Effective Utilization of Eletrical Energy Using Tracking Circuit For Domestic Loads Part 2
Effective Utilization of Eletrical Energy Using Tracking Circuit For Domestic Loads Part 2
Effective Utilization of Eletrical Energy Using Tracking Circuit For Domestic Loads Part 2
Energy is the primary and most universal measure of all kinds of work
in the nature. Every work what happens in the world is the flow of energy in one form or the
other. The total energy that we use in the present world can be broadly classified into two
categories. They are Non conventional energy sources or commercial sources and
conventional energy sources. The major sources conventional energy sources for electricity
generation includes coal, natural gas, crude oil, uranium etc. these form the major portion of
the consumption in the contemporary.
While the fossil fuels form the main fuel for generating power, there
is a fear that they will get exhausted eventually in the coming future. Therefore the need for
other systems based on non conventional or renewable sources is being increasing day by
day. The sources like solar, wind, sea, ocean, and biogas and geothermal became popular as
they have the whole range of technologies designed to tap the earths natural energy.
Solar energy is the energy that comes from sun to earth. Solar energy
has the greatest potential of all the sources of renewable energy and even if only a small
amount could be used, it would become one of the most important supplies of energy.
The total power obtained when sun hits the earth approximately is 10 17
watts and the total power that comes to the earths surface is around 10 16 watts. The total
energy demand for the all needs of the world is only 1013 watts. Therefore sun gives a
thousand times more power than the total world energy demand. If we use only a 5% of the
power what sun supplies it would meet our energy demand considerably.
The solar energy obtained can be used in many of the applications other
than generating electric power such as space heating, solar water heating, etc.
The solar energy that is obtained from sun can be converted into electrical energy in two
generally a black body receives the solar energy in terms of heat and gives it to the heat
transfer fluids like water or air which then uses for the generation of electricity.
The power obtained from these techniques are sufficient for the grid
connections for transmitting power ranging from a few tens of kilowatts to some hundreds of
megawatts when compared with the low power photo voltaic systems.
Solar radiation:
The energy radiated by the sun is in the form of electromagnetic radiation of
which 99% of the radiation is in the range of 0.2 to 4.0 micro meters. The energy flux from
sun falling onto a surface of the earth in watts per Square meter of collector is called solar
insolation. Although the sun is large it subtends an angle of only 32 minutes at the earth
surface due the large distance between the earth and sun. Therefore the radiation received
from the sun on the earth is almost parallel. The rate at which solar energy arrives at the top
of the atmosphere is called solar constant Isc. And its value is 1353 watts per square meter.
But the suns radiation at the top of the atmosphere when it reaches the earth surface varies in
amount and character due to the presence of clouds and also various gaseous molecules
present in the atmosphere. Oxygen and ozone molecules absorb all the ultra violet radiation
and carbon dioxide and water vapor absorb some of the radiation in the infra red range. Apart
from this some of the radiation is scattered by the clouds and dust particles in the atmosphere.
Thus global radiation from the total solar insolation is basically divided into the diffused
radiation and the beam radiation. The solar radiation that that reaches the ground directly
without any scattering is called beam of direct radiation. The radiation that is scattered in the
atmosphere and shows a shadow when an opaque object is placed is called diffuse radiation.
Thus the insolation at point depends on different factors such as the altitude of the sun in the
sky, the latitude at which the observations are made, the time and day of the year and the
climatic conditions.
Altitude is the angle between the suns direction and the horizontal. The
smaller the altitude, greater the thickness of atmosphere through which the radiation must
pass through. As a result of absorption and scattering, the insolation is less when the sun is
low in the sky than when it is higher. The insolation also depends on latitude of the location
i.e. at equator the insolation is more and gradually decreases as one moves away from the
Climate data needs for solar radiation data were historically met using ground
based observation records and more recently, ever increasing use is being made of satellite
data for generating ground level information.
Photo voltaic cell
(Solar module)
Photovoltaic cell thus converts the light energy into electricity. The term photo is
a Greek word which means light and the volt is a general term used in electricity. The
conversion process occurs instantaneously whenever there is light on the surface of the cell.
The more light the greater the electrical output. Thus the light energy which is converted into
the electricity will be stored in a battery and used when ever required.
material used is silicon in its crystalline form in 90% of the photo voltaic cells manufactured
today. Silicon is the second largest available element on the earths crust. It is also cheap and
most reliable semiconductor used. Silicon is also non toxic and safe which is eco friendly in
nature. But the other materials such as thin film semiconductors like amorphous silicon (a-
silicon), copper indium gallium diselenide(Cu(InGa)Se2 or CIGS) and cadmium
telluride(CdTe) which are better suited to absorb solar energy spectrum are in the
development and are under the latest trend or in the initial commercialization today.
Solar cells may operate under concentrated sun light using mirrors or
lenses as concentrators allowing a small solar cell to be illuminated with the light from a
larger area. This saves the expensive semiconductors but increases the complexity to the
system, since it requires the tracking mechanisms to keep the light focused on the solar cells
when sun moves in the sky. Silicon and semiconductor made compounds such as gallium
arsenide (GaAs) gallium indium phosphides (GaInP) are the materials used in the
concentrator technology which is still under demonstration.
1. Single-crystal silicon
3. Ribbon silicon
4. Amorphous silicon
Single-crystal silicon:
Most photovoltaic cells are single crystal silicon cells. These cells have a
uniform color blue or black. The silicon rocks are melted and then slowly regrown into a
cylindrical structure with uniform atomic structure. The back of the crystal usually covered
with full grid of printed metal, usually silver paste.
The grid is thin enough to admit adequate amount of sun light and wide enough
to carry adequate amount of electrical energy.
Polycrystalline silicon:
Polycrystalline cells are manufactured and operated in similar manner as that of
a single crystal. The difference is that liquid silicon is allowed to cool into a block with
forming separate crystalline sections. It usually results in slightly lower efficiency.
Ribbon silicon:
These cells are manufactured and operated in the same way as that of the single
and poly crystal silicon cells. Liquid silicon is slowly off and cools into a flat thin shape that
is scribed and broken into rectangular cells.
The effect was put hold until the development of transistors and the explanation
of p-n junction in 1949. In 1954 Chapin et al from bell laboratories in USA developed the
first solar crystalline cell which had an efficiency of 6%. This efficiency was increased to
10% percent in a few years. The main driving force for the use of viable solar cells for the
terrestrial supply was done in 1973 with the notorious oil shock. In 1980 the first thin film
solar cell was built with an efficiency greater than 10%. In 1982 the first 1MW solar plant
was built in USA with the two axis trackers. In 1995 the GaInP/GaAs cells were built with an
efficiency of more than 30%. In 1997 worldwide PV production reached more than 100MW
per year. In 1999 the worldwide installed PV reached 1000MW.
external effect of conductivity can at least be induced. Unlike opaque metals semiconductors
display their characteristic absorption behavior. The most important characteristic is called
absorption edge. For wavelengths at which the photon energy (E= hc/) is greater than the
energy of the forbidden band light, which is depending on the material, is almost completely
absorbed. In the case of higher wave lengths almost no absorption takes place due to low
energy. Thus, in the spectral region of higher wavelengths, semiconductors act transparently.
The intensity of light entering into the crystal is thus weakened. The absorption rate is thus,
as in many other cases of physical behavior, is proportional to the intensity of the radiation
that is still present. In case of silicon the band edge lies within the infrared at 1.11m
approximately. Therefore silicon is excellently suited for the base material for infrared optics.
The absorption in semiconductors is called basic lattice absorption.
no flow of electric current where as in a semiconductor at normal temperature the electrons
can flow from valence band to conduction band which causes a flow of electric current.
In the normal range of temperatures the valence band is almost full with
electrons and the conduction band is almost empty. Almost empty in the conduction band
means that only a very few electrons are in the permitted energy states. There are still
numerous unoccupied states close to occupied levels. So these electrons are capable of
reaching a higher level by a continuous process. This means that when connected to an
electric circuit, energy can be continuously taken up. Analogous to this in the almost full
valence band, there will be some levels which are not filled by electrons and are close to the
conduction band. These empty states are surrounded by numerous occupied states. One such
empty state will wander around with in the valence band. This empty state is called hole or
defect electron. This hole can be considered as a charge carrier. This defect electron or hole
like the electron is a second type of charge carrier.
Photovoltaic operation:
As we know the photovoltaics are made of semiconductors, which have
weakly bonded electrons occupying a band of energy called valence band. When energy
exceeding a certain threshold, called band gap energy, is applied to a valence electron, the
bonds are broken and the electron is somewhat free to move around in a new energy band
called conduction band, where it can conduct electricity through the material. Thus, the free
electrons in the conduction band are separated from the valence band by the band gap
(measured in the units of electron volts or eV). This energy needed to free the electron is
supplied from the photons, which are particles of light.
The figure below shows the idealized relation between the energy (vertical
axis) and spatial boundaries (horizontal axis). When the solar cell is exposed to sunlight,
photons hit valence electrons, breaking the bonds and pumping them to conduction band.
There a specially made selective contact that collects conduction band electrons and drives
them to external electric circuit. The electrons lose their energy by doing work in the external
circuit in the form of a load. Then, the electrons are restored to the solar cell by return loop of
the circuit by the second selective contact, which returns to the valence band with the same
energy that they started with. The movement of these electrons in the external circuit and the
contacts is called electric current.
The potential at which the electrons are delivered to the external circuit is less
than the threshold energy that excited the electrons that is the band gap energy. Thus, the
electric power produced is the product of current times the voltage.
The figure below thus shows the schematic of an ideal semiconductor with
the valence and conduction band and the band gap shows the free electrons in the valence
band are excited by the photon from the solar radiation and the excited electrons are jumped
to the conduction band. The electrons from the conduction band flow from the negative CB
contact into the external electric circuit. The return path is again from the electric circuit to
the valence band through a second contact called as positive CB contact.
The sun light is the spectrum of photons distributed over a range of
energy. Photons which have the energies greater than the threshold band gap energy can
excite the valence band electrons into the conduction band and produce an electric current
and generate electric power. Photons with energy less than the band gap fail to excite the free
electrons. Instead that energy goes through the solar cells and dissipated as heat at the back of
the cell. Thus, solar cells in direct sun light can be warmer than the ambient air temperature.
Thus, PV cells can produce electricity without operating at higher temperatures and without
any mobile parts. These are the salient characteristics of the photovoltaic cells that explain
safe, simple and reliable operation
At the heart of any solar cell is the p-n junction. Modeling and understanding of
any solar cell can be simplified by a p-n junction concept. This p-n junction results from the
doping that produces the conduction band and valence band selective contacts with one
side becoming n-side( with lots of negative charge) and other side with p-side(with lots of
positive charge).
