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Reconstruction of Posttraumatic Disorders of The Forearm

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Reconstruction of Posttraumatic Disorders of the Forearm

Jesse B. Jupiter, Diego L. Fernandez, L. Scott Levin and Robert W. Wysocki
J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2009;91:2730-2739.

This information is current as of November 2, 2009

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The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery

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Course Lectures
The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons




Printed with permission of the American Academy of

Orthopaedic Surgeons. This article, as well as other lectures
presented at the Academys Annual Meeting, will be available
in March 2010 in Instructional Course Lectures, Volume 59.
The complete volume can be ordered online at www.aaos.org,
or by calling 800-626-6726 (8 A.M.-5 P.M., Central time).

T H E J O U R N A L O F B O N E & J O I N T S U R G E RY J B J S . O R G
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Reconstruction of Posttraumatic
Disorders of the Forearm
By Jesse B. Jupiter, MD, Diego L. Fernandez, MD, L. Scott Levin, MD, and Robert W. Wysocki, MD
An Instructional Course Lecture, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Forearm Kinesiology
Forearm rotation is the most important
contribution to the rotational mobility
of the upper limb1. The two-bone unit
with its proximal and distal radioulnar
joints, and its rotational axis connecting
the centers of the two, have been viewed
as a single bicondylar joint. When
combined with rotational motion of the
shoulder, forearm rotation permits the
hand to be positioned through an entire
360! arc of motion. With the shoulder
fully abducted, nearly all of the rotational motion of the upper limb occurs
through the forearm1. Activities such as
accepting objects in the palm of the
hand require nearly full forearm supination, while many other functional
tasks require some degree of pronation.
It has been suggested that, in addition to
rotation along the axis of the forearm

articulation, the distal aspect of the ulna

moves in both adduction and abduction
planes with forearm rotation, although
some believe that this perceived motion
may be due to axial rotation of the
The interosseous membrane,
which is considered to be better described as a ligament, also contributes to
the longitudinal stability of the forearm4-7. The central band contributes to
the axial stability of the forearm, while
the dorsal oblique band adds to the
stability of the proximal radioulnar joint
and the distal membranous portion
functions as a secondary stabilizer of the
distal radioulnar joint7.
When the forearm is considered to be
a joint, diaphyseal fractures constitute

Look for this and other related articles in Instructional Course Lectures,
Volume 59, which will be published by the American Academy of
Orthopaedic Surgeons in March 2010:

The Management of Complex Fractures and Fracture-Dislocations of

the Hand, by Jesse Jupiter, MD, Hill Hastings, MD, and John T. Capo, MD

intra-articular lesions and therefore require accurate anatomic reduction to

ensure full function. The same principle
applies to surgical reconstruction of
malunited forearm fractures.
Surgical management of a diaphyseal malunion is a challenge because,
despite the achievement of osseous
union, correction of deformity, and
relief of pain, complete and symmetrical restoration of forearm rotation is
difficult to obtain8. This is due to the
associated derangement of the proximal and distal radioulnar joints and the
interosseous membrane9,10. Shortening
of a single forearm bone with or
without angular deformity automatically affects the articular anatomic
relationships of either the proximal
or the distal radioulnar joint. Loss of
the physiological bow of the radius
limits pronation, and reduction of the
interosseous space associated with angular or translational deformity can
lead to osseous impingement and
secondary contracture of the interosseous membrane, further reducing
forearm rotation10 (Fig. 1-A).
Diaphyseal malunion in adults
may be due to insufficient reduction,

Disclosure: The authors did not receive any outside funding or grants in support of their research for or preparation of this work. Neither they nor
a member of their immediate families received payments or other benefits or a commitment or agreement to provide such benefits from a commercial

