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Cmo 40-98

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October 8, 1998


TO : The District Collector, NAIA

Deputy Collectors of Customs;

Express Cargo Operators;

Courier Services Operators; and

All Others Concerned

SUBJECT: Expedited Clearance/Release Procedures and Guidelines on Express Consignments

By the authority of Section 608 of the Tariff and Customs Code of the Philippines, as amended, and in the
exercise of the powers of the Bureau of Customs under section 602 of the same Code, the following
procedures and guidelines governing express consignment inbound are hereby prescribed:


1. To establish operational procedures for the expedited clearance/release of express consignments

in response to the continually changing international trading requirements in the global market place,
taking into consideration the Guidelines set by the World Customs Organization (WCO).

2. To set uniform standards and operational guidelines in the transport and documentation of
express consignments.

3. To further facilitate international trade and commerce, principally within the APEC/ASEAN
member economics/states, by promoting the use of electronic data interchange (EDI) systems in the
processing in the clearance/release of express consignments.

4. To ensure the collection of lawful government revenues as well as the proper compliance with all
other laws and regulations administered and enforced by the Bureau of Customs. LibLex


This Order applies only to express consignments as herein defined and carried either as freight or as
baggage by accredited Operators. This Order does not apply to other shipments handled by airfreight
forwarders/consolidators which are traditionally transported as ordinary freight (whether shipped
individually under one airline airway bill or as part of a consolidated shipment) which shall continue to be
processed and cleared under existing informal and formal entry procedures.


1. Definitions For the purposes of and as used in this Order, the following term shall mean as

a. Express Consignments consolidated air shipments of articles/goods which are time-sensitive in

character, usually under a door-to-door service arrangement with on-time delivery commitment, which
are shipped under a master air waybill (MAWB).
b. Express Cargo Operators (ECO) a company which provide and arrange, by order and in the
interests of shippers/consignors, for the fast and rapid transport and delivery of express consignment
(either as a direct common carrier or an indirect air carrier) and as such issues its own air waybill to
shippers/consignors of shipments under its solicitation.

c. Courier Services Operator (CSO) a company which, by itself or in concert with affiliates or
subcontractors, provide for the fast and rapid transport (as an indirect air carrier) and delivery of express
consignments being brought and arriving as accompanied baggage of its courier flying as passenger of
commercial airlines. (The passenger is commonly known and referred to as On-Board-Courier or OBC).

d. Package a closed container (i.e. box/carton/envelope) or covering in which the contents of a

consignment is packed ready for shipment or transport subject to weight and size limits imposed in Art. V

e. Consignment/Shipment (the terms are used interchangeably) one or more packages received
from one shipper/consignor at one address to one consignee of one final destination, receipted for in one
lot and shipped under one air waybill (AWD) (Consignments consisting of two or more packages are
referred to as "Multiple Package Shipments").

f. Master air waybill (MAWB) an air waybill showing, among other data elements, the consignee
(nominal) at destination of a consolidated shipment, the total number of packages and total weight of the

g. House air waybill (HAWB) an air waybill showing all essential data elements of an individual
consignment and its consignee (ultimate) at destination.

h. Customs refers to the Bureau of Customs, an agency of the Government of the Republic of the
Philippines, and its duly authorized officials and employees.

2. Express Consignments Clearance Office (ECCO)

a. For uniformity and consistency in the application and enforcement of customs laws and
regulations, the composite units presently established in Customs Bonded Warehouses (CBWs) of Express
Cargo Operators (ECOs) shall hereafter be named and referred to as Express Consignments Clearance
Office (ECCO), including the existing OBC-ECCO. These ECCOs shall be under the operational supervision
and control of the Deputy Collector for Assessment and shall separately be headed by a Special Deputy

b. The ECCO shall receive all shipping documentations transmitted electronically or manually
covering express consignments in their area of responsibility and the processing and clearance/release of
the consignments. It shall keep and maintain records of all express consignments. A methodology which
will provide an effective audit trail of each and every consignment cleared/released by the ECCO shall be
formulated and prescribed by the Deputy Collector for Assessment.

c. Each ECCO shall gather, collate and maintain an electronic database of values from invoices of
consignments, in close liaison and coordination with the other ECCOs, which database shall be updated
from time to time as the need arises and interlinked with the Valuation Section central database. Values
established shall be uniformly applied in the appraisement and valuation of subsequent importations of
the same, like, or similar articles goods from the same country of origin until officially revised.

