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The North, An Overview

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mnuel, a world of little magic, great hardships Grey Elf
and few heros. The world is going through Hailing from the windy Sky Peaks the secretive Grey Elves
much change; the King has died, his son, are masters of enduring frigid tempuratures. Most are
William Van Julius III has taken over, magic is somber and claculating. Grey Elve's rarely leave their
now outlawed and other sinister things are mountain home.
brewing in the background. Life in Amnuel is
shrouded in uncertainty. Nothing is promised, Ability Score Improvement. You gain +1 to Wisdom or
tomorrow could be the last. Intelligence score
Frigid Adept. You are resistant to cold damage and you gain
no levels of exauhstion from cold temperatures
Creating a player Grey Elf Magic. You can cast Fog Cloud Once per long rest
character as an action with no components.
Grey Elf Weapon Training. You are proficient with the staff,
To begin, you need to first establish your ability scores. That's sling, and blowdart.
the fundemental part of building a character. These scores Gnome
aren't neccesarily going to be impressive, this game isn't
about how strong or powerful your character is, but it's about Gnomes in Amnuel are mysterious evil fey creatures. Hardly
how you use your said scores. ever to be seen. Incredibly ugly, covered in worts and lesions,
Begin by rolling 3d6 6 times, then record your numbers. they are feared and rumored. They live in secluded clans deep
Don't worry, if your points aren't as high is you want it's not in the forests and only come out to kidnap infants from their
the end of the world. Rolling 3d6 isn't supposed to roll out a families and perform acts of pure evil. It's extrememly rare for
super athlete but an average or even below average person a gnome to be good aligned and even rarer for them to
with one or two average or above average qualities, if that. survive after it's found out. At that point they are either killed
and tortured by their own people or thrown out to fend for
themselves, which is an equally terrible fate. Gnomes aren't
Choosing a race accepted anywhere and are usually killed on sight.
Choose from the following races listed here. If If they aren't Ability Score Improvement and Penalty. You gain +3 to
listed here, you can find them in the Players handbook(PHB). Intelligence and a -4 to charisma
Otherwise, follow the listed changes to your chosen race. Innate Abducter. You are proficient in the Sneak skill.
Races excluded are, Dragonborn, alternate Gnomes, High elf,
Dark elf, standard human, Dwarf
Race Stats
Second to humans, Dwarves populate this plane more than
any other. They fancy themselves as master craftsmen and
Elf(Grey) +2 Dexterity, +1 Wisdom or Intelligence warlords. They generally keep to themeselves in their
Hobgoblin VGtM subteranian homes and won't will walk on the surface for
nothing short of gold. A Dwarven mage is rare, and ones that
Gnome Leans towards N.E., -4 Charisma, +3 Intellience are, usually do it in private. Magic is one of the few fears
Dwarf Leans towards L.E., Proficient in Insight or dwarves have. If they can't see, or physically touch it, they
Intimidate, PHB want no part of it.
Picking a classs Tieflings are the creations of gnomes. They are what's
Most of the martial classes haven't been altered. They fit fine brought back to the parents instead of the kidnapped infant.
within this world. However there are some mechanical Eventually the Tiefling murders her parents and returns to
changes to all magic users which is covered later on. I've the gnomes but sometimes they break the cycle. Even then,
removed Clerics, Paladins and all healing magic from the they aren't accepted and are usually hunted down as a
game because they didn't truly fit the theme of Amnuel. demon. Their lifespans are incredibly short, and suffering
Beyond that I've made changes to Magic users which will be great.
fully covered later. Hobgoblin
Far distant cousin to the Goblin, they are light years apart in
Races, In depth similarities other than name. They are a warlord race, bent
This section covers what I think are the most important on being the best at everything they put their hands on.
aspects of the races in Amnuel. If there isn't much of a Typically you don't find a hobgoblin mage, but when you do,
thematic or mechanical change to a race, I won't include it in they're a force to be reckoned with. Hobgoblins are known
here. slavers, especially in time of war. They don't always kill their
enemies. They look at every person as a head of cattle that
can be tamed and used.

