A Goblins Tale Dungeon Masters Guide
A Goblins Tale Dungeon Masters Guide
A Goblins Tale Dungeon Masters Guide
Introduction: You control a small tribe of goblins living on the outskirts of the forbidden realms. Can
you lead them to glory and greatness or will the human menace prove too much. Build your dungeons,
raze towns to the ground and make unlikely allies as you strive to become the greatest goblin tribe that
ever lived.
by Daniel Posner
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Players Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Masters Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other
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Many Thanks
Many thanks to all the playtesters for your support
throughout the campaign, especially the early phases
when it was totally unbalanced. None of us will ever
forget the terror of the poisoned rock. Also, many thanks
to Michael Gow, for allowing me to bounce my ideas off
of him.
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Table of Contents
Background ...................................................................................4
Adventurers .................................................................................. 67
Adventurer Gear.......................................................................... 69
Adventurer Statistics ................................................................ 70
Appendix 8 - Additional Monsters ...................................... 78
Optional Module 1 - A Harsh Lesson ............................. 80
Optional Module 2 - Wandering Monsters ................. 80
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A Goblin's Tale is a short adventure told across this book
and its various supplements. Characters begin as first level
goblins and by the end of the adventure they should
consist of various races and be between 3rd and 5th level.
The ideal party size is 4 or 5 adventurers. If your group is
larger or smaller you can adjust the adventure difficulty
by reducing or increasing the level of the adventurers and
the weapons they are equipped with.
Character Advancement. This adventure works best using
the milestone experience rule since it does not follow a
normal structure. Since the adventure can vary
significantly in length depending on the players, it is
advisable that the dungeonmaster Ad-Hoc's character
Good Milestones Some effective milestones are at the end
of a session, when the party has allied with another tribe,
after defeating a party of adventurers or raiding the human
town. Different parties may focus different amounts of
time and energy completing different tasks so use your
discretion as to when your particular group of players
would appreciate the extra level.
Recommended Books
To run this adventure it is recommended players have a
copy of the Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Players
Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide and Monster Manual.
(Present Date - 1500 DR)
Hundreds of years ago there was a small town located
around the Halfway Inn. These people led usually happy
and productive lives, however on occasion were beset by
terrible floods from the nearby marsh. Brimming with
creativity, the townspeople worked with the nearby YuanTi of Najara to extend and deepen the marsh so it could
hold any amount of flood waters. The serpents of Najara
were only too happy to assist, since the marsh extended
their borders onto Evereskan lands.
Over the years, all manner of life flocked to the newly
watered marsh's edge. The forests grew thicker and
healthier, and tribes of various races began to take root.
The tribes fought amongst themselves and over time
created ill defined borders within the forest. However
some tribes found themselves trapped in a nearby moor,
and could scarce gather enough food for themselves.
These tribes would on occasion raid the cattle of a farm
just west of the halfway inn. For a time, the denizens of
the Halfway Inn and its adjourning lands tolerated this, the
occasional loss of a cow or two being the price of
extending the marsh. But as time went by memories faded
and the local farmer grew tired of losing cattle.
So he hired adventurers
Level 0 Players
Players start this adventure as level 0 generic goblins.
After their first combat or recruiting their first allies, let
them level up to level 1 and choose their classes. The
generic goblin template is listed in the Players Handbook.
Starting Location
The players begin on the edge of the Marsh of Chelimer
directly beneath a forest (See Sword Coast Adventuters
Guide P82). The hills are to the east, plains to the south,
forest to the north and swamp to the west.
Starting Dungeon
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Turn Structure
In the PC's turns they will get to take 2 actions. The first
will allow them to micromanage their goblins. Depending
on how many goblins they have, players may be able to
take up to four subactions. Then the players will be able to
choose if they want to go on an adventure with their
adventuring goblins. The players will split their goblins
into groups of 4 to complete actions. Any leftover goblins
loiter around the base and do nothing for the remainder of
the turn. A player has a maximum of four actions per turn.
The goblins begin the game having already unlocked the
Plains terrain table for the Hunt Small Game and Hunt Big
Game actions.
Turn Order
1)The players assign actions to their goblins
2) The players take any non-goblin actions
2) The players feed their goblins
3) The players may choose to go on an adventure
4) The Dungeonmaster secretly rolls for random
Goblin Tasks
Tasks with a * next to them can be undertaken by any number
of goblins. Multiply any costs or rewards by the number of
goblins /4. Players may only send goblins in multiples of
4(e.g. 4 goblins, 16 goblins, 24 goblins)
Dig Room* (see goblin dungeon p 7)
Dig Corridor* (see goblin dungeon p 7)
1) Collect Fruit and Nuts*
2) Hunt big game (can only be taken if the player has 24
goblins or less)
3) Hunt small game*
4) Rustle Cattle
1) Craft Armor *
2) Build Traps*
3) Improve Traps*
1) Breed (Requires 8 Goblins)*
2) Brew Swampbeer*
3) Trade with Zhentarim
4) Mine for gold*
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Feed Goblins
When feeding Goblins, all goblins are served the same
sized helping of Goblin Stew. All goblins are fed equally,
and depending on the amount they were fed, gain the
benefits or detriments as shown on table 1.1.
1 Food
2-3 Food
4 Food
Player Adventures
At the end of each turn the PC's must determine what they
want their adventurers to do. They can attempt any task
with advantage, or they can go on an adventure to a
distant land. If they go on an adventure, they can also go
hunting for game.
Adventurer Check
After any adventurer attack the DM secretly rolls 1d4. On
a 2-4, the next party of adventurers will attack after that
many turns. The DM will reroll if they roll a 1.
Adventurers will always attack the party at the end of the
first turn (unless they lured the adventurers to their lair in
Chapter 0 - optional module), in which case they attack at
the beginning of the first turn).
Goblin Ale
If consumed, a goblin gains +2 strength +2 constitution -2
Wisdom -2 Intelligence -2 Charisma for the next hour.
Generic goblins gain 3 temporary hit points.
Weapons Stored:
Armour/Shields Stored
Goblin Dungeon
The goblins begin this campaign with a small lair. They
can take various actions to make it larger.
A player may only have as many goblins as their rooms
allow for. Each 5ft square allows for 2 goblins. A room
must be at least 10 feet wide. Goblins cannot sleep within
5 feet of a trap.
Escape Route: There must be at least a 5ft corridor
leading safely out of (and into) the dungeon at all times.
Dig Room
4 Goblins can dig a 10X10ft room in a dungeon. You may
do this as many times as you have sets of 4 goblins.
Players may carve the room in whatever shape they want
as long as there are no segments that are 5ft wide or long.
Every 4 goblins allows them to dig 4 5ftX5ft squares.
Dig Corridor
4 Goblins can dig out up to 4 5ftX5ft squares in a
dungeon. You may do this as many times as you have sets
of 4 goblins. Players may carve the corridors in as many
segments as they want. If a corridor is 10ft wide, it counts
as a room for the purposes of how many goblins they are
allowed to have. Every 4 goblins allows them to dig 4
5ftX5ft squares.
Dig Lower Floor
Goblins can dig lower levels into their dungeon. The
number of goblins required to dig a square doubles for
every level below ground level. E.g. to dig a 10ftx10ft
square on level 2 of a dungeon would require 8 goblins
and to dig it on level 3 would require 16 goblins. A player
cannot dig below level 3.
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Generic Goblins
Your generic goblins are all treated as being armed as well as
your weakest, most poorly armed goblin.
When your generic goblins are in combat they make a single
attack. This uses an ordinary attack roll, and deals damage =
to the number that can attack the adventurers in a turn (this
will largely depend on the shape of the dungeon). Keep in
mind that if the goblins attack from an excessive range, they
will have disadvantage on the attack roll.
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World Geography
This campaign is set in the Forgotten Realms, east of the
Sword Coast.
Levels 1-4 cover a relatively small amount of land. The
players will begin in the forest by the Marsh of Chelimer
and the Plains north of the Northdark wood. The finale of
this segment of play will end in the independent realm of
Everska just outside the Halfway Inn.
Levels 5-8 will take the players into Najara, the lands of
the Yuan-Ti. It will also take them deep into the desert to
the west of Evereska, before taking them into the nation of
evereska itself
Halfway Inn
The halfway inn lies on the outer reaches of the nation of
Evereska. A small village surrounds the inn, the size of a
small compound. Hunters, Trappers, Prospectors and
smallholders fill the streets with their families and it is
they who staff the inn when travelers come.
Although occasionally a powerful artisan may visit from
the Greycloak hills, by and large the Halfway inn is
lightly defended. Indeed, being haflfway to everywhere an
army could be seen many miles out, and the inn reinforced
by the citizens of Everska. Any barbarian invaders from
the east must first fight their way through the nation of
Everska, a feat that has never been accomplished to date.
Traversing beyond the halfway inn to Evereska is a fools
journey without a guide. The citizens are determined no
outsiders shall look upon their houses without approval
from one of the village elders, and there are many false
trails that appear to lead towards the city, each more
perilous than the last. Magic lingers in the mountains and
seems to have a will of its own, turning outsiders away.
Many fools try to venture from the Halfway Inn to
Evereska but only the guides know the actual route, well
hidden from plain sight. The false pathways are still
watched and passersby turned back by persuasion or
otherwise more forceful means.
Evereska is a semi-powerful independent nation.
Although not as powerful as the groups along the sword
coast, particularly members of the Lords Alliance, the
city holds an unmistakable amount of military might.
They have the loyalty of the elves in the greycloak hills,
albeit they have historically served as guardians and have
never been forced to leave their homeland. Likewise,
many adventurers and mages live peacefully in the city,
alongside beings of greater power whom mask their
appearance. The denizens of Evereska tend not to be the
strongest adventurers, their secluded nature leading to a
sheltered lifestyle (at least compared to the lively stories
told by those who frequent the sword coast), however the
few travelers who do leave (often from the greycloak
hills) are usually either strong or wise, and more than able
to adapt to the rough and tumble of roaming the world.
The guardians of the nation are rumored to fly upon large
griffons, patrolling the skies for intruders. Many of the
locals have come to call their protectors the Sky Knights,
as they number too many to be a mere band of adventurers
but too few to be an army. The Sky Knights are for the
most part armed with martial weapons, with a taut
crossbow strapped to their backs. A few mages patrol their
ranks, but for the most part they travel on foot, their spells
being difficult to aim at altitude, and the risk of falling or
striking ones mount being too great.
The terrain of Evereska provides as strong a defense as
those who defend it. Cliffs and Plateous dot the landscape,
with precarious trails winding in all directions. Magics
cast upon the area long ago always seem to turn invaders
away from the secret city entrances and rather onto a
suicidal trek to the underside of an avalanche. Ones who
dare to try to climb the cliffs and plateaus find themselves
peppered with arrowfire from the skyknights, or worse
once the archmages arrive. The residents say Evereska is
impervious to any attack by foot, and the countries
repeated defence from eastern armies of Orcs and
The biggest problem with a secluded lifestyle is that many
of the residents get overinflated egos. The Sky Knights
would be well apt to deal with any threat to Evereska if
they struck in force as a cohesive unit. Unfortunately that
is rarely the case. Squabbles over ultimately trivial matters
such as who is the nobler warrior result in bitter feuds that
divide the otherwise noble order. As such, it is usually
tightly knit groups no larger than a band of adventurers
that are sent after minor threats to the country. Of course,
in the face of a major threat the Sky Knights will come
together, however these events are few and far between.
