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Curriculum Overview Level 3

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VIPKID Curriculum

Learning Objectives

Level 3 Introduction
Level 3 consists of 12 units, each unit containing 12 lessons broken down into learning cycles of six classes
each. The reading goals in level 3 start with CVC and CVCe words, and move to vowel digraphs and initial
blends, digraphs blends, moving on to four and five letter words combining all of the above. Reading
comprehension goals include identifying the main topic and key elements of a level-appropriate text,
sequencing and retelling stories with teacher support. Level 3 students also learn tenses: simple present, simple
past, and present progressive, while simple future was taught in level 2. Grammar including articles, adverbs of
frequency, prepositions, noun/verb conjugation, selected adjectives, sentence types and capitalization and
punctuation rules. Level 3 speaking goals begin with the student answering in complete sentences, moving on
to compound sentences, asking questions, and finally engaging in a free talk-style discussion with the teacher
that incorporates taught sentence structures and natural language usage. In level 3, students are required to
actively respond to multi-step instructions.

Target Description
Vocabulary words introduced and reviewed in many
1 Vocabulary 212 vocabulary words
different situations throughout the VIPKID curriculum.
Sentence Use and understand sentence patterns introduced in a
2 110 sentence frames
Frames variety of ways; conversation, not memorization.

Phonics Sounds Read four letter words including blends, apply blend rules
37 blends
(Blends) and pronunciation to a variety of words.

3 HFW 55 high frequency words Recognize and read sight words from memory.
Apply rules of grammar to reading and speech; Start to
4 Grammar 24 grammar rules
learn the basic tense.
Be able to apply them in the simple sentence and
5 Verbs 71 verbs

1 Vocabulary: A body of words used in a particular language, vocabulary is taught through memorization and
prompted with a series of context clues, song, game, and teacher-led physical actions or activities.

2 Sentence Frames: Sentence frames are question and answer structures that allow the teacher and student to
focus on scaffolding language learning from grammatically easy to more difficult. VIPKID teachers encourage
the student to truly use, not only memorize, the sentence structures by asking a sentence with the same
meaning in many different ways. This allows the VIPKID student to truly transfer classroom language to real life.

3 Sight Words: Sight words, or high frequency words, are words that appear most often in printed text. These
words generally have little meaning themselves, but are vital to the meaning of a sentence. The opposite of
phoincs, these words are taught through memorization.

4 Grammar: Grammar is the analysis of the structure of a language. Grammar skills help students create
sentence structures, understand reading passages, and is the basis for writing. An understanding of grammar
gives students the ability to create new sentences without memorizing-much like phonics gives students the
ability to decode words without having seen them before.

5 Verbs: Verbs are the part of language that express action. In English, verbs can be quite tricky as they change
form in the present, future, and past tenses. A rich knowledge of verbs enable the speaker or writer to express
themselves more clearly and accurately.

VIPKID Curriculum

Learning Objectives in Each Stage

Level 3 Units 10-12

Level 3 Units 7-9
Level 3 Units 4-6
Level 3 Units 1-3

Reading: Student can Reading: Student can Reading: Student reads Reading: Student
read sight words, CVC read sight words, CVC CVC and CVCe words, understands the
words (e.g. rat, dog, and CVCe words with all words with vowel key elements and
sad) and some CVCe vowels fluently. Student digraphs, and sight major details of level-
words (e.g. make, hide, is able to identify and words. With prompting, appropriate fiction and
note ). Student is able describe characters and student is able compare non-fiction texts, and
to identify characters in setting, ask questions two stories and can retell a story with
a story and retell stories about words in a text, sequence a story based teacher support. Student
with teacher support. and retell stories with on illustrations. can read a text with
teacher support. CVC and CVCe words,
Speaking/Listening: Speaking/Listening: vowel digraphs and
Student can speak in Speaking/Listening: Student answers in words with double initial
complete sentences Student answers in multiple sentences, consonant blends.
and is familiar with a complete, compound conjugating verbs and
wider range of topics, sentences and is able to nouns correctly. Student Speaking/Listening:
including days/months, ask the teacher questions. explains thoughts and Student describes
clothes, body parts, and Student can speak in ideas by responding to people, places, things
actions. Student can full sentences about simple question words and events with relevant
understand currently familiar topics, including and is able to ask the details, expressing ideas
occurring events using the five senses, animal teacher questions. and feelings clearly.
the present continuous body parts, and animal Student can engage Student is able to use
tense. groups. Student can use in basic free talk on adverbs of frequency
basic prepositions of familiar topics, including and knows common
location. Can conjugate school, movements and antonyms.
common irregular verbs birthdays. Student is
(have, be) in speech and aware of using articles in
can conjugate verbs speech, although they
in present simple and might confuse the usage
present progressive. of a, an and the.

