86353-2013-The Overseas Voting Act of 2013
86353-2013-The Overseas Voting Act of 2013
86353-2013-The Overseas Voting Act of 2013
"(i) Oce for Overseas Voting (OFOV) refers to the Oce of the
Commission tasked to oversee and supervise the eective
implementation of the Overseas Voting Act.
"24.10. . . . ."
"25.1.. . .
"(a). . . ;
"(b). . . ; and
"(c). . . .
"25.2. The overseas voter shall send her/his accomplished ballot
to the corresponding post that has jurisdiction over the country
where she/he temporarily resides. She/He shall be entitled to cast
her/his ballot at any time upon her/his receipt thereof: Provided,
That the same is received before the close of voting on the day of
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elections. The overseas absentee voter shall be instructed that
her/his ballot shall not be counted if not transmitted in the special
envelope furnished her/him.
"25.3. Only mailed ballots received by the post before the close
of voting on the day of elections shall be counted in accordance
with Section 27 hereof. All envelopes containing the ballots received
by the posts after the prescribed period shall not be opened, and
shall be cancelled and disposed of appropriately, with a
corresponding report thereon submitted to the Commission not
later than thirty (30) days from the day of elections."
"27.1. ...
"27.2. For these purposes, the Commission shall constitute as
many SBEIs as may be necessary to conduct and supervise the
counting of votes as provided in Section 27.2 hereof. The SBEIs to
be constituted herein shall be composed of a Chairman and two (2)
members, one (1) of whom shall be designated as poll clerk. The
ambassador or consul-general, or any career public ocer posted
abroad designated by the Commission, as the case may be, shall
act as the Chairman; in the absence of other government ocers,
the two (2) other members shall be citizens of the Philippines who
are qualied to vote under this Act and deputized by the
Commission not later than sixty (60) days before the day of
elections. All resolutions of the SBEIs on issues brought before it
during the conduct of its proceedings shall be valid only when they
carry the approval of the Chairman. aSAHCE
"27.3. ...
"27.5. ...
"27.6. . . . . For purposes of this Act, the returns of every
election for President and Vice-President prepared by the SBOCs
shall be deemed a certicate of canvass of a city or a province.
"27.7. . . . ."