I=Iph I0 (eqV/kbT 1)
where Kb is the Boltzmann constant. T is the absolute temperature, q is the electron charge
and V is the voltage at the terminals of the cell. I 0 is the well known diode saturation current
serving as a reminder that a solar cell in the dark is simply a semiconductor current rectifier
or a diode. The photo generated current Iph is closely related to the photon flux incident on the
cell and its dependence on the wavelength of light is frequently discussed in terms of
quantum efficiency and spectral response. The photo generated current is usually independent
of the applied voltage with possible exceptions in case of a-silicon and some other thin film
materials. The figure below shows the ideal equivalent circuit of a solar cell with I ph as the
current source and a rectifying diode in parallel with it.
In the ideal case the short circuited current is equal to the photo generated
current Iph . And the open circuit voltage Voc is given by
Fig 2.3 ideal solar cell equivalent diagram
I= Iph I01 {exp (V+IRs /Kb T) 1} I02 {exp (V+IRs /2Kb T) -1} V+IRs /Rp}
The light generated current, Iph may depend on voltage in some instances. The
effect of the series and shunt resistances are show in the figures below.
. Fig 2.5
We can see that the I-V characteristics of the illuminated solar cell lies
in the fourth quadrant in electro technical standardization as seen in the figure below. For the
purpose of comparison with these I-V characteristics, the current voltage characteristics of an
unilluminated solar cell are also drawn in the figure. The voltages are same in both cases,
where as current in the illuminated solar cell is negative, i.e. the solar current flows against
the conventional direction of a forward biased diode.
The base, the starting material of the solar cell is always p-doped. The
n-doped region is called emitter, a designation which has been adapted from transistor
physics. It is more highly doped than base by some order of magnitude. The p-n junction is
always therefore unsymmetrical doped. The space charge region, with width W therefore
extends mainly into the p-region. The point xj marks the penetration depth of the p-n junction.
In practice it accounts only to a few tens of micrometers.
To calculate the photo currents, we assume that the light enters on the
emitter side. The calculation is first made for monochromatic light. In the case of illumination
by spectrum we must integrate over all the
wavelength regions of this spectrum. The integration limits for this are Imin , the smallest
occurring wavelength and Imax , the wave length corresponding to the energy of the
semiconductor band gap, as longer wavelengths are not absorbed. For sunlight min is around
0.3m as at shorter wavelengths there is almost no wavelength, and in case of silicon the
value of max is approximately 1.11m. therefore the equation for photo current can be written
Il () = IE () + ISCR () + IB ().
The dopant effect has also the consequence that the lifetime and the
diffusion constant depend upon doping. The photo currents from the space charge region can
be very easily determined, since the charge carriers generated in this region are drawn out of
this area very quickly due to the electric field. They virtually cannot recombine and therefore
contribute entirely to the current.
Fig 2.6
Series resistance:
This resistance has the following components
These Ohmic resistances also affect the efficiency of the solar cell.
Shunt resistance:
The magnitude of this resistance is determined by the leaking currents along
the edges of the solar cell. Point defect in the p-n junction also leads to small parallel
resistances. Such defects can be interruptions of the p-n junction which originate during the
diffusion of n emitter. Impurity particles
Have hindered diffusion at certain points. The base material can also be in electrical contact
with the finger system at some points, thus creating a short circuit.
Fig 2.7
The I-V characteristics of the practical equivalent circuit of the solar cell
depends on the ratio of the currents flowing through the two diodes I 02 /I01 and also depends
on the series and shunt resistances leading to a slight deviation from the actual circuit. The
characteristics of the solar cell for three values of I02 /I01 are shown in the figure below.
Fig 2.8
The open voltage is obtained when no current is drawn from the solar
cell. This voltage is found to be
Since even at very low current densities we can neglect the value of 1 when
compared with the Iph /I0 and Iph =Isc the above equation becomes
I.e. the open circuit voltage is proportional to the logarithm of the ratio of the short
circuit current to the diode saturation current. Since in good solar cells the short circuit
currents very quickly nears the saturation value, the increase in the open circuit voltage value
and thus the efficiency of a solar cell is basically a question of reducing the saturation current.
For this the following three conditions must be satisfied.
Fill factor:
Since always optimal power output requires a suitable load resistor R a which
corresponds to the ratio Vm /Im where Vm and Im are the optimal operating points to the get the
Pm, the maximum achievable power output. Thus, the fill factor of a solar cell can be called as
the ratio of the peak output to the variable and can be given as.
The fill factor is so named because when graphically represented it indicates how
much area underneath the I-V characteristics is filled by the rectangle Vm Im in relation to the
rectangle Voc Isc . This is also called as maximum power rectangle. The fill factor normally
lies in the range of 0.75 to 0.85.
The efficiency of a solar cell is defined as the ratio of photovoltaically
generated electric output of the cell to the luminous power input falling on it.
The current record of efficiency of solar cell is held by solar cell made of
monocrystalline technology using very complex technology at approximately 23-24% (area
2x2 cm2, radiation AM 1.5). Commercially produced solar cells have efficiency between
14% and 16%. It can be raised up to 17% to 19%.
Quantum efficiency and spectral response of the solar cell:
The quantum efficiency of the solar cell is defined as the ratio of the number
of electrons in the external circuit produced by an incident photon of a given wavelength.
Thus, one can define external and internal quantum efficiencies (denoted by EQE () and
IQE (respectively). They differ in the treatment of photons reflected from the cell. All the
photons that are impinging on the cell surface are taken into account in the value of EQE but
only photons which are not reflected are considered in the value of IQE. The internal and
external quantum efficiency is routinely measured to access the performance of solar cell by
using interference filters or monochromators.
The spectral response denoted by SR (, with units A/W is defined as the ratio of
photocurrent generated by solar cell under monochromatic illumination of a given wave
length, to the value of spectral irradiance at the same wave length. Since the number of
photons and irradiance are related spectral response can be represented as quantum efficiency.
Spectral response can be either internal or external depending upon which value is used for
quantum efficiency.
Where n and k are the refractive index and the extinction coefficient of the
semiconductor, both in general functions of wavelength of light in vacuum the extinction
coefficient is related to absorption coefficient by
Light trapping:
In solar cells with a simple geometry, light rays enter the cells through the
front surface and if not absorbed leaves through the rear surface of the cell. Most
sophisticated arrangements exists which extends the path of inside the cell and usually
referred to as optical confinement of light trapping. In crystalline or amorphous silicon cells
light trapping is used to reduce the thickness of the cell without lowering the light absorption
within the cell. Light trapping can also used to enhance the open circuit voltage of the cell.
The most common light trapping features include a textured top surface
combined with an optically reflecting back surface. In the ideal case yablonovich has shown
that a randomly textured (so called lambertian) top surface in combination with a perfect back
surface reflector produces a light trapping scheme which enhances the light intensity inside
the cell by a factor of nsc2 where nsc is the refractive index of the solar cell material. This
arrangement also increases the average path length of the light rays inside the cell from 2W,
in the case of a single pass through the cell, to 4nsc2 W in the case of complete light trapping,
where W is the cell thickness. Schemes have been developed to enhance the operation of
practical devices including crystalline, poly crystalline and amorphous silicon cells. With the
applications to the latter cells schropp and zeman consider the trapping and scattering of light
at rough interfaces in some detail. In gallium arsenide cells, multilayer Bragg reflectors have
been used in success.
The usual thickness of the wafer specified by the m61000 is 100mm. however
for smaller sized wafers it is usually around 103mm instead of 100mm.Some manufacturers
also use rectangular wafers also for the manufacturing. But the absolute value of the wafer
thickness dropped to about 100m in the last decade. The other requirements such as
thickness uniformity reduced levels of cracks and saw marks also could adversely affect the
later processing.
Physical specifications:
Wafers are generally classified in terms of resistivity type and oxygen and
carbon content. These data are generally present in all commercial specifications related to
single and multicrystalline wafers according to the standards. But, still in strict terms
standards related to the resistivity of the multicrystalline wafers do not exist. Minority
carriers life time characterization is one of the most complicated parameter to measure and to
effectively relate to subsequent processing quality and yield. It is also most influenced by the
in homogeneity of the multicrystalline silicon, as well as by thermal treatment. The most
successful commercial methods for testing the si-mc are the micro wave photo conductance
decay method performed directly on the silicon blocks and photo conductance decay or quasi
steady state method developed by Ron Sinton.
Although, the efficiency is important, the principal requirement for the industrial
manufacturing is low cost. The processing techniques and the materials are selected for the
maximal cost reduction with the possible better efficiency. Finally its a compromise between
the cost and efficiency for the manufacturing. Industrial solar cells are fabricated in large
volume mainly on large areas. Thus the tendency is to develop a cheap, good quality solar
grade poly silicon feed stock material, to increase the substrate size, to reduce the kerf loss in
slicing and to decrease the thickness of the substrate to under 200m.
Point contact
Thin base, i.e. much smaller than the minority carrier diffusion length
Point contact
Back reflector
Silicon substrates used in commercial cell processes contains a near surface saw
damaged layer, which has to be removed at the beginning of the process. Thickness of the
damage depends on the techniques used in wafering of the ingot. A layer of thickness of
20m to 30m has to be etched both sides of the wafer, cut by an inner diameter blade saw
while only a 10 to 20m is enough when a wire saw is used. The damage removal etch is
based on 20-30wt % aqueous solution of NaOH or KOH heated up to 80 to 90 0c. The etching
process has to be slightly modified when it is multicrystalline silicon cell substrates. Too fast
and prolonged etching produces steps at grain boundaries. This can lead to problems of
interconnections in the metal contacts. This problem can be avoided by an isotropic etching
based on a mixture of nitric, acetic and hydrochloric acids. The silicon surface after saw
damage etching has shinier and reflects more than 35% of the incident light.
The reflection losses in the commercial solar cells are reduced by random
chemical texturing. Surface texturing reduces the optical reflection from the single crystalline
surface to less than 10% by allowing the reflected ray to recouple in to the cell. Mono
crystalline silicon cells with a surface orientation <100> can be textured by the anisotropic
etching of a temperature of 70 to 800c for a week. This etch produces a randomly distributed
upside pyramids. However this method brings often the problem of repeatability. The solution
to this problem requires the use of appropriate additives which enhance the pyramid
nucleation process. The random texturisation process is not effective on multicrystalline
substrates due to its anisotropic nature. Isotropic texturing based on photolithography and wet
etching are not cost effective. Best results from the optical point of view have been obtained
by mechanical texturing and by reactive ion etching. Mechanical grooving is the method of
forming the V- grooves in silicon wafer by mechanical abrasion; using conventional dicing
saw and beveled blades. The optical quality of the mechanical textured surface depends upon
the blade tip angle, groove depth and damage layer etching.
