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On Photocatalytic Membrane Reactors in Water and Wastewater Treatment and Organic Synthesis

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Copernican LettersVol 6/2015

ISSN: 2082 968X

On photocatalytic membrane reactors in water and wastewater

treatment and organic synthesis
Sylwia Mozia
West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, Institute of Inorganic Technology and
Environment Engineering, Puaskiego 10, 70-322 Szczecin, Poland
A brief overview of hybrid photocatalysis-membrane processes and their possible applications in
water/wastewater treatment and organic synthesis is presented. Moreover, a short introduction to
photocatalysis is shown. The paper summarizes the main advantages and disadvantages of
photocatalytic membrane reactors (PMRs) with photocatalytic membranes or a photocatalyst in
suspension. Furthermore, the influence of photocatalysis on membranes performance in terms of
fouling and efficiency of removal of organic contaminants during treatment of water and wastewater is
discussed. In the second part of the review the examples showing the possibilities of application of
PMRs in recovery of valuable compounds (benzaldehyde, vanillin) or photocatalytic partial oxidation
of benzene to phenol are presented. It was concluded that PMRs exhibit numerous advantages over the
conventional photoreactors, however, further investigations are still needed in order to improve the
hybrid processes performance.

Keywords: photocatalytic membrane reactor, photocatalysis, membrane, hybrid process,

water treatment, organic synthesis
1. Introduction to photocatalytic membrane reactors

In recent years a significant attention has been directed to the photocatalytic membrane
reactors (PMRs) being hybrid systems coupling photocatalysis and membrane separation.
Photocatalysis is one of Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs), i.e. processes based on the
generation of very reactive oxidizing species such as hydroxyl radicals (OH). According to
IUPAC recommendations [1] photocatalysis is defined as a change in the rate of a chemical
reaction or its initiation under the action of ultraviolet, visible, or infrared radiation in the
presence of a substance - the photocatalyst - that absorbs light and is involved in the chemical
transformation of the reaction partners. Further, a photocatalyst is a substance able to
produce, by absorption of ultraviolet, visible, or infrared radiation, chemical transformations
of the reaction partners, repeatedly coming with them into intermediate chemical interactions
and regenerating its chemical composition after each cycle of such interactions [1]. In case
of heterogeneous photocatalysis such photocatalysts are solid semiconductors amongst which
TiO2, due to its high photoactivity and stability is the most commonly used.
A simplified idea of photocatalysis is presented schematically in Fig. 1


S. Mozia / Copernican Letters vol. 6 (2015) 17-23

Fig. 1. Idea of photocatalysis: A, electron acceptor; B, electron donor [2].

The photoinduced reactions are activated by absorption of a photon (h) with sufficient
energy, i.e. equal or higher than the band gap energy (Eg) of the photocatalyst [2]. In case of
anatase phase TiO2 the Eg amounts to 3.23 eV which corresponds to the wavelength of 384
nm. This means that UV irradiation is necessary to realize the photocatalytic process with
application of TiO2.
After the absorption of a photon (Fig. 1) an electron (e) may be promoted from the valence
band (VB) to the conduction band (CB) thus generating an electron vacancy hole (h+):
TiO2 + h TiO2(eCB + hVB+)


The electron and the hole can migrate to the surface of the photocatalyst and participate in
redox reactions:
TiO2(hVB+) + H2O TiO2 + H+ + OH


TiO2(hVB+) + OH TiO2 + OH


TiO2(eCB ) + O2 TiO2 + O2

O2 + H HO2



HO2 + HO2 H2O2 + O2


TiO2(eCB) + H2O2 OH + OH


H2O2 + O2 OH + OH + O2


H2O2 + h 2OH


The hydroxyl radicals (OH) are supposed to be the primary oxidizing species in the
photocatalytic oxidation processes [2].
The role of photocatalysis in PMRs is degradation of organic substances while the
membrane might act as a simple barrier for the photocatalyst and as a selective barrier for the
degraded molecules and products/by-products of their decomposition [2].
There are various configurations of PMRs [2, 3]. Based on the way in which the
photocatalyst is introduced to the system the PMRs can be divided into (I) reactors with