J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2009;91:2730-9

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usually with nonoperative treatment,

or may be an iatrogenic deformity after
an attempted osteotomy. The deformity may include one or both bones of
the forearm. The clinical scenario
presents as restriction of forearm
rotation, pain and instability of the
radioulnar joints during pronation and
supination, and often a cosmetic
problem. Symptoms may be decreased
by correcting all components of the
deformity, including length discrepancy, angulation, rotation, and the bow
of the radius9.
In children over ten years of age
and adults, restoration of normal anatomy and neighboring joint relationships
following posttraumatic deformity can
be achieved only with corrective osteotomies. This together with the appropriate soft-tissue release improves
forearm rotation, while realignment
of the radioulnar joints provides
stability. Because there are no generally
valid normal values, the contralateral,
healthy forearm is used for preoperative
planning. Fluoroscopy, computed tomography scans, and cross-sectional
magnetic resonance imaging are used
to assess rotational malalignment
while three-dimensional plastic models
based on the computed tomography
scans are used to assess complex
Pathomechanics of Forearm Malunions
and Clinical Correlation with
Forearm Rotation
The influence of ulnar and radial
malalignment on rotational motion has
been demonstrated experimentally on
cadaver forearms14-17. The amount of
angulation directly correlates with the
restriction of pronation and supination.
Deformities in the distal third of the
forearm, but not those in the middle or
proximal third, decrease pronation14.
Angulations of up to 10! in the middle
third of the radius or ulna, or both, do
not limit rotation, but deformities of
20! restrict forearm rotation by at least
30% and angulations of >20! result in
even greater restrictions14,15. Rotational
deformities may also displace and decrease the pronation-supination arc of



Diaphyseal Deformity and Instability

of the Distal Radioulnar Joint
Instability of the distal radioulnar joint
can occur with angulation, malrotation,
and length discrepancy of one or both
forearm bones19. The loss of the normal
spatial orientation of the joint surfaces
prevents anatomic healing of acutely
torn ligament restraints. This is true for
fractures localized to the distal third of
the radius20,21. If the fracture heals with
a skeletal deformity, instability, subluxation, or complete dislocation with
incompetence of the triangular fibrocartilage complex may occur21. Palmar
subluxation of the distal part of the ulna
is associated with dorsally angulated
diaphyseal malunion. Conversely, malreduced Galeazzi fractures with persistent palmar angulation and pronated
rotational malalignment are associated
with dorsal displacement of the distal
part of the ulna and complete loss of
active supination.
Associated Disorders of the Proximal
Radioulnar Joint
Chronic dislocation of the radial head
can result from an unreduced Monteggia
fracture with persistent angulation of
the ulna or be associated with a forearm malunion with a discrepancy
between the lengths of the radius and
the ulna. An angulated metaphyseal
malunion of the proximal part of the
radius leads to incongruity of the radial
head in the sigmoid notch and results
in severe limitation of pronation. In
general, valgus malalignment of the
proximal part of the radius results in
lateral subluxation of the radial head,
creating substantial incongruity of both
the proximal radioulnar joint and the
radiocapitellar joint.


angular alignment and opens the osteotomy on one side, reducing the
contact surface. For complex diaphyseal malunions, for which angular,
rotational, and length adjustments are
to be made, the single-cut osteotomy
oriented in the combined oblique plane
of deformity based on a mathematical
analysis of the malalignment has been
proposed24. Further refinements for
planning and performing the single-cut
osteotomy by applying a geometrical
methodology were reported by Meyer
et al.25. For an exact calculation of the
true angle of deformity, Nagy recommended the use of tables that readily
provide these values on the basis of
projected angles of the deformity on
anteroposterior and lateral radiographs26. During the performance of
a single-cut osteotomy, the decision to
create a closing or opening wedge
osteotomy depends on the amount of
length discrepancy of the involved
bone. In patients with extreme bowing
of the radius or a malunited segmental
fracture, a double-level osteotomy may
be required to restore alignment of the
anatomic axis. Classically, step-cut
osteotomies, although technically more
demanding, have been used to lengthen
long bones, thereby avoiding the need
for bone-grafting. An isolated rotational deformity is corrected with
a transverse osteotomy27. Osseous defects created by lengthening require
bone-grafting except in children, in
whom rapid periosteal bone-healing
readily fills the bone gap.
Deformity characterized by >4
cm of shortening of one forearm bone,
such as occurs following physeal
trauma, is better addressed with progressive distraction/osteogenesis techniques that employ external fixation.

