control-M/Server Configuration Agent debug level.

Valid values: 0 5 (where 0 means only critical messages are displayed)
Default: 0
How / where to set: In the Control-M Main Menu,
choose Troubleshooting => Set Diagnostics Level.
Refresh Type: Automatic

CTM_CONFIG_AGENT_ Frequency, in hours, with which Control-M/Server will retrieve operating system,
GET_HOSTNAME_INTE platform, and Agent version information from Control-M/Agents and remote
hosts so that the updated information is available to the end user from the CCM.
Default: 24 (hours)
CTM_CONFIG_AGENT_ For Control-M/Agents and remote hosts for which Control-M/Server has not
INITIAL_GET_HOSTNA previously identified the operating system and Agent version, the frequency, in
minutes, with which Control-M/Server will try to retrieve that information so that
it is available to the end user via CCM.
Default: 5 (minutes)
CTM_CONFIG_AGENT_ Determines the mode of the Control-M/Server Configuration Agent.
Valid values:

0 (OFF_MODE): Disable Configuration Agent process, no communication

with CMS is allowed.

1 (READ_MODE): Only life check and information requests are honored, any
modifying request is rejected.

2 (ALL_MODE) Any CMS request is honored.

Default: 2
Refresh Type: Recycle


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



CTM_CONFIG_AGENT_ Specifies the Control-M/Server Configuration Agent module level.

Valid values:

0All components.

1Common functionality flow. Default.

2Event manager.

3Database layer.

Default: 1
How / where to set: In the Control-M Main Menu,
choose Troubleshooting => Set Diagnostics Level.
Refresh Type: Automatic
CTM_CONFIG_AGENT_ The Control-M/Server Configuration Agent listening port number.
Valid values: 102532767
Default: 2369
How / where to set: In the Control-M Main Menu, choose Parameter
Customization => Basic Communication and Operational
Parameters => Configuration agent Port.
Refresh Type: Recycle


Timeout value for long New Day database transactions.

Valid values: 3003600 (seconds)
Default: 300 (seconds)
Refresh Type: Recycle


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Indicates if job with a time zone specified should be ordered according to the
current Odate, or tomorrows Odate.
Valid values:

Y During the New Day Procedure, jobs with a specified time zone are
ordered only if they are scheduled for tomorrows Odate.

N During the New Day Procedure, jobs with a specified time zone are
ordered only if they are scheduled for the current Odate.

Default: Y
Refresh Type: Recycle


Indicates if group conditions should be checked for each job in a Group

Scheduling folder after the groups conditions have been satisfied.
Valid values:

Ngroup conditions are ignored when ordering specific jobs in a group.

Ygroup conditions are checked for each job in the group (in addition to
conditions specified for the job).

NOTE: If N is specified for this parameter, groups are activated when the
necessary conditions exist, and remain active regardless of whether or not any
of those conditions are deleted.
Default: N
Refresh Type: Manual


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



CTM_MULTIP_LIB_REP Indicates if AutoEdit variable %%MEMLIB overrides the MEMLIB value for all
jobs in a folder with a command such as:
ctmorder -schedtab test2...-jobname "*" -autoedit %%MEMLIB d:/testdir
If you use the same command for a specific jobname, this parameter is ignored.
Valid values: Y, N
Default: N
Refresh Type: Manual


During New Day or Download of Active Jobs to Control-M/EM,

the ctmcreate, ctmudly, ctmorder utilities and ctmac and CS processes are
suspended (when trying to order). They stay suspended until the Download or
New Day is completed. This parameter indicates the maximum number of times
to wait, where each time is configured, in seconds, by the parameter
Valid values: 1120 (times)
Default: 30
Refresh Type: Manual


Indicates whether Single (S) or Multiple (M) variable format is used for SNMP
traps. For more information, see the description of the ctm2snmp utility
in Control-M Utilities.
Valid values: S, M
Default: S
Refresh Type: Automatic


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



CTM_SUS_SLEEP_TIME During New Day or Download of Active Jobs to Control-M/EM,

the ctmcreate, ctmudly, and ctmorder utilities and the ctmac and CS
processes are suspended (when trying to order). They stay suspended until the
Download or New Day is complete. This parameter indicates the specified
number of seconds to wait before initiating a download or the New Day
Valid values: 1180 (seconds)
Default: 60 (seconds)
Refresh Type: Manual


After all processes are suspended, the CD process waits the specified number of
seconds before initiating a download or the New Day procedure.


Controls creation of dummy jobs that run in place of unscheduled prerequisite

Valid values:

YA dummy job waits for the prerequisite conditions expected by the job it
is replacing, and performs the post processing of the job. When a SMART
Folder is ordered, jobs in the folder that should not be ordered at this time
are ordered as DUMMY jobs. This functionality is useful for data centers that
require identical job flow regardless of whether certain jobs in a folder are
ordered for a specific instance of the folder.

NOut conditions of the jobs that were not ordered are ignored by the
ordered jobs in the SMART Folder.

NOTE: This parameter is relevant only when ADJUST_COND is set to Y. For

more information, see ADJUST_COND in Control-M Workload Automation


Default: N
Refresh Type: Manual


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



CTM_FOLDER_RECHEC Indicates if SMART Folder or Sub-folder conditions should be checked for each
job in a SMART Folder or Sub-folder after the SMART Folder or Sub-folder
conditions have been satisfied.
Valid values:

N SMART Folder or Sub-folder conditions are ignored when ordering

specific jobs in a folder.

Y SMART Folder or Sub-folder conditions are checked for each job in the
folder (in addition to conditions specified for the job).

NOTE: If N is specified for this parameter, SMART Folders or Sub-folders are

activated when the necessary conditions exist, and remain active regardless of
whether or not any of those conditions are deleted.
Default: N
Refresh Type: Manual


Indicates if job run time is adjusted to time zone.

Valid values:

N the Next Run time of a job is in local computer time, not adjusted to
time zone.

Y the Next Run time of a job is adjusted to the correct time zone.

Default: N
Refresh Type: Manual


[UNIX only] When CTM_WD_ENABLE is set to YES, the utility init_prflag creates
a prflag file for the WD process.
Valid values: YES, NO
Default: YES
How / where to set:
Refresh Type:


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



CTM_WRITE_CONSOLE If this parameter is set, critical alerts are sent to the console of the server in
addition to being sent as Shout messages to Control-M/EM.
Valid values: YES, NO
Default: NO
Refresh Type: Recycle


When set to Y, the use of the ctmlog utility for delete operation to Control-M is
restricted. Administrator only.
Valid values: Y, N
Default: N
Refresh Type: Automatic


The default action of the utility is to order, not force, jobs in Active Jobs. This
action can be modified by adding keyword Force to the command that invokes
the utility. To change the default to force, set this parameter to Y.
Valid values: Y, N
Default: N
Refresh Type: Automatic


Indicates when cyclic jobs, that have previously executed at least once, are
removed from Active Jobs by the New Day procedure.
Valid values:

KEEP each job is removed when MAXWAIT days have passed regardless
of whether it ended OK.

NOT_KEEP each job (non-cyclic and cyclic) is removed from Active Jobs
at the next run of the New Day procedure. Cyclic jobs are not removed if
they are executing when the New Day procedure begins. Instead, they are
removed at the run of the following New Day procedure.

Default: KEEP
Refresh Type: Recycle


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




If a cyclic job ends NOTOK and this parameter is set to OK, the cyclic job will
be rerun. If set to NOTOK, the job will not be rerun.
Valid values: OK, NOTOK
Default: OK
Refresh Type: Manual

DO_NOT_COPY_LOG_T This parameter improves the performance of initialize mirroring. When set
to YES, the Control-M/Server log is truncated on the secondary database when
mirroring is initialized. When restoring from the mirror, the log is truncated in
the primary database. Control-M/Server log is not copied during initializing or
restoring from mirroring.
Valid values: YES, NO
Default: NO
Refresh Type: Automatic


Determines the kind of message to be inserted into the CMR_IOALOG folder

during the New Day procedure, if any. Valid values are:

1 Deleted job messages only.

2 Carried job messages only. Insert a message upon every job that is
carried on to the next day. Since fewer jobs are carried on, fewer records
will be inserted into the IOALOG.

3 Both types of messages.

4 Nothing at all. (Default).

NEW_DAY_ASYNC_SP_ Improves the performance of initialize mirroring.

Valid values:

Ythe cleanup is performed in an asynchronous way.

Nthe cleanup is performed sequentially.

Default: Y
This parameter needs to be in .cshrc file.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



NOT_ORDERED_JOB_A Type of Alert message to send to Control-M/EM when a job is not ordered due
to scheduling criteria.
Valid values:

0 One General Alert per User Daily: ONE OR MORE JOBS IN DAILY
<daily_name> WERE NOT ORDERED

1 One Alert message per job: DAILY <daily_name> FAILED TO ORDER

JOBNAME <jobname>

2 Do not issue Alert messages

Default: 0
Refresh Type: Recycle

OUTPUT_HANDLING_S Indicates how the OUTPUT for a job will be handled. Valid values are:
None (default)




Very Urgent

Maximum OUTPUT size that can be viewed by the output command from
Control-M/Server and Control-M/EM. The value is set in Kilobytes.
If a OUTPUT file exceeds the value specified by the OUTPUT_LIMIT_SIZE
configuration parameter, it cannot be viewed from Control-M/Server or
Control-M/EM, and the following message is displayed:
Valid values: 02^31
Default: 0 (unlimited)
Refresh Type: Manual


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Specifies the maximum number of characters for a OUTPUT file line.

Valid values: 80132 characters
Default: 80
Refresh Type: Manual

RUNINF_CUTOFF_NUM Affects the statistics cleanup algorithm that is performed during New Day when
the RUNINF_PURGE_MODE is set to 0 (default). If the number of records to be
deleted from the table is less than the value of this parameter, then records are
deleted directly from the statistics table. Otherwise a temporary table is used to
delete the records.
Valid values: 0 - 65K
Default: 2000
Refresh Type: Recycle

RUNINF_CUTOFF_RATI Affects the statistics cleanup algorithm that is performed during New Day when
the RUNINF_PURGE_MODE is set to 0. If the ratio between the number of
records to be deleted and the number of records in the table is less than the
value of this parameter, then records are deleted directly from the statistics
table. Otherwise a temporary table is used to delete the records.
Valid values: decimal fraction between 01
Default: 0.33
Refresh Type: Recycle


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Number of Run Information records to keep for a

given MemName/MemLib/HostID. If RUNINF_PURGE_MODE is 0, the
New Day Procedure deletes all Run Information records for each unique name
except the last n records, where n is the value of this parameter.
Valid values: 12^31
Default: 20
Refresh Type: Recycle


Valid values: 0, 1
0 Performs -PURGE cleanup. Statistics records per job are kept according to
the specified Statistics Mode (either MEMNAME or JOBNAME). Default: 20
records of each MEMNAME or JOBNAME are kept.
If the RUNINF_PURGE_LIMIT in the config.dat is specified, the number of
records that are kept is determined by this parameter.
1 Performs -DELETE cleanup. Only the amount of days that are specified are
kept. Default: The number of days kept is specified by the How Many Days to
Retain ioalog parameter.
If the RUNINF_PURGE_LIMIT in the config.dat is specified, the number of days
that are kept is determined by this parameter.
Default: 0
Refresh Type: Recycle


When DAYS is >n, or <n, should we order the job on the next (>n), or previous
(<n) working day, if n is a non-existing day for the specific month? If the
parameter is set to Y, then we should order the job.
Valid values: N, Y
Default: N
Refresh Type: Manual


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Specifies mode used to collect summary statistics by ctmjsa. In addition it is

used for actions on statistics such as average and deletion.
Valid values:

JOBNAME compiles statistics for each Control-M Job Name/Table and

Host ID where the job was submitted

MEMNAME compiles statistics for each Control-M Mem Name/Mem Lib

and Host ID

Default: MEMNAME
Refresh Type: Recycle


Specifies whether the statistics cleanup action is executed during the New Day
Valid values:

YThe statistics cleanup action is executed during New Day procedure.

NThe statistics cleanup action is not executed during New Day procedure.

Note: You can speed up the New Day procedure by specifying N for this
parameter and running ctmruninf -PURGE.
Default: Y
Refresh Type: Recycle


For statistics calculation, indicates how the START TIME and END TIME for a job
should be set.
Valid values:

SERVER START TIME and END TIME are set by Control-M/Server.

AGENT START TIME and END TIME are set using information received
from the Control-M/Agent.

Default: SERVER
Refresh Type: Manual


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Specifies the number of seconds preceding launch of the NewDay procedure

during which jobs are not submitted.
Valid values: 03600 (seconds)
Default: 2 (seconds)
Refresh Type: Manual

UDLY_PARTCOPY_ERR Error code returned by ctmudly utility if one or more jobs in a folder are not
ordered by a User Daily job (due to scheduling criteria or security settings).
Valid values:

0 User Daily job ends with an exit code of 0 even if not all jobs are

1 User Daily job ends with an exit code of 14 if not all jobs are ordered.

Default: 0
Refresh Type: Automatic


{300 14400}
Timeout value (in seconds) for long database transactions performed by
utilities. Currently this parameter is implemented for the ctmldnrs utility.
Default: 300


Indicates which variables are sent to the agent for each submitted job.
Valid values:

SYSTEMAll the variables for each submitted job are sent to the agent.
These include System, Global, Group, and Local variables.

GLOBALGlobal, Group, and Local variables are sent to the agent for each
submitted job. System variables are not sent.

GROUPGroup and Local variables are sent to the agent for each
submitted job. System and Global variables are not sent.

LOCALOnly Local variables are sent to the agent.

Default: LOCAL
Refresh Type: Manual


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Determines how to notify the user when a condition contains PREV that can't be
calculated and is calculated as ODAT -1:
Valid values:

DO_NOTHING: A notification is not sent to the user.

WARN: A warning is logged in the CMR_IOALOG table and an alert is sent

to Control-M/EM.

WARN_AND_CONFIRM: A warning is logged in the CMR_IOALOG table,

an alert is sent to Control-M/EM, and the job state changes to Wait



Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Scheduling and execution parameters

The following table describes scheduling and execution parameters.



When there is no current Control-M/EM session, Control-M accumulates

database updates before downloading them to Control-M/EM. CD_MAX_DBU
determines the maximum number of updates to accumulate before requesting a
Valid Values: 1002^31
Default: 1000
How / where to set: In the Control-M Main Menu, choose Parameter
Customization => Advanced Communication and Operational
Parameters => Maximum Job State Changes.
Refresh Type: Manual

CTM_ADJUST_COND_S For jobs in the SMART Folder, determines conditions of which unscheduled
predecessor jobs to ignore.
Valid values:

AJF Ignore predecessor jobs in the Active Jobs level. When selected, jobs
in the SMART Folder ignore conditions set by jobs in Active Jobs that are
not scheduled.

GROUP Ignore predecessor jobs in the group level. When selected, jobs
in the SMART Folder ignore conditions set by jobs in the SMART Folder that
are not scheduled. Default.

NOTE: This parameter is relevant only when ADJUST_COND is set to Y. For

more information, see ADJUST_COND in Control-M Parameter.
Default: GROUP
Refresh Type: Manual

Enables user-defined variables to contain the - (hyphen) character.

Valid values: N, Y
Default: N
Refresh Type: Manual
NOTE: If a job has an variable that includes a hyphen in the variable name, it
will fail when submitted to an agent that is running on UNIX.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Indicates if job with a time zone specified should be ordered according to the
current Odate, or tomorrows Odate.
Valid values:

Y During the New Day Procedure, jobs with a specified time zone are
ordered only if they are scheduled for tomorrows Odate.

N During the New Day Procedure, jobs with a specified time zone are
ordered only if they are scheduled for the current Odate.

Default: Y
Refresh Type: Recycle

CTM_MULTIP_LIB_REP Indicates if AutoEdit variable %%MEMLIB overrides the MEMLIB value for all
jobs in a folder with a command such as:
ctmorder -schedtab test2...-jobname "*" -autoedit %%MEMLIB d:/testdir
If you use the same command for a specific jobname, this parameter is ignored.
Valid values: Y, N
Default: N
Refresh Type: Manual


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Controls creation of dummy jobs that run in place of unscheduled prerequisite

Valid values:

YA dummy job waits for the prerequisite conditions expected by the job it
is replacing, and performs the post processing of the job. When a SMART
Folder is ordered, jobs in the folder that should not be ordered at this time
are ordered as DUMMY jobs. This functionality is useful for data centers that
require identical job flow regardless of whether certain jobs in a folder are
ordered for a specific instance of the folder.

NOut conditions of the jobs that were not ordered are ignored by the
ordered jobs in the SMART Folder.

NOTE: This parameter is relevant only when ADJUST_COND is set to Y. For

more information, see ADJUST_COND in Control-M Workload Automation


Default: N
Refresh Type: Manual

CTM_FOLDER_RECHEC Indicates if SMART Folder or Sub-folder conditions should be checked for each
job in a SMART Folder or Sub-folder after the SMART Folder or Sub-folder
conditions have been satisfied.
Valid values:

N SMART Folder or Sub-folder conditions are ignored when ordering

specific jobs in a folder.

Y SMART Folder or Sub-folder conditions are checked for each job in the
folder (in addition to conditions specified for the job).

NOTE: If N is specified for this parameter, SMART Folders or Sub-folders are

activated when the necessary conditions exist, and remain active regardless of
whether or not any of those conditions are deleted.
Default: N
Refresh Type: Manual


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




The default action of the utility is to order, not force, jobs in Active Jobs. This
action can be modified by adding keyword Force to the command that invokes
the utility. To change the default to force, set this parameter to Y.
Valid values: Y, N
Default: N
Refresh Type: Automatic


Indicates when cyclic jobs, that have previously executed at least once, are
removed from Active Jobs by the New Day procedure.
Valid values:

KEEP each job is removed when MAXWAIT days have passed regardless
of whether it ended OK.

NOT_KEEP each job (non-cyclic and cyclic) is removed from Active Jobs
at the next run of the New Day procedure. Cyclic jobs are not removed if
they are executing when the New Day procedure begins. Instead, they are
removed at the run of the following New Day procedure.

Default: KEEP
Refresh Type: Recycle


If a cyclic job ends NOTOK and this parameter is set to OK, the cyclic job will
be rerun. If set to NOTOK, the job will not be rerun.
Valid values: OK, NOTOK
Default: OK
Refresh Type: Manual

HOST_AUTODISCOVER Determines whether a Control-M/Agent is automatically discovered using an

unfamiliar host.
Valid values:

Default: Y


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



NOT_ORDERED_JOB_A Type of Alert message to send to Control-M/EM when a job is not ordered due
to scheduling criteria.
Valid values:

0 One General Alert per User Daily: ONE OR MORE JOBS IN DAILY
<daily_name> WERE NOT ORDERED

1 One Alert message per job: DAILY <daily_name> FAILED TO ORDER

JOBNAME <jobname>

2 Do not issue Alert messages

Default: 0
Refresh Type: Recycle


When DAYS is >n, or <n, should we order the job on the next (>n), or previous
(<n) working day, if n is a non-existing day for the specific month? If the
parameter is set to Y, then we should order the job.
Valid values: N, Y
Default: N
Refresh Type: Manual

UDLY_PARTCOPY_ERR Error code returned by ctmudly utility if one or more jobs in a folder are not
ordered by a User Daily job (due to scheduling criteria or security settings).
Valid values:

0 User Daily job ends with an exit code of 0 even if not all jobs are

1 User Daily job ends with an exit code of 14 if not all jobs are ordered.

Default: 0
Refresh Type: Automatic


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Indicates which variables are sent to the agent for each submitted job.
Valid values:

SYSTEMAll the variables for each submitted job are sent to the agent.
These include System, Global, Group, and Local variables.

GLOBALGlobal, Group, and Local variables are sent to the agent for each
submitted job. System variables are not sent.

GROUPGroup and Local variables are sent to the agent for each
submitted job. System and Global variables are not sent.

LOCALOnly Local variables are sent to the agent.

Default: LOCAL
Refresh Type: Manual

Database parameters
Database configuration parameters are specified during installation, before the Control-M/Server database
is created. You can subsequently change these parameters and rebuild the Control-M/Server database by
using the Database Menu menu for PostgreSQL, MSSQL, and Oracle.
UNIX: System paths or raw partitions for the data and log files must be unique (MSSQL and PostgreSQL).
You must create this location prior to installing the Control-M/Server mirror database and the location
must be empty.
The following lists configuration parameters for the following databases:

Oracle parameters (on page 165)

MSSQL parameters (on page 167)

PostgreSQL parameters (on page 169)


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Oracle parameters
The following table lists the Control-M/Server database parameters for the Oracle environment.


Control-M Database
Instance name

Defines the name of the Oracle SQL server (1 to 8 characters, alphabetic plus "_")

Control-M INDEX
tablespace file location

Defines the full path name to the Control-M INDEX tablespace file

Control-M INDEX
tablespace size

Default: ctrlm

Default: /<controlm_home_dir>/oracle/oradata/ctrlm/indx01.dbf
Defines the size of the Control-M INDEX tablespace file
Default: 50 MB

Control-M Listener port Defines the TCP/IP port for communication between Control-M and Oracle SQL
Server. The port must be dedicated to this purpose. Choose a number in the range
1024 to 65534 inclusive.
Default: 1521
Refresh Type: Recycle
Control-M RBS
(Rollback Segment)
tablespace file location

Defines the full path name to the Control-M RBS tablespace file

Control-M RBS
tablespace size

Defines the size of the Control-M RBS tablespace file

Control-M SYSTEM
tablespace file location

Default: /<controlm_home_dir>/oracle/oradata/

Default: 50 MB
Defines the full path name to the Control-M SYSTEM tablespace file
Default: /<controlm_home_dir>/oracle/oradata/
ctrlm system01.dbf

Control-M SYSTEM
tablespace size

Defines the size of the Control-M SYSTEM tablespace file

Control-M TEMP
tablespace file location

Defines the full path name to the Control-M TEMP tablespace file

Control-M TEMP
tablespace size

Defines the size of the Control-M TEMP tablespace file

Name of the first

database log file

Defines the full path name of the first database log file

Default: 50 MB

Default: /<controlm_home_dir>/oracle/oradata/ctrlm/temp01.dbf

Default: 100 MB

Default: /<controlm_home_dir>/oracle/oradata/ctrlm/log01.dbf


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



Name of the second

database log file

Defines the full path name of the second database log file
Default: /<controlm_home_dir>/oracle/oradata/ctrlm/log02.dbf

Name of the
Tablespace data file

Defines the full path name of Control-M/Server database data file

Oracle CDROM name

Defines the name of CDROM device containing the Oracle installation CDROM.

Oracle home directory

Defines the directory where Oracle binary files are stored

Default: /<controlm_home_dir>/oracle/oradata/ctrlmdata.dbf

Default: /<controlm_home_dir>/oracle
Oracle Server Host

Defines the host computer name of an existing Oracle server

Oracle SYSTEM user


Defines the password of the Oracle SYSTEM user

Size of Control-M
database log files

Defines the size of each database log file. There are two files of equal size.

Tablespace size

Default: 20 MB
Defines the total size of the Control-M/Server database
Default: 250 MB

Tablespace User

Defines the name of Control-M/Server database user

Default: controlm

User Password

Defines the password for the Control-M/Server database user (6 to 30 characters,

alphanumeric). The characters you enter do not echo for security reasons.
Control-M processes and utilities uses the password to access the Control-M/Server
Default: password


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

MSSQL parameters
The following table lists Control-M/Server database parameters for the MSSQL environment.


Server Host Name

Defines the host name of the machine where the SQL Server resides. If you
install the dedicated SQL Server, the value is the current machine. For a silent
installation the value of this parameter is blank, and the installation procedure
uses the name of the current machine.

Query Port Number

Defines two TCP/IP ports for communication between Control-M/Server and

the SQL Server. The port numbers must be different from each other. If these
port numbers are already used by an existing application, choose other values,
each in the range 1024 to 65534 inclusive.

-andBackup Port Number

Default: 7102 and 7103

Refresh Type: Recycle
System Administrator (SA)

Defines the password (6 to 30 alphanumeric characters) for the database

administrator (user sa). The characters you enter, do not echo for security
reasons. Control-M/Server utilities uses the password to access restricted
sections of the Control-M/Server database.
Default: password

Control-M/Server Database

Defines the name for the Control-M/Server database, which must be unique.
If you use unique values for owner name, database name, and device
assignments, a new database is built on the server. By using an existing
owner name, database name, and device assignment, you delete and recreate
the database elements. Any filenames you specify for a file-based installation
must not exist on the mirror database server.
Every computer type uses a different character set for the server. If the
character set for the primary database and mirror database are not the same,
the character set for the primary database must be installed on the mirror
Default: ctrlm

Control-M/Server Database

Defines the database name of the Control-M/Server database owner. The

installation script creates this user in the database. Control-M/Server uses the
name when accessing its database.
Default: ctrlm


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



Control-M/Server Database
Owner (DBO) Password

Defines the password of the Control-M/Server database owner (6 to 30

alphanumeric characters). The characters you enter, do not echo for security
reasons. The first character must be a letter (A Z). Control-M/Server uses
the password for processes and utilities to access the Control-M/Server
Default: password

Data Device Logical Name

Defines the name of the device where the Control-M/Server database is

Default: ctrlm_ux

Data Device Path

Defines the full path name of the Control-M/Server database.

Default: c:\<sql_dir>\data\ctrlm_ux

Data Device Size

Defines the amount of space (MB) allocated for the data portion of the
Control-M/Server database.
Default: 75 (MB)

Log Device Logical Name

Defines the name of the device where the Control-M/Server database is

Default: ctrlm_log

Log Device Location

Defines the full path name where the Control-M/Server database log is
Default: c:\<sql_dir>\data\ctrlm_log

Log Device Size

Defines the amount of space (MB) to allocate for the Control-M/Server

database log.
Default: 25 (MB)


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

PostgreSQL parameters
The following table lists the Control-M/Server database parameters for the PostgreSQL environment.


Host Interface Name

Defines the host name of the machine where the PostgreSQL Server resides.
If you install the dedicated PostgreSQL Server, the value is the current
machine. For a silent installation, the value of this parameter is blank, and the
installation procedure uses the name of the current machine.

Port Number

Defines the TCP/IP port for communication between Control-M/Server and the
PostgreSQL Server. If this port number is already used by an existing
application, choose another value, in the range 1024 to 65534 inclusive.
Default: 5432
Refresh Type: Recycle

Database Administrator
(postgres) Password

Defines the password for the database administrator (user postgres). The
characters you enter do not echo for security reasons. Control-M/Server
utilities uses the password to access restricted sections of the
Control-M/Server database.
NOTE: The single apostrophe symbol (" ") is not permitted for PostgreSQL.

Control-M/Server Database

Defines the name of the Control-M/Server database. This name must be

unique, and contain up to 30 alphanumeric lowercase characters (including
the underscore character).

Control-M/Server Database

Defines the database name for the Control-M/Server database owner. The
installation script creates this user in the database. Control-M/Server uses this
when accessing its database.
If you use unique values for owner name, database name, and device
assignments, a new database is built on the server. By using an existing
owner name, database name, and device assignment, you delete and recreate
the database elements. Any filenames you specify for a file-based installation
must not exist on the mirror database server.
Every computer type uses a different character set for the server. If the
character set for the primary database and mirror database are not the same,
the character set for the primary database must be installed on the mirror


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



Control-M/Server Database
Owner (DBO) Password

Defines the password for the Control-M/Server database owner. This name
must be unique, and must contain up to 30 alphanumeric lowercase
characters (including the underscore character). The characters you enter do
not echo for security reasons. Control-M/Server processes and utilities use the
password to access the Control-M/Server database.
NOTE: The single apostrophe symbol (" ") is not permitted for PostgreSQL.

Database Scalability

Defines the amount of resources in the operating system of the computer on

which the PostgreSQL server is employed.
Valid values:

Database Server Home

Directory (Windows only)




Defines the full path name of the location where the PostgreSQL database
server resides: <Control-M/Server path>/pgsql.
NOTE: Only for PostgreSQL database server on Windows.

Database Location (UNIX


Defines the full path name of the location in which the Control-M/Server
database should be installed: $PGHOME
You must create this location prior to installing the Control-M/Server database.
NOTE: Only for PostgreSQL database server on UNIX.

Mirroring parameters
Parameters for database mirroring are specified when mirroring is initialized, either during
Control-M/Server installation or subsequently. You can subsequently change these parameters by using
the Database Mirroring menu.
The following lists configuration parameters for the following databases:

Oracle mirroring parameters (on page 171)

MSSQL mirroring parameters (on page 173)


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Oracle mirroring parameters

The following table describes the Oracle mirroring parameters worksheet when building or copying a
database. You need these values when you set up the mirror database.


Control-M Mirror Database

Owner (DBO)

Defines the name of the Control-M/Server Mirror database owner.

Control-M uses the name when accessing the mirror database.
When building a new mirror database, the initialization script creates
this user on the database server. When copying to an existing
database, this user must already be defined on the database server.
NOTE: After using the utility, enter the DBO password to access the
Control-M/Server database. Limited to 30 alphanumeric characters
(including underscores).
Default: ctrlm

DBO password

Defines the password for the Control-M/Server database user (6 to 30

characters alphanumeric). The characters you enter do not echo for
security reasons. Control-M processes and utilities use the password to
access the Control-M/Server database.

Mirror Oracle Host Name

Defines the host computer name of an existing Oracle server.

Mirror Oracle Port Number

Defines the communication port of the Oracle Database Server.

If you use a Control-M dedicated database SQL Server for the mirror
database, the Port Number can be found in the QUERY_SPN field in
the <controlm_owner>/install/install_defs file.
Refresh Type: Recycle

Mirror Oracle Instance

Name (SID)

Defines the Server ID of the Oracle Database Server.

Type the command echo $ORACLE_SID on the mirror database server
to obtain the name of the server.
Default: ctrlm
NOTE: The name must contain 1 to 8 alpha characters and an

Control-M Mirror tablespace Defines the name of a defined tablespace on the database server that
the mirror database uses. The name must be unique.
Default: ctrlm
NOTE: Name starts with a letter followed by 1-24 alphanumeric


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



Control-M Mirror SID

Defines the instance name of the Control-M/Server database.

Default: ctrlm_mirror
The ORACLE_SID parameter must be unique and not appear more than
once in the tnsnames.ora file. For more information see Oracle
NOTE: The Oracle database instance name must conform to the Oracle
naming convention.

Control-M Mirror Retry

Defines the the number of retries the Control-M/Server attempts

before marking the mirror as damaged.
Valid values: 0-99 seconds.
Default: 10 seconds

Database Administrator

Defines the password of the database server administrator

Force (default: Y)

Defines whether existing user are dropped before mirror initialization

when the requested username is the same as the existing user.
If set to N, the existing user wont be dropped and the mirror
initialization aborts.
Valid values: Y,N

Data Device Physical Full


Defines the database data location path

Data File Size

Defines the database size in MB created in the database server. The

database size must have a numeric number.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

MSSQL mirroring parameters

The following table describes the MSSQL server mirroring parameters worksheet for building or copying a
database. You need these values when you set up the mirror database.


Mirror Database Server


Specifies a name for the mirror Database Server. The host name must have a
vaild IP address.

Mirror Control-M/Server

Defines the name of the Control-M/Server Database that is a mirror of the

primary database.
NOTE: Limited to 29 alphanumeric characters (including underscores).
Capital letters are not allowed.

Control-M/Server Mirror
DBO Username

Defines the name of the database server administrator.

Control-M/Server Mirror
DBO Password

Defines the password for the Control-M/Server database owner. The

password must begin with a letter (A-Z, a-z) followed by 5 to 29
alpha-numeric characters (includes underscores). If the specified password is
longer than 30 characters, only the first 30 are accepted.
Default: password

Confirm DBO Password

Confirms the database owner password.

Mirror Data Device

Physical Full File Path

(Building only) Specifies the full file path to the Mirror Data Device. The
location of the Mirror Data Device must be on the Secondary database and
the full path must be valid.

Mirror Log Device Physical

Full File Path

(Building only) Specifies the full file path to the Mirror Log Device, which
creates the Mirror Log Device on the Secondary database.

Mirror database
Administrator password

(Building only) Specifies the administrator password of the database server.

Force (default: Y)


Data File Size

Defines the database data size in MB created in the database server. The
data size must have a numeric value.

Log File Size

Defines the user database log size in MB created in the database server. The
log size must have a numeric value.

Encoding (default:



Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Performance parameters
The following table describes the performance parameters.


