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10th Cantonal English Language Competition

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Primary Schools

Sarajevo, 28 March 2011

Code: _________


The test has three sections:

- Grammar, 60 questions (60 points)
- Vocabulary, 30 questions (30 points)
- Reading, 10 questions (10 points)
TOTAL: 100 questions (100 points)
The time allowed: 100 minutes
Read the questions carefully
Answer the questions on the Answer Sheet
Do not write anything on the Test set
For each question choose only one answer (the best alternative)
Do the Answer Sheet as in the example below:

Example: We _________________ a test now.

A do B have done C are doing D to do

Read the questions carefully and choose the correct answer:

9. We were looking _____ to meeting her

1. When the Europeans came to the USA, the because everybody knew that she was a nice
Native Americans _____ there for thousands of person.
a) about b) for
a) had already lived b) already lived c) forward d) out
c) living d) have already lived
10. Which sentence is incorrect?
2. From 2000 until 2003, he _____ in a small
house near school. a) I want you to look after my sister.
b) You needn't buy any apples.
a) had lived b) has lived c) You mustn't pull the cat tail.
c) lived d) has living d) Shall I open the window for you?

3. Physics _____ the study of matter, energy, 11. Both of us _____ English at school but
force and motion. neither of us _____ French.

a) is being b) are a) learn / learn b) learn / learns

c) is d) have been c) learns / learn d) learns / learns

4. What _____ he going to _____ at the party? 12. Which Past Participle forms are correct?

a) does / do b) is / do a) payed / put / ridden / came / broken

c) is / does d) do / does b) payed / put / roden / came / broke
c) paid / put / ridden / came / broken
5. I don't recommend _____ too long on that d) paid / put / ridden / come / broken
machine if this is the first time that you've
done it. 13. I don't know _____ to the party.

a) to exercise b) exercise a) I will go b) whether I will go

c) you to exercise d) exercising c) will I go d) if will I go

6. We were wondering how _____ to the 14. He couldn't find his ticket. Betty realized
concert on time. that she had put _____ in _____ handbag. His
ticket was found but what about _____?
a) could we get b) can we get
c) are we going to get d) we could get a) it / her / hers b) it / hers / her
c) its / her / hers d) her / her / hers
7. My parents _____ stay out late.
15. I usually go to his house _____ the
a) lets me b) let me to evening, but sometimes I go _____ the day.
c) to let me d) let me Then we usually walk _____ the river.

8. All of us _____ watching TV but none of us a) at / in / during

_____ dancing. b) in / during / along
a) doesn't like / likes b) like / likes c) at / during / along
c) like / like d) likes / likes d) in / during / across

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16. A: ''I need _____ furniture for my new

flat.'' 23. I think I'll have a shower _____ I have
B: ''How _____ money have you got dinner.
A: ''Well, it's difficult question. I have got a) a while b) before
____ c) until d) when
time to count it.''
24. Direct Speech
a) some / much / some b) some / much / no Susan asked Andy: ''Why did you call me
c) some / many / no d) some / many / some yesterday?''

Indirect Speech
17. Which sentence has the wrong preposition?
a) She asked him why did he call her the day
a) Why don't you apologize your friend about before.
hitting him? b) She asked him why he called her the
b) What time is the plane due to arrive in previous day.
Paris? c) She asked him why he had called her the
c) He will look for another solution, if he previous day.
doesn't like this idea. d) She asked him why he called her the day
d) She has given up her job to raise her before.
25. There are no clouds in the sky. It _____
18. Which word can be an adjective and an rain.
a) is not going to b) will not
a) daily b) simply c) is raining d) is going to
c) angrily d) sadly
26. X rays _____ by accident while Roentgen
19. I'd prefer if you _____ in front of the ____
children. with electricity.

a) don't smoke b) didn't smoke a) were discovered / were experimenting

c) weren't smoke d) didn't smoked b) were discovered / was experimenting
c) discovered / was experimenting
20. The year studying _____ the USA gives d) were discovered / experimenting
students personal knowledge _____ American
culture. 27. She _____ unless we invite her.

a) at / in b) at / of a) might come b) will come

c) in / of d) in / in c) won't come d) may come

21. _____ President faced the difficult task of 28. My sister is not used to _____ late.
putting _____ economy back on _____ its feet.
a) working b) works
a) The / an / b) / the / c) work d) worked
c) The / an / the d) The / the /
29. If he _____ hard, he _____ fail in the
22. Mary cut the cake _____ , she?
a) studied / will b) studied / won't
a) isn't b) doesn't c) doesn't study / would d) studied / wouldn't
c) don't d) didn't
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b) It takes us twenty minutes to come to the