Grey Elf
The North, an Overview

land of snow capped mountains, rugged terrain, Locations in The North
and deadly cold winters. A place where only the
hardiest of adventurers travel. The north is To the west by the Grey Pass are the Dwarven kingdoms of
composed of small settlements clustered Burg Tak'un and Kurok Guron. They have a tense
together in fear of the wild and the unknown; disposition towards the human settlements of the region.
safety in numbers. About 70 miles east is the City of Birm. Its the capitol of the
province. A tiered metropolis built into the side of a
mountain. It governs Brokenstone and any of the
Dark and Gritty surrounding human settlements. East of Birm is the
The atmosphere of the world is dark fantasy using Hobgoblin stronghold of Sak s.
some altered gritty mechanics from the DMG.
Class restrictions are Clerics and Paladins. There is
no healing magic. Be warned, magic is outlawed
and if you're caught most normal people will turn
you in. The punishment IS DEATH!
Birm The Grey Pass
Birm is a tiered city that was built in the face of a mountain. A long winding road through rugged terrain only passable
The walls of the city are 45 ft high and made of granite. Birm during the summer months when the snow has melted away.
is more of a citadel than a city. 200 years ago King William The Grey Pass got it's name from a year round fog from the
commissioned the build after purchasing land ontop of an Grey Wastes settling over the road. At least a 50 mile stretch
ancient Dwarven city. Unbeknownced to the Birmians there of the road is obscured by fog.
are hundreds of miles of secret passages that smugglers use
beneath their fortified city. Who knows how far and where Arken Wood
some of these tunnels lead or what secrets they may hold? Arken Wood is a large stretch of wood in between the Grey
Burg Tak'un Wastes and the Shattered Plains. It's home to a clan of Druid
bent on protecting their sacred forest from poachers, loggers
The Largest of the two Dwarven kingdoms the Dwarves of and any others that bring harm to their grove. The forest is
Burg Tak'un are a cunning people that can always tell when magically warded by the essence of the Arch Druid Arken to
there's a good opportunity to be had. The builders of Birm make travelers become magically lost.
took advantage of their opportunity at the time by
strategically placing the city above a series of tunnels so that Arken's Grove
if one day Birm rises or faults on the debt the dwarves can Legend has it that this is the place where Arken released his
take it back with little casualties. spirit to the void as a final offering to nature. Nobody has ever
Burg Tak'un Dwarves
seen the grove in person. Scrying magic is blocked there and
any would-be adventurer that's tried in the past has failed to
You gain advantage on Insight checks. make the journey there and survive.
Kurok Guron Ishticar Mountains
Sister city of Burg Tak'un, Kurok Guron are the enforcers of These mountains run from north to south, parellel to the
Dwarven law. Kurok Guron in it's entirety is their standing River Kn. Most of the area on the foot hills are home to
army of 10,000 troops. barbarian clans and orc tribes.
Kurok Guron Dwarves Sky Peaks
You gain advantage on Intimidate checks. The highest mountain range in Amnuel. The Sky Peaks are
home to the secretive Grey Elves. So far it's the only safe
haven, but it's incredibly treacherous to reach.
Brokenstone is a logging town around 70 miles to the south Inhabitants of the North
of Birm and a few miles west of Arken Wood. It's main Some of the most feroceous creatures are in the north. It
resource is lumber but at a cost. It's frequently raided by would be unwise for one to go out alone. It's common
Elves from Arken Wood. knowledge that if you're traveling beyond a cities relative
safety, you travel in numbers. The road is home to bandits,
Saks barbarians, orcs and the wilderness is home to things much
During the final push to eradicate the Magi from the land, an more terrifying.
alliance between man and Hobgoblins of Saks was made.
The stronghold was created in between Arken Wood and the
foothills of the Grey Mountains, also known as Arken's Pass.
The Grey Mountains
These mountain ranges are perilous year round. Wind whips
through valleys fast enough to blow a man off the side. That
isn't the most dangerous encounters though, many monsters
call this place home. Few reason other than mining and
expeditions to the Grey Wastes bring people that far north.
The Grey Wastes
North even of the Grey Mountains are The Grey Wastes.
Year round the tops of the mountains are obscured by
snowfall and clouds. The final frontier of Amnuel. Many brave
souls have gone but few have returned. And the few that have
speak tales of terror beyond the charted north.
Cities of the North

he North is a cold wasteland, but it isn't
inhabitable. Many folk call this place home,
albeit they're a little hardier than most. Rarely
do you see races other than humans and dwarf
in The North, but when you do, it's a strange