WARN_SLOW_DNS_MIL Determines the number of milliseconds to wait before a warning is issued

stating that that DNS is performing too slow.
Default: 3000
To disable, set to 0.
WARN_SLOW_DISK_MI Determines the number of milliseconds to wait before a warning is issued
stating that the disk is performing too slow.
Default: 180
NOTE: This parameter is not generated when the debug level is set to 4.
To disable, set to 0.

Determines the number of milliseconds to wait before a warning is issued

stating that the connection between Control-M/Server and Control-M/Agent is
too slow.
Default: 3000
To disable, set to 0.


Determines the number of milliseconds to wait before a warning is issued

stating that the connection attempt after a failure between Control-M/Server
and Control-M/Agent is too slow.
Default: 30000
To disable, set to 0.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

E-mail configuration parameters

The following parameters are applicable to DOMAIL, -DOSHOUT (when shout destination is mail),
ctmshout, and SHOUT (when shout destination is mail).
The OUPUT of a job can be attached to an e-mail message only if the job has completed processing.



Determines whether the OUTPUT of a job can be attached to e-mail

Valid values:

N No. When specified, the OUTPUT of a job is not attached. This

setting overrides any specification made elsewhere.

A Attachment. When specified, the OUTPUT of a job is attached. This

setting overrides any specification made elsewhere.

Default: N
Refresh Type: Manual

ADD_OUTPUT_TO_EMAIL_ Determines the maximum size of the attachment OUTPUT file in kilobytes.
You can specify the value 0 for unlimited size.
NOTE: If the OUTPUT file is larger than the specified maximum size, the
OUTPUT will not be attached to the e-mail message.
Valid values: 02^31
Default: 5120KB (5MB)
Refresh Type: Manual
ADD_OUTPUT_TO_EMAIL_ When sending a mail requestwith a OUTPUT file attachedto the SMTP
server, determines the maximum time to wait.
Valid values: 1300 (seconds)
Default: 30 (seconds)
Refresh Type: Manual


Determines if the Control-M/Server Shout by orderno prefix must be

added to the subject of the e-mail message.
Valid values: Y, N
Default: Y
Refresh Type: Manual


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Determines the maximum time to send the mail request to the SMTP server
when no OUTPUT is attached.
Valid values: 130 (seconds)
Default: 5 (seconds)
Refresh Type: Manual


Specifies the name of the SMTP server relay.

Valid values: 0 - 50 characters
Default: "" (During installation, this is overridden by a null value.)
How / where to set: In the Control-M Main Menu, choose Parameter
Customization => Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Parameters =>
SMTP Server (Relay) Name.
Refresh Type: Automatic


Specifies the e-mail address used by Control-M/Server.

Valid values: 0 - 99 characters
Default: "" (During installation, this is overridden by Control@M.)
How / where to set: In the Control-M Main Menu, choose Parameter
Customization => Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Parameters =>
Sender Email.
Refresh Type: Automatic


Specifies the port number to which the service is assigned.

Valid values: 165536
Default: 25
How / where to set: In the Control-M Main Menu, choose Parameter
Customization => Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Parameters =>
Port Number.
Refresh Type: Automatic


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



SMTP_SENDER_FRIENDLY Specifies the regular text name used to identify the sender.
Valid values: 0 - 99 characters
Default: Control-M/Server (During installation, this is overridden by a
null value.)
How / where to set: In the Control-M Main Menu, choose Parameter
Customization => Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Parameters =>
Sender Friendly Name.
Refresh Type: Automatic


Specifies the email address to which messages are returned if a return

address is not otherwise specified. If this parameter is null, the senders
email address becomes the default.
Valid values: 0 - 99 characters
Default: "" (During installation, this is overridden by a null value.)
How / where to set: In the Control-M Main Menu, choose Parameter
Customization => Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Parameters =>
ReplyTo Email.
Refresh Type: Manual


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

User exit parameters

The following table lists the Control-M/Server user exit parameters.


CTM_PRM_ENABLE_U Indicates whether Control-M user exits and Watchdog process exits are enabled.
Valid values: Y, N
Default: Y
Refresh Type: Recycle

CTM_PRM_ENABLE_U Indicates whether the associated UExxx user exit is enabled.

Exxx (101-106)
Valid values: Y, N
Default: N

Exxx (101106)

Name of the UExxx user exit script. These scripts must reside in
the ~<controlm_owner>/ctm_server/ue_exit directory.
Valid values: 1024 characters

UE101 Job Ordering User Exitctm_exit101.sh

UE102 Job Submission User Exitctm_exit102.sh

UE103 Before New Day Procedure User Exitctm_exit103.sh

UE104 After New Day Procedure User Exitctm_exit104.sh

UE105 Before User Daily User ExitCtm_exit105.sh

UE106 After User Daily User Exit Ctm_exit106.sh

Refresh Type:

UE101 Job Ordering User ExitManual

UE102 Job Submission User ExitManual

UE103 Before New Day Procedure User ExitRecycle

UE104 After New Day Procedure User ExitRecycle

UE105 Before User Daily User ExitManual

UE106 After User Daily User Exit Manual


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



CTM_PRM_TIMEOUT_ Time to wait for a user exit script to run before it is terminated.
UExxx (101106)
For UNIX: Time is measured in units of seconds
For Windows: Time is measured in units of milliseconds
Valid values: 202^31
Default: 20
Refresh Type:

UE101 Job Ordering User ExitManual

UE102 Job Submission User ExitManual

UE103 Before New Day Procedure User ExitRecycle

UE104 After New Day Procedure User ExitRecycle

UE105 Before User Daily User ExitManual

UE106 After User Daily User Exit Manual

Watchdog process parameters

The following parameters are used for the Watchdog Process. The CTM_PRM_ENABLE_UE parameter
must be set to Y to enable the WD process.
The Watchdog Process parameters discussed in this section are:

General Watchdog Process parameters (on page 180)

Control-M/Server system exit parameters (on page 182)

Watchdog parameters user exit parameters (on page 185)


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

General Watchdog Process parameters

The following table lists the General Watchdog Process parameters.



Indicates message to be sent in response to successful heartbeat checks.

Valid values: 1024 characters
Default: ""
Refresh Type: Recycle


Total number of Control-M/Server system exits to run.

Valid values: Any whole number.
Default: 0 (set to 2 during installation)
NOTE: Do not change the initial value unless instructed to do so by BMC
Software Customer Support.

WD_CTO_HOSTNAME Host name or IP address of the computer running CONTROL-O/Server. If this

parameter is specified, the Watchdog process sends all error messages to the
CONTROL-O/Server Central Message window.
Valid values:Up to 255 characters.
Refresh Type:Recycle


Maximum time (in second) to send messages to CONTROL-O/Server before

terminating the communication.
Valid values: 1-10
Default: 10 seconds
How / where to set:
Refresh Type: Recycle


Full path name of a user defined script called by the Watchdog process as an
error handler. The error messages are included as arguments to the script.
Valid values: 1024 characters
Default: "" (In the shipped config.dat, the default is overridden
by ./scripts/UE_handler.)
Refresh Type: Recycle


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Maximum time for the Watchdog facility to wait for the user-defined script to run.
Valid values: 52^31
Default: 5 (In the shipped config.dat, this is overridden by the value 10.)
Refresh Type: Recycle

WD_HEARTBEAT_INT The Watchdog process checks Control-M/Server processes by sending a

message. If this parameter is set to 5, the Watchdog process sends a message to
each of the primary Control-M/Server processes every 5th interval and awaits a
Valid values: 12^31
Default: 5 (In the shipped config.dat, this is overridden by the value 1.)
Refresh Type: Recycle
WD_HEARTBEAT_LIM Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for a response from each of the
Control-M/Server processes, after issuing a Heartbeat check, before sending a
message to the error handlers.
Valid values: 12^31
Default: 360
Refresh Type: Recycle

Basic time unit interval, in minutes. When the value in either the
parameter is multiplied by the value in this parameter, the resulting value is the
number of minutes that must pass before reinvoking the exit script.
For example, if the value of this parameter is 6 (minutes), and the value of the
WD_CTMEXIT_1_INTERVAL parameter is 20, the script for system exit 1 will run
once every 120 minutes (20 x 6 minutes).
Valid values: 12^31
Default: 5 (In the shipped config.dat, this is overridden by the value 6.)
Refresh Type: Recycle


Total number of user exits to run.

Valid values: 02^31
Default: 0
Refresh Type: Recycle


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Control-M/Server system exit parameters

The # used in each of the following Control-M/Server system exit parameters represents the
corresponding Control-M/Server utility that can be included in the Control-M/Server Watchdog process:
Disk Space Utility (1) and Database Usage Utility (2).


WD_CTMEXIT_#_CMD_L Contains parameters to be passed to the exit script. Arguments must start
with a - sign. Values separated by either a space or a - sign must be
enclosed in double quotation. Mandatory.
Valid values: 1024 characters
Default: ""
In the shipped config.dat on UNIX, the default values are overridden as

wd_ctmexit_1: -LIMIT "10 M" -PATH ctm_em

wd_ctmexit_2: -LIMIT "90 M"

In the shipped config.dat on Windows, the default values are overridden as


wd_ctmexit_1: -LIMIT 10M -PATH C:\

wd_ctmexit_2: -LIMIT 90

Refresh Type: Recycle

WD_CTMEXIT_#_ERROR Error message string to be passed to the error handler(s) if the utility returns
a "failed" status. Optional.
Valid values: 1024 characters
Default: "" (In the shipped config.dat, for wd_ctmexit_1 and
wd_ctmexit_2, the default is overridden by "Low on database space.")
Refresh Type: Recycle


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Number of basic time interval units that should pass before reinvoking the
exit script. The basic time interval unit is defined in parameter
For example, if the value of this parameter is 20, and the basic time interval
unit (as defined in parameter WD_INTERVAL) is 5 minutes, the exit script will
be invoked every 100 minutes (20 x 5 minutes).
Valid values: 12^31
Default: 5 (In the shipped config.dat, this is overridden by the value 20.)
Refresh Type: Recycle

WD_CTMEXIT_#_RUN_S Specify whether (Y) or not (N) to run the utility when Control-M/Server is
running. A Y must be specified for either this parameter or for parameter
WD_CTMEXIT_#_SUSPEND _STATE for the utility to be run.
Valid values: Y, N
Default: N (In the shipped config.dat, this is overridden by the value Y.)
Refresh Type: Recycle

WD_CTMEXIT_#_SCRIPT Relative path of the script or binary from the

~controlm\ctm_server\exe_<computer> directory.
Valid values: 1024 characters
Default: "" (In the shipped config.dat, for both wd_ctmexit_1 and
wd_ctmexit_2, this is overridden by the value CTMDISKSPACE.)
Refresh Type: Recycle

Specify whether (Y) or not (N) to run the utility in Suspend mode (that is,
during New Day procedure or download, when the database inaccessible). A
Y must be specified for either this parameter or for parameter
WD_CTMEXIT_#_RUN _STATE for the utility to be run.
Valid values: Y, N
Default: N
Refresh Type: Recycle


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Time (milliseconds) allowed before the exit script is terminated.

Valid values: 12^31 (ms)
Default: 5 ms (In the shipped config.dat, this is overridden by the
value 30.)
Refresh Type: Recycle


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Watchdog parameters user exit parameters

The # used in the following user exit parameters represents a separate number for each user exit that
can be included in the Control-M Watchdog process . A user exit can be either a user supplied
script/executable file or a Control-M utility.


WD_USEREXIT_#_CMD_ Contains parameters to be passed to the exit script. Arguments must start
with a - sign. Values separated by either a space or a - sign must be
enclosed in double quotation. Mandatory.
Valid values: 1024 characters
Default: ""
Refresh Type: Recycle

WD_USEREXIT_#_ERRO Error message string to be passed to the error handler(s) if the check returns
a "failed" status. Optional.
Valid values: 1024 characters
Default: ""
Refresh Type: Recycle


Number of basic time interval units that should pass before reinvoking the exit
script. The basic time interval unit is defined in parameter WD_INTERVAL.
For example, if the value of this parameter is 2, and the basic time interval
unit (as defined in parameter WD_INTERVAL) is 5 minutes, the exit script will
be invoked every 10 minutes (2 x 5 minutes).
Valid values: 12^31
Default: 5
Refresh Type: Recycle


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



WD_USEREXIT_#_RUN_ Specify whether (Y) or not (N) to run the utility when Control-M/Server is
running. A Y must be specified for either this parameter or for parameter
WD_USEREXIT_#_SUSPEND _STATE for the utility to be run.
Valid values: Y, N
Default: N
Refresh Type: Recycle


Relative path of the script or binary from the

~controlm\ctm_server\exe_<computer> directory.
Valid values: 1024 characters
Default: ""
Refresh Type: Recycle

WD_USEREXIT_#_SUSP Specify whether (Y) or not (N) to run the script in Suspend mode (that is,
during New Day procedure or download, when the database inaccessible).
This parameter or WD_CTMEXIT_#_RUN _STATE must be set to Y for the
script to be run.
Valid values: Y, N
Default: N
Refresh Type: Recycle

WD_USEREXIT_#_TIME Time (milliseconds) allowed before the exit script is terminated.

Valid values: 12^31 (ms)
Default: 5 ms
Refresh Type: Recycle


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Control-M/Agent parameters
In the CCM, you can change the default component system parameter values of Control-M/Agent system
parameters without having to access each individual computer.
Before a modified parameter value can take effect, the component that uses the value needs to be
To define Control-M/Server parameters, see Defining Control-M/Agent system parameters (on page 187).

Defining Control-M/Agent system parameters

This procedure describes how to define Control-M/Agent system parameters in the CCM.

To define Control-M/Agent system parameters:

1. From the Home tab, select one or more Control-M/Agent components, and in
the Definitions group, click System Parameters.
The Control-M/Agent - System Parameters dialog box appears.
NOTE: If you selected multiple Control-M/Agents, parameter changes are applied to all selected
Control-M/Agents (Control-M/Agent 6.4.01 and higher).
2. From the system parameters table, filter for the required parameter from one of the following column





Default Value

3. Double-click the required parameter.

The Update System Parameter dialog box appears.
4. In the Value field, change the value of the parameter, as required, and then click Save.
5. Click Close.
The Control-M/Agent system parameter is defined.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Agent configuration parameters

The following table lists the Agent configuration parameters.



<Port number>/<Timeout> for the Agent-to-Server port.

(Agent-to-Server Port Number)

Port number specifies the Server computer port that receives data
from the agent computer. Verify that this port is not used for any
other purpose. This value must match the Agent-to-Server Port
Number in Control-M/Server. The Timeout value is
the COMTIMOUT communication job-tracking timeout in seconds.
Mandatory. Example: 7005/30. Note: Increasing the Timeout
value reduces agent performance.
Valid values: Between 1024 and 65533 inclusive
Default: 7005

(Authorized Control-M/Server

<one or more TCP/IP addresses or DNS names separated by |>.

Each value identifies an authorized Control-M/Server host where a
backup Control-M/Server is installed. (This parameter was
previously called Mirror Control-M/Server Host Name.) Specify this
parameter if one or more Control-M/Servers have been designated
as backups and can connect to this agent in case of failover. For
information about backup server configuration, see the Control-M
Workload Automation Administration. Mandatory. At least one
primary host name should be specified.



(CTMS Address Mode)

If this parameter is set to IP, the IP address instead of the host

name is saved in CTMS_HOSTNAME. Use this parameter when
Control-M runs on a computer with more than one network card.


Indicates if the ctmag_<year><month><day>.log file is

generated (Y) or not (N).

(Daily Log File Enabled)

Valid values: Y, N
Default: Y

GENERAL_CLEANUP_INTERVAL Determines the number of days to wait before STATUS, PROCID,

ONSTMT, RUNTIME and non-root files are deleted from the
<Control-M/Agent_home> directory after an Agent or host
malfunction occurred.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Number of days to retain agent proclog files. After this period,

agent proclog files are deleted by the New Day procedure.

(Days To Retain Log Files)

Valid values: 1-99

Default: 1


Determines Control-M mode of support for foreign languages.

(Foreign Language Support)

Valid values: Latin-1, CJK

Default: Latin-1

(Listen to Network Interface)

The network interface the agent is listening on. It can be set to a

specific hostname or IP address so that the agent port is not
opened in the other interfaces.
Default: *ANY (the agent is listening on all available interfaces)

(Locale (LATIN-1 mode only))
(Primary Control-M/Server

(UNIX only) Determines the locale under which the agent processes
run. Valid only when the agent is working in Latin-1 mode.
Supported locales are specified in.
Control-M/Server host name. Name of the primary host running


Server-Agent communication protocol version.

(Protocol version)

Valid values: 10 or lower.

Default: 10

(set the umask of the job

Controls the umask of the job process. This parameter affects all
the jobs the agent runs. If used, it overrides any value specified in
the job owner .cshrc or .profile files.
Valid values: Unused, 000, 002, 003, 007, 022, 023, 027, 033,
037, 077
Default: 022


The COMTIMOUT communication job-tracking timeout in seconds.

(TCP/IP Timeout)

When the value of TCP/IP timeout is changed, using the

configuration utility or CCM, the timeout part of the AGCMNDATA
and ATCMNDATA parameters are changed.
Valid values: a number in the range 0-999999
Default: 120


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Flag that indicates whether all variables will be set as environment

variables in the script.

(Convert Job Variables to

Environment variables)

Valid values: Y (yes), N (no)

Default: Y

(Timeout for Agent utilities)

Maximum time (in seconds) the agent waits after sending a request
to Control-M/Server. This timeout interval should be longer than the
TCP/IP Timeout.
Valid values: 120 (recommended)
Default: 120

(Tracker Event Port)

Number of the port for sending messages to the Tracker process

when jobs end.
Valid values: 1025-65535


Job Tracking Timeout. Tracker event timeout in seconds.

(Tracker Polling Interval)

Valid values: 1-86400

Default: 120


<Port number>/<Timeout> for the Server-to-Agent port. Port

number specifies agent computer port that receives data from the
Server computer. Verify that this port is not used for any other
purpose. Must match Server-to-Agent port number in
Control-M/Server. The timeout value is the
COMTIMOUT communication job-tracking timeout in seconds.
Mandatory. Example: 7006/30
Valid values: between 1024 and 65533 inclusive
Default: 7006


(UNIX only) Determines the Control-M/Agent mode.

Valid values:


agent owner username

NOTE: Do not manually modify this parameter. The value of the

parameter is set according to the user who is running the start-ag


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




(UNIX only) This parameter is read by the rc.agent_user startup

script to determine whether the agent should be started.
Valid values:

(Allow Comm Init)



Determines if the agent can open a connection to the server when

working in persistent connection mode.
Valid values:

Y: On

N: Off

A: Automatically connects to Control-M/Server in persistent

connection mode

Default: Y

Internal port used only when the agent is working in persistent

connection mode. This port is selected by the installation, which
validates that it is free. If this port is not free when the agent is
started in persistent connection mode, or when it is shifted from
transient to persistent during runtime, the agent automatically finds
a new free port and updates the parameter accordingly.
Valid values: 1025-65535


Internal port used only when the agent is working in persistent

connection mode. This port is selected by the installation, which
validates that it is free. If this port is not free when the agent is
started in persistent connection mode, or when it is shifted from
transient to persistent during runtime, the agent automatically finds
a new free port and updates the parameter accordingly.


Internal port used only when the agent is working in persistent

connection mode. This port is selected by the installation, which
validates that it is free. If this port is not free when the agent is
started in persistent connection mode, or when it is shifted from
transient to persistent during runtime, the agent will automatically
find a new free port and update the parameter accordingly.
Valid values: 1025-65535


Default application plug-in.

Default: OS


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




List of Application Plug-Ins. For internal use only.

Valid values: Do not change this parameter unless instructed to
do so by BMC Software Customer Support.


Flag indicating whether communication packets that

Control-M/Agent sends to and receives from Control-M/Server are
written to a file. If set to 1, separate files are created for each
session (job, ping, and so forth). This parameter can only be
changed after completing the installation.
Valid values: 1 (on), 0 (off)
Default: 0 (off)


Flag specifying if all application plug-ins, not just the default

application plug-in, should be able send messages to the Tracker
process without waiting for the tracker polling interval. Messages
are sent using the port specified in the Tracker Port parameter to
inform the Tracker that a job ended.
Valid values:

Y = Use the Common Event Mechanism.

N = Do not use the Common Event mechanism. Only the

default application plug-in can send messages directly to the
Tracker process.

Default: Y

Determines if Control-M communication is secured using the SSL

Valid values: SSL=Y, SSL=N
Default: SSL=N


Time in seconds (integer value} to wait between each attempt to

attach to the Control-M/Server.
Valid values: Any whole number equal to or greater than 1.
Default: 1


Control-M/Agent diagnostic level (for use by Technical Support).

Determines types of diagnostic messages generated. This
parameter is normally set to zero (no diagnostics).
Valid values: 0-4
Default: 0


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Maximum size (MB) of diagnostic log files for a process or a thread.

(Maximum size of log file MB)

Valid values: 1 - 1000

NOTE: Restart the agent for the parameter to take effect.
Default: 10

(Number of log file versions)

Number of generations of diagnostic log information to keep for a

process or a thread.
Valid values: 0 - 99
NOTE: Restart the agent for the parameter to take effect.
Default: 10

(Logical Agent Name)

Logical name of the agent. The value specified should match the
name the agent is defined by in Control-M/Server. Where multiple
agent names are defined in Control-M/Server, and all use the same
server-to-agent port, server messages are sent to that agent.
The logical name is used when the agent initiates the
communication to Control-M/Server with the output from agent
utilities and in messages sent by the agent to the server.
Default: Agent host name
However, it can differ when either a cluster installation or the agent
host name has aliases.


Determines the number of days to retain the files in the dailylog

directory. These files contain the information about jobs that is
(Days To Retain Daily Log Files)
used to calculate the metrics for the usage measurement report.
Valid values: 1-99
Default: 7 days

Enables Multiple Parallel Trackers

Valid values: Y|N
Default: Y
NOTE: In the previous versions it was one tracker process. If
MULTITRACK_ENABLED=Y, multiple parallel trackers/processes


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Determines the maximum number of tracker-workers that can run

in parallel, in a normal situation of the tracker, that is, when there
is no starvation. Starvation might occur either by a job that causes
repeated tracker-worker crashes, or by a job that causes a
tracker-worker to hang.
Valid values: 1-100
Default: 10


Determines the amount of time (in seconds) when a job is said to

be tracker recently.
To avoid situations where a job is tracked by more than one
tracker-worker in a short period of time, define a time
interval, MULTITRACK_SKIP_INTERVAL, where a job is skipped by
tracker-workers. Before a tracker-worker tracks a job, it checks if
that job has recently been tracked, and if it is, the tracker-worker
does not track it.
Valid values: 1-60
Default: 15


Determines the optimal ratio between the number of jobs and the
number of tracker-workers. In a normal situation, the tracker
spawns new tracker-workers if the number of jobs divided by the
number of running tracker-workers (actual ratio) is more than this
optimal ratio. It shuts down tracker-workers if the actual ratio is
less than the optimal ratio.
Valid values: 5-300
Default: 30


Determines the amount of time (in seconds) a job may wait to be

tracked before declared as starved.
Valid values: 30-300
Default: 120


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




The main tracker works in iterations. In each iteration it first waits

for events that might be sent from completed jobs and track these
jobs, and then searches for completed jobs that do not send
events, and tracks them.
This parameter determines the amount of time (in seconds) the
main tracker process waits for events. Tracker-workers work in the
same manner, but still use the EVENT_TIMEOUT (tracker polling
interval) for the time they wait for events.
Valid values: 10-240
Default: 30


Octal value indicating file access mode of the OUTPUT

file. 777 indicates the highest level of access.
Valid values: Valid values are 600 640 644 660 664 666
Default: 600
Modifiable by ctmunixcfg: No


Octal value indicating file access mode of the OUTPUT file for
non-root mode when the job owner is not the agent owner. 777
indicates the highest level of access.
Valid values: 660 664 666
Default: 660
Modifiable by ctmunixcfg: No


Determines if the agent is working in persistent or transient

communication mode.
Valid values: Y, N
Default: N


Protocol for communication with CONTROL-M/Server. Value: TCP.

Cannot be changed.


Determines the number of days to retain the files in

the DATA\rhdetails directory. These files contain the CPU
specifications for agent, remote hosts and application plug-in server

(Days To Retain Host

Specification Files)

Valid values: 1-99


Uses SSH connection pool for SFTP operations with remote hosts.
Valid values: Y, N
Default: Y


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Determines where the OUTPUT handling operations are performed

on the remote host.
Valid values: Y, N
Default: N


Determines whether the post processing actions of move, copy, or

delete of the job OUTPUTs is performed from the remote host.

(Download Output from Remote

Host when job ends)
Valid values: Y, N
Default: N

Determines if the OUTPUT file is deleted from remote host

Valid values: Y, N
Default: N

RJX_POOL_CONNECTION_LIMI Specifies how many jobs can make use of a single connection. The
connections are monitored and unused ones (connections with
ended jobs) are released.
Valid values: 1 - 50. When set to 1, the Agent works as it does for
Control-M/Agent 6.4.01.
Default: 10

The interval needed for a thread to monitor the connections and

release unused ones.
Valid values: 1 - 30 minutes
Default: 10 minutes


Sets the amount of time, in minutes, to check the status of open

Valid values: 1 - 30 minutes
Default: 10 minutes

(Interval between CPU samples

Interval in seconds between CPU samples, for calculating a single

average CPU usage.
Valid values: 5-60 (seconds)
Default: 5 (seconds)


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Uploads agent utilities to remote hosts.

Valid Values:

Disable: No support for remote utilities

Once: Uploads the files once unless it changed (ongoing mode)

Always: Uploads the files before each job (zero footprint


Default: Disable

Number of CPU samples for calculating a single average CPU usage.

(Number of CPU samples for

average CPU usage)

Valid values: 3-60 samples

(Interval between CPU usage
sync updates (min))

Default: 3 samples
Periodic Heart Beat interval in minutes, after which CPU usage is
reported to Control-M/Server, regardless of actual need to report it.
Valid values: 1-180 (minutes)
Default: 15 (minutes)

(Interval between CPU monitor
operations (sec))

Sleep interval in seconds between successive CPU monitor

Valid values: 15-3600 (seconds)
Default: 30 (seconds)


Determines whether the WMI remote host availability will be

checked by TCP ping only (Y) or by checked both WMI and TCP
Valid values: Y, N
Default: N


Set the time to wait for WMI events.

Valid values: Positive integer (milliseconds)
Default: 50000 (milliseconds)


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Control-M/Agent deployment parameters

The following table describes the Control-M/Agent deployment parameters.



Determines the number of days to keep

the backup4restore directory on the Control-M/Agent, which is
used to downgrade to the original version of the Control-M/Agent,
after an upgrade has occurred.
NOTE: If you do not plan to downgrade the Control-M/Agent, it is
recommended to delete the directory to save disk space.
Default: 30


Determines the number of days that the installation package is

saved in the Control-M/Agent computer.
Valid Values:

0: Never remove


Default: 30


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Application support parameters for UNIX

The following table lists the application support configuration parameters for UNIX.



Determines the CJK encoding used by Control-M/Agent to run

jobs. For more information, see Language and Customization.

(CJK Encoding)


Default: UTF-8
Modifiable by ctmunixcfg: Yes


Default path for saving temporary scripts.

Valid values: Any valid path on the Agent computer.
Default: $CONTROLM/runtime
Modifiable by ctmunixcfg: Yes


Character used to enclose job processing parameters passed to

jobs by Control-M/Server. Any character or string can be
specified. A blank space (in single or double quotes) is valid.
Valid values: Any character or string can be specified. A blank
space (in single or double quotes) is also valid.
Default: Double quotes
Modifiable by ctmunixcfg: No

(Temporary Scripts Saving)

By default, temporary scripts generated from jobs are deleted at

the end of job execution. If this value is set to YES, temporary
scripts are not deleted.
Valid values: Yes and No
Default: No
Modifiable by ctmunixcfg: Yes


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Indicates the shell flag that will be used to run the job script.

(Korn Shell Flags)

Valid values: -x, -v, n

Default: -x
Modifiable by ctmunixcfg: Yes


Indicates the shell flag that will be used to run the job script.

(Bourne Shell Flags)

Valid values: -x, -v, n

Default: -x
Modifiable by ctmunixcfg: Yes


Alternative path that Control-M/Server will use to look for the su

Valid values: Any valid path on the Agent home computer.
Default: /bin/su
Modifiable by ctmunixcfg: No

(Output Name)

If set to JOBNAME, parameter Jobname is used in the OUTPUT
file instead of parameter Memname.
Valid values: JOBNAME, MEMNAME
Default: MEMNAME
Modifiable by ctmunixcfg: Yes


Default printer for job output (OUTPUT).

(Default Printer)

Modifiable by ctmunixcfg: Yes


Octal value indicating file access mode of the Proclog (output)

file. 777 indicates the highest level of access.
Valid values: XXX, in which X is an integer between 0 an 7.
Default: 644
Modifiable by ctmunixcfg: No


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




The SSH connection mode used in Agentless jobs.

(SSH Connection Mode)

Valid values:

0 - The agent uses only the SSH protocol to upload and

download files and to submit the job to the remote computer.

1 - The agent uses both SFTP and SSH protocols. Only one
connection is opened during job execution.

2 - The agent used both SFTP and SSH protocols. Two

connections are opened at the beginning of the job, but after
a while the SSH connection is closed.

Default: 2
Modifiable by ctmunixcfg: No
(AgentLess Connection Retries)

A maximum number of attempts to be made to restore the

Default: 15
Modifiable by ctmunixcfg: No

(Time Interval between Restore

The time interval, in seconds, between attempts to restore the

Default: 120 seconds
Modifiable by ctmunixcfg: No

(Print Details to OUTPUT)

Determines whether to include details related to the remote

connection in the job OUTPUT of jobs executed on a remote host.
Valid values: Y, N
Default: Y
Modifiable by ctmunixcfg: No


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




For a Control-M/Agent submitting jobs to an OpenVMS remote

host, the default batch queue to which the Control-M/Agent
submits jobs.

(Default Queue for OpenVMS

Remote Host)

If this parameter is not specified, the Control-M/Agent submits

jobs to sys$batch (the systems default batch queue).
Valid values: String consisting of 1 to 31 characters, including
any uppercase and lowercase alphanumeric digits, the dollar
sign ($), the underscore (_), and including at least one alphabetic
Default: sys$batch
Modifiable by ctmunixcfg: No

(Save Commands in the OUTPUT
in OpenVMS Remote Host)

For a Control-M/Agent submitting jobs to an OpenVMS remote

host, this parameter specifies whether or not to print commands
in the OUTPUT of a job.
Valid values:

Y Implements SET VERIFY, which prints commands in the


N Implements SET NOVERIFY, which does not print

commands in the job OUTPUT

E Specifies that the verification value is taken from the

environment (accounts LOGIN.COM or SYLOGIN_VERIFY
logical name)

Default: Y
Modifiable by ctmunixcfg: No

A directory to store temporary files

(AgentLess Temporary Directory) These files are automatically removed to Control-M/Agent when
the jobs end and the network connection is available or restored.
Default: period (.), which means that the files are stored in the
user home directory of the jobs owner in the remote host.
Modifiable by ctmunixcfg: No

The port number on which the SMTP server communicates.

(Port Number)

Valid values: 1024-65535

Default: 25
Modifiable by ctmunixcfg: Yes


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




The e-mail address to which to send replies. If this field is left

empty, the sender e-mail address is used.

(Reply-To Email)

Valid values: Text can not exceed 99 characters.

Modifiable by ctmunixcfg: Yes


The e-mail address of the sender.

(Sender Email)

Valid values: Text can not exceed 99 characters.

Default: control@m
Modifiable by ctmunixcfg: Yes

SMTP_SENDER_FRIENDLY_NAME The name or alias that appears on the e-mail sent.

(Sender Friendly Name)

Modifiable by ctmunixcfg: Yes


The name of the SMTP server.

(SMTP Server (Relay) Name)

Modifiable by ctmunixcfg: Yes


SSH command to verify platform version.

Valid values: A valid command
Default: cmd.exe /c ver
Modifiable by ctmunixcfg: No


Valid values:

(Replace $0 by File Name)

Y - Reserved variable $0 specifies whether instances of $0 in

the job script should be replaced before the script is run.

N - Functionality is disabled

Modifiable by ctmunixcfg: Yes


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Application support parameters for Windows

The following table lists the application support configuration parameters for Windows.



Indication if CONTROL-M/Agent should change the directory to the

user home directory as defined in the user profile before the user
job runs.
Valid values:

Y - The directory is changed.

N - The directory is not changed.

Default: N
Modifiable by ctmwincfg: Yes
(CJK Encoding)

Determines the CJK encoding used by Control-M/Agent to run jobs.