These interconnected cells and their electrical connections are then
sandwiched between a top layer of glass and clear plastic of low level of plastic metal. An
outer frame is attached to increase mechanical strength, and provide a way to mount the unit.
This package is called a module. The module is thus the basic building block of the solar
photovoltaic systems.
There are also other situations where the voltage or current from one module
is not enough to power the load. In these cases, modules are connected together, just as the
cells were connected. Manufacturers usually build modules with convenient junction boxes
that allow interconnection in series or parallel.
Module is the real building block of the cells for real world remote power
systems. It is interconnected by usually flat wire, and includes encapsulation to protect the
cells and interconnecting wires from corrosion and impact. It includes a frame to allow easy
mounting and a junction box to allow wiring to other modules or to the battery and loads. The
number of cells connected in series determines the final voltage of the module.
An Array is the full collection of all the photovoltaic generators. Sometimes the
arrays are too large that they are grouped into sub arrays, for easier installation and power
management. An array can be as small as a few modules to as large as 100,000 modules for
very large power utility connected systems.
The different blocks of the basic block diagram of the project is as
shown in the figure below.
From the block diagram shown above it can be noticed that the power drawn
from the solar panel is utilized by charging the battery and can be used when ever required.
The power gained from the panel cannot be given directly to a battery for charging due to the
variations and reverse flow of current. Thus, a charge controller circuit is employed for
effective charging of the battery with the available current. The charge controller circuit is of
constant voltage type and of rating 12V and 20A.
The battery used here is of lead oxide battery and of 75AH. Which can be
charged and can be utilized when ever required. The battery used takes a constant voltage of
12V to charge. The battery is directly connected to the inverter circuit to invert the voltage
and a sinusoidal wave is produced with a frequency of 50Hz.
The inverter circuit used converts the DC voltage from the battery to 12V AC.
The waveform obtained here will be a square waveform. Filters are used to convert this
waveform to approximately sinusoidal. The inverter circuit can be used up to a load rating of
about 650VA which is sufficient for the domestic loads. The inverter circuit can be used for
any kind of load except for very sensitive loads.
The voltage and current required for the tracking circuit is also taken from
the solar panel only. The tracking circuit is based on the output given from the photo sensors
given to the micro controllers. The microcontroller then produces the pulses for driving the
motor. The motor used here is a stepper motor which takes the input pulses to rotate required
number of turns.
The Dc motor is a Geared Dc motor. The motor contains 2 coils and one
wire is connected to the +12V supply and other to ground. Thus, the motor takes the input of
12V to run. The motor has the good torque and lifts the loads up to 12Kgs.
Solar tracking system
The sun's position in the sky varies both with the seasons (elevation)
and time of day as the sun moves across the sky. Solar powered equipment works best
when pointed at or near the sun, so a solar tracker can increase the effectiveness of such
equipment over any fixed position, at the cost of additional system complexity.
To keep up with other green energies, the solar cell market has to be as
efficient as possible in order not to lose market shares on the global energy marketplace.
There are two main ways to make the solar cells more efficient, one is to develop the solar
cell material and make the panels even more efficient and another way is to optimize the
output by installing the solar panels on a tracking base that follows the sun.
The end-user will prefer the tracking solution rather than a fixed ground system to increase
their earnings because:
The space requirement for a solar park is reduced, and they keep the same output
Tracking the sun from east in the morning to west in the evening will
increase the efficiency of the solar panel by 20-62% depending on whom you ask and
where you are in the world. Near to equator, you will have the highest benefit of tracking
the sun.
Tracking of sun can be done in either single axis or in two axis depending
upon the accuracy.
The panels can for instance be fixed in an angle towards south. As the sun rises from the east
and goes down in the west, the panels adjust accordingly to increase the efficiency of the
The single axis tracking system is the simplest solution and the most common one used.
Fig 3.2 single axis tracking systems
The dual axis tracking system is also used for concentrating a solar reflector toward the
concentrator on heliostat systems.
Fig 3.3 dual axis tracking system
Active two-axis trackers are also used to orient heliostats movable mirrors
that reflect sunlight toward the absorber of a central power station. As each mirror in a large
field will have an individual orientation these are controlled programmatically through a
central computer system, which also allows the system to be shut down when necessary.
Light-sensing trackers typically have two photosensors, such as photodiodes, configured
differentially so that they output a null when receiving the same light flux. Mechanically, they
should be omnidirectional (i.e. flat) and are aimed 90 degrees apart. This will cause the
steepest part of their cosine transfer functions to balance at the steepest part, which translates
into maximum sensitivity.
Since the motors consume energy, one wants to use them only as necessary. So instead of a
continuous motion, the heliostat is moved in discrete steps. Also, if the light is below some
threshold there would not be enough power generated to warrant reorientation. This is also
true when there is not enough difference in Light level from one direction to another, such
as when clouds are passing overhead. Consideration must be made to keep the tracker from
wasting energy during cloudy periods.
Passive tracker:
Fig 3.4 passive tracker
Zomeworks passive tracker head in Spring/Summer tilt position with panels on light
blue rack pivoted to morning position against stop. Dark blue objects are hydraulic dampers.
Passive trackers use a low boiling point compressed gas fluid that is driven to one
side or the other (by solar heat creating gas pressure) to cause the tracker to move in response
to an imbalance. As this is a non-precision orientation it is unsuitable for certain types of
concentrating photovoltaic collectors but works fine for common PV panel types. These will
have viscous dampers to prevent excessive motion in response to wind gusts.
Shader/reflectors are used to reflect early morning sunlight to "wake up" the panel and tilt it
toward the sun, which can take nearly an hour. The time to do this can be greatly reduced by
adding a self-releasing tie down that positions the panel slightly past the zenith (so that the
fluid does not have to overcome gravity) and using the tie down in the evening. (A slack-
pulling spring will prevent release in windy overnight conditions.)
The term "passive tracker" is also used for photovoltaic modules that include a
hologram behind stripes of photovoltaic cells. That way, sunlight passes through the
transparent part of the module and reflects on the hologram. This allows sunlight to hit the
cell from behind, thereby increasing the module's efficiency. Also, the module does not have
to move since the hologram always reflects sunlight from the correct angle towards the cell.
Four LDRs are placed in a semicircular order so that the brightness is
detected at different points of time in a day. Fourth LDR always senses dark and will be high
for dark conditions. When tracking circuit is switched on the first LDR senses the brightness
and the tracking will be started. After some time when the sun changes its position the
brightness on the first LDR decreases gradually and the second LDR starts sensing more
brightness and is detected. After getting the signal from the second LDR the microcontroller
generates pulses to turn the motor to some required angle. The microcontroller is so
programmed that it gives the pulses to motor for an angle of 20 0 after detection of brightness
from each LDR. Later third LDR senses more brightness and the motor is again made to turn
another 200. By the time the fourth LDR is detected it will become dark and the fourth LDR
is set so that it detects darkness. When this LDR detects dark and sends the microcontroller
the controller generates pulses to rotate the stepper motor in reverse direction for an angle of
600 to make the panel ready for the next day. When again brightness falls on the first LDR the
tracking again starts and the process repeats. Thus, the panel is made to track the sun based
on the brightness of the sun detected by the LDRs.
555 timers are used for creating a delay and sending input to the micro
controller from the LDR. The delay is created in between the LDRs so that the there will not
be any overlap in the pulse given to the motor when there is a situation that two LDRs detects
the same brightness and gives input to the microcontroller.
In such case the 555 timer gives a delay to the LDRs and such conditions are avoided. A 10K
pot is used to adjust the sensitivity of the LDRs as the resistance of the pot is varies the LDR
is used to detect the intensity of the brightness. Depending upon the requirement the
sensitivity of the LDRs thus can be changed by just varying the resistance of 10K pot. The
resistance of this pot is initially set to required value and the tracking is started.
The input given to the micro controller is only 5V and the microcontroller is
rated for 500mA. The controller program is such that the micro controller gives the input to
the motor for only 3seconds when a LDR is sensed and then turned off.
The input to the tracking circuit is given from the solar panel only. So, a 7805
voltage regulator is used for giving input to the 555 timers and microcontroller. The 7805
voltage regulator takes +12V input at the input pin and gives a regulated voltage of +5V.
Fig3.5: Circuit Diagram of solar tracking system
This is a blocking diode and blocks the current flow in the reverse
direction from battery to solar panel. The output of the 7805 voltage regulator is 5V and is
given to 555 timers and microcontroller.
The 12V input from the panel through battery is directly given to the
DC motor. The motor in the tracking circuit will not be always in on state. The motor and
tracking circuit will be automatically turned off till there is no detection of brightness in the
LDR. Once there is brightness and 555 timers Sends input to the microcontroller the motor
will be turned on automatically and rotate the required number of turns
The main advantage of this circuit for tracking the sun is the power used for driving the
motor in this set up will be the least. When ever the LDR senses the light only the supply to
the motor will be given and the rest of the time the supply to the motor will be cut off saving
the power. Moreover, when the supply to the motor is given continuously the motor winding
may get overheated also the panel will be in the hot sun through out the day the motor will be
get over heated resulting in burning of the windings this drawback is also reduced. Thus,
though there is a loss in sensing the light to full extent and tracking the sun the power is
saved and the drawback can be overcome by this way.
A brief description of different components used in the tracking
circuit and their operation in the circuit is given below.
These are current resisting devices. These are made of carbon, metallic wire wound
etc. These are read through this acronym BBROYGBVGW. This stands for ,Black ,Brown ,
Red, Orange, Yellow ,Green ,Blue , Violet, Gray and ,White respectively .These colors are
printed as lines on the resistor the first and second color lines indicate the number
corresponding to color .The number indicated by the color are shown in table below .The
third line indicate the number of zeros ,the fourth line indicate the percentage of tolerance
of the resistor
Fig 3.7 colour coding for finding value of a resistor
Each color corresponds to a certain number, shown in the chart below. The tolerance for a 4-
band resistor will be 1%, 5%, or 10%.5-band axial resistors
Red, Red, Brown = 220 ; Red, Red, Red = 2200 ; Red, Red, Orange = 22K;Red, Red,
Yellow = 220 K; Red, Red, Green = 2.2M ;Red, Red, Yellow = 22 M
These are variable current resisting devices. That means sometimes you need to
change the resistance, while the circuit is working. Then the variable resistor is useful. The
common type of variable resistor has 3 terminals. It is called as potentiometer or just a pot.
Fig 3.8
This device allows flowing current in only one direction. These devices are also
called unidirectional devices .Earlier these devices were made of vacuum tubes, now a
days these are semi conductor solid state devices. These are PN junction devices .The
PN means doping of the semi conductor with positive and negative electronic valence
atoms . The silicon diodes have knee voltage drop of 0.7 volts i.e. Forward biased voltage
drop whereas germanium diodes have 0.3 voltage drop. The different diodes are used for
different purposes. The diodes work in forward biased condition or reverse biased
These are available with different current rating, voltage rating, power rating and are used for
different applications. The diodes of higher wattages are of bigger sizes. The Symbol of
Diode and the ideal curves of diodes are shown below.
