Separation and Purification Technology
Separation and Purification Technology
Separation and Purification Technology
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Regarding the importance of adsorptive removal of carbon monoxide from hydrogen-rich mixtures
Received 1 October 2010 for novel applications (e.g. fuel cells), this work provides a series of experimental data on adsorption
Received in revised form 7 December 2010 isotherms and breakthrough curves of carbon monoxide. Three recently developed 5A zeolites and one
Accepted 10 December 2010
commercial activated carbon were used as adsorbents. Isotherms were measured gravimetrically at tem-
peratures of 278313 K and pressures up to 0.85 MPa. Breakthrough curves of CO were obtained from
dynamic column measurements at temperatures of 298301 K, pressures ranging from 0.1 MPa to ca.
6 MPa and concentrations of CO in H2 /CO mixtures of 517.5 mol%. A simple mathematical model was
Fixed bed
developed to simulate breakthrough curves on adsorbent beds using measured and calculated data as
Modeling inputs. The number of parameters and the use of correlations to evaluate them were restricted in order
Separation to focus the importance of measured values. For the given assumptions and simplications, the results
Hydrogen purication show that the model predictions agree satisfactorily with the experimental data at the different operating
Carbon monoxide conditions applied.
2010 Elsevier B.V. Open access under the Elsevier OA license.
1383-5866 2010 Elsevier B.V. Open access under the Elsevier OA license.
252 M. Bastos-Neto et al. / Separation and Purication Technology 77 (2011) 251260
rate remains constant along the bed (u/ t = 0), the mass balance The lm heat transfer coefcient between the gas and wall, hw ,
can be written as follows: was calculated according to the following equation:
Cg,i Cg,i 2 Cg,i (1 ) Cg,i q i Nu kg
+u Dax + p + ap =0 (1) hw = (12)
t z z 2 t t di
The ideal gas law is used to correlate the partial pressures to the The Nusselt number, Nu, was set to 5.77, which corresponds to
concentrations: plug ow with constant wall temperature in a circular tube [23] and
the gas mixture thermal conductivity, kg , was calculated as reported
p=RT Cg,i (2) in Refs. [23,24] at feed conditions and assumed to be constant along
i the bed operation.
The following boundary and initial conditions were used:
Ignoring the external mass transfer effect and using the LDF
approximation for intra-pellet diffusion, the rate in which the aver- Dax Cg,i
Cg,i (z = 0, t) = + C0
age concentration changes is expressed as follows: u z
Cg,i (z > 0, t = 0) = 0
q i
= keff (qi q i ) (3) Cg,i
t =0
z z=L
The effective mass transfer coefcient, keff , was assumed to be
constant for a given operation and tted to each breakthrough
T (z = 0, t) = T0
The assumption of thermal equilibrium between gas and adsor- T (z > 0, t = 0) = T0
bent in each axial position is reported to be very reasonable [4].
Additionally, no dispersive energy transfer is taken into account. T
Another simplication is that the adsorbed phase heat capacity is z z=L
negligible [16], as its magnitude is much lower than the sum of the The boundary and initial conditions dene an empty adsorber,
other heat capacities (uid phase, adsorbent and wall). Hence, we
have two energy balances: which is thermally equilibrated with the environment at the begin-
ning, with no concentration and temperature gradients within the
1 T
bed outlet. The well known Dankwerts boundary condition was
(Cg,i cpg,i ) u + (Cg,i cvg,i ) + ap cs applied at the inlet of the adsorber to consider the effects of disper-
z t
i i sion on the concentration.
4hw 1
The model parameters were analyzed for the relative sensitivity
+ (T Tw ) + ap Hi =0 (4) on the process dynamics and inuence on the simulation. Model
di t
i validation was accomplished by comparing simulations with the
and experimental data.
w cpw = w hw (T Tw ) wL Ug (Tw T ) (5) 3. Materials and methods
where w and wL are geometrical factors (see nomenclature) and Hydrogen (99.9992%) and carbon monoxide (99.997%), used in
the overall heat transfer coefcient, Ug , is set to zero (adiabatic this study, were supplied by Air Products (Germany). The used
system). adsorbents were three zeolites 5A, namely zeolite A and zeolite B
254 M. Bastos-Neto et al. / Separation and Purication Technology 77 (2011) 251260
Table 2
Column and bed characteristics.
Adsorbent sample
Table 3
Operating conditions of the breakthrough curves experiments and simulations.
C1 C2 C3
A1 A2 A3
B1 B2 B3 B4
E1 E2 E3 E4
F1 F2 F3 F4
Table 4
Fitting parameters of the Toth model for the adsorbent samples.
