RECongress 2017 Program Book
RECongress 2017 Program Book
RECongress 2017 Program Book
2-page viewing
SCHEDULE 2017 Los Angeles Religious Education Congress
5:30 pm - 8:00 pm On-site Registration & Program Pick-up (Convention Prefunction Area)
7:00 am - 3:00 pm On-site Registration & Program Book Pick-up (Prefunction Area)
8:30 am - 9:30 am Opening Ceremony & Welcome (Arena / live streaming in Hall B)
10:00 am - 11:30 am Period 1 Workshops
10:15 am - 11:00 am Archbishop Jos Gomez Online Chat (Tech Center, Hall A)
11:30 am - 1:00 pm LUNCH
11:45 am - 12:30 pm Music: ValLimar Jansen (Arena)
Music: Vietnamese Lasallian Youth Troupe with Tuan Quoc Le (Hall B)
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Period 2 Workshops
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm Period 3 Workshops
Evening Prayer (Convention 303)
7:45 pm - 9:45 pm Film Showcase (Convention 201)
8:00 pm - 9:30 pm Concert: With Gratitude (Arena)
9:00 pm Taiz Prayer (Convention 303)
7:30 am - 2:30 pm On-site Registration & Program Book Pick-up (Prefunction Area)
7:50 am Morning Praise (English) (Arena)
Morning Praise (Spanish) (Hall B)
8:30 am English Keynote: Msgr. Ray East (Arena)
Spanish Keynote: Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller, MSpS (Hall B)
10:00 am - 11:30 am Period 4 Workshops
11:30 am - 1:00 pm LUNCH
11:45 am - 12:30 pm Music: Rubalcava, Lopez, Garcia-Lopez, Diaz & Perez (Arena)
Music: Craig Colson & Friends (Hall B)
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Period 5 Workshops
3:00 pm - 4:30 pm Period 6 Workshops
Evening Prayer (Convention 303)
8:00 pm - 9:30 pm Evening Concert (Arena)
8:30 pm Sacred Illuminations (Convention 213)
9:00 pm - 12 midnight Young Adult Dance (Marriott Marquis Ballroom)
7:15 am Morning Rosary (Convention 303)
8:00 am - 11:00 am On-site Registration & Program Book Pick-up (Prefunction Area)
8:00 am - 9:30 am EUCHARISTIC LITURGY (Arena)
10:00 am - 11:30 am Period 7 Workshops
11:30 am - 1:00 pm LUNCH
11:45 am - 12:30 pm Music: Jesse Manibusan & Sarah Hart (Arena)
Music: Rafael Moreno (Hall B)
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Period 8 Workshops
Friday: 7:00 am - 3:00 pm CONVENTION 304 (3rd oor)
Saturday: 7:30 am - 2:30 pm Thursday 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
Sunday: 8:00 am - 11:00 am Friday 10:00 am - 9:00 pm
Location: Prefunction Area Saturday 10:00 am - 9:00 pm
EXHIBIT HALL: Sunday 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Friday & Saturday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Labyrinth Chapel Live Music
Sunday: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm Multimedia Exhibit
Location: Convention Hall A Sacrament of Reconciliation
MULTICULTURAL EXHIBIT: Friday: 11:30 am - 3:30 pm
Saturday: 11:30 am - 2:30 pm
Friday & Saturday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sunday: 9:00 am - 2:30 pm
Location: 2nd Floor Prefunction Lobby
General Info
PHONE: (213) 637-7346
Audio Recording Form ................................. 27
Catechist Recertification ............................... 74 Mensaje del Director de la O.R.E. ........... 32
Programas de la O.R.E. ............................ 70-72
Committees ................................................... 73
Endowment Fund Contributors ..................... 77-79 TALLERES DEL CONGRESO
Exhibitors Viernes, 24 de febrero Sesiones 1-3 ....... 34
Categories ............................................... 91-95 Sbado, 25 de febrero Sesiones 4-6 ....... 35
Featured Advertisers ............................... 86-98 Domingo, 26 de febrero Sesiones 7-8 .... 36
Index (alphabetical) ................................ 95-100 WORSHIP AIDS ARENA:
Daily Schedules Friday
Friday, February 24 ................................ 8-11 Opening Ceremony & Welcome begins.... 37
Saturday, February 25 ............................ 15-18 Preservation of Peace & Justice in the
Sunday, February 26 .............................. 22-24 African-American Tradition begins .......... 40
Maps Saturday
Clarion Hotel Map .................................. 80 Morning Praise begins .............................. 46
Convention Center Map ...................Back Cover Immigrants, Exiles, Refugees (English)
Exhibit Hall A Map ................Inside Back Cover Liturgy begins ........................................... 49
Hilton Hotel Map ................................... 81 Sunday
Marriott Hotel Map................................. 82 Closing Liturgy begins .............................. 57
Restaurants Map & Listing ..................... 84-85 Congress Theme Song .............................. 65
Sheraton Park Hotel Map ....................... 83 WORKSHOP ROOM LOCATIONS
O.R.E. Programs ........................................... 70-72 Period 1 Friday, February 24 .................... 12
O.R.E. Staff .................................................. 68-69 Period 2 Friday........................................... 13
O.R.E. Staff Booth Schedule ........................ 70 Period 3 Friday........................................... 14
Speaker Index................................................ 6 Period 4 Saturday, February 25 ................. 19
SAVE THE DATE! Friday .................Archbishop Gomez Online Chat
Friday .................................... Film Showcase 2017
Congress 2018 Dates Saturday ....................... Sacred Illuminations 2017
March 15, 2018 (Youth Day) Saturday .................Young Adult Liturgy & Dance
& March 16-18, 2018 Sunday.......................................... Morning Rosary
Sunday.................................... Souvenir ePostcards
The theme for this years Congress is Embrace Trust. This is the invitation of the
Gospel our Lords beautiful invitation to trust in Gods loving Providence. Look
at the birds in the sky they do not sow or reap, they gather nothing into barns, yet
your heavenly Father feeds them (Matt. 6:26).
Jesus has given his life he has died and rose again out of love for you. Now he
lives with you, walks with you on the journey of your life. To show you the path, to
lead you on the mission he gives you as disciples the mission of service and love.
We need to trust in Gods plan for our lives! We need to trust in his Providence and
love. And we need to help our brothers and sisters discover Gods beautiful plan of
God for creation. This is the great message of hope that we are called to teach and
proclaim in the Church.
So I pray that this will be a great weekend for you, an excellent opportunity to grow
in knowledge of our Catholic faith, as well as love and devotion to the Lord, whom
we serve in our daily life, in our work, ministry, family and public life.
I entrust you to the tender care of our Blessed Mother Mary, Our Lady of
Providence may she help us all to walk with confidence on our journey of faith.
General Info
General Info
NOTE: Some of our speakers have handouts
for their workshops. Not all handouts will Friday Event only, 8:30-9:30 am Hall B
br printed, but all are available to download You dont have to fight the Arena crowds to
off our Speakers page found online at www. watch Friday mornings Opening Ceremony & Welcome. Now you can watch the event
broadcast live on the screens in Hall B. And
dont forget that you can watch nearly all
ARCHBISHOP GOMEZ CHAT > Arena events broadcast live all weekend
Friday, 10:15-11:00 am Tech Center long at And
Join us Friday morning at the Tech Center as find some past Congress moments on our
Los Angeles Archbishop Jos Gomez con- channel at
ducts his annual live video chat session with
students from the Los Angeles Archdiocese
this year with St. Francis of Assisi School
in the Siver Lake neighborhood. This event < FILM SHOWCASE 2017
marks the Los Angeles Archbishops fifth Friday, 7:45-9:45 pm Convention 201
year online in a video chat! The Film Showcase, in partnership with
Loyola Marymount Universitys Center for
Religion and Spirituality, presents excerpts
from a number of narrative feature films,
shorts, documentaries, experimental and
FRIDAY EVENING CONCERT> animated films, whose thematic elements
Friday, 8:00 pm Arena are grounded in Catholic social teaching,
With Gratitude: An Evening Celebrating justice, ministry, spirituality and theology.
the Liturgical Music of David Haas, Marty Filmmakers will be present to meet with
Haugen & Michael Joncas audience members
This evening concert will mark the last time
Michael, David and Marty will appear and < SATURDAY KEYNOTES
sing together as a trio. Join them to celebrate
this collaborative and ministerial friendship English: Saturday, 7:50 am Arena
that has lasted over 30 years. Espaol: Sbado, 7:50 am Sala B
This year we change our format to present
two Keynotes on Saturday, both at the same
time, at 8:30 am one in English in the
Arena with Msgr. Ray East (left) and one in
SATURDAY CONCERT > Spanish in Hall B with Archbishop Gustavo
Saturday, 8:00 pm Arena Garcia-Siller, MSpS (right).
