Manila Railroad Vs La Compania Transatlantica
Manila Railroad Vs La Compania Transatlantica
Manila Railroad Vs La Compania Transatlantica
Two locomotive boilers owned by The Manila Railroad Company arrived at Manila via the Steamship Alicante owned by Compaia
Trasatlantica de Barcelona. The equipment of the ship for discharging heavy cargo was not sufficiently strong to handle these
boilers, so the Steamship Company had to procure assistance from The Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific Company (hereafter called the
Atlantic Company). The service to be performed by the Atlantic Company consisted in bringing its floating crane alongside
the Alicante, lifting the boilers out of the ship's hold, and transferring them to a barge which would be placed ready to receive
While the boiler was being hoisted, it was not properly done as the rivet near the head of the boiler was caught under the edge of
the hatch. The weight on the crane was thus increased by a strain estimated at fifteen tons with the result that the cable of the
sling parted and the boiler fell to the bottom of the ship's hold. (natagak ang boiler unya nakaduha pa jud xa natagak)
The boiler was badly damaged that it had to be reshipped to England where it was rebuilt, and afterwards was returned to Manila.
The Railroad Company's damage by reason of the cost of repairs, expenses, and loss of the use of the boiler proved to be
P22,343.29; and as to the amount of the damage so resulting there is practically no dispute. To recover these damages the present
action was instituted by the Railroad Company against the Steamship Company who in turn caused the Atlantic Company to be
brought in as a codefendant, and insisted that whatever liability existed should be fixed upon the Atlantic Company as an
independent contractor who had undertaken to discharge the boilers and had become responsible for such damage as had been
The judge of the Court of First Instance gave judgment in favor of the plaintiff against the Atlantic Company, but absolved the
Steamship Company from the complaint.
(1) Is the Steamship Company liable to the plaintiff by reason of having delivered the boiler in question in a damaged condition? (2)
Is the Atlantic Company liable to be made to respond to the steamship company for the amount the latter may be required to pay
to the plaintiff for the damage done ? (3) Is the Atlantic Company directly liable to the plaintiff, as the trial court held?
The accident is to be attributed to the failure of Leyden (foreman) to exercise the degree of care which an ordinarily competent and
prudent person would have exhibited under the circumstances which then confronted him. This conclusion of fact cannot be
refuted; and, indeed, no attempt is here made by the appellant to reverse this finding of the trial court.
It will be observed that a contractual relation existed between the Railroad Company and the Steamship Company; and the duties
of the latter with respect to the carrying and delivery of the boilers are to be discovered by considering the terms and legal effect of
that contract. A contractual relation also existed between the Steamship Company and the Atlantic Company; and the
duties owing by the latter to the former with respect to the lifting and the transferring of the boilers are likewise to be discovered
by considering the terms and legal effect of the contract between these parties. On the other hand, no contractual relation
existed directly between the Railroad Company and the Atlantic Company.
Under the contract for transportation from England to Manila, the Steamship Company is liable to the plaintiff for the injury done to
the boiler while it was being discharged from the ship under articles 1103 and 1104 of the Civil Code, for the consequences of the
omission of the care necessary to the proper performance of its obligation. The contract to transport and deliver at the port of
Manila a locomotive boiler, which was received by it in proper condition, is not complied with by delivery at the port of destination
of a mass of iron the utility of which had been destroyed.
The Steamship Company cannot escape liability by reason of the fact that it employed a competent independent contractor to
discharge the boilers..
Defenses of Atlantic
Atlantic contends that by the terms of the engagement in accordance with which the Atlantic Company agreed to render the
service, all risk incident to the discharge of the boilers was assumed by the Steamship Company; and secondly, that the Atlantic
Company should be absolved under the last paragraph of article 1903 of the Civil Code, inasmuch as it had used due care in the
selection of the employee whose negligent act caused the damage in question.
At the hearing, the president of the Atlantic company said that the agreement was that their company would not assume
responsibility for any damage.
