Analyzing Boeing'S Supply Chain Design Forb787 (Dreamliner)
Analyzing Boeing'S Supply Chain Design Forb787 (Dreamliner)
Analyzing Boeing'S Supply Chain Design Forb787 (Dreamliner)
forB787 (Dreamliner)
Ehsan Elahi
College of Management
University of Massachusetts Boston
100 Morrissey Boulevard
Boston, MA 02125
September 2010
Analyzing Boeings Supply Chain Design
for B787 (Dreamliner)
September 2010
In 2004, Boeing launched the development program of its latest commercial
airplane design, Dreamliner (B787), which was made almost entirely from
composite materials. The new airplane design became Boeings most successful
product launch. It received record number of orders from different airlines all
around the world. Boeing not only introduced a transformational and
extraordinary airplane design, but also revolutionized the way it used to develop a
new model. It devised a new supply chain model in which suppliers were
responsible to invest their own money to design, manufacture, and integrate major
sections of the airplane, based on general specifications provided by Boeing. The
program, however, turned into the longest delay in the history of the company.
Boeing had to incur huge extra costs to make the program proceed, although with
repeated delays. In this paper we seek the root causes which led to all these
problems. We present the major supply chain problems which happened in this
program, the consequent delays, and how Boeing responded to each of them. We
then show how the new supply chain model along with other factors led to these
problems. More specifically, we show how the adoption of this model weakened
companys position in leveraging its core competency.
Keywords: Supplier Management, Boeing, Dreamliner, Core Competency, Product Development
1. Introduction
On the 29th of January 2003, the Boeing Company revealed the general specification of its latest
airplane design. The new airplane was a fuel efficient jetliner made of almost entirely composite
materials an innovative design which the commercial aviation industry had never seen the like
of it. The plane was dubbed Dreamliner or Boeing 787 (B787). Very soon the Dreamliner
became Boeings bestselling airplane. In fact, it turned to more than just Boeings bestselling
airplane. In the following years the Dreamliner, with its appealing and unique features, turned to
the most successful release in the history of commercial aviation industry with a record number
of 500 orders within the first three years of the programs official launch. Later on Dreamliners
orders even exceeded 900 at some point2. Yet the Dreamliner came to be known as the longest
delayed program in the companys history with more than undesirable consequences, including
huge extra costs, lost and delayed revenues, loss of customers and investors confidence, not to
mention a reshuffle of the top management.
When the first signs of the problems were observed in 2007, the company started to pour
money and resources to the program. At that time, the top management was under the impression
that they could contain the problem to a six month delay (considering some cushion for then
unforeseen problems). A six month delay might not look unacceptable for a mega project to
develop an extremely complex product. Nevertheless, only the six-month-delay resulted in
around $1 billion of extra costs and an estimated reduction of $3.5 billion in revenues for the
consecutive year (Gates, 2007a). However, as the subsequent events showed, the roots of the
problems were so deep that even now, after almost 30 months of delay, and incurring a lot more
extra costs, no airplane has been delivered yet.
The Boeing Company is not only one of the iconic brands of the US, but also one of the few
very large companies whose success or failure can have a tangible impact on the US economy.
The number of outstanding orders is a changing figure due to new orders and cancelations.
An eight week halt in the companys production contributed to the 6.2% decline in the US GDP
in the fourth quarter of 2008 (Rothfeder, 2009).
In this research we studied and compared the related published materials and interviewed
industry experts as well as those who were directly involved in the program. Through the
gathered knowledge we seek to analyze the root causes of this costly and well publicized delay
and its impacts. Our analysis is based on the related events which have happened prior to fall
2010. Studying the extensive delay of such a major program in such an influential and generally
successful company could be insightful for management practitioners as well as instructive for
management students. There have been many news reports and company media releases since
the program was first announced in 2003, some supported and some contradicted the many
controversial issues that surrounded the program. To the best of our knowledge, however, there
has not been any publication which has a comprehensive and analytical look at the delayed
program to date. This article could be a first attempt at such a comprehensive and analytic look.