Content Breakdown

Objectives Phonics
Vocabulary Verbs HFW Grammar Sounds
Stages Frames

Level 3 Units1-3 50 30 12 15 8 6

Level 3 Units 4-6 48 29 17 15 5 4

Level 3 Units 7-9 31 24 15 7 18

Level 3 Units 10-12 53 20 18 10 4 9

Level 3 Curriculum Setting
Learning Topics

Unit Topic Unit Topic

Unit 1 Unit 7
Our Time on Earth Let's Celebrate Me

Unit 2 Unit 8
Clothes I Wear The Farm and the City

Unit 3 Unit 9
My Body Let's Move

Unit 4 Unit 10
Animals and Their Bodies Culture

Unit 5 Unit 11
Animal Groups Once Upon a Time

Unit 6 Five Senses Unit 12 Let's Go to South America

6E Teaching Method
The 6E's is an adapted model based on an instructional model called the "Five Es" by the Biological Science Curriculum
Study (BSCS).
This instructional model is student-centered and helps students build their own understanding about new knowledge
from their past experience and knowledge.
The 6Es represent six stages of a sequence for teaching and learning: Engage, Explore, Explain, Extend, Elaborate and
Evaluate. In VIPKID learning system, the 6Es model is applied in the following ways:
1. Inspire students interest and get them actively involved in the lesson.
2. Provide various opportunities for students to understand certain concepts and skills.
3. Help students explain and think the contents they learn.
4. Enable students make connections between concepts and real lives, and apply what they have learnt to the world
around them.
5. Students and teachers discuss more in depth about the learning content so as to deal with more difficult questions/
6. Students and teachers evaluate the learning outcomes together.
The 6E's is an advanced as well as an effective instructional modal which is widely recommended the psychologists and
experts in education. This model is not only applied by BSCS but also by other authorities, such as NASA, Ivy League Colleges
and Universities, top American elementary and secondary schools, industries of education technology and education
Inspire students interest

and get them actively

Lesson 1/7: involved in the lesson.

Students and teachers evaluate

the learning outcomes together. Lesson 6/12: Lesson 2/8: Provide various opportunities for

Evaluate Explore students to understand certain

concepts and skills.

Learning Cycle
Students and teachers discuss

more in depth about the learning Lesson 5/11: Lesson 3/9: Help students explain and think the

content so as to deal with more Elaborate Explain contents they learn.

difficult questions/problems.

Lesson 4/10:
Enable students make connections
between concepts and real lives,

and apply what they have learnt

to the world around them.

Level 3 Additional Skills
VIPKID students develop excellent pronunciation, as North American accented English
is modelled by the foreign teacher each and every class. VIPKID teachers are trained to
correct pronunciation in a gentle, effective manner.

Incidental Language
Incidental language is learned through conversation. Because VIPKID teachers are native
English speakers, students learn vocabulary and sentence structures through casual
conversation. For example, a teacher who encourages a student by saying, Wonderful!
will soon teach their student this word as well as the meaning.

Critical Thinking
The VIPKID curriculum purposefully introduces and reviews target content (vocabulary,
sentence patterns, etc) in different situations and contexts. This is to encourage the
student to use the learned language, not merely memorize question and answer patterns.
VIPKID students have better listening comprehension and speaking skills because they
can use their knowledge in many different ways.

Confidence & Real-world Skills

Repeated exposure to native English speaking teachers of both sexes and many different
ethnic backgrounds plays a huge role in building confidence. By increasing the number of
classes a student takes per week and giving the student individualized attention in a 1-on-1
environment, VIPKID students develop the confidence they need to speak English to any type
of person.

