Suillus Salmonicolor
Suillus Salmonicolor
Suillus Salmonicolor
Suillus salmonicolor, commonly known as the slippery combination Suillus salmonicolor.* [2] The specic epi-
Jill, is a fungus in the family Suillaceae of the order thet salmonicolor is a Latin color term meaning pink
Boletales. First described as a member of the genus with a dash of yellow.* [11] The mushroom is commonly
Boletus in 1874, the species acquired several synonyms, known as the slippery Jill.* [12]
including Suillus pinorigidus and Suillus subluteus, be-
In a 1986 publication on Suillus taxonomy and
fore it was assigned its current binomial name in 1983. nomenclature, Mary E. Palm and Elwin L. Stewart
It has not been determined with certainty whether S. further discussed the synonymy of S. salmonicolor,
salmonicolor is distinct from the species S. cothurnatus, S. subluteus, and S. pinorigidus. They noted that fruit
described by Rolf Singer in 1945. S. salmonicolor is a bodies of S. subluteus collected in Minnesota did not
mycorrhizal fungus meaning it forms a symbiotic as- have the strong salmon colors considered characteristic
sociation with the roots of plants such that both organ- of S. salmonicolor, as well as collections that had been
isms benet from the exchange of nutrients. This sym- named S. pinorigidus; this is a morphological dierence
biosis occurs with various species of pine, and the fruit that could be sucient to consider S. subluteus a distinct
bodies (or mushrooms) of the fungus appear scattered species. They explained that although the microscopic
or in groups on the ground near the trees. The fungus characteristics of the three taxa do not dier signi-
is found in North America (including Hawaii), Asia, the cantly, this is not unusual for Suillus and cannot be used
Caribbean, South Africa, Australia and Central America. as the sole proof of conspecicity. Palm and Stewart
It has been introduced to several of those locations via concluded that a study of specimens from various areas
transplanted trees. of their geographical ranges would be needed to fully
The mushroom's dingy yellow to brownish cap is rounded resolve the taxonomy of these related species.* [15]
to attened in shape, slimy when wet, and grows up to There is some disagreement in the literature about
9.5 cm (3.7 in) wide. The small pores on the underside
whether Suillus cothurnatus represents a dierent species
of the cap are yellow before becoming olive-brown. The from S. salmonicolor. The online mycological taxonomy
stem is up to 10 cm (3.9 in) long and 1.6 cm (0.6 in) thick
database MycoBank lists them as synonyms,* [1] contrary
and is covered with reddish-brown glandular dots. Young to Index Fungorum.* [16] In their 2000 monograph of
specimens are covered with a grayish, slimy partial veil
North American boletes, Alan Bessette and colleagues
that later ruptures and leaves a sheathlike ring on the stem. list the two taxa separately, noting that the range of S.
Although the mushroom is generally considered edible
cothurnatus is dicult to determine because of confusion
especially if the slimy cap cuticle and partial veil are rst with S. salmonicolor.* [17] In a molecular analyses of Suil-
peeled oopinions about its palatability vary. Other lus phylogeny, based on the internal transcribed spacer,
similar Suillus species include S. acidus, S. subalutaceus, S. salmonicolor (as S. subluteus) and S. intermedius clus-
and S. intermedius. tered together very closely, indicating a high degree of
genetic similarity.* [13]* [14] These analyses were based
on comparing the sequence dierences in a single region
1 Taxonomy and phylogeny of ribosomal DNA; more recent molecular analyses typ-
ically combine the analysis of several genes to increase
the validity of inferences drawn.* [18]
The species was rst described scientically by American
mycologist Charles Christopher Frost in 1874 as Boletus
salmonicolor, based on specimens he collected in the New
England area of the United States.* [10] In a 1983 pub- 2 Description
lication, mycologist Roy Halling declared Boletus sub-
luteus (described by Charles Horton Peck in 1887;* [4] The cap of S. salmonicolor is bluntly rounded or con-
Ixocomus subluteus is a later combination based on this vex to nearly attened, reaching a diameter of 39.5 cm
name* [5]) and Suillus pinorigidus (described by Wally (1.23.7 in). The cap surface is sticky to slimy when
Snell and Esther A. Dick in 1956* [9]) to be synonymous. moist, but becomes shiny when dry. The cap color is vari-
Halling also reexamined Frost's type specimen of B. able, ranging from dingy yellow to yellowish-orange to
salmonicolor, and considered the taxon better placed in ochraceous-salmon, cinnamon-brown or olive-brown to
Suillus because of its glutinous cap, dotted stem, and ring; yellow-brown. The esh is pale orange-yellow to orange-
he formally transferred it to that genus, resulting in the bu or orange, and does not stain when exposed to air.