1. Consignment Categories Express consignments shall be categorized as follows:

a. Documents (DOCS) those generally considered as business, inter-office, or personal (BIP) in

character which have no commercial value. Also falling under this category are diplomatic bags/pouches
with official seal and international letter-mail (excluding parcels) for entry into the Philippine postal
system. Representative examples of these consignments are listed in Appendix "A" hereof.)

b. Non Documents (NON-DOCS) Consignments which do not fall under the DOCS category, further
sub-categorized as follows:

1. Low value non-dutiable consignments Consignments whose aggregate amount of duties, taxes
and other charges collectible is less than ten pesos (P10.00).

2. Low value dutiable consignments Consignments above the duty, tax and charges limit whose
value is not more than the established low value threshold FOB.

3. High value consignments Consignments whose value is above the established low value
threshold FOB.

2. Restrictions No express consignments shall include any of the following:

a. Prohibited/Regulated imports under the Philippine Laws;

b. Dangerous Goods;

c. Valuable cargo;

d. Animal, fish and fowls (live or frozen);

e. Foodstuff and highly perishable articles;

f. Human remains/cadavers;

g. Money (coins, cash, paper money and negotiable instruments equivalent to cash); and

h. Personal effects of Balikbayans, OFWs (Overseas Filipino Workers) and other travelers.


1. Package Weight Limits Unless compliance is not feasible due to the nature, size, or dimensions
of the articles/goods to be transported, each express consignment package shall weigh not more than
thirty (30) kilograms. prcd

2. Package Size Limit Unless compliance is not feasible due to the nature, size, or dimensions of
the articles/goods to be transported, each express consignment package shall not exceed 1.50 meters for
any one dimension or 3 meters for the sum of the length and the greatest circumference measured in a
direction other than that of the length.

3. Description and Limit on Commodities

a. Articles goods shall be described on commercial/pro-forma invoices in their normal trade
description expressed in sufficiently precise terms to enable immediate and unambiguous identification
and tariff classification of the commodity, preferably with correct H.S. Code for each commodity.

b. Low-value consignments (dutiable or non-dutiable) shall not contain more than five (5)
commodities with different tariff classification or H.S. Codes per HAWB.

4. Method of Transport

a. DOCS and NON-DOCS consignments shall not be commingled in one bag/sack but placed in
separate bags/sacks or other containers.

b. DOCS consignments shall be placed in Green-colored bags/sacks and NON-DOCS in bags/sacks of

a different color. Any bag/sack not of Green color shall be presumed to contain NON-DOCS consignment
and shall be treated accordingly.

5. Manifest Requirements

a. A consolidated manifest copy shall be prepared and submitted for all DOCS and both low-value
dutiable and non-dutiable NON-DOCS consignments. High value NON-DOCS consignments require
submission of a separate Manifest.

b. Consol (consolidated) manifest shall contain, among others, the following data elements:

1. FAWB numbers of the consignments, with corresponding

2. Number of packages

3. Brief description of commodities;

4. Weight of the consignment (in kgs.);

5. Value of the consignment;

6. Name of shipper/consignor; and

7. Name and address of consignee.

c. OBC consol manifest shall contain, among others, the following data elements:

1. Flight number of carrying aircraft;

2. Name and passport of the courier;

3. Airport of origin;

4. Original airport of origin of a consignment (if a consignment/s originates from another airport);

5. Total number of bags/sacks;

6. Gross weight of all bags/sacks brought in; and

7. Baggage claim tag number of each bag/sack.

d. Each consignment shall be accompanied by the covering HAWB and commercial pro-forma
invoice placed inside a transparent self-adhesive plastic document pouch which shall be securely affixed
to the consignment with the face of the HAWB readable from the outside for easy identification of the
consignment. For multiple package consignments, the document pouch shall be affixed to the #1 package,
the rest of the packages to be properly identified or marked.