Surgical Techniques
Types of Osteotomies

Preoperative Planning

A transverse osteotomy is preferred to

treat a simple rotational or translational deformity. Moderate lengthening with angular correction in the
plane of the osteotomy can be achieved
with oblique osteotomies22,23. Rotational correction with oblique osteotomies is limited because rotation
automatically induces a change in

The contralateral, normal forearm is

used as a guide for preoperative
planning as the correctional osteotomy
should reproduce the osseous geometry of the normal side. Exact anteroposterior and lateral radiographs of
both the radius and the ulna, including
the proximal and distal joints, should
be obtained. This may be difficult,

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especially when limited forearm rotation prevents the patient from placing
the forearm in neutral rotation. In
these cases, the correct position for
exposure must be determined under an
image intensifier. The distal epiphysis
is used as the reference for the radius,
and the humeroulnar joint is used for
the ulna.
The contours of the healthy and
deformed bones in both projections are
drawn on separate sheets of tracing
paper (Figs. 1-B and 1-C). The location
of maximal deformity is determined by
simple superimposition of the drawings.
The angular deformity in both planes is
measured with use of the values of these
projected angles; the true angle of
deformity and the orientation of the
deformity in space are calculated with
use of established tables19. In contrast,
rotational deformity is determined by
inspecting the relationship of the bicipital tuberosity to the radial styloid
and the relationship of the coronoid
process to the ulnar styloid. The exact
degree of radial and ulnar torsion is
measured by comparing the computed
tomography or magnetic resonance
images of the two forearms. The bicipital tuberosity and the square section
of the radius at the level of the Lister
tubercle are used to determine radial
torsion, whereas the trochlea and the
ulnar styloid are most commonly used
for the ulna12,28. Rotational malalignment of the radius of >30! and
rotational malalignment of the ulna of
>20! should be corrected, since these
values exceed the physiological limits of
individual variations6.
To decide whether an opening or
a closing-wedge osteotomy is suitable,
the ulnar variances of the malunited and
healthy sides are compared. If a singlecut closing-wedge osteotomy is performed, the wedge should include the
true angle of correction. The base of the
wedge is measured in millimeters and is
included in the preoperative drawing. In
an opening-wedge osteotomy, a variable
amount of lengthening can be achieved
with use of an interpositional bone
graft, preferably a compression-resistant
corticocancellous graft from the iliac
crest. This graft, which may be tri-


Fig. 1-A



Fig. 1-B

Fig. 1-C

Fig. 1-A A radiograph of a malunited midshaft left radial fracture after

closed treatment. There is reduction of the interosseous space, radial
shortening resulting in a positive ulnar variance of 4 mm, and dissociation
of the distal radioulnar joint. The patient had complete loss of pronation,
unrestricted supination, and pain at the distal radioulnar joint. He also had
a negative ulnar variance of 4 mm in the normal forearm. Fig. 1-B and 1-C
Tracings of the anteroposterior radiographs of the two forearms have been
superimposed (Fig. 1-B), and an oblique osteotomy (Fig. 1-C) was chosen
to permit a lengthening of 8 mm, which was necessary to restore congruency of the distal radioulnar joint. The amount of lateral displacement
of the proximal fragment indicates that a formal release of the interosseous membrane will be necessary.

angular or trapezoidal in shape, should

also include the true angle of deformity.
Techniques for Diaphyseal Osteotomies

We prefer the Henry approach for

exposure of the entire radius29. Proximal
extension of this approach allows the
surgeon to perform an anterior elbow
joint arthrotomy to treat associated
pathological conditions of the proximal
radioulnar joint. Subperiosteal detachment of the supinator muscle and
protection of the motor branch of the
radial nerve are necessary for proximal
osteotomies, whereas temporary release

of the pronator teres may be needed for

a midshaft malunion. The interval
between the flexor and extensor carpi
ulnaris is used to expose the ulna.
When both the radius and the
ulna are malunited, the ulna should be
realigned first. The radial realignment
can then be fine-tuned to correct
length and angular discrepancies to
obtain accurate congruency of the
radioulnar joints.
The site of the osteotomy (the
apex of maximal deformity) is determined in the operating room on the
basis of the distance from the distal or

