As this exciting book goes to press, a flock of
new reports on sightings of unidentified flying objects
has been noted in such divers areas as Michigan,
Texas, Massachusetts, Louisiana and Connecticut.
At the moment the most widely observed and
authenticated reports come from the Michigan area
where, according to metropolitan newspapers, 11SOme
Anatomy of
a Phenomenon
The detailed and unbiased report of UFOs
1 1 20 Avenue o f the Americas
New York, N.Y. 10036
Chicago, January 1966
blind from long looking and left off viewing in order to
rest his eyes. On resuming his view, the object was al
most overhead and had increased considerably in size
and appeared to be going through space at a wonderful
speed. When directly over him it was about the size of
a large saucer and was evidently at a great height.
John Martin seems to have been a true pioneer; seventy
years later another man, Kenneth Arnold, spoke of "flying
saucers." This time the word was here to stay.
The legend of the flying disks has exited throughout his
tory. Apparitions of strange objects in the sky have for cen
turies stirred popular emotion and have at times caused
crises and panics. Some writers have gone so far as to try
to attribute them to "unknown civilizations" said to have
preceded us on this planet ( 2). Such past societies, they
argue, could have reached a very high level of evolution and
developed space travel; or they could have remained at a
stage of low technology under the domination of extrater
restrial "visitations" who are said to have departed from our
planet for some unknown reason, leaving almost no traces.
According to the same writers, some of our religious texts
might have been inspired by such contacts with a super
civilization. Posnansky and Kiess, as well as Epstein, have
studied the Tiahuanaco monuments and have interpreted
some of their features as possible indexes of extraterrestrial
"visitations" in prehistoric times. Tschi Pen Lao, of the Uni
versity of Peking, has also discovered remarkable drawings
on a Hunan mountain and on an island in Lake Tungting.
Possibly made in 45,000 B.C., these granite carvings depict
people with large trunks, and cylindrical objects in the sky
on which similar beings are seen standing. In 1961, the
Russian astronomer Alexander Kazantsev brought to the at
tention of the readers of the Soviet magazine Smena a dis
covery made by Henri Labate in the Tassili plateau in Sa
hara of sculpted rocks showing human beings with strange
round heads, and other mysterious scenes. These sculptures
were dated 6,000 B.c.
Along the same line, the prophet Ezeldel's vision has often
been commented upon in books dealing with unidentified
flying objects. This description (Ezeldel, chapter 1) of a
board the craft to Tel Abib Mountains. There he remained
"speechless" for seven days . ... 0
This is a type of interpretation commonly found in the
literature that deals with our problem. The terminology also
should be noted. The words "ship," "craft," "engine" are
used without justification. The scientist, obviously, will not
be guided by situations thus presented. But the explanation
given by Dr. Donald Menzel (that Ezekiel observed a sun
dog) is equally unconvincing.
Wilkins and Drake (5, 6) have given numerous indica
tions of luminous disks in the sky at day, or lights at night,
under the Roman Empire. Some of these accounts describe
beings associated with the objects. ( In Ezekiel's story the
figure of a man surrounded with a blinding light was men
tioned.) Prodigiorum Liber, as well as in Livy, it is said that
in many places there appeared men in white clothing corning
from very far away; in Arpi a shield Hew through the sky;
two moons were seen at night; ghost whips appeared in the
sky; luminous lamps were seen at Praeneste-all this is 218
B.c. If the Romans had had a more developed communica
tions system, they would probably have interpreted this ser
ies of observations as a "UFO wave" similar to the celebrated
series of sightings in the United States which we will review
In 213 B.c. in Hadria an "altar" was seen in the sky,
accompanied by the form of a man in white clothing. A total
of a dozen such observations between 222 and 90 B.c. can be
listed, but we have eliminated many more sightings reviewed
in the literature because we felt that they could best be
explained as misinterpretations of meteors or atmospheric
We will not attach much weight to rumors of such an
tiquity.As Sagan remarked ( 7 ) :
W e require more of a legend than th e apparition o f a
strange being who does extraordinary work and lives in
the sky
A description of the morphology of an in.
We have on file more than three hundred UFO sightings
prior to the twentieth century and, although it is difficult
to comment upon them in the light of scientific analysis, we
feel they should be treated exactly as modem reports in
respect to their psychological and sociological aspects. Many
of these accounts were written during the nineteenth cen
tury, but this should not be presumed to favor the "modem"
character of the UFO myth, for some of the older reports
indicate that series of objects had been witnessed much
earlier; but most of the accounts were lost and resulted only
in a few general notes in some very rare manuscripts.
Of sightings before the year 1800, after eliminating a I
large number of descriptions too vague to be included in
our catalogues, we have finally retained sixty observations
manifesting a fair degree of homogeneity with the balance
of our files. Remarks worth studying, for instance, are those
presented by Drake ( 8) :
Agobard, Archbishop of Lyons, wrote in "De Grandine
et Tonitrua" how in 840 A.D. he found the mob in Lyons .
lynching three men and a woman accused of landing from
a cloudship from the aerial region of Magonia. The great
German philologist, Jacob Grimm, about 1820 described
0Quoted in B. Le Poer Trencli ( 182) .
the same day they prepared an assault against the Chris
tians, who lived within the castle, the glory of God ap
peared in manifestation above the church within the fort
ress. Those watching outside in that place, of whom many
still live to this very day, say they beheld the likeness
of two large shields reddish in colour in motion above
the church ( et dicurit vidisse instar duorum scutorum
colore rubeo flammantes et agitantes supra ipsam eccles
iam ) , and when the pagans who were outside saw this
sign, they were at once thrown into confusion and terri
fied with great fear they began to flee from the castle.
These sightings sometimes come in series, affecting selected
areas. We translate the following account (10), which con
tains a confirmation of the remarks by Drake quoted above:
In 927 the town of Verdun, like the whole eastern part
of France, saw fiery armies appearing in the sky. Flodo
ard's chronicle reports that they flew over Reims on a Sun
day morning in March. Similar phenomena happened sev
eral times under King Pepin the Short, under Charle
magne, under Louis I, the Debonair. These sovereigns'
capitularia mention penalties against creatures that travel
on aerial ships. [Italics mine-Author.] Agobard, the arch
bishop of Lyons, is said to have freed three men and a
woman who had come down from one of these spaceships,
and were accused by the mob of being emissaries sent by
Grimoald, Duke of Benevento, to spoil the French harvests
and vintage by their enchantments. Emperor Charle
magne's edicts forbid the perturbing of the air, provoking
of storms by magical means and the practicing of math
ematics." Agobard's manuscript, which can be consulted
at the National Library, mentions that the astronauts cap
tured in Lyons were obviously foreigners and that "by an
inconceivable fatality, these unfortunate people were so
insane as to admit they were wizards." The mob killed
them, and their corpses were fastened to boards and
"Lecky points out (198) that Mathematicus was the name
given to astrologers. A law of Diocletian says: "Artem geo
metriae disci atque exerceri publice interest. Ars autem math
ematica damnabilis est et interdicta omnino."
surrounded by flames, flying over the green, hilly countryside. The date of the sighting seems to have been 1034.
A round shape with a rotating light or beam was des
cribed, accompanied by two fiery suns, in the sky of Erfurt
in 1520. A "cloud cigar" was possibly seen in France on
October 12, 1527 (11).
With the observations of Nuremberg (April 14, 1561) and.
Basel (August 7, 1566), of which drawings were made and
are preserved in Zurich, we reach a period analyzed in de
tail by Professor Jung. Again, the Nuremberg sighting in
volves large tubes shown in inclined positions, from which
spheres originate, generally three or four. Spheres and disks
were seen and appeared to fight each other in aerial dances.
The same behavior was described in Basel, where the ob
jects were large black spheres.
After the year 1600 many good references will be found
in the books of Charles Fort, in addition to the reviews by
Wilkins. It should, however, be pointed out that the ac
counts Fort seem to prefer concern luminous objects' in the
sky associated with earthquakes and cataclysms on the
ground, and that these should be considered with extreme
caution. An article (quoted in [12]) has discussed this pos
sible connection between seismic phenomena and atmospheric
perturbations. We do not seem to be dealing here with re
ports of the same nature, although it is understandable that
Fort could be puzzled by such descriptions, at a time when
the nature of earthquakes was not at all understood.
On March 6, 1716, the astronomer Halley saw an object
which illuminated the sky for more than two hours in such
a way that he could read a printed text in the light of this
object. The time of the observation was 7: 00 P.M. After
two hours, the brightness of the phenomenon was reacti
vated "as if new fuel had been cast on a fire" (5).
Interesting reports are also given by Wilkins for March
19, 1718 (Oxford), December 5, 1737, and especially De
cember 16, 1742 (London). But this book cannot possibly
elaborate upon all of these cases; it can only be suggested
that extensive studies be made to determine whether these
old documents refer to phenomena of the same general type
as the modern reports, as this preliminary study would seem 1
to indicate. We will have to discuss, for instance, the sight
ing of "luminous spheres corning out of a bright cylinder"
and Chemistry :
I saw many meteors moving around the edge of a
black cloud from which lightnings flashed. They were like
dazzling specks of light, dancing and traipsing thro' the
clouds. One increased in size till it became of the bril
liancy and magnitude of Venus, on a clear evening. But
I could see no body in the light. It moved with great
rapidity, and coasted the edge of the cloud. Then it be
came stationary, dimmed its splendour, and vanished.
I saw these strange lights for minutes, not seconds. For
at least an hour, these lights, so strange, and in innumer
able points, played in and out of this black cloud. No
lightning came from the clouds where these lights were
playing. As the meteors increased in size, they seemed
to descend
et de physique:
L'Astronomie, the bulletin of the French Astronomical So
ciety, for the year 1883. The report reads:
natural, but still largely mysterious, phenomenon. In our
opmwn, UFO files do contain several very good accounts
of objects which fall into this category, and some of the
best we have ever read are in the files of the Aerial Phen
omena Group of the U.S. Air Force in Dayton, Ohio. It is
certainly unfortunate that no physicist with interest in this
field has ever studied these reports. 0 Such an investigation
would also reveal that many sightings have been "explained
away" as ball lightnings because no intelligent answer could :
be found, and the specialist would be surprised at some of ;
the reports placed in this category. We have here an old ,
example of the same attitude, from L'Astronomie again,
dated November 12, 1887, and flatly called "ball lightning" :
34 .
raise his hand and demand an explanation, for he would at
once get into trouble with two centuries of astronomy.
The truth is, there once was a planet called Vulcan in our
solar system. Its orbit was interior to that of Mercury, and
it would be observed when passing in front of the sun. It
revolved around the sun in nineteen days at a distance of
0.1427 astronomical unit. The inclination of its orbit was
1 2 10" and the longitude of its ascending node, 1 2 59'. Its
existence was predicted by theory and attested by the ob
servations of numerous astrop.omers of great reputation. As
a matter of fact, it was most fashionable around 1880 to
observe dark spherical bodies that crossed the disc of the
sun in one or two hours. Thus, we read in L'Annee Scien
tifique of 1878 ( p. 1 6) that:
The scientific public has learned with the greatest satis
faction that during the eclipse of the sun of 29 July
7 and
8 in the
planet producing the perturbations observed in the mo
tion of Mercury. This seems to result from the body of
observations made during solar eclipses, especially that of
29 July 1878.
2. If there are intramercurial planets whose dimensions
are comparable to those of the object M. Lescarbault
saw in front of the sun, these planets must be in very small
number; otherwise, they could not have escaped detec
tion by astronomers such as Canington and Sporer, who
describe and measure the most minute spot on the solar
3. These planets alone could not produce the perturbations of the motion of Mercury.
4. One must come back to one of Le Verrier's first
ideas, namely, that there is a ring of asteroids between
Mercury and the sun.
Shortly thereafter, Einstein's theory of relativity accounted
for the irregularities of the orbit of Mercury, and the theor
retical need for intramercurial planets vanished. Much re
lieved, astronomers suddenly forgot all about Vulcan. Dis
credit and ridicule fell on - people who saw objects in front
of the sun. The observations recorded by so many excellent
scientists were hastily pushed into oblivion. Not a word of
apology or justication appeared in the astronomical litera
ture. The observations of the mysterious planetoid that once
had been called Vulcan remained unexplained. The name
of Le Verrier, one of the most powerful minds of the nine
teenth century, remained in astronomy for many remarkable
works, but it was forg9tten that he had spent an important
fraction of his astronomical career studying the motion of
the mysterious object. The care which he took in this study
is evidenced by the following account of his visit to Les
carbault in 1859.
When the director of Paris Observatory received the letter
written by Lescarbault, an amateur astronomer who prac
ticed medicine in the small village of Orgeres, he was deeply
involved in the computation of possible orbits for an intra
mercurial body. He had published his views on the problem
some time before, and this publication had been followed by
much correspondence between him and several astronomers
who had observed objects in front of the sun. Le Verrier
went to the Academy of Sciences to explain that these ob-
Assuming it was real and absolutely accurate, this amateur astronomer's discovery might have taken away from,:
him a fraction of the effective glory, since the physician /
of Orgeres had observed the intramercurial planet six :
months before Le Verrier placed the question in front
of the scientific world. The great minds, however, do not ,
stop at such narrow views. They consider only the genera! interest of science, where others would pettily be con-r
cemed over their own reputation. M. Le Verrier hastily'
verilied the calculations of his country correspondent and 1 1
found them to be correct. He could not understand, how-
ever, how this observation, made six months earlier, had 1
not yet been announced to the scientists. Under these
conditions, M. Le Verrier took the best decision; with a .
friend, M . Valee, he started towards Oregeres on De
cember 3 1 , 1859.
Observer !
De Cuppis
3 0, 1 908
that people living near the explosion died of a
then-unlmown illness with the same symptoms as exposure
to atomic radiation and that the explosion had its biggest
impact at some distance from its center, exactly like an
atomic explosion.
the Universe
completely obscured the former. Blue sky could be seen
in the intervals between the clouds.
9. The meteors were in sight over two minutes and
were carefully observed by three people, whose accounts
agree as to details. The officer of the deck, acting boat
swain Frank Garvey, U.S. Navy, sighted the meteors and
watched them until they disappeared.
In December of the same year an object with a beacon
was seen in several cities in Massachusetts ( including Wor
cester and Boston ) . It was a long object with red lights,
cruising at a variable speed.
On March 29 the next year (1905 ) at 1 0 : 00 P.M. a ver
tical luminous tube "like a hot, red-orange iron rod" was
reported at Cardiff, Wales. At Llangollen, Wales, was seen
on September 2, 1905 a black object with short wings, ap
parently ten feet long, which seemed to have four legs ( 27 ) .
There seems to have been a "wave" of reports in May,
1909, in Great Britain; it was perhaps the first wave re
ported as such. The Weekly Dispatch of May 23, 1909,
published a list of twenty-two towns "visited" by flying ob
jects between May 16 and May 23, and nineteen towns
visited before that period. A light was again seen at San
ford twenty minutes after a similar "light" had been seen in
the sky at Southend on May 9, 1909, at 1 1: 00 P.M. We have,
of course, no way of determining if the two sightings were
of the same "object."
Fort says that
. . . upon the night of March 23, 1909, at 5 : 10 o'clock
in the morning, two constables, in different parts of the
city of Peterborough, had reported having seen an ob
ject, carrying a light, moving over the city, with sounds
like the sound of a motor. In the Peterborough Adver
tiser March 27, is published an interview with one of
the constables, who described "an object, somewhat ob
long and narrow in shape, carrying a powerful light."
the appearance of the tentacles of an octopus, these ten
tacles of light having a phosphorescent color.
One of the witnesses reported it was "the most frightening
experience she ever had." The similarity of the description
with that given at Arkansas City in 1956 (see page 230 ) or
the observation of Le Vauriat ( France ) in 1962 is certainly
In the south of the China Sea, on August 12, 1910, at
midnight, a bright wheel spinning close to the surface was
seen from the Dutch ship "Valentijn." At Porto Principal,
Peru, in January of 1912, an "aerial ship" was reported at
tree height. The same month, in the U.S., a Dr. Harris saw
a very large, intensely black object in front of the moon.
Another "wave" seems to have occurred in Great Bri
tain in 1913. The first observation of that year was made
on the morning of January 4, 1913, at Dover, England:
An unknown flying object was seen moving toward the sea.
On January 17 at Cardiff a huge flying object which left
a smoke trail was observed. The witnesses were Captain
Lindsay, chief constable, and another person. The London
Standard of January 31 published a list of towns "visited"
by UFO's. Among them were Cardiff, Newport and Neath.
The wave apparently lasted three weeks.
One night, early in the fall of the year 1917, Mr. John
Boback, of Mt. Braddock, Pensylvania, missed the last street
car home and had to walk the railroad track between Youngs
town and Mt. Braddock. At approximately 12 : 30 A.M., he
observed what he describes as a "saucer-shaped" object with
"rows of light and a platform" at rest on the ground in a
pasture to his left approximately 100 feet distance. According
to Orvil Hartle's book, from which we extract this report,
the following occurred :
Mr. Boback, very much frightened, said he froze and
observed the unidentified object for a "couple of minutes."
Then the object took off into the air with a "high-pitched
sharp sound," travelling in a gradually sloping upward
ascent away from him at a speed comparable to that of
a slow-moving airplane.
