Vocabulary Related To Law
Vocabulary Related To Law
Vocabulary Related To Law
Advocate: a lawyer
Alimony: prensin alimenticia
All rise. The Court is now in session
Attorney-at-law: the formal name for a lawyer
Attorney-in-fact: apoderado
Bail: fianza. Released on bail / granted bail
Bailiff: (in the US) an official who is responsible for prisoners who are appearing in
court. (in the UK) an official who takes away someone's possessions when they owe
Barrister: a lawyer in England or Wales who is allowed to speak in the higher law courts
Brief a barrister
Call a witness
Conviction: condena
Counsel: a lawyer who gives someone legal advice and represents them in a court of law
Court Clerk
Criminal trial: juicio penal
Death penalty
Defence councel: a barrister or group of barristers responsible for defending someone on
Do time: to serve a specific amount of time in prison
First-degree murder: any intentional murder that is willful and premeditated with malice
Foreman: president del jurado
Grant someone a pardon: indultar a alguien
Hung jury: a judicial jury that cannot agree upon a verdict after extended deliberation
and is unable to reach the required unanimity
John Doe/ Jane Doe: NN. A name used in a law court for a person whose real name is
kept secret or is not known
Juror: a member of a jury
Lawsuit: a problem taken to a law court by an ordinary person or an organization rather
than the police in order to obtain a legal decision
Manslaughter: the crime of killing someone without intending to kill them (sin
May counsel approach the judge/bench
Mistrial: a trial that cannot be completed or whose result has no legal value, usually
because a legal mistake has been made
Objection overruled (the judge disagrees with the objection and allows the question,
testimony, or evidence) vs. sustained (the judge agrees with the objection and disallows
the question, testimony, or evidence) An objection is typically raised after the opposing
party asks a question of the witness, but before the witness can answer
Out of order: fuera de lugar
Pass sentence on: to read out the sentence of punishment for a convicted criminal.
Plaintiff: demandante (civil trial)
Plead guilty / not guilty (to the crime)
Press charges against XXX
Prosecution: proceso, juicio
Prosecutor: represents the people / the Queen // fiscal, aboga
Public defender: in the US, a lawyer who is paid by the government to defend people in
court if they cannot pay for themselves
QC: Queens Counsel. A British lawyer of high remark
Reach a verdict
Serve a XXX year sentence in XXX: cumplir condena
Silk: a QC take the silk
Solicitor: in the UK, a lawyer who gives legal advice, writes legal contracts,
and represents people in the lower courts of law
Sue: demander (+for)
Take the stand: subir al estrado
The accused is acquitted: absuelto
The bar: the profession of being a barrister (=a lawyer who has the right to speak in a
higher court of law). If someone is called to the bar, they become a barrister.
The bench: the position of being a judge in a court of law
The case is dismissed
The defence: the people in a court case who try to prove that someone is not guilty.
The defendant: el acusado
The prosecution: the people who try to prove that someone is guilty
To be (out) on parole: en libertad condicional
To be on trial
To bring a prosecution against XXX: interponer una accin judicial contra XXX
To strike from the record: to remove words from the transcript of a court hearing or
from the written minutes of a meeting
XXX is called to the stand
XXX is on trial for XXX
XXX was convicted of XXX: declarado culpable, condenar
XXX will do/serve time in jail
Your Honour: used when talking to a judge in a court of law