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If Clauses: Type 1 - "Real

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If Clauses

Type 1 If + Present + Future (will+Inf.) + Real

Present (can/may)

Very probable +++

Os verbos dados aparecem no Imperativo e/ou Futuro.

- threats (ameaas)

- promises (promessas)

- warnings (aviso)

- advice (conselho)

Type 2 wishes If + Past + Conditional (would + Inf.) +

Probability ++ could/should

Os verbos aparecem no presente.

Se aparecer negativa faz-se afirmativa e vice-versa.

Type 3

Probability 0 (zero)
If + Past Perfect (had+3c.) +
Conditional Perfect (would
have+3c.) + Could have + 3c.
- regrets (lamentos)

- sorrous (arrependimentos)

1 He is so lazy. Thats why his marks are bad.

2 She knows about this so she can help us.

3 I didnt sleep well. Thats why I came late.

4 Dont do that! Your mother can punish you.

5 Stay with him! He wont be afraid.

6 The word changed because technology revolutionized


7 Sophocles lived in quiet times so he thought time was

something gentle.

8 Teenagers dont smoke so much because they have a mobile


9 He felt so badly. Thats why he went home.

10 She was there. Thats why she saw the crime.

11 He has many problems. So he feels depressed.

12 They went to the party; thats why they saw him.

13 The man only stopped because a car passed by.

14 Space exploration lifts the national spirit; thats why

Americans choose it.

15 They were disappointed because they met dishonest people.

16 She loves him. Thats why she wants to marry him.

17 He lost his money. He didnt by anything.

18 He became really depressed because his online love turned

into a nightmare.

1 If he wasnt/werent so lazy, his marks wouldnt be bad.

2 If she didnt know about this, she couldnt/wouldnt help us.

3 If I had slept well, I wouldnt have come.

4 If you do that, your mother can punish you.

5 If you stay with him, he wont be afraid.

6 If technology had not revolutionised everything, the world

wouldnt have changed.

7 If Sophocles hasnt lived in quiet times, he wouldnt have

thought time was something gentle.

8 If teenagers didnt have a mobile phones, they would smoke

very much (more).

9 If he hadnt felt so badly, he wouldnt have gone home.

10 If she hadnt been there, she wouldnt have seen the crime.

11 If he didnt have many problems, he wouldnt feel depressed.

12 If they hadnt gone to the party, they wouldnt have seen him.

13 If a car hadnt passed by, the man wouldnt have stopped.

14 If Space exploration didnt lift the national spirit, Americans

wouldnt choose it.

15 If they hadnt met dishonest people, they wouldnt have been


16 If she didnt love him, she wouldnt want to marry him.

17 If he hadnt lost his money, he would have bought something.

18 If his online love hadnt turned into a nightmare, he wouldnt

have become really depressed.
Passive voice

. A voz passiva usada para dizer o que acontece ao sujeito e

nem sempre quem praticou a aco importante.

. Quando queremos dizer quem praticou a aco ou o qu,

usamos be (is/are) no presente ou (was/were) no passado.

. O verbo principal passa para particpio passado.

. A voz passiva s se utiliza com verbos que pedem

complemento; caso contrrio no possvel a transformao.

. O complemento passa para sujeito da frase da passiva.

Exemplo: Someone closed the windows. (activa)

The windows were closed. (passiva)

1. Com os vrios tempos verbais:

1.1 Se a frase estiver no presente: He closes the

windows. (activa)

- o verbo be usa-se no presente: The windows

are closed. (passiva)

1.2 Se a frase estiver no passado: He closed the

windows. (activa)

- o verbo be usa-se no passado: The windows

were closed. (passiva)
1.3 Se a frase estiver no futuro ou noutro tempo verbal - (...)

- o verbo be usa-se no futuro ou noutro tempo

verbal, respectivamente.

2. Com os modal verbs: People can change their

lifestyle. (activa)

- utiliza-se modal verb + be + particpio

passado: Lifestyle can be changed by people. (passiva)

Reported Speech

De acordo com uma gramtica portuguesa (FERREIRA, Gomes

e FIGUEIREDO, J. Nunes, Compndio de Gramtica Portuguesa,
Porto, Porto Editora, 1995), chama-se discurso directo
quelas frases que reproduzem exactamente as palavras que
algum disse, e chama-se discurso indirecto transmisso
dessas frases / palavras. Portanto:
- Eu gosto de ingls. (Frase no discurso directo)
O Manuel disse que gostava de ingls. (Frase no
discurso indirecto)
Em ingls, as coisas passam-se exactamente da mesma
maneira, s que no se usa o travesso para indicar o discurso
directo, mas sim uma aspa no incio e outra no fim:
'I like English.' (Direct speech)
Manuel said that he liked English. (Indirect / Reported
O discurso indirecto , ento, a reproduo exacta do
sentido do que algum disse, mas no das palavras que
No se usam as aspas no discurso indirecto, mas usam-
se determinados verbos introdutrios (say, tell - so os
mais comuns): o verbo say usa-se sem complemento de
suhjeito frente e o verbo tell usa-se sempre com um
complemente de sujeito frente:
e.g.: Manuel said that he liked English. Manuel told
me that he liked English.

Usa-se a palavra that (que se pode no usar) a seguir ao

verbo introdutrio:
e.g.: Manuel said ___ he liked English.

