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6.1) Need for the study:

The face of an individual is a personal identity in which hair plays a significant
role. Therefore a perfect head with hair is an attribute of personality and beauty.
Genetically Indians are black haired and a dark head is any time better and goes well
on any dress.
Akala palitya is a burning problem as large percent of population especially
young men and women in present times are suffering from this malady.
In Ayurvedic classics, the one and only Panchakarma procedure explained for
Palitya is Nasya. Sharangadara Samhita12, Baishajyarathnavali


etc. have mentioned

Nimba taila as one of the best treatment for Palitya as it is a urdwajatrugatha vyadhi 1.
Acharya Charaka mentined that daily shiroabhyanga with sneha will prevent
Palitya2. Bringaraja is one of the best kesharanjaka drug3, so Bringaraja taila
shiroabyanga prescribed in palitya is likely to offer positive result. As such for nasya
and shiroabhyanga, taila is prepared from single drug (Nimbabeeja taila for nasya and
Brungaraja taila for shiroabyanga). Further it is economical and effective.
In view of these inputs a clinical trial to assess the efficacy is designed with the
title An evaluation of combined effect of Nimba taila Nasya and Bringaraja taila
Shiroabyanga in Akala Palitya. An observational clinical study.
6.2) Review of literature:

a) Previous researches on this topic

1. Nalini C.: A clinical study on akala palitya and its management,
R.G.U.H.S, Bangalore,Dept.of Shalakya Tantra 1999.
2. Sunil Kumar S.: Management of akala palitya with bringaraja taila nasya
and internal use of kaseesa bhasma, A.P.University, Vijayawada. Dept. of
Shalakya Tantra.1993.

3. Chawda Harsha: Role of nirgundi patra palitagna lepa and neeli taila in
management of palitya, G.A.U., Dept. of Kayachikitsa. 2000.
4. Kamala Kumari L.: Clinical management of akala palitya (grey hair) with
triphaladi lepa with and with out nimba beeja taila, A.P.University,
Vijayawada. Dept. of Shalakya Tantra. 2005.
5. Kaushal Randhir: A comparative and clinical study in between
shirovirechana- poorvaka mahaneela taila shirobasti and brungaraja rasayana
in palitya roga,Rajastan university, Jaipure, Dept.of Kayachikitsa.2000.

b) Classical review

Nidana, lakshana and samprapti of Palitya

are explained in

Bruhatrayees4,5,6,7, laghutrayees8,9,10, Yogarathnakara11.








samhita 12,


Shiroabyanga and its effect is explained in Charaka samhitha 2, Susruta

samhitha17 and Astanga Sangraha18.

Properties of Nimba19 and Bringaraja3, 20 are explained in Bavaprakasha

and Rajanigantu.

6.3) Aims and objectives of the study:

1. To evaluate the effect of Nimba taila Nasya and Bringaraja taila Shiroabyanga
in Akala Palitya.
2. To evaluate the adverse effect of Nimba taila Nasya, if any.


7.1) Source of data:
a) Patients: Patients suffering from Palitya will be selected from O.P.D &
I.P.D, Dept of Panchakarma, P.G.S & R.C, Shri D.G.M.A.M.C. & H,
Gadag after applying the Inclusion and Exclusion criterias.

b) Literary: Literary aspect of the study will be collected from classical

Ayurvedic and modern text with updated recent medical journals and websites.
c) Selection of drugs: Genuine raw drugs required for the preparation will be
collected from local market.
d) Preparation of Medicine:
Nimba taila and Bringaraja taila will be prepared according to
Bhaishajya kalpana principles.
Nimba Taila

: Nimba beeja taila.(Moorchitha)

Bringaraja Taila : Bringaraja and Coconut oil(Base)

7.2) Method of collection of data:
a. Study design: An observational clinical study.
b. Sample size: Single group.
A minimum of 30 persons of Palitya irrespective of sex and occupation
aged between 15-35 year will be assigned in a single group.
c. Inclusion criteria:

Persons aged between 15-35 years, with premature graying of


Persons fit for Nasya and Shiroabyanga.

d. Exclusion criteria:

Hereditary diseases like Albinism.

Nutritional deficiency.

Diagnosed case of infertility.

Patient unfit for Nasya and Shiroabyanga.

e. Criteria of diagnosis:
Diagnosis will be made on the basis of the classical signs and symptoms
as mentined in ayurvedic classics, like

Split/broken hair (sputitha)

Ash colored hair (shyava varna)

Hair resembling like water (jala prabham)

Yellowish hair (peetabham)

Burning sensation in the scalp.

White hair (sukla varna)

f. Posology:
Shiroabhyanga followed by 8 drops of Nimba taila Nasya in each nostril
(Madyama matra)21.
g. Study duration:
3 Courses of Nasya, each course of 7 days with 3 days rest in between.
The procedure of Nasya karma will be followed as per classics.

Follow up: 30 Days.

Total study duration: 60 Days.

7.3) Criteria for the assessment of result:

Subjective and objective parameters will be assessed for result, will be
analyzed statistically for P value using t test.
a. Subjective parameter:

Dry splited grey hair resembling water.