For more information, see Control-M Language Customization.
Default: UTF-8
Modifiable by ctmwincfg: Yes

(Default Printer)

Default printer for job OUTPUT files. Type a printer name in the
field box or select a name from the list box.
Valid values: Text
Default: Blank
Modifiable by ctmwincfg: Yes


Name of server managing access to resources and the database.

Specify the name of the server in the field box.
Valid values: Text
Default: Blank
Modifiable by ctmwincfg: Yes


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




The domain is determined by the value of this parameter if

<domain> is not specified in <domain>\<username> in
the Run_As parameter of the job definition. If the domain is not
specified in the Run_As parameter or this parameter, the user
profile is searched in the trusted domains.

(Logon Domain)

NOTE: BMC recommends that you do not specify a value for Logon
Valid values: Text
Default: Blank
Modifiable by ctmwincfg: Yes


Specifies whether to print commands in the OUTPUT of a job.

(Echo Job Commands into


Valid values:

Y Implements ECHO_ON, which prints commands in the job


N Implements ECHO_OFF, which does not print commands in

the job OUTPUT

Default: Y
Modifiable by ctmwincfg: Yes

Flag that indicates how to manage job object processing statistics.

(Add Job Object statistics to


Valid values:

Y Statistics are added to the end of the OUTPUT file.

N Statistics are not added to the OUTPUT file.

Default: Y
Modifiable by ctmwincfg: Yes


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Flag that specifies if procedures invoked by a job can be run outside

the Job Object. If so, this prevents a situation in which the original
job remains in executing mode until the invoked procedure

(Job children inside job object)

Valid values:

N All procedures invoked by the job are run outside the job

Y All procedures invoked by the job are run inside the job

Default: Y
Modifiable by ctmwincfg: Yes
(Logon As User)

Flag that specifies which user account is used for the services to log
on to.
Valid values:

Y Jobs are submitted with the permissions and environment

variables of the specified user.

N Jobs are submitted with the permissions and environment

variables of the local system account.

Default: Not selected

Modifiable by ctmwincfg: Yes


Determines the prefix for the OUTPUT file name.

(Output Name)

Valid values:

MEMNAME the OUTPUT file prefix is the MEMNAME of the job.

JOBNAME the OUTPUT file prefix is the JOBNAME of the job.

Default: Memnam
Modifiable by ctmwincfg: Yes


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




The SSH connection mode used in Agentless jobs.

(SSH Connection Mode)

Valid values:

0 - The agent uses only the SSH protocol to upload and

download files and to submit the job to the remote computer.

1 - The agent uses both SFTP and SSH protocols. Only one
connection is opened during job execution.

2 - The agent used both SFTP and SSH protocols. Two

connections are opened at the beginning of the job, but after a
while the SSH connection is closed.

Default: 2
Modifiable by ctmwincfg: No
(AgentLess Connection Retries)

Maximum number of attempts to be made to restore the

Valid values: Integer
Default: 15
Modifiable by ctmwincfg: No

(Time Interval between Restore

Time interval, in seconds, between attempts to restore the

Valid values: Integer
Default: 120 seconds
Modifiable by ctmwincfg: No


Determines whether the network reconnection feature is enabled.

Valid values: Y, N
Default: Y
Modifiable by ctmwincfg: Yes


The protocol used to upload and download files:

Valid values:

Y - The agent uses SFTP (secured FTP) protocol to retrieve,

upload, and download files.

N - The agent uses the SSH protocol to retrieve, upload, and

download files.

Default: Y
Modifiable by ctmwincfg: Yes


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Determines whether to include details related to the remote

connection in the job OUTPUT of jobs executed on a remote host.

(Print Details to OUTPUT)

Valid values: Y, N
Default: Y
Modifiable by ctmwincfg: No

(Default Queue for OpenVMS
Remote Host)

For a Control-M/Agent submitting jobs to an OpenVMS remote host,

the default batch queue to which the Control-M/Agent submits jobs.
If this parameter is not specified, the Control-M/Agent submits jobs
to sys$batch (the systems default batch queue).
Valid values: String consisting of 1 to 31 characters, including any
uppercase and lowercase alphanumeric digits, the dollar sign ($),
the underscore (_), and including at least one alphabetic character.
Default: sys batch
Modifiable by ctmwincfg: No

(Save Commands in the OUTPUT
in OpenVMS Remote Host)

For a Control-M/Agent submitting jobs to an OpenVMS remote host,

this parameter specifies whether or not to print commands in the
OUTPUT of a job.
Valid values:

Y Implements SET VERIFY, which prints commands in the job


N Implements SET NOVERIFY, which does not print

commands in the job OUTPUT

E Specifies that the verification value is taken from the


Modifiable by ctmwincfg: No


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Indicates whether to open dual connections (SSH and SFTP) for

RJX. Valid values: Y/N.
Valid values:

Y - Opens both an SSH and SFTP connection, which remain

open for use.

N - Opens only one connection (either SSH or SFTP, as

needed). When a different connection is needed the earlier
connection is closed and a new one opened.

Default: Y
Modifiable by ctmwincfg: Yes

A directory to store temporary files.

(AgentLess Temporary Directory)

These files are automatically removed to Control-M/Agent when the

jobs end and the network connection is available or restored.
Default: period (.), which means that the files are stored in the
user home directory of the jobs owner in the remote host.
Modifiable by ctmwincfg: No

(Run user 'Logon Script')

Indication if a user-defined logon script should be run by the

Control-M/Agent before running the standard user logon script.
Valid values:

Y The user-defined logon script is run, if it exists.

N The user-defined logon script is not run.

Default: N
Modifiable by ctmwincfg: Yes

The port number on which the SMTP server communicates.

(Port Number)

Valid values: 0-65535

Default: 25
Modifiable by ctmwincfg: Yes

(Reply-To Email)

The e-mail address to which to send replies. If this field is left

empty, the sender e-mail address is used.
Modifiable by ctmwincfg: Yes


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




The e-mail address of the sender.

(Sender Email)

Valid values: Text up to 99 characters

Default: control@m
Modifiable by ctmwincfg: Yes

SMTP_SENDER_FRIENDLY_NAME The name or alias that appears on the e-mail sent.

(Sender Friendly Name)

Modifiable by ctmwincfg: Yes


The name of the SMTP server.

(SMTP Server (Relay) Name)

Modifiable by ctmwincfg: Yes


SSH command to verify platform version.

Valid values: A valid command.
Default: cmd.exe /c ver
Modifiable by ctmwincfg: No

(Wrap parameters with double

Indication of how parameter values (%%PARMn....%%PARMx) are

managed by Control-M/Agent for Microsoft Windows.
Valid values:

1 This parameter is no longer relevant.

2 Parameter values are always passed to the operating

system without quotes. If quotes were specified in the job
definition, they are removed before the parameter is passed
onward by the agent. This option is compatible with the way
that these parameters were managed in version 6.0.0x, or
6.1.01 with Fix Pack 1, 2, 3, or 4 installed. In this case, if a
parameter value contains a blank, the operating system may
consider each string as a separate parameter.

3 This parameter is no longer relevant.

4 Parameters are passed to the operating system in exactly

the same way that they were specified in the job definition. No
quotes are added or removed in this case. This option is
compatible with the way that parameters were managed by
version 2.24.0x.

Default: 2
Modifiable by ctmwincfg: Yes


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Control-M application support configuration

The application support configuration parameters in the following table can be modified by using
the ctmwincfg utility. These parameters are used by the application support for Windows.


Add Job Object

Statistics to

Flag that indicates how to handle job object processing statistics.

Selected Statistics are added to the end of the OUTPUT file. Default.

Not selected Statistics are not added to the OUTPUT file.

CD to user 'Home Indication if CONTROL-M/Agent should change the directory to the user home
directory as defined in the user profile before the user job runs.
Valid values:

Y The directory is changed.

N The directory is not changed.

Connect only
once to CM DLL

Flag that indicates whether CONTROL-M/Agent should maintain its connection to the
application between events. Values: Y, N. Default: N.

Default Printer

Default printer for job OUTPUT files. Type a printer name in the field box or select a
name from the list box. Default: Blank


Name of server managing access to resources and the database. Specify the name
of the server in the field box. Default: Blank

E-mail User

Password for the e-mail user account. This parameter can only be changed after
completing the installation.

E-mail User
Account Profile

User e-mail account which the Agent uses to send e-mail. This parameter can only
be changed after completing the installation.

Job children
inside job object

Flag that specifies if procedures invoked by a job can be run outside the Job Object.
If so, this prevents a situation in which the original job remains in executing mode
until the invoked procedure completes.
Valid values:

N All procedures invoked by the job are run outside the job object.

Y All procedures invoked by the job are run inside the job object. Default.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



Logon As User

Flag that specifies which user account is used for the services to log on to.
Valid values:

Logon Domain

Selected Jobs are submitted with the permissions and environment variables
of the specified user.

Not selected Jobs are submitted with the permissions and environment
variables of the local system account. Default.

The domain is determined by the value of this parameter if <domain> is not

specified in <domain>\<username> in the Run_As parameter of the job definition.
If the domain is not specified in the Run_As parameter or this parameter, the user
profile is searched in the trusted domains.
NOTE: BMC recommends that you do not specify a value for Logon Domain.

Output Name

Flag that determines the prefix for the Output file name.
Valid values:

MEMNAME The Output file prefix is the MEMNAME of the job.

JOBNAME The Output file prefix is the JOBNAME of the job.

This parameter can only be changed after completing the installation.

Run user Logon

Indication if a user-defined logon script should be run by the CONTROL-M/Agent

before running the standard user logon script.
Valid values:

Y The user-defined logon script is run, if it exists.

N The user-defined logon script is not run.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



Wrap parameters Indication of how parameter values (%%PARMn....%%PARMx) are handled in

with double
by CONTROL-M/Agent for Microsoft Windows.
Valid values:

1 If a parameter value contains a blank, it is passed to the operating system

enclosed in double quotes. If no blank is in the parameter value, no quotes are

2 Parameter values are always passed to the operating system without

quotes. If quotes were specified in the job definition, they are removed before
the parameter is passed onward by the agent. This option is compatible with the
way that these parameters were handled in version 6.0.0x, or 6.1.01 with Fix
Pack 1, 2, 3, or 4 installed. In this case, if a parameter value contains a blank,
the operating system may consider each string as a separate parameter.

3 All parameters are passed to the operating system enclosed in

double-quotes. This causes the operating system to treat all parameter values
as strings (not numbers). This option is compatible with the way that
parameters were handled by version 6.1.01 with no Fix Pack installed.

4 Parameters are passed to the operating system in exactly the same way
that they were specified in the job definition. No quotes are added or removed
in this case. This option is compatible with the way that parameters were
handled by version 2.24.0x.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Control-M Agent services parameters

The following table lists parameters that affect the operation of the following Control-M/Agent services:

Agent service

FileWatcher service


Log on as

User account under which Control-M Agent service will run.

Valid values:

Local System Account Service logs on as the system account.

Allow Service to Interact with Desktop This option is valid only if the
service is running as a local system account.

Selected the service provides a user interface on a desktop that can be used
by whoever is logged in when the service is started. Default.
Unselected the service does not provide a user interface.

This Account User account under which Control-M Agent service will run.

NOTE: If the owner of any Control-M/Server jobs has a "roaming profile" or if

job output (OUTPUT) will be copied to or from other computers, the Log in
mode must be set to This Account.
Default: Local System Account

Startup Type

How to install Control-M/Agent service.

Valid values:

Automatic Service should start when the system starts.

Manual User or a dependent service can start service.

Disabled User or a dependent service cannot start service.

Default: Automatic


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Defining Control-M for z/OS system parameters

This procedure describes how to define Control-M for z/OS system parameters in the CCM.

To define Control-M for z/OS system parameters:

1. From the Components Tree pane, select the Control-M for z/OS component and from the Home
tab, in the Definitions group, click System Parameters.
The Control-M for z/OS - System Parameters dialog box appears.
2. From the Control-M Name drop-down list, select the computer where the Control-M for z/OS is
3. From the system parameters table, filter for the required parameter from one of the following column





Default Value


Refresh Type

4. Double-click the required parameter.

The Update System Parameter dialog box appears.
5. In the Value field, change the value of the parameter, as required, and then click Save.
6. Click Activate Changes.
The Control-M for z/OS system parameter is defined.

Connecting to Control-M/EM behind a firewall

This procedure describes how to connect to a Control-M/EM behind a firewall by configuring ports in the
orbconfigure utility.

To connect to Control-M/EM behind a firewall:

1. Open the orbconfigure utility.
2. From the Setup Listen Ports drop-down list, select Range.
3. In the Range of ports to use fields, define a range with at least 20 ports.
Valid ports are between 1024 and 65535.
4. Click Next.
5. Verify that the information is correct and click Next.
6. Click Finish.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

The port settings are defined for the GUI, GSR, CMS, CLI , and Sweep, BIM, Forecast,and Self Service
are defined if they are installed.

Defining Daylight Savings Time support

This procedure describes how to define Daylight Savings Time (DST) support from the TimeZone.dat file.
You only need to do this procedure if the Control-M/Server resides in a location where DST is used.

To define Daylight Savings Time support:

1. Navigate to the following directory, and open the TimeZone.dat file:
CONTROL-M_ home/data
The standard format for the definition is timeZone (GMThh:mm), where timeZone represents
the time zone label.
EXAMPLE: The label EST represents the Eastern Standard time zone, and the regularly formatted
entry for the Eastern Standard Time time is EST GMT -05:00.
2. Change the relevant time zone definition so that it includes DST adjustments., as follows:

timeZone (GMThh:mm) FROM dd.mm hh:mm TO dd.mm hh:mm (GMThh:mm)


timeZone (GMThh:mm) indicates the regular time zone value (for example, CET
(GMT+02:00) )

FROM and TO values indicate the time frame during which DST is in effect. (For example, FROM
01.03 01:59 TO 24.10 02:00)

The second GMT value indicates the DST time-offset relative to GMT (for

NOTE: This syntax is reversed for the southern hemisphere. The FROM and TO keywords specify the
start and end settings for daylight saving to take effect.
EXAMPLE: Bill needs to create a new time zone label for Japan, where the time is nine hours later
than Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). DST begins March 1 at 01:59 and ends October 24 at
02:00. Bill uses the following entry to create the new label (JST):
JST (GMT+09:00) FROM 01.03 01:59 TO 24.10 02:00 (GMT+10:00)
EXAMPLE: Although time zone definitions in the northern hemisphere are set to summer Daylight
Saving Time, definitions in the southern hemisphere are set to winter. In Sydney,
Australia, winter time (GMT+09:00) is from March 25 at 03:00 until October 1 at 02:00.
All other dates are GMT+10:00 (summer time). The time label for Sydney is defined as
SYD (GMT+10:00) FROM 25.03 03:00 TO 01.10. 02:00 (GMT+09:00)
If a relevant time zone contains several countries, some observe DST and some do not (or if they
change the clock on different days) add additional time zone definitions to cover the variations.
3. Update the relevant job processing definitions, using the appropriate variations.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

NOTE: If you delete a time zone from TimeZone.dat or modify a three-character name in that file,
change any job processing definitions that specify that time zone. Otherwise, those job processing
definitions are invalid.

Daylight Savings Time considerations (Spring)

The following examples assume that the clock is moved ahead at 02:00 A.M. (02:00 A.M. becomes 03:00
A.M.). If the computer is capable of changing the clock without restarting the system, do not bring down
Control-M when the clock is being advanced.
NOTE: If your data center includes multiple time zones, you may need to adjust the time zone
configuration file to reflect the different offsets that result from a switch to or from daylight saving time.
This adjustment is especially important because the switch to daylight saving time is often not made on
the same date in each time zone.Daylight saving time considerations
New Day procedure

If the New Day procedure starts before you reset the clock, the New Day procedure will start working
before the clock is advanced, and will continue normally (even if the clock is advanced while the New
Day procedure is in process).

If the New Day procedure is scheduled to begin at exactly 02:00 A.M., the same considerations apply.
It is possible that the New Day procedure will start execution before the clock is manually changed.
Otherwise, changing the clock will initiate New Day processing.

If the New Day procedure is scheduled to begin between 02:00 A.M. and 03:00 A.M., after the
computer clock is advanced, Control-M will start the normal New Day processing.

If the New Day procedure is scheduled to begin after 03:00 A.M., no action is required. Control-M will
start the standard New Day procedure.

Time-dependent shout messages

Shout messages that are scheduled before 02:00 A.M. do not require any action.

Shout messages that are scheduled between 02:00 A.M. and 03:00 A.M. will be issued, even though
there may not be a delay in production because the time frame for production is smaller.

The above information also applies to jobs that have Shout messages scheduled at a later time (for
example, 06:00 A.M.). These jobs might be considered late because of the tighter production time

Time-dependent schedules

FROM UNTIL: Jobs whose scheduled time overlaps the time gap created by the clock shift may need
manual intervention. For example, it is possible that a job with a FROM value of 02:15 A.M. and an
UNTIL value of 02:45 A.M. might not be submitted at all. These jobs should be manually adjusted.

Cyclic Jobs: The next run of cyclic jobs with an interval of more than one hour runs one hour sooner
than it was scheduled. Cyclic jobs with an interval of less than one hour run immediately. A cyclic job
may have to be deleted and then resubmitted to continue the processing cycle during the current

Control-M/Server log file:The Control-M/Server log file will not contain entries with timestamps
between 02:00 A.M. and 03:00 A.M. Any scripts or programs that rely on log entry time should be
checked for possible discrepancies as a result of advancing the clock.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Daylight Savings Time considerations (Winter)

The following examples assume that the clock is moved back at 02:00 A.M. (02:00 A.M. becomes 01:00
New Day procedure

If the New Day procedure starts before 01:00 A.M., no special action should be taken. The New Day
procedure will run only once (between 00:00 and 00:59).

If the New Day procedure starts exactly at 01:00 A.M., computer time should not be turned back to
01:00 A.M. to avoid another New Day process. A second New Day procedure requires manual
intervention. It is advisable to wait until 02:01 A.M., for example, and turn the clock back to 01:01

If the New Day procedure is scheduled to begin between 01:00 A.M. and 02:00 A.M., do one of the
following actions:

Wait at least a full hour after the daily run, and then turn the clock back as needed; the New Day
procedure will have ended.

Update the clock before New Day processing begins.

EXAMPLE: If the New Day time is 01:45 A.M., the clock should be moved back one hour at no later
than 01:44 A.M. If the shift was not done by 01:44 A.M., the user should wait until 02:46
A.M. and then shift the time back.

If the New Day procedure is scheduled to begin after 02:00 A.M., no special action should be taken.

Time-dependent shout messages:Shout messages scheduled between 01:00 A.M. and 02:00 A.M.
might be issued twice.
Time-dependent schedules

FROM UNTIL: No special action should be taken for jobs with FROM-UNTIL or cyclic schedules. Jobs
scheduled to start between 01:00 A.M. and 02:00 A.M. will start at the first occurrence of the hour
(provided that other conditions, such as input conditions and resources are met). However, they can
be restarted after the clock is moved back.

Cyclic Jobs:The next run of cyclic jobs run one hour later than it was scheduled.

Control-M/Server log file:The Control-M/Server log file might contain entries with times earlier than
previous entries, due to the time shift. The same considerations that apply to advancing the clock
forward, should be applied to moving the clock backwards.


Control-M security
As part of the logging in process, Control-M components send user name and password information to
Control-M/Server components for authentication. You can define security permissions for every Control-M
component to ensure maximum security. For every Control-M component you can define the following:

Authorization security: Defines which users are allowed to view and which operations (including
data modification) that users can perform. At the Control-M/EM and Control-M/Server levels, you can
define security for individual users and for groups. For more information, see Control-M/Server
security (on page 219).

Authentication security: Defines run as user authentication for Control-M/Agent. For more
information, see Control-M/Agent security (on page 223).

Control-M/Server security
Control-M/Server security allows you to define authorizations for each user/group. You authorize which
user/group can run a certain a job and which actions (for example, forcing another job or running a
utility) a user/group are authorized to perform in the Control-M/Server account.
Control-M/Server authorization security applies to the Active jobs database.
Authorizations are used to perform security checks each time one of the following actions is attempted in

Accessing a folder (add, delete, or modify a job definition)

Ordering a job

Selecting and submitting a job

Running a command that affects jobs in the Active jobs database (Hold, Confirm, Rerun)

Maintaining Control-M entities (calendars and prerequisite conditions)

The following procedures describe how to create, edit, delete, and define permissions for a user/group:

Creating a user/group (on page 220)

Editing a user/group (on page 220)

Deleting a user/group (on page 221)

User/group authorizations (on page 221)


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Creating a user/group
This procedure describes how to create a user/group which enables you to define the Control-M/Server

To create a user / group:

1. From the Components Tree pane, right-click the Control-M Server: <name of server> and
select Security > Control-M Server.
The Control-M/Server Security window appears.
2. From the

drop-down list, select User or Group.

The New User/New Group window appears.

3. Define the following:

Name: Type a name for the user/group.

Description: Type a description for the user/group (optional).

Group: Type the name of the group the user belongs to.

4. Click OK.
The user/group is created.

Editing a user/group
This procedure describes how to edit a Control-M/Server user/group which enables you to change the
user/group properties.

To edit a user/group:
1. From the Components Tree pane, right-click the Control-M Server: <name of server> and
select Security > Control-M Server.
The Control-M/Server Security window appears.
2. From the User/Group Names list, select the user/group to edit.
3. Click

The Update User/Update Group window appears.

4. Update the Description field and the Group field. For more information see Creating a user/group
(on page 220).
5. Click OK.
The user/group properties are updated.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Deleting a user/group
This procedure describes how to delete a Control-M/Server user/group.

To delete a user/group:
1. From the Components Tree pane, right-click the Control-M Server: <name of server> and
select Security > Control-M Server.
The Control-M/Server Security window appears.
2. From the User/Group Names list, select the user/group to delete.
3. Click

A confirmation message appears.

4. Click Yes.
The user/group is deleted.

User/group authorizations
In Control-M you can define permissions for Control-M/Server users and groups, which enables you to
limit the entities that a user is authorized to view or change. For example, a user can be authorized to
read a folder but not update a folder. Many operations require permissions in Control-M/Server. For
example, to hold a job, the user must be authorized in Control-M/Server to hold jobs for the job run as
user. You can define the following permissions:

Defining folder authorizations (on page 221)

Defining authorizations for Active Jobs (on page 222)

Defining authorizations for Control-M entities (on page 223)

Users are granted permissions based on their associated group. You can add additional authorizations,
which supersede the authorizations defined for that user in the group.

Defining folder authorizations

This procedure describes how to define folder authorizations for specific users/groups and the actions
they are allowed to do for each folder.

To define folder authorizations:

1. From the Components Tree pane, right-click the Control-M Server: <name of server> and
select Security > Control-M Server.
The Control-M/Server Security window appears.
2. From the User/Group Names box, select the user/group you want to define authorizations for.
3. Select the Folder tab, and do the following:
a. Click

b. In the Folder field, type the name of the folder.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

c. For each folder action, select one of the following to define the authorizations. For more
information, see Monitoring.




If you select Default for a user, the authorizations are inherited from the group the user belongs
to. If the user does not belong to a group, the action is not authorized.
4. Click Apply.
The folder authorizations for the user/group are defined.

Defining authorizations for Active Jobs

This procedure describes how to define authorizations for the Active Jobs, which enables you to give
authorizations for specific actions a user/group can do on the copies of the previously-defined folders that
are placed in Active Jobs.

To Define authorizations for Active Jobs:

1. From the Components Tree pane, right-click the Control-M Server: <name of server> and
select Security > Control-M Server.
The Control-M/Server Security window appears.
2. From the User/Group Names box, select the user/group you want to define authorizations for.
3. From the Authorized AJF tab, do the following:
a. Click

b. In the Run As field, type the name of the user.

c. Define the host where the run as user is authorized to perform actions on the folders in Active
d. For each action, select one of the following to indicate what actions the run as user is permitted to
perform on the folders in Active Jobs. For more information, see Monitoring.




If you select Default for a user, the authorizations are inherited from the group the user belongs
to. If the user does not belong to a group, the action is not authorized.
4. Click Apply.
The Active Jobs authorizations are defined for the user/group.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Defining authorizations for Control-M entities

This procedure describes how to define authorizations for Control-M entities on users/groups for the
specific entities in the Active Jobs database in Control-M.

To define authorizations for Control-M entities:

1. From the Components Tree pane, right-click the Control-M Server: <name of server> and
select Security > Control-M Server.
The Control-M/Server Security window appears.
2. From the User/Group Names box, select the user/group you want to define authorizations for.
3. Select the Entities tab.
4. For each action and each entity, select one of the following to indicate what actions the owner is
permitted to perform on each entity. For more information, see Monitoring.




If you select Default for a user, the authorizations are inherited from the group the user belongs to.
If the user does not belong to a group, the action is not authorized.
5. Click Apply.
The authorizations for Control-M entities are defined for the user/group.

Control-M/Agent security
Some of the jobs run by Control-M on a Control-M/Agent require job run as user authentications or SSH
key definitions. The security method is determined by whether the job runs on an agent or if the job is
executed from a remote host. SSH key authentication is only available for job run as users of remote host
jobs using the SSH communication protocol.
The following job types require job owner's authentication settings:

Jobs that run on remote host computers

Jobs that run on agents on Windows computers in Log on as user mode

Jobs that run on agents on UNIX run in non-root mode

The following procedures describe how to define, edit, and delete run as user authentication settings:

Defining run as user authentication settings (on page 223)

Editing run as user authentication settings (on page 224)

Deleting run as user authentication settings (on page 225)

Defining run as user authentication settings

This procedure describes how to define run as user authentication settings, which enables you to add
authentication definitions for run as users.

Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

To define run as user authentication settings:

1. From the Components Tree pane, right-click the Control-M Server: <name of server> and
select Security > Run as.
The Run as User Authentication Settings window appears.
2. From the Control-M/Server drop-down list, select the Control-M/Server to create the owner on.
3. Click

The New Run as User Definition window appears.

4. In the Run as user field, type the user.
5. From the Host drop-down list, select a host.
6. In the Authentication Properties section do one of the following:

Select Use Password Authentication if you are running jobs on a host.

a. In the Enter Password field, type the password to use for authentication.
b. In the Confirm Password field, retype the password to confirm accuracy.

Select Use Key Authentication (SSH only) if you are executing jobs on agentless technology.
c. From the Key Name drop-down list, select the key name.
d. In the Passphrase field, type the passphrase to use for authentication.

7. Click Test.
8. Click OK.
The run as user authentication settings are defined.

Editing run as user authentication settings

This procedure describes how to edit the run as user authentication settings, which enables you to modify
the run as user authentication definitions.

To edit run as user authentication settings:

1. From the Components Tree pane, right-click the Control-M Server: <name of server> and
select Security > Run as.
The Run as User Authentication Settings window appears.
2. From the run as users list, select a run as user to edit.
3. In the Authentication Properties section, make changes to the necessary fields. For more
information, see Defining run as user authentication settings (on page 223).
4. Click Test.
5. Click Save.
The run as user authentication settings are updated.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Deleting run as user authentication settings

This procedure describes how to delete run as user authentication settings, which enables you to remove
authentication definitions that were set for the run as user.

To delete run as user authentication settings:

1. From the Components Tree pane, right-click the Control-M Server: <name of server> and
select Security > Run as.
The Run As User Authentication Settings window appears.
2. From the run as users list, select the run as user to delete.
3. Click

A confirmation message appears.

4. Click Yes.
Wait for the message to be deleted successfully.
5. Click Close.
The run as user authentication settings are deleted.

Agentless SSH key management

Secured Shell (SSH) keys are communication protocols that enable secure data communication through a
secure channel. In Control-M, SSH keys are used when agents communicate with remote hosts.
Control-M/Agent uses the SSH protocol to upload and download files and to submit the job to the remote
host. SSH key authentication method is only available for job run as users of remote host jobs using the
SSH communication protocol.
The Manage Agentless SSH key option enables you to create, delete, or edit SSH keys for remote hosts
and to save public SSH keys on your local computer for further deployment on remote hosts of SSH
The following procedures describe how to create, edit, copy and delete SSH keys:

Creating an SSH key (on page 225)

Editing an SSH key (on page 226)

Deleting an SSH key (on page 227)

Copying public keys to the SSH server

Creating an SSH key

This procedure describes how to create an SSH key which enables you to create SSH keys for remote

To create an SSH key:

1. From the Components Tree pane, right-click the Control-M Server: <name of server> and
select Security > SSH Keys.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

The Manage Agentless SSH Keys window appears.

2. Click

The Create SSH Key window appears.

3. In the Key Name field, type the name for the key.
4. In the Key Passphrase section, do the following:
a. In the Passphrase field, type the password for the key file.
b. In the Confirm Passphrase field, re-type the password to confirm.
5. In the Key generation parameters section, do the following:
a. In the Format of key to generate field, select the format of the SSH key to generate.
b. In the Type of key to generate field, select the type of the SSH key to generate.
c. From the Number of bits in generated key drop-down list, select the number of bits.
Generated keys defined with larger bits provides enhanced security.
6. Click Save.
A message appears asking if you wish to save the public key locally.
7. Click Yes.
8. Select the filename and location for the public key, which can be later distributed to the SSH server.
Private keys are generated and saved in the Control-M/Server database computer. Public keys are
generated and saved in the Control-M/Server computer in the following location:
After the public keys have been saved, copy them to the SSH server.

Editing an SSH key

This procedure describes how to edit an SSH key which enables you to modify the SSH key settings.

To edit an SSH key:

1. From the Components Tree pane, right-click the Control-M Server: <name of server> and
select Security > SSH Keys.
The Manage Agentless SSH Keys window appears.
2. From the list of SSH keys, select the SSH key to edit.
3. Click

The Update SSH Key window appears.

4. Edit the required fields. For more information, see Creating an SSH key (on page 225).
5. Click Save.
The SSH key is updated.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Deleting an SSH key

This procedure describes how to delete an SSH key.

To delete an SSH key:

1. From the Components Tree pane, right-click the Control-M Server: <name of server> and
select Security > SSH Keys.
The Manage Agentless SSH Keys window appears.
2. From the list of SSH keys, select the SSH key to delete.
3. Click

The SSH Key Passphrase window appears.

4. Enter the passphrase, and click OK.
The SSH key is deleted.


Control-M/EM Authorizations
In Control-M you can create, edit, copy, and delete Control-M/EM users and groups, which enables you to
limit the entities that a user is authorized to view or change. For example, a user can be limited to
modifying resources and jobs that relate to a specific Control-M/Server installation.
Users are granted permissions based on their associated group. You can add additional authorizations,
which supersede the authorizations defined for that user in the group.
EXAMPLE: User JimA belongs to group Acct. Group Acct has Browse authority for all folders. JimA has
Update authority for Control-M Figaro and Marius folders. In
addition, JimA has Update authority for jobs on Control-M Figaro and Marius where Bob is
the Run as user and the NodeID or Group is Finance. JimA can update folders
for Figaro and Marius that have jobs whose Run as user is Bob and Node ID or Group field
is Finance, but can only view folders for other Control-M installations.
Usernames are authenticated in Control-M/EM according to the AuthenticationMethod system
parameter and the DirectoryServiceAuth system parameter settings. These parameters determine
whether Control-M/EM uses internal or external authentication. If the DirectoryServiceAuth system
parameter is set to On, the AuthenticationMethod system parameter is ignored. The login procedure must
authenticate the identifiers of the user against external LDAP directories. Users who are not defined in the
Control-M/EM must belong to groups in the LDAP directory. These groups must be associated with
Control-M/EM authorization groups, as described in LDAP Groups authorization (on page 231). For more
information about these parameters and other LDAP parameters, see Control-M/EM general parameters
(on page 48).
Many operations require authorizations in both Control-M/EM and Control-M/Server. For example, to hold
a job, the user must be authorized in Control-M/EM to access that job and authorized in Control-M/Server
to hold jobs for the job run as user. For more information, see Control-M/Server security (on page 219).
The following procedures describe how to define, edit, copy, and delete Control-M/EM users and groups in
the CCM:

Defining a Control-M/EM user/group (on page 228)

Editing a Control-M/EM user/group (on page 229)

Copying a Control-M/EM user/group (on page 229)

Deleting a Control-M/EM user/group (on page 230)

For a list of available authorizations for Control-M/EM users and groups, see Control-M/EM user and group
authorizations (on page 230).

Defining a Control-M/EM user/group

This procedure describes how to define a Control-M/EM user or group.

To define a Control-M/EM user/group:

1. From the Security tab, in the Security group, click Authorizations.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

The Control-M/EM Authorizations window appears.