Diodes are of different types like Photodiode, Varactor diode, Schotkey Diode, PIN diode,
Zener Diode etc.
Forward Region
Reverse Region
Zener Diode
Regulators; the symbol of a Zener diode is shown as shown in the figure below
Small signal and rectifier diodes are never operated in the break down region because this
may damage them. The Zener diode is made to operate in breakdown region, sometimes
called breakdown diode. The Zener diode is the back bone of voltage
Circuits that hold almost constant load voltage, despite large changes in the line voltage and
load resistance.
These are the storage devices but has in built Resistance thats why the storage voltage does
not last for longer period. The use of capacitor is for tuning the circuit, filtering the noise to
ground, creating the timing pulse as in our case .The capacitors cannot be fabricated on ICs
because of the technical difficulty.
Electrolytic Capacitor:
These capacitors have electrolyte as the dielectric medium between the two plates. These are
available with polarity + and -.These are available with vertical mount or horizontal mount
Paper Capacitor:
These capacitors are available in low range of capacitance. The paper is used as dielectric
media between the two plates.
Mica Capacitor:
These capacitors are also available in low range of capacitance. The mica is
used as dielectric media between the two plates.
Disc Capacitor:
Tantalum Electronics:
The LM7805 has series of three-terminal positive regulators. These regulators can
provide local on-card regulation, eliminating the distribution problems associated with single
point regulation. This employs internal current limiting, thermal shut-down and safe area
protection, making it essentially indestructible. If adequate heat sinking is provided, they can
deliver over 1A output current. Although designed primarily as fixed voltage regulators, these
devices can be used with external components to obtain adjustable voltages and currents.
Fig 3.15 LM7805
These crystal units are intended for use as reference clocks in microprocessors.
1. Meets the requirements for various applications with the availability of abundant standard
3. Taping type and gull-wing type are available for automatic mounting
AT89C2051 Micro Controller Description:
The AT89C2051 is a low-voltage, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcomputer
with 2K Bytes of Flash erasable and programmable read only memory (EPROM). The device
is manufactured using Atmels high density nonvolatile memory technology and is
compatible with the industry standard MCS-51 instruction set. By combining a versatile 8-
bit CPU with Flash on a monolithic chip, the Atmel AT89C2051 is a powerful microcomputer
which provides a highly flexible and cost effective solution to many embedded control
applications. The AT89C2051 provides the following standard features: 2K Bytes of Flash,
128 bytes of RAM, 15 I/O lines, two 16-bit timer/counters, a five vector two-level interrupt
architecture, a full duplex serial port, a precision analog comparator, on-chip oscillator and
clock circuitry. In addition, the AT89C2051 is designed with static logic for operation down
to zero frequency and supports two software selectable power saving modes. The Idle Mode
stops the CPU while allowing the RAM, timer/counters, serial port and interrupt system to
continue functioning. The Power down Mode saves the RAM contents but freezes the
oscillator disabling all other chip functions until the next hardware reset.
Block Diagram
The block diagram of the 2051 microcontroller with different ports and registers is
shown below.
Fig 3.17 Block diagram of 2051 micro controller
Pin Configuration
Fig 3.18 pin configuration of micro controller
Supply voltage.
Port 1
Port 1 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port. Port pins P1.2 to P1.7 provide internal
pull-ups. P1.0 and P1.1 require external pull-ups. P1.0 and P1.1 also serve as the positive
input (AIN0) and the negative input (AIN1), respectively, of the on-chip precision analog
comparator. The Port 1 output buffers can sink 20 mA and can drive LED displays directly.
When 1s are written to Port 1 pins, they can be used as inputs. When pins P1.2 to P1.7 are
used as inputs and are externally pulled low, they will source current (I IL) because of the
internal pull-ups. Port 1 also receives code data during Flash programming and verification.
Port 3
Port 3 pins P3.0 to P3.5, P3.7 are seven bidirectional I/O pins with internal pull
ups. P3.6 is hard-wired as an input to the output of the on-chip comparator and is not
accessible as a general purpose I/O pin. The Port 3 output buffers can sink 20 mA. When 1s
are written to Port 3 pins they are pulled high by the internal pull-ups and can be used as
inputs. As inputs, Port 3 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IIL)
because of the pull-ups. Port 3 also serves the functions of various special features Of the
AT89C2051 as listed below:
P3.2 INT0 (external interrupt 0)
Port 3 also receives some control signals for Flash programming and verification.
Reset input. All I/O pins are reset to 1s as soon as RST goes high. Holding the RST pin high
for two machine cycles while the oscillator is running resets the device. Each machine cycle
takes 12 oscillator or clock cycles.
Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier and input to the internal clock operating
Output from the inverting oscillator amplifier.
Oscillator Characteristics
XTAL1 and XTAL2 are the input and output, respectively, of an inverting
amplifier which can be configured for use as an on-chip oscillator, as shown in Figure 1.
Either a quartz crystal or ceramic resonator may be used. To drive the device from an
external clock source, XTAL2 should be left unconnected while XTAL1 is driven as shown in
Figure 2. There are no requirements on the duty cycle of the external clock signal, since the
input to the internal clocking circuitry is through a divide-by-two flip-flop, but minimum and
maximum voltage, high and low time specifications must be observed.
Note: C1, C2 = 30 pF 10 pF for Crystals
Figure 3.19 Oscillator Connections
For the standard serial communication facility, 8051 can be programmed
for USART operations and can be connected with regular personal computers,
teletype writers, modem at data rates between 122 bauds and 31 kilo bauds. Getting
this facility is made very simple using simple routines with option to elect even or
odd parity. You can also establish a kind of Inter processor communication facility
among many microcomputers in a distributed environment with automatic recognition
of address/data. Apart from all above, you can also get super fast I/O lines using low
cost simple TTL or CMOS shift registers.
Precision Timing
Pulse Generation
Sequential Timing
Application Information
Monostable Operation:
Figure 3.22. Monostable Circuit
As shown below Figure 1 illustrates a monostable circuit. In this mode, the timer
generates a fixed pulse whenever the trigger voltage falls below Vcc/3. When the trigger
pulse voltage applied to the #2 pin falls below Vcc/3 while the timer output is low, the timer's
internal flip-flop turns the discharging Tr. off and causes the timer output to become high by
charging the external capacitor C1and setting the flip-flop output at the same time. The
voltage across the external capacitor C1, VC1 increases exponentially with the time constant
t=RA*C and reaches 2Vcc/3 at td=1.1RA*C. Hence, capacitor C1 is charged through resistor
RA. The greater the time constant RAC, the longer it takes for the VC1 to reach 2Vcc/3. In
other words, the time constant RAC controls the output pulse width.
time, C1 begins to discharge and the timer output converts to low. In this way, the timer
operating in monostable repeats the above process. Figure 2 shows the general waveforms
during monostable operation. It must be noted that, for normal operation, the trigger pulse
voltage needs to maintain a minimum of Vcc/3 before the timer output turns low. That is,
although the output remains unaffected even if a different trigger pulse is applied while the
output is high, it may be affected and the waveform not operate properly if the trigger pulse
voltage at the end of the output pulse remains at below Vcc/3.
Astable Operation:
An astable timer operation is achieved by adding resistor RB to Figure 1 and configuring as
shown on Figure 3. In astable operation, the trigger terminal and the threshold terminal are
connected so that a self-trigger is formed, operating as a multivibrator. When the timer output
is high, its internal discharging Tr, turns off and the VC1 increases by exponential function
with the time constant (RA+RB)*C. When the VC1, or the threshold voltage, reaches 2Vcc/3,
the comparator output on the trigger terminal becomes high, resetting the F/F and causing the
timer output to become low. This in turn turns on the discharging Tr, and the C1 discharges
through the discharging channel formed by RB and the discharging Tr.
When the VC1 falls below Vcc/3, the comparator output on the trigger
terminal becomes high and the timer output becomes high again. The discharging Tr. turns off
and the VC1 rises again. In the above process, the section where the timer output is high is
the time it takes for the VC1 to rise from Vcc/3 to 2Vcc/3, and the section where the timer
output is low is the time it takes for the VC1 to drop from 2Vcc/3 to Vcc/3.
Since the timer operates in astable, the time period T is T=0.693(RA+2RB) C1 because the
period is the sum of the charge time and discharge time. And since frequency is the reciprocal
of the period, the following applies.
High-Voltage Outputs . . . 50 V
Relay-Driver Applications
Pin Configuration:
Fig 3.26 pin configuration of ULN 2003A
The ULN2003A and ULQ2003A have a 2.7-k series base resistor for
each Darlington pair for operation directly with TTL or 5-V CMOS devices.
Logic Diagram
Fig 3.27 schematics of ULN 2003A
Applications of ULN 2003A:
Transistor Transistor logic to load
Fig 3.28 TTL logic
Use of Pull up Resistors to Increase Drive Current
Toggle switch:
The simple Toggle switch you may get in various configurations, depending on the
number of poles (for example SPDT indicate a single pole double throw switch). Toggle
switch is also available with center OFF positions and with up to 4 poles switched
simultaneously. Toggle switches are always break before make e.g., the moving contact
never connects to both terminals in an SPDT switch (as in figure 1).
Basically there are 3 types of toggle switches they are:
Rotary Switches
You will come across the rotary switches with many poles and many positions, often
as kits with individual wafers and shaft hardware. Both shorting (make before break) and
non- shorting (break before make) types are available, and they can be mixed on the same
switch. In many applications the shorting type is useful to prevent an open circuit between
switch positions, because circuits can give problems with unconnected inputs. Non-shorting
types are necessary if the separate lines being switched to one common line must never be
connected to each other.
Push-Button Switches:
Push-Button switches are useful for momentary contact applications, they are drawn
schematically as shown in figure 2 (NO and NC mean normally open and normally closed).
For SPDT momentary contact switches, the terminals must be labeled NO and NC, where as
for SPST types, the symbol is self explanatory. Momentary-contact switches are always
break before make.
In addition to these basic switch types, there are available various exotic switches
such as hall-effect switches, reed switches, proximity switches etc. All switches carry
maximum current and voltage ratings; a small toggle switch might be rated at 150volts and 5
amps. Operation with inductive loads drastically reduces switch life because of arcing during
3.2.1 Introduction to storage system
The solar energy though is an unlimited source it cannot be obtained always.