Mr. Boback at that time was seventeen years of age and
he states there is no possibility this object could have
been an aircraft of any sort, as this was before he saw his
48 ;
indication of source. We will not consider this report very
In the first days of November, 1928, a man who now
lives in La Porte, Indiana, "a solid citizen," plumber by
trade, and Officer of Eagles Lodge, and his brother, were
driving cattle at night across a prairie four miles northeast
of Milton, North Dakota. The time was approximately 10 : 30
P.M., when they saw an object shaped like "a soup-bowl
turned upside down" which had four or five rays of light
extending to the ground ahead of the craft in its Bight. It
was 20 to 25 feet in diameter, flying 15 to 20 feet above the
ground, and appeared to be made of polished metal "judging
from the lights on the vehicle." Seen for 15 to 20 seconds,
this object allegedly came within 100 or 150 feet from the
witnesses, who heard a sound similar to that of air coming
out of a tube.
In 1931, a Mr. Chichester, who was flying above the
Tasman Sea from New South Wales to New Zealand in his
private plane, saw an object resembling a silver pearl flashing
like a bright beacon and going very fast, then losing speed,
accelerating again and vanishing. In October, 1935, at
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, a disk was seen motionless in the sky
by numerous witnesses, among whom was the French stu
dent of Africa, Pierre Ichac. In 1941, a team of mountain
eers searching for three missing Alpinists in Switzerland are
said to have found traces tending to show that the three
men had stopped where sorrie flying object had landed,
since three holes in a triangle of thirteen meters were seen
in the snow, and their footprints did not continue. The r&
liability of such a report, of course, is nil. More significant is
the observation made on February 26, 1942, aboard the
"Tromp," of the Royal Netherlands Navy { 31 ) : A large
aluminum disk came toward the ship at a very high speed,
circled it and left. During the war, many luminous spheres
were seen by bomber pilots in Germany and in the whole
of western Europe, Scandinavia, Greece and Turkey. Lieu
tenant E. Schulter, of the 415th U.S. Night Fighter Squad
ron, met eight to ten balls of red fire flying at a high speed
twenty miles north of Strasbourg, France, on November 23,
1944. Lieutenants Henry Giblin and Walter Cleary saw
a huge fiery object above their plane on November 27, 1944
at Speyer, Germany. In December, 1944, a Major Leet, a
bomber pilot, watched a disk follow the plane's maneuvers
50 -
ever, has the idea of space travel been associated with this
type of vision ; this is one of the reasons that old reports, in
terpreted at the time in very different contexts, are not gen
erally recognized as manifestations of the same phenomenon.
( 2 ) Careful study of the best reports made before this
century tends to show that :
a) The objects described are similar in appearance to
what has been observed since May, 1946.
b ) Public emotion over these incidents and the scientific
reaction to them since 1 946 is an exact duplication of the
popular fears of "signs in the sky" in the Middle Ages and
of scientific statements made during the eighteenth and nine
teenth centuries concerning such unusual events.
( 3 ) Apart from the fact that one country ( the United
States ) has now undertaken official investigation of the
modem sightings, and that we tend today to interpret in a
technological context ( space travel ) what was interpreted
in a religious context (signs of God's wishes or decisions ) in
older times, the behavior of the phenomenon appears ex
ti:emely similar in early and recent reports.
( 4 ) No massive accumulation of observations seems to
have occured before May, 1946, that could be compared with
the planetwide "waves" we have experienced since then.
However, local "peaks" of observations can be detected when
a sufficient amount of data is gathered; these have definitely
been recognized as waves by the local populations, at least
in 1909 and 1913, when newspapers published lists of re
ports and fragmentary statistics.
( 5) These peaks do not appear to follow a definite, con
tinuous pattern as modem waves do. They are separated
by intervals of several years, but we are unable to deter
mine if the gaps between the main periods of activity are
due to a lack of information and bad communication be
tween different parts of the world in those days, or to some
real discontinuity in whatever phenomenon underlies the
UFO behavior.
( 6 ) The main periods of activity we can delineate on the
basis of our present data are:
a) a possible wave in the last six months of 1881, with
observations in Mexico, Puerto Rico, Chile, the U.S. and
Great Britain;
b ) a possible wave in the last six months of 1 885, with
significant observations in France, the Middle East and the
1870 and 1914 are sufficient to justify an attempt to corre
late UFO activity with the oppositions of Mars. Correlation
of these limited data has so far given negative results, as
shown in the following table:
Date of peak
( UFO waves )
summ er-fall
May-Sept 1909
Jan.-Feb. 1913
Closest opposition
of Mars
Dec. 1881
Feb. 1884
Mar. l886
Dec. 1896
May 1905
Sept. 1909
Jan. 1914
Average difference
in months
54 -
The ancient Greek philosophers in the sixth century B.c.
considered life to be a property of matter and taught that
the world had always been alive. Oparin and Fesenkov (33 )
remark that "the panspermic theory" ( formulated b y Ana-
in their theories :
Xenophanes, the founder of the School of Elee, taught
the plurality of the worlds and said :
Anthropomorphism is a natural tendency, to such an
extent that, if oxen wanted a god, they would conceive
it an ox, and lions as a lion, just as the Ethiopians do
when they imagine black divinities, and the Thraces, who
give their gods a rude and savage face. ( See Nourrisson.
Progres de la Pensee Humaine. )
It is also worth noting that Aristotle himself said that the
incorruptibility of the Heavens was the only reason that pre
vented him from accepting other earths and other skies
( De Coelo, Lib II, Cap. III ) .
Epicurus said that, since the causes that produced the
world were infinite, their effects too had to be infinite. And
Metrodore of Lampsaque, among other philosophers, pointed
out that it would be just as absurd to put only one world
in the infinity of space, as to contend that only one ear of
wheat could grow in a vast plain ( Lalande, Astronomie, t.
III, art. 3376 ) .
But Lucretius, of all the ancient philosophers, left the
most convincing plea in favor of the multiplicity of life in
the universe:
If the innumerable creative streams move and flow
under a thousand different forms across the ocean of in
finite space, could they have generated only the orb of
the earth and its celestial sphere in their fecund Hight?
Should we believe that beyond this world, such a vast
accumulation of elements lies condemned to an idle rest?
No, no .
. if generating principles have given birth to
masses from which sprang the sky, the waters, the earth,
and its inhabitants, one must assume that in the remaining
emptiness elements of matter have given rise to innumer
able animated beings, seas, skies, earths, and have dis
persed through space worlds similar to the one which
swings under our steps through aerial streams. Every
time immense matter will find a space to contain it and
no obstacle to its development, it will give birth to life
under varied forms; and if the mass of the elements is
such that, in order to number them, the ages of all be
ings, added together, would be insufficient, and if nature
has given them the same faculties it gave to the generating
principles of our globe, then the elements have spread
But the great philosophers of the end of the Middle Ages
-Nicolas de Cusa ( author of the treatise De Docta Ignoran
tia ) , Michel de Montaigne, Gailileo, Tycho Brahe, Cardan,
and Thomas Campanella ( Author of The City of the Sun )
-all gave support to the theory of the plurality of the
worlds, as the Copernican system, which relegated the earth
to a position equal to that of the other planets revolving
around the sun, and suggested the possibility that life
might have developed on other worlds similar to ours.
Giordano Bruno, in his book De l'Innito, Universo e Mun
di, expressed this theory plainly: "There are innumerable
suns and innumerable earths, which revolve around their
suns, as our seven planets revolve around our sun . . . . These
worlds are inhabited by living creatures." After a long in
carceration, he died in an auto-da-fe in 1600 for this heresy.
But the struggle he had initiated continued, and after the
Copernican system had gained full recognition Bernard de
Fontenelle could publish, in 1686, a book affirming that life
existed throughout the universe.
It is true that Fontenelle presented his thesis only as a
diverting topic for a conversation in a noble salon. Ten years
later, however, astronomer Huygens, then almost seventy,
wrote his Cosmotheros, which Flammarion calls the most
serious work on the subject and where we read that . . .
. . . a great number of men have been unable to apply
themselves to this study [of life in space], either because
of their lack of disposition or because they did not have
the opportunity to do so or because they were prevented
by some cause. We do not blame them by any means.
But, if they think that the care we put into these researches
must be condemned, we appeal to more learned judges.
Even before Fontenelle, Cyrano de Bergerac had written
in his Histoire des Etats et Empires de la Lune et du Soleil
( about 1650 ) :
I believe that the planets that roll around the Sun
are as many inhabited worlds, and that the fixed stars are
as many suns that have planets around them, i.e., worlds
we do not see from here because they are too small and
because their borrowed light cannot come to us . How,
in good faith, could one imagine that such vast globes
are only desert expanse and that ours, because we camp on
it, has been constructed for a dozen little arrogants?
made. The problem of life on other worlds, however, was
studied in many of the popular books on astronomy, oc
casionally giving rise to theories of a perfectly fanciful
character. Already Fontenelle had described very amazing
inhabitants on the soil of other planets; thus, Mercurians
"must be fools because of their excessive vivacity," while on
Saturn "the inhabitants are so dull that it takes them a
whole day to comprehend and answer a question." The strik
ing contrast between such extrapolations, designed to please
an elegant and superficial public, and the serious technical
and physical discussions which illustrated the development
of the scientific spirit adds a humorous touch to such treatises
as the Lettres sur l'Astronomie by Albert de Montemont,
where we read, concerning the inhabitants of comets :
We have now to examine the question of the inhabi
tants that live, according to what is said, on the surface
of comets. Without doubt, if they exist, they have been
created especially for them. Thus, we can imagine that
in order to keep about the same temperature, they re
duce their atmosphere when they come close to the sun and
that when this atmosphere is later expanded, it surrounds
them like a coat to protect them against the rigorous
cold, when they go away from the star that vivifies them
( 46 ) .
However, when he comes to consider the sun, Monte
mont writes :
According to Herschel, it is a solid body, surrounded
by an atmosphere of fiery clouds that would let us see
the dark nucleus when they open slightly. This famous
astronomer does not hesitate to believe it is inhabited.
But, as remarked by M. Voiron, what organized living
beings can we imagine in the midst of this eternal blaze?
Later, in a note, this same writer adds that, according
to Herschel, there is a second layer of clouds around the
sun that protects the dark globe of the nucleus from the
heat and luminosity emitted by the upper layer. "Finally he
allowed himself to conclude that the dark globe of the
sun could be inhabited by beings similar to ourselves. . .
But here Herschel's views are purely hypothetical and, as
such, do not deserve our attention." And he remarks :
. . . Other fecundated skies
Are inundated with stars, beyond our skies :
Everywhere is action, motion and soul !
Everywhere, rolling around their fiery centers,
Are inhabited globes, whose thinking inhabitants
Live as I live, feel as I feel:
Some lower, and others, maybe,
Higher than we, on the steps of existence!
Charles Bonnet, in his Contemplations de la Nature, was
prophetic and promised mankind a total knowledge of the
organization of the cosmos :
Inhabitants of the Earth, you have been given reasoning
powers strong enough to lead you to the conviction that
these other worlds existed : Are you never to walk upon
them? Will the infinitely good Being who shows them to
you from these great distances forever deny their en
trance to you? No: Destined to take your place some day
among celestial hierarchies, you shall fly as they do from
planet to planet. Eternally, you shall go from perfection
to perfection. All that was denied to your terrestrial per
fection, you will obtain under this glorious regime: you
shall know as you have been known.
While Victor Hugo remarked in
Post-Scriptum de
Present-day discussions on the existence of life in the
universe reflect all the arguments and the struggles which
we have just reviewed too briefly. From the confidence of
the early materialists to the dry theories of nineteenth-cen
tury rationalists, every doctrine has contributed to the com
plex image modern man has of the earth's environment and
of the possibility of finding there friendly or unfriendly forms
of life. To a large degree, modem scientists have learned to
use great caution in this field during the violent fights that
took place at the beginning of this century on the sub
ject of the "Martians." As remarked by Oparin and Fesenkov
( 33)
But so little is really known about the existing local phys
ical conditions, which may differ considerably from those
predicted by our present "models," that no simple answer
can be given to any question about the path life could have
followed on that planet.
A considerable change is perceptible today in the ideas
entertained by biologists dealing with the forms of life that
may survive in environments very different from ours. Exper
iments realized since 1960 tend to show that the early con
cepts that made oxygen a necessary element for life were
exaggerated to a large extent. Cucumber seedlings raised
in only two percent oxygen { vs. 21% in our air) can be
frozen for an hour and then thawed without dying: This
is but one of the experiments made by Dr. Sanford Siegel
of Union Carbide Research Laboratories that led him to the
discovery that high forms of plant-life such as beans, could
survive well in environments generally considered as extreme,
and that low oxygen content of the atmosphere actually im
proved resistance to freezing.
In the same series of experiments, it was found that cac
tus grew in subzero cold when the oxygen content of
the atmosphere was reduced to 0.05% and that turtles
remained normally active when the atmosphere was reduced
to a tenth of normal sea-level pressure.
When he simulated a Jupiter-type atmosphere-ammonia,
methane, and hydrogen-the same author found that some
bacteria were very happy in this mixture. Most exobiolo
gists consider that water is essential to life, and water exists
on Mars, although not in abundant quantity. But some
specialists in plant physiology, such as Dr. Frank Salis
bury, consider that certain forms of life could use water as
a vitamin rather than as a basic constituent, and would
thus require only infinitesimal amounts of water in order to
survive. These ideas show a considerable departure from
the traditional conceptions on the possibility of finding life
on other planets, in our solar system and elsewhere.
Meteorites are the only physical evidence we possess on
which research of living organisms such as germs or microbes
of extra-terrestrial origin might be attempted in the labora
tory. According to a report by C. Meunier, Pasteur tried to
68 .
detail; unfortunately the amount of material at my dis
posal was too small to permit more than the conclusion
that various carbides-some gaseous and some liquid
were formed. In any case, this formation shows a new
analogy between the carbonaceous material in meteorites
and the carbonaceous compounds or organic origin that
are found at the surface of the earth.
The story of the Orgueil meteorite was summarized by
Flamm arion in the following terms :
An aerolite fallen on May 14, 1684 in the south of
France, at Orgueil { Tarn-et-Garonne ) . . . contained wa
ter and peat. But peat is formed by decomposition of
vegetals in water. The Orgueil aerolite therefore comes
from a globe where there is water, and certain substances
analogous to terrestrial vegetation.
sembling fossil algae, in relatively large quantities within the
Orgueil and Ivuma carbonaceous meteorites." If it can be
proved that these particles are not terrestrial contaminants
or crystals of organic or inorganic compounds, this finding
would be evidence of life in the parent bodies of these me
teorites, whether in the solar system or beyond. And even
if this conclusion is in doubt, it is still certain that rather
complex hydrocarbons and other organic substances have
been produced in outer space.
The credit goes to Dr. J. E. Lipp for the first scientific
investigation of the possibility that extraterrestrial beings are
endeavoring to make contact with us, or at least to main
tain our civilization under some kind of observation at close
range. His work was done for the U.S. Air Force's Project
Sign and has only recently been declassified. The report
( 52 ) , never made public, concerned itself with the investi
gation of the unidentified flying objects which had been
closely analyzed by the Air Technical Intelligence Center
( ATIC ) in Dayton. Much of the data in this section is di
gested from this report.
The problem was well stated by Dr. Lipp when he wrote:
Conceivably, among the myriads of stellar systems in the
Galaxy, one or more races have discovered methods of
travel that would be fantastic by our standards. Yet, the
larger the volume of space that must be included in or
der to strengthen this possibility, the lower will be the
chance that the race involved would ever find the Earth.
. . . A super-race (unless they occur frequently ) would
not be likely to stumble over Planet III of Sol, a fifth
magnitude star in the rarefied outskirts of the Galaxy.
In order to evaluate the probable number of such races,
Dr. Lipp statiscally analyzed neighboring stars, finding twen
ty-two that can be considered as having potentially habita
ble planets in a sample spherical volume of sixteen light
years' radius. Assuming this volume to to be representative, the
contents of any reasonable volume of radius larger than
five parsecs can be computed. 0 It is then necessary to make
an "educated" guess as to the number of habitable planets.
"This guess," adds Dr. Lipp, "will be made with low con
fidence, since intelligent life may not be randomly distribu
ted at all. " If we assume that there is one habitable planet
per eligible star, and if we make the hypothesis that man
is average in the spectrum of technical advancement, en
vironmental difficulties, etc., then one-half of the other planets
are behind us, while the other half are ahead of us and have
achieved various levels of space travel. We can thus imag
ine that in our sample volume of sixteen light-years' ra
dius there are eleven races of beings who have begun
space explorations. The formula giving the number of races
exploring space in a spherical volume of radius r larger than
sixteen light-years is, therefore : S = 11 ( r/16 ) 3,
On the basis of these calculations, Dr. Lipp concludes that
the chance of space-travellers existing at planets attached
to neighbouring stars is very much greater than the chance
of space-travelling Martians : if the Martians are now visit
ing us without contact, it can be assumed that they have
just recently succeeded in space travel and that our civil
ization would be practically abreast of theirs. But the
chance that Martians, under such widely divergent con
ditions, would have a civilization resembling our own is
extremely small.
served Martian phenomena, the idea of life on Mars
seems to be the most tenable . . . . If in place of struggling
lichens we assume a thriving vegetation cover, then it is
easy to add other members of the biotic community. If
plant-like organisms have solved the problem of growth
in the Martian environment so well, one might surely ex
pect to find mobile forms comparable to our animals
that feed on plants. And from there it is but one more
step ( granted, a big one ) to intelligent beings. In view
of the evidence, we should at least try to keep our minds
open so that we could survive the initial shock of en
countering them.