Greycloak Hills
The Greycloak have been long since settled by the elves
of Evereska. A powerful warding mist looms over the
hills, warning the settlers of intruders and making
divinations malfunction in strange and mysterious ways.
Some say a golem made of solid mist roams the hills for
intruders, crushing them and letting their corpses grow the
hills everslightly.
A complex tunnel network is built into the underside of
the hills. Few individuals know why these tunnels are
being built, however some of the more illustrious figures
in Waterdeep and Baldurs Gate speculate it is to tap into
the rich resources underneath. The townspeople help
propulgate this myth, however the reality is the hills
provide an excellent retreat should Evereska fall.
There is a rumor that becomes more fact each passing day
that the Greycloak Hills arent as secure as the Greycloaks
would like. Naga and serpents from Najara slither around
the border, attempting to divine the hills terrain and
estimate its defences. Of course these divinations are
largely useless and not without their price, howevr they
have continued for over a moons turn and locals are
getting nervous. Worse, in recent weeks a nagas pouch
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Orcish Plains
The orcs live on the plains surrounding the Scimitar
Spires (to the east of Everska). They have a mutual
understanding with the phaerimm who live there, both
wishing to see the end of civilization as it is known. Food
is scarce and the orcs scavange to survive, desparate to get
closer to the coast where food is more plentiful.
The orcs have recently been gathering and are a serious
threat to the people of Evereska. Skirmishes have occured
and the two groups are posturing for battle, it seems that
an invasion is all but inevitable.
Marsh of Chelimer:
The marsh of chelimer is a grim inhospitable swamp.
Although creatures such as bullywugs and lizardfolk live
on the fringes, only the hardiest creatures can survive its
toxic waters. The marsh is currently controlled by the
serpents of Najara, who have made a token effort to make
sure all areas of the marsh are manned by some sentient
species, to give them warning of any invasions.
Najara is a nation of Naga, snakes and Yuan-Ti. By
sending emissaries to the surrounding nations it has
cemented its place in the world, however it is not without
its enemies. The current ruler of Najara is Jarant, a tyrant
who wishes to expand his domain to the East, destroying
the evereskans and securing his borders.
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This outpost is grumpily tolerated by the people of
Evereska as the Zhentarim have bribed the officials to let
it stand. It's a stash of stolen goods, laundered moneys and
corruption, all in one centralized location.
Purchasing items
The robed man sells information and weapons to the PC's
at a substantial markup (Triple the listed price in the
Players Handbook). If the PC's argue with this pricing, he
explains that as the only supplier, the PC's will pay his
price eventually. On a successful one time diplomacy
check the robed man can be convinced to sell his wares to
the goblins for only double the listed price.
The shopkeeper also deals in information and is willing to
sell the PC's the local town blueprints or information on
how best to stop the adventurers. He is also willing to sell
PC's religious tomes for a hefty price.
100 GP
100 GP
150 GP
150 GP
150 GP
150 GP
Town Blueprints
If the PC's ask for the town blueprints, let them look at the
map of the Halfway Inn Appendix 6 before attacking it.
All the blueprint gives them is the structure of the town
and the name of each building, not detailing what is inside
each building.
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The Hut
Farmer's Shack
Inside the shack lives farmer Joe, his wife and his 2 sons.
Unless attacked they are non-combatants, preferring to
hire help to ward off any threats. If given the opportunity
they flee from any danger. If forced into combat, treat the
sons as level 1 Thugs and Farmer Joe (and his wife) as
level 1 commoners. If the goblins pass through the farm,
Farmer Joe sends one of his sons off to warn the
townspeople. This puts the town on Alert (See Page 49).
Hired Goons
If the town is on Alert, Farmer Joe hires 4 bandits to
guard the cattle, each armed with a crossbow and
shortsword. This number increases by 1 each time the
PC's either rustle cattle or put the town on alert (to a
maximum equaling the number of players +1). Any
bandits that die are replaced with new recruits.
Rustling Cattle
When there are no bandits guarding the farm, there is a
100% chance of rustling cattle. If there are bandits
guarding the cattle, rustling them requires a stealth check
(DC 7 +1 for each hired goon). This check has advantage
if the cattle are taken at night.
Rustling cattle results in Farmer Joe hiring recruits (see
Hired Goons).
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The hag will want the PC's to perform a quest for her (See
The Hag's Quest). If the PC's are unable to recruit her
into their party, she insists they undertake her quest, and
refuses to let them leave otherwise. With a sharp tongue a
player may convince the hag to let the goblins go,
requiring both for all of the potions to be returned and the
character to pass a Charisma Check (DC 14).
Pit of Leeches
Deep Mud
If the Hag joins the PC's she reveals that the pot they use
to cook their food was actually an Alchemy Jug their
ancestors stole from her about seventy years ago. She
reveals that if the phrase "Bubble Bubble Toil and
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Hag Children
If a hag eats an infant she spawns one Daughter. If the
players are able to spawn 3 Hag Children, the coven will
owe the PC's a great debt, and will cast Scrying (Players
Handbook Page 273) or Contact Other Plane (Players
Handbook Page 226) for them one time as repayment.
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Bullywug Alliance
Even if the PC's ally with the bullywigs, the froggish
creatures demand regular tribute of flint, as well as a
share in any cities they help attack. Although the PC's
have a limitless supply of flint, and there is no
practical cost to them, thematically the bullywugs
should always think they're taking more than they're
root, which can be gathered deep in the swamp. Refined
swampbeer has all the benefits of swmapbeer but doesn't
risk exploding when brewed.
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Lodge Description
As you wade deeper into the forest the trees begin to
split apart. A large, dilapidated hunting lodge parts
the greenery about 200 feet ahead of you. It's roof sits
slightly below the treetops making it all but invisible
from a distance. As you draw closer, several other
smaller wooden structures become apparent. Crude
shacks made of splintery timber are scattered around
the lodge. The grass around those patches is short and
brown compared to the lush surroundings of the forest
Room 1: Fortress
A cursory inspection of the room (no check required)
reveals that although the inside of the building is
damaged, the foundations are still sturdy. On a successful
perception check (DC 11) or passive perception 11 one
notices a secret trapdoor disguised as a creaky floorboard.
The handle is broken off but a hole in the wood beside it
makes an easy access point. It takes 2 goblins to lift from
this hole.
Room 5- Toilet
The earth opens up like a big hole in the ground. Tree
roots reach down deep into the hole which is filled
with animal filth and a chittering swarm of rats,
gnawing at both the roots and the fetid smelling
contents of the pit.
The goblins use this area as a wastepit, which also
provides food in the form of tree roots and rats. There is a
hostile swarm of rats at the bottom of the pit that
provides 8 food if killed. Climbing down requires an
athletics check DC6, the roots making easy footholds. The
rats can be safely killed from the ledge above.
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Room 7 - Cellar
This underground cellar is overflowing with nervous
looking goblins. Several small barrels of food lay
stashed against the wall (16 food total). The room is
filled with bony dice and all the various trinkets of
goblin life.
The goblins spend most of their time here. They are nonhostile but wary if found and ask the PC's not to reveal
their home. They begrudgingly offer the PC's half of their
food stores to keep the secret murmuring about how the
children will starve. If the PC's accept the offering, 1d6
goblins will have starved to death when they next visit.
Level 1
Room 1 Entrance
Faded tapestries and empty torchscones hang from tall
walls. A heavy stone door rests at the far side of the
room, sealed shut and blocked by several large stone
If the bricks are removed, the door can be broken open on
a successful strength check (DC 18). If knocked open,
swamp muck will ooze through the opening into the
castle. The castle is far enough submerged that the swamp
will continue to slowly ooze in until the castle s sinks
completely into the swamp. The castle fills at 1ft every
hour until it is submerged.
On a search check DC 15, a PC finds a false wall segment
behind one of the tapestries, revealing a hidden tunnel to
area 2. The lizardfolk know about this tunnel and use it to
reposition themselves and prepare ambushes if attacked.
Room 2 Bathroom
This small room contains several wooden buckets
filled with freshwater, a number of crude scrubbing
brushes cut from reeds and a deep pit into the ground
stretching into the swamp.
This room serves as the castle bathroom. The waste oozes
into the swamp, which more or less masks the stench with
the fumy odor of the swamp itself. Lizardfolk rarely clean
themselves, and usually only after they've been splattered
with some creatures blood.
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1 Platinum piece
Six silver pieces
Three gold pieces
A small idol of Orcus
15 feet of coiled reed rope
Wooden Dagger
Nine half copper pieces
Sixteen copper pieces
Room 4 Armoury
The door to this room is reinforced with hardened reed
bands. Several dozen hide shields lean against the walls of
this long thin room. A number of heavy looking clubs
from weapon racks on the western and eastern walls
designed for swords and axes. Two steel tipped spears and
a long wooden pike sit amidst them.
The steel weaponry was crafted from what little iron the
lizardfolk have found over the years. No hierarchy
dictates which lizardfolk gets the steel weaponry but
typically the two spears are held by a pair of lizardfolk
who flank any invaders.
PC's aren't allowed into this room unless they are friendly
with the lizardfolk and even then only under armed escort.
The lizardfolk aren't willing to part with any weapons, and
if a steel weapon is ever found missing, an alarm is
Room 6 Staircase
This small room just barely contains a wide stepped spiral
stone staircase. The steps show signs of wear and have a
few chips and dints in them, but are otherwise in good
The staircase connects level 2 and level 1. If the lizardfolk
are attacked they will attempt to shove intruders down the
Room 7 - Library
A tall bookcase sits against the eastern wall of this room,
and a number of chairs inside. Most of the books have
aged and turned to dust, however a few remain intact.
Room 10 Kitchen
A large stone pot hangs over a wide fireplace in the
middle of the room. A wooden larder and a half-dozen
barrels sit against the west wall when shelves covered in
both serving dishes and daily crockery alongside a rack of
stone knives line the east.
Kitchen Contents Inside the kitchen is a larder filled with
meat. Recently the lizardfolk hunted down a Giant Frog,
that's been feeding the tribe alongside fish and roots. The
frog has already been butchered into good cuts and the
hide set aside to improve their shields. At all times there is
one lizardfolk inside this room preparing food. If attacked,
the lizardfolk flees and sounds the alarm, throwing stone
knives and crockery as a bonus action (+1 to hit 1d3
damage for knives, + 0 to hit. 1 damage for crockery)
when he makes his escape.
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Lizardfolk Laws
Law 1 - No Stealing
Law 2 - No Killing/Injuring other Lizardfolk
Law 3 - No hiding food from other lizardfolk
installed two additional wooden beds and created more
stone chests. The contents of these chests are listed on
page 17
The mural says (in Common) "Welcome Guests to the
castle of Lord Bilsbury. Make yourselves at home."
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A temporary alliance
A temporary alliance can be forged if the PC's are
planning a raid on the nearby human town and if their
plan seems to have a reasonable chance of success. The
lizardfolk have only one request, and that is they keep
whatever they plunder.
An Unpleasant Greeting
The lizardfolk defend their castle perimeter with wooden
throwing spears. If the PC's openly approach without
declaring peaceful intentions, they are first warned once
by the guards, then attacked. If the players manage to
sneak in, they are thrown in the dungeon cells when
caught (and their gear confiscated). If they manage to get
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Room 6:
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Trap Effects
Poisoned Heavy Crossbow Trap: +4 to hit, 1d8+ Poison
(Con save DC 12, 1d4 damage initial, 1d4 secondary).