Particularly during nights and during bad weather conditions the solar energy obtained is very
low and almost nothing. Though the energy can be utilized continuously during day time,
there is still a major part of the energy obtained is being wasted and cannot be utilized. The
only way to utilize the solar energy most efficiently and overcome the drawback that the
energy cannot be obtained during nights is to store the energy obtained from the sun. The best
method for storage of any DC energy obtained is a battery. Solar energy obtained can also be
stored by charging a battery and can be used when ever required. There are different kinds of
batteries and can be charged in a different number of ways for efficient charging .
The term battery indicates that its a storage cell of electrical energy. In generally
batteries are classified into two types they are:-
Primary Batteries
Primary Batteries:
The primary battery can store and deliver electrical energy, but cannot be recharged.
Typically carbon-zinc and lithium batteries commonly used in your consumer electronics
devices are primarily batteries. Primary batteries are not used in photovoltaic systems
because they cannot be recharged.
There are many factors that influence the choice and performance of a storage
battery in this application. Also battery technology keeps on charging with new
constructional features and enhanced performance levels.
The working principles of batteries can be better explained with respect to the
following terms:-
The cell is basically electrochemical unit in a battery, consisting of a set
positive and negative plates divided by separators, immersed in a electrolyte solution and
enclosed in a case. In a typical lead-acid battery, each cell has a nominal voltage of about 2.1
volts. So there are 6 series cells in a nominal 12v battery.
The electrolyte is a conducting medium which allows the flow of current through
ionic transfer, or the transfer of electrons between the plates in a battery. In a lead acid
battery, the electrolyte is a diluted sulphuric acid solution, either in liquid (flooded) form,
gelled or absorbed in glass mats, the electrolyte is an alkaline solution of potassium
hydroxide and water.
The Grid (in a battery) is typically a lead alloy framework that supports the active
material on a battery plate, and which also conducts current. Alloying elements such as
antimony and calcium are often used to strengthen the lead grids, and have characteristics
effects on battery performance such as cycle performance and gassing.
A Plate is a grid wire, active material pasted onto it. It is sometimes called an
electrode. There are generally a number of positive and negative plates in each battery cell,
typically connected in parallel at a bus bar or plates. A pasted plate is manufactured by
applying a mixture of lead oxide, sulphuric acid, fibers and water on the grid.
A Separator is a pours, insulating divider between the positive and negative plates in a
battery from coming into electrical contact and short circuiting, and which also allows the
flow of electrolyte and ions between the negative and possitive plates. They are made from
microporus rubber plastic or glass-wool mats.
An Element is defined as a stack of positive and negative plates group and
separators, assembled together with plate straps interconnecting the positive and negative
plates. In a lead acid battery, an element will generate nominal 2 volts.
Terminal Posts:
Terminal posts are the external positive and negative electrical connections to a
battery. A battery is connected in a PV system and to electrical loads at the terminal posts. In
a lead-acid battery, the posts are generally lead or a lead alloy, or possibly stainless steel or
copper plated steel for greater corrosion resistance. Battery terminals may require periodic
cleaning, particularly for flooded designs. It is also connections to battery terminals be re-
secured occasionally as they may loosen, over time.
Fig 3.32 battery cell composition
Commonly made from a hard rubber or plastic, the case contains the plates,
separators, and electrolyte in a battery. The case is typically enclosed with the exception of
inter-cell connectors which attach the plate assembly from one cell to the next, terminal posts,
and vents or caps which allow gassing products to escape and to permit water additions if
required. Clear battery cases or container allows for easy monitoring of condition. For very
large or tall batteries, plastic containers are often supported with an external metal or rigid
rate performance of the battery. Generally, these factors are offset by the fact that the battery
is generally operating at higher than the normal temperatures in tropical climates.
In very cold climates, the specific gravity of the electrolyte may be increased above
the typical range to values between 1.290 and 1.300. By increasing the electrolyte
concentration, the electrochemical activity in the battery is accelerated, improving the low
temperature capacity and lowers the potential for battery freezing. However, these higher
specific gravities generally reduce the useful service life of a battery.
Gassing is the process through which the water in the electrolyte is lost. In most
flooded battery types, periodic water additions are required to replenish the electrolyte. When
adding water to batteries, it is very important to use distilled or dematerialized water, as even
the impurities in normal tap water can poison the battery and result in premature failure.
Battery Capacity:
The battery capacity is a measure of a batterys ability to store or deliver electrical
energy, commonly expressed in units of ampere-hour. An ampere-hour is equal to the transfer
of one ampere over one hour. For example, a battery which delivers 3 amps for 25 hours its
said to deliver 75ampere-hour.
The capacity of a battery depends on several constructional factors like the quantity of
active material, the number and physical dimensions of the plates, and the electrolyte specific
The battery capacity also depends on the operational factors like the discharge rate,
depth of discharge, cut-off voltage, and temperature and cycle history of the battery.
Battery Cycle:
Battery Cycle, it refers to the process of charging and discharging of a battery. Battery
discharge is the process that occurs when a battery delivers current, Quantified by the
discharge current or rate. Charging is the process when a battery receives or accepts current
quantified by the charge current or rate. A discharge followed by a recharge is considered one
The discharge can be very small or shallow, or it can be very severe or deep. Batteries
can be cycled, but the question is how deeply and how many times before a permanent loss of
capacity occurs.
One common use of battery is called float service. In float service applications (e.g.
UPS). The battery storage is not regularly used, and is available on a standby basis for
emergencies only (e.g. loss of main utility power). Batteries are trickle charged at a small
rate. When they are needed, they are discharged relatively quickly, but then gradually and
fully recharged from maximum utility power over many days. Then they float again for
weeks or months. Battery manufactures often claim 20 years of usable life for batteries in
float service. This however is not the way; the battery in PV applications will be used!
You should know that the batteries used in photo voltaic applications will definitely be
subjected to cycling on a daily basis, and perhaps also deeply cycled. So, the useful life
service in PV cycling service will be less (5-10) years.
Charge/Discharge rates:
The rate of charge or discharge of a battery is expressed as a ratio of the nominal
battery capacity to the charge or discharge time period in hours. For example, a 100Ah
battery is discharging at the rate of 2 amps. The time to completely discharge a fully charged
battery at this rate would be the capacity divided by the current or 100Ah /2amps = 50 hours.
So you can say that the battery is discharging at the 50 hours rate or at C/50.
The above notation is helpful, because it allows you to express relative rates of battery charge
and discharge without referring to the exact size of a battery. For example, most manufactures
recommend charging their batteries no faster than the C/5 rate to limit gassing and
overcharge. This means 20amps for a 100Ah battery, and 100 amps for a 500Ah battery.
Moderate charge rates are around C/20 or C/30, while trickle charging at C/100 will hardly
produce any gassing at all in most batteries.
Batteries used in typical PV system experience very low rates of charge and discharge
compared to industrial applications. For example, the maximum charge rates from the PV
array to battery are commonly about C/40 or C/45 and typical discharge rates supplied to the
loads may be as low as C/100 to C/200. Contrast to this, a typical industrial fork lift battery
might be discharged in one 8-hour shift.
Battery capacity goes down as temperature goes down. This is because the chemical
reactions go slower and less active materials can be accessed and converted when cold.
Equalizing charge:
An equalizing of refreshing charge is used periodically to maintain consistency
among individual cells. An equalizing charge generally consists of a current limited charge to
higher voltage limits than set for finishing or float charge. For batteries deep discharged on
daily basis, an equalizing charge is recommended every one or two weeks. For batteries less
severely discharged, equalizing charge may only be required every one or two months. An
equalizing charge is typically maintained until the cell voltages and specific gravities remain
consistent for a few hours.
We know that the power obtained through the solar energy is stored in a battery and
utilized whenever required. But the battery cannot be directly connected and charged through
the solar panel. For any kind of source battery charging is done through an efficient and
reliable battery charging control circuit. Whenever batteries are included in the system,
additional facility must be built in that will protect against overuse and that will give
information back to the user regarding the state of charge of the battery. These protection
features are provided by the charge controller.
The SCC means a solar charge controller; its function is to regulate the
power flowing from a photovoltaic panel into a rechargeable battery. The charge controller is
the energy manager in a stand-alone SPV systems, which ensures that the battery is cycled
under conditions which does not reduce its ability to deliver its rated capacity over its
expected lifetime .It features easy setup with one potentiometer for the float voltage
adjustment, an equalize function for periodic overcharging, and automatic temperature
compensation for better battery charging over a wide range of temperatures. The SCC is able
to prevent reverse polarity connection of both the battery and photovoltaic panel.
The design goals of this circuit were efficiency, simplicity, reliability and the use of field
replaceable parts. A medium power solar system can be built with the SCC, a 12V (nominal)
solar panel that is rated from 100 milliamps to 20 amps, and a lead acid or other rechargeable
battery that is rated from 500 milliamp hours to 400 amp hours of capacity.
Charge Controller:
Basic principle of operation:
The two basic principles exist for controlling or regulating the charging of a
battery from PV module or array-series and shunt control. While both of these methods can
be effectively used, each may incorporated a number of variations that after the basic
performance and applicability.
Following are the descriptions of the variations of the two basic methods.
Shunt-Linear Type:
This method maintains the battery at a fixed voltage by using a control
element turns on when the VR set point is reached, shunting power away from the battery in a
linear method (not on/off), maintaining a constant voltage at the battery. This is a relatively
simple controller and utilizes a power Zener diode which is the limiting factor in cost and
power ratings. This method requires blocking diode as shown below
Fig 3.33
Shunt-Switching Types:
This method terminates battery charging when the VR set point is reached by short
circuiting the PV array as shown in above figure.A blocking diode is always required in this
type of control to prevent any battery short circuit. This requirement reduces somewhat the
overall energy efficiency of this type of control.
Series Type:
Several variations of this type of controller exist, all of which use some type of
control element in series between the array and the battery.
Series-Interrupting, 1-step:
This method terminates battery charging at the VR set point by open-circulating the
PV array. A blocking diode may or may not be required, depending on the switching element
design. Some series controllers may divert the array power to an auxiliary load.
Series-linear, constant-voltage:
This method maintains the battery voltage at the regulation set point (VR). The series
control elements acts as a variable resistor to maintain the battery at the VR set point. The
current is controlled by the series element and the voltage drop across it. This method is
recommended for sealed valve-regulated batteries.
With the following specifications the explanation of controller is given, they are:-
System voltage -24V , system current -6A, VR -29 0.4V, VRH 3 0.8
V, LVD- 23 0.4 V. LVDH- 2 0.8 V, from this the controller disconnects the array at 29V
and reconnects at 26V, also controller disconnects the load when the battery reaches 23V and
reconnects the load at 25V.
Arrays disconnect/reconnect:
The PVA section (consisting of comparator 1, comparator 2, Flip Flop1 and the relay
driver 1) is used to disconnect / reconnect the array. Normally, relay-1 is energized and the
array output current charges the battery. If battery voltage reaches VR (29V), Comparator 2
outputs reset the Flip Flop 1 and in turn relay 1 is deenergised. This action disconnects the
array and prevents the battery from overcharging.