The Atlantic Company offered in evidence a number of letters which had been written by it at different times, extending over a
period of years, in response to inquiries made by other firms and persons in Manila concerning the terms upon which the Atlantic
Company would make heavy lifts. The company recognized its duty to exercise due supervisory care; and the exemption from
liability, whatever may have been its precise words, had reference to disasters which might result from some inherent hidden
defect in the lifting apparatus or other unforeseen occurrence not directly attributable to negligence of the company in the lifting
operations. Neither party could have supposed for a moment that it was intended to absolve the Atlantic Company from its duty to
use due care in the work.
The court said that if the exemption should be understood in the sense which counsel for the Atlantic Company now insists it should
bear, that is, as an absolute exemption from all responsibility for negligence, it is evident that the agreement was a most
inequitable and unfair one, and hence it is one that the Steamship Company can not be lightly assumed to have made. Understood
in that sense it is the equivalent of licensing the Atlantic Company to perform its tasks in any manner and fashion that it might
please, and to hold it harmless from the consequences.
There may have been in the minds of the officials of the Atlantic Company an idea that the promise to use due care in the lifting
operations was not accompanied by a legal obligation, such promise being intended merely for its moral effect as an assurance to
the steamship company that the latter might rely upon the competence and diligence of the employees of the Atlantic Company to
accomplish the work in a proper way. The contract can not be permitted to operate in this one-sided manner. The two features of
the engagement, namely, the promise to use due care and the exemption from liability for damage should be so construed as to
give some legal effect to both. The result is, as already indicated, that the Atlantic Company was bound by its undertaking to use
due care and that the exemption was intended to cover accidents due to hidden defects in the apparatus or other unforeseeable
occurrences not having their origin in the immediate personal negligence of the party in charge of the operations.
W/N Atlantic should be absolved
We now proceed to consider the contention that the Atlantic Company should be absolved from liability to the Steamship Company
under the last paragraph of article 1903 of the Civil Code, which declares that the liability there referred to shall cease when the
persons mentioned therein prove that they employed all the diligence of a good father of a family to avoid the damage. Even when
Atlantic used proper care in the selection of Leyden, the obligation of the Atlantic Company was created by contract, and
article 1903 is not applicable to negligence arising in the course of the performance of a contractual obligation.
Article 1903 is exclusively concerned with cases where the negligence arises in the absence of agreement.
In discussing the liability of the Steamship Company to the plaintiff Railroad Company we have already shown that a party is
bound to the full performance of his contractual engagements under articles 1101 et seq. of the Civil Code, and other
special provisions of the Code relative to contractual obligations; and if he falls short of complete performance by reason of his own
negligence or that of any person to whom he may commit the work, he is liable for the damages resulting therefrom.. It is
desirable, however, in this connection, to bring out somewhat more fully the distinction between negligence in the performance of
a contractual obligation (culpa contractual) and negligence considered as an independent source of obligation between parties not
previously bound (culpa aquiliana).
Justice Tracey, the author of the opinion from which we have quoted, proceeds to observe that Manresa, in commenting on articles
1102 and 1104, has described these two species of negligence as contractual and extra-contractual, the latter being the culpa
aquiliana of the Roman law. "This terminology is unreservedly accepted by Sanchez Roman ( Derecho Civil, fourth section, chapter
XI, article II, No. 12), and the principle stated is supported by decisions of the supreme court of Spain, among them those of
November 20, 1896 (80 Jurisprudencia Civil, No. 151), and June 27, 1894 (75 Jurisprudencia Civil, No. 182.)"
The principle that negligence in the performance of a contract is not governed by article 1903 of the Civil Code but rather by article
1104 of the same Code was directly applied by this court in the case of Baer Senior & Co.'s Successors vs. Compaia Maritima (6
Phil. Rep., 215); and the same idea has been impliedly if not expressly recognized in other cases (N. T. Hashim & Co. vs. Rocha &
Co., 18 Phil. Rep., 315; Tan Chiong Sian vs. Inchausti & Co., 22 Phil. Rep., 152).
