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Microchemical Tests Reagents

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Barfoed's Reagent: This looks like Benedict's but differs somewhat. The reagent
is prepared by dissolving 70 g copper acetate monohydrate and 9 mL glacial
acetic acid in water to a final volume of one liter. The reagent is stable for years.
When 1 mL of reagent is heated with 5 drops of sample in a boiling water bath, a
positive test for monosaccharides is formation of a brick-red precipitate within
five minutes. Disaccharides generally don't give any reaction even for ten
minutes. The precipitate isn't nearly as voluminous as that seen with Benedict's
test and tends to adhere to the walls of the test tube.
Benedict's Reagent: We generally use a commercial reagent, but to make it from
scratch, first dissolve 100 g sodium carbonate and 173 g sodium citrate
dihydrate in a final volume of 850 mL water. Slowly, with stirring, add a solution
of 17.3 g copper sulfate pentahydrate in 100 mL of water. Bring the final volume
to one liter. The commercial reagent, at least, seems to be stable for years.
When 1 mL of reagent is heated with 5 drops of sample in a boiling water bath, a
positive test for reducing sugars is formation of a precipitate within five minutes.
The color ranges from green to yellow to orange to brick-red depending on the
amount of reducing sugar in the sample; with a sample containing 1% glucose,
the precipitate is usually brick-red.
Bial's Reagent: Dissolve 3 g orcinol in 500 mL concentrated HCl, add 2.5 mL of a
10% solution of ferric chloride hexahydrate, and dilute to one liter with water;
this is approximately 6 M HCl. The reagent is stable for months, but its yellow
color gradually darkens and some precipitate forms; this doesn't seem to affect
its reactivity. The "classical" Bial's reagent is made with a liter of concentrated
HCl, undiluted with water. It gives a slightly stronger reaction, and considerably
faster (30-60 seconds), but is much less stable than the recipe we've come up
with, and the fumes are much more a problem with concentrated than with 6 M
HCl. The reaction even seems to work, more slowly and with less intense color, if
the final HCl concentration is only 4 M.
When 1 mL of reagent is heated with 5 drops of sample in a boiling water bath, a
positive test for pentoses is formation of a green to blue color (not precipitate) in
less than five minutes.
Biuret Reagent: Add, with stirring, 300 mL of 10% (w/v) NaOH to 500 mL of a
solution containing 0.3% copper sulfate pentahydrate and 1.2% sodium
potassium tartrate, then dilute to one liter. The reagent is stable for a few
months but not a year. Adding one gram of potassium iodide per liter and storing
in the dark makes it stable indefinitely.
The reagent can be used either qualitatively or quantitatively. In a typical
reaction, one volume of sample is mixed with two to five volumes of reagent; the
optimal ratio depends on the maximum protein concentrations you want to be
able to resolve. The presence of protein gives a violet color with maximum
absorbance around 550-555 nm; we typically read absorbances at 540 nm.