Now the battery supplies the load current. In the process when the battery voltage
reaches below the value of (VR-VHR), Comparator 1 output sets Flip Flop 1, thus
reenergizing the relay 1. This action reconnects the array back and allows the battery to
resume its charging process.
The circuit, consisting of comparator 1, Comparator 2 and Flip Flop1 functions; similar to a
window comparator, whose output (Q of Flip Flop) is high, when the battery voltage lies
between VR and (VR-VRH).
fig 3.34 Series Interrupting type (RELAY version)
During charging of the battery by array current, second MOSFET connected across
the array (PVA MOSFET) does not conduct till battery voltage attains VR (28.2V). For the
voltage greater than 28.2V and less than 29V (upper limit), the pulses of variable time width
(time width increases as battery voltage increases) are applied to the MOSFET. As a result,
conduction period of the MOSFET increases as the battery voltage reduces increases, thus
reducing the charging current. At 29V the MOSFET conducts all the time, preventing the
charging of the battery. After the battery voltage comes down due to load current, the
charging behavior is restored accordingly.
Fig3.35: Series Interrupting type (MOSFET version)
As shown in fig above, the operation of this type of controller is same as the
series interrupting type (relay version), accepting that the relay and relay driver are replaced
be MOSFET and corresponding driver circuit.
The power control circuitry of the SCC3 routes the operating current from the solar
panel input through Q3 and IC3. When the solar panel voltage exceeds 12V, Zener diode ZD1
conducts and turns on Q3, providing power to IC3. IC3 produces a regulated 5 Volt power
source. The 5V is used to power the circuit's logic and as a reference voltage for comparing to
the battery float voltage.
The float voltage comparator IC1a compares the battery voltage (divided by R1/VR1 and R3)
to a reference voltage (divided by R5 and R6). The comparison point is offset by the
thermostat TM1 for temperature compensation. The comparison point is also modified by the
Equalize switch, S1 and R2. The output of IC1a goes high (+5V) when the battery voltage is
below the float voltage setting. The output goes low when the battery voltage is above the
float voltage setting. This provides the charge/idle signal that controls the rest of the circuit.
. The clocking causes the flip-flop output to produce a square wave charge/idle
signal that is synchronized with the frequency of the clock oscillator. The two halves of IC2
operate in synchronization, IC2 is used to drive the current switching circuitry, and IC2b is
used to drive the charging state indicator LED either red (charging) or green (floating). The
clocked charge/idle signal switches bipolar transistor Q1 on and off. The Q1 signal is used to
switch power MOSFET Q2, which switches the solar current on and off through the battery.
The solar charging current flows through the heavy lines on the schematic. Diode D1
prevents the battery from discharging through the solar panel at night. Fuse F1 prevents
excessive battery current from flowing in the event of a short circuit. Transzorb TZ1 absorbs
transient voltage spikes that may be caused by lightning.
Large batteries can produce dangerous currents that can cause burns and fire
hazards. Remove loose metal jewelry when working with lead acid batteries. The circuit
should be mounted on a panel or in a box using threaded standoffs. Wiring should be
securely clamped and there should be no externally exposed bare wiring.
Efficient design is suitable for use with low to medium power solar panels and solar
Will work with all rechargeable battery types: Lead Acid (wet or gel), NiCad and Ni
Reliable all solid-state circuitry, no power hungry relay with limited-life contacts.
Built in fuse for short circuit protection, load circuitry requires its own fused
Temperature compensated float voltage set point for optimal charging at different
High voltage transient protection on solar panel input for limited lightning protection.
A simple 4 screw connector will work for attaching a battery and PV panel.
Multiple SCC units can be used to connect several (<20 Amp@12Vnom) solar arrays
to one battery.
12V Solar Charge Controller Specifications
Nominal Battery Voltage: 12V.
Fits into a standard 4" X 4" electrical utility box, can be mounted on the cover plate.
Fig 3.37 : Block Diagram of SCC
Point the solar panel toward the sun. The bicolor LED should light up as
the sun shines on the solar panel. The LED can be red, green, or alternating red and green.
The LED must be shaded from direct sunlight to be visible. Measure the connected solar
panel's voltage with the meter. Measure the battery voltage with the meter. The solar panel
must be at a higher voltage than the battery for the circuit to charge the battery. Turn the
equalize switch off (closest to the board edge). Turn the potentiometer, VR1 25 turns
clockwise, The LED should be red. Turn VR1 counter clockwise until the LED starts blinking
red and green. The battery voltage is now at the float voltage setting.
While measuring the battery voltage, adjust VR1 clockwise to align the float
voltage set point. If the LED turns red before it reaches the desired float voltage, the battery
will need to charge for a while. When the battery is fully charged, it should be at the float
voltage and the led should show alternating colors. The float voltage should be set when the
board and battery are at room temperature. Typical 12V set points are 13.8V for a gel cell and
14.5V for a wet cell. Adjust the float voltage again, after the battery has become fully charged
and the LED is green with occasional red flashes.
Connect the solar panel to the SCC PV terminals; connect the battery to the SCC
battery terminals.
Put the solar panel in the sun, the battery will charge up. In systems where the battery
is frequently deep-discharged, the equalize switch should be occasionally turned on
for a period of several hours to a full day.
When the battery is low and the sun is shining, the LED will be red. As the battery
reaches the float voltage, the LED will alternate red/green. When the sun goes down,
the LED will shut off.
Advanced Process Technology
Fast Switching
Fifth Generation HEXFETs from International Rectifier utilize advanced processing
techniques to achieve extremely low on-resistance per silicon area. This benefit, combined
with the fast switching speed and ruggedized device design that HEXFET Power MOSFETs
are well known for, provides the designer with an extremely efficient and reliable device for
use in a wide variety of applications.
resistance and low package cost of the TO-220 contribute to its wide acceptance throughout
the industry.
Fig 3.38 mosfet IRF 4095(top), mosfet symbol(bottom left), characteristic
ratings of IRF 4095(bottom right)
Figures above shows Mosfet IRF 4905, mosfet symbol showing the integral reverse P-N
jnction diode, 3 important characteristics of mosfet. Where V DSS = voltage across drain to
Table3.2: Typical output parameters of IRF 4905
Low Noise . . . 9 nV//Hz Typ at f = 1 kHz
Split-Supply Operation
The TLC2272 is the dual operational amplifier from Texas Instruments. This
device exhibit rail-to-rail output performance for increased dynamic range in single- or split-
supply applications. The TLC227x family offers 2 MHz of bandwidth and 3 V/ms of slew
rate for higher speed applications. This device offer comparable ac performance while having
better noise input offset voltage, and power dissipation than existing CMOS operational
amplifiers. The TLC227x has a noise voltage of 9 nV//Hz; two times lower than competitive
solutions. The TLC227x, exhibiting high input impedance and low noise, is excellent for
small-signal conditioning for high-impedance sources, such as piezoelectric transducers.
Because of the micro power dissipation levels, these devices work well in hand-held
monitoring and remote-sensing applications. In addition, the rail-to-rail output feature, with
single or split-supplies, makes this family a great choice when interfacing with analog-to-
digital converters (ADCs). For precision applications, the TLC227xA family is available and
has a maximum input offset voltage of 950 mV. This family is fully characterized at 5 V and
5 V. The TLC2272/4 also makes great upgrades to the TLC2272/4 in standard designs. They
offer increased output dynamic range, lower noise voltage, and lower input offset voltage.
This enhanced feature set allows them to be used in a wider range of applications. Their small
size and low power consumption make them ideal for high density, battery-powered
Table 3.3
Fig 3.42 schematic diagram TLC2272
2N3904 (NPN General Purpose Amplifier):
Through Hole Package
Table 3.4
2N3906 (PNP switching transistor):
Low current (max. 200 mA)
High-speed switching in industrial applications.
PNP switching transistor is a TO-92; SOT54 plastic package. NPN complement:
CD4013BC CMOS (Dual D-Type Flip-Flop):
The CD4013B dual D-type flip-flop is a monolithic complementary MOS (CMOS) integrated
circuit constructed with N- and P-channel enhancement mode transistors. Each flip-flop has
independent data, set, reset, and clock inputs and Q and Q outputs. These devices can be
used for shift register applications, and by connecting Q output to the data input, for
counter and toggle applications. The logic level present at the D input is transferred to the
Q output during the positive-going transition of the clock pulse. Setting or resetting is
independent of the clock and is accomplished by a high level on the set or reset line
Wide supply voltage range: 3.0V to 15V
Low power TTL: fan out of 2 driving 74L compatibility: or 1 driving 74LS
Data terminals
Medical electronics
Alarm system
Industrial electronics
Remote metering
Note 1: Level Change
Logic Diagram
Dual-In-Line 700 mW
Although the most efficient system is one using nothing but DC loads, often you will
come across situations where AC loads must be applied with PV systems. The use of an
inverter makes this possible. The Ac waveform delivered by a utility grid or a diesel
generator comes from some form of rotational generator, and is therefore a sine wave. Often
AC waveforms can be created electronically by inverters.
Classification of Inverters:
A Voltage source inverter or a voltage fed inverter (VFI), is one in which the Dc source has a
small or negligible impedance. In other words a voltage source inverter has stiff dc voltage
source at its input terminals because of low internal impedance, the terminal voltage of a VSI
remains subsequently constant with variation in load, on the other hand the CSI is supplied
with a controlled current from a Dc source of high impedance. In a CSI fed with a stiff
current source, output current waveform are not effected by the load, the terminal voltage of a
CSI changes substantially with change in load, the CSI are best suited for air craft power
Above figure shows the basic circuits which can produce AC supply form the DC
supply of the battery. In this circuit, a battery power source, two switches and a
transformer being used.
The transformer used in this circuit has a center tapping which divides the primary
into two equal sections. This center tapping is connected to the positive terminal of
the battery.
Two Ends of the primary are connected to the negative terminal of the battery
switches S1 and S2.
These switches S1 and S2 are turned on/off alternatively to generate voltages in the
primary coil.
When the switch S1 is closed and S2 is open the current flows in first part of primary
winding and the E.M.F is induced in the secondary winding.
When the switch S1 is closed and S1 is open the current flows in the second part of
the primary winding and the E.M.F of opposite polarity is induced in the secondary
Thus if the switches S1 and S2 are alternatively opened and closed at constant rate
then the output from the secondary winding is a square wave of the frequency at
which the switches S1 and S2 are opened and closed.
The AC output generated at the secondary winding of the transformer is shown in the
In an inverter usually transistors are used as switching devices. To control the on/off
timing of these switching devices oscillators are used in the inverters.