Os pronomes pessoais (I, you, we, they), os

determinantes possessivos (my, your, our...), os
pronomes possessivos (mine, yours, ours...) alteram-se
consoante o sentido da frase:
e.g.: 'I like English' Manuel said he liked English.

Os verbos sofrem alteraes quando contamos o que

algum disse algum tempo depois:

discurso directo discurso indirecto

past simple
present simple
He said (that) he wanted to buy
'I want to buy a book,' he a book.
past continuous
present continuous
She said (that) he was looking at
'He is looking at the the fishtank.
fishtank,' she said.
past perfect
present perfect
John said (that) he had sold his
'I've sold my car,' he said. car.
past simple or past perfect
past simple
He said (that) he (had) arrived
'I arrived at school late,' he
at school late.
past continuous or past perfect
past continuous
'I was watching the news,'
He said he was/had been
he said.
watching the news.
future (will)
conditional (would)
'I'll see you tomorrow,'
Mary said she would see me the
Mary said.
next day.

o past perfect e o past perfect continuous

permanecem iguais:

d.d.: 'The news had finished by the time I arrived,' he said.

d.i.: He said that the news had finished by the time he arrived.

H outras palavras e expresses temporais que se

alteram de acordo com o sentido da frase:

now - at that time, immediately, then

today, tonight - that day, that night

yesterday - the day before, the previous day

tomorrow - the next day, the following day

last week - the week before, the previous week

next week - the week after, the following week

this week - that week

two days ago - two days before

this month - that month *

these days - those days

come - go

here - there

* Quando this e that fazem parte de uma expresso

temporal (como o caso acima), transformam-se em that
e those, respectivamente. Mas no caso de estarem com
funo determinante (antes de um substantivo), passam
a the no discurso indirecto:

e.g.: 'This car is wonderful,' my friend told me.

My friend told me (that) the car was wonderful.

Por fim, se this ou that estiverem com funo de

pronomes (quando no so seguidos de substantivo),
passam a it ou a they / them:

e.g.: 'This is excellent news,' Jane said.

Jane said (that) it was excellent news.

Relatar Perguntas

Para relatar o que algum perguntou (reported

questions) usa-se tipicamente os verbos ask, inquire ou
wonder ou a expresso want to know:

e.g.: 'What time is it,' the man asked.

The man asked what time it was.

No caso de a pergunta que vamos relatar comear com

um pronome interrogativo (how long, how old, what,
when, where, who, why, etc.), a pergunta relatada
comea com esse mesmo pronome:

e.g.: 'Where do you live?', she inquired.

She inquired where I lived.

Se a pergunta comear com um verbo auxiliar (do,

does, did, have, has, had, am, is, are) ou com um
verbo modal (must, should, etc.), a pergunta relatada
comea com if ou whether:

e.g.: 'Has your wife arrived yet?', my friend asked me.

My friend asked me if / whether my wife had arrived yet.

Quando se relata uma pergunta, no se est a fazer

uma pergunta. Portanto, expresses como please no
so usadas; o ponto de interrogao desaparece; no se
usa o verbo auxiliar das perguntas (to do); e a ordem das
palavras (sintaxe) passa a ser a que utilizada numa
afirmao (S+V+O...):

e.g.: 'Could you tell me the time, please?', the girl asked.

The girl asked if I could tell her the time.

Para relatar instrues ou ordens, usam-se os verbos

order ou tell +sb*+(not) to-infinitive:

e.g.: 'Sit down!' the teacher said to us.

The teacher told / ordered us to sit down.

Para relatar pedidos, usam-se os verbos ask ou beg

+sb*+ (not) to-infinitive:

e.g.: 'Don't speak in English, please,' the students said to the teacher.

The students asked the teacher not to speak in English.

Para relatar sugestes, usa-se o verbo suggest +-ing ou

that sb (should) + infinitive:

e.g.: 'Shall I open the window?' the student told me.

The student suggested opening the window. ou

The student suggested that he (should) open the window.

NOTA: sb = abreviatura de 'somebody' = algum

H um conjunto de verbos, chamados introdutrios,

que se usam normalmente no discurso indirecto.
necessrio ter em ateno que a estrutura que vem a
seguir ao verbo pode mudar consoante o verbo que se

vebo introdutrio estrutura

admit (to)
accuse sb of
apologise for
boast about / of
complain to sb of + -ing (gerndio)
insist on

invite + sb + to-infinitive

complain + that

+ to-infinitive

NOTA: os verbos admit, advise, boast, insist,

threaten, warn, remind podem, tambm, ser seguidos
de that no discurso indirecto.

Relative Pronouns

refere-se a pessoas : the man who is

WHO standing there is my teacher (o homem que
(que) est ali de p...)

relativo a coisas / animais : Please hand

WHICH me the book which is on that table (...o
(que) livro que...)
pode substituir o ' who ' e o ' which '
THAT , mas apenas nas oraes relativas de tipo
(que) "defining" (*)


Her dog, whose name is Pancho, is a Fox
WHOSE Terrier (O co dela, cujo nome Pancho...)
(cujo, cuja,
cujos, cujas) Mr. Morris, whose house I' ve bought,
has moved to Canada (o sr. Morris, cuja casa
eu comprei...)

refere-se a lugares : I' ve spent a few days

WHERE in Paris, where my friends live (... em Paris,
(onde) onde ...)

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