The alternate possibility, which, in Dr. Lipp's model,
leads to higher probabilities than the system of the "space
traveling Martians," is that of visits by superior galactic
communities. It will be discussed in more detail in a NOTE
at the end of this volume, where we will see that it is by
no means fanciful to estimate that the number of inhabita
ble systems is about 3 to 5 per cent of the number of stars
( S . S. Huang, 1963 ) -yielding eight billion inhabitable
planetary systems in our galaxy.
The search for signs of intelligence in the universe is an
old preoccupation of many professional and amateur scien
tists. The observation of what was often recorded as "bright
flashes" on Mars led nineteenth century scientists to the idea
that light signals could be used for communication among
beings living on different planets. Profes90r Pickering, who
observed Mars at Lowell Observatory at the end of the nine
teenth century, seems to have been certain of the existence
of such 'signals.' ( Many of the phenomena described, how
ever, are indistinguishable from Class I clouds. ) Such bright
phenomena, suggested Sir Francis Galton in 1896, could be
produced by "an immense assemblage of large heliographs."
From there, he imagined the building of a code for a true
exchange of information between Mars and the Earth.
More than fifty years earlier, in his course in astronomy
at the Sorbonne, Arago used to mention the suggestion of
a German geometrist to enter in communication with possi
ble inhabitants of the moon : His design was to send a
74 -
known type of cosmic object in the galaxy," and there was
wide speculation, not only on the physical nature of the
object but also on the possible artificial origin of the signal
it emitted. A year before, a former student of Dr. Shklovsky,
Nicolas Kardashev, had published in the Astronomical Jour
nal of the Soviet Academy of Sciences the theory that radio
sources CTA 21 or CTA 102 might be space beacons used
by a super-race.
The western press devoted considerable place to the in
formation; a certain uneasiness was perceptible in the ar
ticles and comments it published.
For several years, the attention of the American astrono
mers has been focused on observational projects similar to
the Russian one. In 1960, the U.S. National Radio-Astronomy
Observatory conducted a three-month effort to study pat
terns of possible "rational" origin in the radio signals com
ing from the direction of Tau Ceti and Epsilon Eridani, two
stars of a type suitable for the development of a planetary
system supporting life. Dr. Drake was director of this pro
ject, called Project OZMA after the princess in "the land
of Oz," a popular series of books for children.
A study made for NASA in 1964 by the Brookings In
stitution under the direction of Donald N. Michael warned
that the discovery of life in the universe could be a threat
to the stability of our own civilization because of its psy
chological implications. And the report insisted that "while
the discovery of intelligent life in other parts of the universe
is not likely in the immediate future, it could, nevertheless,
happen at any time."
The same report added :
Societies sure of their own place have disintegrated
when confronted by a superior society, and others have
survived even though changed. Clearly, the better we
can come to understand the factors involved in responding ;
to such crises, the better prepared we may be.
The problem of detection of signals from rational beings
is here seen to converge to the problem of interpretation of
the UFO Phenomenon. And an obvious question is : Why
do scientists show so much excitement at the possibility of
deciphering radio signals from distant civilizations but ne
glect to investigate thousands of reports by reliable observ76
Chapter 3
To STUDY efficiently an nnresearched phenomenon requires
time and a combination of techniques utilized by a homo
genous team of investigators. A second important problem
is data collection. 0
Our hypotheses concerning the UFO problem may prove
incomplete, or naive, or wrong. But we feel that if we have
only been able to gather a collection of facts which could
be employed as the basis of research by other scientists
our contribution will have been positive.
In this introduction to the description of modem reports
we want to delineate the field of our exploration; the de
tails themselves will be found further in the book, but we
feel it necessary to impress upon our reader in advance the
there are reasons to think that this cause may be related to,
or a manifestation of, extraterrestrial intelligence.
We have been helped in our data collection problem by
several persons, among whom Aime Michel deserves the
first mention. We have also found much information in sci
entific or popular periodicals. We will see that American
sightings are generally less interesting than observations made
elsewhere in the world, or at least are less important than
is generally thought; the UFO phenomenon did not begin
in the U.S., with the Kenneth Arnold incident over Mount
Rainier in June of 1947. The modem aspect of this activity
was first observed in Europe at the end of the war. The
first important "wave" which can be accurately traced oc
curred in Sweden in July-August, 1946, one year before Ar
nold allegedly saw a formation of silvery disks from his
private airplane in the state of Washington. The most impor
tant sightings have been made in Europe, many of them
in France in autumn of 1954. The high population density
of that area of the world and the small dimensions of the
local communities have produced reports of a high reliability;
the witnesses are almost always known and the exact location
of the object can be pinpointed on the map.
UFO waves are known to have taken place in Russia, Po
land, Hungary and other communist countries. Some of the
reports involved are quite detailed. Witness this article in
Ogoniok, No. 1 1 , March, 1958, by Soukhanov ( 88; see also
87, 89 ) :
Recently, not far from Moscow and at an altitude of
about three thousand meters, a strange object flying at
great speed was seen. The witnesses maintained that it
had exactly the shape of a disk, of relatively large dimen
sions. No one was able to say what this disk was, or
where it came from. Very fantastic interpretations and ,
hypotheses have been started by this incident. A little
later, the disk came down toward the ground with a
motion in spiral and started upward again, turned over
and, suddenly speeding, disappeared behind a nearby
We have here, incidentally, another example of a type of
behavior well known to French researchers : the "dead-leaf"
lar channels of tradition. We are dealing with a very deep
and complex system of stimuli whose study cannot be un
dertaken without asking fundamental questions concerning
our vision of the world as a whole.
No survey of the UFO phenomenon has been made by
historians or sociologists, although it would seem, from the
continual accumulation of sightings since 1946, that we
are faced with a problem of sociological significance. fu the
absence of such studies, no complete documentation is avail
able, and only very few scientists have seen the m eaningful
reports ; the majority of them have been discouraged by the
"sensational'' interpretation of the facts presented in the news
papers, and by the number of obvious misinterpretations
and hoaxes, among which the true phenomenon seems very
difficult to find. Intelligent and serious reports, however, do
exist; about 10 to 30 percent of the eight thousand Amer
ican sightings kept up to date in Dayton by ATIC could
be called intriguing, to say the least. It is the opinion of
this writer that their accumulation constitutes a true pheno
menon in itself, well worth a detailed and extensive scientific
Whether or not UFOs were seen, or imagined, during pre
ceding centuries, the Middle Ages or even in Biblical and
legendary times remains an open question. Their modem
epic seems to have started sometime during World War II,
when many pilots reported strange lights apparently under
intelligent control. The first great peak of sightings took
place after the war, one year before the Mount Rainier in
cident and the 1947 U.S. wave. This wave reached its
maximum by mid-July, 1946, and affected the northern re
gions of Europe. We will try here to clarify the incidents of
that period, from comments that appeared in the French
press ( 94 ) .
The first account we have been able to find comes from
the newspaper Resistance of July 19, 1946:
During the last few months the populations of the
southern part of Sweden, and those of the northern part,
have been somewhat disturbed; from time to time, es
pecially at night, bright meteors, traveling at fantastic
82 -
In Le Monde, August
Le Figaro, on the
same day:
August 28 :
When the 1947 wave started, a total of five atomic bomb
explosions-Alamogordo ( July 16, 1945 ) , Hiroshima ( Aug
ust 6, 1945 ) , Nagasaki, Crossroads A and Crossroads B
had aheady taken place. "Of these, the first two were in
positions to be seen from Mars, the third was very doubt
ful ( at the edge of Earth's disk in daylight) and the last two
were on the wrong side of the Earth" ( 52 ) . At the time of
Alamogordo and Hiroshima, Mars was 165,000,000 and
153,000,000 miles away from the earth, respectively.
Hence the suggestion ( see Dr. Lipp's report, [52] ) that
other galactic communities may have kept a long-term rou
tine watch on earth and may have been alarmed by the
sight of our A-bombs as evidence that we are warlike and
on the threshold of space exploration.
In April of 1947, in Richmond, Virginia, an interesting
observation had aheady been made. A weatherman track
ing a balloon with a theodolite saw a disk-shaped object, with
a flat bottom and a dome on top , cross his field. On about
the eighteenth of May, at sunset, a flat cigar-shaped object
crossed the sky very rapidly. In another account, the "cigar"
90 -
Only isolated incidents were reported prior to the next
period of significant activity, which came in the summer of
1948. One of these incidents was the Mantell case, which
has been fairly well identified as having been caused by
a Skyhook balloon which Mantell tried to chase too high
without proper oxygen equipment. Several incidents were,
however, reported in January, but we are unable to de
cide from our data whether or not this sudden burst of
observations should be considered significant. On Janu
ary 9, 1948 ( two days after the death of Captain Mantell ) ,
at 7 : 20 P.M., there was seen at Clinton, North Carolina, for
thirty five minutes an object of a type that will be found
described in many French reports in 1954 and 1957: a
coneshaped UFO, red with a diffuse green tail, dancing and
"fighting" in the sky at an amazing speed. Its brightness
was such that its contour could still be discerned even when
it was hidden behind some clouds. 0
On February 1, another UFO was reported close to the
ground at Circleville, Ohio, by Bruce Stevenson. ( See page
188 ) . Other observations of interest were made on February
20 at Boise and Emmett, Idaho. It is diflicult to speak in
this instance of a "wave," but we do have indications of
major UFO activity in the United States at that time. It
appears, from our data, that it had vanished by the end of
February ( 30, 11, 95 ) .
In March of 1948 the phenomenon appeared in Italy.
On March 23, at Florence, reports were made of disks and
spheres leaving trails of smoke as they roared across the
sky. Similar accounts were published the next day concern
ing objects seen under the same conditions between 5 : 00
P.M. and 6 : 3 0 P.M. in Surrey and in Kent, England. Similar
phenomena were observed in Birmingham at midnight. In
April, the phenomenon returned to the United States. lh
the afternoon of April 5, Holloman ( New Mexico) Air
Force Base personnel reported having witnessed an object
in the shape of a disk, thirtyfive meters in diameter, exe
cuting a series of violent turns and maneuvers-it is worth
0 This class of objects reappeared over the United States
during the summer of 1964.
no wings," had been observed at The Hague, Holland. The
observations were made from the ground, on four occasions.
The same type of object was seen at Clark Airfield, on the
Philippine Islands, about August 1; the report describes a
torpedo-shaped UFO with a double row of lights.
On July 27, 1948, at 8 : 35 A.M., a scientist at New Mexico
University, driving in the streets of Albuquerque, saw dis
tinctly for ten minutes a Hat and circular object that seemed
to be a metallic disk motionless in the sky. In addition to his
scientific training, the witness had had more than two thou
sand hours of flight as a navy pilot and was, of course, famil
iar with classical aircraft. This sighting has never been re
ported officially, and the witness wishes to remain anony
After that date the frequency of sightings decreased in
the U.S., but the wave continued to develop elsewhere on
the planet. Unfortunately, this activity hit mainly Eastern
countries, from which little information can be obtained;
this may be the reason the wave appears to have died at
the end of July. On August 1, however, as we have already
noted, a sighting took place in the Philippines. The same
day, a peak of reports developed in Saigon and, as far as
we can tell, in the whole of Southeast Asia. Samy Shnon,
a French radio-television correspondent, was flying between
Hong Kong and Saigon when all crew members and pas
sengers of the plane saw a long, metallic fish-like object re
flecting the sunlight. Below it there appeared to be another
long, solid object. No flame or smoke was noted. The size
was esthnated as twice that of a large bomber. Without
diminishing speed, the craft made a ninety-degree turn and
vanished in the clouds. On August 2, UFO rumors spread
to the whole of Indochina with the characteristics of public
emotion and masses of reports typical of the classical "fly
ing-saucer wave."
In Moscow during the fall of the same year, shnilar re
ports were made, and a few sightings of a new type oc
curred in the U.S. before the wave died completely. These
new incidents are best illustrated by the Gorman case.
Gorman was piloting an F-51 aircraft over Fargo, North
Dakota, when he saw a light of an estimated diameter of
twenty to thirty centimeters. It displayed "remarkable evo
lutions." This was on October 1, 1948, at 9 : 00 P.M., and
the sighting lasted twenty minutes. The Gorman incident
Nineteen hundred and forty-nine is another year that
might reveal surprising information to future investigators
if they are able to gather more information concerning
sightings in Asiatic countries. Between the two excellent
American reports of April 24 ( Charles Moore } and August
20 ( Clyde Tombaugh) a wave may have taken place in
Sweden and the U.S.S.R., but it is difficult to support this
assumption from our present data. UFO activity that year,
at any rate, seems to have begun somewhere in South
America in March and developea- in the U.S. at the begin
ning of April. On March 21 the Adams-Anderson incident
took place fifteen miles north of Stuttgart, Arkansas where
an object with eight to ten lights ( again enthusiastically
labeled "portholes" in the specialized journals ) was seen trav
eling north. It was associated with a blinking blue light.
On April 6, several incidents occurred at White Sands Prov
ing Grounds in New Mexico. The next day a huge "column
of metal" was reported at Des Moines, Iowa; the UFO was
seen standing vertically in the sky, surrounded by fiery
lights and blue, yellow and purple glows ; the witness
said that he had never seen anything more dreadful in his
entire life.
The Charles Moore incident is of interest, an air force
document notes, because of the high technical qualifi
cations of the observer. Preparing a site for the launch
ing of a large test balloon at White Sands on April 24,
1949, Moore was checking on crosswinds in the valley
between two mountain ranges and had launched a small
weather balloon, watching it in a theodolite, keeping it
on the cross hairs. He had a new man on the team who
wanted experience in tracking balloons. And so Moore
turned the theodolite to him, cautioning him to keep it
on and not lose it, because Moore did not want to waste
a balloon. Shortly after, Moore looked up to check the
balloon by unaided eye and thought he saw it moving
off to the east. He yelled to the man that he had lost
the balloon, but the man said, "No, it is still on the cr9ss
wires." Moore looked and confirmed this, and then rapid
ly switched the theodolite to the strange object, catching
it after it had "passed through" the sun. It was elliptical,
two or three times as long as it was wide, moving along
its major axis, and covered the entire sky from the south
west to the northeast in sixty seconds. Five others saw it
and confirmed Moore's sighting. Moore checked his re
focus of the theodolite and found it had been focused
for infinity. Moore then launched another balloon and
tracked it throughout its course of ninety thousand
feet. At no level were the winds from the southwest,
so a balloon is ruled out ( 45) .
In July, 1949, disks and spheres were reported Hying
over Sweden and toward the U.S.S.R. The summer was
quiet everywhere else, with no special sign of activity in
the United States until the Las Cruces, New Mexico, in
cident of August 20, when the astronomer Clyde Tombaugh,
the discoverer of Pluto and a well-known planetary ex
pert, sighted a geometric formation of rectangle-shaped lighbl.
It was lost in the southeast. California, New Mexico and
Oklahoma were sources of reports later that year, and a
This observation had another witness, who saw the ob
ject from the town of Osuma ( eighty-eight kilometers
from Seville ) after it had departed from the first point. The
behavior reported here is again typical; the zig-zag "dead
leaf' motion, which is described by some observers as simi
lar to that of an object falling through water, has been
observed on many occasions and in many countries.
In the night of April 27, 1950, an aircraft flying toward
Chicago met a thick red disk at two thousand feet altitude
just before reaching the South Bend Airport. The entire crew
and all of the passengers saw the object flying on edge
like a wheel. As soon as the plane turned in the direction
of the object, it veered off at 450 miles per hour, went as
low as fifteen hundred feet altitude ( and was then seen
under the plane) and finally left at great speed. The "disk"
was polished and streamlined, but no detail of structure was
On May 22, 1950, the astronomer Seymour Hess, at Lo
well Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, saw a metallic disk.
On M ay 29, at 9 : 20 P.M., twelve kilometers east of Mount
Vernon, Captain Willis Sperry, of American Airlines, flying
from Washington to Tulsa, observed a bright blue fluorescent
light coming toward the aircraft. The "object" then stopped
and, as the plane continued, was seen against the moon
as a dark silhouette in "the shape of a submarine," without
fins or wings. It appeared to be metallic and took off at
high speed when the pilots tried to make a turn to pursue
To the degree that 1950 was a typical year of activity,
1951 was typically inactive. The largest number of reports
made in a two-week period is five ( first half of October ) ,
but some of these reports are most interesting. UFO activi
ty, it is clear, does not occur only in waves; in addition to
the recurrence of large peaks of reports one should consider
a constant phenomenon of local "flaps" or isolated sightings
such as the following. A flat object of a blinding white
color was seen, on March 12, 1951, at 4 P.M., for fif
teen minutes, at Corcelles-Neuchatel in Switzerland ( 97 ) .
The witnesses were Professor Alfred Lombard and his fam-
ily, and several other persons. The UFO was seen above
the lake. It followed a large course across the sky, leaving
a white and woolly smoke trail as it progressed with sud
den leaps forward. Sometimes it would remain perfectly
motionless. After fifteen minutes the object traveled in a
half-circle and turned upside-down, appearing as a perlect
disk. It then took off vertically, at a fantastic speed, emitt
ing no smoke or noise, and was lost in an instant.
We have already expressed our feelings of puzzlement
concerning the interpretation of sightings of UFOs for
durations of twenty minutes as "ball-lightining." Those who
are interested in a scientific description of such a twenty
minute ball lightning are invited to such a treat by L'Astron
omie (98 ) , in which the beautiful object is reported. It
was red and remained motionless for a while, then went
toward the northeast, then toward the southwest, and at
the same time it came closer to the ground. Later it began
to ascend again, only to assume a swinging motion, after
which it went out of sight. The place was the little town
of La Roche-sur-Yon, Vendee, France, and the date was
June 15, 1951, at 1 1 : 30 P.M. The sky was clear, and the
moon and the stars were bright. According to the witness'
estimate, the object was spherical and the size of an orange.