2. Do one of the following:

If you want to define a Control-M/EM user, select the Users tab and click

If you want to define a Control-M/EM group, select the Group tab and click


3. Type the name of the user or group and click OK.

The User or Group Authorizations window appears.
4. For each tab, type or select the required values for each field, as described in Control-M/EM user and
group authorizations (on page 230).

Editing a Control-M/EM user/group

This procedure describes how to edit a Control-M/EM user or group.

To edit a Control-M/EM user/group:

1. From the Security tab, in the Security group, click Authorizations.
The Control-M/EM Authorizations window appears.
2. Do one of the following:

If you want to edit a Control-M/EM user, select the Users tab.

If you want to edit a Control-M/EM group, select the Group tab.

3. Select the user or group that you want to edit and click

The User or Group Authorizations window appears.

4. For each tab, edit the required values for each field, as described in Control-M/EM user and group
authorizations (on page 230).
The changes do not take affect until the user logs out of all Control-M/EM sessions.

Copying a Control-M/EM user/group

This procedure describes how to copy a Control-M/EM user or group. If you copy an existing group, the
users that belonged to the existing group are not associated with the new group. If you copy an existing
user, the groups that the existing user belongs to are associated with the new user but the existing
password is not copied. You can define the new password in the General tab.

To copy a Control-M/EM user/group:

1. From the Security tab, in the Security group, click Authorizations.
The Control-M/EM Authorizations window appears.
2. Do one of the following:

If you want to copy a Control-M/EM user, select the Users tab.

If you want to copy a Control-M/EM group, select the Group tab.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

3. Select the user or group that you want to copy and click

4. Type a new name for the user or group and click OK.
5. For each tab, edit the values for each field as necessary, as described in Control-M/EM user and group
authorizations (on page 230).
The changes do not take affect until the user logs out of all Control-M/EM sessions.

Deleting a Control-M/EM user/group

This procedure describes how to delete a Control-M/EM user or group.

To delete a Control-M/EM user/group:

1. FFrom the Security tab, in the Security group, click Authorizations.
The Control-M/EM Authorizations window appears.
2. Do one of the following:

If you want to delete a Control-M/EM user, select the Users tab.

If you want to delete a Control-M/EM group, select the Group tab.

3. Select the user or group that you want to delete and click

4. A confirmation message appears.

5. Click Yes.

Control-M/EM user and group authorizations

You can limit the access to the following entities and actions on Control-M/EM users and groups:

Jobs that the user can view or modify. This affects usage of all windows that rely on access to
information originating in the active jobs database. For example, limiting the view to jobs from a
single Control-M/Server installation limits the view in a Control-M/EM ViewPoint. For more
information, see Active authorizations (on page 232).

Control resources, quantitative resources, global conditions, and prerequisite conditions that the user
can view or change. This does not relate to resources and conditions displayed in the Job Details
window. For example, a user might see that a job is waiting for a prerequisite condition in the Job
Details window, but not be authorized to create this condition using the Prerequisite Condition
window. For more information, see Global Condition authorizations (on page 239), Prerequisite
Conditions authorizations (on page 241), or Quantitative and Control Resource authorizations (on
page 244).

Calendars and folders that the user can view. Limiting access to folders also determines which folders
and jobs the user can order or force. For more information, see Calendar authorizations (on page
247) or Folder authorizations (on page 249).

CCM, Administration and Monitoring Tools, and ViewPoint Manager, as described in Privileges (on
page 235).


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

User general permissions

The following table describes login data about users (or lists members of a group):


User Name

Defines the username of the authorized user

Full Name

Defines the full name of the authorized user


Provides a description of the authorized user


Defines the password of the authorized user

The Password field is disabled when Active Directory
authentication is used.
NOTE: If the UserChangePassword system parameter is set
to 1 (its default value), all users can change their own
password (see Changing the password). If this parameter is set
to 0, only users who have Full or Update permission to modify
security definitions can change their own password.

Confirm Password

Confirms the password of the authorized user

Password Expiration

Determines when the password expires by selecting one of the

following options:

Lock Account

Password never expires

Password will expire every n days

User must change password at next login

Determines whether the user account is locked and disables

the user from performing actions in Control-M Workload

LDAP Groups authorization

An LDAP group in Control-M/EM authorizations is mapped to the corresponding group in the LDAP server.
This eliminates the need of creating users in Control-M/EM, and instead authenticates the users in the
LDAP server.
In addition, a user who logs into Control-M/EM with LDAP credentials does not need to be a direct
member of one of the LDAP groups that are mapped to Control-M/EM. Control-M/EM checks the
descendants of the LDAP groups mapped to Control-M/EM. If the user is a member of one or more of the
descendant groups, the user is authorized in Control-M/EM, and inherits the combined authorizations of
all of the parental groups.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

The login procedure must authenticate the identifiers of the user against external LDAP directories. Users
who are not defined in the Control-M/EM users must belong to groups in the LDAP directory. These LDAP
groups must be associated with Control-M/EM authorization, as described in Defining LDAP Groups (on
page 232).

Defining LDAP Groups

This procedure describes how to define LDAP Groups, which enable you to authorize users who are not
Control-M/EM users or part of a Control-M/EM group.

To define LDAP Groups:

1. From the Security tab, in the Security group, click Authorizations.
The Control-M/EM Authorizations window appears.
2. Select the Group tab and double-click the group that you want to apply an authorization.
3. Select the LDAP Groups tab.
The User Authorizations: LDAP Groups dialog box appears.
4. In the LDAP Groups Reference table, type a name for the LDAP Group and then click OK.
The LDAP Group is created.

Adding users to groups

This procedure describes how to add users to groups, which enables you to grant access to multiple users
through group authorizations.

To add users to groups:

1. From the Security tab, in the Security group, click Authorizations.
The Control-M/EM Authorizations window appears.
2. Select the Users tab and double-click the user that you want to add to a group.
3. Select the Member Of tab.
The User Authorizations: Member Of dialog box appears.
4. In the Not a member of table, select the group that you want this user to join and click Add.
The user is now a member of the group that you selected and appears in the Member of table.

Active authorizations
The authorizations in the Active tab enable you to grant users access to browse specific job output and
perform specific actions on a job in Control-M Workload Automation based on job and folder filters, as
described in Assigning Active authorizations (on page 233).
The Browse, Control, and Update actions that you apply for a user are only applicable to the jobs and
folders that you filtered.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

EXAMPLE: User Bob has authorization to see jobs starting with a*, and is authorized to perform Free
and Hold actions on those jobs. He also belongs to the Tech Support group, which have
permission to see jobs starting with b*, and are authorized to perform Rerun and Confirm
actions on those jobs. User Bob also belongs to the DBA group, which have authorization to
see jobs starting with c*, and are authorized to use the Log and Documentation browse
features and perform Confirm actions on those jobs.
When Bob logs into Control-M/EM, he sees all jobs starting with the letter a, b, and c. For all
jobs starting with the letter a, he can perform Hold and Free actions. For jobs starting with
the letter b, he can perform Rerun and Confirm actions. For jobs starting with the letter c he
can view the Log and Documentation and perform Confirm actions.
The following table lists the Browse, Control, and Update actions that you can apply to a user for specific
jobs and folders:
Active Authorizations field descriptions



Enables you to filter jobs and folders based on simple or

advanced filtering criteria


Enables you to assign browse authorizations for Properties,

Documentation, Log, Statistics, View Output List, View JCL, and
Waiting Info


Enables you to assign control authorizations for Hold, Release,

Confirm, Rerun, React, Restart, Terminate, and Bypass


Enables you to assign update authorizations for Delete,

Undelete, Set to OK, Edit Properties, and Edit JCL (JCL Verify

Assigning Active authorizations

This procedure describes how to assign Active authorizations for a Control-M/EM user or group, which
enable you to limit the browse, control, and update actions on specific jobs and folders.

To assign Active authorizations:

1. From the Security tab, in the Security group, click Authorizations.
The Control-M/EM Authorizations window appears.
2. Do one of the following:

If you want to define an Action authorization for a Control-M/EM user, select the Users tab and
double-click the user that you want to apply an authorization.

If you want to define an Action authorization for a Control-M/EM group, select the Group tab and
double-click the group that you want to apply an authorization.

3. Select the Active tab.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

The User Authorizations: Active dialog box appears.

4. To add a filter, which includes or excludes jobs, do the following in the Including
Terms or Excluding Terms area:
a. In the Field column, select a job property.
b. In the Operator column, select the operator that you want to use.
c. In the Value column, type a value for the job property.
d. Repeat step a through step c as necessary.
e. If you want to add another group of fields which, when met, can include more fields, even if the
other group of fields do not meet the conditions, click

EXAMPLE: The Jobs filter definition includes jobs that meet both of the following inclusion criteria:

The job Member name must end with e.

The job must run on a Control-M installation whose name begins with o or job is

Even if a job meets the preceding inclusion criteria, the filter excludes the job if it runs on
a Control-M installation whose name is omega-ctm3.
5. Select the Browse, Control, and Update actions for this user, as described in Active authorizations (on
page 232), and then click OK.
The Active authorizations for this user are enabled.

Editing Active authorizations

This procedure describes how to edit Active authorizations for a Control-M/EM user or group, which
enable you to limit the browse, control, and update actions on specific jobs and folders.

To edit Active authorizations:

1. From the Security tab, in the Security group, click Authorizations.
The Control-M/EM Authorizations window appears.
2. Do one of the following:

If you want to edit an Action authorization for a Control-M/EM user, select the Users tab and
double-click the user that you want to apply an authorization.

If you want to edit an Action authorization for a Control-M/EM group, select the Group tab and
double-click the group that you want to apply an authorization.

3. Select the Active tab.

4. Edit the job and folder filter and or edit the Browse, Control, and Update actions for this user, as
described in Active authorizations (on page 232), and then click OK.
The Active authorizations for this user are updated.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Privileges enables you to grant users access to the CCM, Monitoring and Administration Tools, and
ViewPoint Manager and perform actions based on the defined access level. To activate privileges for the
user, you must define each privilege with at least a Browse access level, as described in the following
Access Level



Disables the user from viewing, adding, editing, and deleting

objects in Control-M Workload Automation


Enables the user to view and refresh objects in Control-M

Workload Automation


Enables the user to add and edit objects in Control-M Workload



Enables the user to add, edit, and delete objects in Control-M

Workload Automation


Inherits the authorizations from the associated group. (Valid for

user authorizations. Not valid for group authorizations.)

EXAMPLE: User JimA belongs to group Staff. Group Staff has Update authority for all Collections,
Hierarchies, Filters, and ViewPoints but only Browse authority for Authorization definitions,
Alerts, and Archived ViewPoints. JimA is defined with Default authority for all definitions
and Update authority for Communication. JimA can create and modify ViewPoints as well as
add, modify, and delete Control-M installations from the Control-M/EM database.
The following table describes each privilege component and determines the actions that a user or member
of a group can perform on different parts of Control-M/EM:




Client Access

Enables the user to perform

administration tasks from a
Command Line Interface

Control-M Configuration

Client Access

Enables the user to log in to

the Control-M Configuration
Manager (on page 9).

Control-M Self Service

Client Access

Enables the user to log in to

Control-M Self Service.

Control-M Workload
Change Manager

Client Access

Enables the user to log in to

the Control-M Workload
Change Manager.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Control-M Workload
Automation, Utilities, EM

Client Access

Enables the user to access

the following items:

Control-M Workload
Automation (Utilities,

Control-M Self Service

Control-M Workload
Change Manager


Control-M Configuration

Enables the user to apply

authorizations on other
users in Control-M/EM, such
as Calendars and Folders, as
described in Control-M/EM
Authorizations (on page


Control-M Configuration

Enables the user to create,

edit, and delete,
Control-M/Server, and
components, as described
in Component management
(on page 11)


Control-M Configuration

Enables the user to start,

stop, recycle, and ignore
components, as described
in Component status (on
page 32)

Database Maintenance

Control-M Configuration

Enables the user to check

database space and extend
the database size, as
described in Checking
Database space (on page


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide





Control-M Configuration

Enables the user to create,

update, view, and delete
user and group security
records, as described
in Control-M security (on
page 219) as well create,
edit, copy, export, test, and
delete connection profiles
for an external application.
For more details about
connection profile
management, see

Archived ViewPoints

Monitoring and
Administration Tools

Enables the user to access

Archived ViewPoints


Monitoring and
Administration Tools

Enables the user to handle

and unhandle alerts

BIM Reports

Monitoring and
Administration Tools

Enables the user to

generate BIM reports

Forecast Reports

Monitoring and
Administration Tools

Enables the user to

generate Forecast reports

Periodical Statistics

Monitoring and
Administration Tools

Enables the user to use

Periodical Statistics on a job


Monitoring and
Administration Tools

Enables the user to

configure BMC Batch Impact
Manager and

Promotion Rules

Monitoring and
Administration Tools

Enables the user to define

promotion rules.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Promotion Action

Monitoring and
Administration Tools

Enables the user to set the

following authorization
levels for a promotion

Site Standard and Site


Monitoring and
Administration Tools

None: The user is

unable promote

Update: The user can

create a promotion
request but the
immediate promotion
option is disabled.

Full: The user can use

promotion request and
immediate promote

Enables the user to do the


Define settings that

ensure Control-M
Workload Change
Manager web users and
Control-M Workload
Automation schedulers
follow your

Simplify job properties

and restrict creation of
job types.


Viewpoint Manager

Enables the user to create



Viewpoint Manager

Enables the user to create



Viewpoint Manager

Enables the user to create



Viewpoint Manager

Enables the user to create



Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Global Condition authorizations

Global Condition authorizations grant users access to specific Global Conditions in Control-M Workload
Automation and an authorization level for each condition, as described in the following table:


Access Level

Determines one of the following access levels for each user and


None: Disables the user from viewing, adding, editing, and

deleting objects in Control-M Workload Automation

Browse: Enables the user to view and refresh objects in

Control-M Workload Automation

Update: Enables the user to add and edit objects in

Control-M Workload Automation

Full: Enables the user to add, edit, and delete objects in

Control-M Workload Automation

Default: Inherits the authorizations from the associated


Defines the name of the global condition prefix that the user
has access to based on the access level.

The following procedures describe how to assign, edit, and delete Global Condition authorizations:

Assigning a Global Condition authorization (on page 239)

Editing a Global Condition authorization (on page 240)

Deleting a Global Condition authorization (on page 240)

Assigning a Global Condition authorization

This procedure describes how to assign a Global Condition authorization for a Control-M/EM user or
group, which enables you to limit access to a condition.

To assign a Global Condition authorization:

1. From the Security tab, in the Security group, click Authorizations.
The Control-M/EM Authorizations window appears.
2. Do one of the following:

If you want to define a Global Condition authorization for a Control-M/EM user, select
the Users tab and double-click the user that you want to apply an authorization.

If you want to define a Global Condition authorization for a Control-M/EM group, select
the Group tab and double-click the group that you want to apply an authorization.

3. Select the Global Conditions tab and click


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

The User Authorizations: Global Conditions dialog box appears.

4. For each field, type or select the required value, as described in Global Condition authorizations (on
page 239) and then click OK.
NOTE: You can use pattern matching strings and an * to denote all values, as described in Pattern
matching strings.
The Global Condition authorization appears in the User Authorization: <Control-M/EM user>

Editing a Global Condition authorization

This procedure describes how to edit a Global Condition authorization for a Control-M/EM user or group,
which enables you to limit the access to a Global Condition.

To edit a Global Condition authorization:

1. From the Security tab, in the Security group, click Authorizations.
The Control-M/EM Authorizations window appears.
2. Do one of the following:

If you want to edit a Global Condition authorization for a Control-M/EM user, select the Users tab
and double-click the user that you want to edit.

If you want to edit a Global Condition authorization for a Control-M/EM group, select
the Group tab and double-click the group that you want to edit.

3. Select the Global Conditions tab and then select the Global Condition authorization that you want to
4. Click

The User Authorizations: Global Conditions dialog box appears.

5. Edit the required fields, as described in Global Condition authorizations (on page 239) and then
click OK.
NOTE: You can use pattern matching strings and an * to denote all values, as described in Pattern
matching strings.
The updated Global Condition authorization appears in the User Authorization: <Control-M/EM
user> window.

Deleting a Global Condition authorization

This procedure describes how to delete a Global Condition authorization for a Control-M/EM user or

To delete a Global Condition authorization:

1. From the Security tab, in the Security group, click Authorizations.
The Control-M/EM Authorizations window appears.
2. Do one of the following:


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

If you want to delete a Global Condition authorization for a Control-M/EM user, select
the Users tab and double-click the user contains the authorization that you want to delete.

If you want to delete a Global Condition authorization for a Control-M/EM group, select
the Group tab and double-click the group contains the authorization that you want to delete.

3. Select the Global Conditions tab and then select the Global Condition authorization that you want to
4. Click

A confirmation message appears.

5. Click Yes.

Prerequisite Conditions authorizations

Prerequisite condition authorizations grant users access to specific conditions in Control-M Workload
Automation and an authorization level for each condition, as described in the following table:


Access Level

Determines one of the following access levels for each user and

None: Disables the user from viewing, adding, editing, and

deleting objects in Control-M Workload Automation

Browse: Enables the user to view and refresh objects in

Control-M Workload Automation

Update: Enables the user to add and edit objects in

Control-M Workload Automation

Full: Enables the user to add, edit, and delete objects in

Control-M Workload Automation

Default: Inherits the authorizations from the associated


Control-M Server

Defines the name of the Control-M/Server (or Control-M for

z/OS) that processes the job.


Defines the name of the condition that the user has access to
based on the access level

The following procedures describe how to assign, edit, and delete Prerequisite conditions authorizations:

Assigning a Prerequisite Condition authorization (on page 242)

Editing a Prerequisite Condition authorization (on page 242)

Deleting a Prerequisite Condition authorization (on page 243)


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Assigning a Prerequisite Condition authorization

This procedure describes how to assign a Prerequisite Condition authorization for a Control-M/EM user or
group, which enables you to limit the actions a user can perform on a Prerequisite Condition.

To assign a Prerequisite Condition authorization:

1. From the Security tab, in the Security group, click Authorizations.
The Control-M/EM Authorizations window appears.
2. Do one of the following:

If you want to define a Prerequisite Condition authorization for a Control-M/EM user, select
the Users tab and double-click the user that you want to apply an authorization.

If you want to define a Prerequisite Condition authorization for a Control-M/EM group, select
the Group tab and double-click the group that you want to apply an authorization.

3. Select the Prerequisite Conditions tab and click

The User Authorizations: Prerequisite Conditions dialog box appears.

4. For each field, type or select the required value, as described in Prerequisite Conditions authorizations
(on page 241) and then click OK.
NOTE: You can use pattern matching strings and an * to denote all values, as described in Pattern
matching strings.
The Prerequisite Condition authorization appears in the User Authorization: <Control-M/EM user>

Editing a Prerequisite Condition authorization

This procedure describes how to edit a Prerequisite Condition authorization for a Control-M/EM user or
group, which enables you to limit the actions a user can perform on a Prerequisite Condition.

To edit a Prerequisite Condition authorization:

1. From the Security tab, in the Security group, click Authorizations.
The Control-M/EM Authorizations window appears.
2. Do one of the following:

If you want to edit a Prerequisite Condition authorization for a Control-M/EM user, select
the Users tab and double-click the user that you want to edit.

If you want to edit a Prerequisite Condition authorization for a Control-M/EM group, select
the Group tab and double-click the group that you want to edit.

3. Select the Prerequisite Conditions tab and then select the Prerequisite Condition authorization that
you want to edit.
4. Click

The User Authorizations: Prerequisite Conditions dialog box appears.

5. Edit the required fields, as described in Prerequisite Conditions authorizations (on page 241), and then
click OK.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

NOTE: You can use pattern matching strings and an * to denote all values, as described in Pattern
matching strings.
The updated Prerequisite Condition authorization appears in the User Authorization:
<Control-M/EM user> window.

Deleting a Prerequisite Condition authorization

This procedure describes how to delete a Prerequisite Condition authorization for a Control-M/EM user or

To delete a Prerequisite Condition authorization:

1. From the Security tab, in the Security group, click Authorizations.
The Control-M/EM Authorizations window appears.
2. Do one of the following:

If you want to delete a Prerequisite Condition authorization for a Control-M/EM user, select
the Users tab and double-click the user contains the authorization that you want to delete.

If you want to delete a Prerequisite Condition authorization for a Control-M/EM group, select
the Group tab and double-click the group contains the authorization that you want to delete.

3. Select the Prerequisite Conditions tab and then select the Prerequisite Condition authorization that
you want to delete.
4. Click

A confirmation message appears.

5. Click Yes.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Quantitative and Control Resource authorizations

Quantitative and Control Resource authorizations grant users access to specific Quantitative and Control
Resources in Control-M Workload Automation and an authorization level for each resource, as described in
the following table:


Access Level

Determines one of the following access levels for each user and

None: Disables the user from viewing, adding, editing, and

deleting objects in Control-M Workload Automation

Browse: Enables the user to view and refresh objects in

Control-M Workload Automation

Update: Enables the user to add and edit objects in

Control-M Workload Automation

Full: Enables the user to add, edit, and delete objects in

Control-M Workload Automation

Default: Inherits the authorizations from the associated


Control-M Server

Defines the name of the Control-M/Server (or Control-M for

z/OS) that processes the job.


Define the name of the quantitative or control resource that

the user has access to based on the access level

The following procedures describe how to assign, edit, and delete Quantitative and Control Resource

Assigning a Quantitative or Control Resource authorization (on page 244)

Editing a Quantitative or Control Resource authorization (on page 245)

Deleting a Quantitative or Control Resource authorization (on page 246)

Assigning a Quantitative or Control Resource authorization

This procedure describes how to assign a Quantitative or Control Resource authorization for a
Control-M/EM user or group, which enables you to limit the actions a user can perform on a resource.

To assign a Quantitative or Control Resource authorization:

1. From the Security tab, in the Security group, click Authorizations.
The Control-M/EM Authorizations window appears.
2. Do one of the following:

If you want to define a Quantitative or Control Resource authorization for a Control-M/EM user,
select the Users tab and double-click the user that you want to apply an authorization.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

If you want to define a Quantitative or Control Resource authorization for a Control-M/EM group,
select the Group tab and double-click the group that you want to apply an authorization.

3. Do one of the following:

If you want to assign a Quantitative Resource, select the Quantitative Resources tab and click

If you want to assign a Control Resource, select the Control Resources tab and click

The User Authorizations: Quantitative Resources dialog box or the User Authorizations:
Control Resources appears.
4. For each field, type or select the required value, as described in Quantitative and Control Resource
authorizations (on page 244) and then click OK.
NOTE: You can use pattern matching strings and an * to denote all values, as described in Pattern
matching strings.
The Quantitative or Control Resource authorization appears in the User Authorization:
<Control-M/EM user> window.

Editing a Quantitative or Control Resource authorization

This procedure describes how to edit a Quantitative or Control Resource authorization for a Control-M/EM
user or group, which enables you to limit the actions a user can perform on a resource.

To edit a Quantitative or Control Resource authorization:

1. From the Security tab, in the Security group, click Authorizations.
The Control-M/EM Authorizations window appears.
2. Do one of the following:

If you want to edit a Quantitative or Control Resource authorization for a Control-M/EM user,
select the Users tab and double-click the user that you want to edit.

If you want to edit a Quantitative or Control Resource authorization for a Control-M/EM group,
select the Group tab and double-click the group that you want to edit.

3. Do one of the following:

If you want to edit a Quantitative Resource, select the Quantitative Resources tab .

If you want to edit a Control Resource, select the Control Resources tab.
The User Authorizations: Quantitative Resources dialog box or the User Authorizations:
Control Resources appears.

4. Select the authorization that you want to edit and click

5. Edit the required fields, as described in Quantitative and Control Resource authorizations (on page
244) and then click OK.
NOTE: You can use pattern matching strings and an * to denote all values, as described in Pattern
matching strings.
The updated Calendar authorization appears in the User Authorization: <Control-M/EM user>


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Deleting a Quantitative or Control Resource authorization

This procedure describes how to delete a Quantitative or Control Resource authorization for a
Control-M/EM user or group.

To delete a Quantitative or Control Resource authorization:

1. From the Security tab, in the Security group, click Authorizations.
The Control-M/EM Authorizations window appears.
2. Do one of the following:

If you want to delete a Quantitative or Control Resource authorization for a Control-M/EM user,
select the Users tab and double-click the user contains the authorization that you want to delete.

If you want to delete a Quantitative or Control Resource authorization for a Control-M/EM group,
select the Group tab and double-click the group contains the authorization that you want to

3. Do one of the following:

If you want to delete a Quantitative Resource, select the Quantitative Resources tab .

If you want to delete a Control Resource, select the Control Resources tab.

4. Select the authorization that you want to delete and then click
A confirmation message appears.
5. Click Yes.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Calendar authorizations
Calendar authorizations grant users access to specific calendars in Control-M Workload Automation and an
authorization level for each calendar, as described in the following table:


Access Level

Determines one of the following access levels for each user and

None: Disables the user from viewing, adding, editing, and

deleting objects in Control-M Workload Automation

Browse: Enables the user to view and refresh objects in

Control-M Workload Automation

Update: Enables the user to add and edit objects in

Control-M Workload Automation

Full: Enables the user to add, edit, and delete objects in

Control-M Workload Automation

Default: Inherits the authorizations from the associated


Control-M Server

Defines the name of the Control-M/Server (or Control-M for

z/OS) that processes the job.


Define the name of the calendar that the user has access to
based on the access level.

The following procedures describe how to assign, edit, and delete Calendar authorizations:

Assigning a Calendar authorization (on page 247)

Editing a Calendar authorization (on page 248)

Deleting a Calendar authorization (on page 248)

Assigning a Calendar authorization

This procedure describes how to assign a Calendar authorization for a Control-M/EM user or group, which
enables you to limit the actions a user can perform on a calendar.

To assign a Calendar authorization:

1. From the Security tab, in the Security group, click Authorizations.
The Control-M/EM Authorizations window appears.
2. Do one of the following:

If you want to define a Calendar authorization for a Control-M/EM user, select the Users tab and
double-click the user that you want to apply an authorization.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

If you want to define a Calendar authorization for a Control-M/EM group, select the Group tab
and double-click the group that you want to apply an authorization.

3. Select the Calendars tab and click

The User Authorizations: Calendars dialog box appears.

4. For each field, type or select the required value, as described in Calendar authorizations (on page
247) and then click OK.
NOTE: You can use pattern matching strings and an * to denote all values, as described in Pattern
matching strings.
The Calendar authorization appears in the User Authorization: <Control-M/EM user> window.

Editing a Calendar authorization

This procedure describes how to edit a Calendar authorization for a Control-M/EM user or group, which
enables you to limit the actions a user can perform on a calendar.

To edit a Calendar authorization:

1. From the Security tab, in the Security group, click Authorizations.
The Control-M/EM Authorizations window appears.
2. Do one of the following:

If you want to edit a Calendar authorization for a Control-M/EM user, select the Users tab and
double-click the user that you want to edit.

If you want to edit a Calendar authorization for a Control-M/EM group, select the Group tab and
double-click the group that you want to edit.

3. Select the Calendars tab and then select the Calendar authorization that you want to edit.
4. Click

The User Authorizations: Calendars dialog box appears.

5. Edit the required fields, as described in Calendar authorizations (on page 247) and then click OK.
NOTE: You can use pattern matching strings and an * to denote all values, as described in Pattern
matching strings.
The updated Calendar authorization appears in the User Authorization: <Control-M/EM user>

Deleting a Calendar authorization

This procedure describes how to delete a Calendar authorization for a Control-M/EM user or group.

To delete a Calendar authorization:

1. From the Security tab, in the Security group, click Authorizations.
The Control-M/EM Authorizations window appears.
2. Do one of the following:


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

If you want to delete a Calendar authorization for a Control-M/EM user, select the Users tab and
double-click the user contains the authorization that you want to delete.

If you want to delete a Calendar authorization for a Control-M/EM group, select the Group tab
and double-click the group contains the authorization that you want to delete.

3. Select the Calendars tab and then select the Calendar authorization that you want to delete.
4. Click

A confirmation message appears.

5. Click Yes.

Folder authorizations
Folder authorizations grant users access to specific folders in Control-M Workload Automation and an
authorization level for each folder. In addition, you can define different authorizations per job within a
specific folder based on Application and Sub Application criteria.
EXAMPLE: If you want to allow the user to update jobs that belong to Application App1 but restrict this
user from changing the Folder Properties, such as User Daily, Site Standards, and Business
field values, define the fields, as follows:

Access Level=Browse

Control-M, Library, and Folder fields=*

Job Access Level=Update


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Access Level

Determines one of the following access levels for each user and

Browse: Enables the user to view and refresh objects in

Control-M Workload Automation

Update: Enables the user to add and edit objects in

Control-M Workload Automation

Full: Enables the user to add, edit, and delete objects in

Control-M Workload Automation

Control-M Server

Defines the name of the Control-M/Server (or Control-M for

z/OS) that processes the job.


Defines the name of the library that contains the jobs folder.


Defines the name of the folder. In the Properties pane this

parameter indicates the folder where the job belongs.

Job Level Authorization

Determines whether to enable authorizations on jobs in a

specific folder based on Application and Sub Application
NOTE: You can only define job level authorizations if Control-M
Workload Change Manager was installed (see Control-M
Workload Change Manager installation). If Control-M Workload
Change Manager was uninstalled, you can still define job level

Job Access Level


Determines one of the following access levels for each user and

Browse: Enables the user to view and refresh objects in

Control-M Workload Automation

Update: Enables the user to add and edit objects in

Control-M Workload Automation

Full: Enables the user to add, edit, and delete objects in

Control-M Workload Automation

Provides a logical name for sorting groups of jobs. This

parameter is used to supply a common descriptive name to a
set of related job groups.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide



Sub Application

Indicates the name of the Sub Application where the job

belongs logically. It is a sub-category of the Application
parameter. For example, the Application is Finances, and the
Sub Application is Payroll.

The following procedures describe how to assign, edit, and delete folder authorizations:

Assigning a Folder authorization (on page 251)

Editing a Folder authorization (on page 251)

Deleting a Folder authorization (on page 252)

Assigning a Folder authorization

This procedure describes how to assign a Folder authorization for a Control-M/EM user or group, which
enables you to grant users access to specific folders in Control-M Workload Automation and an
authorization level for each folder.

To assign a Folder authorization:

1. From the Security tab, in the Security group, click Authorizations.
The Control-M/EM Authorizations window appears.
2. Do one of the following:

If you want to define a Folder authorization for a Control-M/EM user, select the Users tab and
double-click the user that you want to apply an authorization.

If you want to define a Folder authorization for a Control-M/EM group, select the Group tab and
double-click the group that you want to apply an authorization.

3. Select the Folders tab and click

The User Authorizations: Folders dialog box appears.

4. For each field, type or select the required value, as described in Folder authorizations (on page 249)
and then click OK.
NOTE: You can use pattern matching strings and an * to denote all values, as described in Pattern
matching strings.
The folder authorization appears in the User Authorization: <Control-M/EM user> window.

Editing a Folder authorization

This procedure describes how to edit a Folder authorization for a Control-M/EM user or group, which
enables you to grant users access to specific folders in Control-M Workload Automation and an
authorization level for each folder.

To edit a Folder authorization:

1. From the Security tab, in the Security group, click Authorizations.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

The Control-M/EM Authorizations window appears.

2. Do one of the following:

If you want to edit a Folder authorization for a Control-M/EM user, select the Users tab and
double-click the user that you want to edit.

If you want to edit a Folder authorization for a Control-M/EM group, select the Group tab and
double-click the group that you want to edit.

3. Select the Folders tab and then select the Folder authorization that you want to edit.
4. Click

The User Authorizations: Folders dialog box appears.

5. Edit the required fields, as described in Folder authorizations (on page 249) and then click OK.
NOTE: You can use pattern matching strings and an * to denote all values, as described in Pattern
matching strings.
The updated Folder authorization appears in the User Authorization: <Control-M/EM user>

Deleting a Folder authorization

This procedure describes how to delete a Folder authorization for a Control-M/EM user or group.

To delete a Folder authorization:

1. From the Security tab, in the Security group, click Authorizations.
The Control-M/EM Authorizations window appears.
2. Do one of the following:

If you want to delete a Folder authorization for a Control-M/EM user, select the Users tab and
double-click the user contains the authorization that you want to delete.

If you want to delete a Folder authorization for a Control-M/EM group, select the Group tab and
double-click the group contains the authorization that you want to delete.

3. Select the Folders tab and then select the Folder authorization that you want to delete.
4. Click

A confirmation message appears.