Birm High Ward

The largest of the Human settlements in the north, it's a Birms most prestigeous ward is notable for the many tall
tiered walled city built into the foothills of the Grey buildings with high pitched roofs. It has many Inns and
Mountains. Made to withstand any manner of attacks, Birm is Taverns. It's home to the wealthy inhabitants of Birm.
more akin to a citadel than a city. The highest point is the Locations in the High Ward
Royal Sanctum. It's balcony can see every gate to the city. On
any given day there will be traders from far away lands The Golden Necklace- Inn, run by Dorothy, short fat
bringing in spices and sweet drinks. This next part covers a woman with receding hairline.
few locations and notable NPC's. The Sleeping Willow- BnB, ran by husband and wife
Vera & Joshua Greenland
Districts The Laughing Magician- Tavern, ran by an interesting
little halfing named Chombee.
Birm is divided into five distinct wards which are, Castle
Ward, High Ward, Trades Ward, West Ward, and Warehouse Trades Ward
Ward. The reason behind the division is mainly for ease of Birm is the hub of trade for the entire region. This is one of
governance and partly for security purposes. Each district is the few places that you may on any day see an elf, dwarf and
walled within the city, any type of threat can be contained other races talking business. The trades ward is the one
within that district. place where people put their differences aside for the
monetary benifit. And for good reason, this place is heavily
Castle Ward patrolled by city watch and a few scarlet paladins in case the
The Castle District contains The High Keep, And the High place gets out of hand. A few of the notable locations here are
Church of Amnuel. Nobody other than King Williams Scarlet the inns, taverns and businesses. The businesses here carry
Paladins (Knights) and the Church's clurgy see the inside of mundane equipment and food. There are more than just in
these walls. The King hardly ever grants an audience and if this list.
he does, it's usually by proxy to his right hand man, Jerich
Scornborough, who's just as ruthless as he is.
Locations in the Trade ward West Ward
Frontier Clothing- Clothing Merchant, ran by Varla The West Ward is where the low and impoverished people
Beckerin, beautiful Half Elf maiden with long blonde hair. call home. The only place in Birm that guards may turn a
Frozen Gauntlet- Blacksmith/Armor Merchant- Ran by a blind eye if the money is right. The only paved roads you can
bald bearded human, who always claims to have better armor find in this area is the main road, which even that is in
than those dirty dwarves.
disrepare. There are more Taverns by density located here
Advanced Slash- weapons trader, ran by Vanderfield, more than any other place. Typically none of them have a
angular shaped face with hair in a topnot. name. Only a few of them have organically been named
The Pig inn-a Blanket- Inn/Tavern, something either by things that's happened inside it or it's
Lovers Embrace- Fine clothier and perfumes location.
Sticky Hands Pawn shop- Pawn broker/Fence Locations in the West Ward
Warehouse Ward Red Building- Tavern, named for all of the murders that's
happened inside
The Warehouse Ward is where most of the buisnesses keep Shadowed Corner- Tavern, perpetually in the mountains
their larger items stored. The souther portion is the darker shadow, no matter the time of day.
and seedier part of the Ward. Many of the older abandoned Smugglers Run- Tavern, built above an old dwarven
warehouses are located here and are home to gangs and cut tunnel. Was used to smuggle drugs and other goods in and
throats. Most people know to steer clear of South Warehouse out of the city. It's now blocked off and impassible.
Ward if they like to keep their coin purse or their life.
Brokenstone Greymanes Smithy
One of the only frontier towns remaining in the area, Osker Greymane is one the most talented smithies in this
Brokenstone's main purpose is to send is to secure the region. He specializes in making chains and hooks but can
logging industry in the region. It's far away from so any help also be commissioned to do more exotic pieces. He's been
that they would need takes days to get there. The people who around these parts for as long as he's been alive. His father
live in Brokenstone are constantly under barbarian attacks, raised him south of Birm to follow in the family business.
druid raids and attacks by monsters from the nearby caverns.
Ultins Furs
Esben's Keep He is an expert tracker and hunter. He provides the town with
Esben, one of the first to settle this area has sought to take warm clothing for the harsh winters of the north. Ultin is a
over Arken Wood. He first settled here with his son 5 years lackluster Halfelf who's been pushed further and further
before. A year after, they were hit with the first raid that south of Birm because of hatred of halfbreeds. He figured he
claimed his sons life. Ever since he's been a meloncholy could make a good living trapping and selling furs. In
figure and only to be seen if someone is to be put to death. brokenstone he finally has acceptance and respect for the
most part. He's a local hero for saving a family from a recent
barbarian raid. He slayed a chieftan with a single shot from
Chapel to Sumnar his bow.
A small chapel dedicated to the human god Sumnar. It's the
only building made from stone in the town. It has stain Logging Community
glassed windows depicting Sumnar defeating Etimmu.
Brokenstone is far to the south of Birm. It's soul purpose is to
Fredrikke's Courtyard push further and further into Arken Wood. The mayor of the
The courtyard is where all trials are held. There's a set of town, Esben has a personal vindetta against the Druids that
gallows, a guiotine, and a statue dedicated to Esbens late son call that place home. He and everyone knows the dangers of
Fredrikke holding a bluejay on his pointer finger with a pushing the way they do. Which is why they send prisoners
ghostly smile on his face. and slaves to the work camps here.