Research & Application

As the student develops reading fluency and moves from learning to read to reading to
learn, the student begins to apply the new information they learn to the unit topic or learning
material. These reading comprehension and application skills are the foundation for research
and application- a workplace skill that is irreplaceable throughout all areas of schooling and

Level 3 Achievement

Reading Skills Language Skills Content Learning

Unit Topic Listening & Speaking

High- Social
Reading Studies&
Phonics Frequency Vocabulary Sentence Patterns Math
Ability Science

Student can
Student can speak in complete read sight
sentences. words, CVC
Use what he/she has
Our Time on E.g. and some Use ordinal
Short "a" sound, long have, am, learned to answer Our Time
Unit 1 Earth -What day is it today? CVCe words. 19 numbers up
"a" sound (CVCe) do,did, what some questions about on Earth
Today is ____. Student is able to 10th.
week and month.
- What month is it? to identify
It is ____. characters in a

Student can
Student can speak in complete I will learn
read sight
sentences. the order
words, CVC Use what he/she has
E.g. of the days
and some learned to answer
Clothes I Wear -What clothes are you wearing? Short "e" sound, long so, get, like, of the week Clothes I
Unit 2 CVCe words. 15 some questions about
I am wearing ____ and ____. "e" sound (CVCe) this, will and the Wear
Student is able his/her clothes and
-What clothes do you wear in the order of the
to identify clothes for seasons.
summer? months of
characters in a
In the summer I wear ____ and ____. the year.

Student can
Student can speak in complete
read sight Count
words, CVC to 100.
E.g. Use what he/she has
and some Represent
My Body - How many fingers/legs/toes etc do Short "i" sound, long "i" yes, went, learned to answer
Unit 3 CVCe words. 16 numbers My Body
you have? sound (CVCe) are, now, no some questions about
Student is able to 100 on
I have ____ fingers/legs/feet etc. body parts.
to identify a number
-What can your feet do?
characters in a line.
My feet can ____.

Student answers in complete,

compound sentences and is able to
Student can
ask the teacher questions. Student
read sight
can speak in full sentences about
words, CVC
familiar topics. Count by
and CVCe Use what he/she has
Student can conjugate common 1s, 2s, 5s, Animals
Animals and came, ride, words with all learned to answer
irregular verbs (have, be) in speech Short "o" sound, long and 10s and Their
Unit 4 Their Bodies into, good, vowels fluently. 16 some questions about
and can conjugate verbs in present "o" sound (CVCe) forward and Bodies
want Student is able animals and their
simple and present progressive. backward
to identify body.
E.g. to 100.
and describe
-What animal has a ____?
characters and
A horse has a ____.
setting in a text.
-How do animals move?
Animals ____.

Student answers in complete,

compound sentences and is able to
Student can
ask the teacher questions. Student
read sight
can speak in full sentences about
words, CVC
familiar topics.
and CVCe Use what he/she has Compare
Student can conjugate common
too, pretty, words with all learned to answer and order Animal
Animal Groups irregular verbs (have, be) in speech Short "u" sound, long
Unit 5 four, saw, vowels fluently. 17 some questions sets and Groups
and can conjugate verbs in present "u" sound (CVCe)
well Student is able about animal groups, numbers up
simple and present progressive.
to identify mammal and reptile. to 100.
and describe
-What animal is this?
characters and
This is a ____.
setting in a text.
-What is a mammal?
A mammalis a ____.

Student answers in complete,

compound sentences and is able to
Student can
ask the teacher questions. Student
read sight
can speak in full sentences about Use place
words, CVC
familiar topics. value
and CVCe
Student can conjugate common Use what he/she has models and
Review short vowels come, blue, words with all
Five Senses irregular verbs (have, be) in speech learned to answer place value Five
Unit 6 and long vowels red, where, vowels fluently. 15
and can conjugate verbs in present some questions about charts to Senses
(CVCe) jump Student is able
simple and present progressive. five senses. represent
to identify
E.g. numbers to
and describe
-What can you hear? 100.
characters and
I can hear a ____.
setting in a text.
-What kind of sound is this?
This is a ____ sound.

Reading Skills Language Skills Content Learning

Unit Topic Listening & Speaking

High- Social
Phonics Frequency Reading Ability Vocabulary Sentence Patterns Math Science

Student answers in multiple

sentences, conjugating verbs and
nouns correctly. Student explains Express
Student reads CVC and
thoughts and ideas by responding to numbers
CVCe words, words
simple question words and is able to to 100 in
with vowel digraphs, Use what he/she has
Let's ask the teacher questions. standard
vowel patterns must, black, and sight words. With learned to answer Let's
Celebrate Student can engage in basic free talk (21) and
Unit 7 (oi, oy,ou, ow, while, soon, prompting, student 22 some questions Celebrate
Me on familiar topics. word forms
oo) our is able compare two about his/her Me
E.g. (twenty
stories and sequence birthday party.
-When is your birthday? one).
a story based on
My birthday is in ____. Compare
-What do they do at the birthday numbers.
They eat a ____.

