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A) Rewrite the sentences using the modals of CERTAINTY,

1. Perhaps Jane will lend Tom some money.
2. Perhaps Jane lent Tom some money.
3. It is possible that she wont invite you to the party.
4. It is possible that she didnt invite him to the party.
5. Perhaps she is asleep.
6. Perhaps she was asleep.
7. Im sure he isnt tired.
8. Im sure he wasnt tired.
9. It is impossible that Mary knows my phone number.
10. It is impossible that Mary knew his address.
11. Im sure she reads adventure books a lot.
12. Im sure she wrote to the bank.
13. Maybe those children are lost.
14. Maybe those children were lost.
15. Perhaps Mary is feeling comfortable.
16. Im sure she is driving carefully.
17. It is impossible that Lucy is studying in her room.
18. Im sure he isnt helping his father now.
19. It is possible that people will be traveling between the planets.
B) Rewrite using modals to show CERTAINTY, POSSIBILITY,
1. Perhaps Peter lent some money to Linda.
2. It is impossible that Ken saw me because he wasnt wearing his glasses.
3. Perhaps Martin didnt receive my letter because he didnt reply.
4. Im sure he knows about the new project.

5. Its impossible that he forgot the meeting. Because I called him this
6. Its possible that she will move to her new flat next week.
C) Fill in the blanks with the modal verbs to show CERTAINTY,
1. He drank two glasses of water, he ...(be)
2. He isnt more than 15 years old, he .(have)
a driving license.
3. He .. (watch) TV in his room, because
there isnt
any noise coming.
4. The solution (be) correct, because I looked up
answer key.
5. A: Do you smell fish?
B: Yes. Someone .. cooking fish.
6. Im not sure, he (be) an actor, he is very
handsome and
D) Make sentences using CERTAINTY, POSSIBILITY and
1. She / not / work / yesterday, / it / Sunday.
2. They / not / lose / the match. / They / play / well.
3. There / be / election / early / next year, / because / we / government /
4. Betty / fail / not / last exam. / She / do / all the answers / correctly.
E) Fill in the blanks using the verbs expressing CERTAINTY,
1. Her face is red. She be telling a lie.
2. He is working hard. He .. be ill.
3. A: Have you done this puzzle?
B: Yes, Ive got the same answer as you. It ... be
A: Well, the answer in the book is different. So we .. be
4. A: Are John and Mary married?
B: They .. be married. They have rings on their fingers.
5. Youve been resting all day; you be tired.
6. I can hear Jane speaking but shes alone in the room. She

be talking to a friend on the phone.

7. A: Tom has been in his room for over an hour. What do you suppose he is

B: I dont know. He .. be reading a book or

but he .. be studying because it is too late.
8. A: I need to call Howard. Do you know which hotel hes staying at in
B: Well, he . (stay) at the Holiday Inn, but Im
sure. I think he (stay) at the Hilton, because its
too far
away from the city center.
9. A: Do you smell smoke?
B: I sure do. Something .. (burn).
10. There . (not / be) a meeting on Friday
because the
director is ill.
F) Rewrite the following sentences using modal verbs used for
1. Tom gets excellent grades. Im sure he is very intelligent.
2. Perhaps Tony is in the sports center.
3. Its possible that Liz wont come to the party.
4. Its possible that Rose is studying to be a lawyer.
5. Its impossible that he is Canadian; Ive ever seen his identity card.
6. Im sure he goes to the theatre a lot.
7. Im sure long skirts arent in fashion this year.
8. Perhaps she wont be here tomorrow.
9. Their baby-boy is ill. It is impossible that they are going to the party.
10. Im sure he is taking the money to the bank.
11. Perhaps people will be living on the moon in the future.
12. It is possible that it will rain this afternoon.

A) Complete the sentences using PERFECT MODALS:

1. We didnt go out last night. We .. (go) to the
but we decided to stay at home.
2. Jerry passed the examination. He didnt study very much for it. The exam
.. (be) very difficult.
3. A: I wonder where Tom was going when you saw him.
B: He (go) to work.
4. Thank you for doing the washing-up but you
. (do) it
really. I was going to do it later.
5. The driver in front stopped suddenly without warning and I drove in to the
back of his car.
It wasnt my fault. He .. (give) warning that he
going to stop.
6. A: How do you think the fire started?
B: Well, I suppose someone . (drop) a
7. A: What time is it?
B: Well, we came at seven, and Im sure weve been here for at least an
hour. So it
. (be) around eight oclock.
8. A: Jack was absent yesterday afternoon. Where was he?
B: I dont know. He (go) to a movie or he
(be) at home.
9. I had a test this morning. I didnt do well on the test because I didnt
study for it last night.
I (study) it.

B) Fill in the blanks using MUST (HAVE), CANT (HAVE), MAY-MIGHTCOULD (HAVE):
1. She knew everything about our plans. She .
to our conversation.
2. He .. (eat) the roasted beef when we
were out.
He is a vegeterian.
3. Mrs. White bought a new fur coat! She ..
a lottery.
4. John said he would ring, but he hasnt. He .
all about it.
5. It is possible that he wasnt taken to the cinema last weekend. He
.. (not / take) to the cinema.
6. The children . (study) in the library now,
because they have a test tomorrow.
7. The singer has got a sore throat, so she
. (sing)
at the concert.
8. I .. (be) at home this evening or I
. (be) but Im not sure.__

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