30. He was _____ to find that the film was station.
quite _____. c) They are not never late for school.
d) I didn' know where my key was.
a) surprised / bored b) surprised / boring
c) surprising / boring d) surprising / boring 38. Some of his works _____ to several
different countries last year.
31. This is the manager _____ Bill works for.
a) was sent b) were send
a) whom b) what c) were sent d) was send
c) who d) which
39. I wish I _____ that actor when he was in
32. My sister _____ the book for weeks but our town.
she _____ finished it yet.
a) had met b) met
a) have been reading / haven't finished c) have met d) had meet
b) has been reading / hasn't finish
c) has been reading / hasn't finished 40. We arrived at _____ airport just in time to
d) have reading / hasn't finished see _____ airplane took off.

33. Can _____ borrow _____ book? I need a) the / b) the / an

_____ . c) / an d) an / the
Kate needs _____ .
41. ''You seem _____ upset. What's the matter?
a) I / your / it /hers b) you / my / her / hers Will you please stop _____?''
c) I / your / her / her d) you / your / it / it
a) being / crying b) being /cry
34. You _____ eat so much sweets if you want c) to be / crying d) to be / cry
to lose weight.
42. John wouldn't be late for work if he _____.
a) wouldn't b) mustn't
c) needn't d) haven't to a) doesn't oversleep b) didn't overslept
c) oversleeps d) didn't oversleep
35. They haven't heard from him _____ last
week. 43. When he was a child he _____ running
every day.
a) yet b) for
c) before d) since a) was going b) used to go
c) had gone d) have gone
36. ''This dress is small. Have you got _____
but _____ this one?'' 44. Which of the following is wrong?
''Yes, but it's _____ than others.''
a) in 2009 b) on Friday afternoon
a) bigger / as beautiful like / more expensive c) in Monday morning d) at noon
b) bigger / as beautiful as / more expensive
c) biggest / as beautiful as / expensive 45. ''What _____ , girls?''
d) bigger / as beautiful / more expensive ''We _____ just _____ .''
''Are you sure? You _____ very strange to me.''

37. Which sentence is wrong? a) are you doing / are talking / are looking
b) are you doing / are talking / look
a) She'd finished her homework before we c) do you do / are talked / look
arrived. d) are you doing / are talking / looking

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46. They found one of Franklin's sailors in a) much / many / no b) many / much / any
1857 but he _____ ten years earlier. c) many / any / no d) much / much /much

a) had died b) died 55. Which one isn't an adverb?

c) has died d) had die
a) badly b) lovely
47. I believe they don't have _____ money to c) quickly d) seriously
buy a car.
56. ''My children haven't eaten yet.''
a) many more b) the more ''Don't worry, I _____ them the sandwiches.''
c) enough d) fewer
a) am going to make b) will make
48. I think I _____ a manager when I grow up. c) make d) going to make

a) am b) will be 57. They _____ in Boston for ten years and

c) am being d) am going to be then went to L. A.

49. Which of the following is correct? a) have lived b) were living

c) have been living d) lived
a) sheeps / feet / babies / toys / halves
b) sheep / feet / babies / toys / halves 58. There wasn't _____ in the room.
c) sheeps / feet / babies / toyes / halves
a) sheep / foot / babyes / toys / halfs a) anybody b) somebody
c) nobody d) some people
50. Since the day she _____ Bob she _____
interested in music. 59. _____ that you would be at the meeting.

a) met / has been b) met / have been a) I was said b) It was said to me
c) had met / is d) has met / is c) I was told d) It was told me

51. I am satisfied _____ their progress so far. 60. As I _____ for the bus I saw two boys
a) of b) with
c) at d) in a) wait b) was wait
c) was waiting d) am
52. Every day Tony _____ home at 7 o'clock
so that he _____ in his office at 8.

a) leaves / can b) leaves / can be

c) left / can be d) leave / can

53. They were asked _____ to eat. This is the end of Grammar Section. Now do
the next section.
a) do they want b) if they would
c) if they want d) would they want

54. ''How _____ homework have you got

''I don't know how _____ maths exercises we
have, but I know that we have _____ lessons
Tomorrow is Saturday.
Sarajevo Canton, Ministry of Education and Science Pedagogical Institute 5


Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence:

1. He admitted his affair with Jane could never develop into a lasting ______ .
a) relation b) attitude c) relationship d) terms