A Celebration Concert of Peace
Presented by OCP Artists
Join us as we celebrate the peace that
is offered to us in Christ Jesus. At this
celebration concert, we rejoice in the peace < SACRED SPACE
that has been planted deep within our hearts
Thursday thru Sunday Convention 304
at our baptism. Together, we will sing and
pray that peace will flow forth from our heart In response to Pope Francis encyclical, Lau-
into the world. dato S (On Care for Our Common Home), our
third-floor Sacred Space offers an experience
of prayer through a multimedia art exhibit
in which we are invited to connect our faith
ART EXHIBIT > with Mother Earth and, at the same time, with
Friday through Sunday Arena Lobby one another.
Catholic Relief Services invites you to take
a meditative photo-journey around the world
to the ground zeros of the most pressing
humanitarian emergencies of our day. Come
gaze upon the faces of the families that are
served by the Catholic community in the < CONGRESS SOUVENIRS
United States and be witness to a world filled Friday through Sunday Hall A
with great need and great love. Dont leave Congress without getting your
souvenir mementos. Find pins, pens, pads,
buttons and more at the Information/Souvenir
booth located at the center of Hall A.
General Info
By your attendance at this event, you are granting your A First Aid Station for routine health matters is located
permission to be filmed, videotaped, audiotaped or in the Prefunction area (see map on back cover).
photographed by any means and are granting full use of
your likeness, voice and words without compensation.
Lost & Found is located outside of Congress Head-
quarters, between Hall A and the Arena at AR 1.
Many of the workshop sessions will be recorded with
speaker permission (indicated by [*] and ). At- PARKING
tendee recording in any medium of any workshop Day parking is available in the Convention Center
or general assembly is NOT permitted. Audio CDs parking structures at the rate of $15 per day with no
are available for purchase on site at the CSC Digital in-and-out privileges. Additional parking is available
Media booth at the east wall in Hall A. Downloadable at the Disney Toy Story parking lot and at the Anaheim
MP3s are available after Congress. An order form and GardenWalk.
information can be found on page 27.
Be sure to show your badge for discounts at some
Out of respect for speakers and other participants,
locations. In addition to our listing on pages 84-85,
please turn off or silence cell phones during general
sessions, liturgies and workshops. the Restaurant Booth, located in the Prefunction area,
has restaurant menus and can help make reservations:
Friday & Saturday: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
In case of emergency, contact Convention Center per-
Sunday: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
sonnel or the nearest Congress official wearing a red,
white and blue striped ribbon; they are in radio contact SPEAKER BOOK SIGNINGS
and can summon help quickly. For life-threatening Authors and musical artists will be available to sign
situations, please call 9-1-1. books in the Signing Area (northwest area of Exhibit
EXHIBIT HALL HOURS Hall A). Check the on-site schedule for updated times.
Exhibits are located in Hall A. See pages 91-100 for a SMOKING
listing of exhibitors. Exhibits will be open: Smoking is not allowed inside the Convention Center.
Friday & Saturday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sunday: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm WATER BOTTLES
This year we wish to join the millions of Catholics who
The Convention Center offers daily options of food have taken to heart the call of Pope Francis to care for
choices in Hall A. Our Common Home. Therefore, make sure to bring
Continental breakfast: 8:00 am - 9:30 am your own reusable drinking container and avoid using
Lunch: 11:00 am - 2:00 pm the plastic cups placed at the water stations during our
Cart concessions: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Religious Education Congress.
NAME BADGES/TICKETS valid ticket will serve as admission to Arena or Hall
Congress Name Badges are required to be worn at all B workshops, but these sessions are not open to those
times during scheduled events. Tickets are necessary without tickets.
for admittance into all workshops, general sessions
and the Exhibit Hall. Our speakers are generously sharing their time and
talents with us. As a special courtesy to them, we ask
SAVING SEATS that you please arrive at the workshop location prior
It is permissible to save seats up to 10 minutes before to the scheduled start time. We remind you to please
a scheduled function begins. After that time, we ask silence or turn off your cell phone.
that, in Christian love, you release these seats for
others. If any Congress volunteer requests that you All sessions will begin on time, and many speakers
release seats that you are saving, please comply with have asked that no one be admitted after the session
the direction given. has begun. Also, we ask you to avoid, as much as
possible, leaving workshops during a presentation.
WORKSHOPS Most of the workshops will have a natural break time
All workshops are ticketed and no one will be ad- when it would be less disruptive to the speaker and to
mitted to any session without the proper ticket. Any other participants.
On-site registration &
Program Book Pick-up
(Prefunction area) We come together in joyful celebration to live out the invitation of the Gospel: to
8:30 - 9:30 am Embrace Trust in Gods loving Providence. Come, let us join our voices in a chorus
Opening Ceremony & Welcome of praise and gratitude. Our gathering will be graced by the presence and gifts of:
(Arena / Live streaming in Hall B) Archbishop Jos Gomez Craig Colson M. Roger Holland II Rafael Moreno
Fr. Christopher Bazyouros Jeanne Cotter Bob Hurd Ann Myers
10:00 - 11:30 am Paulette Smith Jaime Cortez Darrell Jackson Linda Nguyen
Period 1 Workshops Jan Pedroza Harrison Crenshaw Frank Jansen Paul Nguyen
John Flaherty Ivn Daz ValLimar Jansen Kristina Ortega
10:15 - 11:00 am Tony Alonso Chris de Silva Mary Janus Lorenzo Rangel-Santos
Archbishop Gomez Online Chat Donna Anderle Christine Engelfried Mel Kennedy John Michael Reyes
(Tech Center - Hall A) David Anderson Chris Estrella Kristin Kissell Pedro Rubalcava
John Angotti Santiago Fernndez Gaile Krause Brenda Smith
11:30 am - 1:00 pm Ed Archer Fr. Rob Galea Liam Lawton Janet Sullivan-
LUNCH Meredith Augustin Noelle Garcia Rudy Lpez Whitaker
Betsey Beckman Estela Garca-Lpez Diana Macalintal Lori True
11:45 am - 12:30 pm Anna Betancourt Dolores Gomez Michael Mangan Amanda Vernon
Music (Arena) Tom Booth Laura Gomez Jesse Manibusan Mark Voris
ValLimar Jansen John Burland David Haas Clarissa Martinez Chris Walker
Helena Buscema Sarah Hart Nicole Masero John West & the
Music (Hall B) Karla Carrillo Marty Haugen Monica Miller Luther Valyermo Troupe
Vietnamese Lasallian Youth Andrew Chinn Lorraine Hess Lourdes Montgomery Rufino Zaragoza
Troupe with Tun Quc L
Period 2 Workshops Arena 11:45 am - 12:30 pm
Period 3 Workshops Come experience music infused with fire and passion fun lunchtime
5:15 pm entertainment designed to inspire you to celebrate the joy of our faith
Eucharistic Liturgies as you Embrace Trust! Jansen has invited dynamic dancers from the
& Evening Prayer young church and the young-at-heart to accent her songs with dance styles from
7:45 - 9:45 pm house to Hip Hop, Rock to Afro-Cuban. Make sure to eat quickly and work off
Film Showcase 2017 those calories as you dance like no one is watching!