1. Post-Arrival Routines

a. For consignments carried as freight:

(1) Upon arrival, the consignment shall be immediately transferred underguard to the CBW of the
Operator concerned. In cases where short-shipment is noted, a Cargo Irregularity Report (CIR) shall be
prepared by the representative of the airline. The CIR shall be noted by the assigned Customs Guard who
shall secure a copy for record purposes. cdrep

(2) Receiving Customs Warehouseman and Operator shall check the completeness of the
consignments transferred before they are received and in-bonded, after which the Green-colored
bags/sacks shall be segregated from the rest of the consignments.

b. For consignments carried as OBC baggage:

(1) Assigned Customs Guard, guided by the pre-alert copy of the OBC consol manifest electronically
or manually transmitted, shall upon arrival of the carrying aircraft segregate at the cargo break-down area
the baggage of an arriving OBC in the presence of a CSO representative who shall make proper accounting
of the consignments unladen. In cases where bag/sack is short-landed or cannot be accounted for, a
Property Irregularity Report (PIR) shall be prepared by the CSO representative. The PIR shall be noted by
the assigned Customs Guard who shall secure a copy for record purposes.

(2) Receiving Customs Warehouseman and OBC-ECCO shall verify the bags/sacks transferred and
check the baggage claim tag numbers against the pre-alert OBC consol manifest and transfer Boatnote.
For consignments with discrepancy, the OBC-ECCO shall secure a copy of the PIR from the CSO

2. Expedited Clearance/Release Procedures

a. For DOCS and low-value non-dutiable NON-DOCS consignments:

(1) These categories of consignments shall be processed and cleared/released using the consol
manifest as the entry document with the covering MAWB as supporting document pursuant to Customs
Administrative Order (CAO) No.; provided, that they are placed and transported in properly identified
bags/sacks. The consignments shall be cleared/released only after each bag/sack has undergone an X-ray
scan. Customs retains the right to physically examine packages as required.

(2) Any consignment found to contain dutiable articles/goods shall be segregated and
cleared/released only after payment of duties and taxes; provided, that the articles/goods found were
not misdeclared or undeclared on the consol manifest or HAWB, otherwise appropriate enforcement
action shall be taken including seizure. For purposes of clearance/release of any dutiable consignment,

b. For low value dutiable NON-DOCS consignments:

(1) This category of consignments shall be processed and cleared/released under consolidated
informal entry or individually in cases where certain documentary requirements from other government
agencies are still being secured or for some valid reason. Until such time when a consolidated informal
entry form is officially prescribed, the INFORMAL, IMPORT DECLARATION AND ENTRY (BC Form 177) shall
be used and filed together with the copy of the HAWBs and corresponding commercial pro-forma invoice
as supporting documents. A consolidated informal entry shall cover not more than ten (10) individual
HAWBs with different consignees.

(2) These consignment shall be cleared/released based on selective documentary examination but
shall undergo an X-ray scan prior to release if found in order. Customs, however, may conduct physical
examination of contents of any suspect package or at random prior to release.

(3) If any consignment forming part of a consolidated informal entry was found with a discrepancy,
the consignment shall be segregated from the others and shall be separately cleared/released after
appropriate action has been taken by Customs or the consignee concerned; provided there is no
misdeclaration or nondeclaration involved, otherwise appropriate enforcement action shall be taken
including seizure.

c. For high value NON-DOCS consignments:

(1) This category of consignments shall be individually processed and cleared/released under existing
formal entry procedures and shall pass the selectivity process based on ACOS. No physical examination
shall be made of consignments in the Green-Lane category unless based on derogatory information or
Alert Notice received. Customs may conduct document examination of consignment channeled to the
Yellow-Lane category but shall in all cases conduct physical examination of consignments in the Red-Lane

(2) Consignments with a value of USD$500.00 FOB or more shall be cleared/released only if covered
by a Clean Report of Findings (CRF) unless it is one of those exempt from the pre-shipment inspection
under Amended Joint Order No. 1-91.

d. Advance Processing of Entries:

(1) Advance processing of entries covering express consignments may be allowed; provided a pre-
alert copy of the consol manifest has been electronically transmitted in advance through the BOC-SITA
network as provided in NAIA CMO 3-94 and CMO 19-95. However, numbering of entries shall be made
only after arrival of the consignments, and clearance/release authorized only upon submission of hard
copies of the consol manifest submitted to the Customs Boarding Officer upon arrival of the carrying
aircraft as well as other supporting documents.