The rest of this article is organized as follows. In section 2, we briefly introduce the
background of the company and the Dreamliner program. This section helps us to put
discussions and analyses which follow into perspective. Section 3 analyzes the impacts of the
delayed program on Boeing. In section 4, we look at the major problems that this program faced,
as well as Boeings responses to these problems. Section 5 tries to analyze the root causes of the
problems. We conclude the article with a summary of the insights and lessons that can be learnt
from this case.
2. Background
In this section we provide background information on the Boeing Company, its products, the
Dreamliner design, and the Dreamliner program. This background information provides the
context for our analyses which proceed.
The Boeing Company is the nations largest exporter (by value) (Reed, 2009). It was founded in
1916 in the Puget Sound area of Washington State. Headquartered in Chicago, it is the worlds
largest and most diversified aerospace company as of 2010. Boeing designs, manufactures, and
supports commercial jetliners, defense systems, satellites, and launch vehicles. In 1997, the
company, in a strategic merger, bought rival airplane manufacturer McDonnell Douglas. As of
2009, the company had customers in 90 countries with total revenues of $68.3 billion. 70% of
Boeings total sales, historically, are from customers outside the United States. At the end of
2009, $34.1 billion of the companys sales was from the commercial airplane division,
contributing to approximately 50% of Boeings annual revenue (The Boeing Company, 2010)
During the mid 90s, Boeing introduced the worlds largest twin jet engine airliner in the form
of Boeing 777 (B777). In its quest for combating competition, toward the end of the 90s, the
company proposed two more modifications in 747-X series and also the Sonic Cruiser. The 747-
X couldnt withstand competition from the Airbus A380 and faced denunciation from customers.
The Sonic Cruiser, though a gas guzzler, was an extraordinary design, and would travel at almost
the speed of sound. However, a sharp downturn in the airplane industry after the terrorist attacks
in September 2001 dramatically shrank the airplane market, especially for those airplanes with
high running costs. Hence, Boeing was left with no choice but to shelve its proposal for the
Sonic Cruiser. Shortly afterwards Boeing pulled another extraordinary design out of its magic
hat. This new design aimed to address the market need for an airplane with low operating costs.
Thus, approximately ten years after the birth of B777, a prospective aircraft design took shape:
the fuel efficient Boeing 787 (Dreamliner).
experience, and reduced airplane maintenance costs were some of the very notable features of
this plane (The Boeing Company, 2006). Figure 1 compares the composition of the materials
used in the Dreamliner and its predecessor the Boeing 777. See also Exhibit 1 for a list of the
Dreamliner features.
The usage of composite materials in the Dreamliners structure was not Boeings first
experience with these exotic materials. The company owns a facility dedicated to this purpose
called Composite Manufacturing Center (CMC) at Fredrickson, WA. Boeing had used limited
composite body parts in its previous models, including B707 and B777. What differentiated the
Dreamliners design from Boeings other models, was the extent to which these materials were
used in this model.
The structure of Dreamliner is almost entirely made of composites (See Appendix A). The
extensive use of composite materials let Boeing design the structure of the plane from very few,
but very large, body parts (sections) which dramatically reduced the assembly time, used much
fewer fasteners, and finally made the airplane much lighter. These large sections (see Figure 2)
are then assembled together to form the structure of the airplane. By using this new
manufacturing method, Boeing can avoid pinning 1,500 aluminum sheets and using 40,000 to
50,000 fewer fasteners than comparable aircrafts (Seattle Post-Intelligencer, n.d.).
Source: Adapted from the Boeing Company-787 Program fact sheet
The extensive use of composite materials makes the Dreamliner 30,000 to 40,000 pounds
lighter than similar aircrafts which, along with other technological advancements enables it to be
20% more fuel efficient and generates 45% more cargo revenue (Walz, 2006).
Dreamliners customers, for the first time, can choose the engine of their aircraft from the
two available options: General Electrics GEnX or Rolls-Royces Trent 1000. These fuel
efficient next generation engines, contribute to 8% of the increase in fuel efficiency (Net
Resources International, n.d.)
