85 165 1 SM
85 165 1 SM
85 165 1 SM
Adolescence pregnancy has a fairly high medical risk, because the reproductive adolescent has
not mature enough to perform its function yet. Some of the factors that associated to adolescent
pregnancy. Comunity Care Services Adolescent Program (PKPR) is a health care program for
adolescents. Ciputat Community Health Center is one of the organizers of the program PKPR
located in South Tangerang. The number of cases of teenage pregnancy showed an upward trend
every year, so it is necessary to investigate the factors.
This study used a cross-sectional design with quantitative and qualitative approaches. Data
collection was conducted using a questionnaire for respondents with open and closed questions.
The population in this study were teenagers who visit the PKPR clinic. Samples were teenagers who
utilized the PKPR program at Ciputat Community Health Center as many as 100 people. Statistical
analysis used were univariate to determine the frequency and percentage distribution of each
variable, bivariate analysis to see the relationship between each independent and dependent
variable, and multivariate analysis to find the the most significantly associated factors.The
variables in this study were age, education, employment status, marital status, parental roles, sex
education, reproductive health knowledge, access to information technology, and PKPR program
The results showed that from 100 respondents were mostly adolescents of 18 years (73.0%),
high school graduation (59.0%), unemployed (72.0%), unmarried (57.0%), having parental
influence (58.0%), good sex education (55.0%), reproductive health knowledge of the respondents
was approximately 66.0%, access to information was 79.0%, PKPR program services were 57.0%.
Statistical analysis of this study found that there were significant relationship (p <0.05) between
age, marital status, knowledge of sex, reproductive health knowledge, access to information, and
PKPR program with teenage pregnancy at Ciputat Community Health Center. Whereas, there were
no significant of relationship variables: employment, education and parental influence.
Multivariate analysis showed that the associated factors with teenage pregnancy was the
PKPR Program with OR 5.840, which means that the respondents who understood PKPR tended
not to be pregnant as many as 5.840 times of those who did not. It was suggested that the Ciputat
Community Health Center improve socialization of PKPR Program for teens, increasing the
frequency of service to more than 3 times a week. Counseling room of PKPR was to be separated
from any other service and made as comfortable as possible, so that privacy of the clients was
maintained. Improving collaboration across sectors were needed to have more schools joined the
1. Distribusi Responden
Hasil analisis terhadap variabelvariabel penelitian adalah sebagaimana pada tabel
berikut ini :
Tabel 1.
Distribusi Responden di Puskesmas Ciputat
Kota Tangerang Selatan
Tahun 2013
Variabel Kategori N %
1 Umur <= 18 tahun 73 73,0
> 18 tahun 27 27,0
2 Pendidikan s.d.Lulus SMP 41 41,0
Lulus SMA 59 59,0
3 Pekerjaan Tidak bekerja 72 72,0
Bekerja 28 28,0
4 Tidak Menikah 57 57,0
Status Pernikahan
Menikah 43 43,0
5 Kurang 58 58,0
Pengaruh Orang Tua
Baik 42 42,0
6 Kurang 45 45,0
Pengetahuan Seks
Baik 55 55,0
7 Kurang 66 66,0
Baik 34 34,0
8 Sulit 21 21,0
Akses Media Informasi
Mudah 79 79,0
9 Kurang 57 57,0
Pengetahuan PKPR
Baik 43 43,0
Tabel 3.
Variabel yang Paling Berhubungan dengan Kehamilan pada Usia Remaja di Puskesmas
Ciputat Kota Tangerang Selatan
Tahun 2013
Tahapan Analisis B Wald Sig. Exp(B)
Step 5 Psex 0,625 1,570 0,021 1,868
Pkespro 1,097 4,444 0,035 2,994
PKPR 1,765 11,080 0,001 5,840
AksesTI -0,837 0,407 0,524 0,433
Dari hasil uji statistik menunjukkan pengetahuan seks adalah 1,868.Hal ini
bahwa variabel pengetahuan seks berarti bahwa responden yang sudah
(p-value 0,021), pengetahuan kesehatan memiliki pengetahuan seks kurang
reproduksi terhadap informasi (p-value cenderung untuk hamil 1,868 kali. OR
0,035), dan program PKPR (p-value pada varibel pengetahuan kesehatan
0,001) mempunyai hubungan yang positif reproduksi adalah 2,994 yang berarti
dengan kehamilan pada usia remaja. Hasil semakin kurang pengetahuan kesehatan
ini konsisten dengan hasil uji bivariat reproduksi,akan lebih memungkinkan
yang menunjukkan adanya hubungan untuk hamil 2,994. Begitu juga nilai
yang bermakna antara pekerjaan, akses OR untuk varibel PKPR 5,840,berarti
terhadap informasi, dan PKPR dengan bahwa responden yang memahami PKPR
kehamilan pada usia remaja,sedangkan cenderung untuk tidak hamil 5,840 kali.
variabel akses terhadap informasi Faktor yang paling berhubungan adalah
merupakan konfonding. program PKPR dengan besar koefisien
Berdasarkan hasil analisis didapat (Exp B) 5,840. Dengan demikian PKPR
nilai OR (Odd Rasio) untuk varibel sangat berhubungan dengan kehamilan
pada usia remaja.