On August 25, 1951, at 9 : 58 P.M., a V-shaped object
was seen at Alburquerque, New Mexico, flying from north
to south. It was larger than a B-26
and flew at four
hundred miles per hour at an altitude of eight hundred to
one thousand feet. It was a silvery object with six or eight
lights grouped in pairs. On either side of the center, six
to eight dark bands could be seen on the wing. No sound
was heard. The object definitely reflected the lights of Cen
tral Avenue as it flew over the area. There were two wit
nesses, one of them a security guard at Sandia Base (99 ) .
The case has never been solved.
On November 29, 1951, at sunset, close to Highway 5
at Madisonville, Indiana, three duck hunters saw in the
sky an object which left a vapor trail; it came lower and
stopped just above them. One of the men took his gun and
raised it, but the UFO allegedly left at high speed, then
turned on one side, and they could see that it was disk
shaped and streamlined. It carne lower as if it were going
to land, but did not; instead, it took off again.
sun it looked like a white metallic object.
the setting
A true worldwide wave occurred in 1952. So many sight
ings were made all over the planet between April and the
end of November that not even the exceptional ones can
be completely listed here. Rather than imposing on the
reader descriptions of the standard cases, such as the Wash
ington incidents ( which can be found in most books on the
problem ) , I will try to select a few lesser-known cases
that might also prove of interest.
As early as January, at Gallup, New Mexico, several ob
jects that moved swiftly and occasionally remained in front
of the disk of the sun had been seen. On January 30, in
Korea, a huge disk that revolved like a large horizontal
wheel was observed for several minutes. It radiated an or
ange light from its whole surface and gave off bluish flames
from the edge. On May 10, 1952, at 6 : 00 P.M., twelve per
sons in La Roche-sur-Yon saw a flat disk fully lighted; it
flew without noise and took off vertically to overtake anoth
er UFO seen higher in the sky ( 100, 10 1 ) . On May 20,
1952, an aerial object was reported at Denham, England,
"giving rise to small disks that scattered in all directions."
On June 12, a celebrated sighting was made at Le Bour
get Airport in Paris ( 1 02 ) . A large number of witnesses
saw the '1ight," including the control tower operators, pilots
in landing aircraft and persons living on the north side of
the city.
During the month of July-which marked the maximum
of the wave-activity was equally divided behveen France,
North Africa and the United States. On July 6, for instance,
two bluish "disks" were seen at Thann in Alsace; a lumi
nous sphere was reported at Bone, Algeria; and another
disk was seen at Bou-Hadjar, near Oran, during the night
of July 7.
Maximum intensity was reached in the last two weeks of
July, and then the wave decreased and fell to a minimum
in the second week of Semptember. But even then it did
not die completely; a new burst of sightings appeared in
European countries. The peak of the wave had been marked
by two sensational observations. made in vVashington above
cal object for two minutes. One of the aircraft returning to
its base spotted the UFO again and tried without suc
cess to reach it. The same day, Morocco was flooded with
reports of disks from Tangier to Marrakesh and Casablanca.
In the latter case, five thousand persons attending a boxing
match saw the object. On September 22, the night shift
of a factory in Bayonne, France, watched for twenty min
utes the classical "swinging motion" of a UFO. Later that
day, an aircraft landing at Titrnellil-Casablanca Airfield was
passed at a low altitude by a bright object. Witnesses on
become important references in the analysis of UFO behavior,
and the vadous maneuvers observed have been given names
of French towns. But the 1954 wave, as well as its suc
cessor, covered the entire planet. We ltave already noted the
similadty between French and Amedcan observations in the
1950 and 1952 waves. Many of the 1954 descriptions ap
peared to be truly new and unprecedented when Michel
published his important findings, but we will see that the
pattern had been set long ago, and that the only peculiar
ity in the French wave is the amazing number of reports.
"Landings," "cloud cigars" and "aerial fights" had already
been observed in almost every country on the globe when
the pedod studied by Michel opened; but nobody had
paid much attention to the similarities because a particu
lar case was always forgotten before the next one hit the
front page.
The French wave of 1954, however, was inescapable.
Dozens of reports were made every day in September, Oc
tober and November, and the phenomenon was so intense,
the impact on public opinion so deep, the newspapers'
reactions so emotional that scientific reflexes were saturated
long before a serious investigation could be organized. As
a result, no scientist could risk his reputation by studying
openly a phenomenon so emotionally distorted; French sci
entists remained silent until the wave passed and died. Ex
tensive files were not collected, for the clippings of one single
month represented an amazing volume of paper, so that only
an efficient organization of experts could have completed
the task. By the time the wave died, the problem had
been ridiculed; the situation has remained in this state
of paralysis ever since . .
The name of the little town of Vernon, forty miles north
west of Paris, became associated with a category of sight
ings after an observation made on August 23; the sighting,
which took place at 1 : 00 A.M., is recognized as the first
landmark of importance in the wave.
A Vernon businessman, Bernard Miserey, had just put his
car away when, coming out of the garage, he saw a pale
li ght illuminating the town, which had been in complete
darkness a little while before. The night was completely
clear and the moon was at last quarter, and hence was
rising about that time.
Looking at the sky, he saw a huge, silent, motionless, lumi-
nous mass, app arently suspended above the bank of the
river some three hundred yards away. It could have been
compared to a gigantic cigar standing on end.
"I had been watching this amazing spectacle for a couple
of minutes," Mr. Miserey later reported,
when suddenly from the bottom of the cigar came an
object like a horizontal disk, which dropped at first in
free fall, then slowed, and suddenly swayed and dived
horizontally across the river toward me, becoming very
luminous. For a very short time I could see the disk full
face; it was surrounded by a halo of brilliant light.
A few minutes after it had disappeared behind me,
going southwest at a prodigious speed, a similar object
came from the cigar and went through the same man
euvers. A third object came, then a fourth. There was
then a long interval, and finally a fifth disk detached
itself from the cigar, which was still motionless. This last
disk dropped much lower than the earlier ones, to the
level of the new bridge, where it remained still for an
instant, swaying slightly. At that time I could see very
clearly its circular form and its red luminosity-more in
tense at the center, fading out at the edges-and the
glowing halo surrounding it. After a few seconds' pause,
it wobbled like the first four, and took off like a Hash
toward the north, where it was lost in the distance as
it gained altitude. During this time the luminosity of the
cigar had faded, and the gigantic object, which may
have been three hundred feet long, had sunk into dark
ness. The spectacle had lasted about three-quarters of an
The observer was not aware that there were corroborating
witnesses. Two policemen making their rounds at 1 : 00 A.M.
had also observed the phenomenon, as had an army engin
eer southwest of the town. The case was described briefly
by a Paris newspaper ( 1 1 4 ) . With the exception of an
investigation conducted by Michel, no further study was
made of the case.
Three weeks later, on September 14, the phenomenon re
occurred in broad daylight and was observed by hundreds
of witnesses in a half-dozen villages 250 miles southwest of
Paris. Only one newspaper mentioned it, and only by chance
almost a mile from the vertical object it made a final dash
toward it at headlong speed and disappeared like a shoot
ing star into the lower part, where it had first come out
Perhaps a minute later the carrot leaned over as it began
to move, accelerated and disappeared into the clouds in
the distance. The whole thing lasted about half an hour
( l l5 ) .
At Amiens, on September
7, at 7 : 15 A.M. :
108 ,
September 19:
A circular object appeared suddenly in the north. It was
flat, gray, and appeared to be metallic. It slowed, stopped,
and remained motionless for about thirty seconds, during
which time it swayed back and forth slightly. Mter a
half-minute it went off again in a north-west direction.
l lO
where the different countries are shown separately. In Jan
uary, a peak of reports had already been noted in Australia,
where a curious mushroom-shaped object was described
on several occasions by highly reliable witnesses ( 30 ) .
The following year, 1955, was not quiet, as witness the
reports made at Kelly, Kentucky; at Cochise, Arizona; at
Keflavik Airport in Iceland; at Duluth, Minnesota; and
Cheyenne, Wyoming. An enormous amount of detailed re
ports is available for the sightings made after 1954; trig
gered by the formidable impact of the events described .
above, amateurs and enthusiasts, among whom were several
serious students of the phenomenon, organized themselves on
a local scale and started to publish some of the information
they were able to gather. A few professional scientists also
became interested in the UFO problem and began sorting the
reports from official or private sources, where hoaxes and
errors were obviously present, and compiling limited cata
logues. Thanks to this activity, the data are so abundant
that we must review the last period summarily. As I write
this chapter, I have in front of me three drawers full of index
cards covering the period 1955-1964. Each card is a ref
erence to the files in which the sighting is to be found, and
each card usually mentions at least two or three different
sources available for each case.
UFO waves developed in 1956, 1957 and 1958. The ap
parent periodicity of two years, discernible in the four pre
ceding peaks of activity, seems to vanish during this period.
The sightings continue to follow the patterns established in
1952 and verified with such strength in 1954. Most of the
examples we will use in later chapters will be chosen from
among these recent documents, for UFOs are still seen and
reported today in all parts of the world.
UFO activity did not cease after the 1958 wave, the last
important and massive series of incidents we have been able
to record. We do not yet know all reported sightings of the
last three years; publication of descriptions made by wit
nesses in Argentina in 1962 is only beginning. For other
countries, such as Africa and New Zealand, we may have
to wait much longer before knowing what has happened in '
the recent period. In the United States, the delay is generally
Chapter 4
When any new and unexplained phenomenon offers it- self to our inquiry, the fust duty of the investigator is to 1
inform himself, with the most scrupulous accuracy, of all
the circumstances, however minute, which accompany it; 1
and if past observation cannot answer all circumstan- I
tial inquiries which his understanding may suggest as I
necessary, he must patiently wait the recurrence of a like
phenomenon, and diligently observe. When he shall thus
have collected all the circumstances that can be imagined
to throw light on its origin, he w.ill then, and not until 1
then, be in a position to justify an inquiry into its I
Dionysius Lardner, D.C.L. Popular Physics, 1856. I
( Quoted by Waveney Girvan, [ 185] . )
1 1 !1
that occur in any other eld of human experience, in law,
in medicine, or in the many branches of the sciences.
Evidence so well attested would certainly be accepted in
court. But it is understandable why it cannot be as yet in
the area in which we are dealing. We do need either a
breakthrough here-and a breakthrough would consist
of one or more sightings that occurred in front of a
battery of scientists and their instruments, and which
sightings also produced copious amounts of hardware
or we need a very careful and devoted study of the evi
dence already at hand, even recognizing that the signal
to-noise ratio is extremely low and indeed less than unity.
At least, it appears to me that work should be done on
testing some of the hypotheses that have been put for
ward in cases in which numerous witnesses were present
and the phenomenon lasted a reasonable length of time.
( 45) .
Science has always chosen the subjects of its own inves
tigations; new facts generally have been discovered in the
course of scientific experiments and, by definition, study was
undertaken within the state of the art. Our logic and our
philosophy of science is adapted to this particular process.
When it is not followed, when events occur from the out
side, scientists react as emotional human beings, not as well
trained specialists. Other areas of human activity, such as
philosophy or theology, are in a position to undertake a
study of the phenomenon, but science must remain silent.
The Fatima vision, for example, could be interpreted by
theologians and philosophers; similarly, C. G. Jung could
discuss the UFO problem long before the scientists could
adapt his methods of investigation to the phenomenon, for
new concepts had to be defined and solid psychological
barriers broken.
When scientists are thus confronted with the totally un
expected, their normal reaction is labeling the unknown in
stead of studying it. A monstrous animal always looks less
terrible when it has a name, preferably Latin. From the label,
scientists can jump to conclusions, all the time keeping as
far away from the monster as possible, later searching for
some aspects of the phenomenon which will fit their models
computed a priori. Of course, they can prove their point very
well by this process, and the whole argument seems very 1
reasonable and objective; any new phenomenon has aspects !
that, when isolated from the whole monstrous body, "look
like" already known and classified effects.
This point is excellently illustrated by meteorites and "fly
ing saucers"; certainly, we have not chosen to be confron- 1
ted with these objects, and similarly no farmer has ever
chosen to have a stone fall from the heavens through the
roof of his bam. Whatever the state of the art, the phenomenon is here, and so is the hole in the roof. If the cause of
the manifestation is natural, one day the expansion of sci
ence will absorb it; if I drop my pencil now, and watch it
fall to the floor, I am performing an experiment which is only
accurately described-but poorly explained-by science. I
am, however, confident that some day physicists will master
this amazing effect. On the other hand, when we are con
fronted with a manifestation of. seemingly intelligent origin,
at college and have jumped directly from their doctoral
dissertation into research and teaching without indulging
themselves in any romantic affair with earthly matters. This
results in many a disaster when they are later faced with
decisions involving business matters, industry contracts or
computer programming. It also results in their complete
inability to survive if they must live in a different environ
ment; they are therefore careful not to risk their astronomical
Some astronomers have, however, understood the UFO
problem and have studied it seriously, even if they have until
now neglected to send the result of their discussions to the
Astrophysical Journal. These researchers have carefully stud
ied many UFO reports and have analyzed them according
to the techniques with which they are familiar. Our own re
sults, obtained in the light of different techniques, seem to
indicate that the present prevailing attitude is too limited,
that there is more to be found in this phenomenon than
is claimed, because the samples of data they study are too
small and the techniques they employ too narrow. In this
book, we oppose a certain method of analysis, namely, the
122 .
they have received in specialized "enthusiast" reviews or in
the press, radio and television. A side effect af this process
is that the most interesting reports are completely unknown
of course, uneducated farmers see supernatural phenomena
everywhere ! The doctors, fortunately know better.
The Chief of the Royal Cavalry is very angry because he
has not yet been consulted. He must agree that the objects
do not represent a threat to the welfare of the empire, since it
is obvious that they do not carry spears, bows or arrows. He
will open a file, however, to keep the record of what is done
and classify the observations. But in order to do any serious
research on these documents he would need part of the money
reserved for the Department of the Royal Ships, and the
Great Admiral will never let him do that. Exit the Chief of
the Royal Cavalry.
By that time, the Emperor's daughter has fallen deeply in
love with a handsome prince, and the people are very busy
filing income tax reports, so that nobody speaks of Hying
crucifixes any more. The general opinion at the Court is that
it is not in the interest of the Crown to favor the spreading
of rumors, and the less said about it publicly the better.
A nice little old fellow had reported a very strange vision.
He said he was working in his field when he suddenly heard
a most unusual noise, and saw a huge Hying cross rushing
from behind a cloud, surrounded with smoke and fire, and
falling into the ocean at some distance from the coast. A few
minutes later a large white Hower appeared in the sky with
the shape of a human being dangling below it, as if at the
end of a string.
The strange entity landed on top of a big tree in the forest
and disappeared. Ten minutes later, as the farmer was still
trying to figure out the meaning of his vision, and was pon
dering whether he should tell it to the priest, a very tall man
in green clothes with peculiar hoses hanging around his neck,
an insignia on his overcoat and a black tube in his right
hand came toward him from the forest and said a few in
comprehensible words. Realizing he was not understood, he
left and did not return.
The author of this fantastic tale was asked many ques
tions; since he never touched a bottle of wine, he was de
clared mad in the seventh degree and possessed by the Devil.
Therefore, he was neatly and promptly hanged the same
The astrologer published a monograph in Latin concerning
the interpretation of moving lights. His general conclusion
from the sightings he had studied was that the next sum-
126 .
as a "field of research," and research itself is only a part of
human activity that has not been defined in scientific terms.
He has learned that, although specialists sometimes use dif
ferent techniques, tricks, or know-bows and like to think of
their work as an entity separated from the rest of the uni
verse by golden barriers, there are wide bands of similarity
across these little cells through which can be gained almost
immediate access to any of these disciplines. He will not
bother to ask for permission to contradict accepted theories,
because he is a researcher and any researcher must be con
scious of the possibly novel nature of the phenomenon he
may suddenly be confronted with. Nor will he apologize for
including in his research so-called "fantastic" reports, for
"fantastic" can only be defined with respect to a local system
of reference ; he will try to work in a scale where he knows
no other constraint than the relative laws of human reason
ing and the limits of his own imagination. Human limitations
of memory and capacity to process huge masses of data
without forgetting or making mistakes are no problem with
the advent of computers; the UFO problem is made for the
analyst. But he has never been asked to study it.
If an analyst were given the opportunity to study the UFO
problem his first demand would be that one or two mathe
maticians be added to the team of specialists. If new
phenomena are present in the set of patterns that constitutes
the UFO problem, there is a possibility that these phenom
ena may lie outside the scope of any one of the specialties
recognized today by science, and still be discernible to the
mathematical mind. At least, the abstract structure of these
behaviors may fall under some mathematical category or may
be approached by mathematical descriptions when all other
specialists have come to the limits of their competence.
I will not endeavor to prove that specialists have indeed
come to the limits of their competence in their attempts to
see through the blackness of the UFO mystery; this is obvi
ous, since after twenty years of investigation we are still at
the point where Ruppelt was when he set up his "com
mittee of specialists."