The new airplane design was received very well by Boeings customers. Three months before
the roll out (a ceremony in which a new airplane model is first displayed to the public) in July,
2007, the Dreamliner amassed 500 orders, sealing its place as the fastest selling new airplane in
the history of commercial aviation (Gates, 2007b).
This is how Walt Gillette3, Boeings veteran engineer and aerodynamicist, compares A380,
the latest Airbus design, with the Dreamliner:
"The Airbus A380 is the last embodiment of the first century of
flightThis (Boeing 787) is the first new airplane for the second
century of flight (Wallace, 2007b).
CurrentVariants 7878,7879
7878:US$161.0171.5 million
Expectationofsalesoutof3,500units Morethan1750
Firmconfigurationcompleted September2005
Majorassemblybegan June2006
Maidenflight(firstflight) December2009
Netorders2(August,2010) 847
No.oforderscancelled(asofAugust,2010)4 99
Seatrangeofairplane 200300
FuelEfficiency 20%moreefficientthansimilarsizedairplanes
PowerConsumption 35%lessfromenginesthantraditionalairplanes
Maintenancesavings 30%
No.ofdaysforfinalassembly(Goal) 3
Exhibit 1: The Dreamliner Features
Source: Adapted from the Boeing Company-787 Program fact sheet
Figure 2: Outsourced parts of the Dreamliner and their suppliers
Source: Seattle Post-Intelligencer
Boeing named its major suppliers the global supply partners. This was because suppliers
role in the program was more than just the manufacturers of the outsourced parts according to the
Boeings blueprints. If a supplier wanted to participate in the program, it must invest its own
money and perform the engineering development and integration of the outsourced parts (based
on the general specifications provided by Boeing). The major partners chosen by Boeing were
Spirit AeroSystems- USA (nose and a portion of forward fuselage), Alenia Aeronautica- Italy
(center fuselage), Kawasaki Heavy Industries- Japan (a portion of forward fuselage), Vought
Aircraft Industries- USA (aft fuselage), and Fuji Heavy Industries- Japan (center wing box) and
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Japan (wings) (Lott, 2010). See figure 2 for more details. Each of
these companies had to invest heavily in the design and development of their parts. In addition
to suppliers direct investment, there were some government helps. The Government of Japan
helped the Japanese companies $1.5 billion and the Government of Italy helped Alenia
Aeronautica $600 million in subsidies (Pritchard & MacPherson, 2004). The major supply
partners were also called risk sharing partners since they agreed to receive part of the revenue of
selling each airplane as their payment (Drew, 2009a). So, they shared Boeings risk in success or
failure of the program.
This business and supply chain model was received very well by the industry experts,
analysts, and even investors. By convincing the suppliers to invest their own money in this
program, Boeing managed to cut the development costs to around 55% of the originally
estimated $10 billion budget for the program (Lunsford & Micheals, 2004). Due to his successful
implementation of the new global supply partners model, Steven Schaffer, vice president and
general manager of the global supply partners at Boeing Commercial Airplanes, was named the
supply chain manager of the year (2007) by the Purchasing Magazine. All in all, everyone
seemed to be excited about the brilliance of the program design.
The events that followed this initial hype, however, proved that neither the business and
supply chain design, nor its implementation was free of major flaws. Starting in 2007, Boeing
faced a series of problems in its Dreamliner program, which led to a series of delay
announcements. As of fall 2010, the first delivery is delayed by two and half years and many
experts believe it can extend to a 3 year delay. Figure 3 shows the timeline of these delays and
the related announcements.
As we can see in Figure 3, Boeing managed to display the first materialized Dreamliner in its
roll out ceremony, as it was scheduled, in July 2007. Boeing insisted on having the roll out on
July 8th 2007 since the digits of this date symbolize the airplane name (07/08/07 787). The 787
which was displayed to the public in this ceremony was not as complete as it looked. Most of the
parts delivered to Boeings assembly facility were incomplete. Engineers and technicians at
Boeing had to use temporary fasteners to pull the parts together for the show. In fact, Boeing
rushed the suppliers to deliver the parts even if they were not complete so that it could keep its
promise for the symbolic roll out date.