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proximal end of the bone as measured

on preoperative radiographic images.
Before the osteotomy is performed, two
Kirschner wires are placed to mark the
exact anteroposterior and lateral planes
proximal and distal to the osteotomy. A
plate (usually a six or eight-hole 3.5-mm
compression plate) is temporarily fixed
to the proximal fragment and is contoured to achieve the desired correction.
In the middle third of the radius,
shaping the plate to reconstruct the
physiological radial bow is of paramount importance.
The plate is then removed, and
the base of the wedge is marked. If the
angular deformity has markedly reduced the interosseous space, the
scarred interosseous membrane should
be released and partially resected prior
to the osteotomy to facilitate reduction
of the osteotomy. If a closing-wedge
osteotomy is planned, the converging
cuts are oriented in the plane of the true
deformity. The osteotomy is closed with
an intact periosteal hinge, and the plate
is reapplied and is fixed to the distal
fragment with one screw. The quality of
the reduction is checked with fluoroscopy, and the amount of passive rotation is determined. If there is no
substantial increase compared with the
preoperative range of motion, a release
of the interosseous membrane is performed. If, despite these measures,
a reasonable improvement in rotation is
not obtained, the radius should be
derotated to achieve a balanced arc of
rotation with at least 50! of pronation
and 50! of supination. If bone graft is
needed, interpositional corticocancellous bone blocks are preferred. If
additional morselized grafts are used,
they should not be placed adjacent to
the interosseous membrane, as doing so
increases the risk of creating a radioulnar synostosis. Associated subluxation
of the distal radioulnar joint with malunion of the radial shaft (a healed
Galeazzi fracture) usually does not
require open reduction of the joint.
Restoration of radial length and angular
deformity should result in adequate
congruity and stability of the joint.
Early active and passive-assisted
range-of-motion therapy is begun on



the second postoperative day. If passive

motion does not reach 60% of that
on the contralateral side by four weeks
postoperatively, dynamic splinting for
pronation and/or supination is begun.
Strengthening is started at six to eight
weeks after the surgery, and full
weight-bearing and sports are allowed
once solid bone-healing has been
Techniques for Posttraumatic Chronic
Radial Head Dislocations

Chronic radial head dislocations are less

common in adults than they are in
children, but they may be seen in
a patient with a neglected initial subluxation associated with a complex
high-energy forearm injury or in one
with bipolar fracture-dislocations30-33.
The most important factor responsible
for the chronic dislocation is insufficient reduction leading to posttraumatic
ulnar shortening (Fig. 2-A), not the loss
of ligamentous restraints such as the
anular ligament and the proximal part
of the interosseous membrane. The
discrepancy between the lengths of the
radius and ulna is readily assessed by
comparing radiographs of the affected
and contralateral forearms. Open reduction of the radial head with simultaneous radial shortening is performed
through a proximally extended Henry
approach. The elongated capsule of the
lateral elbow compartment is exposed
between the brachioradialis and brachialis muscles after isolating and protecting the radial nerve. The proximal
part of the radial shaft is exposed
through subperiosteal detachment of
the supinator muscle while the posterior
interosseous nerve is visualized. The
radius is shortened by the difference
between the lengths of the ulnae on the
affected and healthy sides (Fig. 2-B).
The plate is temporarily fixed with two
screws into the proximal fragment. The
predetermined transverse segment of
bone is removed, and the plate is
reapplied under compression. After the
radius is shortened, the radial head
usually reduces without tension against
the capitellum. The elbow should be
examined in full flexion, extension, and
rotation to prove that the radial head is


stable. Then, the capsule is closed, with

resection of any excessive capsular
tissue. Reconstruction of an anular
ligament is not necessary if spontaneous
reduction is maintained through a passive range of motion.

Several outcome studies have shown

that satisfactory functional improvement can be expected after surgical
correction of forearm malunions sustained in childhood34-37. Trousdale and
Linscheid reported that the results in
adult patients treated within a year after
the initial injury were substantially
better than those in adults who were
treated later38. In a recent report by
Nagy et al., seventeen patients with
a malunited forearm fracture were
divided into three groups according
to the clinical problem and the presentation of the deformity: (1) limitation of pronation, (2) limitation of
supination, and (3) distal radioulnar
joint instability19. Ten patients had
osteotomies of both the radius and the
ulna, and seven had an osteotomy of the
radius alone. The interosseous membrane was released in nine patients.
Bone-healing was uneventful in all
cases, and no complications, infections,
refractures, or synostoses occurred.
Sixteen of the seventeen patients reported subjective improvement,
whereas one patient needed a repeat
osteotomy to treat a residual symptomatic deformity and then had improvement as well. Patients with limited
supination had better functional improvement after the osteotomy than did
those with limited pronation. Stability
of the distal radioulnar joint was restored after skeletal realignment of the
radius without adjuvant ligament reconstruction, and release of the interosseous membrane did not impair
function, including strength and
Free Vascularized Fibular Grafting
for Reconstruction of the
Forearm Axis
General Reconstructive Options
The management of diaphyseal skeletal
defects of the forearm is a complex,

