Verification of Photographs Supplied For Fixing To The PCN Wallet Card
Verification of Photographs Supplied For Fixing To The PCN Wallet Card
Verification of Photographs Supplied For Fixing To The PCN Wallet Card
PSL/33 - Verification of photographs supplied for fixing to the PCN Wallet Card
The PCN record of Certification, issued to successful examination candidates, is valid only when
presented with a PCN wallet card bearing a recent photograph of the holder. In normal circumstances,
a candidate for PCN examination will provide two passport photographs and will sign a blank PCN
wallet card when attending for examination.
In other circumstances, in order that PCN may issue a wallet card, the present or prospective
certificate holder is required to sign, in the presence of a witness*, a blank PCN wallet card in the
space provided (leaving all other parts blank), and to sign, in the presence of the same witness, the
reverse of two passport photographs of the certificate holder. The signed wallet card and both signed
photographs are to be returned to PCN together with this completed form.
WARNING. Any proven case of forgery or misrepresentation will result in the cancellation of all PCN
certification, and the offender will be prohibited from regaining any PCN certification for a period of not
less than one year.
Certificate holder's full name _________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________
* The witness must be a PCN official, a bank employee, doctor or other professional person not
related to the certificate holder or his employer.
I, (full name of witness) ______________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________
For PCN internal use only (retain for three months from date of dispatch of wallet card).
PCN number: ______________ Date received: _____________ Date dispatched: ________________