Adsorbent T0 [K] qmax0,i [mol kg1 ] K0,i [10 MPa1 ] n0,i i i Qi [J mol1 ] R2
AC D55/2 C PSA 298 6.272 0.112 0.662 0.000 0.443 14592 0.9998
Zeolite A 298 7.730 1.974 0.324 0.179 0.000 30463 0.9993
Zeolite B 298 5.815 1.330 0.415 0.177 0.000 31597 0.9995
KSTROLITH 5ABF 293 7.584 1.600 0.353 0.083 0.000 26676 0.9997
256 M. Bastos-Neto et al. / Separation and Purication Technology 77 (2011) 251260
a 3.0 b 3.5
AC D 55/2 C PSA
293 K
2.5 283 K
293 K
298 K 2.5 313 K
313 K 2.0
0.5 experimental points 0.5 experimental points
fit with Toth model fit with Toth model
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
pressure [MPa] pressure [MPa]
c 3.5 d 3.5
zeolite A 278 K zeolite B 278 K
3.0 3.0 293 K
293 K
298 K 298 K
2.5 313 K 2.5 313 K
2.0 2.0
1.5 1.5
1.0 1.0
experimental points experimental points
0.5 fit with Toth model
fit with Toth model
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
pressure [MPa] pressure [MPa]
Fig. 3. Isotherms of carbon monoxide on the samples used in the present study.
batic operating condition on the model. Although real adsorptive to generate more heat, effect which is also proportional to the feed
processes operate near to an adiabatic condition [31], this study partial pressure. For an adiabatic operation, the system is submitted
made used of a lab-scale xed bed with dimensions small enough to a higher temperature increase, which poses a negative impact on
to allow a certain degree of heat transfer to the environment during the adsorption capacity, dropping the amount of gas (CO) that can
the experimental runs. be adsorbed, as one can discern from the isotherms in Fig. 3. Con-
Referring to Table 4, one can observe that the heat of adsorp- sequently, the bed gets saturated faster and CO breaks through the
tion is signicantly higher for the zeolites in comparison with the column earlier.
activated carbon sample. Therefore, the process with zeolites tends
CO Adsorption
relative concentration (C/C0)
1.0 MPa
3.0 T = 293 K 0.8
adsorbed amount [mol kg ]
0.8 MPa
0.6 0.6 MPa
2.0 0.4 MPa
1.5 0.2 MPa
1.0 0.2
AC D 55/2 C PSA
0.5 zeolite A carbon monoxide
zeolite B
0.0 0 800 1600 2400 3200 4000
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
time [s]
pressure [MPa]
Fig. 5. Inuence of the isotherm curvature on the breakthrough time with simulated
Fig. 4. Comparison of the adsorption capacities of the samples at 293 K. curves for different feed partial pressures of carbon monoxide.
M. Bastos-Neto et al. / Separation and Purication Technology 77 (2011) 251260 257
a 1.0
zeolite A
carbon monoxide
C2 0.8 A3
C1 A2
0.6 A1
C3 0.6
AC D 55/2 C PSA
0.2 carbon monoxide
0 800 1600 2400 3200 4000 4800
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
time [s] time [s]
1.0 1.0
relative concentration (C/C0)
0.4 0.4
e 1.0
relative concentration (C/C0)
0.8 F3
0.6 F2
0.2 carbon monoxide
0 1200 2400 3600 4800 6000 7200
time [s]
Fig. 6. Breakthrough curves of carbon monoxide on different samples. Points were experimentally obtained and solid lines are simulations with the proposed model.
Operating conditions for each curve are listed in Table 3.
In the case of the experiments with activated carbon (C1, C2 and carbon. For the operating condition F3 with the zeolite KSTROLITH
C3), heat should be generated in a lower rate. The same argument is 5ABF, which is even milder than C3 considering the bed height
also valid for the cases of B1, E1, E2 and F1, where the feed is much and feed concentration, the temperature increases 8.2 K. For the
diluted on CO. set of conditions F4 the temperature increase reaches a value of
To illustrate the heat effects on the temperature increase, Fig. 7 10.5 K, which is quite considerable to affect the bed adsorptive
was plotted with the simulated temperature proles at the col- capacity. As one can observe from the same plot, the simulated tem-
umn exit for some representative cases, namely C3, F3 and F4. The perature rises and remains practically constant since the system
temperature increases only 2.6 K for the run C3 with the activated is considered to operate adiabatically. Hence, the relative con-
258 M. Bastos-Neto et al. / Separation and Purication Technology 77 (2011) 251260
simulated temperature
310 adiabatic process
exit temperature [K]
300 2.6 K
298 C3
qi Ki qmax,i
isoterm curvature = = (14)
p (1/ni +1)
(1 + (Ki p)ni )
centration of the simulated breakthrough curves also reaches the
unity at the same rate that the temperature reaches the maximum. In Fig. 8, points represent the keff values, which were connected
Unlikely to the experiments, for which it was already observed that by means of an empiric exponential decay function of the type
heat is transferred to the environment, the temperature reaches a y = axb , and the lines correspond to the isotherm curvature for the
maximum and then starts to decrease and consequently the exper- zeolites. Although no direct match is found, the purpose of this
imental curves present a slow approach to unity. illustration is to observe the relationship between keff and qi / p
Other minor mismatches are also found in the mass transfer by the trend shown with the pressure.