Ivsgar Tradegoods
Ivesgar is a semi wealthy trader that's decided to set up shop
in Brokenstone. He's a tall longhaird gentleman with fine
robes and an eyepatch. He's lost his eye during one of the
raids. He caries everything from feeding grain to common
Wilderness in the North

he great wild of the north is one of the
harshest environments in the country. It's
home to waring barbarian tribes, clans of elves
that want nothing more than to see humanity
destroyed, great ancient cities buried in time
and other secrets long forgotten. This section
contains some of the denizens and hazards of
the Wilds.

5 Clans of Arken Wood

These are some of the most ruthless enemies of man. And
they all have a hierarchy amongst themselves. The 5 clans are
as follows, Abenaki, Dakelh , Onandowagar, Vilkelar, and
Umon'hon. The most powerful and feared of all the clans are
the Vilkelar Clan. They are the ones in charge of keeping the
western borders of the Arken Wood free of human
Brief Description of Each Clan and
their roles
Abenaki Clan- Lowest In the Hierarchy, they are the most
abundant but least affective in combat. They are the eyes of
the wood
Onandowagar- Second to the lowest, they are in charge of
guarding the inner santcum. They are fierce warrior in
combat but not

Ishticar Barbarians
The tribesmen of the Ishticar Barbarians are a proud people,
and devout in their belief in their gods. They speak stories of
conquest and glory. That's what they hold dear in their hearts
and minds. With that, they are pillagers of others riches. They
terrorize the settlements of the north and take what they
believe is theirs. They will stop at nothing to take over the
civilized lands to enslave the children and kill the rest. Their
main goals are expansion. Not only are they proud but they're
pragmatic, they have forged alliances with the giant lords in
hopes to swell their ranks.
Laws of Amnuel

n every civilization, young or old there has always
been law. Amnuel is no different. Every major City New Background Option: Fugitive Mage
has a set of laws and ordanances they go by. But You've been on the run for the past year or so. You're the last
there are three main laws that are handled swiftly few of your kind in Amnuel. The last of the great Magi have
and harshly. either been killed or fled to other planes of existence leaving
the rest of you to fend for yourselves.
Sweet Talker You are proficient in the Deception and
The three main laws Persuasion skills.
Deceptive Magic Advantage on sleight of hand when trying
As long as anyone can remember murder and theft have been to cast a spell with only somatic components
unanimously dealt with with either beheading or to the You are proficient with Thieves Tools
Equipment Thieves Tools, set of fine clothing, Water skin,
gallows for murder, or "taking the hand that stole" for theft. Backpack with hidden spellbook compartment(DC 15
But a new adition to these laws has been put upon the people, investigate), 50 ft of rope, journal, 3 gold, spell focus,
The practice of magical arts and anyone having such power is components bag, 3 days of rations, travel lantern, quill and
in treason of the crown.
Enforcers of Law
The Scarlet Paladins are the main and most heavy handed
form of law enforcement in Amnuel. They fear nothing, care
only for the Laws and what the king says. They will kill
women and children in their mothers arms without a
question. They are in every major city on the contenent and
answer to nobody but the King. They were the ones who were
ordered to murder all the Magi in the cover of darkness.
New Background Option: Scarlet Paladin
Taken by birth, you were trained relentlessly. You have
somehow escaped the clutches of The Order of the Scarlet,
you are one of the lucky few who have escaped your survitude
to the king alive. There is very little you're afraid of for the
excpetion of being captured by the The Order.
Iron Tongue You are proficient in the Intimidate and
Persuasion Skills
Scarlets Will You gain Advantage on being frightened and
Intimidated by nonmagical means
Always on the run. You are proficient in the use of the
Disguise Kit
Equipment Set of commoner clothes, 3 torches, Backpack,
Bedroll, 1 man tent, 5 days of rations, water skin filled with
wine and 15 Silver Pieces.