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transferred with the fibula. This skin

pedicle is based on the peroneal artery,
and a 6 7-cm graft based on each
septal perforator can be transferred with
the fibula as an osteoseptocutaneous
flap for single-stage reconstruction of
combined skeletal and soft-tissue defects in the forearm44,50,55,58-61. The skin
paddle also serves as a means of monitoring the vascular status of the graft60.

Fig. 2-A

Fig. 2-B

Fig. 2-A A radiograph of a forearm with a chronic radial head dislocation after an open
both-bone forearm fracture. The ulna became infected and required multiple reoperations, which resulted in ulnar shortening. A tracing of a radiograph of the contralateral,
normal forearm was used to plan an angular correction together with open reduction of
the radial head. Fig. 2-B Radiographs made at two years show maintenance of radial
head stability and uneventful healing of the radial osteotomy site.

often multistage process, and vascularized fibular transfer has proven to be an

effective reconstructive procedure in
this setting39-44. Defects of <6 cm can be
successfully treated with cancellous
autograft or allograft, although this
approach is less predictable in the
presence of infection or following
radiation therapy44,45. Alternatively, external fixation with bone transport
works well and can be used to treat gaps
of up to 3 cm, but the external fixation
usually must be in place for several
months and is fraught with complications such as infection and stiffness46,47.
An additional reconstructive option for
segmental bone loss is the creation of
a one-bone forearm, but this eliminates
all forearm rotation and should be
considered to be a final salvage

Free bone transfer with microsurgical anastomoses is technically

challenging and is associated with some
donor site morbidity but has several
distinct advantages50-52. Vascularized
grafts heal rapidly, and periosteal new
bone formation begins early irrespective
of graft length. In contrast, nonvascularized grafts must undergo revascularization and creeping substitution before
they are fully consolidated53,54. Because
of its size and cortical nature, use of
a free vascularized fibular graft is
the treatment of choice for large segmental defects of the forearm50,55,56. Up
to 26 cm of the fibula on a single
vascular pedicle is available for
In the presence of associated softtissue defects in the forearm, a skin
paddle of up to 10 20 cm can be

Osteoseptocutaneous Free
Vascularized Fibular Flaps
The vascular pedicle of the vascularized
fibular osteoseptocutaneous flap is the
peroneal artery55,56. The artery has two
venae comitantes and lies in the posterior compartment of the leg between the
tibialis posterior and flexor hallucis
longus muscles.
Clinical and cadaver evidence
suggests that the best location for the
skin paddle is at the junction of the
middle and distal thirds of the fibula, 8
to 12 cm proximal to the ankle mortise,
where the most consistent supramalleolar septocutaneous perforator is
Preoperative angiography of the
lower limb is not recommended routinely but is recommended for patients
with atherosclerosis or symptoms of
vascular insufficiency. Angiography of
the recipient upper extremity, especially
when there has been trauma or previous
surgery, is indicated to establish the
pedicle length that will be needed. An
abnormal result of the Allen test should
also prompt angiography. When planning the length of the fibular graft, one
should err on the side of a longer graft.
Achieving an appropriate final length is
critical for alignment of the distal
radioulnar joint, and it is much easier to
trim excess bone than to make up for
a residual deficit in length.
The procedure is preferably done
with the patient under general anesthesia because of its anticipated duration, but use of a supplementary
regional blockade of the donor or
recipient limb can assist with postoperative pain control. The patient is
placed in the lateral decubitus position,
with the affected upper extremity down
and lying on an arm-board and the