5. Click Yes.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Run as user authorizations

Run as user authorizations grant users access to create and update job definitions for specific jobs in
Control-M Workload Automation and an authorization level for each run as user, as described in the
following table:


Control-M Server

Defines the name of the Control-M/Server (or Control-M for

z/OS) that processes the job.

Run As

Identifies the user name with the authorization to execute the

job. This parameter is used by the Control-M security

Host ID/Group

Defines the name of a Control-M/Agent computer, remote host

computer, or host group where the job is submitted.

NOTE: The definitions in the Run as Users tab only apply to users who have at least the Update access
level in the Folders tab. The definitions in the Run as Users tab apply to the jobs in the SMART folders,
not the SMART folders themselves.
The following procedures describe how assign, edit, and delete run as user authorizations:

Assigning a Run as user authorization (on page 253)

Editing a Run as user authorization (on page 254)

Deleting a Run as user authorization (on page 254)

Assigning a Run as user authorization

This procedure describes how to assign a Run as User authorization for a Control-M/EM user or group,
which enables you to grant the user authorization to create and update job definitions for specific jobs in
Control-M Workload Automation and the XML utilities.

To assign a Run as user authorization:

1. From the Security tab, in the Security group, click Authorizations.
The Control-M/EM Authorizations window appears.
2. Do one of the following:

If you want to define a Run as user authorization for a Control-M/EM user, select the Users tab
and double-click the user that you want to apply an authorization.

If you want to define a Run as user authorization for a Control-M/EM group, select the Group tab
and double-click the group that you want to apply an authorization.

3. Select the Run as Users tab and click

The User Authorizations: Run As User dialog box appears.

4. For each field, type or select the required value, as described in Run as user authorizations (on page
253) and then click OK.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

NOTE: You can use pattern matching strings and an * to denote all values, as described in Pattern
matching strings.
The Run as user authorization appears in the User Authorization: <Control-M/EM user> window.

Editing a Run as user authorization

This procedure describes how to edit a Run as user authorization for a Control-M/EM user or group, which
enables you to grant the user authorization to create and update job definitions for specific jobs in
Control-M Workload Automation and the XML utilities.

To edit a Run as user authorization:

1. From the Security tab, in the Security group, click Authorizations.
The Control-M/EM Authorizations window appears.
2. Do one of the following:

If you want to edit a Run as user authorization for a Control-M/EM user, select the Users tab and
double-click the user that you want to edit.

If you want to edit a Run as user authorization for a Control-M/EM group, select the Group tab
and double-click the group that you want to edit.

3. Select the Run as Users tab and then select the Run as user authorization that you want to edit.
4. Click

The User Authorizations: Run as Users dialog box appears.

5. Edit the required fields, as described in Run as user authorizations (on page 253), and then click OK.
NOTE: You can use pattern matching strings and an * to denote all values, as described in Pattern
matching strings.
The updated Run as user authorization appears in the User Authorization: <Control-M/EM user>

Deleting a Run as user authorization

This procedure describes how to delete a Run as user authorization for a Control-M/EM user or group.

To delete a Run as user authorization:

1. From the Security tab, in the Security group, click Authorizations.
The Control-M/EM Authorizations window appears.
2. Do one of the following:

If you want to delete a Run as user authorization for a Control-M/EM user, select the Users tab
and double-click the user that contains the authorization that you want to delete.

If you want to delete a Run as user authorization for a Control-M/EM group, select the Group tab
and double-click the group contains the authorization that you want to delete.

3. Select the Run as Users tab and then select the Run as user authorization that you want to delete.
4. Click


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

A confirmation message appears.

5. Click Yes.

Workload Policy authorizations

Workload Policy authorizations grant users access to specific Workloads in Control-M Workload
Automation and an authorization level for each Workload Policy, as described in the following table:


Access Level

Determines one of the following access levels for each user and

Workload Policy

None: Disables the user from viewing, adding, editing, and

deleting objects in Control-M Workload Automation

Browse: Enables the user to view and refresh objects in

Control-M Workload Automation

Update: Enables the user to add and edit objects in

Control-M Workload Automation

Full: Enables the user to add, edit, and delete objects in

Control-M Workload Automation

Default: Inherits the authorizations from the associated


Defines the name of the workload policy that the user has
access to based on the access level

The following procedures describe how to assign, edit, and delete Workload Policy authorizations:

Assigning a Workload Policy authorizations (on page 255)

Editing a Workload Policy authorizations (on page 256)

Deleting a Workload Policy authorizations (on page 256)

Assigning a Workload Policy authorizations

This procedure describes how to assign a Workload Policy authorization for a Control-M/EM user or group,
which enables you to limit the actions a user can perform on a Workload Policy.

To assign Workload Policy authorizations:

1. From the Security tab, in the Security group, click Authorizations.
The Control-M/EM Authorizations window appears.
2. Do one of the following:

If you want to define a Workload Policy authorization for a Control-M/EM user, select
the Users tab and double-click the user that you want to apply an authorization.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

If you want to define a Workload Policy authorization for a Control-M/EM group, select
the Group tab and double-click the group that you want to apply an authorization.

3. Select the Workload Policies tab and click

The User Authorizations: Workloads dialog box appears.

4. For each field, type or select the required value, as described in Workload Policy authorizations (on
page 255), and then click OK.
NOTE: You can use pattern matching strings and an * to denote all values, as described in Pattern
matching strings.
The Workload Policy authorization appears in the User Authorization: <Control-M/EM user>

Editing a Workload Policy authorizations

This procedure describes how to edit a Workload Policy authorization for a Control-M/EM user or group,
which enables you to limit the actions a user can perform on a Workload Policy.

To edit Workload Policy authorizations:

1. From the Security tab, in the Security group, click Authorizations.
The Control-M/EM Authorizations window appears.
2. Do one of the following:

If you want to edit a Workload Policy authorization for a Control-M/EM user, select the Users tab
and double-click the user that you want to edit.

If you want to edit a Workload Policy authorization for a Control-M/EM group, select
the Group tab and double-click the group that you want to edit.

3. Select the Workload Policies tab and then select the Workload authorization that you want to edit.
4. Click

The User Authorizations: Workloads dialog box appears.

5. Edit the required fields, as described in Workload Policy authorizations (on page 255), and then
click OK.
NOTE: You can use pattern matching strings and an * to denote all values, as described in Pattern
matching strings.
The updated Workload Policy authorization appears in the User Authorization: <Control-M/EM
user> window.

Deleting a Workload Policy authorizations

This procedure describes how to delete a Workload Policy authorization for a Control-M/EM user or group.

To delete Workload Policy authorizations:

1. From the Security tab, in the Security group, click Authorizations.
The Control-M/EM Authorizations window appears.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

2. Do one of the following:

If you want to delete a Workload Policy authorization for a Control-M/EM user, select
the Users tab and double-click the user contains the authorization that you want to delete.

If you want to delete a Workload Policy authorization for a Control-M/EM group, select
the Group tab and double-click the group contains the authorization that you want to delete.

3. Select the Workload Policies tab and then select the Workload Policy authorization that you want to
4. Click

A confirmation message appears.

5. Click Yes.

Service authorizations
Service authorizations grant users or groups of users access to view services, perform job actions, order,
hold, and release services.
When you add a service user authorization, the user automatically receives permission to view orderable
and non-orderable services that the user ordered.
NOTE: BMC Batch Impact Manager services appear by default in the Control-M Self Service GUI
application and override any service authorization limitation.
NOTE: If you want to utilize LDAP/active directory for adding your users, see Defining LDAP system
parameters (on page 39).
The following procedures describe how to assign, edit, and delete service authorizations:

Assigning a Service authorization (on page 257)

Editing a Service authorization (on page 258)

Deleting a Service authorization (on page 258)

Assigning a Service authorization

This procedure describes how to assign a Service authorization for a Control-M/EM user or group, which
enables you to limit the actions a user can perform on a Service.
The options in the Active area of the Services window define the permissions that the specified
user/user group can perform on a service in the Control-M Self Service GUI application. The options in
the Definitions area of the Services window determines the access level on a service in the Service
definition manager.

To assign a Service authorization:

1. Open the Control-M Configuration Manager.
2. From the Security tab, in the Security group, click Authorizations.
The Control-M/EM Authorizations window appears.
3. Do one of the following:


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

If you want to define a Service authorization for a Control-M/EM user, select the Users tab and
double-click the user that you want to apply an authorization.

If you want to define a Service authorization for a Control-M/EM group, select the Group tab and
double-click the group that you want to apply an authorization.

4. Select the Services tab and click

The User Authorizations: Services dialog box appears.

5. In the Service field, type the names or name patterns for services.
NOTE: You can use pattern matching strings and an * to denote all values, as described in Pattern
matching strings.
6. In the Active area, select all the permissions and access level that apply to this user, as described in
Service authorizations field descriptions.and then click OK.
When you add a service user authorization, the user automatically receives permission to view
non-orderable services and orderable services that the user ordered.
The Service authorization appears in the User Authorization: <Control-M/EM user> window.

Editing a Service authorization

This procedure describes how to edit a Service authorization for a Control-M/EM user or group, which
enables you to limit the actions a user can perform on a Service.

To edit a Service authorization:

1. From the Security tab, in the Security group, click Authorizations.
The Control-M/EM Authorizations window appears.
2. Do one of the following:

If you want to edit a Service authorization for a Control-M/EM user, select the Users tab and
double-click the user that you want to edit.

If you want to edit a Service authorization for a Control-M/EM group, select the Group tab and
double-click the group that you want to edit.

3. Select the Services tab and then select the Service authorization that you want to edit.
4. Click

The User Authorizations: Services dialog box appears.

5. Edit the required fields, as described in Service authorizations (on page 257), and then click OK.
The updated Service authorization appears in the User Authorization: <Control-M/EM user>

Deleting a Service authorization

This procedure describes how to delete a Service authorization for a Control-M/EM user or group.

To delete a Service authorization:

1. From the Security tab, in the Security group, click Authorizations.

Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

The Control-M/EM Authorizations window appears.

2. Do one of the following:

If you want to delete a Service authorization for a Control-M/EM user, select the Users tab and
double-click the user contains the authorization that you want to delete.

If you want to delete a Service authorization for a Control-M/EM group, select the Group tab and
double-click the group contains the authorization that you want to delete.

3. Select the Services tab and then select the Service authorization that you want to delete.
4. Click

A confirmation message appears.

5. Click Yes.

Creating an administrator user

This procedure describes how to create a Control-M/EM administrator user when the external
authentication server is not available. If the LDAP or Active Directory can not be connected and an
emergency user is not defined, the new administrator can log in and have the authorizations and
privileges of a default administrator user.

To create an administrator user:

1. Log in to the Control-M/EM server account and run the following script:
2. In the Control-M/EM DBO name prompt, type the Control-M/EM database name (maximum length
is 30 characters).
3. In the Control-M/EM DBO password prompt, type the Control-M/EM password.
NOTE: If verification of the Control-M/EM DBO password fails, an error message is issued and the
script is aborted.
4. In the Control-M/EM administrator name prompt, type the name of the new user.
5. In the Control-M/EM administrator password prompt, type the new user password.
6. In the Control-M/EM administrator password verification prompt, type the same password again.

Changing the DBO password

This procedure describe how to change the Oracle or MSSQL DBO password on UNIX and Windows.

To change the DBO password:

1. Type one of the following SQL commands:

Oracle: alter user <userName> identified by newPassword

MSSQL: sp_password <oldPassword>, newPassword, userName

2. Run the emcryptocli utility, as follows:


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

UNIX:emcryptocli em user_name new_password ctm_em/ini/mcs.ini

Windows: emcryptocli user_name new_password emHome\default\ini\mcs.ini

3. Recycle all Control-M/EM components, as described Recycling a component (on page 34).

Authorizing non-administrators to manage application

plug-in connection profiles
This procedure describes how to to define users or groups who can manage application plug-in
connection profiles without granting them unlimited configuration privileges.
NOTE: The permissions set using this procedure supersede the privileges defined in the User
Authorization window.

To authorize non-administrators to manage application plug-in connection profiles:

1. Change the value of the restricted_cm_admin system parameter to 1, as described in Defining
Control-M/EM system parameters (on page 37).
2. Navigate to the following directory on where the CMS is running:
3. Type the required value for each tag, as described in cm_admin.xml parameters (on page 261).
You can use expressions such as a* or LIKE Bob for any of the fields.
4. Save the file as cm_admin.xml.
5. Run the following command:

Ctl.exe -U EM_DBO -P EM_DBO_password -C CMS -name CMS -cmdstr

You must execute the above command every time the cm_admin.xml file is modified.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

cm_admin.xml parameters
The following table describes parameters that are used in the cm_admin.xml file. To define these
parameters, see Authorizing non-administrators to manage application plug-in connection profiles (on
page 260).



Defines the name of the Control-M/EM group or user that is

granted admin authorizations to the application plug-in


Defines the Control-M server that interacts with the application



Defines the name of the Control-M/Agent node where the

application plug-in is installed


Determines which application plug-in is used

NOTE: The relationship between more than one filter in the file uses OR logic. This means that groups or
users can manage application plug ins that answer any of the criteria in the list of filters.


High availability
Control-M High Availability enables you to maximize your production environment uptime and prevent
data loss in the event of hardware maintenance or failure.
Control-M supports the following high availability solutions:

Control-M/EM and Control-M/Server high availability with Oracle/MSSQL (on page 264): Enables you
to set up a secondary host with Control-M/EM or Control-M/Server. If there is a hardware failure or if
all Control-M/EM or Control-M/Server processes are down unexpectedly, the secondary automatically
(by default) or manually assumes control and resumes production.

Control-M/Server high availability with PostgreSQL (on page 270): Enables you to set up a secondary
Control-M/Server and a secondary PostgreSQL database server for database replication. If the primary
Control-M/Server and database server are down, you can manually fail over to the secondary host.

To set up your high availability environment, you must do the following:

Install or use an existing Control-M/EM, Control-M/Server, or a Control-M full installation, as described

in Control-M full installation, Control-M/Enterprise Manager installation, and Control-M/Server

Install a secondary Control-M/EM, Control-M/Server, or a Control-M full installation, as described in

High availability installation.

Control-M/Server supports database mirroring on MSSQL and Oracle databases, but not in a Control-M
High Availability environment. For more information, see Control-M/Server mirroring database (on page


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Control-M high availability on one host

To ensure that Control-M continues to run when it is installed on one host, the Control-M/EM and
Control-M/Server Configuration Agent monitor and manage the following components in the CCM:


GUI Server (GSR)

Gateway (GTW)

Global Condition Server (GCS)

Batch Impact Manager Server (BIM)

Forecast Server

Self Service Server

Web Server

Configuration Manager Server (CMS)

Naming Service

PostgreSQL database server

Workload Archiving Server

If a Control-M/EM or Control-M/Server component goes down, the Configuration Agent attempts to start it
up (if desired state is set to Up), based on defined intervals, as described in Maintenance parameters (on
page 91) and High Availability parameters (on page 132).
If you are using a PostgreSQL database, the Configuration Agent manages the database component and
sends a life check every defined interval (see Maintenance parameters (on page 91) and High Availability
parameters (on page 132)). If there is no response after a defined number of attempts, the Configuration
Agent restarts the database automatically. If you are using an Oracle or MSSQL database, you can view
the database component in the CCM, but the Configuration Agent does not manage the component and
cannot start it up or shut it down.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Control-M/EM and Control-M/Server high availability with

After you have installed a secondary Control-M (see High availability installation), the Control-M/EM or
Control-M/Server Configuration Agent on the secondary host monitors the primary Control-M/EM or
Control-M/Server based on defined intervals. If there is no response from the primary, you can fail over to
the secondary in one of the following modes:

Automatic failover (on page 267): The secondary Configuration Agent automatically takes control and
resumes production, when it detects that the primary Control-M/EM or Control-M/Server and its
primary Configuration Agent has stopped unexpectedly.

Manual failover (on page 268): You can perform a manual failover at any time from the CCM if the
manual failover option is enabled. After the failover is complete, the production runs on the

The following procedures describe how to manually fail over to a secondary host, pause Control-M/Server,
fall back to a primary host, and set secondary to Primary:

Failing over a Control-M/EM or Control-M/Server to secondary (on page 269)

Pausing Control-M/Server (on page 18)

Falling back Control-M/EM or Control-M/Server to primary (on page 269)

Setting a Secondary to Primary (on page 270)

NOTE: If you attempt to manually start up components on the secondary when the primary is active, the
components shut down automatically. This prevents both the primary and secondary from running
components simultaneously.
For a description of configurable Control-M/EM high availability system parameters, see Maintenance
parameters (on page 91). For a description of configurable Control-M/Server high availability system
parameters, see High Availability parameters (on page 132). To receive notifications about
Control-M/Server high availability events, see Control-M/Server general parameters (on page 126). To
receive notifications about Control-M/EM high availability events, see Control-M/EM general parameters
(on page 48).


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Control-M/EM high availability architecture

The following diagram shows Control-M/EM in a high availability environment using an Oracle or MSSQL

The following diagram shows a Control-M/EM automatic failover when the the primary components are no
longer available.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Control-M/Server high availability architecture (Oracle/MSSQL)

The following diagram shows Control-M/Server in a high availability environment using an Oracle or
MSSQL database.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

The following diagram shows a Control-M/Server automatic failover when the the primary components are
no longer available.

Automatic failover
An automatic failover occurs when the secondary Configuration Agent detects that the primary
Control-M/EM or Control-M/Server and its Configuration Agent is not alive and the production on the
primary has stopped unexpectedly. This can occur due to a hardware malfunction, machine crash, a
network card stops responding, or if all components are down.
Control-M/EM: To ensure that the primary Control-M/EM is not functioning, the following conditions
must be met before an automatic failover occurs (default: 60 seconds):

There are no life check responses from all Control-M/EM components and the primary Configuration
Agent (see Maintenance parameters (on page 91)).

EXAMPLE: If HA_LIFECHECK_TRIES is set to 3, and each Check Interval for each Control-M/EM
component is set to 20, an automatic failover starts after 60 seconds. The production on the
secondary is ready after all the components are up and this time is determined by the
operating system, number of Control-M/Servers, and number of jobs.

There are no transactions recorded in the database from all Control-M/EM components and its
primary Configuration Agent.

EXAMPLE: If all components are down and the Configuration Agent is up, an automatic failover does not

The Oracle or MSSQL database is up.

Control-M/Server: To ensure that the primary Control-M/Server is not functioning, the following
conditions must be met before an automatic failover occurs (default: 60 seconds):


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

There is no life check response from the primary Configuration Agent (see High Availability
parameters (on page 132)).
and HA_LIFE_CHECK_TIMEOUT is set to 5 (default), the primary Configuration Agent
is considered not functioning after 20 seconds.

There are no transactions recorded in the database from all running Control-M/Server processes and
its primary Configuration Agent.
is set to 15 (default) and HA_LIFE_CHECK_TIMEOUT is set to 5 (default), processes
are considered not writing to the database after 40 seconds ( (3-1) * (15 +5) )
EXAMPLE: If all Control-M/Server processes are down but the Configuration Agent is up, an
automatic failover does not occur.

The Oracle or MSSQL database is up.

Manual failover
You can perform a manual failover at any time from the CCM if the manual failover option is enabled.
The following scenarios describe the required conditions for a manual failover to occur.
Oracle/MSSQL: A manual failover can occur in one of the following scenarios:

If the the primary Configuration Agent is running:

The secondary Configuration Agent responds to life check requests from the primary
Configuration Agent.

The database server is available for the Primary Configuration Agent.

If the primary Configuration Agent is not running:

The primary Control-M/Server is not running.

The database server is available for the Secondary Configuration Agent.

PostgreSQL: A manual failover can occur in one of the following scenarios:

If the the primary Configuration Agent is running:

The secondary Configuration Agent responds to life check requests from the primary
Configuration Agent.

The primary and secondary Configuration Agent has access to the shared directory.

If the primary Configuration Agent is not running:

The primary database server is not running.

The secondary Configuration Agent has access to the shared directory.

The secondary database server is available for the Secondary Configuration Agent.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Changing the Failover mode

This procedure describes how to change the failover mode from Automatic to Manual on Control-M/EM
and Control-M/Server. This enables you to determine when to shut down Control-M/EM or
Control-M/Server and perform a failover.

To define failover mode:

1. Select the primary Control-M/EM or Control-M/Server component.
2. Right-click and select Properties.
The Control-M/EM Properties or Control-M/Server Definitions window appears.
3. From the Failover Mode drop-down list, select Manual.
4. Click Save.
The failover mode is now set to Manual, and a failover will not occur until you perform it manually, as
described in Failing over a Control-M/EM or Control-M/Server to secondary (on page 269).

Failing over a Control-M/EM or Control-M/Server to secondary

This procedure describes how to manually fail over a Control-M/EM or Control-M/Server to a secondary
In manual mode, the secondary CA starts up the CMS.
NOTE: Control-M/EM and/or Control-M/Server must be using a MSSQL or Oracle database.

To fail over to secondary:

1. From the High Availability tab, select the primary Control-M/EM or Control-M/Server component
and click Failover to Secondary.
A progress window appears listing each step in the failover process.
2. When the failover is complete, click Close.
Control-M/EM or Control-M/Server is now running on the secondary host.
3. If you want to revert to your original configuration, fix the problem on the primary and then fall back
to primary, as described in Falling back Control-M/EM or Control-M/Server to primary (on page 269).

Falling back Control-M/EM or Control-M/Server to primary

This procedure describes how to manually fall back a Control-M/EM or Control-M/Server to the primary
NOTE: Control-M/EM and/or Control-M/Server must be using a MSSQL or Oracle database.

To fall back to primary:

1. On the primary host, start up the Configuration Agent.
2. From the High Availability tab, click Fallback to Primary.
A progress window appears listing each step in the fallback process.
3. When the fallback is complete, click Close.

Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Control-M/EM or Control-M/Server is now running on the primary host.

Setting a Secondary to Primary

This procedure describes how to set a secondary host to act as the primary host when the primary
installation is corrupted.

To set a secondary to primary:

1. After a successful failover has occurred, from the High Availability tab, select the secondary and
click Set as Primary.
The secondary is now the new primary host.
2. Install a secondary on the original primary computer or on another computer, as described in High
availability installation.
The primary detects the new secondary, and you now have a new high availability configuration. You
can work with this configuration, but if you want to revert to your original configuration (the
secondary is installed on the original primary computer), continue to the next step.
3. Perform a failover from the new primary to the new secondary, as described in Failing over a
Control-M/EM or Control-M/Server to secondary (on page 269).
The secondary is now the active host.
4. From the High Availability tab, select the secondary and click Set as Primary.
You have now reverted to your original high availability configuration.

Control-M/Server high availability with PostgreSQL

The Control-M/Server high availability solution with a PostgreSQL database supports both a manual
failover of the Control-M server along with PostgreSQL database replication. Control-M/Server is installed
on the same host as the PostgreSQL database on the primary and on the secondary.
After the data replication is turned on and initialized successfully, the Control-M/Server database data is
replicated, synchronously to the secondary database server. However, if there are network
communication problems, the replication mode switches to Asynchronous. The data is replicated as well
to a shared drive, which is used if the primary or secondary are temporarily unavailable (see High
availability installation).
The secondary Configuration Agent monitors the primary to verify life check responses from
Control-M/Server and the primary Configuration Agent is working, based on defined intervals. You can
perform a manual failover at any time from the CCM if the manual failover option is enabled, based on the
conditions described in Manual failover (on page 268).
The following procedures describe how to start database replication, manually fail over to secondary, set
secondary as primary, pause Control-M/Server, and manually fall back to primary:


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Starting database replication (on page 272)

Failing over Control-M/Server and PostgreSQL database server to secondary (on page 273)

Setting a Secondary to Primary (on page 270)

Pausing Control-M/Server (on page 18)

Falling back Control-M/Server and PostgreSQL database server to primary (on page 273)

For a description of configurable Control-M/Server high availability system parameters and to receive
notifications about high availability events, see High Availability parameters (on page 132).

Control-M/Server high availability architecture (PostgreSQL)

The following diagram shows Control-M/Server in a high availability environment using a PostgreSQL


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

The following diagram shows a Control-M/Server manual failover when the the primary components are
no longer available.

Starting database replication

This procedure describes how to start the database replication process when it is not initialized or not
working. You will need to perform this procedure after you install a secondary, perform failover, or
fallback, or after a communication malfunction occurred between the primary and secondary database

To start database replication:

1. From the High Availability tab, select the primary Control-M/Server component and shut it down, as
described in Shutting down a component (on page 33).
2. Click Start Database Replication.
The Replication process initiates. After the initiation process is complete, the following message
appears in the Properties pane:
Database is replicated
3. Restart Control-M/Server, as described in Starting up a component (on page 33).
The database continues to replicate to the secondary in synchronous mode. If there are network
communication problems, the replication mode switches to Asynchronous. After the network problems
are resolved, click Switch to Sync Replication to continue replicating in synchronous mode.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Failing over Control-M/Server and PostgreSQL database server to

This procedure describes how to manually fail over the Control-M/Server and PostgreSQL database server
to a secondary host.

To fail over to secondary:

1. From the High Availability tab, select the primary Control-M/Server component and click Failover
to Secondary.
A progress window appears listing each step in the failover process.
2. When the failover is complete, click Close.
The Control-M/Server and database server is now running on the secondary host.
3. If you want to revert to your original configuration, fix the problem on the primary and then fall back
to primary, as described in Falling back Control-M/Server and PostgreSQL database server to primary
(on page 273).

Falling back Control-M/Server and PostgreSQL database server to

This procedure describes how to manually fall back the Control-M/Server and PostgreSQL database server
to the primary host after the primary is fixed and is up and running.

To fall back to primary:

1. On the primary host, start up the Configuration Agent.
2. Start database replication from the secondary to the primary, as described in Starting database
replication (on page 272).
3. From the High Availability tab, select the primary Control-M/Server component and shut it down, as
described in Shutting down a component (on page 33).
4. Click Fallback to Primary.
A progress window appears listing each step in the fallback process.
5. When the fallback is complete, click Close.
The Control-M/Server and database server is now running on the primary host.
6. Resume database replication from the primary to the secondary, as described in Starting database
replication (on page 272).


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

High availability compatibility

The following table describes how various Control-M components, products, and security settings work in
a high availability configuration.


BMC Batch Impact Manager

High availability does not support BMC Batch Impact Manager on

a dedicated separate server.

Control-M Workload Archiving

High availability does not support Control-M Workload Archiving

on a dedicated separate server.

Fix packs

If you install a fix pack on the primary, you must manually install
it in on the secondary. A failover cannot occur if the fix packs on
both hosts are not the same.


Control-M high availability is supported in a clustered enviromnent

if the primary is installed on a dedicated PostgreSQL database and
the Control-M components are not managed by the cluster
The failover mode is set to manual and it cannot be changed.

Sync files

The following files are synced to the secondary:









Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

High availability scenarios

The following table describes the possible scenarios in a high availability environment.

System action

User action

PostgreSQL database is down

The primary Configuration Agent You can perform a manual

tries to start it up.
failover, as described in Failing
over Control-M/Server and
PostgreSQL database server to
secondary (on page 273).

Oracle/MSSQL database is down An automatic failover does not

Primary crashes (PostgreSQL)

You can perform a manual

failover, as described in Failing
over Control-M/Server and
PostgreSQL database server to
secondary (on page 273).

Primary crashes (Oracle/MSSQL) An automatic failover occurs,

based on the conditions
described in Automatic failover
(on page 267).
Shared directory is not available

Manual failover is disabled.

Reconnecting Control-M/Server
to Control-M/EM after a
failover/fallback of

After a secondary
Control-M/Server is installed,
Control-M/EM is provided with
the secondary host. If there is a
disconnection between
Control-M/EM and
Control-M/Server, a check is
performed to see if
Control-M/Server has failed over
to the secondary (or primary if it
is a fallback).


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide


System action

User action

Reconnecting Control-M/EM

After the CCM or Control-M

Workload Automation GUI
connects to the GUI server or
CMS, the secondary host details
are distributed to the clients.If
there is a disconnection, a check
is performed automatically to
see if the GUI Server and CMS
have failed over to the
secondary (or primary if it is a

Reconnecting Control-M Web


Control-M Self Service

Control-M Workload

BMC Batch Impact Manager

Web client

Type the Web client URL of the

secondary host.

Control-M/Server mirroring database

Control-M/Server database mirroring allows you to set up a secondary Control-M/Server database, which
maintains a mirror image of your primary database. If the primary database server fails or loses integrity,
Control-M/Server continues using the mirror database until the primary database becomes available. The
secondary Control-M/Server database utilizes the same agents and remote hosts as the primary
Control-M/Server database.
NOTE: This option is not compatible with high availability.
The following procedures describe how to set up a Control-M/Server mirror database, what to do in the
event of disruption, and how to stop the process:

Setting up a new Control-M/Server mirror database (on page 277)

Transferring to the mirror database (on page 278)

Returning to the primary database (on page 278)

Disabling mirroring (on page 279)

After you set up database mirroring, Control-M keeps the primary and secondary databases synchronized.
However, if you run utilities to update the Control-M database, you may have to set up database
mirroring again (see Primary and mirror database synchronization (on page 279)).


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Setting up a new Control-M/Server mirror database

This procedure describes how to set up a new Control-M/Server mirror database. After Control-M/Server
has been installed, Control-M/Server mirror database can be set up at any time.
NOTE: BMC recommends that the primary and mirror databases should be hosted on separate servers.

Before you begin

Ensure the following:

The new database complies with the relevant Database parameters (on page 164). You can prepare
the secondary database server from the CD provided with the product, or from a Control-M/Server
that is not your primary Control-M/Server (for a third-party database, you should prepare it in the
same way as the primary database).

The new database server is running.

(Oracle databases only) The listener is running.

To set up a new Control-M/Server mirror database:

1. On the host computer, shut down the primary Configuration Agent and Control-M/Server by typing the
following commands:



2. In Control-M/Server, type the ctm_menu command.

The Control-M Main Menu appears.
3. Type the number for Database Mirroring.
The Database Mirroring Menu appears.
4. Type the number for Initialize Mirroring.
5. Do one of the following:

To build a new database, type b.

To copy an existing database, type c.

NOTE: If you plan to build a mirror database, you need the password of the database system
6. At the prompts, type the relevant Mirroring parameters (on page 170).
NOTE: Ensure that you do not change the values of the parameters. If you do change the
parameters, they cannot be implemented until you shut down and restart the SQL Server.
7. If you need to install, type i and confirm.
8. Perform any post-processing that the interactive utility instructs.
9. To check Mirroring status, repeat steps 2 and 3 and type the number for Check Mirroring Status.
10. On the host computer, restart the primary Configuration Agent and Control-M/Server by typing the
following commands:



Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide


All processing is executed on the primary and mirror database.

Transferring to the mirror database

This procedure describes how to transfer to the mirror database following a primary database failure. As
soon as you fix the problem, you should return to the primary database.

To transfer to the mirror database:

1. On the host computer, shut down the primary Configuration Agent and Control-M/Server by typing the
following commands:



2. In the Control-M/Server, type the ctm_menu command.

3. The Control-M Main Menu appears.
4. Type the number for Database Mirroring.
The Database Mirroring Menu appears.
5. From the Database Mirroring Menu, type the number for Use Mirror Database.
6. On the host computer, restart the primary Configuration Agent and Control-M/Server by typing the
following commands:



All processing is performed on the mirror database.You should now fix the problem on the primary

Returning to the primary database

This procedure describes how to return to the primary database after fixing the problem with the

To return to the primary database:

1. On the host computer, shut down the primary Configuration Agent and Control-M/Server by typing the
following commands:



2. In the Control-M/Server, type the ctm_menu command.

The Control-M Main Menu appears.
3. In the Control-M Main Menu, type the number for Database Mirroring.
The Database Mirroring Menu appears.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

4. From the Database Mirroring Menu, type the number for Restore Control-M Database from
5. On the host computer, restart the primary Configuration Agent and Control-M/Server by typing the
following commands:



All processing is performed on the primary and mirror database. The primary database is restored.

Disabling mirroring
This procedure describes how to disable mirroring. You can stop the process at any time.

To disable mirroring:
1. On the host computer, shut down the primary Configuration Agent and Control-M/Server by typing the
following commands:



2. In the Control-M/Server, type the ctm_menu command.

The Control-M Main Menu appears.
3. In the Control-M Main Menu, type the number for Database Mirroring.
The Database Mirroring Menu option appears.
4. From the Database Mirroring Menu, type the number for Disable Mirroring.
5. To check mirroring status, repeat step 3 and type the number for Check Mirroring Status.
6. On the host computer, restart the primary Configuration Agent and Control-M/Server by entering the
following commands:



Database mirroring is disabled.