Figure 3: Dreamliner program timeline
The maiden flight, i.e. the first time a new airplane model takes off the ground, was
originally planned for September 2007. The first delay announcement came shortly after the roll
out which postponed the maiden flight to November/December 2007. At this stage, Boeing was
under the impression that it could easily resolve the problem. So, it did not postpone the first
delivery date. The reason for this delay was announced to be a shortage of fasteners and
problems with flight control software.
On October 10th 2007, a second delay due to supply chain problems shifted the first flight to
March 2008 and the first delivery was delayed by 6 months. It was followed by a third delay
announcement on January 16th, 2008. The reason was announced to be delays by unnamed
suppliers and insufficient progress on the shop floor because of the travelled work, i.e. suppliers
unfinished parts which then had to be fixed by Boeings more experienced technicians. First
flight was then shifted to the end of June 2008 and first delivery to early 2009. Continued
problems due to unfinished work from suppliers made Boeing announce, on April 9th 2008, a
fourth delay, postponing the first flight to the fourth quarter of 2008 and the first delivery to the
third quarter of 2009.
On June 20th 2008, Boeing managed to meet (although late) an important milestone in
bringing the Dreamliner to life: the power-on. The power-on is the event of turning on the
electrical systems of a new airplane model for the first time.
Contract disputes between Boeing and the labor union led the Boeing workers to go on a
strike for 58 days beginning September 7th, 2008. Shortly after the strike, on November 4th 2008,
the program was delayed for the fifth time. This time, the delay was announced to be due to
incorrect fastener installation and the labor union strike. It was confirmed on December 11th
2008 that the first flight would be rescheduled to the second quarter of 2009 and the first delivery
to the first quarter of 2010. One week after the Paris Air Show, on June 23rd, 2009, the company
announced a sixth delay citing the need to repair the body of the aircraft as the reason. The first
flight was then postponed to the end of 2009 and the first delivery to the end of 2010. Finally, the
first Dreamliner took off the ground in December 2009. The latest Boeings announcement, as of
fall 2010, predicts that the first delivery will not happen until the middle of the first quarter of
to this normalized index (See appendix B for more details). Figure 4 shows this comparison from
2004 (launch of the program) till fall 2010. This figure also shows the dates of the important
events of the program.
Figure 4: Beings stock performance compared with the Aerospace/Defense industry average
As we can see in figure 4, Boeings stock increasingly performed better than the industry
average since the launch of the program till the roll out date. This is the period of time which the
program was mostly praised and it received a record number of orders. Shortly after the roll out,
the delay announcements started. We can see that the superiority of the Boeing stock started to
decline after the first delay announcement. This decline continued and in mid 2008 Boeing stock
started to actually perform weaker than the industry average. This weaker performance continued
until late 2009 when the maiden flight happened and Boeing stock managed to gain part of its
old strength. Although the Boeings stock price could be affected by internal factors other than
the Dreamliner program, we can see from figure 4 that there is a strong correlation between the
success and failure of this program and Boeings stock price.
4. Programs major problems and Boeings response to them
Following its roll out ceremony in July 2007, the Dreamliners maiden flight (the first takeoff)
was expected to be in August or September of the same year, with its first delivery scheduled for
May 2008 to All Nippon Airways, Japan (The Boeing Company, 2007). Things did not go as
planned. During the months that followed, supply chain problems started to surface. In this
section we introduce highlights of these problems and Boeings responses to them. For brevitys
sake, we do not discuss all the documented problems.
Visits by Boeings executives to Alcoa Inc., fasteners facility, followed after the fastener
delay. Boeing and Alcoa planned to develop ways to speed up production. Alcoas plan was to
add up to its existing capacity at Mexico and Hungary and also to open up a new plant in China
(Glader & Lunsford, 2007).
