Figure 1
Glulam in a commercial building
Timber and engineered wood products can be used as the primary material for
many forms of structures. While taking advantage of sustainability credentials
as a carbon neutral and renewable resource, the engineered wood products
are also often selected to be exposed for aesthetic reasons.
REV 0 - 11.11.14/EB008
Post and beam forms of construction tend to use columns and beams joined Glued laminated timber (Glulam)
together with nominally pinned connections using steel plates and metal
Glulam is an engineered wood product, manufactured from layers of parallel
fasteners. It is possible to build structures of a number of storeys by
timber laminations (normally spruce or pine but occasionally more durable
providing braced bays for stability and steel connection shoes at each floor
timber species such as larch, Douglas fir or even hardwoods such as oak or
level, to provide ease of connectivity and to ensure durability of the timber
sweet chestnut).
components (Figure 2). Horizontal actions are resisted by the diagonal
bracing members resulting in relatively stiff frames. Pieces of sawn timber are graded for strength, before being glued together
under pressure with the grain in the laminates running parallel to the
Two dimensional rigid frames are typically used for single storey structures
longitudinal axis of the section. Strength-reducing defects such as knots,
where stability bracing is not appropriate and rigid moment-resisting
splits and sloping grain are randomly distributed throughout the component
connections are used between members to create frames which are resistant
allowing glulam to be designed to higher stresses than solid timber of the
to horizontal actions but which will exhibit some sway defl ection depending
same grade.
on the stiffness of the frame. It is also possible to extend rigid frames to two
or three storey structures. In these situations, however, the overall sway of Individual laminates can be end-jointed by the process of fingerjointing
the frame needs to be carefully considered. Figure 3 indicates a number of to produce long lengths in accordance with the requirements of BS EN
commonly used rigid frames. 385:20013. One of the greatest advantages of glulam is that it can be
manufactured in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and configurations. In most
The fire resistance of glulam and other timber materials in service has been
cases horizontal glulam (Figure 4a) is used. Beams wider than the normally
published in a previous Engineering Bulletin No 7.
available laminate widths can be manufactured by laying boards of diff erent
Other Bulletins investigate the construction and connection details widths side by side and reversing each layer so that there is an overlap and
appropriate to low rise glulam frame construction in more detail. no straight through vertical joint (Figure 4b). Where a tighter radius curve
on plan is required, glulam with the laminates arranged vertically is used to
Figure 3 enable curving of the section (Figure 4c).
Two dimensional rigid frames such as propped
portals, portal frames and arch structural forms In addition to straight prismatic sections, beams can also be single tapered,
double tapered and bevelled. Curved profiles range from a simple curved
beam to a pitched and tapered curved beam, to a complex arch configuration.
Curved glulam (Figures 5 and 6) is manufactured by bending laminates on
formers before being bonded together with adhesive, clamped and cured. In
this way, even three dimensional curves can be produced. However these are
expensive and often result in signifi cant locked-in stresses in the members
which must be taken into account in the design.
Figure 5
Horizontally laminated, curved glulam
Figure 6
www.structuraltimber.co.uk Vertically laminated, curved on plan glulam
REV 0 - 11.11.14/EB008 2
Glulam sizes and availability conditions are applicable (for defi nitions of service classes refer to
Engineering Bulletin No. 1. The most common timber species used for SC1
Glulam manufacturers tend to offer a range of standard sizes based on
conditions is European whitewood (typically Norway spruce and fir) as
multiples of a lamination thickness for the depth and a fairly small range of
defined in BS EN 13556:20039 which bonds and machines well, provides
widths. Depths in the range 180-630mm and widths in the range 66-200mm
a clean bright surface and has an excellent strength to weight and stiffness
are common. The most frequently used sizes will be available from stock or
to weight ratio. Whitewood glulam complying with the forest certifi cation
on a short order time, whereas bespoke sizes and shapes will require a longer
schemes of FSC and PEFC is readily available.
lead time.
Laminations are typically 33mm or 45mm thick but smaller laminations Glulam for unheated internal environments or occasional
may be required where tightly curved or vertically laminated sections are exposure (SC2)
necessary. Very tight radii under about 4.0 metres may involve laminations
of 20mm thickness or less. Lamination thicknesses are not mixed in a single Where there is a risk of occasional exposure to moisture (service class SC2
component. Finished Scandinavian sizes are typically based on 45mm thick conditions), for example beneath an open-roofed area, European redwood
laminates in width increments of 25mm, starting at around 90mm. Central (Scots pine if British grown) as defined in BS EN 13556:2003 is preferred
European fi nished sizes are based on 40mm laminate thickness and width due its slightly improved natural durability over European whitewood. The
increments of 20mm, starting from 80mm. sapwood of the species is also easily pressure preservative treated if required,
to further increase its durability.
