Bluetooth Module HC-05 and ATmega32U4
Bluetooth Module HC-05 and ATmega32U4
Bluetooth Module HC-05 and ATmega32U4
RX should receive 3.3 V as high, voltage divider used TX, its output is of 5 V when HIGH
TX, its output Is of 3.3 V detectable as HIGH in a 5 V uC RX voltages >2.8 V detected as HIGH
VCC, level shifters used to reduce VCC to 3.3 V 5 V, 3.6 < VCC < 6 V
EN, left disconnected, used to turn OFF when LOW N/U
Serial communication with BabyO ATmega 328P based, with a Serial Terminal in Atmel Studio
A. BT flashes fast when searching available devices to connect and slow when connected
- Modifying parameters of Bluetooth module with Arduino
1. Load the next sketch
2. Keep pushed the push button on HC-05 before supplying power
a. HC-05 green LED should be 2 s ON and 2 s OFF
3. Then open serial monitor in Arduino and write ATcommands to communicate with BT
4. Name, Password and baud rate were the most interesting parameters to change