It is a fascinating experience to review the old arguments
used against the pioneers of astronomy-Copernicus, Kepler,
Galileo-and to realize that the mental processes that today
oppose the hypothesis of extraterrestrial intelligence are pre
cisely those we like to suppose were abolished four centuries
128 ,
the new object was not a star. Some explained that it was a
comet formed by the condensation of the vapors of sin and
set to fire by divine anger ( 120 ) . It produced a sort of poison
ous dust that fell on the people's heads and generated all
sorts of evil things such as "bad weather, pestilence and
Frenchmen." Most astronomers described the new object as
a comet which had no tail and moved very slowly. Tycho
Brahe's answer to these acrobats-0 coecos coeli spectatores/
( Blind spectators of the Sky l ) -could find applications to
No less an astronomer than Galileo occasionally made the
same mistake. Because comets did not fit into his model, he
denied their reality as material objects. He decided they had
to be phenomena like aurorae or sun dogs; they were pro
voked by a reflection of the hazes from the earth "that rise
in the sky higher than the moon."
Material existence, however, should obviously be tested. In
the case of UFOs, the recognition of this property is so cru
cial that one has indeed to be very careful. The official ap
proach is satisfactory if the data are representative of the
phenomenon one wants to study, and if criteria exist which
limit the possible complexity of the final "explanation." In his
book ( 121 ) , Dr. Menzel works from a selected sample of
UFO reports and does not limit the potential complexity of
his system. But very few of the cases he studies would be
thought worthy of consideration in an objective system of
analysis where weights are distributed according to well
defined criteria, and not according to the amount of pub
licity the case has received in "enthusiast" circles obviously
unconcerned with scientific analysis. Thus we find ourselves
confronted again with this selection effect of official 0 and
private secrecy on good reports and exaggerated publicity on
average or frankly bad reports. A classical example is the
Lubbock case, highly acclaimed in the ranks of the "believers."
We would like to confront those scientists who are opposed
to the theory of the material existance of the UFOs with
sightings like Vernon, Poncey, Ponthierry, Foussignargues,
Quarouble in France or Levelland, Texas and Lock Raven,
In addition to reports found in the official records we haYe
studied a m.rmber of other sources of documentation, which
may be dassied mainly into the cateogries of published
2.!1<! unpublished informatiXL. .r reliabili. of course, is
variable. Homogenci..'T and consistency can be achie..-ed
only by reC.uct:ion to a C'Orrl!IlOD basis in a rigidl) defined
system of classification. And it remains im.b!e to eliminate
comple>..ely the inf!uenre of the S?irit of each nation; descrip
tions marle by French v.itnesses are in general more detailed 1
than those made by Americans, while the terms used to
describe the same thing in Japan or Great Brittin will be '
the pitfalls of "loose thinking" and resisted the temptation of
fantasy: 0
C. G. Jung, A Modern Myth ( 9 )
( 2 ) E. Ruppelt, The Report on Unidentified Flying Ob
fects ( ll 8 )
(3) Aime Michel, The Truth About Flying Saucers ( 148 )
Aime Michael, Flying Saucers and the Straight Line
Mystery ( ll5)
( 5 ) D. Menzel and L. Boyd, The World of Flying
Saucers ( 1 2 1 )
I, I
and "'ball lightning" so strange they deserve a card in our
UFO file.
Researchers who want to study the 1954 French wave
should consult newspaper collections as Michel did, and as
we did to corroborate some of Michel's findings. But let them
be prepared to be confronted with an enormous quantity of
work! Most of the good reports have become collector's items,
and the early docwnents that circulated as private commu
nications, such as the Quincy catalogue, cannot be found to
Between the periods of mass publicity one cannot gain in
formation concerning the sightings through the large news
papers and must therefore turn to the local press, a very
difficult task if one does not receive help from local corres
pondents. Another solution would be for local UFO groups
to collect information in their areas and send it without dis
tortion or comment to a data-processing center, where the
general file would be kept. But everybody prefers to keep
jealously his own docwnents and most of the information
never comes to light. One could also subscribe to a news
clipping service, but this would require a fairly good organi
zation set up by data-processing experts, because of the vol
ume of material involved; the U.S. Air Force tried to do that
at a certain period but had to give it up because they re
in quality; many astronomers, 0 pilots and official personnel
would fiercely deny having seen anything like a disk in the
sky. Some will admit, in private, having seen peculiar ob
jects, but will never report them officially, not because they
feel they do not have evidence to support their account, '
but because they are afraid of the consequences; pilots are
not supposed to see things and astonomers are not sup
posed to spread superstitious rumors-not to mention the fact
that in some countries "spreading rumors" is a crime pun
ishable by two weeks in jail.
Through personal association with interested astronomers
and scientists we were in a favorable position to discover how
different their private attitudes are from their official stand
points, and we could often gain access to otherwise "reserved"
information. An unfortunate consequence is that we would be
in difficulty if we were asked to cite the exact reference or
source of some of this information. In France, for example,
no official record has been kept of the observations. A special
bureau of the army seems to have existed when public emo
tion was at a maximum, but the useful part of its files con
tains only a few reports, made by meteorologists in Sahara and
control-tower operators, in addition to naive considerations
about meteors taken from some encyclopedia. The Italian
Air Force once issued a vague statement concerning its files,
which contained, in their own words, only very limited in
formation on objects seen flying on the eastern coast of their
country in 1954.
Considerable private activity has developed and is being
maintained in Europe. Although no unifying force exists, this
activity is not always wasted. Interested scientists search for
new facts and their findings are often of high quality.
One should always, however, check completely the original
source, for UFO data are generally transmitted burdened by
superstition and falsehoods. Through extremely careful analy-
scientist observes.
step will be an attempt at interpretation in physical terms,
in which we will evaluate the results already obtained and
will allow ourselves to consider specific points present in a
few well-defined sightings. Only in this third step will the
door be open to speculation and hypothesis.
Confronted with masses of letters, clippings and docu
ments, how are we to proceed to organize a "hierarchy of
reliability" among the reports? How may we classify this in
formation in such a way that our work will indeed result in
clarification and will be objective, a necessary condition for
other researchers to be able to use our data and to criticize
them meaningfully?
This can only be done through a long process of pattern
analysis. The first steps in this process are elementary. Who
ever the witness, whatever his background, occupation or
drinking habits, we possess at least two objective pieces of
information concerning him: the place of the sighting and the
date. This is our most natural access to the case: its coor
dinates in space and time.
Obvious as this seems, many "Ufologists," officials and ama
teurs who claim they are doing "scientific research," neglect
this point; even such specialized journals as the UFO Investi
gator or the APRO Bulletin, published in the United States
(see p. 162, not to mention publications of less importance,
print numerous descriptions of UFO sightings but do not
bother, in any instances, to mention the date or the place.
In books by UFO enthusiasts one finds quite often the irrita
ting situation of knowing the exact day, hour and minute
when the author received a very important call from the
Pentagon concerning a certain sighting, and we are given all
the details of the call, and we know that the author was get
ting ready for breakfast and had already put butter on his
toast when the phone started ringing, but we remain totally
ignorant of the date and place of the sensational sighting.
Some official reports will indicate carefully the name, address
and military status of the witness, but not the place of the
A third piece of information contained in the report is a
description-the witness claims he has seen something either
in the sky or on the ground. His claim is real, but the object
of his claim may be a hoax or an illusion. We must not, there
fore, classify mainly according to such factors as the dimen
sion, the shape or the course of the object, but according to
its behavior, which is an integrated impression of very high
stability. And this should again be in terms so general that
mistakes made by the observer, or failure of his memory con
cerning the apparent diameter or elevation of the phenom
enon, will not affect this classification to a large degree.
could accept the idea that a rabbit has suddenly disappeared
into a magician's hat, even if the magician says so.
The official system consists in attaching to each UFO report one of the following labels :
( 1 ) Was balloon
( 2 ) Probable balloon
( 3) Possible balloon
( 4 ) Was aircraft
( 5 ) Probable aircraft
( 6 ) Possible aircraft
( 7 ) Was astronomical
( 8 ) Probable astronomical
( 9) Possible astronomical
( 10 ) Other
( 1 1 ) Unknown
( 12 ) Unidentified
( 13) Insufficient data
Categories 1, 4 and 7 are supposed to contain only those
reports which have been shown to refer to a conventional
object, when this object has really been identified, not only
as a balloon ( or an aircraft, etc. ) but as a specified balloon,
aircraft, etc. For example, a witness calls the sheriffs office
to report seeing a sphere in the sky. Policemen go out, ob
serve the sphere and, by calling the local airport, determine
that the origin of the sighting is a balloon tracked at the very
moment by the local station. This is a true identification. Sim
ilarly, a so-called "strange light" photographed at night is
shown to fit exactly the trajectory of an artificial satellite.
Such reports obviously have no place in a study of UFO's.
In categories 2, 5 and 8 are found reports of objects that
displayed a behavior so similar to that expected from a con
ventional object that no reason exists to believe that this par
ticular object was other than conventional. To give an ex
treme example, I cannot prove that my grocer is not a Venu
sian in disguise, but on the other hand I have no reason to
believe that he is other than human as long as his appear
ance and behavior are human. We will often find ourselves
in agreement with the official conclusion and ignore most of
these reports.
Even if disagreement sometimes exists concerning the
"probable" categories, it is never very considerable. Real
disagreement begins when it comes to the "possible." For
this is a human, not a scientific, notion and there is no con140-
made under no general plan of research and in conditions
one must criticize. The expensive Special Report 1 4, for ex
ample, was made for ATIC by a private consulting firm whose
name is kept secret, not because of the results or contents of
the investigation, but because this company did not want its
name attached to a study of "Hying saucers." What sort of
science is this, when the authors of a scientific report that
will be used for years as an authoritative reference do not
want their names to be mentioned because they fear the
ridicule . attached to the problem could affect their business?
The classi.S.cation system is very poor for another reason. A
"possible aircraft" could very well also be a "possible balloon,"
and I do not see how one could prove that the description of
a ball of light seen very far away in the western sky is Venus
rather than a balloon when no accurate position is given;
all these categories overlap and the classi.S.cation is purely
arbitrary. In addition, "astronomical" can refer to a misinter
pretation of Venus, Mars or Jupiter, as well as to a meteor.
An analysis based on divisions of such poor homogeneity is
not likely to lead to satisfactory results when the testing of
hypotheses is attempted.
We are left with three categories into which we can put
reports that, from the point of view of the UFO student, are
interesting. They are "other," "unknown" and "unidentified."
This is not very appealing.
flying at that altitude. We know that an aircraft, as well as
several other physical causes, could produce the same ap
pearance. This is a type of sighting from which we simply
cannot obtain more. Even knowing the exact distance, the
azimuth and elevation of the object would not help us. We
have to make a decision: either reject the case, or include it
with an extremely low weight.
Consider the following case, also classified "insuffi cient in
formation": in Anita, Iowa, on June 15, 1955, a cigar-shaped
object with a blue and white glowing color and a red exhaust
was observed. The object appeared to be five hundred to
one thousand feet above the ground, and the observer noted
a soft hissing sound. Even if additional information would be
welcome, it seems to us that one could already start doing
something more with this sighting than putting it into the
same category as the preceding one. And we wonder what
their reason was for not making it an "unknown."
All these categories may be of help as far as the adminis
trative routine is concerned, and they certainly could be
maintained. But they cannot help in an analysis of the UFO
problem. The two operations-maintaining a file of reports in
accordance with official regulations, and doing research on
the information contained in the reports-should be very
clearly separated, and separate codes should be used.
untrained person, except for extreme cases when greater ex
perience is needed. In general, only classill cation within
Type II will require a great deal of familiarity with the
problem and considerable attention. These events are rare
and remarkable, but sometimes treacherous. Only in twenty or
thirty good cases is there no possibility of mistake. Some of
the average reports of this category should be analyzed in
the light of Dr. Menzel's approach, in which one puts the
emphasis on the very strange behavior that extreme cases of
mirages and other natural phenomena can present. We will
give t\vo examples of cases where the author has until now
been unable to reach a definitive verdict, although he has
classilled both reports under Type 11-B :
On July 9, 1686, at 1 : 30 A.M., at Leipzig, the German
astronomer Gottfried Kirch reported that he saw a burning
globe with a trail that appeared 8 . 5 from Aquarius and re
mained motionless for more than seven minutes. Its apparent
diameter was one-half that of the moon, and it gave so much
light that one could read with no other source of illumina
tion. It vanished gradually at the same place. The object
pointed downward at an angle and left two small globes that
were visible only with a telescope.
The second observation is described in ( 5) in the follow
ing terms :
A startling cosmic body appeared over the Terrace of
Windsor Castle on August 18, 1783. It was watched by
Tiberius Cavallo, F.R.S. He called it "a most extraordinary
meteor." He wrote: "Northeast of the Terrace, in clear sky
and warm weather, I saw appear suddenly an oblong
cloud nearly parallel to the horizon. Below the cloud was
seen a luminous body. It soon became a roundish body,
brightly lit up and almost stationary. It was about 9 : 25
P . M . This strange ball at first appeared bluish and faint,
but its light increased, and it soon began to move. At first,
it ascended above the horizon, obliquely toward the east.
Then it changed its direction an d moved parallel to the
horizon. It vanished in the southeast. I saw it for half a
minute, and the light it gave out was prodigious. It lit up
every object on the face of the country. It changed shape
to oblong, acquired a tail, and seemed to split up into
two bodies of small size. About two minutes later came a
rumble like an explosion.
The first of these sightings carries in our files a weight rele
gated to incidents we feel could have natural causes, and
the second one, a weight indicating that we are ahnost posi
tive it is not a UFO phenomenon, but an extreme case of a
meteor. These two examples will give our reader an idea of
how we define the "boundaries" of our classification.
Type I will be discussed later; the reports in this category
are those where objects are said to have been seen on the
ground or close to the ground. But we will clarify immedi
ately some points that concern the subclass, in which we find
reports of "objects described close to the ground, and said to
have displayed interest in, or followed, a moving terrestrial
object as a train, a car or a motorcycle." Many natural situa
tions can be expected to cause emotional witnesses to report
that they have been followed by a strange light. The moon is
very often the origin of the scare, especially when the wit
ness travels on a winding road at night; under the influence
of fear he will become unable , to realize clearly the turns he
makes, and will say that the mysterious object was sometimes
to his left and sometimes to his right. Stars or planets seen
through haze layers, or headlight reflections, will sometimes
do the trick. But one should not disregard this type of ob
servation on the basis of these understandable errors.
As we have said above, Type JI-B is sometimes critical.
Enthusiast publications speak of "a huge mother-ship with
small objects" in the case of a bright meteor breaking into
fragments ( A necessary condition for a sighting to be en
tered under Type II is a duration of at least several minutes,
not seconds. And one should remember that the really good
events of this category have lasted between a half hour and
several hours. The extreme case is the Wyalong-Toompang
incident in Australia, described in ( 123
' ) , that took place in
June, 1961 :
"We were marking lambs in Toompang. Near the lunch
hour we heard what we thought was a jet. I looked up for
the jet and saw an eagle-hawk, high in the sky. I was
taking a bit of interest in the eagle-hawk when we heard
another sound, as if the jet were overhead again. But I
still could not see a jet.
"Then I saw this round object. It looked like a silver star,
and seemed to be over Wyalong, it was so high up and so
far away. It was stationary. I said to the others-there
report is poor,
It has been suggested that the U.S. Air Force turn over its
UFO files either to an agency dealing more directly with
scientific investigations or to a group of civilian scientists. Our
appraisal of both proposals is very pessimistic. Keeping so
enormous an amount of data both up-to-date and reasonably
organized is routine work which must be conducted with
great attention and care; we feel that the air force has done
a good job in this respect, a job smaller groups could not
possibly have done successfully. A group of civilian scientists,
especially, would certainly have failed, for a number of rea
sons, to provide the absolute consistency necessary in such an
analysis. This lack of rigorous consistency also makes the ef
forts of nonscientific amateur groups almost worthless.
In addition, the air force group has, under the present
system, acquired experience in dealing with this particular
problem which is without parallel. Turning the files over to
another group would be a waste of energy and possibly a
source of error; this field requires a great deal of experience
and persons unfamiliar with the very delicate problems in
volved would certainly be led to irreparable mistakes.
It is true, however, that something is missing in the present
structure. No serious, large-scale scientific work can be done
under today's conditions, because the system is built entirely
on the assumption that UFOs can be identified without ex150
UFOs, such as Professor Menzel, would certainly be able to
show that some doubt exists in each case, simply because no
UFO report has yet been investigated as such by scientists
working within the framework of a general analysis. NICAP's
cases would be interesting elements in such a research, but
the "evidence" they contain, if real, is still to be extracted
through a long and careful scientific analysis of the type illus
trated in this book. Taken individually, the best report does
not prove anything.
What is required here, therefore, is not a change in official
policy or a sensational disclosure of the fact that "we are
visited !" but a careful, quiet and necessarily slow series of
analyses on the material already on hand and on reports to
come. Such a study, if made in liaison with the Aerial Phe
nomena Group of Dayton, and oriented toward the investi
gation of the nature of UFOs as a phenomenon rather than
toward their individual "explanation," could possibly produce
( after three or four years of work ) material worthy of con
gressional attention, and by-products that would be of in
terest to several branches of science.
place this body of rumors has taken in our culture. Indeed,
they have emphasized it, as they have the fact that its study,
analysis and interpretation poses philosophical problems of
a difficult, if not unprecedented, nature. As we have seen,
the efforts made by the United States Air Force to solve the
problem during its phase of early development were unsuc
cessful. As the patterns first observed in the years that fol
lowed the war were seen to recur in the early 1950's the
problem of global interpretation clearly posed itself and the
ability of current knowledge to account for the phenomenon
was put under question by many persons.