Primary and mirror database synchronization

When database mirroring starts, Control-M/Server database updates are sent simultaneously to both the
primary and mirror Control-M/Server database. However, if a Control-M/Server administrative utility
modifies the primary database, the mirror database does not automatically update these changes. Either
the same or a similar utility must run in the mirror database, or the mirror database must be re-initialized
as described in Setting up a new Control-M/Server mirror database (on page 277).
To see the Control-M/Server utilities that affect the primary database, see: Utilities affecting the primary
database (on page 280).
You can maintain, manage and view the status of the database from the database menu by Accessing the
database menu (on page 281).


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Utilities affecting the primary database

The following table lists Control-M/Server utilities that affect the primary database and the action required
to ensure that the mirror database is in sync.
ctm_menu Option





internal utility

Initialize Mirroring


Database Menu
Build Database

Delete Database



Initialize Mirroring

Erase Database


Initialize Mirroring




Database Menu

Initialize Mirroring



Initialize mirroring

internal utility

Initialize Mirroring


Initialize Mirroring

ctmhostmap or

By adding the details of a remote host

computer to the Control-M/Server
database, you need to run the command
ctm_agstat -AGSTAT
<remoteHostName> R R on the
secondary Control-M/Server.

Restore Database

Database Maintenance Menu

Extend Database Size



Restart New Day




Reset Control-M Active




Remote Host computers



Troubleshooting Menu

Replace the <remoteHostName>

variable with the name of remote host
that was added.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

ctm_menu Option



By updating or modifying the the
specified remote host computer details in
the Control-M/Server database, you
need to run the command on the
secondary Control-M/Server: ctm_agstat
-AGSTAT <remoteHostName> R R
Replace the <remoteHostName>
variable with the name of remote host
that was updated.

Delete: Delete the details of the

specified computer from the
Control-M/Server database
Remote Host computer



ctmhostmap or

By converting a Control-M/Agent to a
remote host run the command on the
secondary Control-M/Server: ctm_agstat
-AGSTAT <remoteHostName> R R
Replace the <remoteHostName>
variable with the node that was updated.

Accessing the database menu

This procedure describes how to access the database menu by using the ctm_menu command, which
allows you to maintain, manage and view the status of the database.
NOTE: You can also enter the em_database_menu command to access the database menu.

To access the database menu:

1. In the Control-M/Server, type the ctm_menu command.
The Control-M Main Menu appears.
2. Type the number for Database Menu.
The Database Utility Menu appears.
3. Depending on your database, select one of the following:

Database Utilities Menu using PostgreSQL

Database Utilities Menu using Oracle


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Database Utilities Menu using MSSQL

Failover implementation
Failover implementation allows you to set up both a secondary Control-M/Server and a secondary
database, in case of primary database and Control-M/Server disruption. Failover Control-M/Server
implementation utilizes the same agents and remote hosts as the primary Control-M/Server installation.
NOTE: This option is not compatible with high availability.
The following procedures describe how to prepare and initialize a failover Control M-Server, what to do in
the event of disruption, and how to stop the process:

Preparing the failover Control-M/Server (on page 282)

Initializing failover on the primary and secondary computers (on page 284)

Transferring to the failover Control-M/Server (on page 285)

Returning to the primary Control-M/Server (on page 286)

Disabling the failover system (on page 287)

After you have implemented database mirroring, Control-M keeps the primary and secondary databases
synchronized. However, if you run utilities to update the Control-M database, you must perform database
initialization again (see Primary and mirror database synchronization (on page 279)).

Preparing the failover Control-M/Server

This procedure describes how to set up a failover Control-M/Server on the secondary computer. The
failover Control-M/Server should be identical to the primary Control-M/Server and use the same
Control-M/Agents and remote hosts. The failover server can be configured to use either a dedicated or a
non-dedicated database server.

Before you begin

Prepare the database server by complying with the relevant Database parameters (on page 164).

To prepare the failover Control-M/Server:

1. Use the standard installation procedures described in Introduction to Control-M installation to install
Control-M/Server on the secondary failover computer.
NOTE: For instructions on configuring the secondary failover Control-M/Server so that it can be seen
from within Control-M/EM, see Defining a Control-M/EM component (on page 11).
2. Check the following installation files and settings are identical on both primary and secondary servers:




Agent-to-Server Port Number

Server-to-Agent Port Number


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

The current date

The daylight saving time

Definitions of all Control-M/Agents

Control-M/Server Configuration Agent Port Number

The Database (Data Portion) Size parameter value

3. Add the secondary server host name to the list of authorized hosts of each Control-M/Agent.
4. Review the Environment variables worksheet (on page 283) to verify that the secondary
Control-M/Server database complies with the requirements for the mirror database.
5. Verify that the primary and secondary Control-M/Servers are mapped to the same Control-M/Agent
remote host computer by typing the ctmhostmap -action list command on the primary
A report appears, displaying a list of remote host computers in the primary Control-M/Server.
6. If you prepare a secondary database from a (non-primary) Control-M/Server, on the host computer,
type the following commands to shut down the Configuration Agent and Control-M/Server:



7. On the secondary Control-M/Server computer for each remote host on the displayed report, run the
following command:
ctm_agstat -AGSTAT <remoteHostName> R R
NOTE: For each iteration, replace the <remoteHostName> variable with the name of a remote host
from the report.

Environment variables worksheet

This table describes the environment variables worksheet. When you type a command name, it specifies
the value that you need when you initialize the failover server.

Variable (field name)

Command Name/File Name


Control-M Mirror Database owner



Mirror Oracle Host Name

Check the tnsnames.ora file. For

more information, see Oracle

Mirror Oracle Port Number

Check the tnsnames.ora file. For

more information, see Oracle

Mirror Oracle Instance name (SID)




Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide


Variable (field name)

Command Name/File Name


Mirror Database Server Name


Mirror Control-M/Server Database


Control-M/Server Mirror DBO User


DBO Owner

Database Owner Login

DBO Owner


Initializing failover on the primary and secondary computers

This procedure describes how to initialize failover on the primary and secondary computers.
When you move servers, jobs that are executing on the default local agent are not recognized by the
other server. If there are jobs without an owner, both the primary and the secondary servers must have
the same account name. To avoid this, define a specific hostid for a job.
NOTE: Do not start the failover (secondary) Control-M/Server while the primary Control-M/Server is

To initialize failover on the primary and secondary computers:

1. Ensure that you have complied with the relevant Database parameters (on page 164).
2. On the host computer, shut down the failover (secondary) Configuration Agent and Control-M/Server
by typing the following commands:




On the failover (secondary) Control-M/Server database, verify that mirroring is disabled as follows:
a. In the Control-M/Server, type the ctm_menu command.
b. The Control-M Main Menu appears.
c. Type the number for the Database Mirroring.
d. The Database Mirroring Menu appears.
e. From the Database Mirroring Menu, type the number for Check Mirroring Status.

4. From the Database Mirroring Menu, type the number for Initialize Failover.
5. On the host computer, shut down the primary Configuration Agent and Control-M/Server by typing the
following commands:



6. On the primary Control-M/Server do the following:


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

a. Ensure that mirroring is disabled by repeating steps 3a to 3e.

b. From the Database Mirroring Menu, type the number for Initialize Mirroring.
c. Do one of the following:

To build a new database, type b

To copy an existing database, type c.

d. At the prompts, type the relevant Mirroring parameters (on page 170).
e. If you need to install, type i and confirm.

Perform any post-processing that the interactive utility instructs.

g. To check that mirroring is enabled, repeat steps 3a to 3d and type the number for Check
Mirroring Status.
7. On the host computer, restart the primary Configuration Agent and Control-M/Server by entering the
following commands:



NOTE: Parameters in the config.dat file are not copied from the primary to secondary server or
from the secondary to primary server. For example, if SMTP communication parameters are not
updated on the secondary database, all domail actions fail.

Transferring to the failover Control-M/Server

This procedure describes how to transfer to the failover Control-M/Server in an emergency. As soon as
you fix the problem, you should return to the primary Control-M/Server.

To tansfer to the failover Control-M/Server:

1. On the host computer, shut down the primary Configuration Agent and Control-M/Server by typing the
following commands:



2. In the Control-M/Server, type the ctm_menu command.

The Control-M Main Menu appears.
3. In the Control-M Main Menu, type the number for Database Mirroring.
The Database Mirroring Menu appears.
4. In the Database Mirroring Menu, type the number for Start Failover.
5. On the host computer, start the failover (secondary) Configuration Agent and Control-M/Server by
typing the following commands:



All processing is performed by the failover Control-M/Server. You should now fix the problem on the
primary Control-M/Server.

Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Returning to the primary Control-M/Server

This procedure describes how to return to the primary Control-M/Server after fixing a problem with the

To return to the primary Control-M/Server:

1. On the host computer, shut down the failover Configuration Agent and Control-M/Server by typing the
following commands:



2. On the failover Control-M Server, type the ctm_menu command.

The Control-M Main Menu appears.
3. Type the number for Database Mirroring.
The Database Mirroring Menu appears.
4. In the Database Mirroring Menu, enter the number for Stop Failover.
5. On the host computer, ensure that the primary Configuration Agent and Control-M/Server are shut
down by typing the following commands:



6. To restore data to the primary Control-M/Server database, do the following on the primary
a. Repeat steps 2 and 3.
b. From the Database Mirroring Menu, type the number for Restore Control-M Database
from Mirror.
c. For every remote host that appears in Database parameters (on page 164) enter the following
ctm_agstat -AGSTAT <remoteHostName> R R
Each time that you run this command, replace the <remoteHostName> variable with the name
of a remote host from the list that was generated in Preparing the failover Control-M/Server (on
page 282).
7. Start the primary Configuration Agent and Control-M/Server by entering the following commands on
the host computer:



All processing is performed by the primary Control-M/Server on the primary and failover database.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Disabling the failover system

This procedure describes how to disable the failover system if you do not want to implement failover.

To disable the failover system:

1. Disable mirroring on the primary Control-M/Server as follows:
a. On the host computer, shut down the primary Configuration Agent and Control-M/Server by typing
the following commands:



b. In the Control-M/Server, enter the ctm_menu command.

The Control-M Main Menu appears.
c. Type the number for the Database Mirroring option.
2. Disable mirroring on the failover Control-M/Server as follows:
a. On the host computer, shut down the failover Configuration Agent and Control-M/Server by typing
the following commands:



b. In the Control-M/Server, type the ctm_menu command.

The Control-M Main Menu appears.
c. Type the number for Database Mirroring.
The Database Mirroring Menu appears.
d. In the Database Mirroring Menu, type the number for Disable Failover.
3. Start the primary Configuration Agent and Control-M/Server by entering the following commands on
the host computer:



All processing is performed by the primary Control-M/Server on the primary database. The failover
system is disabled.


The following are types of alerts in Control-M:

Shouts: Shouts are alerts that relate to job processing problems and you can define their
settings in the Shout Destination Manager. For more information, see Shout destination
management (on page 288).

Exception alerts: Alerts that notify you of system failures in the database, communication
network, and application errors and failures. You can handle these exception alerts as necessary
in the Exception Alerts window. The Exception Alerts window displays information about each
alert, such as the alert ID, severity of the alert, the message that was generated by the alert, and
more. For more information, see Managing exception alerts (on page 291).

Alerts are deleted automatically after they reach the threshold in the database. You can also delete alerts
manually if necessary,(example: low disk space), as described in Removing old alerts (on page 292).

Shout destination management

A shout is a notification of the job's status. There are two types of shouts. Shouts that are sent out before
a job ends, and shouts that are sent out after a job ends. For example, in Control-M Workload
Automation, after you create a job, you can assign a shout to the job to indicate if the job's running time
is delayed. When you assign a shout to a job, you also need to assign a destination to it. In Control-M
Workload Automation, after you created the job and assigned a shout to it, you assign the destination you
want the shout to be sent to, such as log.
In the Shout Destination Manager, you can define the destinations you want the shouts to go to. Shout
destinations are grouped in tables to enable you to define specific destinations for the shouts and to send
the shouts to a number of destinations.
Each shout destination table can contain a number of destinations. You can create any number of shout
destination tables, but only one of them can be designated as the active shout destination table at any
given time. If you set the destination table as active, the shouts are sent only to the destinations you
specified in that table. If you change the designation of the active table, you change the delivery of the
shouts to different destinations you defined in the other table.
The following procedures describe how to create edit, delete, and set shout destination tables and shout

Creating a shout destination table (on page 289)

Editing a shout destination table (on page 289)

Deleting a shout destination table (on page 289)

Setting a shout destination table as active (on page 290)

Creating a shout destination (on page 290)

Deleting a shout destination (on page 291)


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Creating a shout destination table

This procedure describes how to create a shout destination table, which enables you to add, edit, and
delete shout destinations.

To create a shout destination table:

1. From the Manage tab, in the Alerts group, click Shout Destination.
The Shout Destination Manager window appears.
2. From the Actions menu, select Add Shout Table.
The Shout Destination New Table window appears.
3. In the New Table Name field, type a name for the shout destination table, and then click OK.
The Shout Destination List Editor window appears where you can create shout destinations, as
described in Creating a shout destination (on page 290).

Editing a shout destination table

This procedure describes how to edit a shout destination table, which enables you to add, update, and
delete shout destinations in the specified shout destination table.

To edit a shout destination table:

1. From the Manage tab, in the Alerts group, click Shout Destination.
The Shout Destination Manager window appears.
2. From the list of shout destination tables, select the shout destination table to edit.
3. From the Actions menu, select Update Shout Table.
The Shout Destination List Editor window appears.
4. From the Shout Destination List Editor window, do one of the following:

Creating a shout destination (on page 290)

Deleting a shout destination (on page 291)

5. Click Close.
The shout destination table is updated.

Deleting a shout destination table

This procedure describes how to delete a shout destination table.

To delete a shout destination table:

1. From the Manage tab, in the Alerts group, click Shout Destination.
The Shout Destination Manager window appears.
2. From the list of shout destination tables, select the shout destination table to delete.
3. From the Actions menu, select Delete Shout Table.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

A confirmation message appears.

4. Click Yes.
The shout destination table is deleted.

Setting a shout destination table as active

This procedure describes how to set a shout destination table as active, which enables you to send shouts
to the shout destinations you defined in the specified shout destination table.

To set a shout destination table as active:

1. From the Manage tab, in the Alerts group, click Shout Destination.
The Shout Destination Manager window appears.
2. From the list of shout destination tables, select the shout destination table to set as the active table.
3. From the Actions menu, select Set Active Shout Table.
A confirmation message appears.
4. Click Yes.
The specified shout destination table is set to active.

Creating a shout destination

This procedure describes how to create a shout destination, which enables you to add a shout destination
to the specified shout destination table.

To create a shout destination:

1. Do one of the following:

If you have reached the Shout Destination List Editor window after you created a shout
destination table, continue to step 3.

From the Manage tab, in the Alerts group, click Shout Destination

The Shout Destination Manager window appears.

2. From the list of shout destination tables, select the shout destination table to edit.
3. From the Actions menu, select Add Shout Destination.
The New Destination properties window appears.
4. In the Logical Name field, type a logical name up to 16 characters, case sensitive.
5. From the Address drop-down list, select Server or Agent.
6. From the Destination drop-down list, select the destination.
7. In the Value field, type the destination.
8. Click OK.
The shout destination is created.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Deleting a shout destination

This procedure describes how to delete a shout destination, which enables you to remove shout
destinations from the specified shout destination table.

To delete a shout destination:

1. From the Manage tab, in the Alerts group, click Shout Destination.
The Shout Destination Manager window appears.
2. From the list of shout destination tables, select the shout destination table to edit.
3. From the Actions menu, select Update Shout Table.
The Shout Destination List Editor window appears.
4. Select the shout destination to delete.
5. From the Actions menu, select Delete Shout Destination.
A confirmation message appears.
6. Click Yes.
The shout destination is deleted.

Managing exception alerts

This procedure describes how to manage alerts, which enables you to view information about each alert,
change the alert status, remove old alerts, add notes, and set additional options to alerts.

To manage exception alerts:

1. From the Manage tab, in the Alerts group, click Exception Alerts.
The Exception Alerts window appears.
2. From the alerts list, select an alert.
3. From the X-Alert menu you can do the following:

Select Properties to view properties of the alert such as Alert ID, Severity, Time, Message,
and more. You can also add a note to the alert in the Note field.

Select Handle to mark an alert as viewed and handled.

Select Unhandle to mark an alert as unhandled.

4. From the Tools menu, you can do the following:

Select Remove Old Alerts and define the number of days to delete old alerts in the Remove
X-Alerts older than x days ago field.

Select Options and do the following:

a. In the Refresh view every x seconds field define the time in seconds to refresh the view.
b. From the On new X-Alert do x drop-down list, select one of the options when a new alert


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Removing old alerts

This procedure describes how to remove old alerts manually.

To remove old alerts:

1. From the Manage tab, in the Alerts group, click Remove Old Alerts.
The Remove Old Alerts window appears.
2. From the Date drop-down list, select the date to delete all alerts posted on or before the specified
date, and then click OK.
The GUI Server must be refreshed for the alerts to be removed.

Usage alerts
Usage alerts enable you to send alerts when the number of tasks in a Control-M/Enterprise Manager
environment exceed the permitted limit of tasks in the Active Jobs file. You can specify the following:

The platforms you want to set the task count and alerts for, depending on which platforms you have.
If you have both a Control-M for z/OS and Control-M for Distributed Systems platforms, you can
choose the all platforms option. For more information, see Creating a usage alert (on page 292).

The number of tasks allowed per day on all Control-M/Enterprise Manager environments, as described
in Creating a usage alert (on page 292).

The percentage of the permitted tasks that when exceeded an alert is issued, as described in Creating
a usage alert (on page 292).

The recipients that receive the alert notification if task count is exceeded, as described in Creating a
usage alert (on page 292).

All Control-M/Enterprise Manager environments that are in use, to manage task counts on, and send
alerts when the task count exceeds the permitted limit. For more information, see Adding a usage
alert environment (on page 293).

If the number of permitted tasks is exceeded, an alert is sent to the recipients you specified.

Creating a usage alert

This procedure describes how to create a usage alert, which enables you to set alerts when the number
of tasks in a platform exceeds the permitted limit.

To create a usage alert:

1. From the Manage tab, in the Alerts group, select Usage Alerts.
The Usage Alerts window appears.
2. Select the Alerts tab.
3. Select the Enable Alerts checkbox.
4. Select the platform you want to set up alerts for, and then click


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

If you have both a Control-M for z/OS and a Control-M for Distributed Systems platform, select
the Alerts for all platforms option.
5. In the Task Count field, set the number of permitted tasks.
6. In the Alert when task count exceeds field, set the percentage of the permitted tasks that when
exceeded an alert is issued.
7. In the Alert e-mail recipients field, type the e-mail addresses of the recipients of the alert.
If adding multiple e-mails, type each e-mail separated with ;.
8. Click Save.
The usage alert is created.

Deleting a usage alert

This procedure describes how to delete a usage alert.

To delete a usage alert:

1. From the Manage tab, in the Alerts group, select Usage Alerts.
The Usage Alerts window appears.
2. Select the Alerts tab.
3. Select the alert you want to delete.
4. Click

The usage alert is deleted.

Adding a usage alert environment

This procedure describes how to add a usage alert environment, which enables you to manage task
counts on all Control-M/Enterprise Manager environments and send alerts when the task count exceeds
the permitted limit, as described in Usage alerts (on page 292).

To add a usage alert environment:

1. From the Manage tab, in the Alerts group, select Usage Alerts.
The Usage Alerts window appears.
2. Select the Enterprise Manager tab.
3. To add an environment, click

4. Define the required parameters, as described in Enterprise Manager parameters (on page 294).
5. Click Test Connectivity, to check that the environment is available.
A message appears confirming that the environment is available. If the environment is unavailable,
the test fails, and you will not be able to save your alert settings.
6. Click Save.
The environment is added.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Enterprise Manager parameters

The following table describes the Enterprise Manager parameters.


Environment Name

Defines a logical display name for Control-M/EM.

Database type

Defines the database type of the installation. From the dropdown

list select one of the databases.


Defines the database host in a Control-M/EM installation. Can be

the current installation or a remote EM.


Defines the database server port number for the Control-M/EM


User Name

Defines the user name name of the database.


Defines the password of the database.


PostgreSQL: Defines the specific installation internal

database name in the database.

Oracle: Defines the Server ID (SID) of the Oracle Database


MSSQL: Defines the Instance name of the database.

Sybase: Defines the name of the database.

Deleting a usage alert environment

This procedure describes how to delete a usage alert environment from the Enterprise Manager usage
alerts list.

To delete an environment:
1. From the Manage tab, in the Alerts group, select Usage Alerts.
The Usage Alerts window appears.
2. Select the Enterprise Manager tab.
3. Select the environment you want to delete.
4. Click

The environment is deleted.


Host group management

A host is a computer that can run jobs and a host group is a collection of hosts, which enable you to
define and run jobs on any of the computers within the host group.
For example, if you have a job that might require more resources than the host ID where the job runs,
you can define the job to run on host group. If the host ID is not able to handle the job, it is routed to
another host, which has more resources, or the job is set to a Wait status. For more information,
see Host groups (on page 295).
You can implement load balancing with Host restrictions, which enable you to limit the number of jobs
submitted to a specific host according to a defined CPU usage limit and the number of concurrently
running jobs on a host . This helps you manage your resources and prevent them from being overloaded
and indicates when a host resource is not used efficiently. For more information, see Host group
restrictions (on page 297).

Host groups
A host is a computer that can run jobs and a host group is a collection of hosts, which enable you to
define and run jobs on any of the computers within the host group.
For example, if you have a job that might require more resources than the host ID where the job runs,
you can define the job to run on host group. If the host ID is not able to handle the job, it is routed to
another host, which has more resources, or the job is set to a Wait status.
The load on any host computer or host group can be controlled. You can limit the usage of a host and the
specific times when those limitations are applied. A hosts participation in a host group can also be
defined for specific times. This helps you control the hosts available to the jobs in the active environment.
The following procedures describe how to create, edit, delete host groups, and remove hosts from host

Creating a host group (on page 295)

Editing a host group (on page 296)

Deleting a host group (on page 297)

Removing a host from the host group (on page 297)

Creating a host group

This procedure describes how to create a host group, which enables you to run a job on a host group
instead of a specific host.

To create a host group:

1. From the Manage tab, in the Hosts Management group, click Hosts Manager.
The Hosts Manager window appears.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

2. From the Hosts Group tab, click

The New Host Group window appears.

3. In the Host Group Name field, type the name of the host group.
4. In the Application Type Filter drop-down list, select the type of jobs that you want to run on the
host group.
Only the hosts that can run the specific job that you selected appear. For example, if you select a
Control-M for SAP job type, then only the hosts that have Control-M for SAP installed appear in the
If you are creating a host group for regular script or command jobs, select OS.
5. In the Nonassociated Hosts area, select the hosts that you want to be part of the group and then

All of the hosts in the group with the same Application Type Filter, must have the same Application
Plug-in version, including fix pack number. For example, if you select Control-M for Databases, then
make sure that all the hosts in the group have the same version of Control-M for Databases.
6. In the Associated Hosts area, select a host that you want to apply active definitions.
This determines when a job can run on the host based on days, hours, or conditions.
7. Click

The Host Settings window appears.

8. Do one of the following:

In the Date & Time Settings area, select the time frame when a job can run on the host.

In the Conditions area, type the name of the condition and select a condition date when a job
can run on the host.

9. Click OK.
The host setting appears in the Participation Definitions area.
10. Click OK.
The host group appears in the Host Group tab.

Editing a host group

This procedure describes how to edit a host group, which enables you to run a job on a host group
instead of a specific host.

To edit a host group:

1. From the Manage tab, in the Hosts Management group, click Hosts Manager.
The Hosts Manager window appears.
2. From the Hosts Group tab, select the host group that you want to edit and then click
The Update Host Group dialog box appears.
3. Edit the required fields, as described in Creating a host group (on page 295).

Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

4. Click OK.

Deleting a host group

This procedure describes how to delete a host group.

To delete a host group:

1. From the Manage tab, in the Hosts Management group, click Hosts Manager.
The Hosts Manager window appears.
2. From the Hosts Group tab, select the host group that you want to delete and then click

A confirmation message appears.

3. Click Yes.
The host group is deleted.

Removing a host from the host group

This procedure describes how remove a host from a host group, which disables the host from jobs
running on the host group that contained the host.

To remove a host from the host group:

1. From the Manage tab, in the Hosts Management group, click Hosts Manager.
The Hosts Manager window appears.
2. From the Hosts Group tab, select the host that you want to remove and then click

A confirmation message appears.

3. Click Yes.
The host is removed from the host group.

Host group restrictions

Host restrictions enable you to limit the number of jobs submitted to a specific host according to a defined
CPU usage limit and the number of concurrently running jobs on a host. This helps you manage your
resources and prevent them from being overloaded and indicates when a host resource is under used.
NOTE: Host restrictions for CPU are only enforced on jobs in the active jobs database if you are using
Control-M/Agent version 7.0.00 and higher.
To sample the CPU on UNIX computers, use the SAR utility. For AIX computers, the Control-M/Agent must
run as root as the SAR utility needs root authorization.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Defining host group restrictions

This procedure describes how to define host group restrictions, which enable you to limit the number of
jobs submitted to a specific host according to a defined CPU usage limit and the number of concurrently
running jobs on a host.

To define host group restrictions:

1. From the Manage tab, in the Hosts Management group, click Hosts Manager.
The Hosts Manager window appears.
2. Click the Hosts Restrictions tab.
3. Click

The Hosts Restriction Definitions dialog box appears.

4. Do the following:
a. In the Host(s) field, type the name of the host that you want to apply the restriction(s).
You can also enter the host prefix followed by the wildcard *.
b. In the Maximum CPU Utilization% field, select the maximum percentage of CPU usage for the
c. In the Maximum Concurrent Jobs field, select the maximum number of jobs that can be
running on the host concurrently.
5. Click OK.

Editing host group restrictions

This procedure describes how to edit host group restrictions, which enable you to limit the number of jobs
submitted to a specific host according to a defined CPU usage limit and the number of concurrently
running jobs on a host.

To edit host group restrictions:

1. From the Manage tab, in the Hosts Management group, click Hosts Manager.
The Hosts Manager window appears.
2. Click the Hosts Restrictions tab.
3. Click

The Hosts Restriction Definitions dialog box appears.

4. Edit the required parameters, as described in Defining host group restrictions (on page 298).

Deleting host group restrictions

This procedure describes how to define host group restrictions.

To delete host group restrictions:

1. From the Manage tab, in the Hosts Management group, click Hosts Manager.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

The Hosts Manager window appears.

2. Click the Hosts Restrictions tab.
3. Type the name of the host group in the Host(s) field.
4. Select the restriction that you want to delete.
5. Click

A confirmation message appears.

6. Click OK.


Control-M deployment
In Control-M Workload Automation, you can deploy the following components:

Control-M/Agents:The Control-M/Agent Deployment tool enables you to automatically upgrade

multiple Control-M/Agents from one single point of access, as described in Control-M/Agent
deployment (on page 300).

Control-M Client:The Client Distribution tool that enables you to deploy a single instance of
Control-M/EM client components over the Web to every supported Windows computer in your
organization, as described in Client Distribution (on page 304).


Control-M/Agent deployment
The Control-M/Agent Deployment tool enables you to automatically upgrade multiple Control-M/Agents
from one single point of access.
From the CCM, you can transfer Control-M/Agent software packages to multiple Control-M/Agents. After
the transfer, you can then upgrade the Control-M/Agents to version 9.0.00 and higher on UNIX and
Windows, and to version 7.0.01 and higher on AS400.
The following procedures describe how to set up the software packages, upgrade, and downgrade

Copying Control-M/Agent installation packages (on page 301)

Upgrading Control-M/Agents (on page 301)

Downgrading Control-M/Agents (on page 302)

For a description of configurable Agent Deploy parameters, see Control-M/Server Agent deployment
parameters (on page 131), Control-M/Agent deployment parameters (on page 198), and Control-M/EM
general parameters (on page 48).

If the Control-M/Agent windows service is set to Log on as > This account, the upgrade must be
performed with this user.

If you are using Control-M/Agent or lower (excluding, verify that the Upgrade
User, defined in the Properties window, is correct. If not, change it.

BMC recommends to perform the Agent deployment in groups. By default, you can

upgrade/downgrade 5 Control-M/Agents simultaneously. To change this configuration, see

the DEPLOYMENT_THREADS parameter, as described in Control-M/Server Agent deployment
parameters (on page 131)


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Copying Control-M/Agent installation packages

This procedure describes how to copy Control-M/Agent installation packages for each platform and place
them in the Control-M/EM repository. This enables you to upgrade multiple Control-M/Agents from
different platforms and versions to the latest version and fix pack.

To copy Control-M/Agent installation packages:

1. Download the Control-M/Agent installation packages via EPD at https://webapps.bmc.com/epd/.
You need to download the required package for each platform that you want to upgrade. Do not
rename the installation package.
2. Do one of the following:

If you want to save the installation packages to the Control-M/EM computer, copy the installation
package to the $EM_HOME/AUTO_DEPLOY directory on the computer where the CMS is

EXAMPLE: /home/one900a/ctm_em/AUTO_DEPLOY

If you want to save the installation packages to a specific network location, define
the CentralDeployLocation system parameter, as described in Defining a Control-M/EM
component (on page 11).

NOTE: Verify that the Control-M/EM user that is defined in the Control-M/EM Configuration Agent
Windows service is set to This account and has access to the relevant network location.
3. Restart the New Activity Upgrade wizard.

Upgrading Control-M/Agents
This procedure describes how to transfer installation packages to existing Control-M/Agents and upgrade
them to the current base version or fix pack on UNIX, Windows, or AS400.
NOTE: (Windows only) An upgrade does not begin until all jobs have ended, unless you selected Force
Upgrade in a Retry.
NOTE: You cannot upgrade more than one Control-M/Agent on the same Windows computer

To upgrade Control-M/Agents:
1. From the Manage tab, select Agent Deployment.
The Agent Deployment window appears.
2. Click New Activity > Upgrade.
The Upgrade Control-M Agents Activity window appears.
3. Do the following:
a. In the Activity Name field, accept the default or type a new name for this activity.
b. In the Description field, describe the purpose of this activity (optional).
c. In the E-Mail Notification field, type the email address(es) that you want to receive notifications
about this activity (optional).


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

To receive email notification, you need to define the email server parameters, as described
in E-mail configuration parameters (on page 175).
4. Select one of the following:

Transfer Package: Transfers the installation package to specific Control-M/Agent computers.

After the package is transfered, you can manually start the upgrade process, at any time, from
the Agent Deployment window or upgrade with CLI, as described in Upgrading a

Transfer and Automatically Install Package: Transfers the installation package to specific
Control-M/Agent computers and begins the upgrade process automatically.


The Control-M/Agent installation package is deleted after a successful upgrade. If the upgrade
failed or you performed a transfer only, then the installation package remains on the
Control-M/Agent computer for 30 days if the Control-M/Agent is version 9.0.00 or higher. If the
Control-M/Agent version is lower than 9.0.00, the installation package will remain indefinitely If
you want to change this setting, define the Control-M/Agent system
parameter AD_RETAIN_PACKAGES, as described in Defining Control-M/Agent system
parameters (on page 187).

The Control-M/Agent installation package remains on the Control-M/Server computer for 30 days.
If you want to change this setting, define the Control-M/Server AD_RETAIN_PACKAGES, as
described in Defining Control-M/Server system parameters (on page 124).

5. Click Next.
6. From the Upgrade Agents to Version drop-down list, select the version or fix pack that you want to
upgrade to and then select the Control-M/Agent(s) that you want to upgrade.
The list of values depends on the Agent installation packages in your repository. For more
information, see Copying Control-M/Agent installation packages (on page 301).
7. Depending on which method you selected, click Transfer or Upgrade.
The transfer process starts and progress messages appear in the right pane of the deployment
activity. To view and troubleshoot the internal stages of the upgrade, click Log from the Agent
Deployment window. If you selected to transfer the installation package, you can upgrade the
Control-M/Agent(s) any time after the transfer is complete. A job runs on the Control-M/Agent(s) to
verify that it upgraded successfully.

Downgrading Control-M/Agents
This procedure describes how to downgrade Control-M/Agents to their original version prior to the
upgrade, if there was a problem with the upgrade. You can only downgrade Control-M/Agents that were
upgraded with the Control-M/Agent Deployment tool.
This procedure must be done within a defined period based on the AD_GA_RETAIN_DAYS system
parameter, as described in Control-M/Agent deployment parameters (on page 198).


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Before you begin

Verify that all jobs on the selected Control-M/Agents have ended. If jobs are still running during the
downgrade, they might fail.