(Convention 201)
8:00 pm
Hall B 11:45 am - 12:30 pm
With Gratitude
Feel the drumming and watch the
9:00 pm colorful steps of this youth group
Taiz Prayer from San Jose, led by Bro. Fortunat
(Convention 303) Phong. Vocalist Tuan Le will be
joining them this year, sharing bi-
Registration Hours / lingual (Vietnamese/English) songs.
Program Book Pick-up
7:00 am - 3:00 pm FILM SHOWCASE 2017
(Prefunction area) Convention 201 7:45 - 9:45 pm
Exhibit Hall Hours The Film Showcase, in partnership with Loyola Marymount Univer-
8:00 am - 5:00 pm sitys Center for Religion and Spirituality, presents excerpts from a
(Hall A) number of narrative feature films, shorts and documentaries whose
Sacred Space thematic elements are grounded in Catholic social teaching, justice,
10:00 am - 9:00 pm ministry, spirituality and theology.
(Convention 304)
11:30 am - 3:30 pm Arena 8:00 pm
Multicultural Exhibit With Gratitude: An Evening Celebrating the Liturgical
9:00 am - 5:00 pm Music of David Haas, Marty Haugen & Michael Joncas
(Convention 2nd floor)
Celebrate an evening of sung prayer featuring classic
Speaker Book Signings
favorites like Shepherd Me, O God, You Are Mine and
11:30 am - 5:00 pm
On Eagles Wings, along with newly composed pieces. This event will mark
(Northwest area, Hall A)
the last time Michael, David and Marty will appear and sing together as a trio a
A.A. Meeting collaborative and ministerial friendship of over 30 years, that has gifted praying
Noon (Marriott) San Diego assemblies around the world with songs that have enriched the faith of believers.
in a live video chat from Congress with students
from St. Francis of Assisi School in the Silver Lake
area of Los Angeles. Then check later to view the
session online at
Community of Tenderness - Fr. Gregory Boyle
2-06 A Leap of Faith: Dancing with Mary into Trust (Convention) 204 C
- Betsey Beckman & Laura Ash
2-07 Proclaim! Songs and Strategies for Teaching, Celebrating and (Convention) Ballroom C
Living the Good News with Elementary Children - Andrew Chinn
2-08 Living in Trust While Acknowledging Our Fears - Fr. James Clarke (Hilton) California C
2-09 Discipline and Punishment: Why One Works and the Other Appears (Convention) Ballroom AB
to Work - Barbara Coloroso
2-10 Witness: Learning to Tell the Stories of Grace that Illumine Our (Convention) 212
Lives - Leonard DeLorenzo
2-11 Called to Intimacy: Catholic Sexuality in Troubled Times (Convention) 213
- Fr. Luke Dysinger & Aaron Kheriaty
2-12 Turning the Tide - Robert Feduccia Jr. (Sheraton) Park
2-13 Chastity: Gift, Grace, Fruit (Hilton) California D
- Arthur Fitzmaurice & Fr. Chris Ponnet
2-14 Suffering, Pain and Joy - Fr. Rob Galea (Convention) Ballroom DE
2-15 The Future of the Global Church: Building Intercultural (Convention) 207 ABC
Communities - Anthony Gittins
2-16 Healthy and Holy Marriages: Effective Parish Marriage Prep and (Convention) 207 D
Beyond - Dr. Veronica Marchese
2-17 Wise and Holy Women and a Few Good Men (Convention) 206
- Bro. Michael ONeil McGrath
2-18 Trust! Live and Die with Passion and Grace - Dr. Megan McKenna (Sheraton) Palm
2-19 Take Nothing for the Journey: Pilgrimage in the Bible (Marriott) Grand Salon F
- Fr. J. Patrick Mullen
2-20 I Thirst for Your Love: A Musical Biography of St. Teresa of (Convention) 210 ABC
Calcutta - Danielle Rose
2-21 Discernment 101 - Fr. Michael Schmitz (Convention) 211
2-22 Empowered by the Spirit: How College Campus Ministry Influences (Clarion) Orangewood
Parish Life - Rosie Chinea Shawver
2-23 Middle School: From Maintenance to Mission - Doug Tooke (Convention) 201 D
2-24 The Role of the Priest in the RCIA - Rev. Paul Turner (Marriott) Elite
2-25 Making Liturgical Rituals Accessible for Children (Convention) 202
- Christopher Walker
2-26 Beyond the School Gate Can Catholic Schools Extend the (Convention) 201 ABC
Embrace? - David Wells
2-70 Vietnamese Workshop (But Seek First His Kingdom - Mt. 6:33) (Convention) 203
- Archbishop Linh Chi Nguyen
Exhibit Hall A
(Hall B) Arena 8:30 am
8:30 am
English Keynote (Arena) Topic: Embracing Trust
Msgr. Ray East Hall B 8:30 am
Archbishop Gustavo
Garcia-Siller, MSpS Topic: Confa!
Period 4 Workshops
Arena 11:45 am - 12:30 pm
11:30 am - 1:00 pm
11:45 am - 12:30 pm LOPEZ, IVAN DIAZ & MARIO PEREZ
Music (Arena)
Rubalcava, Lopez, Sing the Gospel of Joy / Cantemos la Alegra del Evangelio
Garcia-Lopez, Diaz & Perez The joy of the Gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter
Music (Hall B) Jesus, states Pope Francis Evangelii Gaudium. Let us join hearts
Craig Colson & Friends and voices to proclaim the Good News in songs of thanks and praise.
1:00 - 2:30 pm
La alegra del Evangelio llena el corazn y la vida entera de
Period 5 Workshops
los que se encuentran con Jess, declara Papa Francisco en la
3:00 - 4:30 pm Evangelii Gaudium. Unamos corazones y voces para proclamar
Period 6 Workshops la Buena Nueva con cantos de gracias y alabanza.
5:15 pm
Eucharistic Liturgies
8:00 pm Hall B 11:45 am - 12:30 pm
Concert (Arena)
A Celebration Concert of Peace CRAIG COLSON & FRIENDS
(Convention 213) Angotti and Lorraine Hess for a lunchtime con-
9:00 pm - midnight cert that will touch your heart and have you singing along.
Young Adult Dance
Convention Arena 8:00 pm
Registration Hours /
Program Book Pick-up A Celebration Concert of Peace Presented by OCP Artists
7:30 am - 2:30 pm Join us as we celebrate the peace that is offered to us in Christ Jesus. At this celebra-
(Prefunction area) tion concert, we rejoice in the peace that has been planted deep within our hearts
Exhibit Hall Hours at our baptism. Together, we will sing and pray that peace will flow forth from our
8:00 am - 5:00 pm heart into the world.
(Hall A)
10:00 am - 9:00 pm
(Convention 304) Convention 213 8:30 pm
RECONCILIATION HOURS You are invited to Sacred Illuminations: A mystical
11:30 am - 2:30 pm choreography of light and sound incorporating the
Speaker Book Signings liturgical and fine art photography and reflections of
11:30 am - 5:00 pm Sr. Rose Marie Tulacz, SND. Come and pray. Embrace
(Northwest area, Hall A) Trust: Believe in, surrender to, and live in the Fathers
love for you.
Hall A Prefunction Area 10:00 am - 4:30 pm
Renew your spirit and take a break from the bustle of
Congress with a chair massage that relieves tension and
relaxes the mind. Visit our Chair Massage area in the
Prefunction Area of Hall A. The cost is $1 per minute.