On January 17, 1953, five leading scientists signed the
statement quoted above, the public release of which was
made on April 9, 1958. It was centered on the notion of
hostility and concluded that no indication of a threat to the
national security of the United States was evident. On the
question of determining whether or not a residum of cases
existed which could be attributed to 'foreign artifacts' and
whether or not a revision of current scientific concepts was
indicated, the statement 'we firmly believe' was used as sole
justification of a negative answer. The word believe, in such
a context, and in the writing of scientists of such standing,
clearly calls for a close examination.
The fact that enthusiastic acceptance of even the poorest
observations of unusual aerial phenomena has been added
very early to the arsenal of the superstitious, the professional
ignorants, and the cultists, and that it is exploited almost
exclusively by men foreign to the scientific spirit and method,
cannot be denied. It is equally true that an attempt to reject
narratives that contain contradictions to current knowledge
is as characteristic of Rationalism as enthusiastic faith in
unproved allegations is reminiscent of Obscurantism. Such an
attempt, says Lecky, "is so emphatically the distinctive mark
of Rationalism that with most persons it is the only conception
the word conveys." The impossibility, or at all events, the un
reality of the so-called unidentified flying objects, is thus
regarded as axiomatic. Many rationalists treat reports of such
objects as they would accounts of miracles; they reject them
"as simply impossible and irreconciliable with the known and
universal laws which govern the course of events."
However, stating the belief that there is no residum of
cases is equivalent to saying that no difference exists be
tween the atmosphere in which accounts of miraculous events
Perhaps we should now generalize and ask if the reaction
recorded at the sociological level does not follow the same
general contours. The leading communities in our world
the west European, the North American, the Russian-have
always chosen their ways of doing things and have always
been limited or helped in their ambitions by the same well
known enemies or friends. Sudden contact with other socie
ties, possibly organized in higher levels of jurisdiction on a
galactic scale, possibly depending upon types of relations un
known to our planet, would be a psychological infringement
problems must consult regularly. 0 Although its attitude re
garding Kcontactees" and its discrimination between meteors
and "true UFOs" have not always been clear, the Review
is the official journal of UFO controversy and has been hon
ored by articles by Professor Menzel himself.
A number of groups have organized in Great Britain inde
pendent of the Review. The British UFO Research Associa
tion { BUFORA ) early in 1964 united the British UFO Asso
ciation and the London UFO Research Organization. Both
bodies previously issued regular publications, and BUFORA
now publishes a quarterly journal.
In Italy, the few groups of enthusiasts we know of are not
worthy of mention; their only activity is merging one into
the other every two or three years.
In Spain, Antonio Ribera and Eduardo Buelta founded in
Barcelona the Centro de Estudios Interplanetarios in 1958.
The group published a bulletin, of which we have regret
tably seen only one number, which contained excellent statis
ti,cal analyses of the frequency distribution of sightings on a
planetary scale. Unfortunately, as much as the Italian groups
have a tendency to merge, Spanish groups have a tendency
to split, and it is difficult to evaluate what amount of real
work is being done at the present time in Spain.
In Argentina, CODOVNI ( Commision Observadora de Ob
jectos Voladores no Identificados ) has done serious work on
analysis of the local sightings and has regularly published
reports. In France, ClEO { Commission Intemationale d'En
quetes Ouranos ) started publishing a review and maintained
it for some time. It preserved in UFO literature excellent
investigations into the important 1957 cases. A new group,
called GEPA ( Groupe d'Etudes des Phenomenes Aeriens ) ,
was founded a t the end of 1962. Another UFO periodical
in French is Lumieres dans Ia Nuit, published by Raymond
Veillith. 0 0
Australia is another interesting country in this respect.
Although irregularly published, the Australian Flying Saucer
It seems that NICAP's main concern is to obtain official
recognition of the existence of "Hying saucers" by the U.S.
Congress. The progress made since 1956, however, seems
small, even when one reads the well-documented report UFO
Evidence, published by NICAP in 1964 ; this activity ob
viously misses the point, since it is not seen that the UFO
problem is basically a problem of methodology, and a very
difficult scientific question that cannot be solved by political
or military authorites alone.
APRO is more seriously dedicated to investigation and re
search and has gone to laudable effort to present reports of
sightings made abroad, as well as articles by foreign con
The studies conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzen, the
leaders of APRO, have brought to light many remarkable
sightings from North and South America. Mrs. Coral Lorenzen
has brilliantly presented and documented the theory of UFO
"hostility" in her book "The Great Flying Saucer Hoax."
Several of the leaders of NICAP, especially Richard Hall
and Charles Maney, have also made good contributions
to the field. Maney, for example, has gathered detailed
accounts of electromagnetic phenomena associated with UF
Although they often use the names of scientists said to
"'approve" of their actions, apparently none of these groups
has obtained practical assistance in their daily work from
competent professional researchers, and their publications are
at best acceptable documentaries. But this is already much
better than what most UFO groups produce.
In our view, the reason for the apparent failure of the
American groups to present intelligent assistance to the official
services is that their leaders are unfamiliar with sightings
made in other parts of the world and make no effort to learn,
when only a planetary picture can cast light on the American
cases. The attitude seems to be the same in official circles,
but this is more easily understandable, since under their
specific mission they have no authority to investigate inci
dents in foreign countries.
For a very small but active number of UFO cultists in
America, however, the only real problem is to "sell Hying
saucers," as one would sell hot dogs or ice cream. What does
it matter if the sightings are invented, if the photographs are
faked, if the trip to Venus is imaginary? What does it matter
Baudelaire asked. No; let them dream. Maybe they will bal
ance the conservative part of the scientific mind that always
looks behind.
Every possible step seems t o have been taken t o prevent
ideas favorable to the existence of UFOs from finding their
way into official and educated circles. This process has clearly
developed unconsciously. For example, when official authori
ties decided to obtain a scientific evaluation of the problem,
they selected scientists who were entirely ignorant of it; it
would have been simple, and interesting, to have arranged a
meeting of Tombaugh, Hess, Moore and other scientists who
saw and reported UFO's. But this would probably have con
tradicted the official view that "astronomers do not see fly
ing saucers," one of the arguments often presented to a mis
informed public.
Witnesses of UFOs are generally characterized by their
silence. As if they had experienced a very bad or revolting
dream, they talk only reluctantly about it, both because some
of them remain nonbelievers and are shocked by their seeing
something which does not agree with their reason, and be
cause they suddenly find themselves on the other side of the
fence; newsmen come, ask them questions and print imagin
ary tales concerning them. They can feel, even in their im
mediate family, a modification of the atmosphere about them.
Human relations are affected and their whole world changes
almost imperceptibly.
Those who write to military authorities give in their letters
evidence of deep concern and high reliability. In a typical
report, a New York physiotherapist wrote:
During World War II, I was a pilot in the U.S. Air
Force and all my flying experience was within the Con
tinental limits of the United States. In all that time I never
once, night or day, observed anything unusual in the skies.
Now, at age 43, I have observed phenomena which are be
yond my comprehension, and which tax my sense of rea
soning and credulity.
Many others express interest in the problem in general, fol
lowing their experience, and ask for more information.
The inadequacy of the official questionnaire sent to those
who ask for it in their letters is evidenced by a comparison
between the original letter and the answers given by the same
witness to such specific questions as elevation, size and di
rection, which break the consistency of the report into series
of points sometimes irrelevant to the main problem, or points
that cannot be answered with -fPrecision by an average per
son without covering the whole incident. This is not the proper
place to discuss in detail how the questionnaire could be re
vised, for the whole data-gathering system should be im
proved. The point applies even more to unofficial question
naires sent by groups of enthusiasts. We would advocate the
replacement of such forms by a single sheet on which the wit
ness would write his own description of what he saw, with
space reserved for the coding system and a series of ten to
twenty clear, specific questions requiring information on points
which are not usually covered by the original description
made by the witness. Such a form would be completed in a
much shorter time, and could give the author of the report
more confidence in the amount of attention the case will be
given later by the investigators, a personal contact thus being
established. However, we would certainly recommend keep
ing the detailed forms for cases in which the investigators
interview the witness directly.
Clearly, I cannot speak here with the authority a team of
psychologists could after careful analysis of a sample of typi
cal letters. But it is my experience that from such descriptions,
spontaneously made by the witnesses, the cause of their con
cern is generally recognizable when it is a conventional
object such as a meteor, an aircraft, a star, a balloon, a kite
or a unique luminous effect seen under conditions not ex
tremely peculiar, even when the authors of these descriptions
show signs of deep emotion or excitement as a result of their
not flying very high coming straight crosses the roof of my
habitation I said what a pity if it had been earlier in the
evening I would have been able to make out certainly
what was going on inside the craft but a brilliant craft
which seemed to my eyes all made of diamond the nose in
the shape of an aircraft but half longer than having passed
my habitation by four to five meters making a slight devia
tion toward the east at this moment it stops a little the
ribbon in the middle detaches itself from the other two,
from the one in the middle detach themselves very fast
several little balls 0-crossing the right ribbon goes higher
and go back into the sky then the three ribbons unite the
craft starts again weakening and coming back lower straight
on then I saw the nose which dived to go and land not
much farther away in spite of my desire to see it land very
close this was impossible to me the cold had forced me to
go back into my house the stars lit the sky it was freezing
the distance from my house to towards the landing three
minutes the time I observed the phenomenon twenty min
utes if not thirty a policeman had asked me if I had not
been afraid when it had passed over my roof I had an
swered oh no it was too pretty.
which appeared to be sloping, but what those people were
doing, I was not able to distinguish.
And the idea that the fantastic character of the concept
of UFO places it outside the usual scale of human emotions
finds an excellent illustration in the following quotation from
Edgar A. Poe's story, "The Conversation of Eiros and Char
mion," where he describes human reactions to the coming of
a comet that will annihilate all life on the Earth.
The chimerical aspect of their terror was gone. The ,
hearts of the stoutest of our race beat violently within
their bosoms. A very few days sufficed, however, to merge ,,
even such feelings in sentiments more unendurable. We ,
could no longer apply to the strange orb any accustomed 11
thoughts. Its historical attributes had disappeared. It op
pressed us with a hideous novelty of emotion. We saw it not
as an astronomical phenomenon in the heavens, but as an
incubus upon our hearts, and a shadow upon our brains.
his fellow Alpha Centaurians wanted Gabriel Green to be
come President, but that did not stop Gabe from entering
the race. Possibly, the folks from Alpha Centauri wanted as
America's Chief Executive a man who was concerned with
the problems of outer space. And _wasn't Gabriel Green
president of the Amalgamated Flying Saucers Club of Am
erica, Inc.? Surely, he had the interest of the entire universe
at heart, Alpha Centauri included.
Green claimed to have received many phone calls from
other inhabitants of the distant star and also said that
alougside the Alpha Centauri females "Earth women just
don't compare."
The investigator of the UFO phenomenon is rarely con
cerned with such reports of contacts, which follow an easily
recognizable pattern, and no confusion is possible unless in
formation is very fragmentary. I was once criticized by the
editor of a specialized review ( 138 ) for not including "Venu
sians" of the type described by the "contactees" in a survey of
entities reported to have been associated with Type I sight
It would seem that consistency has a measure of scien
ti.Sc approval [read the article], but this is not allowed as
a virtue when the long line of contactees from Adamski"
to Siragusa come to beg for admittance. Certainly these
stories are very similar and have much more in common
than exists between any of the groups in Vallee's type-I
Indeed, consistency is always a virtue, but it does not neces
sarily result in what the author of the text called "approval";
it can also result in rejection, when all criteria of imagination
and fraud are met by these "consistent" stmies. A consistent
thief is not an honest man, although it is much easier to find
consistent thieves than consistent honest men. But I do not
think anyone has ever been seriously worried by childish
,descriptions of space conditions copied from newspapers'
" George Adamski died on April 23, 1965. Another writer
who greatly contributed to the discredit of the UFO prob
lem, Frank Scully, had died in June 1964.
Glendale. It was a beautiful sight, but Orfeo said he wept
unashamedly. The realization came that underneath that
surface beauty was a sick humanity suffering from untold
misery. He didn't wish to come back but was told he had
to because it was now his mission to tell the people the
truth-about life in outer space. Just like those who were
advanced had come from other planets to help us, so those
who were contacted here should help their fellow men with
the information that had been revealed. As proof that his
experience was real, a scar was imprinted on the skin of
his chest below the heart. It was the mark of the hydrogen
atom, of which everything in the universe is ultimately
This is a very common theme in this sort of story, and such
accounts appear to be a way for certain souls to release their
anguish in the face of modern scientific changes, their fear
of war and atomic cataclysm and their inability to adapt to
the present rhytlun of life. These experiences are indeed con
sistent; they are nothing but the ever-repeated story of the
humble man suddenly chosen by Providence to ful1 a ter
ribly important mission, to be entrusted with amazing secrets
and become the master of supernatural powers.
This is also a convenient subjective way to criticize modem
life and to release personal resentments. In ( 140) another
contactee gives this information on his "visitors" :
She said : "We are visiting regularly o n your earth,
and enjoy it very much." She added: "We enjoy your
laughing mirth," which she said was new to them. That
they had expected that people with all our problems and
troubles would not be able to joke and laugh. That on
Clarion they liked a good joke and loved to laugh.
She also made the statement that they were never in a
rush up there on Clarion, and they always wondered why
everything on earth appeared to be rushing or in a hurry
to be finished. She said it was a similar sight all over the
earth, people rushing madly in all directions.
psychological processes
! thlit. They are the modem aspect ofunder
very different pro
I have been informed by angels that the first language :
of all on each planet has been the facial language, and
this by means of the lips and the eyes . . .
More than six thousand years ago, a holy man, with his .
entire tribe, disappeared into the interior of the earth and
was never seen again on the surface. Many men, however, have since visited this mysterious realm . . . [Agharta]
Nobody knows where it is situated. Some say in
Afghanistan, others in India. All its members are protected :
against evil and crime does not exist within its frontiers.
Science has developed in tranquillity, and no one lives '
threatened by destruction. The subterranean people have
guage?" which introduced what came to be known both as
the Great Shaver Mystery and the Great Shaver Hoax
The first of the Shaver series, "I remember Lemuria" ap
peared in March, 1 945, along with ".Mantong, the Lan
guage of Lemuria," the article signed by both Shaver and
Palmer, and other stories followed quickly in succeeding
issues of Amazing. The basic themes were shopworn-a
jumble of Fortean ideas, Plato's fables, and mystic science
-but when brightened by Palmer's magic pencil, they
seemed fresh and exciting : The Earth had an ancient past,
now forgotten. 0 The lost continents of Atlantis, Lemuria,
and Mu had been colonized many thousands of years ago
by superior beings from another planet who could travel
through space by utilizing forces unknown to present-day
earthmen. Eventually these noble aliens had been forced
to abandon the earth to escape evil radiations coming from
our sun, but they had left descendants who still lived on
earth in concealment in great subterranean cities that could
be entered through certain caves. The underground dwell
ers in the hidden world had retained all the secret powers
of their ancestors. They could communicate by thought
transference, could speak to earthmen by mental "voices,"
and could travel on beams of light because they under
stood the true nature of gravity and magnetism.
These creatures were divided into two opposing groups,
one good and one evil. The dero ( detrimental robots ) were
the bad guys and they caused all the unexplained acci
dents and misfortunes that happen to human beings. The
tero (integrative robots ) were the good guys; they warned
earthmen of danger and tried to protect them from the
destructive forces of the dero.
They probably forgot that they had already put two suns
there to light it. Finally, near the North Pole, at latitude
82, was an enormous opening through which the light of
the aurorae flew, and that allowed a journey into the hol
low sphere. Sir Humphrey Davy and I were publicly in
vited and urged by Captain Symmes to undertake this
underground expedition. Such is the force of the maladive
urge that leads certain minds to fill unknown spaces with
wonders, without taking into account the facts known to
Science or universally recognized laws of nature. Already,
near the end of the seventeenth century, the notorious
Halley, in his "Magnetic Speculations," had imagined a hol
low Earth. He assumed that a nucleus, freely rotating in
this natural cavity, was responsible for annual and diurnal
variations of the declination of the compass. These ideas,
that were never anything but pure fiction for the ingenious
Holberg, fructify nowadays, and people have tried with
unbelievable seriousness, to give them a scientific colora
I had quite a shock once when I happened to come across
a booklet entitled Flying Saucers and Space Men, A Scientific
and Metaphysical Dissertation in Interplanetary-Travelling, by
Dr. John H. Manas, Ph. D., N.D., Psy. D., Ms.D., D.T.D.,
B.Sc., D.Hum., M.H., and Founder-President, Pythagorean
Society ( 141 ) .
Until then I had divided my attention between professional
scientists, who generally thought that life was possible else
where in the universe but did not believe that other com
munities could travel to us and, therefore, did not want to
consider the possibility of UFOs being material objects; and
the people who, on the opposite side, accepted enthusiasti
cally the existence of "flying saucers" without reservation,
saying that "they had no proof, but they had evidence." I
had no idea that a third category existed, made up of strong
believers in the existence of "flying saucers," but firmly op
posed to their spatial origin, and even to their physical reality.
