Position Paper
*This paper, written by Vincenza Snow, MD, Christel Mottur-Pilson, PhD, Richelle J. Cooper, MD, MSHS, and Jerome R. Hoffman, MD, MA, was developed for the Clinical Efficacy
Assessment Subcommittee: David C. Dale, MD (Chair); Patricia P. Barry, MD; William E. Golden, MD; Robert D. McCartney, MD; Keith W. Michl, MD; Allan R. Ronald, MD;
Sean R. Tunis, MD; Kevin B. Weiss, MD; and Preston L. Winters, MD. Approved by the Board of Regents on 16 July 2000.
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able at the time of the index visit, and a delayed decision pared with a clinical decision alone, at the cost of po-
about use of antibiotics eliminates the primary benefit of tentially undertreating an additional small group of pa-
antimicrobial therapy in adults (symptom relief), we do tients with GABHS. Unfortunately, although many
not include use of throat culture for clinical decision physicians currently perform rapid antigen tests, there is
making in this set of management principles. In addi- evidence that they frequently prescribe antimicrobial
tion, there are several reasonable approaches to the di- agents even when test results are negative [4.2.2].
agnosis of GABHS in an otherwise healthy adult, such
as use of clinical criteria alone or use of rapid antigen Treatment
testing as an adjunct to clinical screening. Either of these Reasons to consider prescribing antimicrobials to
strategies is associated with reasonable diagnostic accu- treat streptococcal pharyngitis include a desire to pre-
racy (approximate sensitivity 70%, specificity 70%) vent rheumatic fever, prevent acute glomerulonephritis,
and allows treatment decisions to be made early in the prevent suppurative complications, decrease contagion,
course of illness, when patients can receive symptomatic and ameliorate symptoms. Although reported rates may
benefit [4.0 4.2]. underestimate the true incidence of acute rheumatic fe-
Although use of clinical screening (history and ver, repeatedly low and unchanging reported rates over
physical examination) alone would leave some patients more than a decade prompted the Centers for Disease
with GABHS untreated and would result in overtreat- Control and Prevention to drop acute rheumatic fever
ment of others, it would prompt treatment of most pa- from active national surveillance in 1994. It is still im-
tients with GABHS while dramatically decreasing excess portant to consider local epidemics and to be prepared
antibiotic use. The most reliable predictors include ton- to revise the approach to treatment if evidence of an
sillar exudates, tender anterior cervical lymphadenopa- outbreak exists, although the number of discrete out-
thy, absence of cough, and history of fever. Several stud- breaks of acute rheumatic fever in the United States is
ies examining these four criteria in a clinical decision very small and should not overly influence physician
rule indicate that in patients who have three or four of behavior. Similarly, poststreptococcal acute glomerulo-
the criteria, the sensitivity and specificity (compared nephritis does occur but is extremely rare, even in the
with those of throat culture) are approximately 75% and absence of antibiotic treatment. Furthermore, there is
75%, respectively [4.2.1]. no evidence that antimicrobial therapy decreases inci-
Rapid antigen tests for GABHS, when compared dence of this complication [3.0, 3.1].
with the criterion standard of throat culture, have The incidence of suppurative complications, regard-
widely variable reported sensitivity (58% to 96%) and less of treatment with antimicrobials, is also small. The
specificity (63% to 100%), depending on the type of most common complication today is peritonsillar ab-
test and practice setting of the trial. These rapid antigen scess (quinsy). Recent clinical trials provide some evi-
tests can be done at the bedside, and treatment decisions dence that targeting antimicrobials to a subset of pa-
can be made in real time. The potential advantage of the tients with higher clinical likelihood of GABHS may
rapid antigen tests compared with clinical models is that prevent quinsy. In another recent review of GABHS
they have approximately the same sensitivity and per- pharyngitis in practice, however, the authors reported
haps greater specificity for predicting results of throat that the risk for peritonsillar abscess was not reduced
culture. The disadvantage is that many patients would because many affected patients do not present for care
need to be tested to achieve the possible gain in speci- until after the complication has developed [3.2, 3.3].
ficity beyond that provided by clinical information Streptococcal infection often occurs in epidemics,
alone. This would shift economic costs from a few extra and contagion is a problem in areas of overcrowding or
prescriptions to many extra rapid antigen tests. Perform- close contacts. Antimicrobial agents lead to far greater
ing rapid antigen testing only in individual patients with microbiological eradication of streptococcus by 48 to 72
an intermediate clinical probability of GABHS (those hours. However, the presymptomatic incubation period
with three, or perhaps two, of the four clinical variables) for GABHS is 2 to 5 days, during which the infection
and withholding antimicrobial agents from those with can be unknowingly transmitted to others. The effect of
negative results would decrease antimicrobial use, com- treatment on spread of disease in a noninstitutionalized
www.annals.org 20 March 2001 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 134 Number 6 507
Position Paper Appropriate Antibiotic Use for Acute Pharyngitis, Part 1
and a decrease in the duration of some patient symp- Grant Support: Dr. Cooper is supported in part by a National Research
toms by 1 or 2 days. Symptomatic improvement re- Service Award (F32 HS00134-01) from the Agency for Healthcare Re-
search and Quality.
quires that treatment begin within 48 to 72 hours of
symptom onset. For otherwise healthy adult patients Requests for Single Reprints: Customer Service, American College of
with GABHS pharyngitis who are averse to antimicro- PhysiciansAmerican Society of Internal Medicine, 190 N. Indepen-
dence Mall West, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
bial agents or medication, it is reasonable to suggest a
policy of no antimicrobial treatment and expect few Current Author Addresses: Drs. Snow and Mottur-Pilson: American
College of PhysiciansAmerican Society of Internal Medicine, 190 N.
measurable adverse consequences. An appropriate strat-
Independence Mall West, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
egy in most adult patients is to limit antimicrobial ther- Drs. Cooper and Hoffman: Department of Emergency Medicine, Uni-
apy to the minority of adults with a high likelihood of versity of California, Los Angeles, 924 Westwood Boulevard, Los Ange-
GABHS pharyngitis, who are most likely to benefit. les, CA 90024.
508 20 March 2001 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 134 Number 6 www.annals.org