Convention 304, 10:00 am - 9:00 pm
Reconcilation Hours: 11:30 am - 2:30 pm
Take a respite from the days events and enter a space
dedicated to facilitating a sense of spiritual rejuvena-
tion. Spend time walking the labyrinth, and partake in
meditative music or the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
4-06 When I Am Weak, I Am Strong: Singing, Praying and Walking (Convention) 303
Amid the Mystery of Suffering - David Haas
4-07 The Transforming Power of Authentic Love (Sheraton) Plaza
- Sr. Miriam James Heidland
4-08 Born to Dance: Living from the Inside Out - Rev. Terry Hershey (Marriott) Marquis Center
4-09 Our Faith Matters: A Candid Discussion About Race (Hilton) California D
- ValLimar Jansen with Msgr. Raymond East,
Fr. Bryan Massingale & C. Vanessa White
4-10 On Earth as It Is In Heaven - Satish Joseph (Convention) 210 D
4-11 Do Not Be Afraid: Faith as Trust in the Lord! - Fr. Felix Just (Marriott) Grand Salon F
4-12 What a Global Catholic Church Looks Like: A Resource for (Convention) 212
Religious Educators - Thomas Landy
4-13 A Womans Place, A Womans Work, A Womans Call to Ministry (Convention) 209
- Diana Macalintal
4-14 A New President: In Conflict or Harmony with the Gospels? (Convention) 201 ABC
- Fr. Allan Deck, SJ (orginally with Cardinal Roger Mahony)
4-15 You Can Call Us? Understanding the Up and Coming Post-Millennial (Convention) 206
Generation of Children & Adolescents - Dr. Charlotte McCorquodale
4-16 Embrace Trust with Both Arms and Heart - Dr. Megan McKenna (Sheraton) Palm
4-17 Reading the Scriptures with the Mind, Eyes and Heart of a Woman (Hilton) California AB
- Sr. Barbara Reid
4-18 Eucharistic Evangelization Like Never Before - Fr. Michael Schmitz (Sheraton) Park
4-19 Somethings Happening Here: What Makes Vibrant Catholic (Convention) 208
Parishes Work - William Simon Jr.
4-20 Challenges and Opportunities of Faith as Presented in the Gospels (Convention) 207 ABC
- Thomas Stegman
4-21 Oh This Grace Reaching Out for Me How Can It Be? (Convention) 202
- Sr. Maureen Sullivan
4-22 Beauty That Saves: Art in Service of Liturgy and Catechesis (Convention) 205
- Dr. Johan van Parys
4-23 Its All About Joy Evangelizing Young Adults - Joan Weber (Convention) 211
4-24 Moving with Trusting Hearts and Minds for Grace to Enter from (Convention) 204 C
Unlikely Places - John West
4-25 Five Ways Psychology Can Inform Catechesis - Dr. Joseph White (Marriott) Elite
4-26 Prayer in the Catholic Tradition: Exploring the Other Side of Your (Hilton) California C
Soul - Dr. Robert Wicks
4-70 Vietnamese Workshop (Epiclesis: The Role of the Holy Spirit in the (Convention) 203
Liturgy) - Fr. Thinh Duc Pham
6-05 Lets Answer Those Tough Catholic Questions - Fr. John Cusick (Convention) Ballroom DE
6-06 Praying with the Body - Roy DeLeon (Convention) 204 C
6-07 Art, Literature and the Renewal of the Christian Imagination (Convention) 211
- Leonard DeLorenzo
6-08 The Joy of Love and Marriage - Michael DiPaolo (Marriott) Elite
6-09 Transgender in the Family: One Bread, One Body (Hilton) California C
- Arthur Fitzmaurice & Fr. Bryan Massingale
6-10 Praised Bee: Laudato S - John Flaherty & Martin Marklin (Convention) Ballroom C
6-11 Suicide: Better Understanding & Support for This Incomprehensible (Marriott) Grand Salon F
Tragedy - Amy Florian
6-12 Christianity, Mysticism and the Esoteric: Pathways to the Divine (Hilton) California D
- Fr. Richard Fragomeni
6-13 Wrestling with the Tradition Why Belonging to a Community of (Sheraton) Palm
Faith Still Matters - Dr. Richard Gaillardetz
6-14 Hopes for the Church of the 21st Century - Dr. Thomas Groome (Convention) 204 AB
6-15 Singing Truth to Power: Music That Embraces and Empowers Us (Convention) 210 ABC
to Trust in Gods Reign - Marty Haugen
6-16 The Fifth Encuentro: Historical Roots and Vision for Pastoral (Convention) 209
Renewal - Dr. Timothy Matovina & Hosffman Ospino
6-17 Recalibration: Moving to a Grace-filled Future! - Robert McCarty (Sheraton) Park
6-18 And She Ministered to Them: Women in Marks Gospel (Marriott) Marquis Northeast
- Fr. J. Patrick Mullen
6-19 With Christ on the Border - Rev. Peter Neeley (Convention) 207 D
6-20 Why Catholic Schools Matter - Fr. Ronald Nuzzi (Convention) 210 D
6-21 Nine Steps to Transforming Lives: Teaching and Proclaiming a (Convention) 207 ABC
Gospel of Transformation - Joe Paprocki
6-22 Be My Witness: Practical Ways to Share Powerful Faith Stories (Convention) 205
- Sr. Theresa Rickard
6-23 A Secret Hidden Since the Foundations of the World: The Cross as (Marriott) Marquis Center
Revealing the Real Basis for Trust - Rev. Ronald Rolheiser
6-24 Engaging the Head, Heart and Hands of Young People Through (Convention) 206
Creative Catechesis - Michael Theisen
6-25 Where is the Assemblys Voice? - Christopher Walker (Convention) 202
6-26 Faith and Politics - Jim Wallis (Convention) 303
6-70 Vietnamese Workshop (A New Vision, A New Sending Out, (Convention) 203
A New Culture for Our Youth) - Bro. Fortunat Phong
8:00 - 9:30 am
Eucharistic Liturgy
Arena 8:00 am (Arena)
As we welcome a new day, we share the opportunity to gather as a
10:00 - 11:30 am
community of faith to give praise and thanks. Bishop Kevin Vann of
the Diocese of Orange, Calif., will preside at the morning Eucharistic Period 7 Workshops
Liturgy. Nourished by Word and sacrament, may we go forth and 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Embrace Trust. LUNCH
11:45 am - 12:30 pm
Arena 11:45 am - 12:30 pm Jesse Manibusan & Sarah Hart
Music (Hall B)
Registration Hours /
Praise the Lord at all times! / Program Book Pick-up
pray, to celebrate and to give thanks for the blessings of Sacred Space
the weekend. We will go forth to Embrace Hope with
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
all, in joy, in pain and in struggle. Our Closing Liturgy, (Convention 304)
with Los Angeles Archbishop Gomez, features the 200-plus voice No Reconciliation Times Today
Congress Choir 2017, under the musical direction of John Flaherty.