Pitfall Trap: 20 ft deep, Search DC 17 passive DC 14,
(2d6 fall damage)
Kobold life:
Kobold life typically includes a mixture of guarding the
lair, foraging for food and being bored. Traditionally
kobolds pass the time by revering draconic deities and
performing unholy rites. However this tribe has been
isolated for many generations, and the traditions have all
but died. All that remains is a statue of Tiamat, which they
revere and pray to for purpose
The kobolds have no direct leader. All decisions are made
by whatever kobolds are in the lair by a showing of hands,
a tie meaning no change. These decisions are done before
the statue of tiamat.
Hunting Snare
Hunting Party
Food Gathering
Hunting Snare
Make all the PC's roll perception checks. If a PC gets a 15
or higher, they notice a loose looking vine hidden under a
cluster of leaves. It can
easily be avoided. If the Pc's all fail their perception
checks read the following for the PC first in marching
Suddenly [Charactername] is hurled into the air as a nearby
tree snaps back, pulling a vine tautly lashed around
[charactername's] foot. Take 1d4-1 damage as you bang
loudly against the tree. [Charactername] dangles 10 feet
above the ground upside down, hanging by the vine that
caught him.
A tribal hunting party will pass by the snare trap 5
minutes after it is sprung. Upon noticing the captured
target is a goblin, they take it back to their camp after
knocking it unconscious, eager to sacrifice it in the name
of Demogorgon. If the PC's do not hide themselves or try
to escape, run the Hunting Party event.
The trapped PC may try to free themselves. To do so they
must pass a DC16 Athletics Check to right themselves and
cut through the vine. Alternately, an ally may climb the
tree athletics check DC 12, and cut the vine loose.
Hunting Party
Loud chanting in a foreign language can be heard coming
towards you from the east. The darkness of the night is
split slightly by the glow of torchlight. Although the
holders are far in the distance, you can hear them coming
closer, as they shout bloodcurling screams into the night.
The chase begins.
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Clear Forest
Clear Forest
Snake Pit
Cliff Face
Shallow Stream
Wild Animal
Thicket of Bushes
Thick Forest
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4) Tribal Cave
Two brightly burning torches hang in front of the cave.
Five beds line each side of the cavern, with a leafy
double bed covered in furs resting in the middle. Atop
this bed is a strange looking tribal, with ash marks under
his eyes and jet black fingernails (Tribal Leader).
10 tribal's sleep in this room alongside the chieftan. If the
chieftan is ever out, the tribals take command, and take
any PC's hostage until the leader arrives. They don't
believe their bonds are escapable (escape artist DC 13) so
someone can slip out when they're not paying attention.
The Tribals will attack the PC's if provoked or threatened.
Tribal Leader
The tribal leader is very curious as to why the goblins are
there. He immediately demands the tribespeople remove
the gags so he may speak to the goblins. He asks them
pointed questions such as "where do you live", "why are
you here" and "What do you know about the "old green
one"". Unless given a good reason, the tribal leader insists
the goblins be used as sacrifices
Escaping Captivity
A good charisma check can convince the tribal leader that
the goblins are not worthy sacrifices (DC 13) and he
releases them from their bonds immediately. He doesn't
however ally with the PC"s if they choose this route.
A successful religion check lets the PC's imitate the
strange behaviours of the tribespeople, which leads to the
PC's being spared. This also begins the Patron Mother
quest (see next page)
Tribespeople Stats
Each wields a Boomerang, a spiked Vine Whip and a
club. Boomerang = 1d2 nonlethal, vine whip = 1d4 lethal,
range 10, no opportunity attack. All the weapons have +3
to hit.
Allying with the tribespeople
If told about the humans, the tribal leader explains his
interest in having his people 'spread their seed' amongst a
similar species. He agrees to ally with the goblins if the
tribespeople are allowed to do what they want with the
townspeople - no question asked. He reminds them that
refusal may end up with the goblins being sacrificed.
Alternately, if the PC's tell them about the Green Hag that
roams the forest and have won her favor, the tribespeople
immediately ally with them, seeing her as a servant of the
"Great two headed one". Ironically if the PC's tell the
green hag about them (and don't convince the hag to join
the PC's, (See Location 4), she butchers the tribe and eats
the children, spawning 3 witch children of her own
If neither of the above options are pursued, the
tribespeople may give the PC's a quest to "Find the Patron
Mother who roams the forest. If the PC's accept, each time
they enter the forest there is now a 1/3 chance they
encounter the Green Hag. They spare the goblins lives but
keep one as a "good faith payment". If the PC's win the
Hag's favor and bring proof, the tribespeople immediately
ally with them.
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Rabbit: The staple food of the goblin diet, fat juicy rabbits
Goats A small herd of goats wanders along the grassland.
They are more than 100 feet apart but are clearly are
wandering together. Fortunately, when attacked goats flee,
making them little threat to a goblin.
Goats are a rare treat for a goblin. They provide enough
meat to feed most of the goblins in the tribe, enough
leather to make a suit of armour or a cover for a trap and
their horns can be used for drinking or as weapons in a
pinch. Typically goats flee in different directions when
attacked, meaning it's hard to kill more than 1.
Antelope Antelope are the largest and most dangerous
game goblins dare hunt. With their horns and hooves an
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Rabbit: The staple food of the goblin diet, fat juicy rabbits
infest the southern grasslands like weeds in a garden. The
meat can be eaten raw or cooked, the bones boiled into a
rich soup or stew and the hide chewed and cured into a
crude leather armour.
Squirrel: Small and lean, these animals are plentiful in the
forest and serve for a quick meal in a pinch. For every
squirrel found there is a chance that the goblins also find a
hidden stash of nuts in a nearby tree.
Feral Cat: A pest and a predator, these creatures fight
back if hunted. That being said - they're a poor match for a
Worg Mated Pair
Worgs are fierce, territorial and deadly predators. They
You hear a long low pitched growl echo throughout the
forest. Two large shaggy wolflike creatures with jet black
fur and hateful eyes maliciously step forth from a cover
of trees claws at the ready. The male is noticeably leaner
than the fat female, although she looks just as hungry as
he is. Their teeth form into terrible smiles as the predators
continue to step closer (begin combat).
attack goblins on sight, if only for the sport of killing
them. When reduced to 1/2 HP they flee back into the
forest, deciding to seek easier game. They can be tracked
on a survival check DC 7, by following their footprints
and wounds. If they're heavily bleeding, a check is not
required. After incapacitating a target, a worg will clutch
it in their jaws and run off away from other goblins, so it
may eat its meal safe from predators. Fortunately for the
goblins, the worgs like to see the fear in their preys eyes
before they leap, so they don't attack with surprise.
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of finding initially.
Random Encounters
Giant Frog
Giant frogs are never hostile if the PC's are allied with the
bullywugs. Alligators are never hostile if the PC's are
allied with the lizardfolk.
Giant Frog Giant frogs are friendly if the PC's have allied
with the bullywugs. Otherwise they are indifferent
carnivores whom will happily eat the PC's if hungry. They
have a 1/3 chance of being hostile if encountered. Killing
a giant frog provides 20 food and 2 leather.
Alligator: Alligators are hostile unless the PC's have allied
with the lizardfolk. Unless the PC's notice them
(Perception check DC 14) they attack with surprise.
Killing an alligator provides 35 food and 3 leather.
Bullywug Guide:
A froggish creature of about your size wades around in the
mud happily. He calls to you "Greetings travellers, are
you by any chance lost? This is the Bullywug forest, and
my kin aren't always too happy to see new faces."
This bullywug goes by the name of Sam. He is a friendly
character and offers to guide the PC's around the swamp
for the length of their stay. There are no more random
encounters this turn nor the next turn the PC's enter the
swamp. PC's also have advantage on finding critters as
Sam guides them on how best to catch food
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Rabbits The rabbits of the hills are slightly less well fed
than those of the grassland. They're scrawnier, musclier
and harder to catch. They also use the natural landscape to
their advantage, and run into crevices and burrows too
small for goblins to reach into. Each rabbit provides 3
Food and 0.1 Leather.
Moles Small and hard to catch, these burrowing creatures
provide a sub-standard meal for anyone. They're plentiful,
which somewhat makes up for their lack in nutrition.
Fortunately due to their burrows, a hunting party can
always find moles if they look for them and wait patiently
for the mole to leave, unfortunately the party of 4 will
only find 3 Moles in a day if their sole interest is staking
out the mole's lair, a poor hunt by any standard.
The mole's saliva creates a weak neurotoxin that paralyses
its foes, unfortunately they typically can only use it on
animals as small as worms. Still, in experienced hands this
saliva can be harnessed into a somewhat potent poison.
Each mole provides 1/2 food. If party has a goblin with
the Medicine skill tagged, also gain 1/16 Mole Poison.
Toads An old goblin adage says to eat a toad is to gamble
with life. Toads secrete a poison which is deadly if gotten
into the mouth, an open wound or the eyes. Only a skilled
goblin can separate the poison from the slimy meat, and
although many goblins believe they know the trick, the
truth is only a few do.
If you have a goblin with Medicine tagged and at least 14
Wisdom you may separate the poison and the meat with
0% fail rate, otherwise there's a 20% chance that any toad
is improperly prepared. The toad meat is mixed with the
venom in this situation, a deadly combination. Collect 1/4
Food and 1 Toad poison.
Toad Poison Toad poison causes intense pain, blindness
and inflamation to the eyes mouth and nose if it touches
their membrane (goblin poison).
If it touches the eyes, the subject must make a constitution
save (DC10) or be temporarily blinded, if the eyes aren't
washed in water within 1 minute, make another
constitution save (DC10). If this save fails the blinding
becomes permanent.
If it touches the mouth, nose or an open wound the intense
irritation makes the subject Poisoned for 1d20 Minutes
(DC 10 Constitution Save). The subject suffers from
intense vomiting, irritation and pain, and their movement
speed is halved.
If eaten, the user suffers from rapid heartbeat and
delusions as the world grows blurry and vision doubles.
Subject must make a Constitution Save (DC 14) or
becomes poisoned, taking 1d4 damage. Additionally,
make an additional constitution save after 1 minute, if the
poison has not been cured by a spell or antidote, the
subject suffers another 1d4 damage.
Goat A small herd of goats wanders along the grassland.
They are more than 100 feet apart but are clearly are
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Part 2
Part 2 Location 1 Orc Tribe - The
The Rockeaters are an infamous orcish horde living in the
Scimitar Spires, east of Evereska.
For the past century, the tribe has been steadily growing,
recruiting orcish tribes forcefully into their ranks. Their
huge numbers have oftentimes been problematic, as food
in the spires is scarce. The tribe earned its name during the
great famine of 1300 DR where the orcs rapidly
degenerated to canibalism, and would suck at rocks,
hoping to find some insect or perhaps some mould. Rock
stew, although barely nutritious, is a staple meal of the
Rockeaters, albeit care must be taken in finding nutritious
The lack of food has resulted in the Rockeaters turning
towards the east. The fertile lands of the Sword Coast are
as tempting a lure as any. Unfortunately, the Evereskan's
have never been pleased with the idea of an Orcish horde
rampaging through their lands, and as such they have
always dispatched an army to turn the orcs away. The
most recent clash between the Evereskans and the
Rockeaters was 5 years ago, with a decisive victory
against the orcs.