(2) To avail of the privilege of advance processing, the pre-alert consol manifest must be received at
the ECCO concerned at least one hour prior to arrival of the carrying aircraft but not later than 4:00 P.M.
during regular working days. For consignments arriving on Saturdays, Sundays or other non-working
Holidays, the pre-alert shall be received before the close of office hours of the preceding Friday or last
work day of the week; otherwise, the consignments will be processed and cleared/released the following
working day.

(3) In the case of consignments arriving as baggage, their clearance/release shall be authorized only
upon receipt by the OBC-ECCO of hard copies of the required supporting documents. No bag/sack shall
be cleared/released unless the corresponding baggage claim tag has been surrendered to the OBC-ECCO
for verification and record purposes.

(4) At the sound discretion of the District Collector, release of low value dutiable (except a HAWB)
NON-DOCS consignments without certain supporting documents may be authorized as a matter of
privilege; provided, the Operators concerned presents a written undertaking under oath that the lacking
documentary requirement shall be submitted within twenty-four (24) working hours after the
clearance/release. In such cases, final liquidation of the entries shall be made only after submission of the
required documents. Failure on the part of an Operators to faithfully comply with this undertaking shall
be sufficient ground for cancellation of the privilege.

(5) Advance processing of entry shall not be allowed for the following consignments:

(a) Those subject of an Alert Notice/Hold Order;

(b) Those with a value of USD$500.00 FOB or more or its equivalent in other foreign currency and
without a CRF, unless exempt;

(c) Those requiring import clearance/permit from the concerned government agency, unless
submitted together with the entry;

(d) Conditionally-free importations falling under sub-sections "d", "i", "j", "q", "t" and "x" of Section
105 of the Tariff and Customs Code of the Philippines, as amended; and

(e) Those for transshipment to another local or foreign port.


1. Determination of Freight for Shipment Arriving as Baggage.

For the Express consignments arriving as baggage, the freight component shall be based on the IATA Area
from whence the consignment came from, to wit:

(1) IATA Area 1 USD$5.00/kg or fraction thereof

(2) IATA Area 2 USD$4.00/kg or fraction thereof

(3) IATA Area 3 USD$2.00/kg or fraction thereof

2. Treatment of Split Consignments.

Two or more low value NON-DOCS consignment which appears on the consol manifest to have the same
shipper/consignor and the same consignee, whose aggregate value is USD$500.00 FOB or more or its
equivalent in other foreign currency, shall be treated as a single consignment for customs purposes and
cleared/released under one formal entry. Unless exempt from the pre-shipment inspection, a CRF shall
be submitted upon filing of the entry. llcd
3. Holding of consignments.

a. Customs law enforcement officers/agents shall not hold and stop delivery of express
consignments after their release has been authorized, unless based on positive information that its
clearance/release was attended with irregularity or its documentation is not in order or fraudulent.

All held or alerted consignments shall be transferred to the Collector's Corral or similar facility in the CBW
of the operators pending final resolution of the matter.

b. In the case of DOCS and low value non-dutiable NON-DOCS consignments, the corresponding
HAWB number of a particular consignment whose delivery is held shall be highlighted with a colored
textliner with proper notation of the ground for holding its delivery. After said action, the rest of the
consignments shall be cleared/released if found in order.