I was thus quite unprepared when I read in Dr. Manas' book:
with the irri tated father while his lovely daughter escapes with
a musician. We have watched Dr. Menzel's mirages and lis
tened to Adamski's harpsichord; we have seen Captain Aura
Rhanes returning to Clarion and have touched a hair of a
185-pound Venusian dog; we have also observed meteors and
the rising moon. Now we would like to come back to our
problem and find out what it is reliable witnesses have seen;
for the Vernon cigar was not a cloud, the hole in the field in
Poncey was not of a metaphysical essence. Officer Zamora
had not heard the noise of a spiritual motor, and it was not
a meteor that lifted Hamilton's cow in April, 1897. Someone
once asked, if angels are pure spirits, why do they eat and
make love? We might add, speaking of modem legends ap
pearing under our own eyes : If spacemen are thought images,
why should they butcher a cow and drop her head in the
Beliefs and theories; imagination and dream and preten
sion : tormented human souls, trying to reach for their small,
infinite, fancy they catch a star. In a forest of theories, each
man climbs his own tree. He reigns on his branch and directs
insults at the mockingbird. Undisturbed, lines of facts stretch
across the horizon with patience. But night falls on the
scene, and men go to sleep. In this night they remain, uniden
tified in their relative universe. A hand from Heaven reaches
down into their dreams, and they wonder.
Chapter 6
at Antibes, was riding his bicycle through the town of Biot,
in the Maritime Alps, when he suddenly found in front of
him on the road a massive, oval aluminum-like object. He
applied the brakes; simultaneously, the object took off with
out noise, at a very great speed. It was shaped like an egg,
perfectly smooth and bright. Five to six meters long and a
little over one meter in height, it left no trace. Several in
habitants of Biot made independent reports that confirmed
the reality of Casella's experience. Descriptions of the inci
dent can be found in the French newspapers of October 17
( France-Soir, La Croix, Paris-Presse, etc. ) .
On October 21, 1954, in the department of Charente, a
man from Cherbonnieres was driving his car toward Pouzou.
With him was his three-year-old son. Suddenly he felt prick
lings all over his body, similar to electric discharges; this
painful feeling became more intense as the car kept going.
Soon the child started to cry and, as the car proceeded, the
engine died and so did the headlights. At the same time the
witness noticed a bright, glowing red color changing to or
ange, soon becoming of a blinding intensity. For a few sec
onds he saw an object hovering; it disappeared soon after
ward. He was then able to start his engine again.
In L'Astronomie, in 1954, we nd the following account:
Suspicious object. M. G. Mouillon, engineer at Genelard,
Saone-et-Loire, has observed, on October 14 at 8 : 50 P.M.
between Ciry-le-Noble and Montceau-les-Mines, an enor
mous object surrounded with a green flame quickly falling
to the ground over an area of about 10 in elevation.
The object itself certainly had an apparent diameter of
several degrees, maybe as much as five degrees. No noise
was heard.
This observation is quite interesting in the light of the
series of events that took place in the same area that very
day, and which were summarized by Michel in his second
book , from which we extract the following:
M . B . , living in Montceau-les-Mines, was riding a
motorcycle on the road from St.-Romain-sous-Gourdon to
Brosses-Tillots, also in Saone-et-Loire. Suddenly without
apparent reason his motor stopped and could not be started '
again. He got off, and a bright light burst out about fifty
will awake and find himself again in a rational world, where
only cars and bicycles use the roads and where only farmers
and their familiar, reassuring equipment are to be seen in
the countryside. However, these reports do exist. We have
even found several of them in the scientific press. They are
still unexplained and "unidentified."
France has no monopoly on this type of activity. However,
early American reports of Type 1-those made in the years
1946 to 1952-are difficult to find. Such sightings were not,
in general, reported to authorities, and practically no civilian
activity was seriously organized to gather information on the
cases. As a result, only a few incidents, like the case of Des
vergers, a Florida scoutmaster who claimed he was burned
by a "saucer,'r or another sighting made at Flatwood, West
Virginia ( in which monsters were described by apparently
reliable witnesses, but no evidence was produced ) , were
publicized, when a large number of sightings of interest
would have deserved equal attention. In addition, we should
remember that numerous reports turned in to the U.S. Air
Force concerning "landings" before 1952 seem to have been
thrown into the trash can as "obviously unbelievable," es
pecially when they contained descriptions of "operators." This
made it very easy to claim later that too little information
was present to investigate these events. The official handling
of these cases fortunately seems to have improved.
As an example of a sighting that should have been investi
gated thoroughly we will call the reader's attention to the ob
servation reported by B. Stevenson of Circleville, Ohio, on '
February 1, 1948. He saw a metallic disk hovering above a
farm. It had, he said, a diameter of sixty feet and was ten to
twelve feet thick at the center;
it gave off a blinding orange
-light from its central part.
In the fall of 1949, at night, D. Bushnell, a plant superin-
tendent at the Southwestern Porcelain Steel Corporation, was
driving with his wife near Tulsa, Oklahoma, when an object
dived from the sky toward the road in front of the car, then
disappeared ( described by Keyhoe in [ 142] ) .
In December of 1950, another observation of interest was
made by American personnel aboard a U.S. ship in Korean .
waters. They saw two objects in the sky, followed by trails of
white smoke. Both objects fell into the sea at very high speed;
two columns of water rose up to thirty meters in the air ( cf.
Aviation News, February 18, 1951 [ 143] ) .
- 188
After this date more reports are found in the official files.
Some of them are quite interesting. They provide a good basis
for contradiction of the accepted theory that "landing" re
ports are all unreliable and therefore cannot be studied scien
tifically. On April 6, 1956, at McKinney, Texas, a silvery ob
ject reportedly landed in a field one hundred meters from the
two witnesses, who stopped their car and got out; the object
then took off at very high speed. On June 6, 1956, at 5 : 30
A.M., an object was seen one hundred feet above the ground
at Banning, California. The witness stopped his car, watched
the object slowly cross the road one hundred yards from
him, turn to the left, then come back to cross the road again
behind the car and disappear.
On September 2, 1956, at 4:30 A.M., the night watchman
of the Dayton ( Ohio ) Country Club saw an oval object, eight
to ten feet thick, hovering five or six feet above the ground.
It came slowly toward the witness, lighting the area in a
radius of five to six meters. However, this sighting cannot be
ranked among the best, for the night was very dark and the
object gave only a weak light; it might have been a balloon,
although the shape ( like two saucers glued together by the
edge ) is peculiar. A more valid case, by our standards, is the
incident that took place in South Dakota, on Highway 34, on
November 25 of the same year. Two policemen patrolling
the highway saw an object hovering on the side of the road.
It had the shape of an egg and gave off a red glow sufficient
to light the highway. It took off rapidly and the witnesses
chased it, but remained one mile behind it throughout the
six-mile chase. The object made no noise. Several photographs
were taken, one of which shows an egg-shaped object, three
times larger than the moon, with a projection at one end,
also visible on the film. The witnesses were Don Kelm and
Jack Peters of the South Dakota Highway Patrol ( 145 ) . Two
nights before, a civilian pilot flying over Aberdeen, Mary
land, reported he was passed by a rocket-shaped object that
went down toward the ground. It was seen in flight for five
minutes. Later, witnesses saw a red glow like a fire on the
ground where the object seemed to have landed.
On November 6, 1957, at 9 : 00 P.M., near Lake Baskatong,
one hundred miles north of Ottawa, Jacques Jacobson and
three other witnesses saw a bright sphere much larger than
the moon hovering above a hill two or three miles from '
them. This incident is described !_:>y A. Mebane in his addition
P . M . by
two operators of the control tower at Amarillo Airport
( 142 ) .
b) Three miles west of Canadian, Texas, civilian and mili
tary sources reported the landing of an object in the shape
of a submarine, two or three times larger than a car and
eight feet high. Close to this machine someone was stand
ing and a flash of light was directed toward the wit
nesses ( official files ) .
c) A large object with a blue light was seen at Midland,
Texas, the same day ( 142 ) .
d ) Odis Echols, owner of Radio Station KCLV, saw a yel
low object traveling at high speed at 8 : 00 P.M. at Clovis,
New Mexico ( 142 ) .
e) The next day a UFO was seen flying over Deming, New
Mexico, and three other landings took place, one at Abilene,
Texas ( Dyess Air Force Base, Sergeant Jack Waddell) , and
two at White Sands Stallion Site in New Mexico ( army
patrol) at 3 : 00 A.M. and 8 : 00 P.M. ( 142, 146, 147 ) .
the U.S. for the exploration of the moon and planets. It is
true that modem technology has now reached a point where
machines built by man could almost display the behavior
attributed to UFOs in most average reports. However, the
analysis of older reports is not affected by this reasoning,
and it is diffi cult to believe that Canada, for instance, could
build in 1959 an object that would behave like the machine
described in Socorro by Officer Zamora. But this is precisely
what one could be tempted to say after reading the following
The sighting took place near Grassy Plains, 360 miles north
of Vancouver, on April 29, 1 959. Alex Gillis and Jerry Mon
kam, the witnesses, fearing ridicule, reported the event one
month later. What they had seen was an object in the shape
of an egg, about fourteen feet long, which had landed on the
road. The upper part radiated a bright light. Mter a few min
utes the object took off silently. This brings to mind a number
of other reports of egg-shaped objects seen in flight or on the
ground before this date, too numerous to be quoted here in
full detail, but very often of fair reliability.
About October 5, 1959, a young girl riding a horse near
the Canadian town of Glenora was frightened by an object
hovering above her and illuminating the ground with a bril
liant light. She rushed back home and called her father, who
observed with her an orange object producing a noise so high
and loud they felt pain in their ears ( 149 ) .
During the night of September 19-20, 19 61, at about mid
night, Mr. and Mrs. Barnley Hill, of Portsmouth, New Hamp
shire, were traveling on U.S. Highway 3 in that state when
they saw a large object flying across the sky. Using binocu
lars, they were able to see a string of lights that seemed to
be on a line around the edge of a disk. The whole thing
seemed to be revolving. About five miles from Woodstock, it
came down in front of the car and hovered at twenty-five
to thirty meters above the ground. The witnesses then saw
two red lights, before the object took off again ( 150 ) . On
September 15, 1962, at Oradell, New Jersey, two bright disks
were seen hovering above a water reservoir. They were sur
rounded by a bright glow ( 1 5 1 ) .
Observations of such "landings," or Type I reports of all
kinds, have been made in all parts of the world. In addition
to the few American cases we have just mentioned, we should
make a note of the following accqunts :
tics concerning the distribution in time of Type I sightings.
These statistics were based on 2 1 1 cases of alleged landings
when the time of day was known. From these statistics, we
estimated that an equal number of these events, if indepen
dent of human imagination, may have occurred but not been
observed, because their time of occurrence fell during the
night hours when few people are awake. We also estimated
that the total number of "landings" that must have occurre d
on our planet-of which, under these conditions, approxi
mately half were seen and reported-would be in the neigh
borhood of 700. But this figure took no account of the events
that could have taken place in desert areas, or in countries
from which we receive but little information. This evaluation
would certainly have to be revised now and set in the neigh
borhood of 1,000 "events" since 1946.
occasions and in South-America on at least four occasions.
The best description of a "hairy dwarf," cited here only for
its picturesque character, was made by Starovski in Erchin.
It is frightfully specific. The witness, a miner, was allegedly
confronted with a midget, three feet, six inches tall, with a
large head, wearing a brown skull-cap forming a fillet a few
inches or so above the eyes. These were protruding, with a
small iris, and were slit. Long hair fell down from under the
l ap onto the shoulders. The nose was flat, and the lips
thick and red. A strange detail; the witness did not describe
any UFO. But his story happens to be typical of a small
category of reports, in which similar "entities" are described
close to their "machines." We will see a few examples of such
stories in the next paragraph.
Another category, which is slowly becoming classical
among enthusiasts, can also be considered only with sus
picion, not only because the authors of these reports may
have been mistaken as to what they saw, but because they
may not have seen anything at all. In at least two cases, giants
have been described in connection with UFO sightings. But
one case was a recognized hoax, and the other one was ex
tremely vague. Similar reports, however, seem to have origi
nated more recently in South America; we have experienced
the unreliability of these reports when no serious local group
of investigators such as CODOVNI has checked into them;
as far as we know they did not confirm these rumors, which
may have originated anywhere along the line of newspapers
and enthusiast groups that carry this sort of information, in
the absence of official confirmation.
In some cases the "entities" were not only of giant size but
also of monstrous appearance. The celebrated Flatwood inci
dent in 1952, for instance, has become the subject of a bal
lad written by Cindy Coy to the tune of "Sweet Betsy of Pike" :
The size of the phantom was a sight to behold.
Green eyes and red face, so the story was told.
It floated in the air with fingers of flame;
It was gone with a hiss just as quick as it came.
Descriptions of "pilots" or "occupants" being commonly ob
served in connection with UFO reports, some writers argue
that the discussion on the "purpose of the landings" is ines
capable: Why would an interplanetary craft land for a few
198 .
and Jose Ponce had started from Caracas in a panel truck for
Petare when they . . .
were startled to see a luminous sphere, some eight to ten
feet in diameter, blocking the street. It appeared to be
suspended about six feet off the ground. Gonzales and
Ponce got out of the truck to investigate, and a dwarfish
looking man came toward them. Gonzales grabbed the
little man
He was immediately impressed by the light
weight of the creature who, he estimated, weighed about
thirty-five pounds. The little man, whose body seemed to
be very hard and covered with stiff, bristly hair, gave
Gonzales a push with one hand which threw him about
fifteen feet. Ponce watched the scuffie, became frightened
and ran to the police station about a block and a half
away, but not before he saw two other little men emerge
from the bushes with what looked like chunks of dirt or
rock in their arms. With apparent ease they leaped into
the sphere through an opening in the side.
Gonzales, meanwhile, was having his troubles. The little
creature which had knocked him down appeared to leap
into the air and come towards him with eyes glowing.
Scared out of his wits, Gonzales pulled out his knife and,
as the creature approached him with claws extended, he
made a stab at its shoulder. To his amazement, the knife
seemed to glance off as though it had struck steel. Then
another of the hairy little men emerged from the sphere,
holding a small tube. He beamed a light at Gonzales and
blinded him momentarily. The little men then climbed into
the sphere which took off swiftly and was lost to sight
within seconds. Overcome with exhaustion and fright, Gon
zales stumbled toward the police station, arriving there
shortly after Ponce. The men were suspected of being
drunk, but examination showed they had had nothing to
drink. They were both given sedatives, and Gonzales was
put under observation for a long, red scratch on his side.
This is one o f the great classics i n U F O history. I t is,
however, known t o few persons, although i t has a perfectly
official character and has remained unidentified after a num
ber of investigations. The main witness, Rev. William Booth
Gill, is an ordained priest of the Church of England and a
graduate of Brisbane University. He was accompanied, mind
you, by thirty-seven other witnesses when the sighting oc
curred and the narratives are extremely consistent and clearly
Mr. Gill had been on the staff of the .Anglican Mission
in Papua for thirteen years when the event took place.
He had been working mainly on the northeastern coast of
Papua, in the Goodenough Bay area, about ninety miles
from Samarai, and his main interest had been educational
work ( 161 ) . He states very clearly, in an interview with
Australian reporters, that before the sighting he thought
UFOs were "a figment of imagination, or some electrical
phenomenon." The interview continues as follow:
"The first sighting occurred over Waimera about twenty
five miles from us. It was observed by Dr. Ken Houston
at a place called Waimera, near Tagora, and that was late
November of last year. At Boianai itself, where I am
working, the first recorded incident was on the night of
Sunday, the 21st of June. My own observations began on
the 26th of June and extended over a number of days."
We have here the indication of repeated sightings taking
place, once again, over a small area. This is a new exam
ple to be added to similar concentrations of UFO activity,
like the Charente area in France in 1952, the Haute-Loire
area in 1954, or the northern regions of France at another
period within the same wave. The states of New Jersey,
Illinois and Michigan have known similar "flaps" in re
cent years, and the series of incidents over Texas and the
Southwest in November of 1957 is memorable. But nothing
similar to the New Guinea episodes was ever reported there.
Mr. Gill states that he came out of the dining room on
June 26 at 6 : 45 P .M., after dinner and
"casually glanced at the sky with the purpose, I sup
pose, of seeing Venus. Well, I saw Venus but I also saw this
sparkling object which was to me peculiar because it spark
led, and because it was very, very bright. . . . The whole
thing was most extraordinary. The fact that we saw what
appeared to be human beings on it, I think, is the im-
At the question : "Did you try to establish contact with the
pilots of the craft?'' he answered:
-we did. As one of the men seemed to lean over as
though over a rail and look down on us, I waved one
hand overhead and the figure did the same as though
a skipper on a boat waving to someone on a wharf. I
could not see the rail but he seemed to lean over some
thing with arms over it. We could see him from just below
waist up. Ananias, the teacher, waved both hands over
head and the two outside figures waved back with two
arms over heads. Then Ananias and I both waved arms
and all four figures seemed to wave back-no doubt that
movement made by arms was answered by the figures.
"What was the reaction of the natives at signal?"
"Surprised and delighted. Small mission boys called
out-everyone beckoned to invite the beings down but
no audible responses . . . . No expressions discernible on
the faces of the men-rather like players on a football
field at night."
"We understand you tried to signal the beings with
a torchlight?''
"Yes, we flashed the light and the object swung like
a pendulum, presumably in recognition. When we flashed
the torchlight towards it, it hovered, and came quite
close towards the ground . . . and we actually thought
it was going to land but it did not. We were all very
disappointed about that."
Inglefield ( 160 ) .
The explanation must be that a liaison existed between
the visions and the final "sign." Was this liaison involved
with the most vital of our religions-Christianity? Was
the "sign" of the "dancing sun" a confirmation of the
visions and their messages? Or was it-and this is a dis
agreeable thought-a gesture of mocking?
208 ,
Case 3.
the glow o f the setting sun behind the western hill sev
eral miles away.