In 1430DR the Rockeaters launched an attack on Evereska
whilst in the throes of starvation. Hungry and ill prepared
to deal with the flying mounts of the Sky Knights, the
Orcs swiftly found their ranks butchered and broken,
fleeing after losing a third of their number. Ironically, this
assault served its purpose, albeit in not the way the orcs
expected. The corpses of their bretherin provided food for
the tribe, whilst the reduced numbers meant that it was
shared in less portions. Nevertheless, the Rockeaters bear
a heavy grudge, and swear retribution against the
The Orcs will respond differently to the PC's depending
on how many goblins they send as an emissary. If just the
PC's show up, they will need to convince a total of 10
emmisaries. If they bring with at least 10 other goblins
this number reduces to 8, and if they bring with at least 40
other goblins this number reduces to 6. Finally if they
bring at least 100 goblins, this number is reduced to 5 and
the players have advantage on the first check.
The PC's each get 1 action and can undertake one of the
below options.
1) Bribe an Emissary. With a sufficient bribe, an
emissary can be bought. Notably, food makes a much
better bribe than gold due to the starving state of the tribe.
A bribe of 45 food is guaranteed to win over one
emissary. Alternately, 100 gold pieces will also bribe an
emissary. A maximum of 2 emissaries can be bribed
2) Diplomacy. A silver tongue can go a far way in
winning over an emissary. If a player wins on a diplomacy
check (DC 14), they can win over one emissary.
A Wizards Wrath
The mage Abigail Stormforth mans an impressive tower
to the east of the town. Carefully built into the side of a
crag, the tower is undetectable unless one already knows
its there. The tower serves as a communication post
between Balimer and Evereska. The wizard, although a
competent combatant, spends most of her time researching
and relaying messages from town to town.
Abigail knows the day will come when his tower comes
under siege, perhaps by a rival wizard or a mob of
superstitious Halflings. As such, she has crammed the
lower layers full of nonlethal defenses and deterrents to
turn innocents away, whilst placing a number of devious
and deadly traps on the upper levels of the tower.
Prologue: The orcish chieftan walks up to you,
attempting to look even bigger than his brutish self and
speaks in a large arrogant tone
"To attack the city successfully you will need to prepare 3
things in advance, none of which are easy or fast. It may
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the players search the yarn they will find it. If they try the
door with the key it opens without a hitch.
If the PC's try the door without using the key all creatures
in the room are affected by a Polymorph spell (Save DC
15) that turns them into mice. Four of the cat statues turn
into cats, and the creatures attempt to eat the weakened
PC's. Notably, characters retain their Full hp as mice,
rather than a reduced HP total. Also, cats have a +10 hit
bonus against mice and deal 1d10 damage.
Room 4 - Animate Objects Trap
A pair of stone lion statues with Amber eyes stand tall in
this room, with a spiral staircase up directly between
them. Any attempts to pass by these statues results in an
Animate Objects spell being cast on them (Use statistics
on Animate Objects (players handbook P213)). If a player
strokes each lion at least once, they may pass without
activating the spell.
If the players attempt to loot the amber the lions attack.
There are 4 amber pieces worth 100 GP each.
Room 5 - Library
The staircase seems to lead onward for at least 200 feet
before eventually taking you to a shut door. Inside is a
small library, filled with dozens of cats of every breed and
gender alongside enough food and water for them all. A
redwood door with a picture of a smiling cat etched onto
the front rests on the far side of the library.
Looting the Library: The library is split into two distinct
sections. There is a small bookshelf dedicated to the
raising of cats, with books listing every breed and
technique used to raise them known to man. The larger
section of the library is focused on the study of the arcane
and filled with dusty tomes, most which have some mild
magical protection to prevent the cats from maltreating
Books: If the players take all the books in the wizards side
of the library they can be sold for 2000 Gold pieces.
Oddly enough the books on cats are worth a goodly
amount as well, the archmage Abigail having collected a
plethora of old and rare tomes on them as well. These
tomes sell for 500 GP However attempting to take any of
the books alerts the wizard in Room 6 of the PC's
presence, and brings her out to greet them (with some
Additionally, any goblin wizard, sorcerer or warlock who
spends 1 day studying the collection can gain 1 point in
Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma. This effect can only
happeon once per player
Attacking the Cats: If by some foolish notion the PC's
think attacking the cats is a good idea, Abigail bursts
through the door and attacks them in blinding fury.
Room 6: Archmage Chambers
This is a large room covered in purple draping. Tapestries
covered in cat pictures hang from the walls as a
comfortable queen-sized bed sits near a pane-glass
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Abigail Stormforth
Abigail Stormforth is a powerful elvish archwizard who
has dubbed herself "Defender of Balimer". From a young
age she displayed an uncanny talent for magic, and as the
years passed on she continued to grow more talented
where other wizards grew stagnant.
Abigail has a soft spot in her heart for cats. Her childhood
home had a cat and she bonded with it like only a little
girl can. When it passed on she was devastated, and with
wizardly dedication devoted herself to that cat. Long ago
she paid to have it resurrected, however her obsession
never ended. Some say her love for animals is what drove
her to the arcane arts, so she could bond with them in a
way that the druids of the land can only dream of.
As a wizard Abigail never forgot her origins. The majority
of her magic has been in some way dedicated to cats, even
if they serve no arcane purpose. If she ever defeats an
adversary, instead of killing them she has them undergo a
strange ritual that permanently polymorphs them into a
cat. She sees this as doing them a kindness, and her
victims can only meow in complaint.
Combat: Abigail opens combat with Time Stop and casts
the following spells on herself in the following order. She
always stops casting spells on herself in her last extra turn
and casts an offensive spell.
1 ) Stoneskin
2) Mage Armor
3) Globe of Invulnerability
4) Mind Blank
After this she releases a flurry of offensive spells,
focusing on Lightning Bolt and Cone of Cold, being
careful not to hit any of the cats.
Abigael always wears a Ring of Resistance (Fire)
(Dungeon Masters Guide P192) which is studded with a
red garnet
If reduced to 25 or less HP: If the archmage gets a turn
after being reduced to 20 or less HP she curses the PC's
and teleports away. She will not flee earlier out of fear of
what the PC's will do to her cats. If the archmage escapes
the PC's have failed to kill her and will suffer the
consequences of her being alive in "Attacking Balimer"
An Unusual Ally
The Rockeaters although eager for war are not foolish.
The serpents of Najara would make excellent allies
against their mutual enemies in Evereska. They tell the
players as much, and insist that the PC's draw the
evereskan people to their side.
The orcish intelligence network shows that Najara is a
land filled with serpents and Yuan-Ti, ruled by a vicious
dictator named Jarant alongside his two advisors. The orcs
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Troublesome Prisoners
If the players are imprisoned in SSlazikthusi they are
placed in water cells, two player characters per cell. Each
day the guards will beat and torture the player characters,
dealing 1d6 subdual damage per day. Due to the cruel
nature of the cells, calls from the guards in the middle of
the night and the trickling water beneath the players it is
impossible for characters to have a Long rest and gain the
healing benefits of one.
If the players have not met with Emikawufeg, she visits
them after 10 days, curious to see why goblin adventurers
would travel to Najara.
If the Players have sided with Emikawufeg and
recruited at least 1 dragon: a message is immediately
relayed (by means of sorcery) to the prison to release the
players and grant them every hospitality they require.
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6 Yuan-Ti Outcasts
1d4 Harpies
1 Earth Elemental
1 Fire Elemental
Basilisk Lair
1 Troll
Half-Dragon Warden
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Ogre Guards
A smattering of hulking ogres are littered across volcano.
Each has a dragon tattoo on their left arm that stretches
from elbow to hand. There are 17 ogres scattered across
the hills in total
Upon arriving: A particularly large ogre walks clumsily
towards the players, holding a broken tree trunk in hand.
This ogre is Theo, the leader of the tribe. Theo will not let
the PC's pass to see his leader, the dragon Tharrukamir.
Any attempts to pass by without his permission result in
him roaring curses at them, before calling all the ogres to
attack. He dares not let them pass, having strict
instructions from the Red Dragon in the volcano
Theo's Plan: Theo, although afraid of Tharrukamir, is
willing to "look the other way" if the players help him
with a small task. Theo wants his closest rival, Leo dead.
According to Theo, when a band of Yuan-Ti arrived in the
hills, the ogres smashed them and took their stuff. All the
magical loot was supposed to be given to Tharrukamir,
but Leo kept a scimitar for himself. Theo offers to let the
player pass in return for the blade, saying he wishes
scimitar to himself and not speak another word of it, if
pressed attacking the PC's). Theo always travels with two
other ogres by his side who serve as his bodyguards.
Leo's Counteroffer: Leo travels with a single ogre in a
two-man patrol. If threatened or told of Theo's plans, Leo
thanks the "little goblins" for telling him. Leo pleads
instead that the players obtain a suitable gift for the
dragon so he may take them himself. Leo then tells the
goblins that Theo has been stealing gold from
Tharrukamir's hoard for years, and has a sizeable amount
stashed away in a burlap sack that he hid somewhere
inside the cave. This gold would surely win Tharrukamir's
favor, and turn the dragon against Theo. The scimitar can
been seen on Leo's person if looked, the ogre making no
attempt to hide it. If the players steal Theo's gold, Leo will
take them to Tharrukamir as honored guests.
Theo's Cave. This cave is unoccupied between 8AM and
8PM. The ogre roams the hills during the day and returns
to his lair during the night. The cave is not trapped, and
the burlap sack (which contains 173 gold pieces, and 312
silver pieces) is inside the small dug hole at the back of
the cave. A huge rock sits on top of the hole. Removing
the rock requires a strength check DC 20. If four or more
creatures attempt to lift it, this check has advantage.
Failure by more than 5 results in a PC dropping the rock.
If a PC drops the rock, roll a d6, and on a 5 or 6 Theo
hears, gand comes roaring into his cave alongside his 2
ogre bodyguards , attacking any non-ogres he sees. If the
PC's try to take or find theo's stash whilst he's there, he
attacks them.
Ogre Patrols
Ogres roam the small area of the serpent hills in patrols of
2. There are six ogre patrols, as well as Leo's party and
Theo's party.
Poor Friends: If the PC's are completing a quest for Leo
or Theo, then their respective parties will not come to the
fight, unwilling to attack the other in the sight of their kin
and also unwilling to hinder the PC's.
Treating with the Tharrukamir:
Read the following if the players were let through
If the players sided with Leo
I see you've brought some guest's Leo. And it appears they
have something of mine. As so happens, so do you. Hand
it over.
Tharrukamir's reactions: If the players hand the
treasure over, Leo begrudgingly parts with his scimitar.
The dragon will wait patiently for the treasure to be placed
back on his hoard but will use his breath weapon to block
the exit if the players try to leave before returning the
If the players sided with Theo
"It seems Theo has brought some guests. And it seems
that he has something that belongs to me. So little goblins
I task you with retrieving what once was mine (chuckles).
Kill him.
Tharriukamir's ReactionL If the players hand the scimitar
over the dragon speaks of it no-more. Tharrukamir will
wait patiently for the treasure to be placed back on his
hoard but will use his breath weapon to block the exit if
the players try to leave before returning the treasure.
If the players have been butchering the ogres, the
dragon is hostile. This will fail the quest and likely result
in the players having to roll new characters.