4. Supplemental and Amendments to Consol Manifests.

a. Supplemental consol manifest for consignments not listed on the consol manifest originally
submitted upon arrival of the carrying aircraft: Provided, however, that the supplemental consol manifest
is submitted by the Operator concerned within six (6) hours from the time of arrival of the carrying aircraft
or OBC. Supplemental consol manifest shall contain a notation of the time and date it was submitted and
shall first be approved by the Chief, Aircraft Operations Division or OIC, OBC-ECCO, before it will be given
due course.

b. Consol manifests shall be amended in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 4, Part II of
CAO 4-89 using the form prescribed in MTA CMO 33-76. Amendment to consol manifest shall, before it
shall be given due course, be approved by:

(1) Deputy Collector for Operations if the purpose is to amend any information appearing in the
consol manifest to have it conform with pertinent data element shown on the MAWB or HAWB; or

(2) Deputy Collector for Assessment if the purpose is to correct clerical errors or other discrepancy
in the consol manifest committed in its preparation, without fraudulent intent, and discovered only after
completion of the examination of the consignment.

5. Overtime Services of the Customs Personnel.

a. Customs personnel at the ECCOs shall be assigned, on rotation basis, to render overtime service
after regular office hours and during Saturdays, Sundays and other non-working Holidays. Such services
shall be requested by the Operator in advance and in writing, specifying the number of personnel required
and other relevant information.

b. The Operator for whom such services has been rendered shall pay such services, including
transportation and meal allowances based on rates prescribed in CAO 7-92 and pursuant to existing

6. Clearance of Express Consignments Through Customs.

a. Customs clearance of DOCS and low value NON-DOCS consignments shall be handled by the ECO
concerned through contracted licensed customs brokers, being part of their integrated customer service.
For consignments arriving as baggage, customs clearance of consignments may handled by the CSO
concerned at the OBC-ECCO.

b. For high value NON-DOCS consignments, customs clearance may be handled by the ECO-CSO
concerned except in cases where the shipper/consignor indicates the name of the customs broker to
handle clearance of the consignment appearing on the broker select option box of the HAWB or when the
consignee authorizes a particular customs broker to handle customs clearance of his consignment.


1. Prepayment Deposits for Duties and Taxes

a. Payment of duties, taxes and other charges due on express consignments may be charged to and
debited from a Cash Deposit made by the ECO or CSO in a Customs nominated bank under a special
account to be opened for this specific purpose. The nominated bank shall put up an on-line computer link-
up with ECCO for instant electronic issuance of a Duty-Paid Credit Memo prior to the release of

b. The privilege may be availed of upon written request and submission of an undertaking under
oath by the Operator addressed to the District Collector of Customs, NAIA, favorably endorsed by
nominated bank. The District Collector may, at his sound discretion, approve the request depending on
the credibility and financial position of the Operator.

2. X-ray and Field Test Kits (For narcotics and dangerous drugs)

Each ECCO shall provide the Customs with X-ray and field test kits (for narcotics and dangerous drugs) in
order to prevent the entry of illegal and anti-social goods.

3. Sanction Against Violations.

a. Express consignments arriving as baggage without an accompanying OBC shall be seized as

unmanifested cargo pursuant to a ruling of the Supreme Court. If the bags/sacks containing such
consignments are inadvertently brought to the Customs Arrival Area at the Passenger Terminal Building,
it shall be immediately transferred underguard with Boatnote to the OBC-ECCO for appropriate action.
No airline shall accept express consignments as check-in baggage unless verified to be accompanied by a
duly authorized courier/passenger; otherwise, it may be held liable for carrying unmanifested cargo and
subject to administrative sanction.

b. Expedited clearance/release procedures may be discontinued if an Operator is found to

repeatedly violate or fail to comply with any provision of this Order unless it demonstrates to show
willingness to address them in a manner that will substantially preclude such violations or non-
compliance, without prejudice to whatever administrative or criminal action which Customs may take for
violations of the Customs laws and regulations if warranted. llcd


This Order repeals and recalls CMO 29-96 and revokes NAIA CMOs 59-91 and 14-94. All other issuances
inconsistent or in conflict with this Order are hereby superseded, amended or modified accordingly.

This Order shall take effect after its publication in two (2) national newspapers of general circulation.


CommissionerJune 1, 2009

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