A voltage driven inverter is defined as any inverter in which the circuit connects a DC voltage
source (Thevenin impedance is ideally zero) through semi conductor switches, directly to the
primary of a transformer. This is illustrated in the below figure. S1 and S2 are two semi
conductor switches which open and close alternatively at regular intervals of time. These
switches are generally driven by astable multivibrators operating at a desired frequency, when
S1is closed the entire source voltage appears across the transformer primary between X and
Y. the saturation voltage drop of the device is small and generally neglected, S1 remains
closed for certain period after which it is cut off and S2 closes, it also remains closed for the
same impressed across the transformer primary between the points Y and Z, S2 then
opens out then S1 closes. Thus an alternating voltage is developed across the primary of the
transformer T and delivers power to the load through the secondary.
Since DC supply source is impressed directly on the primary of the transformer, the output
wave form of the inverter is always a square wave irrespective of the type of load and load
power factor. The transformer primary current however is not a square wave it depends on the
type of load. And the wave form varies with the load power factor the reactive load presents a
lot of problems to the designers and endangers the safety of the device.
First, have a look at these inverters, as those are simple. Most inverters operate by sending
the direct current through a step-up transformer first in one direction, then in the other. The
switching devices which change the direction of the current must operate very rapidly. Solid
state devices such as power transistor, or Silicon Controlled rectifiers (SCRs) or Power
MOSFETs are used to perform the switching.
As current moves through the primary side of the transformer, the polarity is reversed
100 times each second. As a result, the current emerging from the secondary. The simplest
inverters do little else beyond this operation. As a consequence, the AC output is also very
simple. The direction of current flow through the primary side of the transformer is changed
very abruptly, so the waveform of the secondary side is square.
Refer the block diagram of square wave inverter shown in fig below. The output of a square
waveform generator at a frequency of about 50Hz is given to zero cross detector. The output
of zero cross detector. The output of zero cross detector which is a square wave is given to
controller and driver, section to obtain the pulses for driving output transistors Q1 and Q2
accordingly. Note that Q1 and Q2 act as switches, which switches the upper/lower part of the
primary winding ON and OFF alternately. This action and a suitably fixed turns ratio of the
transformer results in the generation of square wave of 220V amplitude at the output. Note
that, through this method is simple, output contains all odd harmonics.
These are named as Quasi Sine Wave as the output is not a true sine wave; but it
only resembles or gets closer to sine wave. By adjusting the off time it is possible to eliminate
third harmonics completely. Many variations exist in this type of inverter. Block diagram of
simple configuration is shown below. Signal source for this type of inverter uses single pulse
whose width fixed for each half of (positive half / negative half), the waveform.
Fig 3.47 : Schematic block diagram of square wave inverter
This single pulse is generated by the section of circuitry consisting of triangular wave
generator, comparator and controller. Triangular waveform generated produces triangular
wave at a frequency of 50Hz and the output of which is given to one input of window
comparator. Reference voltage, applied to the second input of the comparator determines the
width of the pulses. The comparator and the controller circuitry generate one pulse for each
positive half cycle of 50Hz waveform. The pulses, so generated are given to the drivers,
which drives the power transistors Q1 and Q2. Switching of either half of the primary of the
output transformer causes the generation of the 50Hz waveform on the primary side. Turns
ratio of the output transformer is so fixed, such that quasi sine wave of 220V RMS is
generated on the secondary side.
Another way to approximate a sine wave uses high switching speeds (20 KHz). Both
directions of DC input to the transformer are turned on and off rapidly in a particular pattern.
The resulting waveform looks like a picket fence. The width of the ON pickets is narrow
during those times when the height of a sine wave is low. As the picket fence gets closer to
the peak of a sine wave, the pickets get wider and wider. Output filtering is used to
reconstruct the sinusoidal wave shape. Block diagram is shown below.
The same pattern is repeated in a negative direction, through the second half of cycle, The
end results is actually a complete Square wave, but it is perceived by loads as closely
equivalent to a sine wave. Switching of this type is normally done by MOSFETs.
With a sine wave oscillator and a power amplifier, true sine wave inverter can be
built. However, these inverters are large and expensive. They can be very inefficient,
sometimes operating at only 30-40%. This will of course mean that the PV array and battery
must be oversized by this much to compensate! A poor choice!!
Newer solid state sine wave inverters are available which operate at efficiencies of about 90%
or better depending on the size of the load. Cost of these types is much above the costs of less
sophisticated inverters.
Another method is to use a DC motor to run an AC generator. The efficiency of this method is
also low, but it may be appropriate for critical AC applications. These inverters typically have
a fairly small capacity. They have good sinusoidal waveform but have poor voltage
Fig 3.50: Sine Wave Inverter
Synchronous Inverters:
Photo voltaic systems connected to the utility grid can use synchronous inverters.
These are sometimes called line-commutated. These inverters use the waveform from
utility AC lines as pattern to convert photovoltaic DC into AC.
High Frequency inverters are at low power level (5 to 10W) and they find wide use in driving
fluorescent lamps. The inverter uses LC oscillator, which operates at about 20 KHz. The
output Power stage is built by using either BPT or MOSFET. Note these types of inverters
find wider uses in solar Lantern applications.
Input Voltage:
This is determined by the total power required by the AC loads and the voltage of any
DC loads. Generally, the operating voltages of the inverter should go up as the load demand
increases. This will keep the current at manageable levels. The input voltage must be
specified e.g.., 6V, 12V, 24V, or 48V.
Surge Capacity: Most inverters can exceed their rated power for limited periods of time
(seconds). Surge requirements of specific loads should be determined or measured. Some
transformers and AC motors require several times their operating current when starting. This
starting current may be required for several seconds. Power surges can occur while motors
are in the starting mode.
Produce a 220V, 50Hz Square or sine wave output across any given load
Must be Capable of Supplying Power Up to 500W
Given DC Input of Approximately 12VDC
This DC-AC inverter is a lot more frequency-stable than the other types of DC-AC
inverters and it can be built to operate with battery voltages from 12 Volts to 24 Volts. The
basic advantages of this unit are:
Low control-board idle current - around 10mA
The advantage of the circuit is the same board will work with a small 10 Watt
transformer, but also with a 1000 Watt transformer.
Circuit Description
The heart of the circuit is a simple multi-vibrator oscillator, TR1 and TR2 preferably
have chosen BC548, or any other silicon NPN transistors BC108, and 2N2222 will work
here. The frequency is determined by the 0.1uF and 120k resistors, R1 and R2. Use a 100K
resistor if a 60Hz (ish) operating frequency is required. To use the unit indoors in a
temperature-controlled environment then simple and cheap ceramic capacitors are adequate.
Otherwise "Polystyrene Film" (polyester or polypropylene dielectric), should be used which
have excellent temperature stability properties.
Fig 3.51: Schematic circuit diagram of Inverter
The multi-vibrator output, in principle, could be fed directly to the driver of transistor BD
140, the emitter of the transistor BD 140 is used to drive the transistor 2N6107 the emitter
terminal of the 2N6107 is connected to the +12V Supply the both transistors are PNP
transistors. Both the collector of the transistors are shorted so that the heat dissipated by them
will be less. Now from the collector terminals of both the transistors the low resistance and
high wattage resistance should be connected to the base of the power transistor these power
transistors are connected on the heat sinks with the help of the mica sheets the collector of the
both transistors are connected to the 500W transformer and both the emitter terminals of the
transistors are shorted together and connected to ground the positive terminal of the battery
supply +12V is connected to the center tapped terminal of the transformer secondary. The
output across the primary will be 230V AC to the primary side the AC capacitor of value 1Uf,
400V is connected so that the spikes that could normally effect the sensitive equipment can
be protected.
The transformer is any AC mains to low-voltage transformer with a split
secondary. A 12v-0-12v to 230v (115v) that will handle the current is perfect for 12 Volt, 250
Watt operation. A 24v-0-24v to 230v (115v) is about the best compromise for up to 500
Watts. A 0-24v + 0-24v to 230v can have the two secondarys wired in series to form a 24v-0-
24v to 230v transformer.
The 2N6107 and 2N6111 are epitaxial-base PNP silicon transistors TO-220 plastic package.
They are intended for a wide variety of medium power switching and linear applications
Fig 3.55
Different images of transistor
Fig 3.56
This are the devices which converts the primary ac voltage to different secondary ac
voltages .If the secondary voltage is higher than primary voltage then the transformer is
called step up transformer , if the secondary is less then primary voltage then it is called
step down transformer , if secondary is same as primary voltage then it is called unity
transformer .This unity transformer is also used as isolation transformer . This device is
highly efficient up to 99.9%. I.e. very low power loss. The transformers are required for
making dc supply, tuning circuit etc. The current rating of primary and secondary winding
determines the SWG gauge of the copper wire.
Fig 3.57
Inverter Construction:
All the components, except for the transformer, are mounted on a single-sided printed circuit
board. The power transistors are also fitted to the board, but they are mounted on a heat-sink
and provide the support for the board. The board is not to be bolted down to anything.
Pay particular attention to the components, especially the orientation of the transistors. The
power transistors are to be mounted on single, insulated heat sinks. These are also the
connections to the transistors, so they must NOT come into contact with each-other, or the
unit chassis. You only need approximately 20 square-centimeters of area, but even that is
much more than is really needed. The heat sink is more fore safety than necessity as the
prototype will deliver 250 Watts continuous without any heat sinking at all. In operation you
need to have a fuse in the battery lead. If you intend to load the inverter to 500 Watts, then
you will have a current of 45 Amperes at 12 Volts, or only 22 Amperes at 24 Volts.
There are different transistors that can be used in place of power transistor
they are as fallows they are indicated with maximum voltage and current they can handle.
Device Power (max) Id (max)
Table 3.6
One thing to remember when playing with power is that when things go wrong there
is usually a violent pyrotechnic display, so select devices with a good margin. In case you did
not know, power transistors contain a little silicon and a lot of smoke. The smoke is heavily
pressurized, which is why these devices are so expensive. If you let out the smoke then they
will stop working.
When testing, do NOT be tempted to use aligator-aligator leads for battery connections, or
you could suffer burns to your hand in the event of a wiring fault. Lead-acid batteries can
deliver a dangerously high current.
To observe the waveform on oscilloscope, by apply power to the board, before the
transformer is connected. Looking at the gate terminal of each power transistor. There should
be a nice clean 0 - 12 Volt square-wave. If you have analogue or digital Multimeter, then
check that there is about 6 Volts DC present at the same terminals, with respect to the battery
negative terminal. If you measure the AC voltage across the power transistor between the
collector terminals you should see 12 Volts.