2. Confident workers feel more _______ and content when they share their opinions with their
a) appreciated b) obsolete c) absent d) abstract

3. If you risk everything on one opportunity, you put ______.

a) all your glass in one beg c) all your eggs into one basket
b) all your diamonds in your left pocket d) cups and plates in a big suitcase

4. I've been ______ advised not to say anything.

a) strongly b) greatly c) seriously d) utterly

5. Research suggests that ________ replacing negative thoughts with optimistic ones may improve
your outlook, reduce stress and lift your self-esteem.
a) cowardly b) scarcely c) consistently d) incidentally

6. We'd better start earlier. We should allow _______ traffic delays.

a) for b) with c) of d) against

7. It's welcoming town; people are extremely _________.

a) greedy b) hospitable c) concrete d) prevalent

8. The candidates will never be asked on the exams _______ between British and American English.
a) to distinguish b) to reduce c) to discard d) to obstruct

9. Extra water in the diet is generally beneficial to the health and it ________ for the skin.
a) does time b) works wonders c) make tracks d) does tracks

10. Nicole passed the hard Physics exam because she is a ______ student.
a) tolerant b) dignified c) complimentary d) dedicated

11. The flight is cheap, but if you add _______ accommodation costs the holiday will be quite
a) with b) in c) from d) into

12. If you feel "Like a fish _______ water" you feel in the wrong place.
a) in b) out of c) under d) over

13. He had butterflies in his stomach. He was ______.

a) tired b) sick c) idealistic d) nervous

14. The police are conducting an _________ into the causes of the accident.
a) investigation b) enquiry c) inquiry d) query

15. He ___________ all day to finish the wallpapering.

a) worked like a dog b) worked like an ant c) worked like a charm d) worked like a magic

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16. ________ this occasion, I would like to express my thanks.

a) at b) for c) in d) on

17. We'll be sending out free _______ of our latest line in cosmetics.
a) specimen b) pattern c) example d) sample

18. He always follows that old _______: early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and
a) phrase b) ballad c) adage d) analogy

19. Although he is very rich, John's father refused to _________ him the money he needed to buy the
a) borrow b) lend c) get d) let

20. Some people are so ______ that they refuse to change their minds if they are wrong.
a) rustic b) converted c) stunned d) stubborn

21. Working as a team will better enable the company to ________ its goals.
a) reach b) take c) remove d) stretch

22. The weather report predicts ______ rain in the northern parts of the country.
a) hard b) heavy c) difficult d) heavily

23. They have decided to _______ a line in the sand and start all over again.
a) designate b) draw c) sketch d) delineate

24. You can't get pills except on ______.

a) receipt b) prescription c) recipe d) reception

25. Who is in charge _______ negotiations?

a) from b) of c) to d) with

26. She is ______ with having to do two people's job.

a) fed up b) felt down c) tired d) tiring

27. He should pass the test _______.

a) easy b) easilly c) easily d) at ease

28. Diversity is _______ as important as continuity.

a) just b) equal c) like d) similar

29. He _______ who could possibly be ringing at that early hour in the morning.
a) asked b) wandered c) considered d) wondered

30. My father wants me to study law, but I have made up my _______ to become an archaeologist,
a) heart b) head c) brain d) mind

This is the end of Vocabulary Section. Now do the next section


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Read the following article and answer the questions which follow: A, B, C or D

The Choking Dog

"Come on, come on, move it!"