S. Mozia / Copernican Letters vol. 6 (2015) 17-23

photocatalyst suspended in feed solution and (II) reactors with photocatalyst supported in/on
the membrane. In case (I) three main configurations can be distinguished, dependent on which
element of the installation works as a photoreactor: (a) PMRs with the irradiation source
above/in the feed tank, (b) PMRs with the irradiation source above the membrane module and
(c) PMRs with the irradiation source above/in an additional reservoir (photoreactor)
positioned between the feed tank and the membrane module. In case of PMRs with
photocatalytic membranes, the light source must be located in the vicinity of the membrane
since the photoreaction takes place on the membrane surface and within its pores. There are
also configurations in which the light sources are located above both membrane module and
feed tank (or inside them, when immersed UV lamps are used). The PMRs design is affected
by numerous factors. They include process mode (dead end or cross-flow, batch or continuous
flow, etc.), type of the membrane technique applied (e.g. microfiltration (MF), ultrafiltration
(UF), nanofiltration (NF), membrane distillation (MD), pervaporation (PV), dialysis),
construction of the membrane modules (flat sheet, tubular, submerged, etc.) and the type of
the irradiation source.
The main directions of application of PMRs are water and wastewater treatment,
however, the possibilities of utilization of these systems in chemical synthesis are also
2. PMRs in water and wastewater treatment
Both PMRs with photocatalytic membranes and PMRs with a photocatalyst in
suspension were proposed to treat water and wastewater. PMRs with photocatalytic
membranes have been applied for removal of different organic compounds such as sodium
dodecylbenzene sulfonate, dyes (methylene blue, direct black, methyl orange, congo red, etc),
herbicides, phenols, chlorophenols, 4-nitrophenol, humic acids and others as well as for
disinfection purpose [2, 4]. It was also proved that TiO2-coated membranes exhibited selfcleaning properties under the action of UV irradiation [5].
There are two main types of photocatalytic membranes: (a) with a photoactive layer,
which fulfils also the function of a separation layer, and (b) with a non-photoactive separation
layer deposited on a photoactive support. Depending on the membrane type, the irradiation
source is positioned either on the feed side or on the permeate side. The main advantage of
configuration (a) is that membrane fouling could be reduced and permeate flux increased.
This is due to the decomposition of organic compounds responsible for the formation of the
gel layer and filtration cake (e.g. humic and fulvic acids). It was also reported that
modification of the membranes with TiO2 resulted in an increase in their hydrophilicity,
which also contributed to fouling mitigation [3]. The configuration (b) is less common. The
main disadvantage of the membranes with the photoactive support and a non-photoactive skin
layer is that the purified stream is permeate only, whereas the concentrate contains
contaminants which were rejected by the membrane. However, in this system it is possible to
obtain permeate of much higher quality than in the configuration (a) [2, 3].
Taking into account that in case of the photocatalytic membranes the light source must
be located in the vicinity of the membrane and that the photocatalytic reactions occur on the
membrane surface or within its pores, the membrane should exhibit high resistance to UV
irradiation and oxidation by hydroxyl radicals or other reactive oxygen species. Therefore,
inorganic membranes (ceramic or metallic) are more promising for the application in PMRs
than the polymeric ones.
A brief summary of advantages and disadvantages of PMRs with photocatalytic
membranes is presented in Table 1.