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Fig. 3-A


Fig. 3-B



Fig. 3-C

Fig. 3-A A coronal T1-weighted non-fat-suppression magnetic resonance scan of a fifteen-year-old boy with Ewing sarcoma of the ulna who underwent
a wide resection that resulted in a 14-cm ulnar defect and a 4 6-cm soft-tissue defect. Fig. 3-B An osteoseptocutaneous fibular flap (including
the fibula, soft tissue, and skin) was used to reconstruct the defect. Fig. 3-C A radiograph of the forearm after the vascularized fibular graft had

contralateral donor leg up. The arm

should be prepared to the axilla, and
a sterile tourniquet is used. The donor
leg should be prepared to the groin,
with sufficient space left for a skin-graft
harvest from the proximal part of the
thigh, if necessary.
A two-team approach with simultaneous preparation of the recipient
site and harvest at the donor site is
recommended. The radial artery should
be utilized when possible, as it is usually
not the primary source of blood flow to
the hand. Two recipient veins should be
identified and prepared as well.

Although up to 26 cm of viable
fibular bone can be harvested, it is
preferable to leave 8 to 10 cm of the
fibula distally to maintain ankle stability and 7 cm is left proximally
for protection of the peroneal nerve.
The specific surgical techniques of
harvesting the osteocutaneous fibular transfer have been thoroughly
Before the vascular anastomoses
in the forearm are performed, the
fibular graft should be placed in its
expected final position and a posteroanterior radiograph of the wrist in

neutral rotation should be made to

verify anatomic restoration of the forearm axis, ulnar variance, and congruity
of the distal radioulnar joint. Stable
fixation is then achieved with smallfragment compression plates. This can
be done by either direct fixation with
a compression plate of the site of a
transverse osteotomy or conversion to
a step-cut osteotomy. Standard microvascular anastomoses of one artery and
two veins are done.
Although patients are instructed
to not bear weight on the donor
extremity for six weeks, they are en-

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Fig. 4-A

Fig. 4-A A lateral radiograph of an atrophic nonunion of the

proximal part of the ulna after internal fixation of a posterior
Monteggia fracture-dislocation in a sixty-two-year-old woman.
Fig. 4-B An intraoperative photograph depicting a plate well
contoured to the bone with the defect filled with autogenous iliac
crest cancellous bone graft. Fig. 4-C A postoperative lateral
radiograph of the proximal part of the forearm shows the internal
fixation and bone graft in place. The nonunion healed, and the
patient regained all but a few degrees of elbow extension.
Fig. 4-B

Fig. 4-C

couraged to start early motion of the

toes and ankle, focusing especially on
passive stretching of the great toe, which
is prone to the development of a flexion
contracture. The forearm and elbow are
immobilized in a sugar tong splint or

long arm cast until there is radiographic

evidence of union.
The reconstruction of defects due to
trauma, infection, and tumor have

been reported to have encouraging

results, with times to union of approximately four months63-66. Adani
et al. reported that eleven of twelve
patients with a posttraumatic forearm
defect, ranging from 6 to 13 cm in

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length, had successful union at a mean

of 4.8 months39. Two patients required
additional bone-grafting to achieve
consolidation, and an osteoseptocutaneous flap was used in four patients.
We previously used an osteoseptocutaneous fibular flap to treat nine
patients with a large defect of the radius
and an associated soft-tissue defect50
(Figs. 3-A, 3-B, and 3-C). The mean
radial defect was 7.9 cm, and the softtissue defect averaged 11.8 5.9 cm. All
cutaneous flaps survived, and all but
one patient obtained osseous union at
both host-graft junctions. There were
no donor site complications. Kumar
et al. treated seven patients (five with
a tumor and two with an infection)
with application of a free vascularized
fibular flap to the forearm67. The mean
time to union was 3.8 months. There
were two nonunions, one of which was
converted to a one-bone forearm and
the other of which was not treated.
Safoury treated eighteen patients with
application of a free vascularized fibular graft to the forearm to bridge
a posttraumatic segmental defect
(mean, 17 cm) and reported a 100%
rate of union at a mean of four
Donor site morbidity is not
frequent after treatment with a fibular
flap, but gait analysis has shown decreased walking velocity in comparison
with control values68,69. Ankle valgus is
a potential problem in children, and
screw stabilization of the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis has been recommended43,70. Ankle malalignment or
instability has not been a problem in
adults71. Decreased motion and strength
of the great toe have also been observed.
We believe that avoiding tight closure of
the flexor hallucis and peroneal muscles
and the skin interval helps to prevent this
problem. Complications at the recipient
site include nonunion, fracture of the
graft, and thrombosis of the vascular
Diaphyseal Nonunions of
the Forearm
Contemporary treatment of diaphyseal
fractures of the radius and ulna with
stable plate-and-screw fixation has led