To downgrade Control-M/Agents:
1. From the Manage tab, select Agent Deployment.
The Agent Deployment window appears.
2. Click New Activity > Downgrade.
The Downgrade Control-M Agents Activity window appears.
3. Do the following:
a. In the Activity Name field, accept the default or type a new name for this activity.
b. In the Description field, describe the purpose of this activity (optional).
c. In the E-Mail Notification field, type the email address(es) that you want to receive notifications
about this activity (optional).
To receive email notification, you need to define the email server parameters, as described
in E-mail configuration parameters (on page 175).
NOTE: Any configuration changes that you might have made after the upgrade will be lost when you
downgrade to the previous version including the updating the the primary or secondary
Control-M/Server or communication port.
4. Click Next.
5. From the Downgrade Agents from Version drop-down list, select the version or fix pack that you
want to downgrade from and then select the Control-M/Agent(s) that you want to downgrade.
6. Click Downgrade.
The downgrade process begins immediately and is downgraded to the previous version.To view and
troubleshoot the internal stages of the downgrade, click Log from the Agent Deployment window.

Canceling a deploy activity

This procedure describes how to cancel a transfer, upgrade, or downgrade deployment activity. The
cancel operation does not happen immediately upon execution. The current phase of the activity is
completed, but the next phase is canceled.
EXAMPLE: The downgrade process has two phases: preparation and downgrade. If you click Cancel
during the preperation phase, the preperation completes but the downgrade phase is
canceled. If you click Cancel during the downgrade phase, the downgrade completes.

To cancel a deploy activity:

1. From the Agent Deployment window, select a transfer, upgrade, or downgrade activity that you
want to cancel.
2. Click Cancel.
The next phase of the activity is canceled.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Deleting a deploy activity

This procedure describes how to delete a completed or failed transfer, upgrade, or downgrade
deployment activity from the Agent Deployment window.
You cannot delete an activity in the middle of processing. Cancel the activity (see Canceling a deploy
activity (on page 303)), and then delete it.

To delete an activity:
1. From the Agent Deployment window, select a completed or failed transfer, upgrade, or downgrade
activity that you want to delete.
2. Click Delete.
The activity is deleted.

Exporting deployment activities

This procedure describes how to export a transfer, upgrade, or downgrade deployment activity details and
its log to an Excel, HTML, or text file.

To export deployment activities:

1. From the Manage tab, select Agent Deployment.
The Agent Deployment window appears.
2. Do one of the following:

If you want to export the details of a transfer, upgrade, or downgrade deployment activity, do the
a. Click Export.
b. Browse to the location where you want to save the file, select the file type and click Save.

If you want to export the log of a deployment activity, do the following:

c. Select the deployment activity and click Log.
d. Click Export.
e. Browse to the location where you want to save the file, select the file type and click Save.

Client Distribution
Client Distribution is a software deployment tool that enables you to deploy a single instance of
Control-M/EM client components over the Web to every supported Windows computer in your
organization. The distribution includes base versions, fix packs, patches, and SSL certificates.
Control-M Workload Automation client updates are automatically distributed to end users. If a new update
is available, users will receive a message when they log in. SSL certificates are automatically distributed
and installed. To generate an SSL certificate, see Certificate generation. If you are using the Manage SSL
BYO to bring your own SSL certificate, see Configuring client distribution installation to use Manage SSL
BYO (Bring Your Own) Script certificates.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

You can require end users to install updates by a specific date. If the end users have not installed the
update by the defined deadline, they cannot log in until they complete the installation.
To distribute Control-M Workload Automation clients, see Distributing Control-M Workload Automation
clients (on page 305).

Distributing Control-M Workload Automation clients

This procedure describes how to distribute Control-M Workload Automation clients to multiple end users
over the Web.

Before you begin:

Verify that all the target computers meet the system requirements, as described in Control-M client
system requirements.

To distribute Control-M Workload Automation clients:

1. From the Manage tab, select Client Distribution.
The Client Distribution window appears.
2. Do one of the following:

If you want to distribute the base version to the end users, copy the URL and send it to them via

If you want to distribute a fix pack, select Fix Packs and from the Distribute Control-M
Workload Automation client version drop-down list, select the fix pack or patch that you
want to distribute to the end users.
The list of available fix packs/patches reflects the installations on the Control-M/EM server.

NOTE: If you want to ensure that the end users upgrade the distributed client by a certain date,
select the Prevent login if user has not upgraded by: checkbox and select a date.
3. Click OK.
If you distributed a fix pack or a patch, the installation is automatically downloaded to your end users
computers. They will receive a notification that an installation update is ready to be installed. The
connection parameters to the Control-M/EM server are automatically populated in the installation
wizard. When the installation is complete, the Control-M Workload Automation client is available to
the end users.




Workload Archiving configuration

Control-M Workload Archiving is a Control-M add-on that enables you to archive job log and output data
in a secure and central repository.
When Control-M/Server submits a job to run on an Agent, the Workload Archiving Server archives the job
log and output in a separate Postgres database for a defined period based on Workload Archiving Policies.
A Workload Archiving Policy determines what type of data to archive (log, output, or both), and the
retention period to store the archived data. It also determines which jobs (both Distributed and z/OS) to
NOTE: The Workload Archiving process receives Control-M/EM authorization data to apply Control-M/EM
user authorization rules. You do not need to define additional authorizations. For more information,
see Control-M/EM Authorizations (on page 228).
NOTE: (Control-M for z/OS only) To collect job output and logs, you must define the security user
ARCUSER with the View LOG and View SYSOUT permissions.
NOTE:If you want to configure Control-M Workload Archiving with SSL, see Generating new certificates.
To start/stop the Workload Archiving database, perform backup and restore, and other database
procedures, see arc_database_menu.
The following procedures describe how to start up and configure Workload Archiving settings:

Starting up the Workload Archiving Server (on page 306)

Defining Workload Archiving policies (on page 307)

Configuring Workload Archiving disk space and cleanup settings (on page 309)

Deleting data from the Workload Archiving server (on page 310)

Shutting down the Workload Archiving Server (on page 311)

After you have created a Workload Archiving policy and have configured the required settings, you can
now perform an Archive search, as described in Control-M Workload Archiving.

Starting up the Workload Archiving Server

This procedure describes how to start up the Workload Archiving Server from the CCM.

To start up the Workload Archiving Server:

Right-click the Workload Archiving Server component and select Desired State > Up.
The Workload Archiving Server is now up.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Defining Workload Archiving policies

This procedure describes how to define Workload Archiving policies, which enables you to determine what
type of data to archive and the retention period in the Workload Archiving database.

To define Workload Archiving policies:

1. From the Manage tab, click Workload Archiving.
The Archive Configuration window appears.
2. Click

The Archive Policy Rule Settings dialog box appears.

3. For each field, type or select the required value, as described in Workload Archiving policy rule
parameters (on page 308).
4. Click Save.
The Workload Archiving policy rule is added to the Archive Policy table.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Workload Archiving policy rule parameters

The following table describes Workload Archiving policy rule parameters that are used in Defining
Workload Archiving policies (on page 307).



Defines the name of the Workload Archiving policy


Determines whether the Workload Archiving policy rule is active or



Describes the purpose or details of the Workload Archiving policy

Retention Period

Determines the number of days, months, or years the log/output

is archived

Archive Data

Determines whether to archive the job log, output, or both

Control-M Server

Determines which Control-M/Servers are used to archive the data.

You can use special characters to include in the Criteria column
or exclude in the Exceptions column, as described in Pattern
matching strings.


Determines whether to archive the data from Distributed systems,

z/OS, or both

Job Status

Determines whether to archive jobs that ended OK, Not OK, or



(z/OS only) Determines which libraries are used to archive the

You can use special characters to include in the Criteria column
or exclude in the Exceptions column, as described in Pattern
matching strings.


Determines which Applications are used to archive the data.

You can use special characters to include in the Criteria column
or exclude in the Exceptions column, as described in Pattern
matching strings.


Determines which Sub-applications are used to archive the data.

You can use special characters to include in the Criteria column
or exclude in the Exceptions column, as described in Pattern
matching strings.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Determines which Folders are used to archive the data.

You can use special characters to include in the Criteria column
or exclude in the Exceptions column, as described in Pattern
matching strings.
EXAMPLE: If you want to collect a SMART folder and all its
content, add it here.
If you want to collect a sub folder and all its content
add its full path (including its name).
If a sub-folder with same name <sub_folder_name>
exist in more than one SMART folder, and you want to
collect all of them,add */<sub_folder_name>.

Maximum Output Size

Determines the maximum size of job output that is archived in the

Workload Archiving server.
If the output size exceeds the threshold, it is not archived.

Configuring Workload Archiving disk space and cleanup

This procedure describes how to configure Workload Archiving disk space and cleanup settings from the

To configure Workload Archiving disk space and cleanup settings:

1. From the Manage tab, click Workload Archiving.
The Archive Configuration window appears.
2. In the left pane, click Advanced Configuration.
The Server Configuration dialog box appears.
3. For each field, type or select the required value, as described in Workload Archiving Server
Configuration parameters (on page 310).
4. Click Save.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Workload Archiving Server Configuration parameters

The following table describes the Workload Archiving Server Configuration parameters that are used
in Configuring Workload Archiving disk space and cleanup settings (on page 309).


Minimum free disk space

required for Archive

Determines the size of free disk space that must remain where
Control-M Workload Archiving is installed. If the threshold is
exceeded, the Archiving process stops collecting data until the free
disk space issue is resolved.

Interval to check free disk space Determines intervals in seconds, minutes, or hours when to check
the Workload Archiving Server for free disk space
Data cleanup cycle

Determines when to delete data from the Workload Archiving

Server that is older than the retention period defined in the
Workload Archiving policy (see Workload Archiving policy rule
parameters (on page 308))

Cleanup start time

Determines when to start the cleanup

Deleting data from the Workload Archiving server

This procedure describes how to delete data (jobs including output and logs) from the Workload Archiving
server. You can delete data that belongs to a specific rule or delete data that matches specific criteria of
the command.

To delete data from the Workload Archiving server:

Type one of the following commands:

Rule Name: arc_cleanup -user<user> -password<password> -rule<ruleName>

Data Attributes: arc_cleanup -user<user> -password<password>

-job_name<jobName> -job_name_exceptions<jobNameExceptions>
-ctm<CTMServerName> -ctm_exceptions<CTMServerNameExceptions>
-job_state<OK|NOTOK> -app<appName> -app_exceptions<appNameExceptions>
-subapp<subApplication> -subapp_exceptions<subappEexceptions>
-folder<folderName> -folder_exceptions<folderNameExceptions>
-lib<library> -lib_exceptions<libraryExceptions>

The search criteria support wildcard characters (* and ?) for both values and exceptions .
NOTE: The parameters -user and -password are mandatory arguments.
EXAMPLE: Delete all archived jobs that contain AA except for jobs that start with B.
arc_cleanup user <user> -password <password> job_name *AA*
job_name_exceptions B*


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Shutting down the Workload Archiving Server

This procedure describes how to shut down the Workload Archiving Server from the CCM.

To shut down the Workload Archiving Server:

Right-click the Workload Archiving Server component and select Desired State > Down.
The Workload Archiving Server is now down.




Control-M diagnostics
Control-M diagnostics enables you to gather diagnostic information to identify and fix a problem that
occurs in one or more of the Control-M components. For each Control-M component, you can define the
debug levels and generate diagnostics data.
There are several diagnostic mechanisms you can use to gather diagnostic information, such as:

Debug levels (on page 312)

Communication Traces: creates either a log or trace file that contains detailed data communication
between Control-M/Server and Control-M/Agent. For more information, see Defining the
Control-M/Agent debug level (on page 313).

Exception alerts: alerts you to system failures and enables you to handle them as necessary. For more
information, see Managing exception alerts (on page 291).

The following procedures describe how to define debug levels and generate diagnostic data for each
Control-M component:

Defining the Control-M/EM debug level (on page 312)

Defining the Control-M/Server debug level (on page 313)

Defining the Control-M/Agent debug level (on page 313)

Generating diagnostic data (on page 314)

Debug levels
Debug levels determine which information you want to view in the logs. Debug levels range according to
each Control-M component. For example, if you set a debug level to 4, you are able to view all levels of
information. The higher the level set, the more details are displayed in the logs. However, the higher the
level set, the more system resources are required. This can result in an environment functioning slower
than usual.
The following procedures describe how to define the debug levels for Control-M/EM, Control-M/Server,
and Control-M/Agent:

Defining the Control-M/EM debug level (on page 312)

Defining the Control-M/Server debug level (on page 313)

Defining the Control-M/Agent debug level (on page 313)

Defining the Workload Archiving debug level (on page 314)

Defining the Control-M/EM debug level

This procedure describes how to define the Control-M/EM debug levels, which enables you to adjust
debug levels to view in the log.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

To define the Control-M/EM debug level:

1. From the CCM component list, select the Control-M/EM component.
2. Click Control Shell.
The Control Shell window appears.
3. In the Specify a control shell command line field, type one of the following commands:

DIAGON: Starts the DIAG functionality

DIADOFF: Stops the DIAG functionality

DIAGL: Sets the debug level. For more information, see Debug levels (on page 312).

4. In the Result section, set the following usage for DIAGL:

Context: Defines which context to set the debug level on. The context suggestions are listed in
the Result section.

Level: Sets the debug level.

The debug levels for the Control-M/EM component are set.

Defining the Control-M/Server debug level

This procedure describes how to define the Control-M/Server debug level, which enables you to adjust
debug levels to view in the log.

To define the Control-M/Server debug level:

1. From CCM components' list, select the Control-M/Server component.
2. Right-click on the component and select Control-M/Server Debug.
The Control-M/Server Debug window appears.
3. From the Debug Level drop-down list, select the debug level for each process.
Valid values range from 0 to 5, where 0 indicates no diagnostic activity, and 5 indicates the highest
level of diagnostic functionality.
4. Click OK.
The debug levels for the Control-M/Server are set.

Defining the Control-M/Agent debug level

This procedure describes how to define the Control-M/Agent debug level, which enables you to adjust
debug levels to view in the log.

To define the Control-M/Agent debug level:

1. From the CCM component list, select the Control-M/Agent component.
2. Right-click on the component and select Agent Debug.
The Control-M/Agent Debug window appears.
3. From the Control-M/Server drop-down list, select the required Control-M/Server.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

4. From the Control-M/Agent drop-down list, select the required Control-M/Agent.

5. From the Diagnostic Level drop-down list, select the debug level.
Valid values range from 0 to 4, where 0 indicates no diagnostic activity, and 4 indicates the highest
level of diagnostic functionality.
6. From the Communication Trace drop-down list, select the debug level.
Valid values range from 0 to 1, where 0 indicates no communication trace, and 1 activates the
communication trace.
7. Click OK.
The debug levels for Control-M/Agent are set.

Defining the Workload Archiving debug level

This procedure describes how to define the Workload Archiving debug level.

To define the Workload Archiving debug level:

1. Type the following command:

2. Type the following:

-level <x>
Where x is the a number 1(low)-5(high).

Generating diagnostic data

This procedure describe how to generate diagnostic data for Control-M/EM, Control-M/ Agent, and
Control-M/Server, such as usage measurement reports and product logs and configuration. This enables
you to identify and troubleshoot problems or areas of inefficiency in the Control-M production
environment and communicate that information to BMC customer support.

To generate diagnostic data:

1. From the CCM component list, select a component.
2. Right-click on the component and select Diagnostics Data.
The Diagnostics Data Collection window appears.
3. Select one or both of the following:

Collect usage measurements reports

Collect product logs and configuration

4. In the Last days field, define the number of days in the past to include data in the report.
5. Click Advanced.
6. In the Save to section, select one of the following:

Save to Default location at the component directory


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Save to a shared network location

7. Click OK.
The Action Result dialog box appears.
8. Monitor the status of the request until the diagnostic data collection completes.
If the diagnostic data collection returns with the following error, see Troubleshooting diagnostic data
collection failure (on page 315):
Data collection failed. ERROR: No available disk space, <SIZE_IN_MB> needed, exiting...

Troubleshooting diagnostic data collection failure

This procedure describes how to troubleshoot diagnostics data collection failure due to no available disk

To troubleshoot diagnostic data collection failure:

1. From the Diagnostic Data Collection window, click Advanced.
2. In the Command Line Parameters field, add the following string:
The value of <NEW_SIZE_IN_MB> is calculated as follows:

Check the available space under ctm_em location.

Define a new value that is less than the available disk space divided by 3.

3. Click OK.
The data is regenerated.

Sending commands to Control-M/EM server components

This procedure describes how to send a direct command to one of the EM servers components via the
CCM or through command line, which is mostly used for diagnostic or configuration purposes.

To send commands to Control-M/EM server components:

1. From the CCM component list, select the Control-M/EM component.
2. Right-click on the component and select Control Shell.
The Control Shell window appears.
3. Do one of the following:

In the Specify a control shell command line field, type the command.

To display the list of valid commands and requests for the selected component, click Usage and
select one of the commands that appear in the Result section.

4. Click Apply.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Monitoring the Control-M/EM Configuration Agent Log

This procedure describes how to monitor the Control-M/EM Configuration Agent log. The log lists the
events and monitoring actions that the Configuration Agent performs on all Control-M/EM components,
such as starting up and shutting down components and checking database connections.

To monitor the Control-M/EM Configuration Agent:

From the Diagnostics tab, click Agents Log.

The Agents Log appears.

Usage Reporting Tool

The Control-M Usage Reporting Tool measures peak usage across all of your Control-M Workload
Automation environments for license auditing and compliance purposes.
The Usage Reporting Tool provides a wizard-based interface to assist you with generating usage reports
showing your aggregated peak usage over the last year.
The tool displays task usage and installed optional components such as the BMC Batch Impact Manager
and Control-M Self Service add-ons, and Control-M for Advanced File Transfer application plug-in.
If you want to connect the Usage Tool to Oracle RAC, see KA391605.

Generating a usage report

This procedure describes how to generate a usage report, which measures peak usage across all
Control-M Workload Automation environments.

To generate a usage report:

1. From the Start menu, select All Programs > BMC Control-M 9.0.00> Usage Utility (Run as
The BMC Control-M Usage Reporting Tool appears.
2. Follow the on-screen instructions until the wizard is complete.
The full set of reports (the report displayed in the Result phase and the detailed report) are saved in
the following location:
<Control-M/EM home dir>\usagetool\reports
Each time you run the tool, a new sub-folder is created, and the new set of reports is placed in
the Reports folder.




Database operation and maintenance

A Control-M/Server database contains the job processing definitions (organized by tables). In addition to
the Definitions file, the Control-M/Server database also maintains Active Jobs, a Resources table and a
Conditions table.
A Control-M/EM database enables you to control your entire batch production enterprise. The Definition
file of the Control-M/EM database contains a copy of all job processing definitions from all of your
Control-M/Server databases. This database also includes the Active Jobs Database.
You can back up and restore your data from a Control-M/EM or Control-M/Server database, as described
in Database backup and restore (on page 319).
You can perform periodic maintenance procedures on a Control-M/EM and Control-M/Server database, as
described in Database maintenance and cleanup (on page 326).
To maintain Control-M/EM databases:

Use the interactive Database Maintenance menu, which you access from the Root menu.

Run the util utility from the command line .

To maintain Control-M/Server databases, use the Database Maintenance menu that you access from
the Control-M Main Menu.

Accessing the Control-M/EM database maintenance menu

This procedure describes how to access the Control-M/EM database menu, which enables you export,
import, and perform other database procedures.

To access the Control-M/EM database maintenance menu:

1. Log in to the Control-M/EM host computer.
2. Type root_menu command.
3. When prompted, enter the Control-M/EM Database Owner (DBO) user name and password.
The Control-M/EM Root Menu appears.
4. From Control-M/EM Root Menu, type the number for Database Maintenance. (on page 318)
The Database Maintenance Menu appears.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Control-M/EM Database Maintenance menu options

The following table describes the options in the Database Maintenance Menu for Control-M/EM.
Menu option


Export Database Extracts the contents of the Control-M/EM database to a compressed

flat file or tape.
Import Database Restores the Control-M/EM database from a file or tape created using
the Export Database option.
Stop all Control-M/EM components before performing this operation.

Displays the Export/Import Default Parameters menu that

enables you to customize the parameters used for the Export
Database and Import Database options.
Stop all Control-M/EM components before performing this operation.

Database Size

Erase Old Nets

Enlarges the data portion of the Control-M/EM database. Depending on

the type of database server installed, this option runs the
db_extend_oracle utility. When the utility runs, you may be prompted
for the following data:

Password for the sa or SYSTEM user.

Oracle: Name of the existing device you want to extend.

Size in MB of the additional space to allocate.

Full path for the device.

Size (in MB) to which you want to extend the device.

Erases an old network.

Erase Audit Data Erases audit records that were stored in the database.
Erase Exception

Erases exception alerts that were stored in the Control-M/EM database.

Modify Database Modifies the Control-M/EM database name. A prompt is displayed

requesting the new name. This option is displayed only when Sybase
Adaptive Server is installed.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Database backup and restore

You can back up and restore your data from a Control-M/EM or Control-M/Server database with the
following backup and restore options:

Hot backup: Tracks changes to the database while Control-M/Server is active. After a crash (or other
event), you can restore the database to the previous state before the crash. Hot backups are
performed in archive mode, which requires extra disk space for control files. You must specify an
existing directory when implementing hot backups (Dedicated PostgresSQL only).

Cold backup: Copies the contents of the database to a file when Control-M/Server is shut down. The
database can be restored up to the date/time of the last backup. You can use cold backups to restore
the database to the state it was in when the backup was performed. To perform a cold backup,
archive mode must be disabled. You can run the ctm_backup_bcp utility even when the database is in
archive mode. Shut down Control-M/Server before performing a cold backup (Existing Oracle and
dedicated PostgresSQL only).

Archive mode: Control-M/Server backs up the logs before overwriting them with new information. If
the database subsequently crashes, you can use the archived logs to restore the database up until the
most recent SQL transaction. If you enable archive mode, you should plan to keep it enabled for long
term use. If you enable and disabled it frequently, the archived log files do not provide useful
information for database restoration. You can only use Archive Mode option when Control-M is
running with the database server supplied with the Control-M installation. The Control-M/Server
automatically shuts down during this procedure. If archive mode is enabled, database transactions
might perform slowly, and archive files require more disk space (Dedicated PostgresSQL only).

Restore and rebuild: Restores data from a correct database structure. If the Control-M/Server
database structure (schema) becomes corrupt, you must rebuild the database. After the rebuild, you
must restore the data. When a cold restore is performed, the restore file must be exported from the
database with the same encoding as the destination database. If you rebuild the database with UTF8
encoding, you must manually configure the environment settings, to enable the Control-M/Server
components to support this encoding.

NOTE: Before rebuilding the database running the Build DB option through ctm_menu, when using an
existing PostgreSQL database, first kill all transactions and then run Build DB. To find out which
transactions are still open, you can refer to the Transactions Report that is generated by running the List
All Active Transactions option using ctm_menu.

Control-M/Server database backup and restore

The following procedures describe how to back up and restore a Control-M/Server database:

Enabling archiving of a Control-M/Server database (Oracle and PostgreSQL only) (on page 320)

Backing up a Control-M/Server MSSQL database (on page 320)

Restoring a Control-M/Server MSSQL database from a backup (on page 322)

Rebuilding a Control-M/Server database (on page 324)


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Enabling archiving of a Control-M/Server database (Oracle and PostgreSQL

This procedure describes how to archive database log files when they become full.
NOTE: If a database crash occurs, you can use the archived files to restore the database up until the
most recent SQL transaction. Hot backups require that archive mode be enabled, but the backup
procedure automatically sets archive mode if it was not previously set. For more information about hot
backups, see Database backup and restore (on page 319).

To enable archiving of a Control-M/Server database:

1. Display the Control-M Main Menu by typing the ctm_menu command.
2. In the Control-M Main menu, enter the number for the Database Menu option.
The Database Utilities Menu appears.
3. In the Database Utilities Menu, enter the number for the Management option.
The Management Menu appears.
4. In the Management Menu, enter the number for Set Database Archive Mode option.
5. At the prompt for the mode, type ON.
6. At the prompt for the destination directory, enter the name of the destination for archived log files.
7. When you are done, enter q to quit.

Backing up a Control-M/Server MSSQL database

This procedure describes how to back up a Control-M/Serer MSSQL database onto a backup device. BMC
recommends that you back up your Control-M/Server databases onto backup devices daily. You can
complete this procedure while the database is running.
NOTE: Performing this procedure has the same effect as running the ctmdbbck utility.

To back up a Control-M/Server MSSQL database:

1. Display the Control-M Main Menu by typing the ctm_menu command.
2. In the Control-M Main Menu, enter the number for the Database Maintenance option.
3. In the Database Maintenance menu, enter the number for the List Backup Devices option, and
write down the name of the device that you want to use.
When backing up an MSSQL database, the full path is a path on the database server computer.
4. Return to the Database Maintenance menu, and enter the number of the Backup Database
5. Enter the name of the backup device you wrote down in step 3.
The backup device must be either a valid device defined in the SQL database, or the full path name of
a file to be created by the backup procedure.
6. Respond to the subsequent prompts that are displayed.
7. When you are done, enter q to quit.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

The Control-M/Server database is backed up onto a backup device.

Backing up a Control-M/Server Oracle or PostgreSQL database

This procedure describes how to back up a Control-M/Serer Oracle or PostgreSQL database onto a backup
device. BMC recommends that you back up your Control-M/Server databases onto backup devices daily.
You can complete this procedure while the database is running.
NOTE: Performing this procedure has the same effect as running the ctmdbbck utility.

To back up a Control-M/Server Oracle or PostgreSQL database:

1. Display the Control-M Main Menu by typing ctm_menu command.
2. In the Control-M Main menu, enter the number for the Maintenance option.
3. In the Maintenance menu, enter the number for the Backup Database option.
Oracle: The following prompt appears:

Enter a destination directory name [<ctm_home_dir>]:

PostgreSQL: The following prompt appears:

Enter a destination file name [<ctm_home_dir>]:

4. Press Enter to accept the default directory, or enter the name of a different directory where you want
the backup to be saved.
The backup procedure assigns its own file name.

If Archive mode is not active at your site, a cold backup is automatically performed.

If Archive mode is active, the following prompt is displayed:

Enter your choice for backup mode (Hot or Cold) [H/C]:

5. Select either H for hot backup or C for cold backup, and press Enter.
The following prompt appears:

Specify archiving process destination directory:

6. Enter the directory path and filename in which the archive process will store its control files.
The backup procedure begins. Informational messages report the progress of the backup.
7. When you are done, enter q to quit.
8. If you selected a cold backup in when the backup is complete, start Control-M/Server.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Backup device parameters

The following table describes backup device parameters:



Logical name of the device


Type of device. This device can be either a disk file or a tape drive.
Backups to disk files are faster and do not require operator


If you specify disk, you must specify the file full path name.

If you specify tape, you must specify the device name.

Full path name (for disk) or a device name (for tape)

Restoring a Control-M/Server MSSQL database from a backup

This procedure describes how to restore the Control-M/Server MSSQL database from a database failure or
data corruption.
NOTE: Performing this procedure has the same effect as running the ctmdbrst utility.

To restore an MSSQL database from a backup device:

1. Display the Control-M Main Menu (ctm_menu).
2. In the Control-M Main menu, enter the number for the Database Maintenance option.
3. In the Database Maintenance menu, enter the number for the Restore Database option.
4. Follow the displayed prompts.
The backup device must be a valid device defined in the database, or the full path name of a backup
file to be used as input for the ctmdbrst utility.
If you do not know the name of the backup device, display the list of backup devices by entering the
number of the List Backup Devices option in the Database Maintenance menu, and then note
the name of the device.
5. Type q to quit.

To recover from a hot restore failure (for PostgreSQL):

1. Stop any PostgreSQL processes currently running on the computer.
2. Go to the pgsql parent directory. On UNIX for example, this directory is the user ctm_em directory.
3. Check if pgsql_old_<current_date> exists. If so, this means that the restore process renamed the
old (now corrupted) directory.
4. Rename it to pgsql.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

5. Start the PostgreSQL server.

Restoring a Control-M/Server Oracle or PostgreSQL database from a backup

This procedure describes how to restore the Control-M/Server Oracle or PostgreSQL database are down
as the result of a crash. If this is not the case, the restore procedure fails.
NOTE: Performing this procedure has the same effect as running the ctmdbrst utility.

Before you begin

If you want to perform a restore from a Cold backup and Archive mode is active, deactivate Archive mode
(using option 1 of the Database Maintenance menu) before performing the steps described below.

To restoring a Control-M/Server Sybase or MSSQL database from a backup:

1. Shut down Control-M/Server, and verify there are no other users or processes connected to the SQL
2. Display the Control-M Main Menu by typing ctm_menu command.
3. In the Control-M Main menu, enter the number for the Maintenance option.
4. In the Maintenance menu, enter the number for the Restore Database option.
The following prompt appears:

Enter a destination directory name [<ctm_home_dir>]:

5. Press Enter to accept the default directory, or type the name of the directory in which the backup
was saved.
6. When you are done, enter q to quit.
Control-M performs the restore as follows:

If Archive mode is not active, a restore is automatically performed using information from the
most recent Cold backup.

If Archive mode is active, a restore is automatically performed using information from the most
recent Hot backup.

(For PostgreSQL only) - If a hot restore process failed, it is possible to revert back to the file system
as it existed before the restore process began. For details, see the following instructions.
NOTE: The hot restore process uses the ctm_em/pgsql/data/pg_xlog directory to recover the
database up until the point of failure. If this directory was damaged during the failure, the database
can only be recovered up until the last database log switch.

Reverting back to a PostgreSQL database

This procedure describes how to revert back if a hot restore fails for a PostgreSQL database.
NOTE: Performing this procedure has the same effect as running the ctmdbrst utility.

To revert back to a PostgreSQL database:

1. Stop any PostgreSQL processes currently running on the computer.
2. Go to the pgsql parent directory. On UNIX for example, this directory is the user ctm_em directory.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

3. Check if pgsql_old_<current_date> exists.

NOTE: If it exists, the restore process renamed the old (now corrupted) directory.
4. Rename it to pgsql.
5. Start the PostgreSQL server.

Rebuilding a Control-M/Server database

This procedure describes how to rebuild a Control-M/Server database if the database structure (schema)
is corrupt. After you rebuild the database, you need to restore the data.

Before you begin

Before rebuilding the database, verify that the following requirements are met:

Back up the database data (see Backing up a Control-M/Server MSSQL database (on page 320))

Shut down Control-M/Server and Control-M/Server Configuration Agent

The SQL database is running

No Control-M/Server utilities are connected to the SQL Server

To rebuild a Control-M/Server database:

1. Display the Control-M Main Menu by typing the ctm_menu command.
2. In the Control-M Main menu enter the number for the Database Menu option.
The Database Utilities Menu appears.
3. In the Database Utilities Menu, enter the number for Management.
Management Menu appears.
4. In the Management Menu, enter the number for the Build Database option.
5. Follow the prompts online, and specify or change the parameters as required.
Default values are provided for most of the parameters. Modify them as required.
NOTE: When rebuilding the database, working in an existing mode, the full path names of the log
and data devices must be different from the original path names.
6. In the Main Menu, enter the number of the Database Maintenance option.
7. In the Database Maintenance, enter the number of the Cold Database Restore option to load
the data into the new database.
8. Follow the displayed prompts.
The backup device must be a valid device defined in the database, or the full path name of a backup
file to be used as input for the ctmdbrst utility.
If you do not know the name of the backup device, display the list of backup devices by entering the
number of the List Backup Devices option in the Database Maintenance menu, and then note
the name of the device.
9. When you are done, enter q to quit.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Control-M/EM database backup and restore

The following procedures describe how to back up and restore a Control-M/EM database:

Backing up Control-M/EM data (on page 325)

Restoring Control-M/EM data (on page 325)

Backing up audit records (on page 326)

Restoring audit records (on page 326)

You can use the ctmsec batch utility to export and import Control-M Security Definition tables. The file
that is generated by the ctmsec command is an executable file containing API functions that redefines all
the security entries when the script runs. The generated file can be modified and imported to any
Control-M installation.

Backing up Control-M/EM data

This procedure describes how to back up Control-M/EM data by exporting the data to a file in a defined

To back up Control-M/EM data:

1. Display the Control-M/EM Root Menu (root_menu).
2. In the Control-M/EM Root Menu, enter the number for the Database Maintenance option.
3. In the Database Maintenance menu, enter the number for the Export Database option.
4. Specify the name of the file to which the database should be exported.
The database is exported to a file you specify. The file is called export_file_name.Z.
5. Enter q to exit the Database Maintenance menu and the Root menu.