Magi i.e. Malificar

In the recent year, magic has been pronounce an evil act, one
that can only be cured only by death. It is now fully associated
with demons and the malevolent gnomes. Magi have been
blamed for the recent plagues that's been raping the land and
people. Any person thought to be using magic is immediately
detained and tried by a High Court but typically one is
handled by a swift blade to the throat.
Great and old... and Dead
Some of the most powerful Magi to ever walk the land were
the ones who were recently killed or fled, thousands of years
of combined arcane knowledge lost. Thousands of books
were and are still being destroyed where ever they are found.
The new rule is trying to sterilize the land of arcance
knowledge to strengthen his hold on the people. What can't
be controlled must be destroyed.
Martial Archetype
Fighters in Amnuel have the following Martial Archetype Scarlet Paladin
option.... Medium Humanoid(Human), Lawful Evil

Armor Class 20
Scarlet Paladin Hit Points 52(8d8 + 16)
Scarlet Paladins are part of the Scarlet Order, the Kings Speed 30ft.
personal hit squad and security detachment. Feared by
everyone in the Kingdom, they are extrememly devout to the STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Kings law and his orders. They are specially trained from a
young age to spot and take on mages. 16 (+3) 11 (0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 11 (0) 15 (+3)

Restriction, Lawful Evil; Hunter of Saving Throws Con +4 Wis +2

Malificar Languages Common
Scarlet Paladins answer only to the King's wishes. But that Challenge 5 (1800 XP)
doesn't mean they can't go out on their own and hunt down
the remaining Magi. Scarlets Defense. Add Strength Modifiier to any saves vs
spell affect
Mage Slayer When a creature within 5 feet of you casts a
Mage Slayer spell, you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon
attack against that creature. When you damage a creature
You gain the Mage Slayer feat at 3rd level. that is concentrating on a spell, that creature has
disadvantage on the saving throw it makes to maintain its
concentration. You have advantage on saving throws
Scarlet's Defense against spells cast by creatures within 5 feet of you.
Starting at 5th level you can now add your strength modifier Scarlet's Smite The Scarlet Paladin can deal an extra attack
to any saves vs spell affect. if he deals a creature enough damage to make it drop
(typically by dropping it to below 0 hit points or killing
it), he gets an immediate, extra melee attack against
Scarlet's Smite another creature within reach. You cannot take a 5-foot
By 7th level the Scarlet Paladin deal an extra attack if you step before making this extra attack. The extra attack is
deal a creature enough damage to make it drop (typically by with the same weapon and at the same bonus as the
attack that dropped the previous creature. He can use
dropping it to below 0 hit points or killing it), you get an this ability once per round.
immediate, extra melee attack against another creature Actions
within reach. You cannot take a 5-foot step before making this
extra attack. The extra attack is with the same weapon and at Multiattack. The Scarlet Paladin makes two melee
the same bonus as the attack that dropped the previous attacks. Longsword: +5 to hit, reach 5ft., one target.
creature. You can use this ability once per round. Hit 7 (1d8 + 3)
Scarlet's Defense. The Scarlet Paladin can add it's
Scarlet's Command strength modifier to saves vs spells.
Beginning at 10th level, you can use your action to frighten
someone with your menacing presence. When you do so,
choose one creature that you can see within 30 feet o f you. If
the creature can see or hear you, it must succeed on a W
isdom saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your Strength modifier) or be frightened of you until the end
of your next turn. On subsequent turns, you can use your
action to extend the duration o f this effect on the frightened
Scarlets Will
Scarlet Paladins hone their senses to the point where they
can shrug off even the mightiest spell affects. Once per long
rest, you can choose to pass a spell save.
Magic in Amnuel

