MGMT 4 - Business Policies & Strategic Management
MGMT 4 - Business Policies & Strategic Management
MGMT 4 - Business Policies & Strategic Management
Balanga City
Course Description :
An integrating course for all the major functions of business. It deals with the comprehensive and strategic approaches to management. It considers the organization
in its totality from the viewpoint of senior management. The course provides a framework of analysis needed in assessing the firms internal strengths and
weaknesses, the opportunities and threats present in its external environment, as well as in evaluating complex problems the firm is confronted so that it can proffer
alternative courses of action and well-supported recommendations for future action.
Course Objectives: The course expects students to demonstrate competencies, analytical and critical skills in case analysis, strategy formulation and development
1. Analyze strategic planning through the formulation of vision-mission objectives for a business enterprise.
2. Demonstrate competence in analyzing competitive business strategies on the corporate and functional levels through the study and discussion of actual
business cases.
3. Examine the processes by which strategies are implemented through the development programs, budgets, policies & procedures.
4. Examine the process by which strategies are evaluated and controlled; and what measure of performance are applied to business.
1. Demonstrate research competence especially in the internal and external analysis and interpretation of the macro and micro environments of a firm
2. Demonstrate the ability to participate actively and cooperate harmoniously with others as a part of learning team.
3. Demonstrate excellent and effective communication skills orally, in writing and other visual forms.
1. Develop an appreciation of the role of strategic managers in the success of business firms.
2. Demonstrate ethical action, social awareness and responsibility when analyzing complex business issues and in solving business case problems.
Prepared by: Doris Rowena Z. Albelda Checked and Noted by: Jeff Triguerro Approved by: Dr. Marina Santos
Instructor Department Head College Dean
Learning Objectives Content References Timetable Learning Activities Assessment
(Book, Author, Chapter)
Prelims Wk 1 Assignment:
I. The Nature of Strategic Management STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Orientation Subject Introduction 1. Reaction Paper,
1. Defining Strategic 1. Definition of Strategic Management By Byars, Rue, Zahra An Effective
Management 2. The importance of policies in the Chapter 1 :Strategic Executive by
implementation of strategies Management An Overview Peter Drucker
2. Develop an appreciation of 3. The stages of Strategic Management Chapter 2: Analyzing the External Wk 2 Lecture / Discussion Quiz
the importance of strategic 4. The Strategic Management Process Environment 1. Define the
management in the success 5. Key terms in strategic management effects of Macro
of an organization. environment
II.Developing Business Vision ad Mission Forces to
3. Examine the Strategic Marketing
Management Process 1. Defining the Organizations guiding
Concepts and Cases 10th Edition 2. The Importance
4. Understanding the 2. Developing Organizational Policies
By Fred R. David Wk 3 Lecture / Discussion of
importance of Vision & from the Guiding Philosophy
Chapter 2 The Business Vision Wk 4 understanding
Mission in an organization 3. Defining Organizations Purpose
4. The Importance of Vision & Mission and Mission the Buying
5. Analyze strategic planning 5. Characteristics a Mission Statement
through the formulation or 6. Components of a Mission Statement
vision-mission objectives
for a business enterprise. III. The External Assessment
1. Problem
1. Characteristics of an Organizations Identification
6. Develop analytical skills
Environment 2. Management
through case analysis.
2. Defining the Key External Forces MARKETING MANAGEMENT Solution
7. Demonstrate the ability to 3. Requirements of Environmental The Millenium Edition Group Activity
participate actively and Analysis By Philip Kotler Case Analysis
cooperate harmoniously 4. Industry & Competitive Analysis Chapter 5 Scanning the Wk5 External Assessment
5. Porters Five Forces Model Marketing Environment Wk 6 and Strategy
with others as part of a
6. External Factor Evaluation (EFE
learning team through Formulation
Matrix) Prelim Exam
problem case class
IV. The Internal Assessment
Midterm 1. Definition of Internal Audit
Finals Lecture / Discussion Quiz
VII. Strategy Analysis and Choice STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT 1. The importance of
17.Understanding the 1. The Process of Generating and Concepts & Cases, 10th Edition cultural aspect to
implication of strategies to Selecting Strategies By Fred R. David Wk 13 strategy choice
different business 2. Comprehensive Strategy Chapter 7 Implementing Wk 14
functions. Formulation Framework Strategies
3. The Politics of Strategy Choice Chapter 9 Strategy Review &
4. The Cultural Aspects of Strategy Evaluation
VIII. Strategy Implementation Group Activity OUTPUT
Case Analysis Formulation of
1. The Nature of Strategy Implementing Communication
18.Understanding the Implementation Strategies Requiring Strategies
2. Marketing Issues
importance of Evaluation Wk 15 Culture Change
3. Finance / Accounting Issues
in Strategic Management Wk 16
4. Research & Development Issues
5. Management Information Issues Case Discussion Quiz
IX. Strategy Evaluation 1. The effects of
1. The Nature of Strategy Evaluation strategy
2. The Process of Evaluating implementation to
Strategies different mgt.
3. Strategy Evaluation Framework functions
4. The Balanced Scorecard Wk 17
5. Characteristics of an Effective Wk 18
Evaluation System
6. Contingency Planning & Auditing
Final Exam
Textbook: STRATEGICMANAGEMENT, Concepts & Cases, 10th Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005, by Fred R. David
Other References:
2. MARKETING MANAGEMENT, The Millennium Edition By Philip Kotler