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Wisdoms of Habib Muhammad al-Haddar

What follows is a selection of wisdoms and supplications taken from the speeches of
Habib Muhammad al-Haddar (may Allah have mercy upon him and benefit us by

All Good Things

All you have to do is to pray two rakats, for in them Allah has combined all good things.
Firstly in doing so you visit Allah, for when the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant
him peace) visited his Lord on the Night of the Mi`raj he addressed Him by saying:

z poq p pop pq
Greetings, blessings and the best of prayers to Allah. If you say this you will be given
the reward of making Hajj. Secondly you visit your Prophet for you say:

o z oro | ro p
Peace be upon you, O Prophet and the mercy and blessings of Allah. How much
good do you gain in visiting the Prophet? Then you say:

z z z ro p
Peace be upon us and upon all of Allahs pious slaves. This is what the Prophet said
when Allah greeted him. He wished to include all the pious people. These words reach
every single pious person in the heavens and earth, those who are alive and those who
are dead, and every single one of them will respond to your greeting. There is, however,
a group of them who do not return your greeting because they are completely absorbed
with the worship of their Lord and witnessing Him, so Allah responds on their behalf.
One of the scholars said: If only none of them responded so that Allah Himself would
respond on behalf of all them, for nothing is greater than that.

Then you finish by giving greetings of salam to those on your right, firstly the recording
angel and then all the pious people in the heavens and the earth. Then you give
greetings to those on your left, firstly the recording angel and then all the pious people
in the heavens and the earth. Allah then records for you good deeds according to the
number of pious people. All of this is in two rakats! If your heart and mind are present
you will gain so much!

So all praise is due to Allah for the blessing of Islam, the blessing of following the
Messenger, and the blessing of being members of his Ummah. We should rejoice for
the good which Allah has prepared for us and this rejoicing is only complete when we
die upon la ilaha illAllah.
Benefits of Charity
Giving charity has two benefits: one in this life and one in the next. In this life, it
removes evil and deflects tribulations. In the next life, it remains in front of you like a
great mountain. Even one mouthful of food that you give in charity will be like a great
mountain which protects you from the Fire. This is why the Prophet (may Allah bless
him and grant him peace) said: Protect yourself from the Fire, even it is by merely
giving half a date (in charity).

The Fire will come forth like a wind, or like a cloud above peoples heads, but whoever
has given charity will have mountains in front of them protecting them from the Fire.
People will ask: What are those mountains? They will be told: Mouthfuls of food
that those people gave in charity. The Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him
peace) said: Give charity early in the day because tribulations cannot get past charity.
If evil descends from the Heavens, charity deflects it. He also said: Treat the sick
among you by giving charity, protect your wealth by giving zakat and make du`a to
protect yourselves from tribulation.

A Comprehensive Prayer
If you are not sure what to ask, then read the following supplication, known as the
comprehensive prayer1:

zz op qo| ~ qo p

or ozzrpz ~ oz ozoz r p
o o r rz yr| q} | | o or
poz ~oo ~zz ~zrzo p o rp ~ ro pz
rp ~ ro pz or z p ~pz
orp o ~pz poz ~oo ~zz ~zrzo p o
. ~ oo ~ o ro~

1 This du`a can be found in Habib Umar bin Hazs Khulasat al-Madad amongst the adhkar to
be read before Fajr.
z o{ zo ~z{ ~{ o r rp ~ro p
rpo ~o rr ~rr ~oz ~o| ~r | pz
o| ~r | pz z o{ zo ~z{ ~{ o up
O Allah, bestow peace and blessings upon our Master Muhammad and upon his

O Allah, we ask You for ourselves and those present and those absent and for all the
Muslims and for our loved ones up until the Day of Recompense in every instant for
evermore the best things that Your slave and Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless
him and his family and grant them peace) and Your pious slaves asked for. You are the
One whose assistance is sought and You may realise our hopes and there is no strength
or power except by Allah.

O Allah, bestow upon us and them in the short term and the long term all goodness
inward and outward which is encompassed by Your knowledge pertaining to our
religion and to this life and the afterlife. Deflect from us and them all evil in the short
term and the long term inward and outward which is encompassed by Your knowledge
pertaining to our religion and to this life and the afterlife.

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