Concept of State Reviewer
Concept of State Reviewer
Concept of State Reviewer
A community, more or less numerous,
permanently occupying a fixed territory,
possessing an organized government,
independent of external control, to which a
great body of inhabitants render habitual
1.) People
it refers to the entire body of those citizens
of a State or nation who are invested with
political power for political purposes.
2.) Territory
is a fixed are or surface if the earth where
the inhabitants of a State live and where they
maintain a government of their own. A
territory has three components, namely:
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It lacked jurisdiction to consider the
implications of a stand- off between
Philippine marines and Chinese naval and
law enforcement vessels at Second Thomas
Shoal, holding that this dispute involved
military activities and was therefore
excluded from compulsory settlement.
3.) Government
The agency or instrumentality through
which the will of the State is formulated,
expressed, and realized.
Constituent- which are mandatory of the
Government to perform because they
constitute the very bonds of society, such as
the maintenance of peace and order,
regulation of property and proper rights, the
administration of justice and etc.
Ministrant- which are functions intended to
promote the welfare, progress and prosperity
of the people and which the merely optional
for Government to perform.
Forms of Government
1.) Monarchy - the supreme authority is in
the hands of a one person only; how he got
into power or how long his tenure would be
does not matter
Indirect, representative or
republican - the power is exercised
by a group of persons chosen by the
people to act as their representatives.
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YES. The EDCA is an executive agreement
and does not need the Senate's concurrence.
As an executive agreement, it remains
consistent with existing laws and treaties
that it purports to implement.
Petitioners contend that the EDCA must be
in the form of a treaty duly concurred by
Senate. They hinge their argument under the
following Constitutional provisions:
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On August 6, 1968 Bernardita Macariola
filed an administrative complaint against
Judge Asuncion of CFI Leyte (now CA
Justice) with "acts unbecoming a judge.
The complaint stemmed from a partition
case filed by the Reyes siblings against
Macariola concerning properties left by the
deceased Francisco Reyes, the common
father of the parties. Judge Asuncion, before
whom the case was filed, issued the partition
order. The decision order became final and
the property was partitioned. One of the
properties in the partition was Lot 1184
which was subdivided into five lots
denominated as Lot 1184-A to 1184-E. Lot
1184-E was sold to Dr. Arcadio Galapon.
Less than a year later, Dr. Galapon and his
wife sold a portion of Lot 1184-E to Judge
Asuncion and his wife, Victoria S. Asuncion.
Subsequently, spouses Asuncion and spouses
Galapon conveyed their respective interest
in Lot 1184-E to The Traders Manufacturing
and Fishing Industries Inc., (Traders) of
which Judge Asuncion is the President and
his wife is the secretary. Bernardita
Macariola alleges that Judge Asuncion
violated (a) Article 1491(5) of the New Civil
Code in acquiring by purchase a portion of
the property involved in a case decided by
him; (b) the Anti-Graft and Corrupt
Practices Act, the Civil Service Rules, and
Canon 25 of the Canons of Judicial Ethics,
by associating himself with Traders as a
stockholder and a ranking officer while he
was a judge.
1.) Whether or not Judge Asuncion violated
Article 1491 paragraph 5 of The New Civil
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In its Declaration of Principles and state
policies, the Constitution adopts the
generally accepted principles of
international law as part of the law of the
land, and adheres to the policy of peace,
equality, justice, freedom, cooperation and
amity , with all nations. By the doctrine of
incorporation, the country is bound by
generally accepted principles of
international law, which are considered
automatically part of our own laws. Pacta
sunt servanda international agreements
must be performed in good faith. A treaty is
not a mere moral obligation but creates a
legally binding obligation on the parties.
Through WTO the sovereignty of the state
cannot in fact and reality be considered as
absolute because it is a regulation of
commercial relations among nations. Such
as when Philippines joined the United
Nations (UN) it consented to restrict its
sovereignty right under the concept of
sovereignty as autolimitation. What Senate
did was a valid exercise of authority. As to
determine whether such exercise is wise,
beneficial or viable is outside the realm of
judicial inquiry and review. The act of
signing the said agreement is not a
legislative restriction as WTO allows
withdrawal of membership should this be
the political desire of a member. Also, it
should not be viewed as a limitation of
economic sovereignty. WTO remains as the
only viable structure for multilateral trading
and the veritable forum for the development
of international trade law. Its alternative is
isolation, stagnation if not economic selfdestruction. Thus, the people be allowed,
through their duly elected officers, make
their free choice.
Petition is DISMISSED for lack of merit.
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