4.1.2. Incorrectly installed fasteners
The problems with fasteners continued to haunt the Dreamliner program. If it was the shortage of
fasteners which caused a delay earlier in the program in 2007, on a second occasion, a year later,
the delay was caused due to improper installation of the fasteners. Close to 3% of the fasteners
installed at Everett and suppliers locations had to be removed and reinstalled again. The
procedure to install these fasteners was new and Boeing claimed that unclear specifications on
how to install these fasteners caused the problem. To ascertain that in future they dont face such
problems, Boeing emphasized that they would improve their quality management systems,
training of workforce on fastener installation and also help their suppliers with training on
fastener installation (Gates, 2008b).
issuing the stop work order, Boeing planned to apply patches to the defective areas. The delay
arose at the same time when another technical snag happened due to a problem at the wing-
fuselage joint (Drew, 2009b).
4.3. Problematic sub-suppliers
When Boeing for the first time, outsourced the engineering, manufacturing, and integration of
major sections of the airplane to its supply chain partners, these partners in turn outsourced
different tasks of their contracts to sub-suppliers. As a result, Boeing faced a supply chain with
more sub-suppliers (and more layers of sub-suppliers) than it had ever experienced before. The
subsequent events showed that Boeing was not ready to deal with such a complicated supply
chain, nor these sub-suppliers were all able to meet Boeings high standards.
Vought Aircraft Industries, a supply chain partner, was in charge of building the rear fuselage
of the Dreamliner. Vought offloaded the production of floor grids to IAI (Israel Aircraft
Industries). However, the Israeli company failed to deliver the integrated floor grid of the first
Dreamliner on time. Due to pressures from Boeing to deliver the rear fuselage on time for the
roll out in July 2007, Vought was left with no option but to ship the first rear fuselage to Everett
which had only 16% of its structure completed and none of the systems installed. Joint efforts by
Boeing and Vought to resolve sub-supplier problems paved the way for adjustments in the
supply chain. IAI was directed to supply unassembled floor grid pieces, so that Vought could
join them to one single piece at its Charleston facility, before dispatching the fuselage assembly
to Everett. With such changes, after about one year , the fuselages from the Charleston plant
were 98% complete by structure and had 87% of the systems installed, before being delivered to
Everett for final assembly (Gates, 2008a).
Another instance of problems with the sub-suppliers rose when Boeing outsourced the Brake
Control Monitoring System (BCMS) to General Electric. General Electric, in turn, subcontracted
the design of the software to Crane Co. The software which was delivered to Boeing caused
serious feedback problems at Everett. The improper test and verification of the software by HCL,
an Indian subcontractor of Crane, was found to be the source of the problem. Crane accepted the
responsibility and spent around ten times its initial budget to rework the job. The misfortune of
Boeing in this regard did not end there. After the problem was resolved by Crane, during the taxi
testing of the first Dreamliner, Boeing realized that the temperature generated in the brakes was
higher than expected. So, they needed to relocate the Remote Data Concentrator (RDC) and the
BCMS needed to be redesigned. This required an additional investment by Crane to redesign the
software. This time, however, Crane was not willing to pour more money into this project. In a
legal battle, on who should pay the costs of redesign, Boeing was directed to pay $18.9 million
for the redesign cost. It was then decided that Boeing would work directly with Crane rather than
with General Electric as intermediary (Ostrower, 2009; Shwiff, 2009).
Industries and Global Aeronautica7. At Vought, aft fuselages were manufactured and various
systems were installed in them. On the other hand, the next door facility, Global Aeronautica,
joined fuselage sections from Italy and Japan and installed various systems in them to ship a
single unit to Everett. To resolve the supply chain problems and increase the production
capacity, these facilities needed additional investments. However, Vought and Global
Aeronautica, who had already invested heavily in the program and did not receive any income
due to the extended delays, were hesitant to pour more money into these facilities. Therefore,
Boeing was left with no choice but to buy the facilities8.
By building the new assembly facility in South Carolina, Boeing wants to ensure Dreamliner
production remains continuous without any labor disruption to meet the production goal of
manufacturing 10 airplanes per month by the end of 2013 (Ostrower, 2010). This decision was
made in spite of the diseconomy of scale of building an assembly facility parallel to the existing
facility in Everett.