Burning sensation in the scalp.

Yellowish grey hair.

Unctuous thick white hair.

b. Objective parameter:

Colour of hair.

Area of scalp involved (%).

7.4) Investigation:

If necessary

7.5) Ethical clearance: Yes, Obtained and enclosed.

8) List of References:
1)Proff. K R Sreekantha murthy ed, English transalation of Astanga Sangraha
Sutrastana 29/2,Second edition 1998, Choukambha Orientalia Varanasi, pp-511.
2) Vaidya Jadavaji Trikamaji ed, Ayurvedepika commentary of Chakrapanidatta, Caraka
samhita sutrastana 5/81-82, edition reprint 2004, Choukambha Sanskrit sansthan Varanasi
-221001, pp-42.
3) Dr.Indradeo tripati ed, Dravyagunaprakashika Hindi commentary of
Rajanigandu,Shatahwadi varga/138-141,Second edition 1998, Krishnadas academy,
Varanasi, pp-89.
4) Harisastri paradarakar ed, Sarvangasundar commentary of Arunadatta and
Ayurvedarasayana commentary of Hemadri, Astanghahrudaya uttaratantra 23/29,30 7 th
edition 1982, Choukambha Orientalia Varanasi, pp-860.
5) Vaidya Jadavaji Trikamji acharya ed, Nibandha sangraha commentary of Dallana and
Nayachandirka panjika commentary of Gayadas on Nidana sthana, sushruta samhita
nidana sthana 13/37, 7th edition 2002, Choukambha Orientalia Varanasi, pp-332.
6) Vaidya Jadavaji Trikamaji ed, Ayurvedepika commentary of Chakrapanidatta, Caraka
samhita chikitsasthana 26/132, 5th edition 2001, Choukambha Sanskrit sansthan Varanasi
-221001, pp-606.
7) V.J. Thakkar ed, Indu commentary of Indu, Astanga sanghraha Uttaratantra 27/22, 1 st
edition 1991, central council for research in Ayurveda and sidha, New Delhi, pp-212.
8) Parshuram sastri Vidyasagar ed, dipika commentary of Adhamalla and Gudharatha
dipika commentary of Kasirama, sarangadhara samhita Poorvakhanda 7/152, 6th edition
2005, Choukambha Orientalia Varanasi, pp-116.
9)Sri Yadunandana Upaddhaya & Sudarshana shastri ed, madhukosa commentary by Shri
Vijaya raksita & Srikanthadatta, Madhava nidana uttarardha 55/32, 20th edition, 1993,
Choukambha Sanskrit sansthan Varanasi -221001, pp-205.
10) Shri Brahma shankar mishra ed, Bhavaprakasha with vidoyotini hindi commentary
part 2, 61/1 11th edition 2004, Choukambha Sanskrit sansthan Varanasi -221001, pp-594.

11) Shri Brahma shankar shastri ed, Yogaratnakara, uttararddha with vyodyotinni hindi
commentary, Kshudra roga nidana / 32, 8 th edition 2004, Choukambha Sanskrit sansthan
Varanasi -221001, pp-272.

12)Proff. K R Sreekantha murthy ed, Sharangadhara Samhita, Uttara

Khanda,Nasya29/46,First edition 1984, Choukambha Orientalia Varanasi, pp-227.
13)Ambikadatta Shastri ed, Vidyodini Hindi commentary of Bhishajyarathnavali,18 th
edition 2005, Choukambha Sanskrit sansthan Varanasi -221001, pp-953.
Sangraha,Vol.II,Kshudrarogadikara/158,First edition 2004,Choukambha Sanskrit Series
Varanasi, pp-817.
Kshudrarogadikara/126,Second edition 1998,Choukambha Publishers, Varanasi, pp-448.
16) Srilakshmipati Shastri ed, Vidyodini Hindi commentary of Yogarathnakara,edition
2005, Choukambha Sanskrit sansthan Varanasi -221001, pp-281.
17) ) Kaviraja Ambikadatta Shastri ed, Ayurveda tattva sandipika Hindi commentary of
sushruta samhita Chikithsa sthana,24/25,26,edition reprint 2005. Choukambha Sanskrit
sansthan Varanasi -221001, pp-106.
18) Proff. K R Sreekantha murthy ed, English transalation of Astanga Sangraha
Sutrastana 31/15,Second edition 1998, Choukambha Orientalia Varanasi, pp-536.
19) ) Bharma sankara Mishra & Shri Roopalalaji Vaisya ed, Bhavaprakasha including
Nighantu portion, Poorvardha Guduchayadi varga / 93-99 11th edition 2004, Choukambha
Sanskrit sansthan Varanasi -221001, pp-328.
20) ) Bharma sankara Mishra & Shri Roopalalaji Vaisya ed, Bhavaprakasha including
Nighantu portion, Poorvardha Guduchayadi varga / 239,240, 11th edition 2004,
Choukambha Sanskrit sansthan Varanasi -221001, pp-426.
21) Proff. K R Sreekantha murthy ed, English transalation of Astanga Sangraha
Sutrastana 29/12,Second edition 1998, Choukambha Orientalia Varanasi, pp-517.

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