The white vapor trail hung in the sky and gradually
drifted to the south, slowly disappearing. Up to this point
we were observing what we believed to be a normal
situation, except for the abrupt ending of the white tail,
the space and the continuation of the black spiral tip.
Approximately ten minutes had now passed and it sud
denly occurred to me that the black spiral cloud had
slowly moved to the west while the white trail had drifted
south. Also, the cloud became much darker and we all
observed this. At this point, I took my 6x25 binoculars
to observe it and was shocked to see wisps of smoke
actually streaming out of the black cloud . . . almost
boiling out. It was now slowly approaching the distant
stratus cloud formation silhouetted against the westem
hill. Suddenly the black cloud, still retaining its spiral
shape, changed from the horizontal position to a vertical
position with greater smoke activity and resembled a smok
ing plane slowly falling from the sky, at the same time
assuming a shape not unlike a banana. Then it no longer
seemed to be falling, but simply stopped and hung there
for two or three minutes and then very slowly seemed to
sink into the clouds and was obliterated. Every one of us
observed this strange phenomenon plainly, with the naked
After about three minutes had elapsed, while we were
all wondering if our eyes had played tricks on us , my
daughter suddenly exclaimed, "There's another one." It
appeared as a horizontal pencil-shaped object. It was im
possible to determine the length, but it could have been
as large as a submarine. It moved from the left of the
horizon to the right. We could not agree as to whether
this was the original object or another rendezvousing with
the first object, as this second sighting appeared to the
left of where the first object became obliterated by the
As I was observing it with my binoculars, there was a
flash of white light from the rear of it and it shot forward
with incredible speed for a distance of about five times
its length and as suddenly stopped, still maintaining the
pencil shape, apparently hovering. My son described the
incident as it happened while I watched it with binoculars.
It became thick in the middle and, with a cloud of
smoke emanating from it, shot backward as rapidly as it
had gone forward, about the same distance. Again it
hovered and then began to shorten in length until it
appeared saucer shaped, fat in the middle. Then the
most incredible part occurred . . . from the saucer shape
it became almost perfectly round and slowly divided into
two parts, one above the other, very much as a single
cell does under a microscope. The top object slowly be
came smaller as it appeared to fade off in the distance,
while the second object headed downward at a 45 angle
toward the spot where we had seen the banana-shaped
object disappear. At this point it divided in two again but
the bottom object now assumed a vertical pencil shape
while the top oval object slowly faded away. We realize
the pencil shape could well be a disc observed from the
side. Then the pencil-shaped object also faded from sight.
This whole episode took place in about forty-five min
utes, and ended just about dusk. If it were not for the
fact that all four of us observed this event I would hesi
tate to bring this to your attention.
Case 14. A private pilot and war veteran with three years
naval gunnery service, now manager of a photographic ser
vice in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, was driving near George
tmvn, S .C. when he saw two large oval-shaped objects of a
silvery color, each accompanied by about half-a-dozen small
er, round objects. The witness, Mr. Lissauer, said the forma
tion was moving slowly at an altitude he estimated as
about 3,000 feet. After two or three minutes, the "smaller
units went into the larger main units" and they went out
of sight. Mr. Lissauer drove to Myrtle Air Force Base and re
M. and Mme. Vitre, grocers on the Place Madeleine in
Beaune, had just left the village of Meursanges ( Cote
d'Or ) to go home by car. They had driven only a few
hundred yards on Route D-1 1 1 when they noted through
the window a luminous object flying at high speed. Quick
ly leaving their car, they calld to the people at a nearby
has not yet been seen by other students of the problem,
too often hypnotized by the immediate aspects of the cases
and unfamiliar with the scientist's reflex of thinking in
terms of classes. This applies especially to the American
groups that do not lack data to conduct such an analysis,
but fail to do anything beyond accumulating details.
In our analysis, descriptions such as those above fall into
Type III. They are typical of a class of events that very
clearly stand out from the general background of the re
ports which constitute the majority of the files. These events
are often associated with an object of a definite shape
( called "jellyfish-saucer" by Michel ) that has been related
in many instances to the production of electromagnetic dis
turbances and colorful luminous effects.
On October: 3, 1954, inhabitants of Chereng, in the de
partment of Nord, observed an object that Hew at low al
titude and great speed toward the Marque River, where it
stopped, emitted what seemed to be sparks and descended.
As the numerous witnesses ran toward the point at which it
seemed about to land, the object gained altitude, still with
out making any sound. Forty minutes later, a person living
at Marcoing, thirty-five miles south of Chereng, saw a
luminous object which hung motionless in the air above
Gouillet Woods : "It was circular, and red-orange in color.
A little below this immobile object, and as though sus
pended from it, she saw a small spot of light with a kind
of see-saw movement." The father of the witness, a police
man at Marcoing, several other policemen and their families
( in all, twenty witnesses) continued to watch this phenom
enon until, about 8 : 30 P.M., the object underwent a sudden
transformation, the little spot of light vanishing while the
ball assumed the shape of a cigar and left horizontally.
According to police estimates, the altitude of the object at
that time was about two thousand feet. Later investigation
disclosed the fact that the phenomenon had been observed
over a fairly large area at the moment of its arrival. These
reports, exceptionally consistent, led to the belief that the ob
ject had come from the direction of Chereng, and was pos
sibly the very cause of the sighting reported there a half
hour earlier. All these cases were carefully checked during
our four-year investigation of the European files, and there
is no question as to the genuine character of these re
ports. Consultation of collections of French newspapers or
Chapter 7
5, 8 :
"Let a little water, I pray you, be fetched and wash
your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree. And I will
fetch a morsel of bread, and comfort ye your hearts, after
that ye shall pass on: for therefore are ye come to your
servant. And they said, so do, as thou hast said."
"And he took butter, and milk, and the calf which he
had dressed, and set it before them; and he stood by
them under the tree and they did eat."
In Gen.
6 : 4, this passage:
with accumulating manifestations of his clumsiness, his
son bad to seize power violently in order to establish a
new reign and repair his father's mistakes. This son, whose
name is Sabaotb, bas reigned ever since in Heaven. This
tradition has left traces even in the Catholic liturgy; at
every mass the congregation sings: "Sanctus, Sanctus,
Sanctus Dominus Deus Sabaoth, pleni sunt coeli et terra
gloria tua."
find them now as fossils. Now Time ( Kronos or Chronos
-the Latin Saturn ) takes the leadership; but Time "de
vours his children" and everything stagnates in an un
productive routine ( "and the wise men, neglecting their
duty, fell in contemplation instead of creating" ) .
Later, we find the final landing of a strong new team
led by Zeus ( Jupiter, or Yod-Pater ) . All traditions cele
brate his dynamism or "youth." His attributes, in Greece
as in all other places, are synonymous with light, speed,
power: fire, lightning, whiteness, solar radiance, eagle.
The word Zeus, like the Latin deus, comes from the root
di, common to our words "diurnal" and "divine." This
is equivalent to the Indian "Red Child," the Persian "Solar
Ormazd" ( victor over Ahriman ) and the Hebrew Arch
angel Michael ( victor over the dragon ) . From then on, a
new creation begins, and its object is man.
Are we to say that under this new reign everything is
peaceful and quiet? Not at all; other dissensions appear,
precisely about this new creature : man, whose appear
ance does not seem equally desirable to all. A narrative
found by a man called Abu Zayd Al-Balkhi, in the margin
of the Koran, gives us some indications about what may
have happened in the mind of our predecessors; it reads :
" 'I have the intention,' said God, 'to establish on
earth a vicar.' " ( This is how he designated man . ) "But
the angels, the companions of lblis, then called Azazil,
answered to him : 'Are you going to place on earth some
body who will introduce there corruption and will shed
blood, when we, we do not cease to adore you?' But
God answered : 'I know what you do not know' " ( 180 ) .
Misraki's system, therefore, is complex and is not easy to
realize at once with all its possible long-term developments
and implications. It may contain errors in the interpretation
of some documents; the texts themselves are subject to con
tradiction. The main events, however, and the essence of the
documents are respected and even sometimes illuminated
by this theory. What seems important here is the spirit in
which Misraki treats the problem. This is a rational attempt
to translate historical and prehistorical events into a pattern
that can be interpreted in modem, technological terms. This
standpoint is new and presents three advantages, comple
mentary, in a way, to the three obstacles we found to ac-
ceptance of Agrest's theory. ( 1 ) It does not extrapolate
from individual oddities found in the legendary or mythical
side of traditional writings, but { 2 ) considers them as his
torical documents relative to classes of events, and ( 3 )
treats their content i n the light o f a consistent analysis.
Whereas the modem tendency is often oriented toward an
interpretation of religious events as primitive legends or pure
myths, Misraki's theory on the contrary treats them as real
events produced by physical beings but distorted through
the imagination of primitive writers. And it provides a possi
ble solution to the mystery of modem UFO activity.
Misraki's ideas may not have been handled with all the
necessary precautions the scientist would like to see ob
served. Even if this system does contain elements of feasi
ble solutions to some of the problems the basic texts lay
before us, it leaves certain contradictions unsolved.
It is of interest, however, to observe in what sense the
problem of the UFO phenomenon in modem times has been
related by knowledgeable and reliable writers to fundamen
tal questions that puzzled man's imagination for ages.
biting the earth at several hundred miles' altitude could col
lect the necessary data after a few revolutions, if equipped
with long-range optical instruments and means for memor
izing this information of the type we are developing now for
our own space probes. Such a ship, if covered with a mater
ial absorbent to light and radar waves and able to modify
its orbit according to a programmed set of instructions,
would completely escape detection. Besides, such an orbiter
could be very small, and guided by remote control. If this
is within the range of our present capability, we should not
expect a "visiting community" to do less.
Instead of global mapping, detection of metals in the
ground, search for materials, or gathering of sociological date
might be the purpose of such an expedition. But here again
more efficient methods could be used. We are not able to
find, in the arsenal of modem science, activities that would
require such an extensive survey, made over a period of
more than twenty years ( earlier surveys, if any, were not ex
tensive ) .
If we hypothesized that UFOs are indeed material vehi
cles, we would have to conceive of the 1954 French wave,
for example, as an event involving an amount of planning
and control equivalent to that of the landing in Normandy
by the Allies in 1944. The entire 1954 wave, on a planetary
scale, including transportation of the expedition from its place
of origin to the environment of the earth, would represent
something of the amplitude of World War II. By the stan
dards of such a "community" this may be very small; if
space travel was acquired long ago, such expeditions may
be a matter of routine, and their execution relatively inex
pensive. Still we reach the conclusion that UFO activity,
if an artificial effect conditioned by rational thought, cannot
have a purely "scientific" purpose as suggested by theories
of the Fletcher type ( m apping, search for minerals, etc. ) .
Another argument against the Fletcher theory is that in the
case of a scientific exploration one would expect to find far
more specific activities associated with "landings," when the
opposite situation seems to be the case.
weakens, undoubtedly, as one goes back in time. The fact
that similar shapes are involved in both ancient and modem
cases does not constitute a "proof' of identity as to their
origin, since, on one hand, arguments of the type presented
by Jung ( the shape of the "saucer" as an archetype ) would
continue to hold and, on the other hand, the shape of the egg
or disk is clearly optimal for space travel, and many "com
munities" might have arrived at the same concepts after fol
lowing very different paths of technical experience. Similarly,
the question of the exact origin in space is ill-defined; ex
panding civilizations mght well establish colonies; we might
even imagine that we are visited now by descendants of
older terrestrial civilizations contacted by superior communi
ties at a date so remote that no legend has recorded the
event. Human imagination is rich and one has the right to
use it in order to describe possibilities and suggest hypoth
eses. But the claim that such speculations correspond to
the reality presently observed is merely a mockery of science.
The only document we have at the present time on which
such a study could be tested is the graph of UFO activity
over the past eighteen years. But early attempts made by
several researchers to extricate the true signal from the noise
and correlate the apparent periodicity of the function with
astronomical events fail to present conclusive evidence of
the Martian, or non-Martian, origin of the alleged visitors
( the Martian solution being obviously the simplest and the
most temptin g ) . But only vague indications of a possible
correlation have been presented.
to destroy all copies, but had saved one for me to read". Rup
pelt took the report and found the following:
About ten o'clock in the morning, one day a few weeks
before, a radar station near the base had picked up an
unidentified target. It was an odd target in that it came
in very fast-about 700 miles per hour-and then slowed
down to about 100 miles per hour. The radar showed
that it was located northeast of the airfield, over a sparse
ly settled area.
Unfortunately, the radar station didn't have any height
finding equipment. The operators knew the direction of
the target and its distance from the station but they didn't
know its altitude. They reported the target, and two F-86's
were scrambled.
The radar picked up the F-86's soon after they were
airborne, and had begun to direct them into the target
when the target started to fade on the radarscope. At the
time several of the operators thought that this fade was
caused by the target's losing altitude rapidly and getting
below the radar's beam. Some of the other operators
thought that it was a high-flying target and that it was
fading just because it was so high.
In the debate which followed, the proponents of the
high-flying theory won out, and the F-86's were told to go
up to 40,000 feet. But before i:he aircraft could get to that
altitude, the target had been completely lost on the radar
The F-86's continued to search the area at 40,000
feet, but could see nothing. After a few minutes the air
craft ground controller called the F-86's and told one to
come down to 20,000 feet, the other to 5,000 feet, and
continue the search. The two jets made a quick letdown,
with one pilot stopping at 20,000 feet and the other head
ing for the deck.
The second pilot, who was going down to 5,000 feet,
was just beginning to pull out when he noticed a flash
below and ahead of him He flattened out his dive a
little and headed toward the spot where he had seen the
light. As he closed on the spot he suddenly noticed
what he first thought was a weather balloon. A few sec
onds later he realized that it couldn't be a balloon because
it was staying ahead of him Quite an achievement for
a balloon, since he had built up a lot of speed in his
dive and now was flying almost straight and level at 3,000
feet and was traveling "at the Mach."
Again the pilot pushed the nose of the F -86 down and
started after the object. He closed fairly fast, until he
came to within an estimated 1,000 yards. Now he could
get a good look at the object. Although it had looked
like a balloon from above, a closer view showed that it
was definitely rotmd and flat-saucer-shaped. The pilot
decribing it as being "like a doughnut without a hole."
As his rate of closure began to drop off, the pilot knew
that the object was picking up speed. But he pulled in
behind it and started to follow. Now he was right on the
About this time the pilot began to get a little worried.
What should he do? He tried to call his buddy, who was
flying above him somewhere in the area at 20,000 feet. He
called two or three times but could get no answer. Next
he tried to call the ground controller, buf he was too low
for his radio to carry that far. Once more he tried his
buddy at 20,000 feet, but again no luck.
By now he had been following the object for about two
minutes and during this time had closed the gap between
them to approximately -500 yards . But this was only mo
mentary. Suddenly the object began to pull away, slowly
at first, then faster. The pilot, realizing that he couldn't
catch it, wondered what to do next.
When the object had traveled out about 1,000 yards,
the pilot suddenly made up his mind-he did the only
thing that he could do to stop the UFO. It was like a
David about to do battle with a Goliath, but he had to '
take a chance. Quickly charging his guns, he started shoot
ing . . . . A moment later the object pulled up into a climb
and in a few seconds it was gone. The pilot climbed to 10,-000 feet, called the other F -86, and now was able to con
tact his buddy. They joined up and went back to their '
As soon as he had landed and parked, the F-86 pilot1
went into operations to tell his story to his squadron com-
mander. The mere fact that he had fired his guns was
enough to require a detailed report, as a matter of roull
tine. But the circumstances under which the guns actual,
ly were fired created a major disturbance at the fighter
base that day.
.. j
source of power failures in aircraft, cars and other motor ve
hicles ( diesel and jets have never been affected; in a case
when a UFO flew over two tractors, one a diesel and the
other a conventional engine, the latter stopped working, the
diesel continued; also the source of physiological effects
such as paralysis, affections of the skin, temporary loss of
vision, etc. Such effects have been described in the Fort
Itaipu case. We will give other examples :
One December 2, 1955, six UFOs were sighted in Willis
ton, Florida by a dozen witnesses. As the objects flew over
a police patrol car, the policemen ( Deputy Sheriff A. H .
Perkins and P.atrolman C. F. Bell ) reported their clothes
became intolerably hot and their arms and legs were almost
The heat sensation ( which caused the Watesville crash seen
earlier ) has also been reported in the Turquenstein incident
of October 20, 1954 ( see page 1 13 ) . The same afternoon, in
the Lusigny forest, also in France, M. Robert Reveille, a lum
ber dealer, was walking along a road when his attention
was attracted by a loud rustling sound, such as would be
made by a flight of pigeons.
Looking up, he noted, at tree-top height, an oval-shaped
object perhaps twenty feet long. At the same time, he felt
an ever more intense heat. In a few seconds the machine
disappeared upward. In the woods, the heat was now
intolerable and it was producing a thick fog. It was al
most a quarter of an hour before M. Reveille was able to
approach the site. He then found that, in spite of the
rain, the ground and trees at that spot were as dry as if
they had been exposed to full sunshine. ( 1 15)
Some civilian researchers, especially the leaders o f AFRO
and Dr. Olavo Fontes, view these incidents as instances in
which the "controlling intelligence" behind the UFOs has
tested weapons designed to disable our propulsion systems
"on different types of vehicles under various conditions, weath
er included" and to immobilize human beings.
But a majority of UFO specialists seem to think that al
though UFOs have often interfered with human activity there
has never been any clear indication that the incidents were
tests of weapons specifically designed for the purpose of
immobilizing this activity and blocking our defenses. They
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