agic in this world is very unreliable and Further to that, taking damage doesnt stop you from
volatile. Many wizards have destroyed casting, but it does mean you need to make a Cast the Bones
themselves and their friends tampering roll with a penalty equal to the damage you took if you want
with the arcane arts. The following text to maintain your concentration. Maleficar can also attempt to
lists the changes in spell mechanics cast any spell they know without reading from their spellbook
and the addition of new spells or an item, but since thats an awful lot to remember it
requires a Cast the Bones roll, with a penalty for every spell
Cantrips level above 1st. That's a -1 to 2nd level -2 to 3rd, so on...
Cantrips are none existent except to Witches in this world. Spell Creativity
The reason behind Witches keeping their cantrips is because
they get their magic directly from their patron while The Spells normally have the same effect every time, after all, a lot
Mage derive theirs from the cosmos. Magic from the cosmos of time and willpower is spent learning to harness that spell
is not a free thing. It takes energy to channel it. in a specific way. But if the Maleficar wishes, they can relax
their hold on the spell, attempting to create a greater affect
Spell Points with a 3d6 Conduit of the Cosmos roll. The player announces
what they want to happen, and the Referee applies penalties
After each long rest, roll a d6 per level of spell a traditional accordingly. An effect without penalties would be something
Magic-User could cast(that's 1d6 every other level after 1, so like double duration/damage.
3d6, 5d6). This is how much casting they can bear safely
before resting again. Before this happens the Mage saves vs. Spell Creativity table
Magic, if successful theyre able to feel their own limits, and Spells Change Penalty
therefore roll themselves and write the limit on their sheet. Double Damage -6
Half casters get half as many points. So d6 divided into 2
rounded down. Otherwise, the DM rolls and simply makes a Longer Duration -4 per turn/hour (depending on the spell)
note of the limit. Increased Radius -4
Save vs Magic = Intelligence modifier + Proficiency Sculpt -1 per ally
bonus vs Highest spell known level + 10
Ex, "Cugel just woke up and is meditating, trying to get a Maximize -6
feel for the Universe today...
DM, "Roll a save vs magic." Ex: If Cugel, a 1st level Mage wants their Magic Missile to
Cugel's highest spell is 3rd, so the magic DC is a 13. He throw out two missiles, that would be a normal roll. However
rolled a 12, cugel doesn't know how many spell points he has. if he wants the missile to enter his enemys head and crackle
The DM secretly rolls 4d6 giving Cugel 17 spell points. That's and grow until it explodes doing max damage, spraying his
1d6 for his 1st level spells and 3d6 for his 3rd level spells. friends with skull shrapnel and brain lightning, thats
probably going to be a roll at -6.
Utilizing Spell points beyond first Creativity should be encouraged, so if the Mage
If a Mage has a 1st level spell and a 3rd level spell the spontaneously conceives of a way to use the fundamentals of
appropriate roll would be 1d6 and 3d6 for a maximum of 24 a spell they know for a different purpose, they can attempt it
spell points total. Furthermore, spells cost additional points with a Conduit of the Cosmos roll, taking penalties as the
beyond 1st level. 2nd level spells cost 2 points, 3rd are 3 so Referee sees fit, and bonuses up to +4 if it is significantly less
on... powerful than the true spell.
Ex, Cugel wants to cast fireball at a Scarlet Paladin, he's an
asshole. Cugel deducts 3 points from his pool of 17 leaving Witch class
him with 14 points and burns him alive. Witches replace the Warlock class excpet for the Pact
Features.They roll 1d4 every long rest to see how many spell
Magic Awry ponts they have, and 1d4 divded into 2 every short rest but
When you cant cast any more spells safely, Maleficar may keep the use of cantrips. Other than that they follow the same
attempt to cast further spells with a 3d6 Cast the Bones roll. rules as the mage with saving vs magic. Beyond that no
A penalty is applied for every spell level above 1st, but changes in other mechanics.
bonuses may be applied by using appropriate spell
components, requiring a further round per bonus to prepare. Excluded Spells
Ex: Cugel is on a last ditch effort to stay alive and save his
friends. Cugel knows he doesn't have enough spell points left These spells, for thematic and game breaking reasons have
to cast his fireball but he tries anyways. been removed from the player characters options: Wish, any
DM, "Roll the bones." Cugel then rolls 3d6, he rolls 3... his healing spells, simulacrum, mending, and guidance.
stomach opens up into a portal into the abyss sucking in his
party members and anyone in a 50 ft radius, never to be seen
Mage (Maleficar) Class Features
