Facilities Standards For The Public Buildings Service: November 2010
Facilities Standards For The Public Buildings Service: November 2010
Facilities Standards For The Public Buildings Service: November 2010
Facilities Standards
for the Public Buildings Service,
U.S. G E N E R A L S E R V I C E S A D M I N I S T R A T I O N ,
November 2010,
5.8 HVAC Components
Supply air must be no lower than 10 C (50 F) dew point moisture carryover. Heating coils must be selected at or
temperature and 11 C (52 F) dry bulb temperature to below 3.8 m/s (750 fpm) face velocity.
prevent condensation on the duct surfaces.
Drains and Drain Pans,
Supply, Return, and Relief Air Fans, Drain pans must be made of stainless steel, insulated,
Fan system power requirements that comply with the and adequately sloped and trapped to ensure drainage.
values obtained from Table in ASHRAE Overflow connections must be provided and connected to
Standard 90.1-2007, must be the basis for the design the sanitary or storm line in accordance with the prevailing
of AHUs. The performance of the fans must be tested code. Drains in draw-through configurations must have
in accordance with AMCA Standard 210. Fans must be traps with a depth and height differential between inlet
selected on the basis of the system power and sound and outlet equal to the design static pressure plus 25 mm
power requirements for full-load and part-load conditions. (1 in.) minimum.
Fan motors must be sized so they do not run at overload
anywhere on their fan operating curves. Fan operating UV-C Emitters/Lamps,
characteristics must be checked for the entire range of flow UV-C Irradiation: Ultraviolet light (C band) systems must
conditions. Fan drives must be selected for a 1.5 service be incorporated in all AHU containing cooling coils. The
factor, fan shafts must be selected to operate below UV-C lamps must be installed downstream of the coils
the first critical speed, and bearings must be selected and above the condensate pans. UV-C systems must be
for a minimum rating of 120,000 hours. A variable designed for the minimum irradiance required to prevent
frequency drive (VFD) must be provided for each fan the growth of microorganisms. Ozone concentrations in
motor and located within the mechanical equipment room the discharge air from the UV-C system must not exceed
for the AHU. Metering devices for determining energy 50 ppb (see Section 5.3). Systems must be specifically
consumption data for each fan motor must be provided manufactured for this intended use. Safety interlocks must
that are capable of transmitting the data to the central BAS. be provided on all access panels/doors. AHUs large enough
for personnel entry must contain a provision for the deacti-
Cooling and Heating Coils, vation, isolation, and locking out of the system power
Individual finned-tube cooling coils must be between six source in addition to safety interlocks provided. One or
and eight rows with at least 2.1 mm between fins (12 fins more sight glasses must be located to allow maintenance
per inch), to ensure that the coils can be effectively and personnel to safely determine lamp operation.
efficiently cleaned. Dehumidifying coils must be selected
for no more than negligible water droplet carryover beyond Filters and Filter Sections,
the drain pan at design conditions. All hot water heating Air filtration must be provided in every air-handling
and chilled water cooling coils must be copper tube and system. Air-handling units must have a pre-filter and
copper finned materials. Equipment and other obstructions a final filter, each located upstream of the cooling and
in the air stream must be located sufficiently downstream heating coils. The filter media must be fabricated so that
of the coil so that it will not come in contact with the fibrous shedding does not exceed levels prescribed by
water droplet carryover. Cooling coils must be selected ASHRAE Standard 52.2-2007. The prefilters must have
at or below 2.5 m/s (500 fpm) face velocity to minimize a MERV of 8, and the final filters must have a MERV of