Speaker Book Signings
9:30 am - 3:00 pm
(Northwest area Hall A)
(Prefunction area Hall A)
A.A. Meeting
Noon - (Marriott San Diego)
11:30 am Craig Colson
12:00 pm Katrina Rae
12:30 pm Annette Hills
1:00 pm Lorraine Hess
7-05 Thank You, God! - Andrew Chinn (Convention) 207 ABC
7-06 The Questions That Deepen Our Faith - Fr. Dave Dwyer (Marriott) Orange County
7-07 The New Evangelization: Trust the Holy Spirit for the Holy Results (Hilton) California AB
- Msgr. Raymond East
7-08 Eucharistic Adoration: A Communal Invitation to Mission (Convention) 303
- Fr. Edward Foley & Lorraine Hess
7-09 Lord, I Love em, but Theyre Driving Me Nuts! - Steven Ellair (Hilton) California C
7-10 Sacraments and Snapchat - Fr. Rob Galea (Convention) Ballroom DE
7-11 Laudato S and Liturgical Catechesis: Praying and Singing for Our (Convention) Ballroom C
Common Home - Bob Hurd
7-12 Enhancing Our Creativity: Lessons from Neuroscience and (Convention) 204 C
Spirituality - Anne Kertz Kernion
7-13 Expressions of Catholic Life in a Global Church - Thomas Landy (Convention) 212
7-14 Job, Career or Calling? A Spirituality of Work for Today (Convention) 208
- Douglas Leal
7-15 What Does It All Mean? A Guide to Being More Faithful, Hopeful (Convention) Ballroom AB
and Loving - Fr. Richard Leonard
7-16 Encountering Christ in Lay Preaching - Dr. Josephine Lombardi (Clarion) Orangewood
7-17 Living Liturgically: Becoming Stewards of the Mysteries in a (Convention) 206
Search-Engine World - Diana Macalintal
7-18 Sing Justice, Live Justice Liturgical Song Inspiring Social Action (Convention) 209
- Michael Mangan
7-19 Being a Merciful Church to, with, for, and by Young People (Sheraton) Palm
- Robert McCarty
7-20 Digital Media and Ministry: New Tools for Sharing Faith (Convention) 211
- Dr. Charlotte McCorquodale
7-21 Parables of Jesus and Disney: Embracing Justice from Dory to (Convention) 210 D
Moana - Fr. Chris Ponnet
7-22 Pope Francis Message of Faith, Love, Humility and Mercy: (Marriott) Marquis Northeast
Does It Really Matter? - Mark Shriver
7-23 Tell Me Why? Understanding What We Believe (Marriott) Marquis Center
- Fr. R. Tony Ricard
7-24 Start Where They Are (And Other Secrets to Effectively Engage (Convention) 201 D
Families in Faith) - Michael Theisen
7-25 The Living Language of Christian Symbols - Dr. Johan van Parys (Marriott) Elite
7-26 Father and Son, Daring to Embrace Trust - David & Matthew Wells (Marriott) Grand Salon E
7-70 Vietnamese Workshop (No One Can Serve Two Masters (Convention) 203
- Mt. 6:24) - Archbishop Linh Chi Nguyen
1-01 1-02 1-04 1-05 1-09 1-10 1-11 1-12 1-13 1-14 1-15 1-16 1-17
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7-51 7-52 7-53 7-54 7-55 7-56 7-57 7-58 7-59 7-60 7-70 8-01 8-02
8-03 8-04 8-05 8-07 8-09 8-10 8-11 8-12 8-13 8-15 8-16 8-17 8-18
8-19 8-20 8-21 8-22 8-23 8-24 8-25 8-51 8-52 8-53 8-54 8-55 8-56
8-57 8-58 8-59 8-70
GA1 - Friday Opening & Welcome: Fr. Christopher Bazyouros GA2 - Saturday English Keynote: Msgr. Raymond East
GA3 - Saturday Spanish Keynote: Archbp. Gustavo Garcia-Siller, MSpS
PUNTOS CULMINANTES de algunos talleres en la Arena y en la Sala B Viernes, 8:30-9:30 am Convencin Sala B
visitando nuestra pgina en el internet. Vea No necesitas estar en la Arena para ver el
una lista de estos materiales en linea a www. evento de apertura! Ahora puedes verlo en vivo en las pantallas de la Sala B, donde se
proporcionan asientos adicionales y pantal-
las para vivir la experiencia de la Arena. Ve
PLTICA CON EL ARZOBISPO > en vivo los eventos de la Arena por internet
Viernes, 10:15-11:00 am Tech Center en Tambin
Acompanos el viernes por la maana en puedes encontrar algunos momentos de aos
el Centro Tecnolgico mientras el Arzobispo pasados en nuestro canal de YouTube en
de Los Angeles Jos Gmez lleva a cabo una
sesin en tiempo real con los estudiantes de
St. Francis de Ass en Silver Lake rea de
Los Angeles. Este ser el sptimo ao que el < MUESTRA DE CINE 2017
Arzobispo platica en vivo con los alumnos Viernes, 7:45-9:45 pm Convention 201
desde el Congreso. La Muestra de Cine, en colaboracin con el
Centro de Espiritualidad de la Universidad
de Loyola Marymount, presenta extractos
de una serie de pelculas narrativas, cor-
tometrajes, documentales, experimental y
CONCIERTO DEL VIERNES > animada. Los cineastas estarn presentes para
Viernes, 8:00 pm Arena convivir con los miembros de la audiencia.
Con gratitud: Una noche celebrando
la Msica Litrgica de David Haas,
Marty Haugen y Michael Joncas
Este concierto nocturno ser la ltima vez
que Michael, David y Marty aparecern y
cantarn juntos como un tro. nete a ellos
para celebrar esta amistad colaborativa y Ingls: Sbado, 8:30 am Arena
ministerial de ms de 30 aos, que ha re- Espaol: Sbado, 8:30 am Sala B
galado canciones que han enriquecido la fe Este ao hemos hecho un cambio, presen-
de los creyentes. taremos dos keynotes en el sbado por la
maana: una en espaol presentada en el Sala
B por el Arzobispo Gustavo Garcia-Siller,
CONCIERTO DEL SBADO > MSpS (izquierda) y una en ingls en la Arena
Sbado, 8:00 pm Arena con Mons. Ray East (derecha).
Presentado por OCP
Acompanos para una velada llena de
alegra celebrando los dones, visin y soni-
dos de muchos artistas talentosos. Esta ser
una noche inolvidable. Ven a celebrar este < ESPACIO SAGRADO
evento lleno de vida.
De jueves a domingo Convention 304
En respuesta a la encclica del Papa Francisco,
Laudato S (En el cuidado de nuestro hogar
comn), estamos tratando para ser conscientes
de lo que podemos hacer. Este ao en nuestro
tercer piso, Espacio Sagrado ofrecer una
experiencia de oracin a travs de una
De viernes a domingo Arena Lobby exposicin de arte multimedia en la que
Catholic Relief Services los invita a meditar estamos invitados a conectar nuestra fe con
en un viaje fotogrfico alrededor del la Madre Tierra y al mismo tiempo entre
mundo de las zonas ms impactadas por las nosotros.
necesidades humanitarias de nuestros das.
Ven a contemplar los rostros de las familias
a las que sirve la comunidad catlica de los
Estados Unidos y se testigo de un mundo que De viernes a domingo Sala A
tiene grandes necesidades y mucho amor. No te vayas sin obtener algn recuerdo del
Congreso botones, pins, bolgrafos, etc.,
los cuales puedes encontrar en el stand de
Informacin en el centro de la Sala A.
Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo,
Bienvenidos al Congreso de Educacin Religiosa de la Arquidicesis de los ngeles
2017. Rezo para que ste sea un tiempo de oracin y renovacin, as como tiempo de
acercamiento al amor de Jesucristo.
El tema del Congreso este ao es Confa! Esta es la invitacin del Evangelio la
hermosa invitacin de nuestro Seor a confiar en la amorosa providencia de Dios.
Mirad las aves del cielo, que no siembran, ni siegan, ni recogen en graneros; y
vuestro Padre celestial las alimenta (Mateo 6:26).
Dios proveer! l est a cargo de la historia y est a cargo de nuestras vidas. Esto
significa que le importamos a Dios. Cada uno de nosotros le importa.
Jess ha dado su vida l ha muerto y resucitado por amor a todos nosotros. Ahora,
l vive y camina con nosotros en nuestra jornada de vida. Nos muestra el camino y
nos gua en la misin que nos ha encomendado como sus discpulos. La misin de
amor y servicio.
Tenemos que confiar en el plan de Dios para nuestras vidas! Necesitamos confiar
en su providencia y en su amor. Debemos ayudar a nuestros hermanos y hermanas
a descubrir el hermoso plan de Dios para su creacin. Este es el gran mensaje de
esperanza que estamos llamados a ensear y proclamar en la iglesia.
As que rezo para que este sea un gran fin de semana para todos, una excelente
oportunidad para crecer en el conocimiento de nuestra fe Catlica y en el amor
y devocin al Seor a quien servimos en nuestra vida diaria a en nuestro trabajo,
ministerio, familia y vida pblica.
Yo los encomiendo al tierno cuidado de nuestra Santsima Madre Mara, Nuestra
Seora de la Providencia que ella nos ayude a caminar con confianza en nuestro
camino de fe.
Sinceramente en Cristo,
+ Jose H. Gomez
Arzobispo de Los ngeles
Durante el da est disponible la estructura de estac- Domingo: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
ionamiento del Centro de Convenciones, el costo es
de $15 por da sin privilegios de entradas y salidas.
Estacionamiento adicional est disponible en el Disney
Toy Story Parking Lot y en el Anaheim GardenWalk.