Reading ancient texts in a lantern lit room, you are a student As The Mage, you gain the following class features.
of arcane magic and lore. You pride yourself in all things
magical, but it's at a price. You are forever looking over your Hit Points
shoulder, and secluding yourself from the outside. You always Hit Dice: 1d6 per Maleficar Level
have to keep your studies hidden from prying eyes. Hit Points at 1st Level:6 + constitution modifier
Hit points at Higher Levels: 1d6 + your constitution
The Mage(Maleficar) Spells known at 1st level: Intelligence modifier +
Proficiency Spell
Proficiency bonus. Minimum spells known is 1.
Level Bonus Features points
1st +2 Spellcasting d6
Armor: None
2nd +2 Arcane Tradition d6 Weapons: Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light
3rd +2 d6 crosbows
4th +2 Ability Score d6
Tools: None
Improvement Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
Skills: Choose two from Arcana, History, Insight,
5th +3 d8 Investigation, Medicine, and Religion
6th +3 Arcane Feature
7th +3 d8 Spell Casting
8th +3 Ability Score d8 As a Mage, you're a student of arcane magic. Always learning
Improvement and researching. Your spellcasting ability is intelligence.
9th +4 d8
10th +4 Arcane Tradition d10
11th +4 d10
12th +4 Ability Score d10
13th +5 d10
14th +5 Arcane Tradition d10
15th +5 d10
16th +5 Ability Score d10
17th +6 d10
18th +6 Spell Mastery d12
19th +6 Ability Score d12
20th +6 Signature Spell d12
Witch Class Features
Hidden away in dark ruins, scrawling forgotten runes As The Witch, you gain the following class features.
mindlessly with your own blood if only to hear a single word
uttered from your master. Witches in Amnuel are horrific Hit Points
beings bent on terrorizing and murdering those who she Hit Dice: 1d6 per Maleficar Level
comes across in the name of her master. They are the bridge Hit Points at 1st Level:6 + constitution modifier
between life and unknown darkness. Hit points at Higher Levels: 1d6 + your constitution
Spells known at 1st level: Charisma modifier +
Proficiency bonus. Minimum spells known is 1.
Proficiency Spell Invocations Proficiencies
Level Bonus Features points Known Cantrips
Armor: None
1st +2 Pact Magic, d4 0 2 Weapons: Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light
Dark Patron crosbows
2nd +2 Invocation d4 1 2 Tools: Alchemy
3rd +2 Curse d4 1 2
Saving Throws: Charisma, Wisdom
Skills: Choose two from Arcana, History, Insight,
4th +2 Ability Score d4 2 3 Deception, Nature, and Religion
5th +3 d6 2 3 Spell Casting
6th +3 Dark Patron d6 2 3 As a Witch, your soul is bound to a dark entity. Your
Feature spellcasting ability is Charisma.
7th +3 Curse d6 2 3
8th +3 Ability Score d6
3 4 Losing Powers
As part of the deal of becoming a Witch, you must always do
9th +4 d6 3 4 something to appease your patron, weather it be sacrifice
10th +4 Dark Patron d8 3 5 someone, find an artifact, or desecrating a tomb, what ever, it
Feature must be done, and fast or else you risk losing your powers
11th +4 Mystic d8 3 5
and your soul. If a Witch loses her powers she automatically
Arcanum(6th rolls on the 'That witch should not be' Table.
12th +4 Ability Score d8
4 6 Curse
By 3rd Level you gain the ability to bestow curses upon your
13th +5 Curse, Mystic d8 4 6 enemies once per extended rest. Choose one curse granted to
you by your patron from the curse list at the end of the file.
You gain more powerful curses at 7th, 13th and 20th level.
14th +5 Dark Patron d8 4 6 Use the spell save DC for your curse.
15th +5 Mysitc
d8 4 6
Chosen One
Level) As the chosen one of your patron, you've been granted
16th +5 Ability Score d10 5 6 powers beyond any mortal. Once per extended rest you can
Improvement give unlife to a person of your choice. The only catch is you
17th +6 Mysitc d10 5 6
must supply your patron with a sacrifice worthy of this power.
Arcanum(9th The person gains all the features of the undead stats and
Level) retains all previous memories.
18th +6 Curse d10 5 7
19th +6 Ability Score d10 5 7 Devoted Servant
Improvement Showing that you're willing to do anything for your Lord, he
20th +6 Chosen One, d10 6 7 will grant you the ability to reroll all of your spell points pool
Devoted that you've expended. This feature can only be used once per
Servant long rest.
Spear Mastery Burglar
Though the spear is a simple weapon to learn, it You pride yourself on your quickness and your
rewards you for the time you have taken to close study of certain clandestine activities. You
master it. You gain the following benefits. gain the following benefits:
You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls you make Increase your Dexterity score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
with a spear. You gain proficiency with thieves tools. If you
When you use a spear, its damage die changes are already proficient with them, you add
from a d6 to a d8, and from a d8 to a d10 when double your proficiency bonus to checks you