zone (MTZ), more specically on the prediction of the upper region The neglect of the pressure drop also seems to be very rea-
of some breakthrough curves (e.g. A1, A2, B1, B2, B3, E3 and E4). sonable for the conditions studied. Despite the common use of an
This is likely to be caused by a tailing effect stemmed from the additional equation to describe the pressure drop along the bed,
heat of adsorption, which was also observed and discussed in more the relative small lengths of the adsorbers in the present study do
details in references [3234]. The deviation between simulation not seem to be susceptible to signicant speed variations due to
and experimental results may come from the isotherm variation by changes in the total pressure, which is supposed to be controlled
temperature change and the velocity gap between MTZ and tem- by an appropriate device.
perature proles. Additionally, changes on the temperature also If the system experiences pressure drops, it is expected that the
lead to changes in the kinetics and such effect was not considered ow rate becomes higher and, therefore, the component should
on the model. earlier breakthrough. No obvious correlation between bed length
The ow rate, inuenced by the operating pressure, also plays and the occurrence of considerable pressure drop could be observed
a role on the process dynamics. What one could also expect from in this work.
the isotherms in Fig. 3 is that the higher the pressure, the higher CO It is difcult to compare the experimental performance data
adsorption and accumulation in the adsorber. Consequently, there of H2 /CO separation between the samples studied here because
could be a misinterpretation of the graphs in Fig. 6. But what actu- of different operating conditions and system parameters. That the
ally happens is an indirect inuence of the pressure on the retention activated carbon presents a less efcient performance in relation
time, as the volume is compressed reducing the ow speed and to the zeolites is an expected fact, since its adsorption capacity for
increasing the contact time between gas and solid. CO is far lower. But in view of a cyclic process, the cyclic capacities
The mass ow controllers provide a volume ow under stan- of the samples are fairly comparable, depending on working pres-
dard conditions. Therefore an increasing of pressure by a known sure range, seeing that the shapes of the isotherms are practically
factor would reduce the ow, in an ideal case, also by the same fac- identical. The most important factor regarding cyclic capacities is
tor. As a consequence, the contact time of solid and gas phases is the slope of the isotherm within the working pressure range.
reduced with increasing pressure. Neglecting the slight differences A comparison between the zeolites only is even harder, never-
on the temperature and ow rate, the experiments with zeolite A theless we attempted an evaluation of the performance based on
and zeolite B illustrate the problem. the experimental stoichiometric time corrected with respect to the
The mass transport coefcient affects the steepness and the size mass of sample. Similar sets of conditions are desirable for such
of the mass transfer zone of a breakthrough curve [7,19]. A faster procedure and therefore we selected A1 for the zeolite A, B2 for the
mass transport (i.e. kinetics) is highly desired for a more efcient zeolite B and F2 for the KSTROLITH 5ABF, which correspond to ca.
use of the adsorbent bed. Regardless of our assumption of constant 2 MPa, ca. 298 K and 17.5% CO in the feed. The time (in s) divided by
behavior, this parameter is actually related to the material trans- the sample mass (in g) give us 98.07 for zeolite A, 98.00 for zeolite
port into the pores of the adsorbent, which by itself depends on B and 98.00 for the KSTROLITH 5ABF. These results are identical,
the concentration gradient, temperature and pressure, and is asso- considering the temperature difference between each set of condi-
ciated to the curvature of the correspondent isotherm [19]. This tions and experimental deviations, and this is a clear indication that
association is illustrated in Fig. 8 with the plot of the tted values the key for optimizing the performance of H2 /CO separation lies in
of keff , which are listed in Table 5, along with the isotherm curvature the adsorption equilibrium, which was presented by the isotherms
against the total pressure. in advance.
M. Bastos-Neto et al. / Separation and Purication Technology 77 (2011) 251260 259
Table 5
Fitted values of the effective mass transport coefcient.
C1 C2 C3
A1 A2 A3
1 2 3
keff [s ] 1.50 10 6.25 10 3.25 103
B1 B2 B3 B4
keff [s1 ] 1.75 101 1.50 102 6.75 103 3.75 103
E1 E2 E3 E4
1 2 1 2
keff [s ] 7.50 10 1.25 10 2.50 10 2.50 102
F1 F2 F3 F4
keff [s1 ] 2.50 101 1.38 102 1.63 102 5.75 103
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