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Kansas police seek Teachers ...

public help in search
for missing newborn
O Continued from Page 1A

The FBI said it has deployed

a team specializing in
investigating child abductions,
and the National Center for
Missing and Exploited
Children said it has
dispatched members of its
Team Adam retired law
enforcers to assist in the
search for Sofia
Associated Press
assisted by the FBI pressed an
urgent appeal for public help Friday
in finding a Kansas newborn a day
after her mother was shot to death
in her home, insisting the week-old
girl was imperiled during a disappearance the police chief
considered vexing.
Wichita police trying to locate
Sofia Victoria Gonzalez Abarca,
who went missing Thursday, said
tips of special interest to investigators would be any reports about
someone suddenly passing off an
infant as their own, or buying large
quantities of baby formula or
Police Chief Gordon Ramsay
said leads as of late Friday
afternoon were proving elusive in
what he called a very sad and
tragic case. Authorities as of
Friday evening had not issued an
Amber Alert seeking the publics
help in the search because investigators havent identified a suspect
a criteria for issuing such an
We have no information. Thats
why Im here, just pleading for
information, Ramsay said. Were
pleading with the community,

asking everybody to help us find
Baby Sofia. Theres no doubt she is
missing and in danger.
Police said Laura AbarcaNoguedas live-in boyfriend
returned home from work Thursday
and found his 27-year-old
girlfriends body, and their newborn
daughter missing.
Wichita police Sgt. Nikki
Woodrow says the girls father isnt
considered a suspect.
The slain womans brother, Israel
Abarca, declined to discuss the
matter Friday, telling The
Associated Press by telephone that
the family would have no public
The FBI said it has deployed a
team specializing in investigating
child abductions, and the National
Center for Missing and Exploited
Children said it has dispatched
members of its Team Adam
retired law enforcers to assist in
the search for Sofia.
Ramsay urged anyone with information about the missing baby to
call an FBI tip line at 800-2255324.

Legislature, and I think its very important, as

we make decisions regarding education in the
next education funding formula, that I have a
good understanding of what teachers face on a
day-to-day basis, Kansas 125th District Representative Shannon Francis said. The district
contacted me to see if Id be interested in the
opportunity, and I said yes.
Any time Im asked to do that type of thing,
Im thrilled to do it, 38th District Senator Bud
Estes agreed. I very much enjoy visiting
schools, whether its high schools, grade
schools, it doesnt really matter, I just like to see
how things are going as far as teaching methods
and try to keep up with it, since it all changes so
Estes added he felt teachers are a special
group of people, especially the ones who teach
students in preschool or kindergarten, or first,
second or third grade.
Those are really special teachers to my way
of thinking. Theyve got to be very understanding, almost like moms, Estes said. It is
amazing, and they have to relate to those
students, and that was the thing about today at
Garfield, I couldnt believe the bond between
the teachers and the students, at every level, the
students just loved their teachers, and the
teachers loved them. Im sure they didnt put on
their best behavior just because I was there, but
they all also behaved really well, and they even
had a lockdown drill, and I was flabbergasted
the students knew where to go and what to do,
so that was unique because I didnt know they
were going to do that. It was pretty cool, we got
to help the students read and do sentence work,
and that was pretty neat. The 1st grade class I
was with, they blew me away.
With both Francis and Estes being elected
officials responsible for voting for education
measures, both agreed there was a lot learned
from their experiences.
One of the things that struck me was that
class is normally at 28 students, and then it
sometimes even grows to 31 students as they
bring some of the ESL students in for their
reading lessons, and its a direct reflection on
the shortage of schoolteachers we have in the
community, Francis said. We have a number
of positions open were unable to fill, and I was
just amazed at what a great job Ruth Caley did
managing that variety of students in her fifth
grade class.
It was great to see how they really bonded,
Estes added. The particular teacher I was with,
Mary Stephenson, just had a special quality
about her, and some of the students were at

K a n s a s 1 2 5 t h D i s tr i c t R e p r e s e n t a t i v e S h a n n o n F r a n ci s w o r k s w i t h s o m e s t u d e n ts d u r i n g a
r e a d i n g l e s s o n i n R u t h C a l e y s 5 th g r a d e cl a s s a t S u n f l o w e r I n t e r m e d i a te S ch o o l T h u r s d a y
a f te r n o o n . F r a n c i s s a i d w o r k i n g w i t h C a l e y s c l a s s g a v e h i m mo r e i n s i g h t i n t o a cl a s s r o o m
s et ti ng . L&T photo/Elly Grimm
different levels. But it didnt matter since she
could relate to all of them no matter who it was.
It was really something, and shes quite a
teacher. And the whole staff over at Garfield
was very impressive.
Francis and Estes also both agreed they
would participate in Educator for a Day again if
contacted. Both also expressed praise at how
hard the students at their respective schools
worked, and how well they worked with their
teachers. And with their respective experiences,
both also said they had a new appreciation for
local educators.
I was only there for one afternoon, and it
was primarily reading. So the good was they
were being exposed to the teacher reading to
them in class, and I think the content really
challenged the students, which was also good to
see, Francis said. Then when we went around
to the individual work stations and working
through different projects, I really enjoyed
seeing the implementation of new technology,
and then some of the old standards. For
instance, they were working on a vocabulary
lesson, and the students knew to get a standard
dictionary, which is what I used when I was in
school, and they also went and got an iPad

dictionary when they were having some

troubles. So just looking at how these students
are using old and new technology was pretty
interesting to watch.
It just makes me appreciate all the more the
teachers at that level. Ive always appreciated
teachers and respected them at any level, Estes
agreed. But like I said, the ones who work with
the smaller children and getting them started
right, thats just amazing. At that point, the
interaction is so important, and it showed in
that school just what type of results they could
get because every student had a smile on their
face and was happy to be there.
For those interested in participating in
Teacher for a Day during next years National
Education Week, both Estes and Francis said
to go for it.
I would encourage anyone, if they get the
chance to do Teacher for a Day to grab that
opportunity and see whats going on in our
school system, Francis said. I would also like
to say I have the utmost respect for our
educators and the students of today, I think
were doing a great job, and have a great future
ahead of us.

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