Joanne beat impatiently on the steering wheel of her Mercedes sports car. How stupid to get caught up
in the rush hour! She had planned to leave work early this afternoon, at three o'clock, to give herself a
chance to relax and have a bath before going out to a meeting of her local tennis club. But just at ten to
three a client had arrived, and it was two hours before she had finished dealing with the man. When she
came out of her office, all the other staff in the Highlight Advertising Agency had already left. Now she
was stuck in a traffic jam in central Birmingham at 5:30, and at 6:30 she was expected to be chairing a
meeting of the tennis club. There would be no time for any hot bath.
Ahead of her, the traffic was moving at last, and she swung quickly out into the centre lane to turn
right, and raced the last half-mile through the quiet suburban streets to her house. Pulling up on the
driveway, she leapt out of the car and ran for the house. As she opened the door, she nearly tripped over
Sheba, who was standing behind it.
"Hey, Sheba, hello," she said, bending down to stroke the large Alsatian dog's head, "I've got no time
for you now, but I'll take you out as soon as I get back from the tennis club."
It was then that she noticed something worrying about the dog. Sheba seemed to be coughing or
choking, her stomach pumping repeatedly as if she was trying to vomit something up. She was obviously
in real discomfort and could hardly breathe; her sad eyes gazed up at Joanne helplessly.
"Oh damn, this is all I need now," said Joanne to herself, dropping her briefcase and bending down to
take a closer look, "a sick dog, today of all days!" On closer examination, Sheba did look very sick, and
Joanne realized she would have to take her down to the vet immediately. Luckily, the vet's surgery was
only a few streets away, and Joanne quickly loaded the dog, still coughing and choking, into her car for
the short drive.
When she got there, the surgery was just about to close for the day. Luckily, Dr. Sterne had not left yet,
and when he saw the state of Sheba, he brought her quickly into his office.
"It looks like something is stuck in her throat," said Dr. Sterne. It shouldn't take me too long to get it
out." "Listen, doctor, I'm really in a rush to get to a meeting -- can I leave her with you, and go and get
changed? I'll be back in ten minutes to pick her up, then I'll take her on to the meeting with me. Is that
OK?" "Sure," said the doctor. "You get going. I'll see you in ten minutes."
Joanne jumped back into her car again, and made the quick trip round to her house in a couple of
minutes. As she was once more entering the hallway, the phone on the table by the door began to ring.
She picked it up, annoyed by this additional interruption to her plans.
"This is Dr. Sterne," said an anxious voice. "Is that you, Joanne?"
"Of course it's me," said Joanne, surprised at the sound of his voice, "no-one else lives here."
"I want you to get right out of that house immediately," said the doctor's voice. "Right now. I'm
coming round right away, and the police will be there any time now. Wait outside for us." The phone went
dead. Joanne stared at it. She was confused, but she was also a little frightened by the obvious fear in the
voice of the doctor. She replaced the receiver, then quickly backed out of the door and ran into the street.
At that moment, a police car with its lights flashing swung round the corner and screeched to a stop
outside the house. Two policemen got out. After briefly checking that she was the owner of the house,
they ran into the house through the still open door, without explaining anything. Joanne was by now
completely confused and very frightened. Then the doctor arrived.
"Where's Sheba? Is she OK?" shouted Joanne, running over to his car.
"She's fine, Joanne. I extracted the thing which was choking her, and she's OK now."
"Well what's this all about? Why are the police in my house?"
Just then, the two policemen reappeared from the house, half-carrying a white-faced figure, a man in a
dark grey sweater and jeans, who, it seemed, could hardly walk. There was blood all over him.
"My God," said Joanne, "how did he get in there? And how did you know he was there?"
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"I think he must be a burglar," said the doctor. "I knew he was there because when I finally removed
what was stuck in Sheba's throat, it turned out to be three human fingers. I don't think he's a very happy

1. Where did Joanne work?

a) an advertising agency b) a vet's surgery c) a Mercedes dealer's office d) the text does not say

2. Why was she angry at the beginning of the story?

a) She was lost. b) She had lost a client at work. c) She was stuck in a traffic jam d) Her dog was sick

3. Why did she take the dog to Dr. Sterne's surgery?

a) It was time for Sheba's checkup. b) The dog couldn't breathe properly.

c) She wanted to get her out of the house. d) The doctor had asked to see her.

4. Why did she leave the dog at the surgery and drive home again?

a) She wanted to catch a burglar. b) The dog was too sick to come home.
c) The doctor wanted to keep her. d) Joanne wanted to change her clothes.

5. How long did it take Joanne to drive home from the surgery?

a) two minutes b) ten minutes c) an hour d) the text does not say

6. What happened as she arrived home for the second time?

a) The police arrived. b) The telephone rang.

c) The dog died. d) A burglar was just escaping.

7. Why did the doctor tell her to get out of the house?

a) There was a dangerous dog in there. b) It was on fire.

c) He knew there was a burglar inside. d) He wanted to meet her outside.

8. Why did the burglar look very sick?

a) The police had caught him, and he would probably have to go to prison.
b) He had caught a disease from the dog.
c) He hadn't found any valuable things to steal.
d) The dog had bitten off his fingers.

9. The story says that the dog "gazed up at Joanne helplessly". "Gazed" means

a) stared b) cried c) barked d) laughed

10. A "vet's surgery" is probably

a) a serious operation b) a minor operation

c) an animal doctor's office d) a police station
Sarajevo Canton, Ministry of Education and Science Pedagogical Institute 9

This is the end of test.

Good luck!

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