2.1 Edibility
Suillus salmonicolor occurs in a mycorrhizal association [5] "Ixocomus subluteus (Peck) E.-J. Gilbert 1931. My-
with various species of Pinus. This is a mutualistic rela- coBank. International Mycological Association. Re-
tionship in which the subterranean fungal mycelia creates trieved 2011-03-01.
a protective sheath around the rootlets of the tree and a
[6] Slipp AW, Snell W (1944).Taxonomic-ecologic studies
network of hyphae (the Hartig net) that penetrates be- of the Boletaceae in northern Idaho and adjacent Wash-
tween the tree's epidermal and cortical cells. This as- ington. Lloydia. 7: 166.
sociation helps the plant absorb water and mineral nu-
trients; in exchange, the fungus receives a supply of [7] Singer R. (1945). The Boletineae of Florida with
carbohydrates produced by the plant's photosynthesis. notes on extralimital species. II. The Boletaceae (Gyro-
Two-, three-, and ve-needled pines have all been poroideae)". Farlowia. 2 (2): 223303.
recorded to associate with S. salmonicolor. In North
America, the fungus has been found growing with P. [8] Murrill WA. (1948). Florida boletes. Lloydia. 11:
banksiana, P. palustris, P. resinosa, P. rigida, P. strobus
and P. taeda. In Kamchatka (in the Russian Far East) [9] Snell WH, Dick EA (1956).Notes on boletes: IX. My-
it has been found in association with P. pumila, in the cologia. 48 (2): 30210. doi:10.2307/3755478. JSTOR
Philippines with P. kesiya,* [3] and in southern India with 3755478.
P. patula.* [30] The northern limit of its North American
range is eastern Canada (Quebec),* [29] and the south- [10] Frost CC. (1874). Catalogue of boleti of New England,
ern limit is Nuevo Len* [31] and near Nabogame in with descriptions of new species. Bulletin of the Bualo
* Society of Natural Sciences. 2: 1005.
Temsachi Municipality, Chihuahua, Mexico. [32]
Suillus salmonicolor has been collected from the [11] Stearn WT. (2004). Botanical Latin (4th ed.). Portland,
Dominican Republic in the Caribbean,* [33] Japan,* [34] Oregon: Timber Press. p. 242. ISBN 0-88192-627-2.
Taiwan,* [35] and from Mpumalanga, South Africa.
[12] Bessette et al. (2000), pp. 2501.
Because there are no native Pinus species in South
Africa, the fungus is assumed to be an exotic species that [13] Kretzer A, Li Y, Szaro T, Bruns TD (1996). In-
has been introduced via pine plantations.* [3] It has also ternal transcribed spacer sequences from 38 recognized
been introduced to Australia, where it is known from a species of Suillus sensu lato: Phylogenetic and taxo-
single collection made in a plantation of Caribbean pine nomic implications. Mycologia. 88 (5): 77685.
(Pinus caribaea) in Queensland,* [36] and has been found doi:10.2307/3760972. JSTOR 3760972.
growing with Caribbean pine in Belize.* [37] It is found
[14] Kretzer A, Bruns TD (1997). Molecular revisitation
in Hawaii under Slash Pine (Pinus elliotii), including
of the genus Gastrosuillus". Mycologia. 89 (6): 58689.
lawns where those trees are used in landscaping.* [38] S.
doi:10.2307/3760995. JSTOR 3760995.
salmonicolor is one of several ectomycorrhizal species
that have traveled the thousands of kilometers from a [15] Palm ME, Stewart EL (1986). Typication and nomen-
mainland to Hawaii in the roots and soil of introduced clature of selected Suillus species. Mycologia. 78 (3):
seedlings.* [39] 32533. doi:10.2307/3793035. JSTOR 3793035.
[16] Species FungorumSpecies synonymy: Suillus cothur- [33] Ortiz-Santana B, Jean Lodge D, Baroni TJ, Both EE
natus Singer. Species Fungorum. CAB International. (2007). Boletes from Belize and the Dominican Re-
Retrieved 2011-03-01. public (PDF). Fungal Diversity. 27: 247416 (see p.
[17] Bessette et al. (2000), p. 234.
[34] Murata Y. (1976).The boletes of Hokkaido Japan. Part
[18] Wang H, Xu Z, Gao L, Hao B (2009). A fungal phy- 1. Suillus". Nippon Kingakukai Kaiho (Transactions of
logeny based on 82 complete genomes using the composi- the Mycological Society of Japan). 17 (2): 14958. ISSN
tion vector method. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 9: 195. 0029-0289.
doi:10.1186/1471-2148-9-195. PMC 3087519 . PMID
19664262. [35] Hongo T, Chen Z-C (1985). [New
records of Agaricales from Taiwan]. Memoirs of the Fac-
[19] Baroni TJ. (1970). Chemical spot-test reac- ulty of Education, Shiga University. Natural Science (in
tions: boletes. Mycologia. 70 (5): 106476. Japanese). 35: 358. ISSN 0488-6291.
doi:10.2307/3759138. JSTOR 3759138.
[36] Leonard P, Batchelor D (2010). Slippery jack and how
[20] Bessette AR, Bessette AE, Neill WJ (2001). Mushrooms to nd him. A eld key to Suillus species in Australia and
of Cape Cod and the National Seashore. Syracuse, New New Zealand (PDF). Fungimap Newsletter. 41: 48.