Restoring Control-M/EM data

This procedure describes how to restore Control-M/EM data.

To restore Control-M/EM data:

1. Display the Control-M/EM Root Menu (root_menu).
2. In the Control-M/EM Root Menu, enter the number for the Database Maintenance option.
3. In the Database Maintenance menu, enter the number for the Import Database option.
You are prompted for location of the export_file_name file that was created during the procedure.
Enter the path and name for the export_file_name file. Do not include the .Z extension.When the
procedure is complete, the Database Maintenance menu is displayed.
4. Enter q to exit the Database Maintenance menu and the Root menu.
If you quit the Root menu or its submenus while performing the database restore, you must perform
Rebuilding the database schema following import interruption.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Backing up audit records

This procedure describes how to back up audit records.

To back up audit records:

Invoke the util utility with -export and -type audit, using the following syntax:
util -U DBO_name -P DBO_password -export -type audit

Restoring audit records

This procedure describes how to restore Control-M/EM audit records. The command described in this
procedure deletes old audit records.

To restore audit records:

1. To save old audit records, invoke the util utility with -export and -type audit.
2. Invoke the util utility with -import, -replace, and -type audit, using the following syntax:
util -U DBO_name -P DBO_password -import -replace -type audit

Database maintenance and cleanup

Older and unneeded data is normally cleaned (deleted) from the database automatically according to
system parameters that determine (for example) how long to retain records, how many records to retain,
and how often to perform cleanup.
Manual database housekeeping and cleanup is intended for special situations where you might want to
clean out more data than is cleaned out by the automatic clean up. For example, if disk space is low, you
might want to remove a larger than normal portion of a particular type of data.
If you find that you are performing manual cleanups frequently, especially the same type of cleanup each
time, consider adjusting the system parameters so that automatic cleanup matches the required cleanup

Control-M/EM database maintenance and cleanup

The database server writes a message to an error log file when the server starts or shuts down, and when
a database error occurs. This file is not automatically truncated. If not manually truncated, the file utilizes
a large amount of disk space. The file created is called an error log for MSSQL, and an alert log for Oracle.
[UNIX only].
Whether responsibility of maintaining the error log file goes to the Control-M administrator or the
database administrator depends on whether your site is using the dedicated database server provided
with the installation, or an existing database server. If you use an existing database server, it is the
responsibility of the database administrator to truncate this file on a regular basis.
Some log files are automatically cleaned (deleted) periodically, depending on system parameter
definitions. Other log files have limits so that older log messages are deleted as newer ones are written in.
The administrator must check the log files to ensure that they are not filling up or too large. If necessary,
the administrator must manually delete them. The MaxOldDays system parameter tells how long to retain
the Gateway log files before the gateway deletes them.

Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

The following procedures describe how to perform periodic Control-M/EM database maintenance and

Checking Database space (on page 29)

Extending the Oracle database (on page 30)

Extending the MSSQL database (on page 30)

Removing old archived viewpoints (on page 327)

Removing old archived viewpoints

This procedure describes how to remove old archived viewpoints, which are recordings of job changes
(data, conditions, and resources) that occur in the Active Jobs file on any given day.
For more information, see Loading an archived Viewpoint.

To remove old archived viewpoints:

1. Display the Control-M/EM Root Menu (root_menu).
2. In the Control-M/EM Root Menu, enter the number for the Database Maintenance option.
3. In the Database Maintenance menu, enter the number for the Erase Old Nets option.
4. Enter q to exit the Database Maintenance menu and the Root menu.
(Windows only) Gateway automatically removes old archived networks.

Deleting audit records from the root_menu

This procedure describes how to delete audit records of the Audit_activities table in the database from the

To delete audit records interactively from the root_menu (UNIX only):

1. Display the Control-M/EM Root Menu (root_menu).
2. In the Control-M/EM Root Menu, enter the number for the Database Maintenance option.
3. In the Database Maintenance menu, enter the number for the Erase Audit Data option.
4. Enter q to exit the Database Maintenance menu and the Root menu.

To delete audit records using a script (UNIX or Windows):

1. Log on to the Control-M/EM host computer as a Control-M/EM administrator.
2. Enter the following command. If you do not specify -U and -P, you will be prompted to enter the DBO
user name and password.
erase_audit_data [-date yyyymmdd] [-U EM_DBO_name] [-P EM_DBO_password]
Records written before the specified date are deleted.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Deleting audit records with a script

This procedure describes how to delete audit records of the Audit_activities table in the database with a

To delete audit records using a script (UNIX or Windows):

1. Log on to the Control-M/EM host computer as a Control-M/EM administrator.
2. Enter the following command. If you do not specify -U and -P, you will be prompted to enter the DBO
user name and password.
erase_audit_data [-date yyyymmdd] [-U EM_DBO_name] [-P EM_DBO_password]
Records written before the specified date are deleted.

Control-M/Server database maintenance and cleanup

The database server writes a message to an error log file when the server is started or shut down, and
when a database error occurs. This file is not automatically truncated. If not manually truncated, the file
will utilize a large amount of disk space. The file created is called an error log for MSSQL, and an alert log
for Oracle. [UNIX only]
The responsibility of maintaining the error log file goes to the Control-M administrator or the database
administrator depending on whether your site is using the database server provided with the installation,
or a current database server when your site:

Uses a BMC-supplied PostgreSQL database server, it is the responsibility of the Control-M

administrator to truncate this file on a regular basis

Uses a current database server, it is the responsibility of the database administrator to truncate this
file on a regular basis

Control-M/Server writes process log trace files to the proclog directory.

Each time Control-M/Server starts:

The new logs are saved to one of the following locations:


Windows: <ctm_installation>\proclog

The proclog file from the previous session is saved to one of the following locations:


Windows: <ctm_installation>\proclog.sav

The higher the trace level, the larger the log files. If Control-M/Server entities operate for a long time
using a trace level greater than zero, these log files utilize a large amount of disk space.
The following procedures describe how to perform periodic Control-M/Server database cleanup

Extending the Oracle database (on page 30)

Extending the MSSQL database (on page 30)

Cleaning up the Control-M/Server proclog directory (on page 329)


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Cleaning up the Control-M/Server proclog directory

This procedure describes how to clean up the Control-M/Server proclog directory. The Control-M/Server
administrator should delete these log files when they are no longer needed.

To clean up the Control-M/Server proclog directory:

1. Display the Control-M Main Menu by typing the ctm_menu command.
2. In the Control-M Main menu, type the number corresponding to the Troubleshooting option.
3. In the Troubleshooting menu, enter the number corresponding to the Erase Proclog Files option.
This option erases the contents of the current process log file either for all active Control-M/Server
processes or for any specific active process.
4. Specify the 2-character code for a specific process, or ALL for all current process log files.

proclog utility parameters

Log retention is determined by the parameters in the following table.


OS_DIAG_LIMIT_LOG_ Number of generations of diagnostic log information to keep for a process or a

Valid values:

-1 (no limit to the number of files)


Default: -1 (In the shipped config.dat, the default value is overridden by 10.)
Refresh Type: Recycle
OS_DIAG_LIMIT_LOG_ Maximum size (MB) of diagnostic log files for a process or a thread.
Valid values:

-1 (no filesize limit)


Default: -1 (In the shipped config.dat, the default value is overridden by 10.)
Refresh Type: Recycle




User Exits
A user exit is a user-defined procedure that can be used to modify certain information before it is
processed. At certain points in processing, a flat text file is produced describing information that is to be
passed to the next step in a procedure. This text file can be modified by a user-defined exit script before
it is passed on for processing.
Control-M/Server user exits can be used to enforce site standards (for example, file naming conventions
or valid date formats), and to apply security definitions to limit certain users actions. Exits can also be
used to trigger other actions prior or subsequent to execution of a Control-M job.
EXAMPLE: A flat text file is produced containing parameters to be processed by Control-M. The name of
the text file is passed as a parameter to the user exit script. The user exit script runs, and is
often used to modify the contents of the text file. However, it can also be used to perform
any other action (for example, to copy information from the text file to another location).
Control-M then continues processing using the modified text file.
User exits are implemented only if they have been enabled by setting the appropriate configuration
To implement user exits, see Implementing User Exits in Control-M/Server (on page 330).
To view available user exits, see Control-M general user exits (on page 331).

Implementing User Exits in Control-M/Server

This procedure describes how to implement user exits in Control-M/Server.

To implement User Exits in Control-M/Server:

1. Implement one of the user exits, as described in Control-M general user exits (on page 331).
2. Set appropriate values to exit configuration parameters in the config.dat file, which is located in the
following directory:

UNIX: <controlmOwner>/ctm_server/data/config.dat

Windows: <productDirectory>\ctm_server\data\config.dat

3. Do the following:
a. Enable Control-M exits: Ensure that the value of the CTM_PRM_ENABLE_UE parameter is set to Y
b. Enable specific user exits: Set the value of the relevant CTM_PRM_ENABLE_UEnnn configuration
parameters to Y (nnn is the numeric part of the user exit name, valid values 101-106).
c. In the CTM_PRM_TIMEOUT_UEnnn configuration parameter, set the maximum time to wait
for the associated user exit script to run before it is terminated (where nnn is the numeric part of
the user exit name, valid values 101-106).
UNIX: Time is measured in units of seconds.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Windows: Time is measured in units of milliseconds.

4. In the user exit directory, define the scripts for the implemented user exits and assign the scripts
default file names in the format:

UNIX: ctm_exitnnn.sh (nnn is the numeric part of the user exit name, valid values 101-106).

Windows: ctm_exitnnn.bat (nnn is the numeric part of the user exit name, valid values

The location of the directory is:

UNIX: controlmOwner/ctm_server/ue_exit

Windows: <productDirectory>\ctm_server\ue_exit

Control-M general user exits

The following table describes the available user exits.
User Exit


Job Order Exit (CTMUE101) (on

page 331)

Executes for each Control-M job before it is ordered

Job Submission Exit (CTMUE102) Executes for each Control-M job before it is submitted for
(on page 333)
Before New Day Procedure Exit
(CTMUE103) (on page 335)

Executes before the New Day procedure is run

After New Day Procedure Exit

(CTMUE104) (on page 336)

Executes after the New Day procedure is run

Before User Daily Exit

(CTMUE105) (on page 336)

Executes before each run of a Control-M User Daily job (except


After User Daily Exit

(CTMUE106) (on page 336)

Executes after each run of a Control-M User Daily job (except


Job Order Exit (CTMUE101)

This exit is executed for each Control-M job before it is ordered. The flat text file passed to the exit is a
job record from the Scheduling definition folder. User exit CTMUE101 can be used to alter the job
information in this file after it is fetched from the database and before it is passed to the procedure that
determines if the job will be ordered for the current day.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

NOTE: This user exit does not support sub-folders in Control-M/Server.

The following is a sample text file in the format that is passed to the CTMUE101 exit:

JOBNAME daily_job
AUTHOR ctm600
OWNER ctm600
CMDLINE ./stress_cmd_spl.ctm600

Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

EXAMPLE: The following exit script changes the Days parameter (DAYSTR) for jobs that were scheduled
on the first day of the month, so that these jobs are ordered on the second day of the month.
cp $1 /tmp/ue101.$$
sed -e 's/DAYSTR 1/DAYSTR 2/' /tmp/ue101.$$ > $1

Job Submission Exit (CTMUE102)

This exit is executed for each Control-M job before it is submitted for execution. The flat text file passed
to the exit contains a job record from the Active Jobs table. User exit CTMUE102 can be used to alter job
information in this record before it is passed to the Control-M/Agent for job submission.
The following is a sample text file in the format that is passed to the CTMUE102 exit:



Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

MEMLIB /mdw/oper/tgt/scripts/shells
MEMNAME dw##r#####
OVERLIB /mdw/oper/tgt/scripts/shells/overlib_all
CMDLINE sleep 30
ODATE 19960229
OWNER ctm600

Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

DESCRIPT Datawarehouse ln snapshot sort and form
DOCMEM dwlnr1
DOCLIB /mdw/cntlm/doc
EXAMPLE: The following exit script checks if the job has a Owner of root and changes the Owner for
these jobs to nobody.

cp $1 /tmp/ue102.$$
sed -e 's/OWNER root/OWNER nobody/' /tmp/ue102.$$ > $1

Before New Day Procedure Exit (CTMUE103)

This exit is executed before the New Day procedure is run. The New Day Procedure performs automatic
functions at the beginning of each new Control-M working day. This procedure is used as a master
scheduler for all Control-M activities.
The flat text file that is passed to the exit contains the name of the Daily (SYSTEM), time, and original
scheduling date (Order Date) of the procedure.
The following is a sample text file in the format that is passed to the CTMUE103 exit:

TIME 1300
ODATE 20001121
EXAMPLE: The following exit script runs a procedure that performs various actions before the New Day
procedure is run.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

After New Day Procedure Exit (CTMUE104)

This exit is executed after each run of the Control-M New Day procedure. The flat text file that is passed
to the exit contains the name of the Daily (SYSTEM), time, and original scheduling date (Order Date) of
the procedure.
The following is a sample text file in the format that is passed to the CTMUE104 exit:

TIME 1319
ODATE 20001121
EXAMPLE: The following exit script runs a procedure that performs various actions after completion of
the New Day procedure.

Before User Daily Exit (CTMUE105)

This exit is executed before each Control-M User Daily job (except SYSTEM) is run. User Daily jobs can be
used to order new jobs.
The flat text file that is passed to the exit contains the name of the User Daily, time, and original
scheduling date (Order Date) of the User Daily job.
The following is a sample text file in the format that is passed to the CTMUE105 exit:

DAILY_NAME my_daily
TIME 1321
ODATE 20001121

After User Daily Exit (CTMUE106)

This exit is executed after each Control-M User Daily job (except SYSTEM) is run. User Daily jobs can be
used to order new jobs.
The flat text file that is passed to the exit contains the name of the User Daily, time, and original
scheduling date (Order Date) of the User Daily job.
The following is a sample text file in the format that is passed to the CTMUE106 exit:

DAILY_NAME my_daily
TIME 1322
ODATE 20001121
If the User Daily job fails, the User Exit 106 (UE106) will not be executed.




BSM configuration procedures

The following procedures describe how do basic configurations for BMC Batch Impact Manager,
Control-M/Forecast, and Batch Discovery:

BMC Service Impact Manager configuration (on page 337)

Purging obsolete periodic statistics entries (on page 339)

BMC Service Impact Manager configuration

You can configure the BMC Service Impact Manager (BIC SIM) to enable you to work with Control-M BMC
Batch Impact Manager. BMC SIM solution versions 3.1.00 through 7.0.00 are supported.
For BMC SIM solution versions earlier than 5.0.00, BMC Batch Impact Manager can add and modify nodes
to BMC SIM when updating information about critical batch services (dynamic and static implementation).
For versions 5.0.00 and above, BMC Impact Manager cannot add nodes in BMC SIM, but can only modify
existing nodes (static implementation).
To send alerts to BMC SIM using the BMC Batch Impact Manager, you must specify a BMC SIM service
model component to which the new service model component for the BMC Batch Impact Manager service
should connect. If the BMC SIM service model component is not already defined, ensure that BMC SIM
enables the connection between the two service model components.
The following procedures enable you to configure BMC SIM:

Configuring BMC Service Impact Manager on Microsoft Windows (on page 337)

Configuring BMC Service Impact Manager on UNIX (on page 338)

Configuring the Control-M BMC Batch Impact Manager computer (on page 339)

Configuring BMC Service Impact Manager on Microsoft Windows

This procedure describes how to install and configure the BMC Service Impact Manager on Microsoft

To configure BMC Service Impact Manager on Microsoft Windows:

1. Create a temporary directory.
2. From the BMC Batch Impact Manager installation CD, copy the contents of one of the bim_impact
subdirectories to the temporary directory, as follows:

For BMC Service Impact Manager versions earlier than version 5.0.00, copy the contents of the
bim_impact\dynamic subdirectory.

For BMC Service Impact Manager 5.0.x, copy the contents of the
bim_impact\static subdirectory.

3. Edit the first three lines of the load.cmd file, as described in load.cmd file parameters (on page 338).


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

EXAMPLE: set MASTERCELL_HOME=d:\program files\BMC Software\MasterCell

set CELLID=tlvw2k424
set PERL=D:\Perl\bin\perl.exe
4. Save the load.cmd file.
5. Navigate to the temporary directory, created in step 1, which contains the files copied from the
installation CD.
6. Open the Microsoft Windows Services utility and ensure that the mcell_cellID service is running.
7. Open a Command Prompt window and run the following command:
load.cmd > load.log
8. To check that the mcell service is running, refresh the display periodically by pressing F5.
9. If the mcell service stops, restart it.
You might need to restart the mcell service several times while load.cmd is running.
10. Close the Command Prompt window.
11. Ensure that you keep the load.log file that is generated by load.cmd, in case services do not get
transferred to BMC Service Impact Manager.

load.cmd file parameters

The following table describes the load.cmd file parameters.



Defines the name of the folder where BMC Service Impact

Manager is installed.


Defines the ID for the BMC Service Impact Manager instance

you are installing.


Defines the full path containing the perl.exe file, which is

installed during the BMC Service Impact Manager installation.

Configuring BMC Service Impact Manager on UNIX

This procedure describes how to install and configure BMC Service Impact Manager on UNIX.

To configure BMC Service Impact Manager on UNIX:

1. Create a temporary directory.
2. From the BMC Batch Impact Manager installation CD, copy the contents of one of the bim_impact
subdirectories to the temporary directory, as follows:


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

For BMC Service Impact Manager versions earlier than version 5.0.00, copy the contents of the
bim_impact/dynamic subdirectory.

For BMC Service Impact Manager 5.0.x, copy the contents of the
bim_impact/static subdirectory.

3. Copy the ctm_bim_classes.baroc file to the BMC SIM classes directory, called
4. Add "ctm_bim_classes" to the end of the .load file, located in
5. Copy the ctm_bim_rules.mrl file to SIM rules directory, called
6. Add "ctm_bim_rules" to the end of the .load file, located at
The BMC SIM engine compiles all files listed in this file.
7. Run the following command to compile the database:

%MCELL_HOME%/server/bin/mccomp" -v
8. Run the following commands to reload the database:

%MCELL_HOME%/bin/mcontrol -n


reload data

%MCELL_HOME%/bin/mcontrol -n


reload kb

%MCELL_HOME%/bin/mcontrol -n


reload collect

Configuring the Control-M BMC Batch Impact Manager computer

This procedure describes how to configure the Control-M BMC Batch Impact Manager computer.

To configure the Control-M BMC Batch Impact Manager computer:

1. Locate the mcell.dir file, which is located in one of the following directories, depending on operating

Microsoft Windows: $EM_HOMEForTheControl-M/EMUserAccount \bim\ImpactClient

UNIX: $EM_HOMEForTheControl-M/EMUserAccount/ctm_em/etc/BIM/ImpactClient

2. Edit the cell parameter line in the mcell.dir file by entering the correct SIM parameters, computer,
and port number (default port is 1828) in the following format:
3. Save the mcell.dir file.

Purging obsolete periodic statistics entries

Each time a job completes its execution, its periodic statistics entry in the Control-M/EM database is


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Periodic statistics entries that are not updated for a specified duration of time are considered obsolete and
are removed from the database. The user specifies the duration of the time by setting the
RunInfoStatsPurgeDays parameter (Type: cms) to the required number of days.
The Control-M Configuration Manager server automatically purges the database of obsolete statistics
records at specific intervals. The user determines the interval between purges by setting the
RunInfoStatsPurgeInterval parameter (type: cms) to the required number of minutes.




Remedy configuration
You can configure the connection to the Remedy server and test the connection with the new parameters
by using the following interactive utilities:

emremedy_configure (Control-M/EM): The utility is located in ctm_em/bin (UNIX) and <EM

home>\bin (Windows)

remedy_configure (Control-M/Server): The utility is located in <CTM server home>(UNIX) and

<CTM server home>\Exe (Windows)

These utilities enable you to set the Remedy server hostname, port, username, and password.
NOTE: When the Remedy server is configured to use a port mapper, the Remedy port must be set to 0
(default), otherwise the port is the Remedy server port.
The following sections describe how to configure the Remedy connection parameters, to change Remedy
incident information and create an incident form from the indirect process.

Configuring Remedy connection parameters (on page 341)

Remedy incident information configuration (on page 341)

Creating an incident form (on page 343)

Configuring Remedy connection parameters

This procedure describes how to configure Remedy connection parameters.

To configure Remedy connection parameters:

1. From a command line, type one of the following:

emremedy_configure (Control-M/EM)

remedy_configure (Control-M/Server)

2. Select the appropriate menu items and type the required information.
3. Type s.
Your configuration settings are saved.

Remedy incident information configuration

You can configure the Remedy incident information by accessing the configuration file,
RemedyConfig.XML, which is located as follows:


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

emremedy_configure (Control-M/EM): ctm_em/etc/cli/data/REMEDY (UNIX) or <EM

home>\data\REMEDY (Windows)

remedy_configure (Control-M/Server): <CTM server home>/data/REMEDY (UNIX) or <CTM server

home>\data\REMEDY (Windows)

The configuration file consists of three sections:

Connection settings: Enables you to configure the Remedy server connection through either
emremedy_configure or remedy_configure. For more information, see: Remedy configuration (on
page 341).

Configuration settings: Enables you to configure settings for Remedy server version 6

Configuration settings: Enables you to configure settings for Remedy server version 7

Each Remedy server version contains action configurations for opening and closing incidents, which
contain the schema or form name as shown in the following table.



Remedy 7


HPD: IncidentInterface_Create


HPD: IncidentInterface


HPD: IncidentInterface_Create


HPD: IncidentInterface

Remedy 8

An incident form is created either directly (the default process for Remedy 6) or indirectly (the default
process for Remedy 7) by the Remedy server. When the indirect process is used to create an incident
form, the Remedy sever initially creates an intermediate form that contains an ID number that identifies
the real (target) form. The intermediate form must be resolved to obtain the real form ID. To create an
incident form, see: Creating an incident form (on page 343).
When Remedy incidents are created, default values are used for each of the Remedy incident fields.
Each Remedy incident field consists of the following attributes:

Name - field description

ID - Remedy field identification number

Data Type - either a string field (indicated by the number 4) or a selection field (indicated by the
number 6)

Value - default value used

The Remedy field ID values for additional Remedy fields must be obtained from the Remedy
The configuration file contains the following built-in Remedy fields that are automatically populated by
BMC Batch Impact Manager and Control-M/Server.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide




Creating an incident form

This procedure describes how to create an incident form from the indirect process by the Remedy server.

To create an incident form:

Do one of the following:

For the ResolveRealFormID, specify Yes.

For the RealFormFieldID, specify a field ID number that will contain the real form ID.

NOTE: The built-in fields are used to resolve the field ID in the Remedy form. When BMC Batch
Manager or Control-M/Server creates an incident, the built-in fields are automatically resolved,
overwriting any values that may have been manually specified. For more information about Remedy
fields and parameters, see the Remedy documentation.

Batch Discovery
Batch Discovery utility outputs Business Service information and their dependent computer systems into
CSV files.
In BMC Atrium Core and BMC Atrium Integrator, you can transform your output from CSV files into CMDB
classes and create dependencies between them.
Each CSV file corresponds to one transformation. Transformations can be grouped into jobs to ensure that
they run in a correct sequence. For example:

Step 1:Insert BMC_BusinessService.csv data into CMDB.

Step 2:Insert BMC_ComputerSystem.csv data into CMDB.

Step 3:Lookup the endpoints for the newly created classes and insert a dependency class instance
into CMDB.

The following only applies to the first two transformations; BMC_BusinessService and
Each CSV file output by Batch Discovery corresponds to one transformation in BMC Atrium Spoon. For
more information, see CSV file ouput (on page 344).
When creating the transformations for the first time, there are several procedures you have to do, as
described in:


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Creating a directory in Remedy (on page 344)

Creating a Business Service Transformation (on page 345)

Creating the CMDB output for a Business Service (on page 346)

Creating a computer system transformation (on page 347)

Creating a CMDB output for a computer system (on page 348)m

After you have completed these procedures, you can run the transformations, as described in Running the
transformation and checking the CMDB classes (on page 353), and create dependencies between the
Business Services and the relevant computer systems. For more information, see Connecting the
computer system to the Business Service (on page 350).
You can use the transformations you created before to import CSV files into Remedy, without creating
new rules and jobs. For more information, see Running Batch Discovery for a second time (on page 353).

CSV file ouput

The following table lists the CSV file output correspondences to transformation in BMC Atrium Integrator:
CSV file name

BMC Atrium CMDB Class








BMC_ComputerSystem (with attributes)


BMC_ComputerSystem (with attributes)



Creating a directory in Remedy

This procedure describes how to create a directory in Remedy that contains the CSV files.

To create a directory in Remedy:

1. Log in Remedy.
2. In Remedy, create a new directory to contain the CSV files generated by the Batch Discovery utility.
The name of the directory is the location that contains the CSV files for all the subsequent runs of the
transformation.(c:\BMC_BatchDiscoveryOutput )
3. Copy the CSV files to the local directory on the AR Server. (c:\BMC_BatchDiscoveryOutput ).


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Creating a draft dataset

This procedure describes how to create a draft dataset.

To create a draft dataset:

1. Open the Atrium CMDB Console.
2. Navigate to Applications -> Reconciliation; and select Create Dataset in the toolbar.
3. Create a new dataset for use with Business Services.
For example BMC.CTM. The dataset you define is used throughout the transformation.
4. Optionally, create a standard reconciliation job for this dataset.

Creating a Business Service Transformation

This procedure describes how to create a Business Service transformation.

To create a Business Service Transformation:

1. Open BMC Atrium Integrator Spoon.
2. Click File -> New Transformation to create a new transformation.
3. Save it as BMC_BusinessService.
4. Click Input - > Text File Input to create a new text file input.
5. Click the newly created input.
6. Add the CSV file name to the selected files list (c:\BMC_BatchDiscoveryOutput).
7. Change the separator to , in the Content tab.
8. Click Get Fields to populate the list in the Fields tab.
9. Click Job -> Get Variables to set variables, and drag to add a GetVariables component. Click the
new component and fill values as described in Business Service transformation variable values (on
page 345).
10. Select the Text Output component you created earlier, and the GetVariables component; right-click
and select New Hop to create a connection.

Business Service transformation variable values

The following table lists the Business Service transformation variable values:









Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Creating the CMDB output for a Business Service

This procedure describes how to create the CMDB output for a Business Service.

To create the CMDB output for a Business Service:

1. In BMC Atrium Integrator Spoon Design view, select Output -> CMDB Output.
2. Insert a new CMDB Output component.
3. Select the GetVariables component you created earlier, and the CMDB Output component; right-click
and select New Hop to create a connection.
4. Select the newly created CMDB Output component.
5. Add a new Remedy server connection to the Remedy Server that contains your BMC Atrium Core
instance (ArServerProd); test the connection.
6. Browse for the class name to relate the CSV fields. (BMC.CORE -> BMC_BusinessService)
7. Type the draft Datataset ID where the objects are uploaded.
This is the short name of the Remedy Dataset you created in the preparation steps. (BMC.CTM)
8. Select the keys to identify the Business Service on CMDB and in the CSV file. CMDB rules match
TokenIds by default.

Token Id: TokenId


Stream field1: Token Id

9. Click Edit Mapping to select the fields to populate in CMDB.

10. Change the Update column to Y for all the fields, as described in CMDB Output field mappings (on
page 347) and then click OK.
11. Select Run this transformation from the toolbar, then click Launch to run the transformation.
The execution results appears. Execution should end without errors. In case of errors review the steps
above, the Logging tab contains a log of all the steps performed.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

CMDB Output field mappings

The following table lists the CMDB Output field mappings:
Source Fields

Target Fields














Creating a computer system transformation

This procedure describes how to create a computer system transformation.

To create a computer system transformation:

1. Open BMC Atrium Integrator Spoon.
Do not login to repository.
2. Create a new transformation.
3. Save it as BMC_ComputerSystem.
4. From the Design toolbar, select Input and drag a Text file output.
5. Click the newly created input.
6. Add the CSV file name to the Selected Files list
7. Change the separator to , in the Content tab.
8. Click Get Fields to populate the list from the Fields tab.
9. From the Design toolbar, select Job and drag Get Variable.
10. Define the necessary variables, as described in Computer system transformation variables (on page


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Computer system transformation variables

The following table lists the computer system transformation variables:






















Creating a CMDB output for a computer system

This procedure describes how to create a CMDB output for a computer system.

To create a CMDB output for a computer system:

1. In BMC Atrium Integrator Spoon, from the Design toolbar, select Output -> CMDB Output.
2. Create a hop between the new component and the previous one, do the following:
a. Select both components.
b. Right-click and select New Hop.
3. Open the CMDBOutput class and fill in the required information, as described in CMDBOutput class
parameters (on page 349).
4. Define a key as follows:

Table Id: TokenId

Comparator: =

Stream field1: Token Id

5. Map the fields to their counterparts in the CSV file, as described in Computer system field updates (on
page 349).
The CMDB output is saved in the draft dataset.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

CMDBOutput class parameters

The following table lists the CMDBOutput class parameters:


Step Name



Create a new connection.

Class Name

Choose BMC_ComputerSystem





Commit Size


Dont perform any updates

Always Insert
Is Cache Required
Define a key to lookup the value


Computer system field updates

The following table lists which fields to update in order to map them to the relevant fields in the CSV file.
Table Field

Stream Field













Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Connecting the computer system to the Business Service

This procedure describes how to connect the computer system to the Business service.

To connect the computer system to the Business Service:

1. Open BMC Atrium Integrator Spoon.
2. In the computer system transformation, from the Design toolbar, select Lookup and drag CMDB
3. Create a hop between the new component and the previous one (BMC_ComputerSystem), so the
a. Select both components.
b. Right-click and select New Hop.
4. Define the necessary fields, as described in Computer system hop parameters (on page 351).
5. From the Design toolbar, select Lookup and drag CMDB Lookup.
6. Create a hop between the new component and the previous one (BMC_ComputerSystem), do the
a. Select both components.
b. Right-click and select New Hop.
7. Define the necessary fields, as described in Business Service hop parameters (on page 352).
8. To create the dependency between the computer system CIs and the Business Service CIs, drag a
new CMDBOutput component from the Output step.
9. Create a hop between the new component and the previous one (CMDBLookup2), do the following:
a. Select both components.
b. Right-click and select New Hop.
10. Define the necessary fields, as described in Business Service hop parameters (on page 352).
11. Define a set of keys to lookup the values, as described in Keys to lookup values (on page 352).
12. Define the dependency class fields, as describes in Dependency class field updates (on page 353).


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Computer system hop parameters

The following table lists the computer system hop parameters and their values:


Step Name

CMDB Lookup



Class Name


Name space


Dataset Id


The keys to lookup the

values TokenId


Values to return from the

lookup table

Field: InstanceId

New Name:ComputerInstID


Do Not Pass the row if the

lookup fails



Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Business Service hop parameters

The following table lists the Business Service hop parameters and their values:


Step Name

CMDB Lookup 2



Class Name


Name space


Dataset Id


The keys to lookup the

values TokenId


Values to return from the

lookup table

Field: InstanceId

New Name:BatchServiceInstID


Do Not Pass the row if the

lookup fails


Keys to lookup values

The following table describes keys to lookup the values:
Table ID


Stream field1








Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

Dependency class field updates

The following table lists the dependency class field updates:
Table field

Stream field













Running the transformation and checking the CMDB classes

This procedure describes how to run the transformation, and check the CMDB classes created.

To run the transformation and check the CMDB classes:

1. Open BMC Atrium Integrator Spoon.
2. Run the previously created BMC_BatchService transformation.
3. Run the previously created BMC_ComputerSystem transformation.
4. Open BMC Atrium Console.
5. Check for the created CMDB classes by viewing the draft dataset BMC.CTM.
6. Optionally, run the standard reconciliation job to move the results to the BMC.ASSET main dataset.

Running Batch Discovery for a second time

This procedure describes how to run Batch Discovery for the second time, which enables you to reuse
existing rules to insert new CSV files into CMDB.

To run Batch Discovery for a second time:

1. Run Batch Discovery, as described in Batch Discovery
The CSV files are created.
2. Copy CSV files to the previously created local directory on the AR server side. For more information,
see Creating a directory in Remedy (on page 344).
3. Open BMC Atrium Integrator Spoon.
4. Open the previously created job/transformation.


Control-M Workload Automation Administrator Guide

5. Run the transformation.

6. Open Atrium CMDB Console to browse the results.
7. Run the standard reconciliation job to move the results to the BMC.ASSET main dataset.


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