If the players have snuck in, the dragon will shoo them
out with his breath attack on the entrance as they try to
enter, as the dragon will lazily call "why should I listen to
you. Talk to my minions, threy grow ever so bored".
After the players throw the treasure on the pile: So, am
I to believe you goblins wandered to this secluded area of
the treacherous serpent hills and happenchanced upon my
lair or mayhaps did someone tell you about me?
As long as the players are honest and treat fairly with the
dragon, he will happily join them. Additionally, if any
PC's are worshippers of Tiamat, the dragon will pluck a
Potion of Greater Healing (Dungeon Masters Guide P188)
out from his hoard and grant it to them as a boon,
reminding them that to spread the word of Tiamat they
must survive the tasks ahead.
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Top Hat
Straw Hat
2 GP
5 GP
5 CP
3 SP
1 SP
1 GP
2 lb.
---(Same as previous
1 GP
10 GP
1 lb.
1 lb.
1 SP
1 GP
2 CP
1 GP
2 CP
1 SP
2 GP
---1 lb.
5 GP
10 GP
20 GP
------1 lb.
1000 GP
200 lb
2000 GP
200 lb
20000 GP
200 lb
Cultist's Robes
Emblazoned Shirt
(same type as PC
was wearing
Emblazoned Cloak
Goblin Suit
Leather Gloves
Dueling Gloves
Fingerless Gloves
Dress Shoes
Solid Gold Dice
Dragonbone Dice
Gem Encrusted
Religious Artifacts
Statue of (Deity) Iron
Statue of (Deity) Silver
Statue of (Deity) Gold
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Escaping in time: As the PC's get to the entrance,
Bolkamor warns them that the dispel magic aura will turn
him back into a dragon. He pulls out a scroll of Mass
Invisibility and casts it on the PC's, the effects simply
bouncing off him. He tells the PC's to wait until the 20
minutes are up then get on his back.
Sure enough, the moment the 20 minutes are off a terrible
draconic roar echoes through the gardens. Simultaneously,
Bolkamor sheds his human forms, transforming back into
his glorious draconic self, flying off into the sunset with
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Najareets lair
As you draw closer to the circled area you notice the
surrounding land is sorely lacking for vegetation.
Charcoal trees occasionally stand alone in some corner,
but much more frequent are the piles of charcoal and ash.
In the mountain range ahead of you, you can see a steady
flow of smoke rising, albeit whatever it is rising from is
obscured by the landscape.
The billowing volcano is Najjareets lair. The volcano
occasionally spews out smoke and ash as the dragon stirs.
The dragon knows of the players existence through
scrying magic and his curiosity has led him to lure them
closer. By breathing flame into the volcano he has created
a smoky lure in which he hopes to draw the PCs closer.
Terrain Effects:
Najareet's extravagance has had the side effect of
releasing ash across Najjareets section of the serpent
hills. For the first day a light drizzle of ash sprinkles down
sporadically across the hills, layering the ground with a
fine grey powder. This has no negative side effects except
it gives advantage on any tracking checks due to
footprints standing out in the powder.
After travelling for two days, the sprinkle of powder
becomes slightly thicker. A light layer of dust clings to the
air as creatures travel. At the end of each day, characters
must make a constitution save (DC 10) or suffer from 1
level of exhaustion.
After travelling for three days, Najjareet gets impatient.
Until the players either arrive or leave the dragon alone,
the dragon spews ash from the volcano at a much more
rapid pace. Once per day characters travelling through this
acrid smog must make a constitution save (DC 1 higher
than earlier) or suffer 1 level of exhaustion and 2d6
damage from inhaling toxic fumes. Additionally, the toxic
smog inhibits the natural healing of most creatures,
Mountain Table 1
Open a lava pocket
Trigger a Rockslide
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Najareet's Dungeon
Dungeon General Features
Dungeon Size - Large (14 rooms)
Lighting: Everburning green torches
Heat: Cool
Population: One Mind Flayer, one Cursed Spirit, 1d6
intellect devourers
Doors: N/A
Wall Height: 10 Feet
Finding the Dungeon
Room 1 - Entrance tunnel
The tunnel leading into the dungeon is blocked by a rusted
iron gate. On a spot check (DC 13) the PC's notice a small
hole in the ceiling. Climbing this hole reveals tunnel A1,
leading past the grate.
The grate itself has an AC of 17 and 50 hit points. It is
enchanted with a level 11 shocking grasp spell (Players
Handbook P275). Any character who strikes it with a
metal weapon or touches it must pass a reflex save (DC
15) or take 3d8 lightning damage. Alternately, a knock
spell unlocks the gate and removes the enchantment for 1
The grate is locked by a good quality lock (DC15 to pick
with thieves tools, DC 17 otherewise). Every attempt will
shock the PC and deal 3d8 damage unless the gate has
already been opened, a dispel magic spell has been cast or
the players have found some way to not conduct
electricity (e.g. wearing thick gloves).
Room 2 - Warning Room
Dozens of headless skeletons both humanoid and animal
litter this room. Etched on the far wall is a warning that
"Leave now or forever stay in the domain of the mighty
The skeletons were originally placed here by the wizard
toppenteim to ward off potential intruders who made it
past the gate. In recent years, the dungeon's newest
inhabitant, a mind flayer and his intellect devourers have
been hunting for food, and the skeletons were simple prey.
Room 3 - Water room
A large and dried up stone water fountain sits in the
middle of the room with a number of rusted tin cups by its
side. A smattering of fish skeletons lay at the bottom of
the fountain.
This room once served to provide water to the dungeons
inhabitants. The fountain has long since dried up and the
intellect devourers have had no interest in fish, so the
room has been left untouched.
Room 4 - Bedroom + Secret Passage
Several rough looking stone beds line the east walls of this
room. A single painting in a bronze frame hangs from the
western wall, however the picture has long since faded
away revealing the wall behind the frame. Broken
skeletons and shattered bones lay scattered around the
Room 6 - Kitchen
The floor of this room is littered with dozens of rusted
through pots and pans with the occasional rat sleeping
inside one. A broken stone shelf stands on the far wall.
(There is nothing of interest in this room)
Level 2
Room 7 - Chained Spirits
The harrowing screams of dozens of humans echo through
your head as you enter this room. Countless humanoid
ghosts wander this room aimlessly, tethered by spectral
chains to a stone slab in the centre of the room. A stone
face is carved into the wall behind you, its eyes watching
your every movement
If the players try to leave: The stone face begins to move
its lips as an elderly strained voice croaks out the follwing
" I'm sorry but I cannot allow you to leave. If you try to
escape I'll be left with no choice but to destroy you. Feel
free to explore the rest of my abode, for it is here you shall
remain for all eternity."
If the players continue to try to leave (and enter one of the
previous rooms) the slab in the rooms centre glows a
ghastly orange as the spirits cry out in pain. Any players
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Fog Effects:
This fog functions as the spell Cloudkill cast at the 5th
It expands 5 feet in every direction each round
When a character starts their turn in the spells area or
moves through it (not cumulative) It deals 5d8 poison
damage on a failed Constitution save (DC 15) and half
that on a successful one. Creatures are affected even if
they hold their breath.
The effect is magical and can be dispelled by a Dispel
Magic spell (DC 15)
Room 11 - Library
A large bookshelf, a comfortable stone chair and a stony
coffee table are the only objects of note in this room.
Examining the bookshelf: The bookshelf contains a
number of tomes, some rare and some common.
Inside the bookcase is the Tome of Clear Thought
(Dungeon Masters Guide P268) that Najareet was after.
The 10 most valuable books (which are various records of
histories and spells) can be sold onto the Zhentarim for
200 GP each. They are all very old and delicate (except
for the Tome of Clear Thought), and if mistreated crumble
to dust. A cursory examination of the books show the
majority have to do with unlife, human sacrifice and
There is also a mouldy spellbook nestled in the back of
the bookshelf. This book can be resold for an additional
1000GP. Wizards who read it learn the following spells:
3rd Level: Animate Dead, Bestow Curse, Vampiric Touch
4th Level: Blight
5th Level: Cloudkill
Room 12 - Sleeping Quarters
As you open the door you see a well decorated bedroom.
A stone bed lay at the far corner and the walls are covered
with various artistic carvings. A desk and chair mark a
workspace, as well as a quill and inkwell filled with
something that looks suspiciously like blood and
parchment as waxy as skin. A heavy oaken chest stands at
the far end of the bed.
In the middle of this room stands an illithid, 5'8 feet tall.
He eyes you curiously as you enter, not saying a word.
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Town History
As a precautionary measure against flooding, the founders
of the town diverted half the flow of the river into a
nearby forest. Unfortunately, this provided the dried up
forest with lifeblood, attracting all manner of creatures
from the surrounding areas.
Slowly as the forest came to life, villagers stopped
wandering into it, as not all who wandered in came back.
Fortunately, due to the river acting as a blockade, all the
nasty creatures living in the forest were quarantined from
the otherwise cultivated lands. As the years went on
however, villagers saw promise in the land just over the
horizon, and so bridges were built as the legacy of the
forest was forgotten.
Recently, Farmer Joe has been losing a number of sheep
to goblin raids, and he's well and truly fed up. He's
offering a reward of 1gp per goblin head brought to him.
The local adventurers tavern has decided that this is a
golden opportunity to rid the forest of the creatures within,
and offers an additional gp for each goblin head brought
to the farmer (2gp total). A number of young, ambitious
adventurers have recently seen the messages spread far
and wide, and taken up the farmers call.
Surprise Attacks:
If the players sneak into the adventurers tavern or nearby
they may be able to begin the attack with surprise.
Alternately they may simply decide to attack. In either
case, consult the events below.
Without Surprise: The adventurers meet the party out in
the open. One adventurer will not be present and will be
occupied elsewhere with the raid. The adventurer will
return after 5 rounds
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Town Layout
1) Guardhouse
2) Church
3) Adventurers Tavern / The Halfway Inn
4) Stables
5) General Housing
Outdoor fire
An outdoor fire rages across the town, creating chaos and
destruction indiscriminate of sides. Every 5 rounds roll
1d6 and consult the table below.
If the PC's ally with kobolds the human town is likely to
be razed. The effects of this fire will depend on whether it
was lit indoors or outdoors
Catching on fire: Any characters who have caught on fire
take 1d6 damage per round. As a movement action, a
player can 'stop, drop and roll', which extinguishes the
Indoor Fire: An indoor fire rages inside a building and is
a threat to any characters inside. Every 3 rounds all
characters must make a constitution check DC 10 or gain
1 level of exhaustion from smoke inhalation. This check
increases by 1 DC every 3 rounds.
Additionally, all characters suffer -1 to hit characters more
than 5 feet away due to the thick smoke.
Every 3 rounds roll 1d6 and consult the table below.
Nothing Happens
The fire rages as townspeople
frantically attempt to protect
their belongings. Remove 1
Mob from the map.
A chunk of the ceiling
collapses. A ring of fire with a
40ft radius circles the player
characters. Passing through
this ring of flame causes
creatures to suffer 2d6 burning
damage (Constitution Save DC
12 halves).