Bolt the transformer wires to the heat sinks and connect the battery positive to the
transformer. The battery wires must be rated at least 5 Amperes, minimum. This means at
least 1.5mm Diameter conductor (1.8mm cross-sectional-area) (14-AWG, 16-SWG). You can
now load the inverter to 100 Watts at 24 Volts (50 Watts at 12 Volts). Here is a simple table to
give you an idea as to the minimum wire sizes needed:
Table 3.7
1. These figures are for copper wire that is NOT coiled or thermally insulated.
2. Figures apply to short-lengths only (circuit "hook-up" wires).
4. AWG (B&S) and SWG (metric) wire sizes are all approximate. Choose the next
largest you have to hand.
The unit described here will provide a reliable AC power source. Bear in mind that this unit
does NOT deliver a sinusoidal (sine) waveform, which means that power controllers using
"phase angle" control, such as drill-speed regulators, dimmers, and heating element
controllers, will not function. The unit will remain 100% ON or OFF.
Many "synchronous" motors require a clean sine wave if they are to operate without burning
out. The old "squirrel-cage" motor may overheat. This includes desk and ceiling fans, and
those old-fashioned record-players and reel-to-reel tape recorders. Most central heating
pumps also need a clean sine wave.
This DC-AC unit is also based upon a free-running oscillator. This means that the frequency
is close, but not accurate, which is the price you pay for a simple unit. Your digital bedside
clock may gain or loose a couple of hours a day, but the radio will work. You can forget about
your video tape recorder timer, but you can use the VCR for normal recording and playback.
You can, however, use most items domestic items, such as your cell phone charger, computer,
modem, lamps, TV, in fact 90% of your electrical apparatus will work. In general, if
the unit has a transformer input, or one of those external little units you plug into the wall to
get 12 Volts, then it should work fine. But here is a short list of some items that will and will
not work: If you are unsure, then do not risk using it. If you do want to "give it a go", then
observe it when you try it. If it fails to operate then unplug immediately. If it does work, then
keep an eye on it for a while, making sure there is no overheating. Most transformer-input
equipment will usually run more efficient with a square-wave
Table 3.8
Computer, Printer, Modem
Computer monitors
Tungsten lamps
Fluorescent lamps
"Economy" lamps
Radio, TV, VCR Phase-angle control units
Satellite/Terrestrial receiver Clocks, 50/60Hz dependant units
Locks, security, CCTV Lamp dimmers
AC/DC motors, drills, saws Drill speed controllers
Chargers, starters, heaters Synchronous central-heating pumps
Transformer input equipment Older record turntables
Oil-fired boilers/heaters
Fire/intruder alarm
"Battery Eliminator" units
Toys, Train-sets, etc
All valve (tube) equipment.
. A nice little trick for low power levels is to run equipment from this DC-AC unit
continuously, but "float-charge" the batteries with conventional battery charger. The charger must be
capable of delivering twice the current drawn by the DC-AC power unit. This will in effect give you
an un-interrupted power supply. If the main supply fails then you may never even know it has failed.
The readings of the open circuit voltage and currents of the solar panel before and after the
tracking of the panel is done are shown in the tables below.
Table 4.1
Table 4.2
10.00AM 13.5V 1.55A
From the above readings we can see that the readings of the currents have been constant
almost all the time with only slight variations due to clouds and thus the improvement in
current readings made to charge the battery easily.
energy needs from reserves, but create two major problems. A source of energy can be
continued only till it is depleted after this we must have to search for alternatives.
Furthermore, unpleasant side effects will accompany with the usage of this fossil fuels. Thus,
the search of alternative energy sources showed solar energy as eco friendly and an
inexhaustible energy source. So the use of solar energy has been increasing day by day in
many folds.
Direct thermal application make direct use of heat, resulting from the absorption of solar
radiation to provide hot water service for buildings, and to supply heat for agricultural,
industrial, and other processes that requires moderate heat temperatures.
Solar electric applications are those in which solar energy is converted directly or indirectly
in to electrical energy. The general methods that convert solar energy into electrical energy
are photovoltaic and photo thermal methods. Photovoltaic methods make use of devices like
solar cells to convert solar energy directly into electrical energy without machinery. Whereas
the conversion of solar energy by using the heat from solar energy to produce electricity is
called as photo thermal conversion. In this method solar energy is collected and directed
towards a container which contains fluids and the fluids are heated and send to the turbine for
converting the thermal energy into electrical energy.
Energy from the biomass or bio gas refers to the conversion into clean fuels or other energy
related product of organic matter derived directly or indirectly from plants which use solar
energy to grow.
Thus, some of the direct energy applications of solar energy are given below
2. Space heating in which solar radiation is collected by some element of structure itself
or admitted directly into building through large south facing windows.
3. Spacing cooling in the mechanical cooling systems that depend on solar heat for their
operation and are unaffected by atmospheric humidity.
5. Solar photovoltaic conversion
6. Solar distillations
8. Agricultural and industrial process heating for heating and drying of crops and
9. Solar furnaces which can create high temperatures for the industrial applications.
10. Solar cooking which saves the natural gas and fuels Which is best suitable for the cold
countries where fuel heating and cooking is a problem.
2. Utilization of solar energy and conversion of solar energy into other forms is
expensive than the conventional techniques.
3. The conversion cost of solar photovoltaic systems is more than the conventional
sources for generating electricity.
4. The conversion efficiencies of the solar energy conversions are low compared with
the other forms of sources.
6. Solar energy can be used effectively in only tropical and equatorial regions where sun
light is available throughout the year. For the polar and arctic regions the usage is very
7. Solar energy depends on the time of the day, climatic conditions which are unreliable
all the times.
Future scope of the solar energy:
With the increasing demand of electricity day by day, also with the negative
effects caused by the conventional energy sources such as production of hazardous gases and
green house effect, search for usage of alternative energy sources became prevalent. Thus, the
solar energy being eco friendly and having inexhaustible resources, its use is being increasing
many folds day by day.
Also with the technology that increased the efficiency of the solar conversion
systems the cost also will decrease to the considerable extent. At least three new areas of
development are expected to greatly enhance the capabilities of the solar energy.
Reducing the cost of the energy conversion by bulk production and improving
6. conclusion
In the US during of 19731984, the sudden increase in energy costs triggered a
greater attention to energy management in buildings, from residential to commercial. As a
result of this consciousness, buildings greatly improved in energy efficiency in aspects such
as wall insulation, improved window design, improved heating and cooling systems, etc.
There were typically 40% improvements in the energy efficiency of commercial buildings
and a similar improvement in new or rebuilt residential buildings to an annual 25
kWh/m2.These statistics documenting the substantial improvement in energy efficiency of
buildings make it possible for solar houses to now become technically and economically
Thus, the usage of solar energy is increasing day by day. With the effect of
increased efficiency and reducing the cost of solar energy conversion makes the utilization of
solar energy simple and reliable at domestic and industrial level. This promotes the solar
energy to become one of the major sources of energy in future.
1. Crystalline solar cells by Adolf Goetzberger, Joachim Knobloch and Bernhard Voss.
2. Hand book of photovoltaic science and engineering by Antonio Luque and Stevan
7. www.wikipedia.com
8. www.heliotrack.com/paraboliccollectors
9. www.telia.com
10. www.solorb.com
11. www.8051projects.info
12. www.findsolar.com
13. www.mrsolarenergy.com
Photovoltaic systems mounted on buildings are becoming increasingly
popular as prices decrease and the installation infrastructure becomes increasingly mature.
The principal components in a grid-connected, home size PV system consists of the array
itself with the two leads from each string sent to a combiner box that includes blocking
diodes, individual fuses for each string, and usually a lightning surge arrestor. Two heavy-
gauge wires from the combiner box deliver dc power to a fused array disconnect switch,
which allows the PVs to be completely isolated from the system. The inverter sends ac
power, usually at 240 V, through a breaker to the utility service panel. By tying each end of
the inverter output to opposite sides of the service panel, power is delivered to each
household circuit. Additional components include the maximum power point tracker (MPPT),
a ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) that shuts the system down if any currents flow to
ground, and circuitry to disconnect the PV system from the grid if the utility loses power. The
system may also include a small battery bank to provide back-up power in case the grid is
down. The inverter, some of the fuses and switches, the MPPT, GFCI, and other power
management devices are usually integrated into a single power conditioning unit (PCU).
problems may occur if, during such an outage, a self-generator, such as a grid-connected PV
system, supplies power to that island. Most faults are transient in nature, such as a tree branch
brushing against the lines, and so utilities have automatic procedures that are designed to
limit the amount of time the outage lasts. When there is a fault, breakers trip to isolate the
affected lines, and then they are automatically reclosed a few tenths of a second later. It is
hoped that in the interim the fault clears and customers are without power for just a brief
moment. If that doesnt work, the procedure is repeated with somewhat longer intervals until
finally, if the fault doesnt clear, workers are dispatched to the site to take care of the
problem. If a self-generator is still on the line during such an incident, even for less than one
second, it may interfere with the automatic reclosing procedure, leading to a longer-than
necessary outage. And if a worker attempts to fix a line that has supposedly been
disconnected from all energy sources, but it is not, then a serious hazard has been created.
Org 0H
Motor equ P1
Clr p1.7
Clr p1.6
Clr p1.5
Clr p1.4
Setb switch
Jb switch,$
Lcall delay_01
Lcall delay_01
Jb switch,$
Back: Jb ldr1, $
Lcall delay_01
Lcall delay_01
Jb ldr1,$
Setb p1.7
Acall delay_01
Acall delay_01
Acall delay_01
Clr p1.7
Jnb ldr1, $
Acall delay_01
Acall delay_01
Jb ldr2,$
Lcall delay_01
Lcall delay_01
Jb ldr2, $
Setb p1.6
Acall delay_01
Acall delay_01
Acall delay_01
Clr p1.6
Jnb ldr2, $
Acall delay_01
Acall delay_01
Jb ldr3, $
Lcall delay_01
Lcall delay_01
Jb ldr3,$
Setb p1.5
Acall delay_01
Acall delay_01
Acall delay_01
Clr p1.5
Jnb ldr3,$
Acall delay_01
Acall delay_01
Jb ldr4,$
Lcall delay_01
Lcall delay_01
Jb ldr4,$
Setb p1.4
Acall delay_01
Acall delay_01
Acall delay_01
Acall delay_01
Acall delay_01
Acall delay_01
Acall delay_01
Acall delay_01
Acall delay_01
Clr p1.4
Jb ldr1, $
Sjmp back
List of figures
Figure pg. no.
2.1 basic structure of a silicon based solar cell 9
3.15 LM 7805 43
3.20 NE 555 timer 50
3.47 schematic block diagram of square wave inverter 90
3.52 2N 6017 96
3.53 BD 140 97
3.54 BC 548 97
3.57 transformer 98
List of tables
Table pg.no.
3.1 basic operating table of 555 timers 51
3.3 device component count 81