wielded with two hands. (This benefit has no make with them.
effect if another feature has already improved
the weapons die.) Flail Mastery
You can set your spear to receive a charge. As a bonus The flail is a tricky weapon to use, but you have
action, choose a creature you can see
that is at least 20 feet away from you. If that spent countless hours mastering it. You gain the
creatures moves within your spears reach on following benefits.
its next turn, you can make a melee attack
against it with your spear as a reaction. If the You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls you make
attack hits, the target takes an extra 1d8 with a flail.
piercing damage, or an extra 1d10 piercing
damage if you wield the spear with two hands. You cant use As a bonus action on your turn, you can
this ability if the creature used prepare yourself to extend your flail to sweep
the Disengage action before moving. over targets shields. Until the end of this turn,
As a bonus action on your turn, you can your attack rolls with a flail gain a +2 bonus
increase your reach with a spear by 5 feet for against any target using a shield.
the rest of your turn. When you hit with an opportunity attack using
a flail, the target must succeed on a Strength
Master of Disguise saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your Strength modifier) or be knocked prone
You have honed your ability to shape your
personality and to read the personalities of others. You gain
the following benefits:
Increase your Charisma score by 1, to a
maximum of 20.
You gain proficiency with the disguise kit. If
you are already proficient with it, you add
double your proficiency bonus to checks you
make with it.
If you spend 1 hour observing a creature, you
can then spend 8 hours crafting a disguise you
can quickly don to mimic that creature. Making
the disguise requires a disguise kit. You must
make checks as normal to disguise yourself,
but you can assume the disguise as an action.
Blade Mastery
You master the shortsword, longsword, scimitar,
rapier, and greatsword. You gain the following
benefits when using any of them:
You gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls you make
with the weapon.
On your turn, you can use your reaction to
assume a parrying stance, provided you have
the weapon in hand. Doing so grants you a +1
bonus to your AC until the start of your next
turn or until youre not holding the weapon.
When you make an opportunity attack with
the weapon, you have advantage on the attack
Curses 3rd-level curse
Curses go up to 4 levels. 1st level curses effect individuals. Casting Time: 1 week
2nd level curses affect families or multiple people, even Range: same plane of existence, must have been to location
generations. 3rd level curses bring down towns and cities and Components: V, M, S, Arcane Circle (Local leaders child to
4th level curses scars the land beneath the feat of a nation. be sacrificed, Bar of gold worth 40 gp, pig feces, 1 pound of
flies, and putrid water )
Remove Tongue Duration: Until the Witch dies
1st-level Curse
You create a contagious plague that begins to overtake the
Casting Time: 1 Hour(Ritual) local water supply or food resource. Grain begins to wilt,
Range: Same plane of existence livestock dies, and people grow boils and blisters all over
Components: V, S, M, Arcane Circle(Pinch of dried bat there bodies. The first to die are within the first few weeks.
blood, Article of clothing or hair from vicim, copper
Duration: Until Curse is removed
The victims tongue shrivels up and falls out of their mouth,
turning into a pile of flies and maggots as it hits the ground.
The victim is left unable to speak. Will save vs spell DC
Self Harm
1st-level curse
Casting Time: 1 hour(Ritual)
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, C, Arcane Circle(Pinch of salt, lock of
victims hair or piece of fabric worn by victim, fresh eyeball,
water, 1 sp)
Duration: Until curse is removed
The victim is compelled to mutiliate itself until he is either
no longer able to physically or dead. Will save vs spell DC of
caster fights off urges for 12 hours.
Searing Hatred
1st-Level Curse
Casting Time: 1 Hour(Ritual)
Range: Same plane of existence
Components: V, S, M, Arcane Circle(Coffee bean, silver coin,
Lock of hair from victim)
Duration: Until curse is removed or objective is met
The victim is sent into a murderous frenzy with only one
objective in mind, killing a member their family, only then
does the curse lift. Will save vs spell DC of caster fights off
urges for 12 hours.
Tiefling Offspring
2nd-level curse
Casting Time: 1 day
Range: within 10 feet
Components: V, S, M, Arcane Circle (Blood from a demon, 1
gold coin, teeth from newborns relative, boiled cat tail)
Duration: Cannot be broken
The infant is imbued with the blood from the demon. By
the time it reaches adulthood it will morph into a Tiefling.

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