York: Syracuse University Press. p. 43. ISBN 0-8156-
[37] Kropp BR. (2001). Familiar faces in unfamiliar
places: Mycorrhizal fungi associated with Caribbean
[21] Bessette A, Fischer DH (1992). Edible Wild Mushrooms pine. Mycologist. 15 (3): 13740. doi:10.1016/S0269-
of North America: a Field-to-Kitchen Guide. Austin, 915X(01)80039-2.
Texas: University of Texas Press. p. 106. ISBN 0-292-
[38] Hemmes DE, Desjardin D (2002). Mushrooms of
Hawai'i: An Identication Guide. Berkeley, California:
[22]Il faudrait une bonne dose of courage pour passer outre Ten Speed Press. p. 106. ISBN 1-58008-339-0.
l'aspect assez repoussant que prsente le voile partiel trs
[39] Vellinga EC, Wolfe BE, Pringle A (2009). Global
gluant de ce champignon.Sicard and Lamoureux (2005),
patterns of ectomycorrhizal introductions (PDF). New
p. 140.
Phytologist. 181 (4): 96073. doi:10.1111/j.1469-
[23] Arora D. (1986). Mushrooms Demystied: a Comprehen- 8137.2008.02728.x. PMID 19170899.
sive Guide to the Fleshy Fungi. Berkeley, California: Ten
Speed Press. p. 500. ISBN 0-89815-169-4.
5.1 Literature cited
[24] Bruns T. (1984). Insect mycophagy in the Boletales:
fungivore diversity and the mushroom habitat. In Black- Bessette AE, Roody WC, Bessette AR (2000). Bo-
well M, Wheeler Q. FungusInsect Relationships: Perspec- letes of North America: A Color Guide to the Fleshy
tives in Ecology and Evolution. New York, New York: Pored Mushrooms. Syracuse, New York: Syracuse
Columbia University Press. pp. 91129 (see pp. 120 and University Press. ISBN 0-8156-0588-9.
122). ISBN 0-231-05695-8.
Sicard M, Lamoureux Y (2005). Connatre, Cueillir
[25] Kuo M. (December 2007). "Suillus intermedius". Mush- et Cuisiner: Les Champignons Sauvages du Qubec
roomExpert.Com. Retrieved 2011-03-01.
[Knowing, Picking and Cooking: The Wild Mush-
[26] Roody WC. (2003). Mushrooms of West Virginia and the rooms of Quebec] (in French). Saint-Laurent,
Central Appalachians. Lexington, Kentucky: University Qubec: ditions Fides. ISBN 2-7621-2617-7.
Press of Kentucky. p. 286. ISBN 0-8131-9039-8.
7.2 Images
File:Adnate_gills_icon2.svg Source: License: CC-BY-
SA-3.0 Contributors: en:File:Adnate_gills_icon2.png Original artist: User:Bryan Derksen
File:Bare_stipe_icon.svg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0
Bare_stipe_icon.png Original artist: Bare_stipe_icon.png: Debivort on EN wiki
File:Brown_spore_print_icon.png Source: Li-
cense: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Created by user debivort for EN wiki, published there as Brown spore print icon.png Original artist:
Debivort on EN wiki
File:Commons-logo.svg Source: License: PD Contributors: ? Origi-
nal artist: ?
File:Convex_cap_icon.svg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-
3.0 Contributors: Created by user debivort for EN wiki, published there as Convex cap icon.png
Original artist: Debivort on EN wiki
File:Decurrent_gills_icon2.svg Source: License: CC-
BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Image:Decurrent_gills_icon2.png Original artist: Bryan Derksen
File:Flat_cap_icon.svg Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Con-
tributors: Created by user debivort for EN wiki, published there as Flat cap icon.png
Original artist: Debivort on EN wiki
File:Information_icon.svg Source: License: PD Contributors: ?
Original artist: ?
File:Lock-green.svg Source: License: CC0 Contributors: en:File:
Free-to-read_lock_75.svg Original artist: User:Trappist the monk
File:Mycomorphbox_Edible.png Source: License:
CC BY-SA 4.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Sven Manguard
File:Mycorrhizal_fungus.svg Source: License: CC0
Contributors: Own work Original artist: Natr
File:Pores_icon.png Source: License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contribu-
tors: Created by user debivort for EN wiki, published there as Pores icon.png Original artist: Debivort on EN wiki
File:Suillus_acidus_110096.jpg Source: License:
CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: This image is Image Number 110096 at Mushroom Observer, a source for mycological images.
Original artist: Bob (Bobzimmer)
File:Suillus_intermedius_56776.jpg Source:
License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: This image is Image Number 56776 at Mushroom Observer, a source for mycological images.
Original artist: Herbert Baker
File:Suillus_salmonicolor_167330.jpg Source:
jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: This image is Image Number 167330 at Mushroom Observer, a source for mycological im-
Original artist: Bob (Bobzimmer)
File:Suillus_salmonicolor_167980.jpg Source:
jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: This image is Image Number 167980 at Mushroom Observer, a source for mycological images.
Original artist: Bob (Bobzimmer)