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Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of PMRs with photocatalytic membranes [2, 3].
No need to separate and recycle a
photocatalyst the membrane can be used
as long as the activity of the photocatalyst
remains high
Possibility of fouling mitigation due to
decomposition of organic contaminants
forming the gel layer or filtration cake

In case of aqueous phase reactions the
effectiveness of degradation lower than in
case of photocatalyst in suspension

Adjustment of photocatalyst loading to the

composition of the treated solution is
photocatalyst immobilized in/on the
Possibility of fouling mitigation due to Risk of damage of polymeric membranes by
enhanced hydrophilicity of the TiO2- UV light or hydroxyl radicals
modified membrane
No membrane fouling due to presence of Necessity of the membrane exchange when
TiO2 particles
the photocatalyst loses its activity
Contaminants could be decomposed either Complicated construction of membrane
in feed or in permeate
modules the radiation must reach the
membrane surface
In most configurations of PMRs with a suspended photocatalyst the pressure driven
membrane techniques such as microfiltration (MF) and ultrafiltration (UF) are applied. There
are also other types PMRs in which photocatalysis is combined with nanofiltration (NF),
dialysis, pervaporation (PV) or direct contact membrane distillation (DCMD, MD) [2, 3]. The
main role of a membrane in these systems is separation of photocatalyst particles from the
treated solution. Moreover, depending on the membrane type and membrane process applied,
the membrane might also act as a barrier for the degraded molecules and products of their
PMRs coupling photocatalysis with pressure driven membrane techniques have been
applied for the removal of various pollutants, including pharmaceuticals, humic and fulvic
acids, trichloroethylene, bisphenol A, chlorophenol, 4-nitrophenol, dyes, as well as for
treatment of real dyeing wastewater, synthetic wastewater, grey water, primary and secondary
effluents from municipal wastewater treatment plants and surface waters [3, 6]. Both
pressurized and depressurized (i.e. with submerged membranes) systems were applied. It is
usually reported that the main drawback of the pressurized PMRs is membrane fouling caused
by TiO2 particles leading to the permeate flux deterioration. However, operation below the
critical flux value can prevent from deposition of the TiO2 cake layer on the membrane
surface [7]. In general it is reported that the PMRs with submerged membranes are less prone
to fouling by TiO2 than the pressurized systems. This does not mean, however, that fouling
does not occur in these systems at all. The investigations on the treatment of river water in a
PMR utilizing submerged MF membranes revealed [8] that although photocatalysis had a
beneficial influence on the permeate flux, a chemical cleaning after about one month of
operation was necessary.
It must be remembered that membrane fouling by TiO2 is a complex issue and there are
numerous factors affecting this phenomenon. They include feed composition and pH,
hydraulic conditions (cross flow velocity, transmembrane pressure), operating mode
(pressurized, depressurized), operating conditions in membrane module (aeration, intermittent
permeation, gas backflushing), etc. [2, 3]. Analyzing the reports on the hybrid photocatalysis

S. Mozia / Copernican Letters vol. 6 (2015) 17-23

membrane systems published in recent years it can be concluded that the influence of TiO2
on permeate flux in PMRs is dual [6]. From one side, in the presence of TiO2 a deterioration
of the flux resulting from the formation of a cake layer on a membrane surface can take place,
as was mentioned above. From the other hand, when the feed contains contaminants such as
natural organic matter (NOM), especially humic and fulvic acids, the coupling of a membrane
process with photocatalysis can lead to the improvement of the flux due to decomposition of
organic molecules. A positive influence of photocatalysis on the permeate flux during
treatment of primary (PE) and secondary (SE) effluents from a municipal wastewater
treatment plant in a pressurized PMR utilizing UF was also reported [6].
Table 2. Advantages and disadvantages of PMRs with suspended photocatalyst utilizing
pressure driven membrane techniques [2, 3].
The effectiveness of degradation higher than
in case of photocatalyst immobilized in/on
the membrane
The exhausted photocatalyst might be
exchanged without membrane replacement
Easy adjustment of photocatalyst loading to
the composition of the treated solution
Effective separation of photocatalyst
Possibility of enhancement of permeate flux
due to decomposition of NOM forming a gel
Possibility of enhancement of permeate flux
by application of depressurized (submerged)
systems instead of pressurized ones
No risk of damage of polymer membranes
by the UV light or hydroxyl radicals the
light source can be positioned anywhere in
the hybrid system