Victory Conditions
When the adventurers have been defeated and the tavern
razed to the ground the remaining townspeople throw
down their arms and flee. Alternately when all the mobs
have been slain the adventurers and guards lose the thing
they were attempting to defend and flee. The players can
choose to either let them escape or massacre them with the
following consequences
Nothing Happens
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It is presumed your allies go on a rampage when you are
attacking the town. This will affect random events as
well as having the following effects:
Lizardfolk: An additional adventurer has to break off to
prevent the lizardfolk massacring innocents. Remove 1
random adventurer from the party. This character arrives after
1d10 + 1d10 rounds.
Bullywugs: Remove 1d4 guards from the map.
Kobolds: No Effect (kobolds will enable certain random
Tribal Warriors: Remove 2 Groups of Commoners from the
Hag: In round 4, a cleric does not arrive. He has been
murdered by the Hag.
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Allied Bonuses:
For this attack it is crucial to have a number of allies.
There are hundreds of hostile NPC's in the town and alone
the PC's have a very slim chance of victory. Fortunately
the players allies may make attacking the town
significantly easier.
Act 1
Hag: The hag incites fear in the townspeople before the
attack. 10 of the guards and 5 mobs move inside the
church and do not leave for the duration of combat.
Bullywugs: The bullywugs swarm the library and attack
the acolytes, angered by the mages sense of superiority.
Although they are butchered, they kill 15 of the Acolytes
and 1 Mage.
Lizardfolk: The Lizardfolk pridefully attack the
guardhouse and engage the guards. This kills 10 of the
guards in the guardhouse
Kobolds: The kobolds sneak into the town and sabotage
as many of the Sky Knight's saddles as they can get their
hands on before the fight. When the sky knights attempt to
take off in round 3, kill 8 of them (4 of each type).s
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Victory Conditions:
Victory conditions should be kept secret from the players
until they have been completed.
1) Destroy the following buildings (Church, Guardhouse,
Adventurers Tavern, Library (mage's guild)).
2) Overrun the town and kill all the commoners
Random Events (roll for these every 3 turns)
Appendix 1 Goblin
Gambling Games
If the players ever want to gamble as goblins - here are a
few sample goblin games that highlight the better spots of
goblin gambling. Although players can't wager goblins
against one another, they can wager gold, weapons,
Leather, Swampbeer and pretty much anything else of
Scissors Paper Gold: Scissors paper gold is a simple
game. It has the same rules as scissors paper rock, except
it is played for 5 rounds and if a player wins with gold
(which is functionally the same as rock), they gain 2
points instead of 1. This typical alteration of a human
game showcases the highlights of goblin ingenuity, and
adds a totally unnecessary layer of complexity to the game
Lotsa Dice: Lotsa dice is another simple goblin game.
One goblin rolls one dice. The next goblin rolls 2 dice and
has to roll a higher number than goblin 1. The next goblin
rolls 3 dice and has to roll higher than goblin 2. If a goblin
ever rolls a lower number they are out. The next goblin
still rolls 1 more dice (e.g. if a goblin went out rolling 3
dice the next goblin would still roll 4 dice). This game is
fun for goblins as it involves rolling lots of things and the
effect of loaded dice (which every goblin has) is greatly
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Appendix 2 - Unlockable
Beneath is a list of the different classes the players may
unlock and the advantages/penalties of each
Some races have a level adjustment. You have to subtract
the level adjustment from your characters level to
determine what level your new character is. Races with
level adjustments tend to be significantly more powerful
than other races. Your religion level can go up to your
character level + any level adjustments.
Goblin Traits
Bullywug Traits
Ability Score Decrease. Your Charisma score is reduced
by 2.
Ability Score Decrease. Your Intelligence score is
reduced by 2.
Alignment. Most Bullywugs are evil, valuing self interest
over laws and friendship. They tend to be chaotic, having
total disregard for most laws and a belief that other
species are inferior.
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Lizardfolk Traits
Ability Score Decrease. Your Intelligence score is
reduced by 2.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score is increased
by 2.
Alignment. Lizardfolk follow no specific trends in
alignment, some tribes being good and other evil. Size.
Lizardfolk stand between 6 and 7 feet tall and can weigh
between 200 and 250 pounds.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Your base
swimming speed is 30 feet.
Languages. Lizardfolk can speak Draconic and Common.
Natural Armour. Lizardfolk gain a +3 natural armour
bonus to AC. This bonus cannot bring your AC higher
than 20.
Hold Breath. The lizardfolk can hold its breath for up to
15 minutes.
Orc Traits
Ability Score Decrease. Your Intelligence score is
reduced by 2.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score is increased
by 2.
Alignment. Orcs have short tempers and prefer violent
solutions to problems. This tends towards an evil and
unpredictable lifestyle.
Size. The average Orc is between 6 and 6.5 feet tall and
weighs about 215 pounds.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Language. You can speak Common and Orcish
Darkvision. Accustomed to life underground you have
superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in
dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light
and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern
color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Aggressive. As a bonus action, the Orc can move up to its
speed towards a hostile creature that it can see.
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Simple Pit Trap (10 ft) A simple pit trap is a 10 foot long
5 foot wide hole dug in the ground camoflauged by a large
cloth. It has a Spot DC of 10 and deals1d6 Bludgeoning
Damage for every 10 ft deep). A player may use an
additional 4 goblins when building this trap to make it 5
feet longer or wider (but not deeper). They may do this as
many times as they desire.
Explosive Keg of Ale Trap (Materials: 10 goblin ale) An
explosive keg of ale trap is constructed by filling a large
barrel with a particularly volatile batch of goblin ale. The
trap must be manually lit by a goblin, and will detonate 1
round after being lit. It deals damage in a 20 foot radius,
dealing 2d10 damage to characters within 10 feet and
1d10 damage to characters within 20 feet. A dexterity
save (DC 12) halves this damage.
Falling Net Trap (Materials: Rope) See Page 122
Dungeon Master's Guide
Poison Needle Trap (Materials: 1 Poison) A poison
needle trap must be attached to an existing container such
as a chest or barrel. It is noticed on a DC 15 spot check. If
activated, it applies 1 poison to whoever opened the
Hidden Crossbow Trap (Materials: Rope) Spot DC 15,
+10 to hit, 1d10 Piercing Damage per crossbow (max 2)
Controlled Rockslide Trap This trap dumps a large bucket
of rocks on top of the unwitting adventurers. The
adventrers spot this trap on a wisdom check DC14. It
deals 2d10 bludgeoning damage, however a reflex save
DC 11 halves this.
Appendix 4 - Poisons
Rotting Fish Poison is applied if a character inhales it,
and as such must be stored within a sealed container. The
inhaler is poisoned until their next long rest (Constitution
Save DC 10 negates).
Rotting Meat Poison is a highly odourous liquid that can
be either inhaled or applied through contact with a targets
blood (target must suffer at least 1 damage through a
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Worship of Orcus:
Leveling Up
Level 1 Event: To reach level 1 worship of Orcus a
player must either train under a worshipper of Orcus or
possess the tome of Orcus. Additionally, one friendly ally
must be sacrificed in a gruesome ceremony to Orcus.
Level 2: Level up and worship Orcus
Level 3: Level up and worship Orcus
Level 4 Event: Be at least level 4, worship Orcus, destroy
at least one building in a town, kill at least 3 innocent
civilians and worship Orcus
Level 5: Level up and worship Orcus
Level 6: Level up and worship Orcus
Level 7: Level up and worship Orcus
Level 8 Event: Sacrifice an intelligent ally or friend to
Group Benefits
Level 1 Group: No Effect
Individual Benefits
Level 1 Individual: You may cast False Life once per day
as a Bonus Action
Level 2 Individual: Gain the blessing of Orcus. You can
turn 1d4 small corpses into Skeletons per day. Unarmed
Skeletons use a slam attack (+2 to hit 1d4 damage). Small
skeletons deal 1d3 damage. Skeletons may be armed with
weapons to increase their damage to 1d6. You may only
control up to 4 skeletons at one time.
Level 3 Individual: Orcus blesses your weapon with
unholy power. Your current weapon gains a permanent +1
bonus and radiates a faint necrotic aura.
Level 4 Individual: Gain the blessing of Orcus. You can
turn 1d8 small or medium corpses into Skeletons or
Zombies. Skeletons must be armed with weapons
Unarmed Skeletons use a slam attack (+2 to hit 1d4
damage). Small skeletons deal 1d3 damage. Skeletons
may be armed with weapons to increase their damage to
1d6. You may only control a total of 8 skeletons and
zombies at one time. Small zombies only deal 1d4 damage
Level 5 Individual: No Effect
Level 6 Individual: Gain the blessing of Orcus. You can
turn 1d12 small or medium corpses into Skeletons or
Zombies or 1d4 large corpses into zombies. Large
Zombies (see monster manual Zombie Ogre p316).
Level 7 Individual: Orcus blesses your weapon granting
it a +2 attack and damage bonus.
Level 8 Individual: Reincarnation: Any enemy that your
undead minions kill is brought back to life as a zombie
under your control. You can control a maximum of 4
zombies this way at any one time.
Worship of Magubliet
Leveling Up
Level 1 Event: To reach level 1 worship of Magubliet a
player must either train under a worshipper of Magubliet
or possess the tome of Magubliet. Additionally a player
must sacrifice creatures that have a food value of 10 and
offer them as a gift to Magubliet.
Level 2: Level up and Worship Magubliet
Level 3: Level up and Worship Magubliet
Level 4 Event: Be at least level 4. Light at least 7
buildings on fire (or all the buildings in the settlement if
there are less than 7) when raiding a settlement.
Level 5: Level up and worship Magubliet
Level 6: Level up and worship Magubliet
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Group Benefits
Level 1 Group: Goblins who worship Magibliet spawn
1d8 young instead of 1d6
Level 2 Group: Goblins who worship Magibliet spawn
1d10 young instead of 1d8
Level 3 Group: Goblins who worship Magibliet spawn
2d6 young instead of 1d10
Level 4 Group: Goblins who worship Magibliet spawn
2d8 young instead of 2d6
Level 5 Group: You unlock magubliet specific traps
Level 6 Group: Your goblins breed 2d10 young instead
of 2d8
Level 7 Group: No Effect
Level 8 Group: Generic goblins gain +1 on their attack
and damage rolls if they outnumber their foes
Individual Benefits
Level 1 Individual: You gain +3 HP
Level 2 Individual: You gain +1 to hit with slings and
daggers when your opponents are outnumbered.
Level 3 Individual: No Effect
Level 4 Individual: You gain the blessing of Magubliet.
Gain +2 Dexterity.
Level 5 Individual: You deal an additional 2 damage on
melee or ranged attacks if your party outnumbers your
Level 6 Individual: No Effect
Level 7 Individual: You gain +1 dodge AC
Level 8 Individual: You may bring an ordinary goblin
with you adventuring as a bodyguard. He blocks the first
attack that would hit you in combat.
Worship of Tiamat
Leveling Up
Level 1: To reach level 1 worship of Tiamat a player must
either train under a worshipper of Tiamat or possess the
tome of Tiamat. Additionally a player must sacrifice 5
different species of animals to Tiamat. Critters do not
count towards this requirement
Level 2: Level up and Worship Tiamat
Level 3: Level up and Worship Tiamat
Level 4: Find a dragon egg or light at least 5 buildings on
Level 5: Level up and Worship Tiamat
Level 6: Level up and Worship Tiamat
Level 7: Level up and Worship Tiamat
Level 8 Event: Hatch a dragon or have 2 draconic allies
Individual Benefits
Level 1 Individual: You learn to speak Draconic
Level 2 Individual: Gain resistance to Fire Damage
Level 3 Individual: No Effect
Level 4 Individual: You gain Fire Breath standard action
(range 30 cone), deals 2d6 fire damage, dexterity DC 13
save to halve, usable once per day.