Glulam can be manufactured in long lengths (up to 50m is possible).
However, the length of a glulam member will usually be governed by transport Softwood glulam manufactured from Larch can be specified to provide a
and handling limitations. greater degree of natural durability without the need for pressure preservative
treatment. Its durability class according to BS EN 350-2:199410 is
Some size limitations are imposed by the various glulam standards as moderately to slightly durable (for definitions of durability classifications
indicated in Table 1. refer to Engineering Bulletin No. 1). Larch has the additional advantage of
having better impact resistance than spruce, so fi nds favour in semi exposed
Timber species conditions such as free standing columns at entrances. Other softwood
The species of the constituent timber laminates of the glulam section will be species that are commonly used for glulam include Douglas fir, which may
primarily determined by the appearance and durability requirements of the be imported or British grown, which has a durability class
glulam in service. according to BS EN 350-2:1994 of moderately to slightly durable depending
on the source.
Other factors which are also likely to play a part in the selection process will
be availability, chain of custody and supply and the ability of the timber For all softwood glulam, design details should ensure adequate
species to receive fi nishes. This guidance is primarily aimed at engineers water-shedding and ventilation, to provide as much physical protection
working in the UK and Europe and timber supply and exposure conditions in against elevated levels of moisture as possible.
other parts of the world may vary.
Glulam for external exposure (SC3)
Glulam for internal use (SC1)
Glulam can be used in exposed conditions where the risk of wetting occurs
Within the internal environment of a normal conditioned structure there and SC3 moisture conditions are applicable. This can be achieved, either by
is negligible risk of decay or insect attack and service class 1 (SC1) using softwood glulam with pressure preservative treatment, combined with
REV 0 - 11.11.14/EB008 3
Figure 7
the use of suitably designed covers to protect the timber elements and thereby
Homogenous and combined glulam membersmembers glulam members
maintaining them in SC2 conditions, or by the use of naturally
durable or very durable timber species without pressure preservative
Temperate hardwood species such as European oak and sweet chestnut have
a durability class according to BS EN 350-2:1994 of durable. There are also
suitable tropical hardwood timber species such as Iroko and Kapur, both
durable, which can be obtained from sources registered with forest
certification schemes. Gluing hardwoods is difficult and as a result there are
few manufacturers and the cost of hardwood glulam is proportionately high.
These will therefore be bespoke materials requiring a longer delivery time and
prior agreement with potential suppliers of the species and grade of material
Table 2 Structural forms for timber beams and rafters - preliminary sizing charts members
Table 3 Structural forms for timber portals and arches - preliminary sizing charts
Strength classes of glulam
BS EN 1995-1-111-12 requires that timber used to manufacture glulam is
strength graded either visually or mechanically to either BS EN 1408113,
BS 497814 (softwoods) or BS 575615 (hardwoods).
The strength class to which a glulam member is assigned, depends not only
on the grade of the laminations but on the build-up of the glulam section.
BS EN 1194:1999 gives the characteristic values for glulam properties for
design to Eurocode 5. This standard lists four glulam strength classes
GL24, GL28, GL32 and GL36 where the numbers refer to the characteristic
bending strength of each class. For example GL28 has a characteristic
bending strength of 28N/mm2.
Glulam can be either homogenous, where all of the laminations are the same
strength class of timber, or combined, where the outer laminations are a
higher strength class than the inner ones (Figure 7). Combined beam lay-ups
are an effi cient use of timber, since they allow higher strength laminations
to be placed where bending stresses are higher in the extreme fi bres of the
beam. However, care needs to be taken when using combined glulam for
column sections where biaxial bending may occur. When using combined
glulam with heavily loaded connections fastened over the full depth of the
section, then the strength of individual fasteners will vary according to the
characteristic density and hence embedment strength.
REV 0 - 11.11.14/EB008 4
Structural forms for post and beam and rigid Portals and arches
frames construction
Large open areas can be created using glulam portal frames (Figure 9) and
Typical structural forms include straight and shaped beams supported by arches and spans are only limited by the length and weight of the glulam
glulam posts (post and beam) and single storey roof systems using rigid components due to fabrication and transport restrictions, with site
(portal or arch) frames with moment-resisting connections at the haunches conditions occasionally being a further constraint. In some instances,
(Tables 2 and 3). warehouses and distribution centres with roof areas exceeding 100,000m2
have been constructed using glulam framing.
Post and beam construction
The spacing of the principal structural frames may be limited by the economic
In large open spaces, glulam beams can typically span up to 30m (Figure 8). span of the secondary members such as floor joists and roof purlins. Table 3
Beams of this length may require splices for transportation and the design indicates the typical span ranges of a number of glulam arch and portal frame
of these splices may govern the structural member depth required. Simply arrangements and the typical span to depth ratios of the principal members.
supported beams are usually governed by deflection criteria in design and
Open frame constructions, members and connections should be designed in
therefore beams which are continuous over multiple supports are more
accordance with BS EN 1995-1-1 Eurocode 5 together with the UK National
structurally efficient, although care needs to be taken to account for the
Annex to Eurocode 5 and PD 6693-1:201216.
changed load distribution to supports.