What has been said suffices in our opinion to demonstrate that the Atlantic Company is liable to the Steamship Company for
the damages brought upon the latter by the failure of the Atlantic Company to use due care in discharging the
boiler, regardless of the fact that the damage was caused by the negligence of an employee who was qualified for
the work and who had been chosen by the Atlantic Company with due care.
Can the Atlantic Company be held directly liable to the Railroad Company?
Having regard then to the bare fact that the Atlantic Company undertook to remove the boiler from the ship's hold and for this
purpose took the property into its power and control, there arose a duty to the owner to use due care in the performance of that
service and to avoid damaging the property in the course of such operation. This duty was obviously in existence before the
negligent act was done which resulted in damage, and said negligent act may, if we still ignore the existence of the express
contract, be considered as an act done in violation of this duty.
The duty thus to use due care is an implied obligation, of a quasi contractual nature, since it is created by
implication of law in the absence of express agreement. The conception of liability with which we are here confronted is
somewhat similar to that which is revealed in the case of the depositary, or commodatary, whose legal duty with respect to the
property committed to their care is defined by law even in the absence of express contract; and it can not be doubted that a person
who takes possession of the property of another for the purpose of moving or conveying it from one place to another, or for the
purpose of performing any other service in connection therewith (locatio operis faciendi), owes to the owner a positive duty to
refrain from damaging it, to the same extent as if an agreement for the performance of such service had been expressly made with
the owner. The obligation here is really a species of contract le, and it has its source and explanation in the vital fact that the active
party has taken upon himself to do something with or to the property and has taken it into his power and control for the purpose of
performing such service. (Compare art. 1889, Civil Code.)
In the passage which we have already quoted from the decision in the Rakes case this Court recognized the fact that the violation
of a quasi contractual duty is subject to articles 1101, 1103, and 1104 of the Civil Code and not within the purview of article 1903.
Manresa also, in the paragraph reproduced above, is of the opinion that negligence, considered as a substantive and independent
source of liability, does not include cases where the parties are previously bound by any other obligation. Again, it is instructive in
this connection to refer to the contents of article 1103 of the Civil Code, where it is declared that the liability proceeding from
negligence is demandable in the fulfillment of all kinds of obligations. These words evidently comprehend both forms of positive
obligations, whether arising from express contract or from implied contract (quasi contract).
In this connection it is instructive to recall the celebrated case of Coggs vs. Bernard (2 Ld. Raym, 909), decided in the court of the
King's Bench of England in the year 1703. The action was brought by the owner of certain casks of brandy to recover damages from
a person who had undertaken to transport them from one place to another. It was alleged that in so doing the defendant so
negligently and improvidently put them down that one of the casks was staved and the brandy lost. The complaint did not allege
that the defendant was a common carrier or that he was to be paid for his services. It was therefore considered that the complaint
did not state facts sufficient to support an action for breach of any express contract. This made it necessary for the court to go back
to fundamental principles and to place liability on the ground of a violation of the legal duty incident to the mere fact of carriage.
Said Powell, J.: "An action indeed will not lie for not doing the thing, for want of a sufficient consideration; but yet if the bailee will
take the goods into his custody, he shall be answerable for them; for the taking of the goods into his custody is his own act." So
Gould, J.: " . . . any man that undertakes to carry goods is liable to an action, be he a common carrier or whatever he is, if through
his neglect they are lost or come to any damage: . . .." Behind these expressions was an unbroken line of ancient English
precedents holding persons liable for damage inflicted by reason of a misfeasance in carrying out an undertaking. The principle
determined by the court in the case cited is expressed in the syllabus in these words: "If a man undertakes to carry goods safely
and securely, he is responsible for any damage they may sustain in the carriage through his neglect, though he was not a common
carrier and was to have nothing for the carriage." Though not stated in so many words, this decision recognizes that from the mere
fact that a person takes the property of another into his possession and control there arises an obligation in the nature of an
assumpsit that he will use due care with respect thereto. This must be considered a principle of universal jurisprudence, for it is
consonant with justice and common sense and as we have already seen harmonizes with the doctrine above deduced from the
provisions of the Civil Code.