Bradford's Reagent: The original published recipe [see Analyt. Biochem. 72, 248254 (1976)] calls for dissolving 100 mg Coomassie Blue G-250 in 50 mL of 95%
ethanol, add 100 mL of 85% phosphoric acid, and dilute to one liter. The reagent
needs to be filtered at least once and perhaps more, since it seems to precipitate
dye over time. "Bradford reagents" are available commercially that use more
stable formulations. I heard from someone that Sigma's formula uses 40 mL of
methanol (final 4%) in place of ethanol and about 120 mL of phosphoric acid
(final 10%); I tried this and I couldn't say it worked any better than the original.
This reagent is said to be unstable, but I think I've used the same batch over a
year or two without any problems.
To quantify protein, mix 0.25 mL of sample with 2.5 mL of Bradford reagent. After
5 minutes, measure the absorbance at 595 nm. One disadvantage to the
reagent is that it gives a high blank which may affect subsequent readings
because some reagent adheres to the cuvette. Another is that it is very sensitive
to the presence of detergent, either from poorly-rinsed glassware or, heaven
forbid, in the event you are studying detergent-solubilized membrane proteins.
DNSA Reagent: This reagent detects reducing ends of carbohydrates and I find it
useful in many experiments. Its composition is 1% 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid
(DNSA), 30% sodium potassium tartrate, and 0.4 M NaOH. It appears to be stable
for a year or so; there is some darkening on longer storage, though older reagent
still seems to function adequately.
In a typical reaction, equal volumes of sample and the reagent are mixed and
heated in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes. The resulting solution is cooled
and diluted with about ten volumes of water, and absorbance is determined at
540 nm. I typically use about 0.4 mL each of sample and DNSA reagent, then
dilute after heating with 4 mL of water, giving a reasonable volume for
absorbance determination. When there are no reducing ends present, the final
color is yellow and the absorbance ranges from 0.03 to 0.05. A positive result is
formation of a red color with absorbances that may range upward to well over
Lowry Reagents: Reagent 1: Mix one volume of reagent B (0.5% copper sulfate
pentahydrate, 1% sodium or potassium tartrate) with 50 volumes of reagent A
(2% sodium carbonate, 0.4% NaOH). Both reagents A and B are supposed to be
stable for a long time but I have had a problem with precipitation in reagent B
that seems to be remedied by adding a little NaOH.
Reagent 2: Dilute commercial Folin-Ciocalteu phenol reagent with an equal
volume of water. Stable for a few days or weeks.
To quantify protein, mix 0.25 mL of protein with 2.5 mL of Lowry reagent 1. After
10 minutes, add 0.25 mL of Lowry reagent 2 and mix well immediately. After 30
minutes, measure the absorbance at 750 nm (if you're using a Spectronic 20 with
a normal phototube, 750 is too long; 600 nm gives lower absorbances but works
Seliwanoff's Reagent: Dissolve 1 g resorcinol in 330 mL concentrated HCl, dilute
to one liter (approx. 4 M HCl final). This reagent seems to be stable for more than
a year, though we usually make less than the recipe specifies.

When 1 mL of reagent is heated with 5 drops of sample in a boiling water bath, a

positive test for ketoses (sucrose works, too) is formation of an orange to red
color (not precipitate) within five minutes. Some sources say an apricot color is
negative, but it's a judgment call. It depends on the concentration in the sample,
and sugars like glucose give essentially no color even after ten minutes.
Benedict's solution
It is prepared by taking 8.7 g of crystallised sodium citrate and 5 g anhydrous
sodium carbonate in about 35 cm3 of water. It may be necessary to filter.
To this is added 0.87 g of crystallised copper(II) sulfate in 5 cm 3 of water and the
mixture made up to 50 cm3 of water. The resulting solution should be clear,
otherwise filter it.
The test again is to observe the reduction of the blue copper(II) solution to the
red cuprous oxide. Use 5 cm3 of Benedict's solution and 0.4 cm 3 of a 2 per cent
solution of the carbohydrate. Boil for 2 minutes and allow to cool slowly.
Barfoed's Reagent
Another variant is Barfoed's reagent;
a mixture of ethanoic (acetic) acid and copper(II) acetate, is added to the test
solution and boiled. If any reducing sugars are present a red precipitate of
copper(I) oxide is formed within three minutes. The reaction will be negative in
the presence of reducing disaccharide sugars as they are weaker reducing
agents and react at a slower rate.
Barfoed's Reagent
This is prepared from 4.5 g crystalized, neutral cupric acetate in 100 cm 3 of
water, and adding 0.12 cm3 of 50% acetic acid.
Fehling's Test
In this test the presence of aldehydes but not ketones is detected by reduction of
the deep blue solution of copper(II) to a red precipitate of insoluble copper oxide.
The test is commonly used for reducing sugars but is known to be NOT specific
for aldehydes. For example, fructose gives a positive test with Fehling's solution
as does acetoin.
Two solutions are required:
Fehling's "A" uses 7 g CuSO4.5H2O dissolved in distilled water containing 2 drops
of dilute sulfuric acid.
Fehling's "B" uses 35g of potassium tartrate and 12g of NaOH in 100 ml of
distilled water.
These two solutions should be stoppered and stored until needed.
For the test:
Mix 15 ml of solution-"A" with 15 ml of solution-"B"
Add 2 ml of this mixture to an empty test tube.
Add 3 drops of the compound to be tested to the tube.

Place the tube in a water-bath at 60 C.

A positive test is indicated by a green suspension and a red precipitate.
The test is sensitive enough that even 1 mg of glucose will produce the
characteristic red colour of the compound.

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