With open frame construction, particular attention should also be paid to
Some stiffness can be developed through the joints, while knee braces can
robustness and disproportionate collapse, as the uses of the buildings often
be added to accommodate greater forces. Laminated beams can also act
come within critical consequence classes requiring Class 2B or even Class 3
in combination with other materials and moment connections to steel and
for large public spaces. For more information on robustness and
concrete are viable.
disproportionate collapse design, reference should be made to Engineering
Stock sizes of glulam are generally used for straight elements, since shaping Bulletin No. 517.
and profiling can be costly and wasteful.
Shaped glulam and built up components e.g. thin-webbed box beams, Engineering principles of open frame construction
stressed skin panels and trusses, can be more easily formed to predetermined Design of glulam and LVL
roof profiles and shapes.
The procedure given in BS EN 1995-1-1 Eurocode 5 for the design of glulam
or LVL members such as beams and columns is generally no different from
that for solid timber, with only some minor variation in some modification
factors. However, since the characteristic strength and stiff ness values are
higher for glulam and LVL than for solid wood, the design capacities of these
engineered wood products will also be higher.
This Bulletin does not cover the design of the individual frame members and
readers should consult the References and further reading section for further
guidance on the structural design of these components.
Construction principles
Open frames can be constructed as:
REV 0 - 11.11.14/EB008 5
Figure 10 Figure 11
Examples of assumed deviations in geometry of a portal frame and arch Examples of assumed deviations in geometry of a rectangular frame
Figure 12
Equivalent horizontal forces for rectangular frames a) initial sway imperfection b) equivalent horizontal forces due to sway imperfection c) local bow imperfection d) equivalent
horizontal forces due to local bow imperfection
Frame imperfections and timber frame wall panels, stability is normally provided by the diaphragm
action of wood-based sheet materials acting as horizontal diaphragms. The
To account for frame imperfections, plane frames and arches should be
design of horizontal diaphragms was covered in Engineering Bulletin No. 418.
separately checked for dimensional imperfections arising from deviations
from the assumed geometry of members and fabrication and erection Braced bays take on standard engineering principles and the forces resolved
tolerances, as described BS EN 1995-1-1 (Figure 5.3). taking due account of the connectivity and joint design in the timber to timber
connections. Engineering Bulletin No. 9 addresses connection types and
Design member stiffness properties:
present examples.
Portal frames two-dimensional rigid frames, usually with pitched rafters,
that have a rigid joint between column and beam members which allows the
frame to act as one continuous structural frame for resistance to vertical and
horizontal actions.
For checking stresses in the members, the value of kmod for the relative
|duration of load should be used. Engineered wood product (EWP) reconstituted wood-based products
which may be formed from the same wood-based material e.g. glulam or
Figure 10 shows some examples of assumed initial deviations in the
different products to form a composite material e.g I-joists.
geometry of a portal frame and arch and Figure 11 shows some examples for
For rectangular frames, the sway imperfections and local bow imperfection 1) The Institution of Structural Engineers (2013) Timber Engineering Notebook
may be replaced by equivalent horizontal forces (Figure 12) where Nd is the No.2: Engineered wood products and an introduction to timber structural systems
design axial load for the relevant load duration. If the magnitude of applied The Structural Engineer, 91 (4), pp. 42-48
horizontal forces is greater than the equivalent horizontal force (e.g. due to 2) The Institution of Structural Engineers (2013) Timber Engineering Notebook
wind) then the equivalent horizontal force may be neglected. No.7: Fire safety in timber buildings The Structural Engineer, 91 (9), pp. 41-47
REV 0 - 11.11.14/EB008 6
5) British Standards Institution (1995) BS EN 390:1995 Glued laminated timber: TRADA (2011) Wood Information Sheets: 1-6 Glued laminated timber
Sizes. Permissible deviations London: BSI an introduction High Wycombe: TRADA Glued Laminated Timber Associa-
6) British Standards Institution (1999) BS EN 1194:1999 Timber structures. Glued tion (2010) Structural glued laminated timber - Design essentials [Online]
laminated timber. Strength classes and determination of characteristic values Available at: www. constructionaltimber.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/
London: BSI structuralglued-laminated-timber.pdf (Accessed: September 2013)
7) British Standards Institution (2001) BS EN 386:2001 Glued laminated timber:
Performance requirements and minimum production requirements London: BSI
REV 0 - 11.11.14/EB008 7