The conclusion must therefore be that if there had been no contract of any sort between the Atlantic Company and the Steamship
Company, an action could have been maintained by the Railroad Company, as owner, against the Atlantic Company to recover the
damages sustained by the former. Such damages would have been demandable under article 1103 of the Civil Code and the action
would not have been subject to the qualification expressed in the last paragraph of article 1903.
The circumstance that a contract was made between the Atlantic Company and the Steamship Company introduces, however, an
important, and in our opinion, controlling factor into this branch of the case. It cannot be denied that the Steamship Company had
possession of this boiler in the capacity of carrier and that, as such, it was authorized to make a contract with the Atlantic Company
to discharge the same from the ship. Indeed, it appears in evidence that even before the contract of affreightment was made the
Railroad Company was informed that it would be necessary for the Steamship Company to procure the services of some contractor
in the port of Manila to effect the discharge, as the ship's tackle was inadequate to handle heavy cargo. It is therefore to be
assumed that the Railroad Company had in fact assented to the employment of a contractor to perform this service.
Now, it cannot be admitted that a person who contracts to do a service like that rendered by the Atlantic Company in this case
incurs a double responsibility upon entering upon performance, namely, a responsibility to the party with whom he contracted, and
another entirely different responsibility to the owner, based on an implied contract. The two liabilities can not in our opinion coexist.
It is a general rule that an implied contract never arises where an express contract has been made.
If double responsibility existed in such a case as this, it would result that a person who had limited his liability by express
stipulation might find himself liable to the owner without regard to the limitation which he had seen fit to impose by contract. There
appears to be no possibility of reconciling the conflict that would be developed in attempting to give effect to those inconsistent
liabilities. The contract which was in fact made, in our opinion, determines not only the character and extent of the liability of the
Atlantic Company but also the person or entity by whom the obligation is exigible. It is of course quite clear that if the Atlantic
Company had refused to carry out its agreement to discharge the cargo, the plaintiff could not have enforced specific performance
and could not have recovered damages for non-performance. (Art. 1257, Civil Code; Donaldson, Sim & Co. vs. Smith, Bell & Co., 2
Phil. Rep., 766; Uy Tam and Uy Yet vs. Leonard, 30 Phil. Rep., 471.) In view of the preceding discussion it is equally obvious that, for
lack of privity with the contract, the Railroad Company can have no right of action to recover damages from the Atlantic Company
for the wrongful act which constituted the violation of said contract. The rights of the plaintiff can only be made effective through
the Compaia Trasatlantica de Barcelona with whom the contract of affreightment was made.
The judgment entered in the Court of First Instance must, therefore, be reversed not only with respect to the judgment entered in
favor of the plaintiff directly against the Atlantic Company but also with respect to the absolution of the Steamship Company and
the further failure of the court to enter judgment in favor of the latter against the Atlantic Company. The Compaia Trasatlantica de
Barcelona should be and is hereby adjudged to pay to the Manila Railroad Company the sum of twenty two thousand three hundred
forty three pesos and twenty nine centavos (P22,343.29), with interest from May 11, 1914, until paid; and when this judgment is
satisfied, the Compaia Trasatlantica de Barcelona is declared to be entitled to recover the same amount from the Atlantic Gulf &
Pacific Company, against whom judgment is to this end hereby rendered in favor of the Compaia Trasatlantica de Barcelona. No
express adjudication of costs of either instance will be made. So ordered.
||| (Manila Railroad Co. v. La Compa, G.R. No. 11318, [October 26, 1918], 38 PHIL 875-901)