SESIN 5 1:00 - 2:30 pm AG LUGAR
5-51 La familia latina como fuente de teologa latina (Convention) Hall B
- Dr. Orlando Espn
5-52 Curacin, sanacin y liberacin - Rev. Dr. Rogelio Alcntara (Hilton) California D
5-53 Doctrina y pastoral de nuestra Iglesia hacia nuestros hermanos y (Marriott) Marquis Northeast
hermanas homosexuales ms all del Ao de la Misericordia
- Fr. Carlos Alarcn, Javier Plascencia, Yunuen Trujillo
5-54 A travs de los ojos de los nios de los encarcelados (Marriott) Grand Salon E
- Rita Chairez y Amalia Molina
5-55 Cmo seguir siendo un joven Catlico en medio de tantas (Convention) 211
religiones? - Hna. Ondina Corts
5-56 Los sacramentos de la iniciacin cristiana (Convention) 201 D
- Rev. Manuel Jos Jimnez Rodrguez
5-57 En camino con el inmigrante: Estrategias eficaz basadas en la (Hilton) California AB
parroquia - Obispo David OConnell
5-58 La educacin de la persona en libertad y autenticidad (Convention) 212
- Mons. Lucio Ruiz
5-59 Jess nos ha dado un mandamiento nuevo y un amor nuevo (Hilton) California C
- Lic. Juan Pablo Saju
5-60 La aceptacin: El amor que sana - Dra. Dora Tobar Mensbrugghe (Convention) 207 ABC
Over My Head African American Spiritual
arr. by John Bell
African American Spiritual, arranged by John Bell 1998, Wild Goose Resource Group. The Iona Community. Scotland.
GIA Publications, Inc., exclusive North American agent. All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102
Akwaaba! Welcome! Ken Canedo, ValLimar Jansen, Sarah Kroger,
Ben Walther, and Greg Walton
Verse 1 Verse 2
This is the place (repeat each phrase) Kingdom of God!
To bring down the mighty. Our sisters and brothers,
The lowly are lifted. Our fathers and mothers,
They are set free. One family.
This is the place. Kingdom of God!
The greatest are the least. No strife or division.
The least are the greatest. One Spirit, one mission,
Heavenly feast. One Body of Christ.
Text and music 2013, 2016, Ken Canedo, ValLimar Jansen, Sarah Kroger, Ben Walther, and Greg Walton.
Published by Spirit & Song, a division of OCP. All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
2014, Santiago Fernndez. Published by Spirit & Song, a division of OCP. All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
Music 2016, World Library Publicatons. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
Based on the Litany of Loretto. Refrain from LOURDES HYMN. Original material 2008 by GIA Publications, Inc.
All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
Embrace Trust / Confa Pedro Rubalcava
Verses / Estrofas
1. Do not worry about your life, what you will eat, drink or wear.
God in heaven knows what you need. Put your trust in Gods care.
Can a mother forget her child, the child whom she knows in her womb?
Even should a mother forget, God will never forget you.
3. Barriers and walls may confront us that seek to destroy and divide.
Let us build bridges of mercy that lead us to fullness of life.
Streets that are filled with the homeless, who hunger and cry with no voice;
Let us speak hope and sow Good News, together bear fruit and rejoice.
in the African-American Tradition
D Friday, February 24, 2017 5:15 pm
A Msgr. Ray East, presider
With the many struggles communities face, this liturgy will focus on how peace and
justice must unite in order to bring about positive change. The texts of the prayers for this
Mass are very powerful and beautiful. We are asking the African-American community
to bring this liturgy alive, to embrace and pray for all those suffering injustice and
uncertainty, and to ask God for a new generation of peacemakers.
I Need You to Survive David Frazier
Text and music: David Frazier. Gods Music, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
Weve Come This Far By Faith Albert A. Goodson
Text and tune: Albert A. Goodson, b. 1933. 1965, renewed 1993, Manna Music, Inc./ASCAP (admin. by ClearBox Rights).
All rights reserved. Used with permission.
M. Roger Holland II
Music: The Sound of My People, M. Roger Holland II, 2010, GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
Music 2016, M. Roger Holland II. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
Music: The Sound of My People, M. Roger Holland II, 2010, GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
Y GOSPEL Mark 10:1-12
HOMILY Msgr. Ray East
Music: Ray East, 1987, GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
Text: ICEL, 2010. Music: The Sound of My People, M. Roger Holland II, 2010, GIA Publications, Inc.
All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
Text: ICEL, 2010. Music: The Sound of My People, M. Roger Holland II, 2010, GIA Publications, Inc.
All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
2010. Music: The Sound of My People, M. Roger Holland II, 2010, GIA Publications, Inc.
All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
AGNUS DEI The Sound of My People
M. Roger Holland II
Text: ICEL, 2010. Music: The Sound of My People, M. Roger Holland II, 2010, GIA Publications, Inc.
All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
2016, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
Text: Timothy Wright, 1947-2009. Tune: Congregational Praise Song, arr. Valeria A. Foster, 2000, GIA Publications, Inc.
All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
Lord, Make Me An Instrument M. Roger Holland II
Give Us Peace Leon C. Roberts
1985, 1996, Leon C. Roberts. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102. Arena
Saturday, February 25, 2017 7:50 am
We open a new day with prayer and praise as representatives from Catholic
Relief Services and music artists from Oregon Catholic Press lead us through
song and Scripture to embrace trust and solidarity on a global scale. In example
of our solidarity as Christians, this year we mirror this celebration with an
English version in the Arena and a Spanish version in Hall B.
A Akwaaba! Welcome! Ken Canedo, ValLimar Jansen, Sarah Kroger,
Y Ben Walther, and Greg Walton
Verse 1: Verse 2:
This is the place (repeat each phrase) Kingdom of God!
To bring down the mighty. Our sisters and brothers,
The lowly are lifted. Our fathers and mothers,
They are set free. One family.
This is the place. Kingdom of God!
The greatest are the least. No strife or division.
The least are the greatest. One Spirit, one mission,
Heavenly feast. One Body of Christ.
Text and music 2013, 2016, Ken Canedo, ValLimar Jansen, Sarah Kroger, Ben Walther, and Greg Walton.
Published by Spirit & Song , a division of OCP. All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
Church of Justice Ken Canedo, Robert Feduccia, ValLimar Jansen, Sarah Kroger
Ted Miles, Ben Walther, and Greg Walton
You breathed your Word and created.
You speak and now all things sustain.
As rain and snow pour down with purpose,
Your promised justice, God fulfill.
Our lives united in Communion;
Your table set before our eyes.
Our hearts are lavished with your kindness.
Your promised banquet, God fulfill.
Send us forth! Our lives, the gift were giving.
Send us forth! Our love in thought and deed.
Send us forth! In giving and receiving:
Your promised Kingdom, God fulfill.
Text and music 2013, 2016, Ken Canedo, Robert Feduccia, ValLimar Jansen, Sarah Kroger, Ted Miles, Ben Walther, Greg Watson.
Published by Spirit & Song , a division of OCP. All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
Text: Jaime Cortez and Bob Hurd. Text and music 1994, Jaime Cortez.
Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
Developed from the Roman Missals Mass for Refugees and Exiles, this liturgy
considers the plight of our Christian brothers and sisters in the Middle East as well as
all those who are fleeing violence and war. Immigrants are included as well, since for
many of them, the circumstances motivating the need to migrate can also be the result
of traumatic and harsh situations at home. People of almost every country, ethnicity
and religion have experienced one of these situations. As a symbol of solidarity with
all immigrants, exiles and refugees, today, we simultaneously celebrate two liturgies
with this issue in mind: one in English in the Arena, and one in Spanish in Hall B.
The Least of These Bob Hurd
Text based on Matthew 25:31-46 and John 21:15-17. Text and music 2014, Bob Hurd.
Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
2003, 2009, Bob Hurd. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
Music 1998, Bob Hurd. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
Music 2017, Jaime Cortez Music. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
1991, Ken Canedo and Bob Hurd. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
Text and music 2009, 2017, from Mass of Spirit and Grace by Ricky Manalo, CSP.
Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
Text: Jaime Cortez and Bob Hurd. Text and music 2014, Jaime Cortez.
Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
Spanish text 1975, 1991, Comisin Episcopal de Pastoral Litrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. All rights reserved.
Sole U.S. agent: U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Used with permission. English text 2010, ICEL. All rights reserved.
Used with permission. Music 1994, 2009, Bob Hurd. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
Spanish text 1975, 1991, Comisin Episcopal de Pastoral Litrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. All rights reserved.
Sole U.S. agent: U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Used with permission. English text 2010, ICEL. All rights reserved.
Used with permission. Music 1994, 2009, Bob Hurd. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
Music 1994, Bob Hurd. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
2009, Rick Modlin. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
Text: John 13:1-15; Galatians 3:28-29; by Bob Hurd and Pia Moriarty.
Text and music 1988, Bob Hurd and Pia Moriarty. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
1990, Bernadette Farrell. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
2001, Tom Kendzia. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
Refrain andvss. 1, 2, 5 text based on Ubi Caritas, 9th cent.; verses 3, 4 text, Bob Hurd; Spanish text by Pedro Rubalcava.
Text and music 1996, 2004, Bob Hurd. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
Take Up Your Cross Jaime Cortez
Text based on Matthew 16:24-28. Text and music 2014, Jaime Cortez.
Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
I will take up the cross and follow by ...
Somos el Cuerpo de Cristo / We Are the Body of Christ Jaime Cortez
Text: Jaime Cortez and Bob Hurd. Text and music 1994, Jaime Cortez.
Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
Ubi Caritas
O Agape Rory Cooney
2008, 2017, GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
Music: Marcos Witt. @ 1993 CanZion Productions. Adm. por CanZion Editora, Apdo Post C-62 Durango Dgo Mexico 34241.
All rights reserved. Used with permission.
Honduran Alleluia
Music: Traditional Honduran, arr. Rob Glover. 1997 by GIA Publications, Inc.
All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
Text and music: Misa del Pueblo Inmigrante; Jaime Cortez, 1994, Jaime Cortez.
Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
Spanish text 1975, 1991, Comisin Episcopal de Pastoral Litrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano. All rights reserved.
Sole US agent: US Conference of Catholic Bishops. Used with permission. English text 2010, ICEL. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
Music 2009, Estela Garca y Rodolfo Lpez. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
Text: Psalm 62: 2-3, 6-7, 8-9. Refrain 1969, 1981, 1997, ICEL. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
Verses 2001, 1998, 1986, 1970, Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Washington, D.C. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
Music 2011, Curtis Stephan. Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
Music 2013, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
1999, 2017 by GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
Adapted by John Flaherty and James D. Reitzell from Weave One Heart by Marty Haugen. 1999 by GIA Publications, Inc.
All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
1999 by GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
Text 2010, ICEL. Music 2014, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
A Text 2010, ICEL. Music 2014, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
Music 2014, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
Music: The Sound of My People, M. Roger Holland II, 2010, GIA Publications, Inc.
All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
2015 by GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
Psalm 34 (33) Taste and See ng Dao and Rufino Zaragoza, OFM
Text: Based on Psalm 34 (33). Vietnamese text and music 1983, 2009, ng Dao. English text and English/Spanish music 2009, 2010,
Rufino Zaragoza, OFM. Spanish text 1970, Comisin Episcopal de Liturgia, All rights reserved. Used with permission.
Published by OCP. All rights reserved. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
Letra basada en Filipenses 2, 8-11. Letra y msica 2013, 2016, Javier Ivn Daz.
Obra publicada por Spirit & Song, a division of OCP. Derechos reservados. Reprinted under ONE LICENSE A-706102.
Verses / Estrofas
1. Do not worry about your life, what you will eat, drink or wear.
God in heaven knows what you need. Put your trust in Gods care.
Can a mother forget her child, the child whom she knows in her womb?
Even should a mother forget, God will never forget you.
3. Barriers and walls may confront us that seek to destroy and divide.
Let us build bridges of mercy that lead us to fullness of life.
Streets that are filled with the homeless, who hunger and cry with no voice;
Let us speak hope and sow Good News, together bear fruit and rejoice.
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en el Cong
Natalie Aviles Fr. Christopher Bazyouros Jacqueline Castanon Fr. James Clarke
Jason Coito Cristina Cortez Dana Couso Alberto Embry Dominik Gnirs
David Lara Heather MacDonald Julie Macias Alex Moreno Jan Pedroza
Giovanni Perez Karina Plascencia Victoria Radleigh Araceli Ramirez
Maria Rivera Diana Salinas Paulette Smith Sue Spies Katie Tassinari
Catholic Bible Institute Dominik Gnirs
A three-year program of comprehensive study for parish Bible-study leadership. (213) 637-7652
Silent Directed Retreat (Mary & Joseph Retreat Center) June 25-29, 2017 Fr. Chris Bazyouros
A directed retreat opportunity for adults in ministry in Rancho Palos Verdes. (213) 637-7309
Specialization for Adult Faith Formation Dominik Gnirs
A component of the certification process that trains ministers working with adults. (213) 637-7652
VLCFF (Virtual Learning Communities of Faith Formation) Dione Grillo
An online, internet-based, e-learning partnership with the University of Dayton. (213) 637-7654
Instituto Bblico Catlico Escrituras Cristianas / Escrituras Hebreas Maria Rivera
Un programa de nivel bsico para estudiar la Biblia (16 sesiones). (213) 637-7705
Instituto Bblico Catlico Curso Intermedio Bblico Maria Rivera
Un requisito acadmico para todas los que desean continuar sus estudios avanzados. (213) 637-7705
Instituto Bblico Catlico Curso Avanzado Biblico Maria Rivera
Un programa de tres aos, se adquiere certificacin como animador/a biblico/a. (213) 637-7705
Ministerios Catequticos Avanzados L. Gonzalez-Rubio
Tres aos de formacin avanzada para Lderes Catequticos y parroquiales. (213) 637-7344
Especializacin para Catequistas de nivel Primaria Giovanni Perez
Una serie de sesiones para mejorar las habilidades de catequistas y coordinadores. (213) 637-7410
Educacin Religiosa y Preparacin Sacramental Giovanni Perez
Talleres, retiros y reflexiones que sustenten el ministerio de catequesis y sus lderes. (213) 637-7410
Oportunidades de Enriquecimiento Giovanni Perez
Talleres, retiros y reflexiones que sustenten el ministerio de catequesis. (213) 637-7410
Evaluacin de Libros de Texto Giovanni Perez
Un equipo con suficiente experiencia evala aquellos libros de publicadoras. (213) 637-7410
Book distribution; and the hundreds of others who contribute hundreds of volunteer hours before and during
Congress to make this event a success!
Valerie MacRae for Registration and Program Book cover art, for Arena environment and for planning Sacred
Space, in addition to the many contributing artists; Linda Roehm for flower arrangements; George Westlund
and Sarah Tuttle for photography; Exhibit Hall assistants Joe Bazyouros, Nick Masero and Connie & Mike
Vaughn; and Nancy Vargas, Charlene Cornejo and Cristina Cortez for data entry; Ruben Puente for speaker
handout preparation; and the student sacristans and acolytes of Loyola Marymount University
and Mount Saint Marys University.
Youth Day Liturgies: Merrick Siebenaler; Friday Liturgies: Lem Amit, Sr. Cora, Adrian Cuevas, Jeanie
Essa, Judy Girard, John Michael Reyes, Precious Robinson, Renette Scott, Valerie Shields, Sue & Bill Spies,
Katie Tassinari, Judy Wilber Alvarez, Patrick Zubiate; Friday Prayer Service: John Michael Reyes; Taize:
David Anderson; Saturday Morning Praise: Bianca Langlois, Sergio Lopez; Saturday Liturgies: Edwin
Ambrosio, Carlo Argoti, Joe Camacho, Sarah Gafvert, Gaile Krause, David Lara, Kim Nguyen, Merrick
Siebenaler, Douglas Zuniga; Saturday Evening Prayer: Debbie Dahlen, Pam Wagner;
and Day Coordinators: Margaret Traxler and Elizabeth Mullen.