to nonunion rates of <5%72-75. When

nonunion occurs, it is generally the
result of a complex injury, a complication such as infection, or inadequate
internal fixation72,73,76-78. Hypertrophic
nonunions, characterized radiographically by abundant callus formation, are the result of inadequate
mechanical stability of the fracture,
usually after nonoperative treatment or
treatment with an intramedullary device79. Atrophic nonunions, characterized radiographically by tapering of
the bones at the fracture without
callus formation, lack both the biological capacity to heal and adequate mechanical stability. These
nonunions are related to loss of bone
at the time of de bridement of an
open fracture, an infection, or an
unexplained lack of healing capacity by
the patient (Figs. 4-A, 4-B, and
The treatment should restore the
length and alignment of the diaphyseal
segment, which in turn restores the
radioulnar articulations and forearm
rotation9. Successful treatment is based
on stable plate fixation combined with
use of intercalary structural grafts,
autogenous cancellous grafts, or a vascularized fibular graft50,80-85.
Ring et al. reviewed the experience with thirty-five diaphyseal
atrophic nonunions treated over a
fifteen-year period by two surgeons
using 3.5-mm compression plates and
autogenous cancellous bone-grafting78.
A segmental osseous defect, averaging
2 cm (range, 1 to 6 cm) in length,
was present in each case. Twenty of the
original fractures had been open injuries, and a deep infection had developed in association with eleven of
them. The nonunion involved the
radius alone in sixteen patients, the
ulna alone in eleven, and both bones in
eight. The 3.5-mm plates had an
average of nine holes, and autogenous
cancellous bone graft was used to fill
the defect in each patient. All fractures
healed within six months without
additional intervention. Two patients
required a subsequent resection of the
distal end of the ulna for the treatment
of arthritis of the distal radioulnar


joint. After an average of forty-three

months, the average final arc of forearm rotation was 121! and the average
grip strength was 83% of that on the
contralateral side. According to the
criteria of Anderson et al.73, five
patients had an excellent result; eighteen, a satisfactory result; eleven, an
unsatisfactory result (three because of
associated elbow injuries and eight
because of wrist stiffness); and one,
a poor result (due to residual
The assessment and management of
adverse sequelae of traumatic injury to
the forearm can be exceedingly complex. The loss of forearm rotation has
a substantial impact on effective function of the entire upper limb. The
problems can include diaphyseal deformity, bone or soft-tissue loss, or
a failure to healeither alone or often
in combination. Careful preoperative
planning is essential to accurately define
the extent and location of the clinical
problem, establish a precise surgical
plan, and better inform the patient
regarding the risks and goals of the

Jesse B. Jupiter, MD
Hand and Upper Limb Service,
Massachusetts General Hospital,
Yawkey Building, Suite 2100,
55 Parkman Street, Boston, MA 02114.
E-mail address: jjupiter1@partners.org
Diego L. Fernandez, MD
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery,
University of Berne, Lindenhof Hospital,
Bremgartenstrasse 19,
CH-3012 Berne, Switzerland.
E-mail address: diegof@bluewin.ch
L. Scott Levin, MD
Penn Orthopaedic Institute,
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania,
2 Silverstein, 3400 Spruce Street,
Philadelphia, PA 19104.
E-mail address: scott.levin@uphs.upenn.edu
Robert W. Wysocki, MD
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery,

T H E J O U R N A L O F B O N E & J O I N T S U R G E RY J B J S . O R G
V O LU M E 91-A N U M B E R 11 N O V E M B E R 2 009

Rush University Medical Center,

1725 West Harrison, Suite 1042,
Chicago, IL 60612.
E-mail address: robertwysocki@mac.com



Printed with permission of the American

Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. This article,
as well as other lectures presented at the
Academys Annual Meeting, will be available in


March 2010 in Instructional Course Lectures,

Volume 59. The complete volume can be
ordered online at www.aaos.org, or by calling
800-626-6726 (8 A.M.-5 P.M., Central time).

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