Consequences of mistakes are very damaging
New products come once every decade or so
Requires high intellectual capital
High rewards for success and severe penalties for failure
Requires a lot of coordination
Keeping these features in perspective, in this section, we try to indentify the main factors which
led to the problems of the Dreamliner program.
The good promises of the new supply chain model, however, came with a few inevitable
downsides: (1) loss of core competency, (2) weaker future innovation capability, (3) more
challenging troubleshooting and future modifications, (4) higher uncertainty in Boeings ability
to deliver Dreamliners promised features, and (5) suboptimal supplier selection. Below, we will
have short discussions about each of these downsides which come along with the implementation
of the new supply chain approach.
For example, a proprietary manual, How to Build a Commercial Airplane, which was
developed by Boeing engineers for over five decades, was shared in large part with Tier-
1 suppliers developing the Dreamliner (Nolan, 2009).
iii. When a part of a product becomes a commodity, it turns into a low value-added part of
the product. Outsourcing the manufacturing of this part might then be a good strategy for
the company, so that it can focus on high value-added parts of the product. The
ownership of the design and manufacturing of high value-added parts, as well as the
related processes, can be considered as the source of core competency for a company.
Aerospace industry, and in particular commercial aviation, has a very steep learning
curve. That is, the first airplane of a new model costs many times more than the tenth
airplane, for instance. The reason is that, for the first few airplanes, after each airplane is
made, the processes can be improved dramatically by learning how to do things properly.
The steep learning curve of this industry is due the extreme complexity of the products.
So, it is very unlikely that everything can be done in its best way the first time. This is
true for an airplane, as a whole, as well as for each of the major airplane sections.
Therefore, there is high value-added in the development and manufacturing of the first
By outsourcing the engineering, manufacturing, and integration of the major sections of
the Dreamliner to outside suppliers, Boeing let this learning curve, and the corresponding
high value-added functions, transfer to those suppliers.
product, the ability to innovate related new processes lies within that company. These new
processes, in turn, could enable the company to manufacture the next generation of that product
(Pisano & Shih, 2009). A good example could be Boeings ability to introduce the Dreamliner as
a composite airplane. This could be due to Boeings past experience with the composite
materials. So, when Boeing outsourced almost all the manufacturing of the airplane structure to
outside suppliers, the ability of future innovations in making airframe structures from composite
materials was also transferred to these suppliers. This can limit Boeings competitiveness in
introducing future generations of composite airplanes.
Similar problems might happen if Boeing wants to make any modification or extends the
features of the airplane. It would not be surprising if the suppliers ask for compensation to let
Boeing access the detailed designs on these occasions.
5.1.4. Higher uncertainty in Boeings ability to deliver Dreamliners promised features,
Boeings lack of full access to the detailed designs and the complexity of the supply chain, as
well as a problematic development program have created some doubts about Boeings ability to
deliver all the promised features of the Dreamliner. Due major modifications in the first three
Dreamliners, Boeing is not going to these airplanes, which is against companys initial plan to
refurbish the first airplanes and sell them. (Cohan, 2009). Although Boeing still insists that the
Dreamliners which are going to be delivered to the customers will live up to the promises, not all
industry experts are certain about it.
fraction of what they should have been. The only way to do that was to develop an extremely
unrealistic supplier model. says Richard Aboulafia11, an industry expert.
