The Rashba Hamiltonian and Electron Transport
The Rashba Hamiltonian and Electron Transport
The Rashba Hamiltonian and Electron Transport
the Rashba-split subbands are not spin-polarized.7 The is a unitary rotation matrix corresponding to a magneti-
electron energy dispersion relation E~ks reads (see Fig. zation direction of m
~ = (sin cos , sin sin , cos ) . For
1a): plane wave states with wave vector ~k and m ~ = (0, 1, 0)
the Hamiltonian for the ferromagnet
~2 h 2 2
E~ks = E0 + (k + skR ) kR (4)
~2 2
k i
q Hncf k, = , = = 2m ~2 2
where k = kx2 + ky2 , kR = hEz i m/~2 . 2 2 i 2m k (12)
The normalization factor of the eigenfunctions can
be determined in different ways. Normalization of the is formally equivalent to that of the Rashba Hamiltonian
R 2
probability distribution d~r ~ks (~r) = 1 gives N~ks =
~2 2
k i
1/ 2S where S is the area of the 2DEG. However, for a R
HR = 2m
~2 2
calculation of the transport properties it is more conve- iR 2m k
nient to normalize the states such that its currents are
unity in the transport, say x, direction. To this end we with R = hEz i (kx iky ) . In the ferromagnet the ve-
have to compute the expectation value of the current or locity operator is always diagonal in spin space, however:
velocity operator which, in the presence of the Rashba
term, are not simply proportional to the gradient opera- px 1 0
vx,ncf (k, , ) = . (14)
tor anymore. The proper matrix representation in spinor m 0 1
space can be derived via the Hamilton equation of mo-
tion: In order to demonstrate explicitly that transport
through a Rashba semiconductor/ferromagnet junction
H H H H does not depend on the magnetization direction of the
q = ; p = ; x = vx = ; px =
p q px x (5) ferromagnet, it is sufficient to consider the simple case of
a single mode quantum point contact (Fig. 2) without
The velocity operator in the x-direction therefore reads: an additional interface potential barrier. A ferromag-
! net on the left side of the contact (its electronic states
1 i ~m x i hEz i will be indicated by superscript L in the following) is at-
vx = 2
. (6)
~ i hEz i i ~m x tached (at x = 0) to a Rashba semiconductor on the right
(superscript R). In the semiconductor we have eigen-
Requiring ~ks (~r) |
vx |~ks (~r) = 1 we find states at the Fermi energy EF = 2m ~2 2
kF at wave vectors
r s ks = skR + kR 2 + k 2 which are taken to be positive
m 1 F
N~ks = (7) in the following. The states at the Fermi energy are right
kx 1 + s kkR
of the Rashba Hamiltonian by transforming the Rashba We can now calculate the conductance via the Landauer
Hamiltonian as follows: formula:
U+ , HR U , = e2 e 2 4 1 + (kR /kF )
2 !2 2 2 G = |t |2 = 2
p2x h h
0 0 1 1 + 1 + (kR /kF ) 2 (29)
+ hE z i , (18)
0 2m x 1 0
yielding the following eigenstates along the quantization To calculate G , we flip the magnetization of the ferro-
(y) axis of the ferromagnet magnet on the left side, yielding as incoming state
s m ikF x 0 ikF x 0
R m 1 (x) = e + r e
U k+ (x) = p , (19) ~kF 1 1 (30)
~ kR + kF 0
2 2
magnetization direction is quite general, but does not M. Villeret, Appl. Phys. Lett. 75, 2307 (1999); J. Phys.:
mean that the interface is not spin-selective. Indeed, Condens. Matter 12, 2833 (2000).
a ferromagnet does inject a net spin into the nonmag- G. Kirczenow, Phys. Rev. B 63, 05422 (2001).
netic material, with efficiencies that depend on the spe- R. Fiederling, M. Keim, G. Reuscher, W. Ossau, G.
cific electronic band structures.8,9 Small modulations of Schmidt, A. Waag, and L.W. Molenkamp, Nature (Lon-
a single interface conductance could be achieved in prin- don) 402, 787 (1999); Y. Ohno, D.K. Young, B. Beschoten,
ciple by forcing the magnetization vector of the ferro- F. Matsukara, H. Ohno, and D.D. Awschalom, Nature
magnet into directions which deviate from the crystal (London) 402, 790 (1999).
symmetry axes. However, in order to detect a strongly
spin-polarized interface transmission by a transport ex-
FIG. 1. Schematic representation of the conduction band
periment, an analyzing ferromagnet is essential. This is structure of (a) a semiconductor in which the spin-degeneracy
employed, of course, in the giant magnetoresistance ef- is broken by spin-orbt interaction as described by the Rashba
fect. In semiconductors, the spin-polarized current can Hamiltonian and (b) a spin-polarized exchange-split band fer-
also be detected by the circular optical polarization of romagnet (Stoner-Wohlfarth model).
the electroluminescence of a light emitting diode.10
We thank the Volkswagenstiftung for supporting a
Rontgen-Professorship of G.E.W.B. at W urzburg Uni- FIG. 2. The system under consideration: we discuss the
versity. G.E.W.B. acknowledges support by the NEDO conductance of a ferromagnet-semiconductor hybrid quantum
project NTDP-98; L.W.M. and G.S. acknowledge sup- point contact. The band structures of the two materials are
port by the DARPA SPINS programme. depicted in Fig. 1. The constriction separating the two ma-
Note added: After submission of this manuscript, we terials symbolizes the single-channel adiabatic transport we
received a preprint by Z ulicke and Schroll with similar assume in our calculation. The ferromagnet is magnetized in
results. Bruno and Pareek, cond-mat/0105506, report the y-direction and the current flows in the xdirection.
numerical calculations for the same system. In con-
trast to what we report here, the latter authors find a
small anisotropy in the transport as a function of the
magnetization angle. These anisotropies are allowed by
(Casimir-Onsager) symmetry, but they vanish for the ef-
fective mass Hamiltonian (1), which does not contain any
warping corrections which reflect the reduced symme-
try of the crystalline lattice.
S. Datta and B. Das, Appl. Phys. Lett. 56, 665 (1990).
E.I. Rashba, Fiz. Tverd. Tela 2, 1224 (1960) [ Sov. Phys.
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D. Grundler, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 1058 (2001).
This argument holds also in the presence of stray fields from
the ferromagnet which rotate invariantly with the magne-
J. Nitta, T. Akazaki, H. Takayanagi, and T. Enoki, Phys.
Rev. Lett. 78, 1335 (1997).
There is some uncertainty as to whether the experimental
data on might suffer from an interfering effect; see, e.g.,
A.C.H. Rowe, J. Nehls, R.A. Stradling, and R.S. Ferguson,
Phys. Rev. B 63, 201307(R) (2001).
Note that that even in the limit of hEz i = 0 the eigen-
states (3) are linear combinations of spin-up and spin-down
states. Pure spin eigenstates could be obtained in this limit
by including a Zeeman spin splitting in the Hamiltonian
which in the end is allowed to vanish.
M.S. Ferreira, J. dAlbuquerque e Castro, R.B. Muniz, and
kR k
Ferromagnet InAs
z y