Donna Anderle, Betsy Beckman, Christine Engelfried, Alex Estrella, Kristin Kissell,
Monica Luther, Nicole Masero, Ann Myers, Kristina Ortega, Consuelo & John West with the Valyermo
Troupe, and Deborah Parsons along with members of the Filipino, Hawaiian and Vietnamese communities.
John Cusick
Chris de Silva Timothy Matovina
Michael McGrath
David Haas Megan McKenna PUBLICATIONS
Marty Haugen (Booths 401, 403, 405, 500, 502...)
M. Roger Holland OUR SUNDAY VISITOR John Angotti
Jan Michael Joncas (Booths 501, 503, 505, 600, 602, 604) Meredith Augustin
Michael Carotta Andrew Chinn
Liam Lawton
Hosffman Ospino Craig Colson
Lori True Jo Ann Paradise Ed Foley
Joseph White Anne Frawley-Mangan
(Booths 101, 103) PARACLETE PRESS Jerry Galipeau
Noelle Garcia
The Collegeville Composers (Booths 213, 215, 217, 219)
Lorraine Hess
Ed Foley William Burton
Michael Mangan
Richard Gaillardetz Michael McGrath
Anthony Gittins Rafael Moreno
(Booths 320, 322)
Diana Macalintal James Clarke Peggy OFlaherty
Barbara Reid Richard Leonard Danielle Rose
Paul Turner Michael Lotker
Catherine Upchurch Thomas Stegman
We are grateful to
(Booths 569, 571)
for providing our
Congress lanyards.
And we thank
for their contribution
of all altar wine at Congress 2017.
In gratitude to
(Booths 256, 258, 260, 262, 264, 266)
for gifting Congress with registration
scholarships for the next five years in
memory of frequent Congress speaker
Bob Piercy (1958-2011).
Vic Reichert Roderick Johnson Vickie Bales Jennifer Allison
Susan Tan Susan Klarner Gordon Beasley Olga Alviar
Katherine Tassinari Deacon Dan Leetch David Brady Rita Amador
Thomas Wheeler Tony McElroy Mary Cabral Claire Anicete
Barbara Reardon Sharlene Castillo Ifeoma Anidi
$80 DONATION Nayeli Ceja Janine Aurora
Colleen Soracco
Ramon Escuadro Donna Coduti Jose Becerra
Audra Stout
Immaculate Heart of Mary Michael Crowley Bob Beidle
Mary Grace Tucker
Ana De Anda Sue Beidle
$25 DONATION Sr. Veneranda del Rosario, SPC Kelli Benz
Steve Duncan
Karen Akana Joseph Domond Cynthia Bobruk
$70 DONATION Vytas Bandziulis Steve Doucet Cindy Brauer
Deacon Charles Reyburn Lyle Blackmon Jim Dunn Mary Buettner
Nilda Luz Cabardo Paul Flores Maria Bustamante
$65 DONATION Deacon Matt Calabrese Patrecia Formeca Michael Cabral
Louis Shapiro Renee Christianson Myra Gasmin Kevin Camaya
Juanita Cordero, RCWP Marquito Gately Michelle Campbell
$50 DONATION Nancy Dewey Cassandra A. Goehner Nancy Graber Canubida
Daniel Barona Andres Teodoro Diaz de Rivera John Gremer Victor Canubida
Thomas Bauer Sandy Douglas JaNet Hancock Alma Carlos
Timothy Brown Mary Fair Lourdes Heredia John Carpenter
John Burland Mary Clare Favero Josephine Ho Suzeth Carreon
Pablo Carmona Abraham Feliciano Claudia Jones Ramon Cedillo
Sandi Charlesworth Kathleen Gerry Patricia Laybourne Eugene Chamorro
John P. Chavez James Givens Deacon Bob Maciel, Sr. Mariacarmen Cipres
Diana Cruz Sharon Givens Beverly Martinez Nicki Clark
Cory Escuadro Jack Gonsalves Maurine Minnis Fr. Michael Conway
Sheraton Park Hotel Workshop Locations
Garden Room
Palm Rooms
Park Ballroom
Plaza Ballroom Sheraton Park Hotel
1855 S. Harbor Blvd.
Anaheim, CA 92802
Sabrosada ............................... 1770 S Harbor Blvd #128 ........ (714) 817-6932 ........7am - 2am ................ 7am - 2am.................. 7am - 12mid
Sbarro ...................................... Hilton Hotel .............................. (714) 750-4321 ........10am - 8pm .............. 10am - 8pm................ 10am - 8pm
Shakeys .................................. 1027 S Harbor Blvd ................. (714) 533-0442 ........11am - 11pm............. 11am - 11pm .............. 11am - 10pm
Star Burger .............................. 1770 S Harbor Blvd #132 ........ (714) 956-5456 ........10am - 1am .............. 10am - 1am................ 10am - 1am
Steakhouse 55......................... Disneyland Hotel ..................... (714) 956-6402 ........7am - 10pm .............. 7am - 10pm................ 7am - 10pm
Storytellers Caf ..................... Grand Californian .................... (714) 635-2300 ........7am - 10pm .............. 7am - 10pm................ 7am - 10pm
Submarina ............................... Hilton Hotel .............................. (714) 750-4321 ........10am - 8pm .............. 10am - 8pm................ 10am - 8pm
Subway .................................... 1770 S Harbor Blvd #136 ........ (714) 535-3277 ........24 hours ................... 24 hours ..................... 24 hours
Taco Mi Pueblo ........................ 1188 W Katella Ave.................. (714) 778-3100 ........7am - 4am ................ 7am - 4am.................. 7am - 4am
Tangerine Grill & Patio ............. 1030 W Katella Ave ................. (714) 772-1186 ........7am - 10pm .............. 7am - 10pm................ 7am - 10pm
Tanor........................................ 1770 S Harbor Blvd #138 ........ (714) 808-9755 ........9am - 12mid ............. 9am - 12mid ............... 9am - 12mid
The Fifth .................................. 1650 S Harbor Blvd ................. (714) 772-0899 ........5pm - 1am ................ 5pm - 1am.................. 5pm - 11pm
The Pizza Press ...................... 1534 S Harbor Blvd ................. (714) 323-7134 ........11am - 1am .............. 11am - 1am ................ 11am - 1am
Tiffys Family Restaurant ......... 1060 W Katella Ave ................. (714) 635-1801 ........6am - 2am ................ 6am - 2am.................. 6am - 2am
Tony Romas ............................ 1640 S Harbor Blvd ................. (714) 520-0200 ........11am - 11pm............. 11am - 11pm .............. 11am - 10pm
Tortilla Jos ............................... Downtown Disney .................... (714) 535-5000 ........11am - 11pm............. 9am - 11pm ................ 9am - 10pm
B 10
O 0
Notre Dame Creations ........................119, 121, 218, 220 Sisters of Mercy West Midwest...........741
SHCJ Art/France White .......................244, 246 Sisters of St. Francis of Neumann .....743
Religious Articles Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet ....115, 117
3 Arches USA/HolyLandShopping......175, 177, 179, 274, 276... Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange ..........106, 108
Cotter Church Supplies .......................575, 577, 579, 674, 676 Society Devoted to Sacred Heart .......591
Ecumenicus/ Rogationist Pub.............551, 553, 650, 652 Society of the Divine Savior ................746
Fundacin Ramon Pane .....................371, 470, 755, 757 Vincentian Family ................................667, 669
BOO 18
Our Sunday Visitor ...........................................................501, 503, 505, 600, 602, 604 (800) 348-2440
PAL Campaign ..................................................................745 (818) 913-2983
Palomar Christian Conference Center..............................747 (760) 742-3400
Pamela T. Hardiman Liturgical Fiber Art ...........................149 (860) 676-9158
Paraclete Press ................................................................213, 215, 217, 219 (800) 451-5006
Parish Data System ..........................................................515 (800) 736-7425
Parish Twinning Program of the Americas........................570 (812) 246-2512
ParishSOFT ......................................................................618 (866) 930-4774