Tuesday Conference: To Make Humanity United in Worshipping God
Tuesday Conference: To Make Humanity United in Worshipping God
Tuesday Conference: To Make Humanity United in Worshipping God
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I s s ue 1 8
The 36th GC has elected Arturo Sosa Abascal, of the Jesuit Province of
Venezuela, a Political Sociologist by profession, as Superior General. He has
dedicated his life to research and teaching in the field of political science, in
various centers and institutions.
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How to do Murmuratio
On the morning of the second week of GC, they enter into murmuratio. It is
simply a dialogue face to face. The questions asked by one another are for
How do we do
What were other Jesuits looking for in a new General? murmuratio in our
What is being asked of him at this time of our history?
What did he need to be good at, experienced in and conversant with?
How has he managed governance, leadership and spiritual conversation?
Does he love the Society, & had experience of other cultures & religions?
What are his strengths and weaknesses?
Might he have the gifts of diplomacy and discretion necessary?
A Paperless Congregation
It may quite surprise you to know that one of the most innovative aspects of this
GC, the use of tablets in the hall by the delegates. The idea came from Father
General himself who was quite committed to the environmental empowerment.
Looked at alternatives and it
became clear that the best
strategy would be the use of
electronic devices. The use of a
tablet could answer all the
challenges, thought the
organizing team.
What are the advantages of it? Page - 04
They are,
the electronic voting brings instant results on the screen.
taking of attendance is done quickly, by the push of a button on tab.
to reduce the consumption of paper,
need less cable wiring in hall,
no microphones on desks,
no wires for the translation equipment.
Some Considerations
before General Chapter
Every General Chapter is a time to reflect and discern the most important
calls that the Lord makes to the Congregation today.
It is important to We should So we need to invest on
recall that it is the address demographic the younger generations to
pressing demand of the change in the improve the personnel of the
time on the service of Congregation. The community. A second
faith and the promotion Society of the future, generation, not made to take
of justice. and by that we mean in up serious task of the
the next ten years, will community will cause the
show a different face. entire group to degenerate.