In 2003, Allan Mullaly (then CEO of Boeing Commercial Airplanes) managed to get the
project through, against some opposition from the Board of Directors. To do so, Mullaly had to
reduce the financial risk of the project by reducing the required upfront investment and spreading
the risk among various supply chain partners. What the company overlooked was the fact that the
new Global Supply Partners approach devised a much more complicated supply chain and
engaged the company in a program plan which it had not experienced before. In addition to
implementing an unprecedented complex supply chain, Boeing was developing a new breed of
airplane which had its own design and manufacturing surprises (much more than developing a
new airplane from traditional materials and technologies). This meant the program had to endure
a much higher level of operational risks. The history of the program suggests that Boeing had not
considered this high level of operational risks and uncertainties in the program schedule and
resources. On the other hand, the operational risks and financial risks are not independent of each
other. When the company faced all the realized operational risks, they brought back all the
financial risks along with them. The industry experts estimated that Boeing managed to reduce
the initial investments into nearly half. At the end, the extra costs are estimated to be twice the
savings in the initial investment, not to mention all other tangible and intangible losses due to
them at all. After decades of designing airplanes, Boeing had developed practices which were
key in being a successful airplane designer and developer. Boeing was so used to knowing and
implementing these practices that it failed to understand that these are not common knowledge
among its suppliers. As Lynn Lunsford puts it, these practices have become part of Boeings
DNA. For instance, it has been a common practice in Boeing that all parts of detailed deign
being approved by a designated engineering reviewer (DER) to guarantee the consistency of
different parts of the detailed design. Boeing did not articulate this practice to its suppliers and it
was surprising for Boeing that some of the suppliers had failed to have their designs approved by
a DER. Since Boeing expected its supply partners to perform this task, many of Boeings DER
had already been either retired or laid off12. So, Boeing was not able to address the problem very
Another Boeings shortcoming in outsourcing the design of the Dreamliner sections (highly
related to the one mentioned above) was the insufficient level of monitoring and communication
it set up with its supply partners. Outsourcing the design of the different sections of an extremely
complicated product to multiple parties need a whole new level of monitoring and
communication which is not comparable with what Boeing used to set up for outsourcing the
manufacturing of the airplane parts. This fact was reminded to Boeing by a senior advisory group
which consists of retired Boeings managers whom the company invited back in 2010 to analyze
Boeings challenges. This is how Joseph Sutter13, the unofficial leader of the advisory group,
addresses the problem of improper monitoring and communication with suppliers in the
Dreamliner program: You better damn well have a high percentage of Boeing guys there
looking over their shoulders (Sanders, 2010).
Joseph Sutter is the most renowned living veteran of Boeing and is considered as a legendary figure in the
scenario in which the program is delayed because of problems at one supplier. Now if another
supplier spends a lot of money and effort to deliver on time, it will not gain anything. In fact, in
this case, it would be in suppliers best interest to spend as little as possible and be just slightly
better than the worst supplier. Of course no one wants to be the worst supplier since it should
then endure all the blames and bad publicities. If there was perfect information, that is, every
supplier knows the progress of all other suppliers, this behavior would not hurt the program.
However, since suppliers lack such perfect information, each one of them decides about its effort
level based on guessing the progress level of the others. This behavior can seriously hurt the
program. Not all suppliers necessarily behave in this way, however, the general setup works
against suppliers incentive to do their best. What intensified this problem in the Dreamliner
program was that the supply partners owned the design of the outsourced section. So, they had
strong bargaining powers and could not be replaced easily.
If such a mechanism does not exist, then the suppliers usually tend to postpone sharing of bad
news. Many of the delays on the 787 program have come strictly because suppliers, who were
supposed to raise their hand for help, were reluctant to do so. They had to deal with their egos
and legal reasons says Lynn Lunsford14.
continued outsourcing of the company and it remains an issue that it is our work (which is going
out to suppliers) says Connie Kelliher16, IAM17 spokesperson.
Boeing workforce proved their competency again, in the Dreamliner program, by fixing all
the unfinished travelled work which suppliers failed to complete during the early stages of the
program. As another piece of evidence, among the very few sections of the Dreamliner which
was delivered on time and on budget was the vertical fin which was designed and manufactured
by Boeings employees at the Fredrickson facility.
Even after the realization of so many problems in the new supply chain model, Boeing
insisted on its intention of not relying on its existing experienced workforce by building a second
assembly line in South Carolina. The main purpose was to isolate the Dreamliner program from
any future labor disruption. With a second supplier for every part, Boeing potentially could
continue with the production of the 787 in South Carolina even if the Machinists went on strike
here (Washington). Repeated labor disruptions have affected our performance in our customers'
eyes." said Boeing spokesman Jim Proulx (Gates, 2009b).
