St. Columba Parish: 3327 Glencolum Drive, San Diego, CA 92123
St. Columba Parish: 3327 Glencolum Drive, San Diego, CA 92123
St. Columba Parish: 3327 Glencolum Drive, San Diego, CA 92123
Columba Parish
3327 Glencolum Drive, San Diego, CA 92123
PARISH OFFICE STAFF: CHILDCARE: Every Sunday at 9:30 am in the Preschool; for
infants and children up to four years of age.
Kathi Lohry Parish Secretary
Marlo Antonio Business Manager, CULTURE OF LIFE MINISTRY: For information, call Louise
Pastoral Assistant Holland at 619-316-7498.
BAPTISMS: DIVINE MERCY DEVOTION: Mondays and Fridays at 3:00 p.m.
Call Deacon Vasquez - 619-818-0972 or in the Daily Chapel (chaplet, rosary and a reading from
the diary of St. Faustina)
MARRIAGES: 7:00-8:00 pm in the Ministry Center. Call Robin at (858) 277-
3861 for more information.
Nine months preparation required.
Call the Parish Office for information. GREETERS/USHERS: Terry Foster at 858-427-7178.
Spiritus - Hans Becker - 9:30 am LAY APOSTLES for JESUS CHRIST RETURNING KING: 2nd
Contemporary - Tess Nelson - 5:30 pm (Sun.) Tuesday in the Music Room, 6:30-8 p.m. Contact Peggy
Keller at (619) 933-6677.
MENS CLUB: The 1st Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. in the Hall. All
R.C.I.A. men of the parish are welcome and encouraged to join.
Contact Curtis Carlson at 858-337-5768.
Mike Conroy (858) 278-1507
MENS FAITH GROUP: First Saturday, 8:45 am in the Ministry
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AND YOUTH OFFICE: Center. All men are invited to this informal spiritual
gathering to share prayer, discussion and donuts.
Robin Keator, DCM (858) 277-3861 (619) 922-7941 PRAYER MEETING: Join us in praise, songs, scripture
Office hours: Sundays, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm readings, teachings and worship every Thursday at 7:00
p.m. in the Ministry Center. For more info, call Mary Quinn
Mon., Tues., & Wed., 5:30-9:00 pm at (858) 278-0526.
ST. COLUMBA SCHOOL: R.C.I.A.: The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults is for adults
seeking Baptism and for baptized adults seeking the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation. For more info,
Rose Navarro, Principal (858) 279-1882 call Mike Conroy at 858-278-1507.
Linda Glenwinkel, Secretary (858) 279-1882 ROSARY MAKERS: First Thursday at 2:00 p.m. in the Music
Trish Gilsdorf, Preschool Director (858) 279-0161 Room. Call Teresa for more info at 858-277-6240.
Marlo Antonio, Business Manager (858) 277-3863
SENIORS CLUB: 2nd & 4th Thursdays of the month, 10:30
MEMBERSHIP a.m. in the Parish Hall. Open to seniors over 50 in our parish.
For more info, contact Deanie at 858-565-9597.
To register as a member, please complete a white YOUTH GROUP: Sundays, 6:30-8:00 p.m. in Ministry Center for
registration card found at the back of the church, or register both Junior & Senior High. Info: call (858) 277-3861.
online through our website (listed on cover).
Also, if you are currently using envelopes, please inform the YOUNG ADULT GROUP: Contact Karina at 858-602-8470 or
rectory of any status/address change. by email:
Please pray for:
For the Catholic community, the Gospel mandate to welcome the stranger is a searing
responsibility, not only in our personal lives, but also in guiding our efforts to create a just
society in a world filled with suffering and turmoil.
For this reason, the historic identity of the United States as a safe haven for refugees fleeing
war and persecution is for American Catholics both a source of justifiable pride and an
unswerving religious commitment, even as we recognize that at shameful moments in our
national history prejudice, fear and ignorance have led our country to abandon that identity.
This week is just such a shameful moment of abandonment for the United States.
The executive order signed by President Trump on Friday professes to be a necessary step
in securing the safety of Americans. But the design of the order--and its chaotic
implementation--unmask the reality that this Presidential order arose not from a careful
effort to balance the needs of security with our commitment to welcome refugees amidst
the greatest refugee crisis since World War II. Rather, this executive order is the introduction
into law of campaign sloganeering rooted in xenophobia and religious prejudice. Its
devastating consequences are already apparent for those suffering most in our world, for
our standing among nations, and for the imperative of rebuilding unity within our country
rather than tearing us further apart.
This week the Statue of Liberty lowered its torch in a presidential action which repudiates
our national heritage and ignores the reality that Our Lord and the Holy Family were
themselves Middle Eastern refugees fleeing government oppression. We cannot and will
not stand silent.
Dear Families,
Catholic Schools Week has come to an end. It was a fun-filled week bringing our community together. It is our
goal to continue instilling in our students the values that Catholic education has to offer, and strengthening
the faith of our students, teachers, and families by our words and actions.
Some of the highlights of Catholic Schools Week were Spirit Day, Student Appreciation Day, Parent/Volunteer
Appreciation, and Grandparents Day. On Teacher Appreciation Day the Student Council had a cart of morn-
ing goodies that they took around to each teacher in the morning. The lunch provided for the teachers by
PTG was also a big treat for the staff.
On behalf of the teachers and staff I thank you for supporting St. Columba towards making it a community of
Faith, Knowledge, and Service.
In Christ,
Ms. Navarro
Re-registration is just around the corner! Please remember in order to re-register you need to be current with
tuition, extended care and preschool fees. If you have any concerns, please contact Ms. Navarro.
Thank you, to all our families, parishioners and friends who support this great program for our school. You can place your
order on line just go to enter the school code: 5B7465D45922 and follow the simple instructions.
You can also set up through Presto Pay so you can order and pay all at the same time. If you need an order form, please
stop by the office to pick one up to place your order. Please remember orders are placed once a week, and all orders
received by Friday will be available the following week for pick up.
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