Student answers in multiple

sentences, conjugating verbs and
nouns correctly. Student explains Student reads CVC and
thoughts and ideas by responding to CVCe words, words
simple question words and is able to Blends with _l (bl, ate with vowel digraphs, Use what he/she has
The Farm Add within
ask the teacher questions. say and sight words. With learned to answer The Farm
and the 20 to solve
Unit 8 Student can engage in basic free talk cl, fl, gl, sl, pl) under prompting, student 19 some questions and the
City word
on familiar topics. please is able compare two about the farm and City
E.g. his stories and sequence the city.
- Who grow food on a farm? a story based on
A ____ grows food on a farm. illustrations.
-What do you do in the city?
I ____ in the city.

Student answers in multiple

sentences, conjugating verbs and
Student reads CVC and
nouns correctly. Student explains
CVCe words, words
thoughts and ideas by responding to
with vowel digraphs,
simple question words and is able to had
and sight words. With Use what he/she has Subtract
ask the teacher questions. blends with _r him
Let's Move prompting, student learned to answer within 20 to Let's Move
Unit 9 Student can engage in basic free talk (br, cr, dr, fr, gr, her 20
is able compare two some questions solve word
on familiar topics. pr, tr) some
stories and sequence about move. problems.
E.g. leg
a story based on
-What is moving fast?
The ____ is moving fast.
-What makes things move?
____ makes things move.

Student describes people, places, Student understands

things and events with relevant the key elements and
details, expressing ideas and feelings major details of level-
clearly. feet appropriate fiction and Use what he/she has
E.g. blends with s_ way non-fiction texts. learned to answer Tell and
Culture Culture
Unit 10 -What do people speak in China/ (sc, sk, sm, sn, sp, night Student can read a text 19 some questions write time in
America? st, sw) watch with CVC and CVCe about the cultures of hours.
People speak ____. good-bye words, vowel digraphs different countries.
-What do people celebrate in China/ and words with double
America? initial consonant blends.
People celebrate ____.

Student understands
Student describes people, places, the key elements and
things and events with relevant major details of level-
details, expressing ideas and feelings thing appropriate fiction and Use what he/she has
Once Upon clearly. back non-fiction texts. learned to answer Tell and Once Upon
blends with
Unit 11 a Time E.g. house Student can read a text 25 some questions write time in a Time
qu-, tw
-What did the wolf do? girl with CVC and CVCe about the details of half-hours.
It ____ on the door. boy words, vowel digraphs the stories.
-How did the ball fall into the vat? and words with double
A boy ____ the ball into the vat. initial consonant blends.

Student understands
Student describes people, places, the key elements and
things and events with relevant major details of level- Use what he/
details, expressing ideas and feelings appropriate fiction and she has learned Review
Let's Go Let's Go
clearly. non-fiction texts. 9 and review to answer some math
Unit 12 to South Review all Review all to South
Student can read a text all questions about his/ concept for
America America
with CVC and CVCe her hobbies and the the unit.
Review all words, vowel digraphs topics of level 3.
and words with double
initial consonant blends.

Unit 1: Our Time on Earth
-Domain: Social Studies -Subtopic 1: Our Days on Earth
-Unit Topic: Our Time on Earth -Subtopic 2: A Year on Earth

Reading Skills Math:

-Use ordinal
Phonics HFW Reading Skills numbers up to
Short a have -Capital and lower-case -Proper nouns for
sound, long a am letter recognition days, capitaliza-
sound (CVCe) do tion (proper nouns
did and sentences)
what Verbs:

-comes, follows

Language Skills

Vocabulary Sentence Frames

Monday -What day is it today?
Tuesday Today is ___.
Wednesday -Is it Monday today?
Thursday Yes, it is.
Friday No, it is not.
Saturday -How many days are in a week?
Sunday There are seven days in a week.
January -What day comes before Tuesday?
February ___ comes before Tuesday.
March -What day comes after ___?
April ___ comes after ___.
May -How many months are there in a year?
June There are ___ months in a year.
July -What month is it?
August It is ___.
September -What month comes before ___.
October ___ comes before ___.
November -What is the first month of the year?
December ___ is the first month of the year.
-What is the last month of the year?
___ is the last month of the year.

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