Level 5 Individual: Gain Immunity to fire damage
Level 6 Individual: Your Fire Breath deals 3d6 damage
Level 7 Individual: Your fire Breath deals 4d6 damage
Level 8 Individual: You grow a pair of clumsy wings
(Flight speed 30 ft)
Worship of Demogorgon
Leveling Up
Level 1 Event: To reach level 1 worship of Demogorgon
a player must either train under a worshipper of
Demogorgon or possess the tome of Demogorgon.
Additionally a player must host a ceremony where every
worshipper cuts their finger and lets the blood spill into an
Level 2: Level up and worship Demogorgon
Level 3: Level up and worship Demogorgon
Level 4 Event: Be at least level 4, worship Demogorgon,
sacrifice at least 4 creatures whose total levels equal at
least 10 in a frenzied ritual to demogorgon. (you may
sacrifice more than 4 creatures to get a higher level total).
Level 5: Level up and worship Demogorgon
Level 6: Level up and worship Demogorgon
Level 7: Level up and worship Demogorgon
Level 8 Event: Suffer a near death exeperience (reduced
to at least 0 hp).
Group Benefits
Level 1 Group: All worshippers share in a random form
of indefinite madness (see DMG page 260). This does not
go away even if worship ends.
Level 2 Group: All worshippers gain proficiency in a
random skill (the same skill).
Level 3 Group: Nothing Happens
Level 4 Group: Roll a d6 and consult the table below
Group Benefits
Level 1 Group: No Effect
Level 2 Group: Gain advantage on any charisma checks
to befriend dragons
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Individual Benefits
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Appendix 6 Maps
Bullywug Swamp
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Kobold Cave
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World Map
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Balimer Map
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Dungeon Map
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Appendix 7 - Adventurers
Level, Numbers, Gear and Tactics
of Adventurers in each party
Numbers: There should be 1 adventurer for
each player character unless an event in the
Adventurer Tactics tab says otherwise. You can
add more or less depending on how tough you
want your adventurers to be, but any more has a
serious risk of a Total Party Kill, and any less
may not be threatening to intelligent PC's.
Level: The adventurers should always be a
higher level or equal level to the players. As a
general rule, adventurers should be 1-2 levels
above the players. If the players encounter a
leader (this will be noted in the Dungeon
Masters Guide) , that character should not be
more than 3 levels above the characters.
Adventurers should generally level up to the
next tier after 1 to 2 encounters with the
players, depending on the speed your players
complete subquests and explore the world.
Every encounter should be harder than the last
however, so if you want to run the same level
encounter twice, add a leader to the adventuring
Adventurer Tactics
In this campaign, adventurers will be significantly
stronger than the player characters and are likely to
win any "fair" engagement. Encourage players to
use unfair tactics, create strings of traps and act
generally evil to get the upper hand.
The adventurers should be played as an
unintelligent party may be played. If they fall into a
pit trap, they will be on the lookout for more pit
traps, but still liable to walk into them. They'll
chase most decoys, flee from bad situations and
trigger most traps the first time they encounter
them, especially if it's in combat. They'll unload
their best spells at the first thing they see,
regardless of its strength (within reason).
The adventurers should each focus on either a
specific player or a specific group of generic
goblins. This should keep them from pulling off
any "overly too clever" tactics and allow the
players to get the upper hand through pre-planned
(or ad-hoc) strategies.
Tactical Retreat: The adventurers will retreat if
over half their party is knocked unconscious or
killed. They will attempt to pick up the bodies
and flee if their comrades are unconscious. If at
least half the adventurers escape alive, do the
actions in Return Attacks. If not, run the
actions in Retalliation
Return Attacks
Adventurers aren't stupid. If they survive an
attack, the adventurer will remember any traps
the party previously fell into. These should be
listed for future reference.
Add an additional member to the next
adventuring party. This adventuring party is
guaranteed to have a leader.
Table 1.1
Fool Me Once
If the adventurers fall into a pit trap, they will be
on the lookout for more pit traps. The PC's have
+2 on any checks to spot any traps after falling
into a similar trap (e.g. pit traps, crossbow
Prolonged Siege
Prolonged Siege
Sheep Herder Attack
Ambush (only if the PC's have
more than 1 entrance)
If an adventuring party has a leader, that
character is 2 levels higher than the rest of the
party. Roll 1d4. On a 4, they also have level
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(Adventurers Handbook)
appropriate gear.
The adventurers don't attack through the main
entrance but instead charge into the side. Treat
this like any adventurer attack except they enter
through a different route.
These adventurers have come on a holy quest to
exterminate the goblins. They are all equipped
with gear from their own tier and they have a
leader equipped with gear from his/her own
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(Adventurers Handbook)
Adventurer Gear
Level 3 Party:
50 GP Each
Barbarian: 1 Greataxe, 4 Handaxes
Cleric: 1 Mace, Leather Armor, Light Crossbow,
Shield, Holy symbol of Pelor and 20 Crossbow
Bolts, 1d4-1 Potion of Healing (Dungeon Masters
Guide P188)
Fighter: Chainmail, Longsword, Shield, Light
Crossbow, 20 Crossbow Bolts, 10 Torches, 50
Feet Rope (enough for 2 traps),
Ranger: Scale Mail. Two Shortswords, Longbow,
20 Arrows
Rogue: Shortsword, Shortbow, 20 Arrows, 2
Daggers, Leather Armor, Thieves Tools.
Level 5 party
(Roll 1d6. On a 1-5 a random party member has 1
magic item. On a 6 1d4 members have a magic
150 GP Each
Barbarian: +1 Greataxe
Cleric: +1 Shining Mace (SeeP142 Dungeon
Masters Guide - Beacon), 1d4 Potion of Greater
Healing (Dungeon Masters Guide P188)
Fighter: Arrow-Catching Shield (Dungeon
Masters Guide P152)
Ranger: Bracers of Archery (Dungeon Masters
Guide P156), 2 +1 arrows.
Rogue: Dust of Sneezing and Choking (Dungeon
Masters Guide P166)
Wizard: Wand of Magic Missiles (Dungeon
Masters Guide P211) (5 charges)
Level 9 Party
500 GP Each
Roll 1d4 for each party member. On a 1 they
have no magical items. On a 2 they have level 5
magical items. On a 3 they have level 7 magical
items. On a 4 they have level 9 magical items.
Wizard: Wand of the War Mage +2 (Dungeon
Masters Guide P212), Mantle of Spell Resistance
(Dungeon Masters Guide P180)
Ranger: Bow of Piercing (See below)
Cleric: Spell Scroll (Dungeon Masters Guide
P200) Heal (Players Handbook P250), Spell
Scroll Word of Recall (players Handbook P289)
(must pass a spellcasting check DC 16 to cast
either spell scroll, otherwise the scroll disappears)
Fighter: +2 Chainmail Armor of Fire Resistance
(Dungeon Masters Guide P 152), +2 Holy
Longsword (Deals an additional 1d6 radiant
damage on hit).
Barbarian: Brass Horn of Vahalla (Dungeon
Masters Guide P175)
Rogue: Ring of Evasion (Dungeon Masters Guide
P191), +1 Dagger
Bow of Piercing
Weapon (longbow), rare
When you use this bow to make an attack the
attack deals an additional 2d6 piercing damage.
Level 7 Party
250 GP Each
Roll 1d4 for each party member. On a 1-2 they
have no magical items. On a 3 they have level 5
magical items. On a 4 they have level 7 magical
Cleric: Staff of Healing (P202 Dungeon Masters
Wizard: Wand of Fireballs (3 charges)
Fighter: +1 Adamantine Chainmail Armor
(Dungeon Masters Guide P150)
Ranger: 3 +1 Flaming arrows (deal an
additional 1d6 burning damage on hit).
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only .
(Adventurers Handbook)
Adventurer Statistics
Armor Class 20
Hit Points 70 (5d10+20)
Speed 25 ft.
17 (+3)
12 (+1)
18 (+4)
13 (+2)
10 (+0)
8 (-1)
16 (+3)
12 (+1)
17 (+3)
13 (+1)
10 (+0)
8 (-1)
Mountain Dwarf Fighter may make 2 Warhammer
Attacks per turn
Warhammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (1d8+3) Bludgeoning Damage
Mountain Dwarf Fighter may make 1 Warhammer
Attack per turn
Warhammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (1d8+3) Bludgeoning Damage.
Second Wind (Bonus Action): Mountain Dwarf Fighter recovers
8 (1d10+3hp). 1d10. Mountain Dwarf Fighter must take a short
rest before using this ability again
Action Surge: (Free Action) Mountain Dwarf Fighter may take
an additional attack action or move action this turn. This ability
may only be used once per day.
Improved Critical: Attacks score a critical hit on a 19 or 20.
Armor Class 20
Hit Points 135 (9d10+45)
Speed 25 ft.
18 (+4)
12 (+1)
19 (+4)
13 (+1)
10 (+0)
8 (-1)
Mountain Dwarf Fighter may make 2 Warhammer
Attacks per turn
Warhammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) Bludgeoning Damage
Second Wind (Bonus Action): Mountain Dwarf Fighter recovers
12 (1d10+7hp). Mountain Dwarf Fighter must take a short rest
before using this ability again
Action Surge: Mountain Dwarf Fighter may take an additional
attack action or move action this turn. This ability may only be
used once per day.
19 (+4)
12 (+1)
20 (+5)
13 (+1)
10 (+0)
8 (-1)
Mountain Dwarf Fighter may make 2 Warhammer
Attacks per turn
Warhammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) Bludgeoning Damage
Second Wind (Bonus Action): Mountain Dwarf Fighter recovers
14 (1d10+9hp). Mountain Dwarf Fighter must take a short rest
before using this ability again
Action Surge: Mountain Dwarf Fighter may take an additional
attack action or move action this turn. This ability may only be
used once per day.
Indomitable: You may reroll any one saving throw you fail
once per day
Improved Critical: Attacks score a critical hit on a 19 or 20.
(Adventurers Handbook)
Armor Class 15
Hit Points 45 (3d12+9)
Speed 30 ft.
Armor Class 16
Hit Points 80 (5d12+20)
Speed 40 ft.
15 (+2)
14 (+2)
16 (+3)
9 (-1)
13 (+1)
11 (+0)
15 (+2)
14 (+2)
18 (+4)
9 (-1)
13 (+1)
11 (+0)
Human Barbarian may make 1 Greataxe or handaxe
Attack per turn
Human Barbarian may make 2 Greataxe or handaxe
Attacks per turn
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only .
(Adventurers Handbook)
Armor Class 16
Hit Points 104 (7d12+28)
Speed 40 ft.
Armor Class 16
Hit Points 128 (9d12+28)
Speed 40 ft.
15 (+2)
14 (+2)
18 (+4)
9 (-1)
13 (+1)
11 (+0)
17 (+3)
14 (+2)
18 (+4)
9 (-1)
13 (+1)
11 (+0)
Human Barbarian may make 2 Greataxe or handaxe
Attacks per turn
Human Barbarian may make 2 Greataxe or handaxe
Attacks per turn
Rage: (Bonus Action (4 times per day)): You may enter a rage
that lasts for one minute. For this duration you have advantage
on strength checks and saving throws, deal an additional (2)
damage and have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and
slashing damage. For the duration of the rage you cannot be
charmed or frightened. For the duration of the rage you may
make an additional melee attack as a bonus action.