Membrane fouling due to the presence of
TiO2 particles, especially in case of
pressurized systems
Low quality of permeate initial
compounds and products/by-products of
their degradation pass through the
membranes, especially in case of MF and

The efficiency of removal of organic contaminants in PMRs utilizing MF or UF

depends on the effectiveness of both the membrane process and photocatalysis. In general,
MF and UF membranes are not able to reject low molecular organic compounds, including
initial contaminants and by-products of their decomposition. Therefore, in case of these
substances the overall treatment efficiency depends on the effectiveness of photocatalysis. On
the other hand, since the mineralization of large molecules proceeds slowly, the overall
treatment efficiency in case of such contaminants depends on the effectiveness of a membrane
A brief summary of advantages and disadvantages of PMRs with suspended
photocatalyst is presented in Table 2.

PMRs in organic synthesis

A majority of literature reports on PMRs refers to their possible application in water and
wastewater treatment. The aim of application of photocatalysis in these systems is
mineralization of organic contaminants to nontoxic compounds such as CO2, H2O and

S. Mozia / Copernican Letters vol. 6 (2015) 17-23

inorganic salts (chlorides, nitrates, sulfates, etc.). Recently, however, some papers describing
possibilities of utilization of PMRs in organic synthesis have also been published. In this
approach a partial oxidation of organic compounds aimed at production of useful substances
is mainly considered [9]. The proposed solutions include (i) recovery of valuable intermediate
compounds (benzaldehyde and 4-methoxybenzaldehyde) produced from the corresponding
alcohols (benzyl alcohol and 4-methoxybenzyl alcohol) in an integrated photocatalysis pervaporation system; (ii) recovery of vanillin produced by trans-ferulic acid oxidation using
an integrated photocatalysis - pervaporation system; (iii) photocatalytic partial oxidation of
benzene to phenol in a photocatalytic membrane reactor with application of benzene as both
substrate and extracting agent [9]. It was reported [10] that the coupling of pervaporation with
the photocatalytic partial oxidation of a primary aromatic alcohol to produce the
corresponding aldehyde enhanced the rate and the yield of the process. The observed
improvement resulted from a continuous recovery of the aldehyde from the reaction
environment before its further oxidation. Similarly, the utilization of a highly selective
membrane prepared from PEBAX 2533 (polyether block amide by Arkema) allowed the
continuous recovery of vanillin from the reaction environment by means of pervaporation, so
that its oxidative degradation was minimized and the yield was substantially enhanced [11].
Nonetheless, the idea of application of PMRs in organic synthesis is still in its early stages
and much work should be done before a possible utilization of this technology on the
industrial scale.


PMRs exhibit numerous advantages over the conventional photoreactors in case of both
water and wastewater treatment as well as organic synthesis. However, further investigations
are still needed in order to improve the hybrid photocatalysis membrane processes
performance, especially in terms of permeate flux and membrane fouling as well as product
(permeate) quality.
Moreover, it is very important to investigate the real systems, which focus on the
treatment of natural waters and real wastewaters. The number of reports concerning this
subject is still limited, since most of the experiments have been conducted using model
Especially extensive investigations are necessary in the area of application of PMRs in
organic synthesis. Since the idea is still in its early stages, much work should be done before a
potential utilization of this technology on the industrial scale.
Nonetheless, the main obstacles in full scale application of PMRs are:
- the light source: development of photoreactors and photocatalysts efficiently utilizing solar
light would be beneficial from the economic point of view;
- the membranes: development of membranes resistant to the severe conditions prevailing in
PMRs, especially in terms of resistance to oxidation by hydroxyl radicals and other oxidative
species as well as abrasion by photocatalyst particles is necessary.
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