Comparative Study of Interior Permanent Magnet, Induction, and Switched Reluctance Motor Drives For EV and HEV Applications
Comparative Study of Interior Permanent Magnet, Induction, and Switched Reluctance Motor Drives For EV and HEV Applications
Comparative Study of Interior Permanent Magnet, Induction, and Switched Reluctance Motor Drives For EV and HEV Applications
AbstractWith rapid electrification of transportation, it is rare-earth material used in permanent magnet. Other com-
becoming increasingly important to have a comprehensive under- monly used motor topologies include induction motor (IM) and
standing of criteria used in motor selection. This paper presents switched reluctance motor (SRM). An IM has no magnet and
the design and comparative evaluation for an interior permanent
magnet synchronous motor (IPMSM) with distributed winding is characterized as robust. The limitation of this topology may
and concentrated winding, induction motor (IM), and switched lie in the cooling system since heat is generated both in rotor
reluctance motor (SRM) for an electric vehicle (EV) or hybrid and stator side. SRM does not depend on permanent magnets
electric vehicle (HEV) application. A fast finite element analysis and is exceptionally robust, making it suitable for harsh envi-
(FEA) modeling approach is addressed for IM design. To account ronments and fault-tolerant operation. However, high-acoustic
for highly nonlinear motor parameters and achieve high motor
efficiency, optimal current trajectories are obtained by extensive noise and low-power factor have been some of the major chal-
mapping for IPMSMs and IM. Optimal turn-ON and turn-OFF lenges. In addition, SRM drives may need customized inverter
angles with current chopping control and angular position con- and a higher number of power cables to enable independent
trol are found for SRM. Additional comparison including noise phase winding on the stator.
vibration and harshness (NVH) is also highlighted. Simulation and Comparisons have been proposed to indicate the merit of
analytical results show that each motor topology demonstrates its
own unique characteristic for EVs/HEVs. Each motors highest each motor topology for EV and HEV application. Researchers
efficiency region is located at different torque-speed regions for in [5] and [6] have presented efficiency maps of the IM, SRM,
the criteria defined. Stator geometry, pole/slot combination, and and PMSM with a general trend. In [7], the authors have ana-
control strategy differentiate NVH performance. lyzed second generation Prius-IPMSM and assessed alternative
Index TermsComparative study, electric vehicle (EV) and spoke-type IPMSM and IM. However, the analysis based on
hybrid electric vehicle (HEV), induction motor (IM), noise vibra- fixed phase current angle control over the full torque-speed
tion and harshness (NVH), permanent magnet motor, switched range may result in nonoptimal operating control. Pellegrino
reluctance motor (SRM).
et al. have presented a comparison of IPMSM and IM in terms
of output power and efficiency over the standard New European
Driving Cycle [8]. Similar work has been done in [9]. In [10],
2332-7782 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
Fig. 6. (a) Reference current iq versus torque and flux command. (b) Reference
current id versus torque and flux command.
III. D ESIGN R ESULTS AND C OMPARISON SRM is extended to 105 and 108 mm, respectively. It should be
Table I summarizes the specification of four candidate noted that the rated operating point of 48/8 IPMSM is selected
topologies. The outer diameter of stator is kept to be the same as by estimating the experimental results from [15] but it may
269 mm. The maximum dc-link voltage for all motors is 500 V. not be accurate because the data were protected by intellectual
To meet the torque requirement, the stack length of IM and property.
Fig. 8. Field orientation in rotor flux reference frame and slot information.
Fig. 7. Optimal operating plane for the 12/8 IPMSM.
Fig. 13. Radial force density distribution and its spectrum of 48/8 IPMSM at
60 Nm 2500 rpm (MTPA point).
Fig. 15. Stator core deformation under different load conditions. (a) 48/8
IPMSM. (b) 12/8 IPMSM. (c) 48/36 IM. (d) 12/8 SRM.
v = (3k1 + 1)P/d (q = b + c/d, d = even, k1 = 1, 2, . . .)
v = (6k1 + 1)P/d (q = b + c/d, d = odd, k1 = 1, 2, . . .)
u = (2k2 + 1)P/2 (k2 = 1, 2, . . .)
m = z1 /r
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