12 Physics Revision Questions Chapter 2
12 Physics Revision Questions Chapter 2
12 Physics Revision Questions Chapter 2
(Chapter 2)(Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance)
(Class 12)
7. Draw the graph showing the variation of electric potential with distance from the centre 1
of a uniformly charged shell.
8. Find the ratio of the electric field lines starting from a proton kept first in vacuum and 1
then in a medium of dielectric constant 6.
Answer: 6 : 1
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(Chapter 2)(Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance)
(Class 12)
9. Calculate the electric field from the equipotential surface shown below. 1
2V 4V 6V
Answer: 2 V [ E , dv 2V , dr 1m]
10. Sketch the electric field lines, when a positive charge is kept in the vicinity of an 1
uncharged conducting plate.
- - - - - -
11. Two charges are kept as shown. Find dipole moment. 1
Answer: (0,0,2)-q . +q(0,0,-2)
-15 c +15 c
12. Compare the electric flux in a cubical surface of side 10 cm and a spherical surface of 1
radius 10 cm, when a change of 5C is enclosed by them.
Answer: Electric flux will be same in both the cases.
13. Explain why the electric field inside a conductor placed in an external electric field is 1
always zero.
Answer: Charge lies on the surface of a conductor only
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(Chapter 2)(Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance)
(Class 12)
14. Two identical metal plates are given positive charges Q1 and Q2, where Q1> Q2. Find the 2
potential difference between them, if they are now brought together to form a parallel
plate capacitor with capacitance C.
Answer: (Q1 Q2)/2C
15. 27 small drops of mercury having the same radius collage to form one big drop. Find the 2
ratio of the capacitance of the big drop to small drop.
Answer: [3:1]
16. A uniformly charged rod with linear charge density of length L is inserted into a hollow 2
cubical structure of side L with constant velocity and moves out from the opposite face.
Draw the graph between flux and time.
O time
17. Draw a graph showing the variation of potential with distance from the positive charge 2
to negative charge of a dipole, by choosing the mid-point of the dipole as the origin.
V 2
18. If = 3 +4-5, calculate the electric flux through a surface of area 50 units in z-x plane 2
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(Chapter 2)(Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance)
(Class 12)
20. The spherical shell of a Van de Graff generator is to be charged to a potential of 2 million 2
volt. Calculate the minimum radius the shell can have, if the dielectric strength of air is
0.8 kV/mm.
Answer: [2.5m]
21. How will you connect seven capacitors of 2f each to obtain an effective capacitance of 2
10/11 f.
Answer: 5 in parallel and 2 in series
22. A proton moves with a speed of 7.45 x 105m/s directly towards a free proton initially at 2
rest. Find the distance of the closest approach for the two protons.
Answer: 5.56 x 10-23m
23. Three point charges of 1C, 2C & 3C are placed at the corners of an equilateral triangle of 2
side 1m. Calculate the work done to move these charges to the corners of a smaller
equilateral triangle of sides 0.5m.
Answer: 9.9 x 1010 J 1C
24. Suggest an arrangement of three point charges, +q, +q, -q separated by finite distance
that has zero electric potential energy
25. A point charge Q is placed at point O as shown. Is the potential difference ( VA-VB) 2
positive, negative or zero if Q is (i) positive (ii) negative
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