> with(Physics):
Set the default differentiation variables for dAlembertian and d_, define a spacetime
tensor function A and use the enhanced display scheme of the differential equation
> Setup(differentiationvariables = X);
Systems of spacetime Coordinates are: {X}
Default differentiation variables for d_ and dAlembertian are: [X]
[ differentiationvariables = [ X ] ]
> Define(A);
Defined objects with tensor properties
{ A, εµ, α , β, ν, g_ µ, ν, d_ µ, δµ, ν, γµ, σµ, Xµ }
The dAlembertian deals normally with derivatives expressed using any of the Maple
differential operators including D, diff and d_; it also distributes over sums and products
> d_[mu](f(X) + A[mu](X));
ð µ( f ) + ðµ( Aµ )
> dAlembertian(%);
ð µ( ( f ) ) + ð µ( ( Aµ ) )
> d_[mu](f[mu](X))*A[nu](X);
ð µ( fµ ) Aν
> dAlembertian(%);
ð µ( ( fµ ) ) Aν + 2 ðα ( ðµ( fµ ) ) ð α ( Aν ) + ðµ( fµ ) ( Aν )
Maxwell equations result from taking the functional derivative of the Action
> 'Fundiff'( Intc(F[mu,nu]^2, X), A[rho](Y)); # <- delay
evaluation quotes: peformed in the next line
δ ⌠ ∞ ⌠ ∞ ⌠ ∞ ⌠ ∞
( ð ( A ) − ð ( A ) ) d x1 d x2 dx3 d x4
δ Aρ( Y )
µ ν ν µ
⌡ ⌡ ⌡ ⌡
−∞ −∞ −∞ −∞
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The Lagrangean of the λ Φ ^4 model, the corresponding Action and the field equations
> L := 1/2 * d_[mu](Phi(X)) * d_[mu](Phi(X)) - m^2/2 *
Phi(X)^2 + lambda/4*Phi(X)^4;
1 2 m2 Φ 2 λ Φ 4
L := ðµ( Φ ) − +
2 2 4
> 'Fundiff'(Intc(L,X), Phi(Y)); # <- delay evaluation
quotes: peformed in the next line
⌠ ∞ ⌠ ∞ ⌠ ∞ ⌠ ∞
δ 1 m2 Φ 2 λ Φ 4
− +
δ Φ ( Y ) 2 µ ð ( ) d x1 d x2 d x3 d x4
2 4
⌡−∞ ⌡−∞ ⌡−∞ ⌡−∞
> subs(Y = X, %);
− ( Φ ) + Φ ( −m 2 + λ Φ 2 )