6. Conclusion
While the Dreamliner program started as a great success for Boeing, it turned into the companys
longest delayed program with extra costs almost twice the initial program budget. The delays
resulted in (a) poor stock performance (see figure 4), (b) deferred revenue, (c) penalty payments
to customers for late delivery, (d) unscheduled (direct or indirect) payments to suppliers who
delivered their sections on time (e) order cancellations (see figure 5), and (f) a drop in Boeings
Boeings credit worthiness by credit rating agencies (Dunlop, 2009). Analysts estimate that the
extra costs of the program (including extra R&D costs, rework, and penalties) could reach up to
$10 billion.
Figure 6: The factors which led to the Dreamliner programs delay and extra costs
In this study we tried to show the root causes of the problems in this program. Figure 6
shows the relationship between the factors which resulted in delays and extra costs. We can see
that, among all other factors which contributed to the problems, the adoption of the new Global
Supply Partners model played a central role. There are systematic consequences which resulted
directly from implementing this approach as well as problems which were intensified by other
factors. There are also factors which when combined with the delays became problematic. For
instance, we can see that the delays were a consequence of incompetent suppliers. On the other
hand, delays caused the program to enter the recession period, which in turn become a problem
for suppliers who invested heavily in the program and did not receive any payments. So, the
suppliers financial problems become another source of trouble for the supply chain. When
Boeing found two of its suppliers, Vought and Global Aeronautica, in this situation, it was left
with no choice but to buy their whole Dreamliner operations in South Carolina just to ensure the
continuity of the program.
We believe that Boeing could have avoided many of these problems by keeping the detailed
design and engineering phase of the program in-house. The real core competency of the
company is its unique know-how which resides with its skilled and experienced employees.
Therefore, if Boeing leverages these elements, the Dreamliner along with many other programs
could be much more successful.
There are signs that Boeing might revise its Global Supply Partners approach for its future
programs. "We outsourced too much. ... We didn't consider the extent of the risk we'd take on by
going outside," said Jim Albaugh, CEO-Boeing Commercial Airplanes (Gates, 2010). "We will
make sure the voice of the engineers is much more involved in the decision making as we go
We would like to thank all the industry experts who shared their valuable knowledge and
thoughts on the Dreamliner program with the authors. We specifically want to thank Dominic
Gates, Seattle Times; Lynn J Lunsford , Wall Street Journal; Richard Aboulafia, Teal Group;
Connie Kelliher, Spokeswoman-IAM (International Association of Machinists and Aerospace
Workers) and specially Stan Sorscher, Former Boeing Engineer currently with SPEEA (Society
of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace).
Appendix A
Appendix B
The normalized stock index of Boeing (NYSE:BA) is compared with the average of the
normalized stock indexes of 16 other companies listed on various stock indexes. These 16
companies are chosen as the most relevant ones for comparison from Yahoo Finance Website.
Yahoo finance ( categorizes Boeing and the 16 companies as
Aerospace/Defense-Major Diversified. The table below lists the companies chosen for
comparison and the stock exchange on which they are listed:
# Company StockExchange
1 BabcockIntl.Group(BAB.L) LSE
2 Cobham(COB.L) LSE
3 GeneralDynamicsCorp. (GD) NYSE
4 RaytheonCo.(RTN) NYSE
5 BAESystems(BA.L) LSE
6 DassaultAviation(AM.PA) Euronext(Paris)
7 KamanCorporation(KAMN) NASDAQ
9 Bombardier(BBD.B) TSX
10 DigitalGlobe,Inc.(DGI) NYSE
11 LockheedMartinCorporation (LMT) NYSE
12 THALES(HO.PA) Euronext(Paris)
14 EADS(EAD.PA) Euronext(Paris)
15 NorthropGrummanCorporation (NOC) NYSE
16 TextronInc.(TXT) NYSE