Rage: (Bonus Action (4 times per day)): You may enter a rage
that lasts for one minute. For this duration you have advantage
on strength checks and saving throws, deal an additional (2)
damage and have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing and
slashing damage. For the duration of the rage you cannot be
charmed or frightened. For the duration of the rage you may
make an additional melee attack as a bonus action.
Reckless Attack: When you make a melee attack you may gain
advantage on all melee attack rolls until the end of turn. Until
your next turn, attack rolls have advantage against you
Reckless Attack: When you make a melee attack you may gain
advantage on all melee attack rolls until the end of turn. Until
your next turn, attack rolls have advantage against you
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(Adventurers Handbook)
Armor Class 15
Hit Points 27 (3d8+3)
Speed 35 ft.
Armor Class 16
Hit Points 45 (5d8+5)
Speed 35 ft.
14 (+2)
17 (+3)
12 (+1)
10 (+0)
14 (+2)
8 (-1)
14 (+2)
19 (+4)
12 (+1)
10 (+0)
14 (+2)
8 (-1)
Wood Elf Rogue may make 1 Shortsword or Crossbow
attack per turn
Wood Elf Rogue may make 1 Shortsword or Crossbow
attack per turn
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only .
(Adventurers Handbook)
Armor Class 16
Hit Points 45 (9d8+9)
Speed 35 ft.
Armor Class 16
Hit Points 45 (7d8+7)
Speed 35 ft.
14 (+2)
19 (+4)
12 (+1)
10 (+0)
14 (+2)
8 (-1)
Wood Elf Rogue may make 1 Shortsword or Crossbow
attack per turn
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 8 (1d6+4) Piercing Damage
Crossbow: Ranged Weapon Attack +8 to hit, Reach 80/320 ft,
Hit: 1d8+4 damage
Sneak Attack: If you have advantage on a melee attack roll
against an opponent, add 4d6 to the damage dice
Uncanny Dodge: You have resistance to ranged attacks (50%
damage). Any spell or ability that requires you to make a
dexterity save for half damage deals half damage on a failed save
and no damage on a successful one.
Disarm Trap: A Rogue may use a bonus action to attempt to
disarm a trap. They have a 75% chance of disabling a goblin trap
and a 50% chance of disabling a kobold trap.
Targeted Attack: You gain advantage on your next attack. You
may use this ability up to three times per day.
Whirlwind: Make a melee Attack against all enemies in melee
range. This may only be done once per day.
Trapsense: You may automatically roll to detect and avoid any
traps this character may step on
14 (+2)
20 (+5)
12 (+1)
10 (+0)
15 (+2)
8 (-1)
Wood Elf Rogue may make 1 Shortsword or Crossbow
attack per turn
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 9 (1d6+5) Piercing Damage
Crossbow: Ranged Weapon Attack +9 to hit, Reach 80/320 ft,
Hit: 1d8+5 damage
Sneak Attack: If you have advantage on a melee attack roll
against an opponent, add 5d6 to the damage dice
Uncanny Dodge: You have resistance to ranged attacks (50%
damage). Any spell or ability that requires you to make a
dexterity save for half damage deals half damage on a failed save
and no damage on a successful one.
Disarm Trap: A Rogue may use a bonus action to attempt to
disarm a trap. They have a 75% chance of disabling a goblin trap
and a 50% chance of disabling a kobold trap.
Targeted Attack: You gain advantage on your next attack. You
may use this ability up to three times per day.
Whirlwind: Make a melee Attack against all enemies in melee
range. This may only be done twice per day.
Trapsense: You may automatically roll to detect and avoid any
traps this character may step on
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only .
(Adventurers Handbook)
Armor Class 15
Hit Points 33 (3d10+3)
Speed 25 ft.
Armor Class 15
Hit Points 55 (5d10+5)
Speed 25 ft.
10 (+0)
17 (+3)
12 (+1)
8 (-1)
15 (+2)
11 (+0)
10 (+0)
18 (+4)
12 (+1)
8 (-1)
16 (+3)
11 (+0)
Stout Halfling Ranger may make 1 Shortbow attack per
Shortbow: Ranged Weapon Attack +7 to hit, Reach 80/320 ft,
Hit: 1d6+3 damage
Stout Halfling Ranger may make 2 Shortbow attacks
per turn
Shortbow: Ranged Weapon Attack +9 to hit, Reach 80/320 ft,
Hit: 1d6+4 damage
Armor Class 15
Hit Points 77 (7d10+7)
Speed 25 ft.
10 (+0)
18 (+4)
12 (+1)
8 (-1)
Armor Class 15
Hit Points 99 (9d10+9)
Speed 25 ft.
10 (+0)
Stout Halfling Ranger may make 2 Shortbow attacks
per turn
Shortbow: Ranged Weapon Attack +10 to hit, Reach 80/320
ft, Hit: 1d6+4 damage
12 (+1)
8 (-1)
Stout Halfling Ranger may make 2 Shortbow attacks
per turn
Shortbow: Ranged Weapon Attack +11 to hit, Reach 80/320
ft, Hit: 1d6+5 damage
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only .
(Adventurers Handbook)
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 24 (3d6+6)
Speed 25 ft.
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 40 (5d6+10)
Speed 25 ft.
8 (-1)
14 (+2)
14 (+2)
17 (+3)
10 (+0)
12 (+1)
8 (-1)
14 (+2)
14 (+2)
19 (+4)
10 (+0)
12 (+1)
Gnome wizard may cast 1 ordinary spell and one bonus
spell per turn
Gnome wizard may cast 1 ordinary spell and one bonus
spell per turn
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 56 (7d6+14)
Speed 25 ft.
8 (-1)
14 (+2)
14 (+2)
19 (+4)
10 (+0)
12 (+1)
Gnome wizard may cast 1 ordinary spell and one bonus
spell per turn
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 72 (9d6+18)
Speed 25 ft.
8 (-1)
14 (+2)
14 (+2)
20 (+5)
10 (+0)
13 (+1)
Gnome wizard may cast 1 ordinary spell and one bonus
spell per turn
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only .
(Adventurers Handbook)
12 (+1)
16 (+3)
8 (-1)
14 (+2)
13 (+1)
12 (+1)
16 (+3)
8 (-1)
16 (+3)
13 (+1)
Resistances: Poison
Senses Passive Perception 11
Challenge 3 (200 XP)
Mace: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5ft, one
target. Hit 5 (1d6+1) bludgeoning damage. (the spear is
always used as a 2handed weapon)
Your healing spells also heal you 2+spell level aswell as your target
Resistances: Poison
Senses Passive Perception 11
Challenge 7 (XXX)
4/Day: Cure Wounds. Heal one ally 1d8+ 5 HP
2/Day Healing word (reaction spell, can be cast in additon
to regular action). Heal one ally 1d4+6 HP.
Turn Undead: See Players Handbook P59
Mace: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft, one
target. Hit 5 (1d6+1) bludgeoning damage. (the spear is
always used as a 2handed weapon)
4/Day: Cure Wounds. Heal one ally 1d8+ 6 HP
3/Day: Healing word (reaction spell, can be cast in additon
to regular action). Heal one ally 1d4+7 HP.
3/Day: Mass Healing Word reaction spell, can be cast in
additon to regular action).. Heal up to 6 allies 1d4+8
12 (+1)
16 (+3)
8 (-1)
16 (+3)
13 (+1)
Resistances: Poison
Senses Passive Perception 11
Challenge 5 (XXX)
12 (+1)
16 (+3)
8 (-1)
18 (+4)
13 (+1)
Mace: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5ft, one
target. Hit 5 (1d6+1) bludgeoning damage. (the spear is
always used as a 2handed weapon)
4/Day: Cure Wounds. Heal one ally 1d8+ 6 HP
3/Day: Healing word (reaction spell, can be cast in additon
to regular action). Heal one ally 1d4+7 HP.
2/Day: Mass Healing Word reaction spell, can be cast in
additon to regular action).. Heal up to 6 allies 1d4+8
Your healing spells also heal you 2+spell level aswell as your target
Resistances: Poison
Senses Passive Perception 11
Challenge 7 (XXX)
Mace: Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5ft, one
target. Hit 5 (1d6+1) bludgeoning damage +1d8 radiant
damage. (the spear is always used as a 2handed weapon)
4/Day: Cure Wounds. Heal one ally 1d8+ 7 HP
3/Day: Healing word (reaction spell, can be cast in additon
to regular action). Heal one ally 1d4+8 HP.
3/Day: Mass Healing Word reaction spell, can be cast in
additon to regular action).. Heal up to 6 allies 1d4+9
1/Day: Mass Cure Wounds Heal up to 6
creatures within a 30ft sphere of you 3d8+11
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only .
(Adventurers Handbook)
El Weasel Diablo
10 (+0)
12 (+1)
12 (+1)
12 (+1)
12 (+1)
12 (+1)
3 (-4)
12 (+1)
6 (-2)
Dagger: Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5ft, one
target. Hit 4 (1d4+1) piercing damage.
Charging Bite: El Weasel Diablo travels 60 feet in one
direction, making a bite attack against a single enemy and
continuing to run after that attack is made (regardless of
success or failure)
13 (+1)
12 (+1)
11 (+0)
10 (+0)
10 (+0)
Stout Halfling Ranger may make 2 Shortbow attacks
per turn
Crossbow: Ranged Weapon Attack +11 to hit, Reach 80/320
ft, Hit: 1d6+5 damage
Spear: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5ft, one
target. Hit 5 (1d6+1) piercing damage.
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only .
(Adventurers Handbook)
Sky Knight
Tribal Leader
Armor Class 15
Hit Points 33(5d10+5)
Speed 30 ft (flying).
14 (+2)
12 (+1)
10 (+0)
10 (+0)
10 (+0)
Ranged Weapon Attack +6 to hit, Reach 100/400ft, Hit: 8
(1d10+2 damage)
Lance: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10ft, one
target. Hit 9 (1d12+2) piercing damage.
Charging Lance: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach
10ft, one target. Hit 13 (1d12+6) piercing damage.
14 (+2)
12 (+1)
8 (-1)
11 (+0)
8 (-1)
12 (+1)
6 (-2))
12 (+1)
8 (-1)
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only .
(Adventurers Handbook)
The humans want goblin blood and they aren't taking any
prisoners. Led by a plucky elf ranger, they track the PC's
with ruthless speed and precision. It takes 1d4 hours for
the humans to catch up with the goblins. When they do,
make the PC's roll a perception check. On 10 or less, the
adventurers attack with surprise. Otherwise the PC's see
the adventurers coming at the last moment.
This fight is likely to be a slaughter. Without any special
abilities the generic goblins are comically weak when
compared to the adventurers. It is likely all the PC's are
killed in the first few rounds. It is possible that if a single
goblin turns tail and runs at the start of combat they can
escape when the adventurers are killing the other players.
In the unlikely chance the PC's do win the combat, let
them drag back as much loot as their characters can carry.
The first adventuring party contains 1 adventurer per PC.
All of the characters are level 3.
After the combat is over, win or lose, proceed to begin the
game in the goblin lair as per a normal campaign. If any
goblins encountered the adventurers and survived, they
automatically level up.
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only .
(Adventurers Handbook)